.. highlight:: bash .. _user.install.installer: Conda installer script ====================== Here is an example of bash script with options that can help you install :program:`conda`, vacumm and its dependencies in a single command. You can either execute this script or create yours, inspired from this one. You can download the script :download:`here <../../../scripts/install/install-vacumm-conda-full.sh>`. Usage, with defaults depending on platform:: Usage: install-vacumm-conda-full.sh [-h|--help] [{-p|--prefix} PREFIX] [{-c|--condainstaller} CONDA_INSTALLER] PREFIX: installation prefix (default: $HOME/miniconda2) CONDA_INSTALLER: conda installer full path (default: $HOME/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh) Content: .. literalinclude:: ../../../scripts/install/install-vacumm-conda-full.sh