Source code for vacumm.bathy.bathy

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
Bathmetry tools
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2018)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
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# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
import cdms2,MV2
from genutil import minmax
import numpy as N
MV = MV2
cdms = cdms2

from vacumm.misc.axml.base import Base as XMLBase, def_setget
from import XYZ, XYZMerger

from string import Template
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, SafeConfigParser
import os.path, operator
from matplotlib.ticker import Formatter
import pylab as P
from warnings import warn
import pickle

from vacumm.config import check_data_file, get_config_sections, get_config_value

__all__ = ['print_bathy_list', 'Bathy', 'plot_bathy', 'fmt_bathy',  'bathy_list',
    'XYZBathy', 'XYZBathyBankClient', 'XYZBathyBank', 'XYZBathyMerger', 'GriddedBathy',
    'GriddedBathyMerger', 'NcGriddedBathy', 'NcGriddedBathyError',
#    'get_cfgfiles_gridded'

[docs]def bathy_list(name=None, cfgfile=None, minstatus=0): """Get the list of bathymetries as dict :Params: - **name**, optional: Request this bathymetry. - **cfgfile**, optional: Load this bathymetry config file. - **minstatus**, optional: Minimal status of availability of the bathymetry (see :func:`vacumm.config.check_data_file`): - ``0``: Bathy file not on disk and not downloadable (however, user can specify the path manually). - ``1``: File is not on disk, but downloadable. - ``2``: File is on disk. :Return: - If ``name`` is not provided, a dict of subdicts like this one:: {'etopo2':{'file':'/home/me/', 'var':'btdata', ...}, ...} - Else, the subdict of the requested bathy:: {'file':'/home/me/', 'var':'btdata', ...} """ # Read config file sections, cfg = get_config_sections(cfg=cfgfile, parent_section=__name__, parent_option='cfgfile_gridded', getcfg=True) # if not cfgfile: cfgfile = get_cfgfiles_gridded() # File name # dvars = get_dir_dict(__names__) # Various directory names # bathys = {} # f = ConfigParser() # # Loop on section bathies = {} for section in sections: status = _check_bathy_file_(section, avail=True) # if not os.path.exists(f.get(section, 'file', vars=dvars)): continue if status<=minstatus: continue bathies[section] = {'status':status} for key in 'file','file_url','file_license','var','lon','lat': if cfg.has_option(section, key): bathies[section][key] = get_config_value(section, key, cfg=cfg) # Found any bathy? if name is not None: if not len(bathies): raise NcGriddedBathyError('No bathy are available') if not name in bathies: raise NcGriddedBathyError('Wrong bathymetry name: "%s". Please choose one of these: %s.'% (name, ', '.join(bathies.keys()))) return bathies[name] return bathies
def _check_bathy_file_(bathyname, **kwargs): """Make sure to have a bathy file (see :func:`~vacumm.config.check_data_file`)""" return check_data_file(bathyname, 'file', parent_section=__name__, parent_option='cfgfile_gridded', **kwargs) #def get_cfgfiles_gridded(): # """Name of the configuration file containing the list of netcdf gridded bathy files""" # return get_config_value(__name__, 'cfgfile_gridded') list_bathy = print_bathy_list
[docs]class Bathy(object): """Get a portion of the gridded bathymetry .. warning:: This class is **DEPRECATED**. Please use :class:`NcGriddedBathy` instead. :Params: - *lon*: Longitude range [default: None] - *lat*: Latitude range [default: None] - *sampling*: Sampling in both directions [default: 1] - *fill*: If True, fill positive values with 0. [default: True] - *mask_function*: To mask points. Should be 'greater' or 'less'. If empty or None, no mask is applied [default: 'greater'] - *mask_value*: Value used with mask_function [default: 0.] - *name*: Name of bathymetry within is list given by print_bathy_list() :Example: >>> from vacumm import Bathy >>> gg = Bathy((-9,10),(40,50),'etopo2') # object creation >>> # quick plot >>> gg.zoom((-5,0),(42,50)) # Select another zoom (lon/lat) >>> mybathyvar = gg() # Get the current zoom >>> mybathyvar = gg((-9,-8),(45,50)) # Get another zoom >>> gg.write_ascii('/home/yoman/mybathy.dat') # dump to file >>> gg.write_netcdf('/home/yoman/') # same for a netcdf file """ def __init__(self, lon=None, lat=None, name='etopo2', **kwargs): # Choose the bathymetry bathy_name = kwargs.get('bathy_name',name) mybathy = bathy_list(bathy_name) self.file_name = mybathy['file'] self._lon_name = mybathy['lon'] self._lat_name = mybathy['lat'] self._var_name = mybathy['var'] self.bathy_name = bathy_name # Default values self._lon_range = None self._lat_range = None self._fill = True self._sampling =1 # Zoom cdms.axis.longitude_aliases.append(self._lon_name) cdms.axis.latitude_aliases.append(self._lat_name) self.zoom(lon,lat,**kwargs) def __call__(self): self.zoom(self._lon_range,self._lat_range,self._sampling,self._fill) return self.bathy
[docs] def zoom(self,lon=None,lat=None,sampling=None,fill=None,mask_function='greater',mask_value=0.): """Select a zoom and set the current variable :Params: - *lon*: Longitude range [default: None] - *lat*: Latitude range [default: None] - *sampling*: Sampling in both directions [default: 1] - *fill*: If True, fill positive values with 0. [default: True] - *mask_function*: To mask points. Should be 'greater' or 'less'. If empty or None, no mask is applied [default: 'greater'] - *mask_value*: Value used with mask_function [default: 0.] """ if lon is None: lon = self._lon_range if lat is None: lat = self._lat_range if lon == self._lon_range and lat == self._lat_range: return if sampling is not None: self._sampling = sampling if fill is not None: self._fill = fill self._lon_range = lon self._lat_range = lat kwargs = {self._lon_name:self._lon_range,self._lat_name:self._lat_range} f = ilonmin,ilonmax,ilonsamp = f[self._var_name].getLongitude().mapIntervalExt(self._lon_range) ilatin,ilatmax,ilatsamp = f[self._var_name].getLatitude().mapIntervalExt(self._lat_range) ilonsamp = ilatsamp = self._sampling self.bathy = f[self._var_name][ilatin:ilatmax:ilatsamp,ilonmin:ilonmax:ilonsamp] f.close() self.bathy.setMissing(mask_value) if mask_function not in ['',None]: self.bathy[:] = getattr(MV,'masked_'+mask_function)(self.bathy[:],mask_value) if self._fill: self.bathy[:] = self.bathy.filled() # self.bathy.unmask() = 'bathy' ; = self.bathy.long_name = self.bathy_name[0].upper()+self.bathy_name[1:]+' bathymetry' if not self.bathy.attributes.has_key('units'): self.bathy.units = 'm' lon_axis = self.bathy.getAxis(1) = 'lon' lon_axis.long_name = 'Longitude' lon_axis.units = 'degrees_east' lat_axis = self.bathy.getAxis(0) = 'lat' lat_axis.long_name = 'Latitude' lat_axis.units = 'degrees_north' self.bathy.setAxisList([lat_axis,lon_axis]) self._lon2d,self._lat2d = N.meshgrid(lon_axis.getValue(),lat_axis.getValue()) self._lon2dp,self._lat2dp = axes2d(lon_axis.getValue(),lat_axis.getValue(),bounds=True,numeric=True) self._xxs = self._yys = None
[docs] def lon(self): """ Longitude axis """ return self.bathy.getLongitude()
[docs] def lat(self): """ Latitude axis """ return self.bathy.getLatitude()
[docs] def show(self,lon=None,lat=None,**kwargs): """Plot the current bathymetry - *lon*: Longitude range. - *lat*: Latitude range. .. seealso:: :func:`plot_bathy` """ # Zoom if requested self.zoom(lon,lat) return plot_bathy(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_netcdf(self,file): """Write the bathymetry as netcdf file - **file**: Output netcdf file name """ assert file.endswith('.nc'),'Your netcdf file name must end with .nc' f =,'w') f.write(self.bathy) f.from_bathy_file = self.file_name f.close()
[docs] def write_ascii(self,file,fmt='%10f %10f %10f'): """Write the bathymetry as an ascii file in the format : x y z - **file**: Output file name - *fmt*: Format of lines [default: '%10f %10f %10f'] """ bathy1d = self.bathy.ravel() f = open(file,'w') for i in xrange(len(bathy1d)): f.write((fmt+'\n') % (self._lon2d.flat[i],self._lat2d.flat[i],bathy1d[i])) f.close() del bathy1d print 'Bathy wrote to ascii file',file
