Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
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__author__ = 'Jonathan Wilkins'
__email__ = ''
__date__ = '2011-01-17'
__doc__ = 'Dataset Colocalizations'

# ==============================================================================

import os, sys

import cdms2, MV2, numpy, pylab, seawater
from matplotlib.pyplot import colorbar

from import NcSigma
from vacumm.misc import auto_scale
from vacumm.misc.atime import add as add_time, comptime, datetime as adatetime, Intervals
from vacumm.misc.axes import create_time, create_dep, create_lat, create_lon
from vacumm.misc.bases import Object
from vacumm.misc.color import cmap_magic
from import ncget_var, ncfind_var, list_forecast_files, ncread_best_estimate, NcIterBestEstimate
from vacumm.misc.grid.misc import meshweights, resol
from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import resol, interp1d, regrid1dold, grid2xy
from vacumm.misc.misc import is_iterable, kwfilter
from vacumm.misc.phys.constants import g
from vacumm.misc.plot import map2, curve2, section2, hov2

[docs]class Colocator(Object): # def __init__(self, data1, data2): # Object.__init__(self) # self.data1 = data1 # self.data2 = data2
[docs] def coloc_mod_on_pro(self, model, profiles, varnames, select=None, method='nearest'): '''Colocalize model on profile data. Load model data corresponding to the selected profiles positions and time. Returns loaded model longitudes, latitudes, depths and requested variable(s) :Params: - **model**: model data :class:`` - **profiles**: profile data :class:`` - **varnames**: variables to load (ex: ('temp','sal') or (('temp','temperature'),('sal','salinity')) - **select**: selector - **method**: coloc method (**nearest** or **interp**) :Return: - **lons_mod**: model longitude coordinates, shape: (profile) - **lats_mod**: model latitude coordinates, shape: (profile) - **deps_mod**: model depth coordinates, shape: (level,profile) - **var1**: requested variables, shape: (level,profile) - ... - **varN** .. todo:: - also load and return profile data here - exclude coords where profile data is masked (no data for specified depth) - return time coordinates - return depth and vars with shape (profile,level) ''' self.verbose('Colocalizing %s on %s\nvarnames: %s\nselect: %s\n method: %s', model.__class__.__name__, profiles.__class__.__name__, varnames, select, method) prof_pro = profiles.get_axis('profile', select=select) if prof_pro is None or not len(prof_pro): raise Exception('No profiles found, aborting') lev_pro = profiles.get_axis('level', select=select) time_pro = profiles.get_variable('time', select=select) lons_pro = profiles.get_variable('longitude', select=select) lats_pro = profiles.get_variable('latitude', select=select) dates = create_time(time_pro).asComponentTime()'Number of profiles: %s', len(dates))'Profiles time coverage: %s to %s', dates[0], dates[-1]) # Init model td = model.get_time_res() dtmax = (td.days*86400+td.seconds, 'seconds')'Detected model time step: %s', td) grid_mod = model.get_grid() xres, yres = resol(grid_mod) time_mod = model.get_time() ctime_mod = time_mod.asComponentTime()'Model time coverage: %s to %s', ctime_mod[0], ctime_mod[-1]) level_mod = model.get_level(select=select) lons_mod = MV2.zeros((len(prof_pro),))+MV2.masked lats_mod = lons_mod.clone() deps_mod = MV2.zeros((len(level_mod), len(prof_pro)))+MV2.masked deps_mod.setAxis(1, prof_pro),, = 'longitude', 'latitude', 'depth' # Creation des variables demandees variables = [] for n in varnames: v = MV2.zeros((len(level_mod), len(prof_pro)))+MV2.masked v.setAxis(1, prof_pro) = is_iterable(n) and n[0] or n variables.append(v) cdms2.setAutoBounds(1) # ??? # Boucle temporelle for ip, date in enumerate(dates): try: # Limites spatiales lon = lons_pro[ip] lat = lats_pro[ip] lon_min = lon-2*xres lon_max = lon+2*xres lat_min = lat-2*yres lat_max = lat+2*yres date_interval = (add_time(date, - dtmax[0], dtmax[1]), add_time(date, dtmax[0], dtmax[1]), 