Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2013-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
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import cdms2
from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import shift2d, shift1d

__all__ = ['ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS', 'ARAKAWA_POSITIONS', 'ArakawaGrid', 'CGrid', 'AGrid',

#: Strings for naming standard physical ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS on grid
    't', # Thermodynamical quantities
    'u', # Zonal momentum quantities
    'v', # Meridional momentum quantities
    'w', # Vertical momentum quantities
    'f', # Vorticity quantities
locations = ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS # compat

#: Alias for :attr:`ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS`
positions = ARAKAWA_POSITIONS # compat

#: Upper-case version of :attr:`ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS`

# TODO: Add special ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS such as uw, vw and fw at the same place?

#: Grid types
grid_types = ARAKAWA_GRID_TYPES # compat

from vacumm import VACUMMError
class ArakawaGridError(VACUMMError):

class _ArakawaInterp_(object):

    def _xy_interp_(self, var, p0, p1, copy, **kwargs):
        # No grid
        if var.getGrid() is None:
            if copy: var = var.clone()
            return var

        # Delta
        dloc = self.delta_loc(p0, p1)

        # Interpolate
        var = shift2d(var, ishift=dloc[0], jshift=dloc[1], copy=True, **kwargs)
        return var

    def _z_interp_(self, var, p0, p1, copy, **kwargs):
        # No vertical axis (use vacumm.misc.grid.get_zdim?)
        if var.getLevel() is None:
            if copy: var = var.clone()
            return var

        # Z axis index
        axis = var.getOrder().index('z')

        # Delta
        dloc = self.delta_loc(p0, p1)

        # Interpolate
        var = shift1d(var, shift=dloc[2], axis=axis, copy=True, **kwargs)
        return var

    def is_valid_loc(cls, p):
        """Check if a location is valid"""
        p = str(p).lower()
        if p=='': return 't'
        if p not in ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS:
            raise ArakawaGridError('Bad location in Arakawa grid: %s. '
                'Please use one of: %s'%(p, ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS))
        return p