[docs]def plot_bathy(bathy, shadow=True, contour=True, shadow_stretch=1., shadow_shapiro=False, show=True, shadow_alpha=1., shadow_black=.3, white_deep=False, nmax=30,m=None, alpha=1., zmin=None, zmax=None, **kwargs): """Plot a bathymetry - *lon*: Longitude range. - *lat*: Latitude range. - *show*:Display the figure [default: True] - *pcolor*: Use pcolor instead of contour [default: False] - *contour*: Add line contours [default: True] - *shadow*:Plot south-west shadows instead of filled contours. - *nmax*: Max number of levels for contours [default: 30] - *white_deep*: Deep contours are white [default: False] - All other keyword are passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` """ # Input bb = bathy if isinstance(bathy, GriddedBathy): bathy = bathy.bathy() if shadow: xxs = getattr(bb, '_xxs', None) yys = getattr(bb, '_yys', None) if xxs is None: lon2d = bb._lon2d lat2d = bb._lat2d elif shadow: xxs = yys = None lon2d,lat2d = meshgrid(get_axis(bathy, -1).getValue(),get_axis(bathy, -2).getValue()) # Masking if 'maxdep' in kwargs: zmin = -maxdep if 'maxalt' in kwargs: zmax = maxalt if zmin is not None: bathy[:] = MV2.masked_less(bathy, zmin) if zmax is not None: bathy[:] = MV2.masked_greater(bathy, zmax) # Default arguments for map if hasattr(bathy, 'long_name'): kwargs.setdefault('title',bathy.long_name) if not kwargs.has_key('cmap'): vmin, vmax = minmax(bathy) # print 'cmap topo', vmin, vmax kwargs['cmap'] = auto_cmap_topo((kwargs.get('vmin', vmin), kwargs.get('vmax', vmax))) # kwargs.setdefault('ticklabel_size','smaller') kwargs.setdefault('clabel_fontsize', 8) kwargs.setdefault('clabel_alpha',.7*alpha) kwargs.setdefault('clabel_glow_alpha', kwargs['clabel_alpha']) kwargs.setdefault('fill', 'contourf') kwargs['nmax'] = nmax kwargs['show'] = False kwargs['contour'] = contour if shadow: kwargs.setdefault('alpha',.5*alpha) kwargs.setdefault('projection', 'merc') kwargs.setdefault('fmt', BathyFormatter()) kwargs.setdefault('colorbar_format', BathyFormatter()) kwargs.setdefault('units', False) kwargs.setdefault('levels_mode','normal') kwargs.setdefault('bgcolor', '0.8') kwargs.setdefault('contour_linestyle', '-') savefig = kwargs.pop('savefig', None) kwsavefig = kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefig_') # White contour when dark if contour and white_deep: levels = auto_scale(bathy,nmax=nmax) colors = [] nlevel = len(levels) for i in xrange(nlevel): if i < nlevel/2: colors.append('w') else: colors.append('k') kwargs.setdefault('contour_colors',tuple(colors)) # Call to map m = map2(bathy, m=m, **kwargs) # Add shadow if shadow: # Filter data = MV.array(bathy,'f',fill_value=0.) if shadow_shapiro: data = shapiro2d(data,fast=True).shape # Gradient grd = deriv2d(data,direction=45.,fast=True,fill_value=0.).filled(0.) grdn = refine(grd, 3) grdn = norm_atan(grdn,stretch=shadow_stretch).clip(0,1.) ; del grd # Grid # im =,cmap=P.get_cmap('gist_yarg'),alpha=1) # gist_yarg , YlGnBu if xxs is None or yys is None: xx, yy = m(lon2d,lat2d) xxr = refine(xx, 3) yyr = refine(yy, 3) xxs, yys = meshbounds(xxr, yyr) if isinstance(bb, GriddedBathy): bb._xxs = xxs bb._yys = yys del xx, yy, xxr, yyr # Cmap cmap = cmap_custom(( ((1, )*3, 0), ((shadow_black, )*3, 1) )) # Plot pp =, yys, grdn,cmap=cmap)#P.get_cmap('gist_yarg')) pp.set_zorder(.9) pp.set_linewidth(0) pp.set_alpha(shadow_alpha*N.clip(alpha*2, 0, 1)) del grdn # Show it? if savefig: m.savefig(savefig, **kwsavefig) if show: return m
bathy=Bathy class BathyFormatter(Formatter): """Label formatter for contour""" def __init__(self, fmt='%i m', signed=True): self.signed = signed self.fmt = fmt def __mod__(self, val): s = self.fmt % abs(val) if self.signed and val<0: s = '-'+s return s def __call__(self, val, i=None): return self % val
[docs]class XYZBathy(XYZ): """For random bathymetries, like mnt files - **xyz**: A (x,y,z) tuple or a xyz file. - *long_name*: Long name (like a title) for this bathymetry. .. note:: Bathymetry is supposed to be positive over water. :Usage: >>> xzy1 = XZY('bathy1.xzy', long_name='My bathy') # Load >>>[-6,45,-4,48]) >>> xyz1 += XZY('bathy2.xzy') >>> print xyz1.x >>> bathy = xyz1.togrid(mygrid) .. seealso:: :class:`` :class:`~vacumm.bathy.shoreline` :class:`~vacumm.tide.station_info.MeanSeaLevel` """ def __init__(self, xyz, check_sign=False, *args, **kwargs): # Initialize kwargs.setdefault('units', 'm') kwargs.setdefault('long_name', 'Bathymetry') XYZ.__init__(self, xyz, *args, **kwargs) # Negative bathy if check_sign: zmax = self.zmax zmin = self.zmin if zmax > 0. and (zmin > 0. or abs(zmin) < zmax): self._z[:] *= -1.