'ccb')'Colocalizing data for date %s, lon: %s, lat: %s', date, lon, lat) # Methode 1 : donnees les plus proches if method == 'nearest': sel = dict(time=(date, date, 'ccb'), longitude=(lon, lon, 'ccb'), latitude=(lat, lat, 'ccb')) # Verifier la disponibilite des donnees if time_mod.mapIntervalExt(sel['time']) is None: self.warning('Time interval %s not found', sel['time']) continue if grid_mod.getLatitude().mapInterval(sel['latitude']) is None: self.warning('Latitude coordinate %s not found', sel['latitude']) continue if grid_mod.getLongitude().mapInterval(sel['longitude']) is None: self.warning('Longitude coordinate %s not found', sel['longitude']) continue # Load tmp depth to get lon & lat coordinates #tmp = model.get_depth(select=sel, squeeze=False) # tmp squeezed !!! see sigma ? tmp = model.get_variable(varnames[0], select=sel, squeeze=False) lons_mod[ip] = tmp.getLongitude()[0] lats_mod[ip] = tmp.getLatitude()[0] deps_mod[:, ip] = model.get_depth(select=sel, squeeze=True) for iv,vn in enumerate(varnames): variables[iv][:,ip] = model.get_variable(vn, select=sel, squeeze=True) # Methode 2 : interpolation elif method == 'interp': sel = dict(time=date_interval, longitude=(lon_min, lon_max), latitude=(lat_min, lat_max)) if time_mod.mapIntervalExt(sel['time']) is None: self.warning('Time interval %s not found', sel['time']) continue if grid_mod.getLatitude().mapInterval(sel['latitude']) is None: self.warning('Latitude coordinate %s not found', sel['latitude']) continue if grid_mod.getLongitude().mapInterval(sel['longitude']) is None: self.warning('Longitude coordinate %s not found', sel['longitude']) continue # Lectures order = 'tzyx' # lon & lat du profile car interp sur cette position lons_mod[ip], lats_mod[ip] = lon, lat deps_mod_tzyx = model.get_depth(select=sel, order=order, squeeze=True) tmp_tzyx = [] for iv,vn in enumerate(varnames): tmp_tzyx.append(model.get_variable(vn, select=sel, order=order, squeeze=True)) # Interpolations temporelles mctime = tmp_tzyx[0].getTime() mrtime = mctime.asRelativeTime() d0 = date.torel(mctime.units).value - mrtime[0].value d1 = mrtime[1].value - date.torel(mctime.units).value f0 = d0 / (d0 + d1) f1 = d1 / (d0 + d1) deps_mod_zyx = f0 * deps_mod_tzyx[0] + f1 * deps_mod_tzyx[1] tmp_zyx = [] for iv,vn in enumerate(varnames): tmp_zyx.append(f0 * tmp_tzyx[iv][0] + f1 * tmp_tzyx[iv][1]) del tmp_tzyx # Interpolations spatiales deps_mod[:,ip] = numpy.squeeze(grid2xy(deps_mod_zyx, numpy.array([lon]), numpy.array([lat]), method='nat')) for iv,vn in enumerate(varnames): variables[iv][:,ip] = numpy.squeeze(grid2xy(tmp_zyx[iv], numpy.array([lon]), numpy.array([lat]), method='nat')) del tmp_zyx else: raise ValueError('Invalid colocation method: %s'%(method)) except: self.exception('Failed to colocalize data for date %s', date) for v in [deps_mod] + variables: v.getAxis(0).id = 'level' v.getAxis(0).designateLevel() data = tuple([lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod] + variables) self.verbose('Colocalized data:\n %s', '\n '.join(self.describe(o) for o in data)) return data
[docs] def coloc_strat_mod_on_pro(self, model, profiles, select, **kwargs): '''Get colocalized stratification data of a model on profiles See: :func:`coloc_mod_on_pro` :Return: - **lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod**: - **temp_mod, sal_mod**: temperature and salinity - **pres_mod, dens_mod**: pressure and density ''' # Coloc donnees modele sur profiles varnames = (('temp','temperature'), ('sal', 'psal','salinity')) lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod, temp_mod, sal_mod = \ self.coloc_mod_on_pro(model, profiles, varnames, select, **kwargs) # Calcul pression & densite pres_mod = MV2.zeros(temp_mod.shape)+MV2.masked pres_mod.setAxisList(temp_mod.getAxisList()) dens_mod = pres_mod.clone() for ip in xrange(len(lons_mod)): pres_mod[:, ip] = seawater.csiro.pres(deps_mod[:, ip], numpy.resize([lats_mod[ip]], deps_mod[:, ip].shape)) dens_mod[:, ip] = seawater.csiro.dens(sal_mod[:, ip], temp_mod[:, ip], pres_mod[:, ip]) = 'pressure' = 'density' return lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod, temp_mod, sal_mod, pres_mod, dens_mod