[docs]class ArakawaGrid(_ArakawaInterp_): """Base class that provides a facotry and declares grid operations"""
[docs] @staticmethod def factory(arg): """Guess the grid type and class, and instantiate it :Params: - **arg**: An explicit grid type (:attr:`ARAKAWA_GRID_TYPES`), or an object with a either :attr:`grid_type`, :attr:`arakawa_grid_type` or :attr:`grid_type` attribute. :Return: A :class:`ArakawaGrid` children object or ``None`` if grid type has not been guessed. """ if arg in [AGrid, CGrid]: return arg() if isinstance(arg, ArakawaGrid): return arg if str(arg).upper() in ARAKAWA_GRID_TYPES: gt = arg else: gt = get_grid_type(arg) if gt is None: return return eval(gt.upper()+'Grid')()
def __getitem__(self, p): p = self.is_valid_loc(p) return getattr(self, p) def __str__(self): return self.grid_type
[docs] def are_same_locs(self, p0, p1): """Check if to ARAKAWA_POSITIONS are the same :Example: >>> mygrid.are_same_locs('t', 'u') """ p0 = self.is_valid_loc(p0) p1 = self.is_valid_loc(p1) self[p0] == self[p1]
[docs] def delta_loc(self, p0, p1): """Difference of relative ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS :Return: ``dx,dy,dz`` """ p0 = self.is_valid_loc(p0) p1 = self.is_valid_loc(p1) return self[p1][0]-self[p0][0], self[p1][1]-self[p0][1], self[p1][2]-self[p0][2]
[docs] def interp(self, var, p0, p1, copy=False, mode=None, zfirst=True, **kwargs): """Interpolate a variable from one location to another one using :func:`vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.shift2d` (horizontal) and :func:`vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.shift1d` (vertical) .. note:: It does not change the attributes. :Params: - **var**: MV2 array with a grid. - **p0/1**: Valid ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS: 0=source, 1=destination. If p0 is None, it is guessed with :func:``. - **mode**, optional: Interpolation mode at boundaries (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.shift2d`). - **zfirst**, optional: Perform the vertical interpolation first, then the horizontal interpolation. - **copy**, optional: Copy the variable if same location? :Example: >>> u3d_t = CGrid().interp(u3d_u, 'u', 't', mode='extrap') """ # Valid ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS if p0 is None: from import get_loc p0 = get_loc(var) # if p0 is None: # raise ArakawaGridError("Can't guess location of variable: " p0 = self.is_valid_loc(p0) p1 = self.is_valid_loc(p1) # Same location or no grid if self[p0]==self[p1]: if copy: var = var.clone() return var # Interpolation order interpmets = self._z_interp_, self._xy_interp_ if not zfirst: interpmets = interpmets[::-1] # Interpolations for interpmet in interpmets: var = interpmet(var, p0, p1, copy, mode=mode, **kwargs) # Special attributes from import set_loc set_loc(var, p1) set_grid_type(var, self.grid_type) return var
loc2loc = interp
[docs]class AGrid(ArakawaGrid): """A Arakawa grid""" # Positions relative to T point t = 0, 0, 0 u = 0, 0, 0 v = 0, 0, 0 w = 0, 0, 0 f = 0, 0, 0 grid_type = gtype = 'A'
[docs]class CGrid(ArakawaGrid): """C Arakawa grid""" # Positions relative to T point t = 0, 0, 0 u = 1, 0, 0 v = 0, 1, 0 w = 0, 0, 1 f = 1, 1, 0 grid_type = gtype = 'C'
[docs]class ArakawaGridTransfer(_ArakawaInterp_): """To interpolate variables from one grid type to another .. note:: This classes does not interpolate between two grids, it just interpolates between relative ARAKAWA_POSITIONS. For general interpolations, please use :func:`~vacumm.grid.regridding.regrid2d`. :Example: >>> sst_a_v = ArakawaGridTransfer('C','A').interp(sst_c_t, 't', 'v') """ def __init__(self, grid0, grid1): """ :Params: - **grid0/1**: Arguments to :meth:`~Arakawa.factory` """ # Get ArakawaGrid objects self.grid0 = ArakawaGrid.factory(grid0) self.grid1 = ArakawaGrid.factory(grid1)
[docs] def delta_loc(self, p0, p1=None): """Difference of relative ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS :Return: ``dx,dy,dz`` """ p0 = self.grid0.is_valid_loc(p0) if p1 is None: p1 = p0 else: p1 = self.grid0.is_valid_loc(p1) return (self.grid1[p1][0]-self.grid0[p0][0], self.grid1[p1][1]-self.grid0[p0][1], self.grid1[p1][2]-self.grid0[p0][2])
[docs] def interp(self, var, p0=None, p1=None, copy=False, mode=None, zfirst=True, **kwargs): """Interpolate a variable from one location to another one using :func:`vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.shift2d` (horizontal) and :func:`vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.shift1d` (vertical) .. note:: It does not change the attributes. :Params: - **var**: MV2 array with a grid. - **p0/1**: Valid ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS: 0=source, 1=destination. If p0 is None, it is guessed with :func:``. If p1 is None, it defaults to p0. - **mode**, optional: Interpolation mode at boundaries (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.shift2d`). - **copy**, optional: Copy the variable if same location? :Example: >>> sst_a_v = ArakawaGridTransfer('C','A').interp(sst_c_t, 't', 'v') """ # Valid location if p0 is None: from import get_loc p0 = get_loc(var) # if p0 is None: # raise ArakawaGridError("Can't guess location of variable: " p0 = self.is_valid_loc(p0) if p1 is None: p1 = p0 else: p1 = self.grid0.is_valid_loc(p1) # Same location or no grid if self.grid0[p0]==self.grid1[p1]: if copy: var = var.clone() return var # Interpolation order interpmets = self._z_interp_, self._xy_interp_ if not zfirst: interpmets = interpmets[::-1] # Interpolations for interpmet in interpmets: var = interpmet(var, p0, p1, copy, mode=mode, **kwargs) # Special attributes from import set_loc set_loc(var, p1) set_grid_type(var, self.grid1.grid_type) return var
_cdms2_atts = ['_vacumm_arakawa_grid_type', '_arakawa_grid_type'] _other_atts = ['arakawa_grid_type', 'grid_type'] def get_grid_type(var): """Guess the Arakawa grid type It search for the following attributes: :attr:`arakawa_grid_type`, :attr:`grid_type` and :attr:`_vacumm_arakawa_grid_type`. :Params: - **var**: A :mod:`cdms2` variable or grid, an :class:`ArakawaGrid` instance or a :class:`` instance. If var is a :mod:`cdms2` variable, it also check its grid if defined. :Return: An Arakawa grid upper-base letter, like 'C' """ vv = [var] if cdms2.isVariable(var): grid = var.getGrid() if grid is not None: vv.append(grid) for v in vv: for att in _cdms2_atts+_other_atts: if hasattr(v, att): gt = getattr(a, att) if gt is None: return return str(gt).upper() def _set_clean_atts_(var, atts, value): for att in atts: if hasattr(var, att): delattr(var, att) if value is not None: setattr(var, atts[0], value) def set_grid_type(var, gtype): """Set an attribute so that var is identified as being on the specified Arakawa grid type. If var is a :mod:`cdms2` variable or grid, it sets the :attr:`_vacumm_arakawa_grid_type` attribute, else it sets the :attr:`arakawa_grid_type` attribute. :Params: - **var**: A :mod:`cdms2` variable or grid, a :class:`` instance. - **gtype**: None or one of the :attr:`grid_type` letters. """ if gtype is not None: gtype = str(gtype).upper() if cdms2.isVariable(var) or cdms2.isGrid(var): vv = [var] if cdms2.isVariable(var): grid = var.getGrid() if grid is not None: vv.append(grid) for v in vv: _set_clean_atts_(v, _cdms2_atts, gtype) else: _set_clean_atts_(var, _other_atts, gtype) return gtype