[docs] def togrid(self, grid=None, mask=None, cgrid=False, proj=None, **kwargs): # Shoreline for masking if mask is not None and mask is not False and mask is not MV2.nomask and grid is not None: # Clip for polygons kwmask = kwfilter(kwargs, 'mask') clip = kwmask.pop('clip', .1) if isinstance(clip, float): xx, yy = get_xy(grid) xmin = xx[:].min() ; xmax = xx[:].max() ymin = yy[:].min() ; ymax = yy[:].max() dx = (xmax-xmin)*clip dy = (ymax-ymin)*clip clip = [xmin-dx, ymin-dy, xmax+dx, ymax+dy] # Auto resolution if mask=='auto' and False: if grid is None: grid = self.get_grid(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'grid')) mask = get_best(grid) # Direct handling if isinstance(mask, (str, Shapes)): # Get mask mask = get_shoreline(mask, clip=clip) # Normal case return XYZ.togrid(self, grid=grid, mask=mask, cgrid=cgrid, proj=proj, **kwargs)
togrid.__doc__ = XYZ.togrid.__doc__
[docs] def bathy(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for :meth:`togrid`""" return self.togrid(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, m=True, **kwargs): kwargs.update(m=m) return XYZ.plot(self, **kwargs)
plot.__doc__ = XYZ.plot.__doc__+""" .. seealso:: For value of default parameters: :meth:`` """
[docs]class XYZBathyBankClient(object): """An single element (bathy infos) of the :class:`XYZBathyBank` - **bank**: A bank instance. - **id**:Id of this bathy. - Other keywords are set as attributes (like long_name, etc). :Usage: Let ``xyzbc`` being an element of the bank. >>> print xyzbc >>> xyzbc.long_name = 'New long name' >>> xyzbc.xmax = -2. >>> xyzbc.transp = False >>> = 'iroise' # Rename in the bank >>> xyzbc.xyzfile = 'newfile.mnt' # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax updated >>> xyz = xyzbc.load() """ _atts = (('xyzfile', ''), ('long_name', '', None), ('xmin', 'float', None), ('xmax', 'float', None), ('ymin', 'float', None), ('ymax', 'float', None), ('transp', 'boolean', True), ) def __init__(self, bank, id, **kwargs): = bank self.cfg = bank.cfg assert self.cfg.has_section(id), 'No such bathy id "%s" in bathy bank'%id = id assert self.cfg.has_option(id, 'xyzfile'), 'No "xyzfile" defined for bathy "%s"'%id self._xyz = None for att, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, att, val) self._check_() def _atts_(self): return [att[0] for att in self._atts] def __str__(self): info = '[%s]\n' for att in self._atts_(): info += '%s: %s\n'%(att, getattr(self, att)) return info def _get_(self, att): idx = self._atts_().index(att) get = getattr(self.cfg,'get'+self._atts[idx][1]) if not self.cfg.has_option(, att): return self._atts[idx][2] return get(, att) def _set_(self, att, val): self.cfg.set(, att, str(val)) def __setattr__(self, att, val): if att in self._atts_(): self._set_(att, val) if att == 'xyzfile': del self._xyz self._xyz = None for att in 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax': self.cfg.remove_option(, att) self._check_(att=att) else: if att == 'id' and self.__dict__.has_key('id'): # Rename section assert not self.cfg.has_section(att), 'Bathy id "%s" already exists!'%att self.cfg.add_section(val) for opt in self.cfg.options( self.cfg.set(val, opt, self.cfg.get(, opt)) self.cfg.remove_section([val] = self elif id == 'cfg': raise AttributeError, "You can't change the cfg file" self.__dict__[att] = val def __getattr__(self, att): if att in self._atts_(): return self._get_(att) else: return self.__dict__[att] def _check_(self, att=None): """Check that infos are consistent""" if not os.path.exists(self.xyzfile): warn('%s xyz bathy file does not exist'%self.xyzfile) else: # Fill what is missing if att is not None: atts = [att] else: atts = self._atts_()[1:] for att in atts: if self._get_(att) is not None: continue if self._xyz is not None: xyz = self._xyz else: xyz = self._xyz = XYZBathy(self.xyzfile) if att.startswith('x') or att.startswith('y'): self._set_(att, getattr(xyz, att)) # elif xyz.long_name is not None: # self.long_name = xyz.long_name # elif xyz.units is not None: # self.units = xyz.units
[docs] def save(self): """Save the bank"""
[docs] def load(self, zone=None, margin=None): """Load the bathymetry as a :class:`XYZBathy` instance .. seealso:: :meth:`` """ if not os.path.exists(self.xyzfile): warn('%s xyz bathy file does not exist'%self.xyzfile) else: xyz = XYZBathy(self.xyzfile, long_name=self.long_name, transp=self.transp, if zone is not None and zone != (None, )*4: xyz = xyz.clip(zone=zone, margin=margin) return xyz