[docs] def plot_layer_mod_on_pro(self, model, profiles, varname, depth, select=None, **kwargs): '''Get a layer of variable for a specified depth. :Params: - **varname**: variable to process - **depth**: output depth(s) Other params, see: :func:`coloc_mod_on_pro` ''' self.verbose('Plotting layer of colocalized %s on %s\nvarname: %s\ndepth: %s\nselect: %s\nkwargs: %s', model.__class__.__name__, profiles.__class__.__name__, varname, depth, select, kwargs) lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod, var_mod = \ self.coloc_mod_on_pro( model, profiles, # If varname is a list of possible names, wrap it into a # tuple of one element as we are requiring only one variable len(numpy.shape(varname)) and (varname,) or varname, select, **kwargs) odep = create_dep(is_iterable(depth) and depth or [depth]) var_mod = var_mod.reorder('-z') var_mod = interp1d(var_mod, axo=odep, xmap=0, xmapper=deps_mod) # Required order: ...z var_mod = var_mod.reorder('z-') model.verbose('layer: %s', var_mod) lons_pro, lats_pro, var_pro = profiles.get_layer(varname, depth, select=select) profiles.verbose('layer: %s', var_pro) # ===== # Tracés vmin = var_pro.min() vmax = var_pro.max() if var_mod.count(): vmin = min(var_mod.min(), vmin) vmax = max(var_mod.max(), vmax) else: self.warning('No model data') if 'latitude' in select: lat_min, lat_max = select['latitude'][:2] else: la = model.get_latitude() lat_min, lat_max = min(la), max(la) if 'longitude' in select: lon_min, lon_max = select['longitude'][:2] else: lo = model.get_longitude() lon_min, lon_max = min(lo), max(lo) levels = auto_scale((vmin, vmax)) vmin = levels[0] vmax = levels[-1] # Création de la palette cmap = cmap_magic(levels) # On trace de champ du modèle moyené sur la période choisie m = map2(lon=(lon_min, lon_max), lat=(lat_min, lat_max), show=False) # On trace le modèle en fond # ===== msca = None try: msca =, lats_mod, s=100, c=var_mod, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, label='model') except: self.exception('Failed plotting model data') # ===== # Triangulation du modèle # import matplotlib.tri as tri # triang = tri.Triangulation(lons_mod, lats_mod) # # On trace le modèle en fond # mod = m.axes.tripcolor(triang, var_mod, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) # ===== # On trace les observations avec des points plus petits psca = None try: psca =, lats_pro, s=25, c=var_pro, vmin=m.vmin, vmax=m.vmax, cmap=m.cmap, label='profiles') except: self.exception('Failed plotting profile data') # Colorbar if msca is not None: colorbar(msca) elif psca is not None: colorbar(psca)
[docs] def plot_mld_mod_on_pro(self, model, profiles, select=None, deep=False, **kwargs): '''Plot mixed layer depth of model data correspponding to profiles position :Params: - **deep**: deep water computation mode if true Other params, see: :func:`coloc_mod_on_pro` ''' self.verbose('Plotting MLD of colocalized %s on %s\nselect: %s\ndeep: %s\nkwargs: %s', model.__class__.__name__, profiles.__class__.__name__, select, deep, kwargs) # ===== # Lecture des donnees de stratification lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod, temp_mod, sal_mod, pres_mod, dens_mod = \ self.coloc_strat_mod_on_pro(model, profiles, select, **kwargs) # ===== # Calcul mld modele # MLD en eaux peu profondes if not deep: ddeps = meshweights(deps_mod, axis=0) # Densité min/max dmin = dens_mod.min(axis=0) dmax = dens_mod.max(axis=0) # Densité moyenne dmean =, axis=0, weights=ddeps) # Profondeur max (max+demi épaisseur) H = deps_mod[-1]+ddeps[-1]*.5 # MLD mld_mod = H*(dmax-dmean)/(dmax-dmin) # MLD en eaux profondes else: # Profondeur de référence dep = -10 # Axe pour interpolation from vacumm.misc.axes import create_dep depaxis = create_dep([dep]) # Interpolations