# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Conventions about data formats and names"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2017)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
import os
from warnings import warn
from collections import OrderedDict
import string
import cdms2, MV2, re
from vacumm import VACUMMError, vcwarn
from vacumm.misc import kwfilter, dict_merge
from vacumm.misc.axes import create as create_axis, isaxis
from vacumm.misc.color import get_cmap
from vacumm.misc.grid import create_axes2d
from vacumm.misc.io import ncmatch_obj
from vacumm.misc.config import ConfigManager
from vacumm.data.misc.arakawa import ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS
__all__ = ['VAR_SPECS', 'AXIS_SPECS',
'format_var', 'format_axis', 'format_grid', 'match_obj',
'cf2atts', 'cf2search', 'cp_suffix', 'get_loc',
'change_loc', 'change_loc_single', 'dupl_loc_specs', 'no_loc_single',
'change_loc_specs', 'squeeze_loc_single', 'squeeze_loc', 'get_physloc',
'HIDDEN_CF_ATTS', 'set_loc', 'match_known_var', 'match_known_axis',
'register_cf_variable', 'register_cf_variables_from_cfg',
'register_cf_axis', 'register_cf_axes_from_cfg',
'CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS', 'get_cf_cmap', 'is_cf_known',
'VarSpecs', 'AxisSpecs', 'CF_VAR_NAMES', 'CF_AXIS_NAMES',
arakawa_suffixes = ARAKAWA_SUFFIXES # compat
arakawa_locations = ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS
THISDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
#: Joint variables and axes config specification file
CF_GCFG_INIFILE = os.path.join(THISDIR, 'cf.ini')
# Config manager for specs
#: Base config file for CF specifications
CF_CFG_CFGFILE = os.path.join(THISDIR, 'cf.cfg')
#: Base config object for CF specifications
CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS = dict(mergesubdicts=True, mergelists=True,
skipnones=False, skipempty=False,
overwriteempty=True, mergetuples=True)
class BaseSpecs(object):
"""Base class for loading variables and axes CF specifications"""
aliases = {'id': ['ids', 'name', 'names'],
'standard_name': ["standard_names"],
'long_name': ['long_names']
category = None
def __init__(self, inherit=None, names=None):
self._dict = OrderedDict(CF_CFG[self.category])
for name, spec in self._dict.items():
self._dict[name] = self._dict[name].dict()
self._names = names
self._inherit = inherit
self._cfgspec = CF_CFGM._configspec[self.category]['__many__'].dict()
def get_alias_list(cls):
al = []
for aa in cls.aliases.values():
return al
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._dict[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._dict)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._dict)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._dict
def __str__(self):
return str(self._dict)
def names(self):
return self._dict.keys()
def items(self):
return self._dict.items()
def keys(self):
return self._dict.keys()
def register(self, name, **specs):
"""Register a new elements from its name and specs"""
data = {self.category: {name: specs}}
def register_from_cfg(self, cfg):
""""Register new elements from a :class:`ConfigObj` instance
or a config file"""
if isinstance(cfg, dict) and self.category not in cfg.keys():
cfg = {self.category:cfg}
local_cfg = CF_CFGM.load(cfg)[self.category]
self._dict = dict_merge(self._dict, local_cfg,
cls=OrderedDict, **CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS)
def _post_process_(self):
self._from_atlocs = []
for name in self.names:
def _check_entry_(self, name):
"""Validate an entry
- Makes sure to have lists, except for 'axis' and 'inherit'
- Check geo axes
- Check inheritance
- Makes sure that axes specs have no 'axes' key
- Makes sure that specs key is the first entry of 'names'
- add standard_name to list of names
- Check duplication to other locations ('toto' -> 'toto_u')