[docs] def plot(self, id, **kwargs): """Load and plot this bathy""" return self.load().plot(**kwargs)
[docs]class XYZBathyBank(object): """Bank of XYZ bathymetry infos .. seealso:: :class:`XYZBathyBankClient` :Usage: >>> xyzb = XYZBathyBank() """ def __init__(self, cfgfile=None): # Guess file name if cfgfile is None: f = ConfigParser(), 'cfgfile_xyz')) if f.has_option('banks', 'main'): cfgfile = f.get('banks', 'main') #else: # raise Exception, 'Cannot read config file to guess bank file name' # Read file self.cfg = SafeConfigParser() self.cfgfile = cfgfile if cfgfile and os.path.exists(cfgfile): self._clients = {} for id in self.cfg.sections(): self._clients[id] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id) self._order = None
[docs] def ids(self): """Return the list of bathy ids""" return self.cfg.sections()
def __str__(self): if not len(self): return 'No bathymetry' infos=[] for id in self.ids(): infos.append(str(self._clients[id])) return '\n'.join(infos) def __len__(self): return len(self.cfg.sections())
[docs] def add(self, xyzfile, id=None, force=False, **kwargs): """Add a bathy to the bank - **xyzfile**: xyz file. - *id*: Id of the bank. If ``None``, it is guessed from the file name: ``xyzfile="/path/"`` -> ``id="toto"`` """ if id is None: id = os.path.basename(xyzfile) if id.endswith('.xyz'): id = id[:-4] if self.cfg.has_section(id): if force: self.cfg.remove_section(id) else: raise KeyError, 'Bathymetry %s already exists'%id self.cfg.add_section(id) self.cfg.set(id, 'xyzfile', xyzfile) self._clients[id] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id, **kwargs) # self._save_() self._update_order_()
def __iadd__(self, d): self.add(d) return self
[docs] def remove(self, id): """Remove a bathy from the bank *id*: A bathy id or :class:`XYZBathyBankClient` instance. """ if isinstance(id, XYZBathyBankClient): id = if not self.cfg.has_section(id): warn('No such bathymetry %s'%id) return self.cfg.remove_section(id) del self._clients[id] self._update_order_()
# self._save_() def __isub__(self, d): self.remove(id) return self
[docs] def copy(self, id1, id2): """Copy bathy infos to another""" assert self.cfg.has_section(id1), 'No such bathymetry %s'%id1 if not self.cfg.has_section(id2): self.cfg.add_section(id2) for opt in self.cfg.options(id1): self.cfg.set(id2, self.cfg.get(id1, opt)) self._clients[id2] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id2) self._update_order_()
## self._save_() def __getitem__(self, id): assert self.cfg.has_section(id), 'No such bathymetry %s'%id return self._clients[id] def __setitem__(self, id, xyzfile): self.add(id, xyzfile) def __deltiem__(self, id): self.remove(id)
[docs] def load(self, id): """Load a bathymetry as a :class:`XYZBathy` instance""" assert self.cfg.has_section(id), 'No such bathymetry '+id return self._clients[id].load()
[docs] def list(self): """Get all clients of the bank as a list""" return self._clients.values()
[docs] def select(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, load=True, margin=None, ordered=None): """Return a list of bathymetries relevant to the specified region - *margin*: Margin for loading xyz bathies: - if None, the whole bathy is loaded from the bank, - else it should be a value relative to the approximative resolution (see :meth:`XYZBathy.resol`) """ res = [] for id in self.ids(): b = self._clients[id] if (None not in (xmin, b.xmax) and xmin > b.xmax) or \ (None not in (xmax, b.xmin) and xmax < b.xmin) or \ (None not in (ymin, b.ymax) and ymin > b.ymax) or \ (None not in (ymax, b.ymin) and ymax > b.ymin): continue if load: b = b.load(zone=(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), margin=margin) res.append(b) if self.get_order() is not None and ordered != False: ids = [ for b in res] order = [id for id in self.get_order() if id in ids] res.sort(cmp=lambda b1, b2: cmp(self.get_order().index(b1), self.get_order().index(b2))) return res
[docs] def set_order(self, order): """Set a list of ids to define the order""" if order is None: del self.cfg.defaults()['order'] else: self.cfg.defaults()['order'] = str([id for id in order if id in self.ids()])
[docs] def get_order(self,): """Get a list of ids that define the order""" return eval(self.cfg.defaults().get('order', 'None'))
def _update_order_(self): if self.get_order() is None: return self.cfg.defaults()['order'] = str([id for id in self.get_order() if id in self.ids()])
[docs] def save(self, cfgfile=None): if cfgfile is None: cfgfile = self.cfgfile else: self.cfgfile = cfgfile if cfgfile is None: raise VACUMMError('You must provide a valid file name') f = open(cfgfile, 'w') self.cfg.write(f) f.close()
[docs] def merger(self, **kwargs): """Return a :class:`XYZBathyMerger` instance using the current bank Keywords are passed to :meth:`select` """ merger = XYZBathyMerger() merger +=**kwargs) return merger
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot current bathies using a :class:`XYZBathyMerger` instance""" return self.merger(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'merger')).plot(**kwargs)
[docs]class XYZBathyMerger(XYZMerger): """Mix different bathymetries""" def __init__(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, long_name=None): self._bank = XYZBathyBank() XYZMerger.__init__(self, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, long_name=long_name, units='m') self._XYZ = XYZBathy def _load_(self, d): # Bathy from the bank if d in self._bank.ids(): return self._bank[id].load() # Classic cases return XYZMerger._load_(self, d)
[docs] def from_bank(self, margin=5): """Append all bathymetries from the bank that cover the grid - *margin*: Relative margin for clipping datasets from the bank (see :meth:`` and :meth:``) All parameters are passed to :meth:`` """ self +=, xmax=self._xmax, ymin=self._ymin, ymax=self._ymax, load=True, margin=margin)
[docs] def plot(self, color=None, marker=None, mode='cluster', title='XYZ merger', m=True, show=True, colorbar=True, savefig=None, savefigs=None, **kwargs): XYZMerger.plot(self, color=color, marker=marker, mode=mode, title=title, m=m, show=show, colorbar=colorbar, savefig=savefig, savefigs=savefigs, **kwargs)
plot.__doc__ = XYZMerger.plot.__doc__
[docs] def bathy(self, grid=None): """Get a gridded bathymetry""" return
class _GriddedBathyMasked_: _shoreline_mask = None _shoreline_margin = 2 _shoreline_arg = None def __init__(self, maxvalue=0., fillvalue=0., shoreline=None): # self._masked_bathy = None self.set_shoreline(shoreline) self.set_maxvalue(maxvalue) self.set_fillvalue(fillvalue) def set_maxvalue(self, maxvalue): """Set the value over which bathy is masked. :Params: - **maxvalue**: If not set to a scalar, bathy is not masked in this way. """ self._maxvalue = maxvalue def set_fillvalue(self, fillvalue): """Set filling value when bathy is masked. :Params: - **fillvalue**: If not set to a scalar, bathy is not filled when masked. """ self._fillvalue = fillvalue def set_shoreline(self, shoreline, margin=None): """Set the shoreline that to create a mask :Params: - **shoreline**: ``'auto'``, :class:`~vacumm.bathy.ShoreLine` instance, argument to :func:`~vacumm.bathy.shoreline.get_shoreline`. If ``None`` or ``False``, shoreline is not used. .. note:: The mask is applied only if :meth:`masked_bathy` is called. """ if shoreline=='auto' or shoreline is True: shoreline = get_bestres((self.get_lon(), self.get_lat())) elif shoreline is False or shoreline is None: self._shoreline_mask = None self._masked_bathy = None shoreline = None # Get the shoreline self._shoreline_arg = shoreline if margin is not None: self._shoreline_margin = margin def get_shoreline_mask(self): """Get the shoreline mask""" # We already have it if self._shoreline_mask is not None: return self._shoreline_mask # We skip if self._shoreline_arg is None: return # We compute it lon = self.get_lon() lat = self.get_lat() xres, yres = self.get_res() clip = [lon.getValue().min()-self._shoreline_margin*xres, lat.getValue().min()-self._shoreline_margin*yres, lon.getValue().max()+self._shoreline_margin*xres, lat.getValue().max()+self._shoreline_margin*yres] if not isinstance(self._shoreline_arg, ShoreLine): shoreline = get_shoreline(self._shoreline_arg, clip=clip) if shoreline is None: return else: shoreline = shoreline.clip(clip) # Get the polygons polys = shoreline.get_shapes() # Create the mask self._shoreline_mask = polygon_mask(self.get_grid(), polys) del polys return self._shoreline_mask def reset_shoreline(self): """Remove the shoreline""" self.set_shoreline(False) def masked_bathy(self, id=None, long_name=None): """Get a masked version of the bathymetry""" # Mask with value bathy = self._bathy.clone() if self._maxvalue is not None and N.isreal(self._maxvalue): bathy[:] = MV2.masked_greater(bathy, self._maxvalue) # Not already available mask = self.get_shoreline_mask() if mask is not None: bathy[:] = MV2.masked_where(mask, self._bathy, copy=0) # Fill if self._fillvalue is not None and N.isreal(self._fillvalue): bathy[:] = bathy.filled(self._fillvalue) return fmt_bathy(bathy, id=id, long_name=long_name)