# Wrong entry!
if name not in self:
# Entry already generated with the atlocs key
if name in self._from_atlocs:
# Get the specs
if hasattr(self._dict[name], 'dict'):
self._dict[name] = self._dict[name].dict()
specs = self._dict[name]
# Ids
if name in specs['id']:
specs['id'].insert(0, name)
if name=='mld':
# Long name
if not specs['long_name']:
specs['long_name'].append(name.title().replace('_', ' '))
# Physloc must be the first atlocs
if 'physloc' in specs and 'atlocs' in specs:
p = specs['physloc']
if p:
if p in specs['atlocs']:
specs['atlocs'].insert(0, p)
# Geo axes (variables only)
if 'axes' in specs:
specs['axes'].setdefault('t', ['time'])
suffixes = [('_'+s) for s in 'rftuv']
specs['axes'].setdefault('y', [cp_suffix(name, 'lat', suffixes=suffixes)])
specs['axes'].setdefault('x', [cp_suffix(name, 'lon', suffixes=suffixes)])
for l, n in ('t', 'time'), ('y', 'lat'), ('x', 'lon'):
if isinstance(specs['axes'][l], list) and n not in specs['axes'][l]:
# Inherits from other specs (merge specs with dict_merge)
if name=='mld':
if specs['inherit']:
from_name = specs['inherit']
from_specs = None
to_scan = []
if self._inherit:
for from_specs in to_scan:
if from_name in from_specs:
# Merge
self._dict[name] = specs = dict_merge(specs, from_specs[from_name],
# Validate
# if from_specs is not self:
for key in specs.keys():
if key not in self._cfgspec:
del specs[key]
# break
# Standard_names in ids
if name=='mld':
if specs['standard_name']:
for standard_name in specs['standard_name']:
if standard_name not in specs['id']:
# Duplicate at other locations
if specs['atlocs']:
tonames = dupl_loc_specs(self._dict, name, specs['atlocs'])
specs = self._dict[name]
def _add_aliases_(self):
for name, specs in self._dict.items():
for key, aliases in self.aliases.items():
if key in specs:
for alias in aliases:
specs[alias] = specs[key]
def _update_names_(self):
if self._names is not None:
while self._names:
del self._names[0]
[docs]class VarSpecs(BaseSpecs):
category = 'variables'
[docs]class AxisSpecs(BaseSpecs):
category = 'axes'
_reloc = OrderedDict(
[('id', re.compile('(_([a-z]))?$', re.I).search),
('standard_name', re.compile('(_at_([a-z])_location)?$', re.I).search),
('long_name', re.compile('( at ([a-z]) location)?$', re.I).search)],
#: Default location of gridded variables
default_location = DEFAULT_LOCATION # compat
[docs]def get_loc(var, stype=None, mode='loc', default=None):
"""Get the location testing id, standard_name or long_name and other attributes
- **var**: Generic id of the variable or axis OR an object CDAT object
(variable or axis). If a CDAT object, it first searches for the
:attr:`_vacumm_cf_location` attributes.
- **stype**, optional: One of 'id', 'standard_name' or 'long_name'.
If ``None``, they are all tested.
If ``var`` is a string, location is searched interpreting it as of type ``'stype``.
Else if ``var`` is an object ``stype`` specifies what attribute to test.
- **mode**, optional: What you get if something found.
- ``"loc"``: Get the location lowercase letter (like "u").
- ``"ext"``: Same as ``"loc"`` but searches for the :attr:`position` first
if case of a CDAT variable,
then the :attr:`_vacumm_cf_physloc` attributes or the "physloc" specification
if ``var`` has an entry in :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS`, else defaults to
- Else, the matched string.
>>> loc = get_loc('toto_u')
>>> suffix = get_loc('toto_at_u_location', stype='standard_name', mode='full')
>>> loc = get_loc(myvar, stype=['id','long_name'])
- ``None`` if no location spec found,
- if ``mode=="loc"``, one of possible physical
- else, the complete matching string, like "_at_u_location".
# What to test
if stype is None: stype = _reloc.keys() # all by default
stypes = stype if isinstance(stype, list) else [stype]
# CDAT object (not a string)
if isinstance(var, list):
if len(var)==0:
return default
var = var[0]
if not isinstance(var, basestring):
# First: _vacumm_cf_location
if getattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_location', None):
return var._vacumm_cf_location.lower()
# Location from ids
for stype in stypes:
if stype=='id':
loc = get_loc(var.id, stype, mode=mode)
elif hasattr(var, stype):
loc = get_loc(getattr(var, stype), stype, mode)
if loc is not None:
return loc
# Ext mode
if mode=='ext':
# Position attribute
if hasattr(var, 'position'): return var.position.lower()
# Physloc
gid = var.id if not hasattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_name') else var._vacumm_cf_name
gid = no_loc_single(gid, 'id')
if gid in CF_VAR_SPECS:
# From _vacumm_cf_physloc attribute
if hasattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_physloc'):
return var._vacumm_cf_physloc
# From specs
if CF_VAR_SPECS[gid].get('physloc'):
return CF_VAR_SPECS[gid]['physloc']
return default
# String
outloc = mode=='loc' or mode=='ext'
for stype in stypes:
# From string
group = 2 if outloc else 1
if stype not in _reloc: stype = 'id'
loc = _reloc[stype](var).group(group)
if loc and outloc: loc = loc.lower()
if loc: return loc
# Extended mode
if mode=='ext':
# From physloc
if stype=='id' and var in CF_VAR_SPECS and CF_VAR_SPECS[var].get('physloc'):
return CF_VAR_SPECS[var].get('physloc')
# # Default location
return default
[docs]def no_loc_single(name, stype):
"""Remove location specification
- **name**: String to change
- **stype**: One of 'id', 'standard_name' or 'long_name'.