[docs]def fmt_bathy(bathy, id=None, long_name=None): """Format a bathymetry variable""" if id is not None: = id if'variable_'): = 'bathy' if long_name is not None: bathy.long_name = long_name if not hasattr(bathy, 'long_name'): bathy.long_name = 'Bathymetry' bathy.units = 'm' return bathy
[docs]class GriddedBathy(_GriddedBathyMasked_): """Interface to gridded bathymetries :Usage: >>> b = GriddedBathy(var, shoreline='f') >>> b.plot_bathy(title='Bathymetry') >>>'') >>> newvar = b.bathy(mask=True) """ def __init__(self, var, maxvalue=0., fillvalue=0., shoreline=None): if var.getLongitude() is None: var.getAxis(1).designateLongitude() if var.getLatitude() is None: var.getAxis(1).designateLatitude() if var.getGrid() is None: var.setGrid(create_grid(var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude())) self._bathy = var self._xres, self._yres = resol(self.get_grid()) _GriddedBathyMasked_.__init__(self, shoreline=shoreline, fillvalue=fillvalue, maxvalue=maxvalue) self._lon2d, self._lat2d = meshgrid(self.get_lon(), self.get_lat()) # self._lon2dp,self._lat2dp = meshbounds(self.get_lon(), self.get_lat()) self._xxs = self._yys = None
[docs] def get_lon(self): return self._bathy.getAxis(1)
[docs] def get_lat(self): return self._bathy.getAxis(0)
[docs] def get_grid(self): if self._bathy.getGrid() is None: self._bathy.setGrid(create_grid(self.get_lon(), self.get_lat())) return self._bathy.getGrid()
[docs] def get_res(self): return self._xres, self._yres
[docs] def plot(self, mask=True, id=None, long_name=None, **kwargs): """Plot using :func:`plot_bathy`""" if not mask: kwargs.setdefault('fillcontinents', False) return plot_bathy(self.bathy(mask, id=id, long_name=long_name), **kwargs)
[docs] def regrid(self, grid, method='auto', mask=True, id=None, long_name=None, **kwargs): """Regrid bathy to another grid""" return regrid2d(self.bathy(mask=mask, id=id, long_name=long_name), grid, method=method, **kwargs)
[docs] def bathy(self, mask=True, id=None, long_name=None): """Get the bathymetry variable :Params: - *mask*: If True and if a shoreline is set (with :meth:`set_shoreline`), apply a mask due to this shoreline. """ if mask: return self.masked_bathy(id=id, long_name=long_name) return fmt_bathy(self._bathy.clone(), id=id, long_name=long_name)
[docs] def save(self, ncfile, mask=True, **kwargs): """Save bathy to a netcdf file :Params: - **ncfile**: Output netcdf file name - Other keywords are passed to :meth:`bathy` """ bathy = self.bathy(mask, **kwargs) f = f.write(bathy) f.close()
from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import GriddedMerger
[docs]class GriddedBathyMerger(GriddedMerger, GriddedBathy): """Merger of gridded variables :Usage: >>> merger = GriddedMerger(mygrid, long_name='My bathy') >>> merger += etopo2(lon=(-10,0),lat=(42,50)) >>> merger += my_bathy >>> merger.set_shoreline('i') >>> merged_bathy = merger.bathy() """ def __init__(self, grid, shoreline=None, id=None, long_name=None, maxvalue=0., fillvalue=0.): GriddedMerger.__init__(self, grid, id=id, long_name=long_name, units='m') _GriddedBathyMasked_.__init__(self, shoreline=shoreline, maxvalue=maxvalue, fillvalue=fillvalue) self._bathy = self._masked_bathy = None def _load_(self, var, method, mask=False): if not cdms2.isVariable(var) and hasattr(var, 'bathy') and callable(var.bathy): var = var.bathy(mask) return GriddedMerger._load_(self, var, method)
[docs] def merge(self, res_ratio=.5, mask=True, id=None, long_name=None): """Merge all variables onto the grid and apply final mask""" # Merge self._bathy = GriddedMerger.merge(self, res_ratio=res_ratio) # Mask masked_bathy = GriddedBathy.bathy(self, mask=mask, id=id, long_name=long_name) # Finalize del self._bathy, self._masked_bathy self._bathy = self._masked_bathy = None return masked_bathy
[docs] def bathy(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :meth:`merge`""" return self.merge(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot merged bathy .. seealso:: :meth:`GriddedBathy.plot` """ if self._bathy is None: self.merge() return GriddedBathy.plot(self, **kwargs)