loc = get_loc(name, stype, mode='full')
if loc is not None:
return name[:-len(loc)]
return name
def _loc_(loc=None):
"""Get location as a single char or empty lowercase string"""
if loc is None: loc = ''
if loc.startswith('_'): loc = loc[1:]
loc = loc[:1]
if loc not in string.ascii_letters:
raise TypeError('Wrong location: '+loc)
return loc.lower()
[docs]def change_loc_single(name, stype, loc, squeeze=None):
"""Change location specification
- **name**: String to change
- **stype**: String type: name, standard_name or long_name.
- **loc**: Location as a letter or None.
- **squeeze**, optional: If specified and equal to ``loc``, location is removed
instead of being changed.
>>> change_loc_single('usurf_u', 'name', 't')
>>> change_loc_single('sst_at_u_location', 'standard_name', 'v')
>>> change_loc_single('usurf_t', 'name', 'u', squeeze='u')
basename = no_loc_single(name, stype)
loc = _loc_(loc)
if loc and (not squeeze or squeeze!=loc):
if stype=='standard_name':
return basename+'_at_%s_location'%loc
if stype=='long_name':
return basename+' at %s location'%loc.upper()
return basename+'_'+loc
return basename
[docs]def change_loc_specs(loc, id=None, standard_name=None, long_name=None, axes=None,
iaxis=None, jaxis=None, squeeze=None, **kwargs):
"""Change location specification in id, standard names long name and axes id
>>> specs = change_loc_specs('v', id = ['usurf_u', 'u_u'])
:Return: A dictionary
specs = kwargs.copy()
if 'atlocs' in specs: del specs['atlocs']
# Attributes
for stype in 'id', 'standard_name', 'long_name', 'iaxis', 'jaxis':
values = locals()[stype]
if values is None: continue
if isinstance(values, list):
values = list(values)
tmp = [change_loc_single(value, stype, loc, squeeze=squeeze) for value in values]
values = []
for value in tmp: # unique
if value not in values:
values = change_loc_single(values, stype, loc, squeeze=squeeze)
specs[stype] = values
# Axes
if axes is not None:
axes = axes.copy()
for l in axes.keys(): # loop on x, y
if l=='t': continue # skip time
laxes = axes[l]
single = not isinstance(laxes, list)
if single: laxes = [laxes] # work on lists
laxes = [change_loc_single(axis, 'id', loc, squeeze=DEFAULT_LOCATION) for axis in laxes]+laxes # duplicate
lnewaxes = []
for axis in laxes: # unique
if axis not in lnewaxes:
if single and len(lnewaxes)==1:
lnewaxes = lnewaxes[0]
axes[l] = lnewaxes
specs['axes'] = axes
return specs
[docs]def change_loc(var, toloc, axes=True, squeeze=True):
"""Change location specifications of a variable and its axes
It affects the id, the standard_name and the long_name when they are defined.
>>> change_loc(sst, 'u').id
>>> change_loc(sst, 't', squeeze=True).id
# Squeeze physloc
if not isinstance(squeeze, basestring):
if squeeze:
squeeze = get_physloc(var)
squeeze = None
# Change attributes
# - get
specs = change_loc_specs(toloc, squeeze=squeeze,
standard_name = getattr(var, 'standard_name', None),
long_name = getattr(var, 'long_name', None),
# - set
var.id = specs['id']
for att in 'standard_name', 'long_name':
if att in specs:
setattr(var, att, specs[att])
# - cf name
if hasattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_name'):
var._vacumm_cf_name = change_loc_single(var._vacumm_cf_name, 'id', toloc,
# Change axes and grid attributes
if axes and cdms2.isVariable(var) or cdms2.isGrid(var):
# Axes
# - usual
for meth in 'Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Time', 'Level':
if hasattr(var, 'get'+meth):
axismet = getattr(var, 'get'+meth) # var.getLongitude
if axismet() is not None:
change_loc(axismet(), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)
# - 2d axes
if cdms2.isVariable(var) and isaxis(var) and var.ndim>2:
for i in -1, -2:
change_loc(var.getAxis(i), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)
# Grid
if cdms2.isVariable(var) and var.getGrid() is not None:
change_loc(var.getGrid(), toloc, squeeze=squeeze)
# Reference attribute
set_loc(var, toloc)
return var
[docs]def set_loc(var, loc, addpos=False):
"""Define (or remove) the location of a variable with :attr:`_vacumm_cf_location` attribute
It also makes sure that the :attr:`position` attribute is the same if present.
- **var**: CDAT variable.
- **loc**: Location. If empty, remove :attr:`_vacumm_cf_location` and
:attr:`position` attributes.
- **addpos**, optional: Set also the :attr:`position` attribute.
# Remove
if not loc:
for att in '_vacumm_cf_location', 'position':
if hasattr(var, att):
delattr(var, att)
# Set
loc = loc.lower()
var._vacumm_cf_location = loc
if addpos:
var.position = loc
elif hasattr(var, 'position') and var.position.lower()!=loc:
var.position = loc
return var
[docs]def get_physloc(var):
"""Get the physical location of a variable
.. note:: The physical location may be different from the current location.
It defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_LOCATION`
# Direct
for att in ['_vacumm_cf_physloc']:
if hasattr(var, att):
return getattr(var, att)
# Entry name in CF_VAR_SPECS (string)
if isinstance(var, basestring):
if var in CF_VAR_SPECS:
var = CF_VAR_SPECS[var]
# Dict of specs
if isinstance(var, dict):
return var.get('physloc', DEFAULT_LOCATION)
if hasattr(var, '_vacumm_cf_name'):
name = var._vacumm_cf_name
elif var.id in CF_VAR_SPECS:
name = var.id
return CF_VAR_SPECS[name].get('physloc', DEFAULT_LOCATION)
[docs]def squeeze_loc(var):
"""Squeeze out location specification of a variable if the location is
physloc or :attr:`DEFAULT_LOCATION`
- **var**: CDAT variable.
- **physloc**, optional: ``physloc`` specs given by the entry in :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS`
:Return: The same variable
# Physloc
physloc = get_physloc(var)
# Remove loc only for physloc
change_loc(var, None, axes=True, squeeze=physloc)
[docs]def squeeze_loc_single(name, stype, physloc=None):
"""Squeeze location specs if it matches physical location"""
if physloc is None and stype=='id' and name in CF_VAR_SPECS:
physloc = CF_VAR_SPECS[name].get('physloc')
if physloc is None:
loc = get_loc(name, stype, mode='loc')
if loc==physloc:
name = change_loc_single(name, stype, None)
return name
[docs]def dupl_loc_specs(all_specs, fromname, toloc):
"""Duplicate the specification for a variable or an axis to another or several locations
The following rules apply:
- If the original specifications are from a name without a specific location
(generic), new specs (located) are appended (merged) with original specs.
- If the specifications at target location already exist,
it merges new specs with old specs.
- Generic specification are systematically created or updated by merging of
specialized ones.
>>> dupl_loc_specs(CF_VAR_SPECS, 'corio', 'u') # Create the 'corio_u' entry in CF_VAR_SPECS and update 'corio'
>>> dupl_loc_specs(CF_VAR_SPECS, 'corio_t', 'u') # Create 'corio_u' and 'corio_t'
if not fromname in all_specs:
raise KeyError('No such entry in specifications: '+fromname)
single = not isinstance(toloc, (list, tuple))
if single:
toloc = [toloc]
tonames = []
tomerge = []
fromnoloc = no_loc_single(fromname, 'id')==fromname
for loc in toloc:
# New name (id)
toname = change_loc_single(fromname, 'id', loc)
# New specs
tospecs = change_loc_specs(loc, **all_specs[fromname])
# Add a version of standard_name and long_name for T loc without location spec
if loc=='t': # 'toto_at_t_location' -> ['toto_at_t_location','toto']
for spname in 'standard_name', 'long_name':
if spname not in tospecs: continue
addspecs = change_loc_specs(None, **{spname:tospecs[spname]})
for dd in tospecs, addspecs: # to lists
if not isinstance(dd[spname], list):
dd[spname] = [dd[spname]]
# For merging specs back with old specs if old has no location
# if fromnoloc: # generic
# Merge with old spec if existing
if toname in all_specs:
tospecs = dict_merge(tospecs, all_specs[toname], mergelists=True,
cls=dict, mergedicts=True, )