[docs]class NcGriddedBathyError(Exception): pass
[docs]class NcGriddedBathy(GriddedBathy): """Get a gridded bathymetry from file :Params: - **lon/lat**, optional: Longitude and latitude selection. - **name**, optional: It is either - the name of bathymetry within the list given by :func:`print_bathy_list` - the name of netcdf file. - **i/jmargin**: Add or suppress a marginal grid points to the selected area (integer). :Example: >>> b = NcGriddedBathy(lon=(-6,-4), lat=(48,49), maxvalue=None) >>>'') >>> b.regrid(mygrid) >>> b.plot(savefig='bathy.png') >>> b2 = NcGriddedBathy(name='') """ def __init__(self, lon=None, lat=None, name=None, cfgfile=None, reverse=False, varname=None, lonname=None, latname=None, shoreline=None, maxvalue=0., fillvalue=0., imargin=0, jmargin=0, **kwargs): # Source if name and os.path.exists(name): # direct from netcf file self.filename = name self.bathyname = None self.varname = varname self.lonname = lonname self.latname = latname else: # from config file bathyname = kwargs.get('bathyname', name) bathies = bathy_list(cfgfile=cfgfile) if bathyname is None: if 'etopo2' in bathies: bathyname = 'etopo2' else: kk = bathies.keys() # if not len(kk): # raise NcGriddedBathyError('No valid bathymetry found') bathyname = kk[0] self.filename = _check_bathy_file_(bathyname) mybathy = bathies[bathyname] self.lonname = lonname or mybathy.get('lon', None) self.latname = latname or mybathy.get('lat', None) self.varname = varname or mybathy.get('var', None) self.bathyname = bathyname # Read try: f = except: raise NcGriddedBathyError('Bathymetry file not found: %s'%self.filename) # - var name if self.varname is None: for varname in f.listvariables(): if varname.startswith('bounds_'): continue if len(f[varname].shape)==2: self.varname = varname break else: raise NcGriddedBathyError('Cannot find a valid 2D variable in bathy file: '+self.filename) elif self.varname not in f.listvariables(): raise NcGriddedBathyError('Variable not in bathy file: '+self.varname) elif len(f[self.varname].shape)!=2: raise NcGriddedBathyError('Bathy variable not 2D: '+self.varname) # - dim names if self.lonname is None: self.lonname = f[self.varname].getAxis(1).id elif self.lonname in f.listdimension(): if f[self.varname].getAxis(1).id != self.lonname: print 'Bad longitude name "%s" for variable "%s". Skipping...'%(self.lonname, self.varname) else: cdms.axis.longitude_aliases.append(self.lonname) if self.latname is None: self.latname = f[self.varname].getAxis(0).id elif self.latname in f.listdimension(): if f[self.varname].getAxis(0).id != self.latname: print 'Bad latitude name "%s" for variable "%s". Skipping...'%(self.latname, self.varname) else: cdms.axis.latitude_aliases.append(self.latname) # - select f[self.varname].getAxis(0).designateLatitude() f[self.varname].getAxis(1).designateLongitude() select = {} if lon: select['lon'] = lon if lat: select['lat'] = lat # - read if 'lon' in select and isinstance(imargin, int) and imargin: i, j, k = f[self.varname].getLongitude().mapIntervalExt(select['lon']) select['lon'] = slice(max(i-k*imargin, 0), j+k*imargin, k) if 'lat' in select and isinstance(jmargin, int) and jmargin: i, j, k = f[self.varname].getLatitude().mapIntervalExt(select['lat']) select['lat'] = slice(max(i-k*jmargin, 0), j+k*jmargin, k) bathy = f(self.varname, **select) f.close() if self.bathyname is not None: bathy.long_name = '%s bathymetry'%self.bathyname.upper() # Reverse if reverse: bathy[:] *= -1 # Finish initialisation GriddedBathy.__init__(self, bathy, shoreline=shoreline, maxvalue=maxvalue, fillvalue=fillvalue)
###################################################################### from shorelines import get_best, get_shoreline, ShoreLine, get_bestres from vacumm.misc.grid import get_xy, axes2d, resol, create_grid, get_grid, meshgrid, \ meshbounds, get_axis from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import griddata, refine, regrid2d from vacumm.misc.grid.masking import polygon_mask, GetLakes from vacumm.misc.misc import kwfilter, auto_scale,geo_scale,deplab from vacumm.misc.color import cmap_jete, cmap_bathy,bistre, cmap_custom, auto_cmap_topo from vacumm.misc.plot import map2 from vacumm.misc.filters import norm_atan,deriv2d,shapiro2d from import Shapes #b = NcGriddedBathy((9.2, 14.2), (-8.3, -3.4)) #b.plot(mask=True) #