# # Default location -> add its generic version ('_t' -> + '')
# genspecs = change_loc_specs(None, **tospecs)
# tospecs = dict_merge(tospecs, genspecs, mergelists=True)
# Remove atlocs attribute
if 'atlocs' in tospecs:
# Store it
all_specs[toname] = tospecs
# Make a generic entry that merges all specialized ones
if fromnoloc:
genspecs = all_specs[fromname] # existing generic specs
genspecs = change_loc_specs(None, **all_specs[fromname]) # remove location info
tomerge.insert(0, genspecs)
genname = genspecs['id'][0]
all_specs[genname] = dict_merge(*tomerge, **CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS)
if single: return tonames[0]
return tonames
#def specs_def_loc(all_specs, names, suffixes=ARAKAWA_SUFFIXES):
# """Make specs of a variable at a special location the specs for default location
# :Example:
# >>> specs_def_loc(all_specs, ['usurf_u', 'ssh_f']) # specs of 'usurf_u' is copied to 'usurf'
# """
# if not isinstance(names, (list, tuple)): names = [names]
# if isinstance(suffixes, basestring): suffixes = [suffixes]
# for name in names:
# m = re.match('.+(%s)$'%'|'.join(suffixes), name)
# if m is None: continue
# dupl_loc_specs(all_specs, name, '', suffixes=ARAKAWA_SUFFIXES)
[docs]def cp_suffix(idref, id, suffixes=ARAKAWA_SUFFIXES):
"""Copy a suffix if found in an id (name) to another id"""
if isinstance(suffixes, basestring): suffixes = [suffixes]
m = re.match('.+(%s)$'%'|'.join(suffixes), idref)
if m is None: return id
return id+m.group(1)
#: List of generic variable names
generic_var_names = GENERIC_VAR_NAMES = GENERIC_CF_VAR_NAMES = CF_VAR_NAMES # compat
#: List of generic axis names
#: Specifications for variables
CF_VAR_SPECS = VAR_SPECS = var_specs = VarSpecs(names=CF_VAR_NAMES)
#: Specifications for axes
CF_AXIS_SPECS = AXIS_SPECS = axis_specs = AxisSpecs(inherit=CF_VAR_SPECS,
#: Specifications for grid formating
'': dict(lon='lon', lat='lat', level='depth'),
't': dict(lon='lon', lat='lat', level='depth_t'),
'u': dict(lon='lon_u', lat='lat_u', level='depth_t'),
'v': dict(lon='lon_v', lat='lat_v', level='depth_t'),
'f': dict(lon='lon_f', lat='lat_f', level='depth_t'),
'w': dict(lon='lon', lat='lat', level='depth_w'),
#TODO: 't' must use lon_t and lat_t
grid_specs = GRID_SPECS # compat
#: List of all generic names (axes and variables): DEPRECATED!!
generic_names = GENERIC_NAMES = CF_NAMES# compat
[docs]def register_cf_variable(name, **specs):
"""Register a new CF variable given its generic name and its specs
It simply calls :meth:`~VarSpecs.register` on :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS`
CF_VAR_SPECS.register(name, **specs)
return CF_VAR_SPECS[name]
[docs]def register_cf_variables_from_cfg(cfg):
"""Register a new CF variables from a config file or a dict
It must contains a "variables" section.
It simply calls :meth:`~VarSpecs.register_from_cfg` on :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS`
[docs]def register_cf_axis(name, **specs):
"""Register a new Cf axis given its generic name and its specs
It simply calls :meth:`~VarSpecs.register` on :attr:`CF_AXIS_SPECS`
CF_AXIS_SPECS.register(name, **specs)
return CF_AXIS_SPECS[name]
[docs]def register_cf_axes_from_cfg(cfg):
"""Register a new CF variables from a config file or a dict
It must contains a "axes" section.
It simply calls :meth:`~VarSpecs.register_from_cfg` on :attr:`CF_AXIS_SPECS`
[docs]def cf2search(name, mode='isa', raiseerr=True, **kwargs):
"""Extract specs from :attr:`CF_AXIS_SPECS` or :attr:`CFVAR_SPECS`
to form a search dictionary
- **name**: Generic name of an axis or a variable.
- **mode**, optional: Search mode [default: None->``"ns"``].
A string containg one or more of the following letters:
- ``"n"``: Search using names (ids).
- ``"s"``: Search using standard_name attribute.
- ``"a"``: Search using axis attribute.
- ``"l"``: Search using long_name attribute.
- ``"u"``: Search using units attribute.
The order is important.
:Return: An :class:`colections.OrderedDict`
>>> cf2search('sst', mode='isu')
{'id':['sst'], 'id':['sst'],
# Get specs
if name in CF_VAR_SPECS:
specs = CF_VAR_SPECS[name]
elif name in CF_AXIS_SPECS:
specs = CF_AXIS_SPECS[name]
if raiseerr:
raise VACUMMError("Wrong generic name. It should be one of: "+' '.join(CF_AXIS_SPECS.keys()+CF_VAR_SPECS.keys()))
# Form search dict
if not isinstance(mode, basestring):
mode = 'isa'
mode = mode.replace('n', 'i')
keys = []
for m in mode:
for key in ['id', 'standard_name', 'axis', 'long_name', 'units']:
if key.startswith(m):
return OrderedDict([(k, specs[k]) for k in keys if k in specs])
_attnames_exclude = ['atlocs', 'inherit', 'axes', 'physloc', 'iaxis', 'jaxis', 'select']
_attnames_firsts = ['standard_name', 'long_name', 'units', 'axis', 'valid_min', 'valid_max']
[docs]def cf2atts(name, select=None, exclude=None, ordered=True, **extra):
"""Extract specs from :attr:`CF_AXIS_SPECS` or :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS` to form
a dictionary of attributes (units and long_name)"""
# Get specs
if isinstance(name, dict):
specs = name.copy()
elif name in CF_VAR_SPECS:
specs = CF_VAR_SPECS[name]
elif name in CF_AXIS_SPECS:
specs = CF_AXIS_SPECS[name]
raise VACUMMError("Wrong generic name: %s. It should be one of: "%name+' '.join(CF_AXIS_SPECS.keys()+CF_VAR_SPECS.keys()))
# Which attributes
atts = OrderedDict() if ordered else {}
if exclude is None: exclude = []
elif isinstance(exclude, basestring): exclude = [exclude]
for key in _attnames_firsts+specs.keys():
# Skip aliases
if key in BaseSpecs.get_alias_list():
# Skip some attributes
if (key not in specs or key in exclude or key in atts or
(select is not None and key not in select)):
# No lists or tuples
value = specs[key]
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
if len(value)==0:
value = value[0]
# Store it
atts[key] = value
# Extra
for att, val in extra.items():
atts[att] = val
return atts
# Format a variable
# Format an axis
#: Hidden attributes of variable useful of this module
HIDDEN_CF_ATTS = ['_vacumm_cf_name', '_vacumm_cf_physloc', '_vacumm_cf_location']
hidden_cf_atts = HIDDEN_CF_ATTS # compat
[docs]def match_obj(obj, name, searchmode=None, **kwargs):
"""Check if a variable or an axis matches generic specifications
- **obj**: a numpy or cdms2 axis or variable.
- **name**: A generic names.
- **searchmode**, optional: Passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.io.ncmatch_obj`.
search = cf2search(name, mode=searchmode, raiseerr=False)
if search is None: return False
return ncmatch_obj(obj, searchmode=searchmode, **search)
match_var = match_obj
[docs]def match_known_var(obj, searchmode=None, **kwargs):
"""Check if an object matches a known variable"""
for name in CF_VAR_SPECS:
if match_obj(obj, name, searchmode=searchmode):
return name
return False
[docs]def match_known_axis(obj, searchmode=None, **kwargs):
"""Check if an object matches a known axis"""
for name in CF_AXIS_SPECS:
if match_obj(obj, name, searchmode=searchmode):
return name
return False
[docs]def is_cf_known(name, type=None):
"""Is this names registered in :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS` or
assert type is None or type in ('var', 'axis')
if type is None:
elif type=='var':
names = CF_VAR_NAMES
return name in names
[docs]def get_cf_cmap(vname):
"""Get a cmap from a standard name
cmap may be specified for a variable with the 'cmap' key of
its entry in :attr:`CF_VAR_SPECS`.
if hasattr(vname, 'id'):
vname = vname.id
if vname in CF_VAR_SPECS and 'cmap' in CF_VAR_SPECS[vname]:
cmap = get_cmap(CF_VAR_SPECS[vname]['cmap'])
if cmap.name != CF_VAR_SPECS[vname]['cmap']:
vcwarn("Can't get cmap '{}' for standard variable '{}'".format(
CF_VAR_SPECS[vname]['cmap'], vname))
return cmap