dens_mod_ref = dens_mod_ref.reorder('-z') dens_mod_ref = regrid1dold(dens_mod, axo=depaxis, xmap=0, xmapper=deps_mod) # Required order: ...z dens_mod_ref = dens_mod_ref.reorder('z-') # Valeur du différentiel de densité (cf. de Boyer Montégut et all, 2003) delta_dens = 0.03 # Densité cible dens_mod_target = dens_mod_ref+0.03 # Masques de la couche mélangée et des eaux profondes dens_mod_target3d = MV2.resize(dens_mod_target, dens_mod.shape) dens_mod_good = (dens_mod.asma() <= dens_mod_target3d.asma()).filled(False) dens_mod_bad = (dens_mod.asma() > dens_mod_target3d.asma()).filled(False) # Profondeurs juste au dessus et en dessous de la MLD deps_mod_above = MV2.masked_where(dens_mod_bad, deps_mod).min(axis=0) deps_mod_below = MV2.masked_where(dens_mod_good, deps_mod).max(axis=0) # Masques associés from vacumm.misc import closeto mask_above = closeto(deps_mod, MV2.resize(deps_mod_above, deps_mod.shape)) mask_below = closeto(deps_mod, MV2.resize(deps_mod_below, deps_mod.shape)) # Densités juste au dessus et en dessous de la MLD dens_mod_above = MV2.masked_where(dens_mod, mask_above).max(axis=0) dens_mod_below = MV2.masked_where(dens_mod, mask_below).min(axis=0) # Interpolation dens_mod_delta = dens_mod_above-dens_mod_below deps_mod_mld = (dens_mod_target-dens_mod_above)*deps_mod_above deps_mod_mld += (dens_mod_below-dens_mod_target)*deps_mod_below deps_mod_mld = MV2.where(dens_mod_delta.mask, MV2.masked, deps_mod_mld/dens_mod_delta) mld_mod = deps_mod_mld # Finalize mld_mod = MV2.array(mld_mod) mld_mod.units = 'm' mld_mod.long_name = u'Profondeur de la couche de melange' mld_mod.setAxisList(lons_mod.getAxisList()) model.verbose('MLD: %s', mld_mod) # ===== # Calcul mld profiles mld_pro, lats_pro, lons_pro = profiles.get_mld(select) profiles.verbose('MLD: %s', mld_pro) # ===== # Tracés vmin = mld_pro.min() vmax = mld_pro.max() if mld_mod.count(): vmin = min(mld_mod.min(), vmin) vmax = max(mld_mod.max(), vmax) else: self.warning('No model data') if 'latitude' in select: lat_min, lat_max = select['latitude'][:2] else: la = model.get_latitude() lat_min, lat_max = min(la), max(la) if 'longitude' in select: lon_min, lon_max = select['longitude'][:2] else: lo = model.get_longitude() lon_min, lon_max = min(lo), max(lo) levels = auto_scale((vmin, vmax)) vmin = levels[0] vmax = levels[-1] # Création de la palette cmap = cmap_magic(levels) # On trace de champ du modèle moyené sur la période choisie m = map2(lon=(lon_min, lon_max), lat=(lat_min, lat_max), show=False) # On trace le modèle en fond # ===== msca = None try: msca =, lats_mod, s=100, c=mld_mod, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, label='model') except: self.exception('Failed plotting model data') # ===== # Triangulation du modèle # import matplotlib.tri as tri # triang = tri.Triangulation(lons_mod, lats_mod) # # On trace le modèle en fond # mod = m.axes.tripcolor(triang, mld_mod, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) # ===== # On trace les observations avec des points plus petits psca = None try: psca =, lats_pro, s=25, c=mld_pro, vmin=m.vmin, vmax=m.vmax, cmap=m.cmap, label='profiles') except: self.exception('Failed plotting profiles data') # Colorbar if msca is not None: colorbar(msca) elif psca is not None: colorbar(psca)
[docs] def plot_ped_mod_on_pro(self, model, profiles, select=None, **kwargs): '''Plot potential energy deficit of model data correspponding to profiles position :Params: See: :func:`coloc_mod_on_pro` ''' self.verbose('Plotting PED of colocalized %s on %s\nselect: %s\nkwargs: %s', model.__class__.__name__, profiles.__class__.__name__, select, kwargs) # ===== # Lecture des donnees de stratification lons_mod, lats_mod, deps_mod, temp_mod, sal_mod, pres_mod, dens_mod = \ self.coloc_strat_mod_on_pro(model, profiles, select, **kwargs) # ===== # Calcul ped modele ddeps = meshweights(deps_mod, axis=0) # Densité moyenne dmean = MV2.average(dens_mod, axis=0, weights=ddeps) # Anomalie de densité danom = dens_mod-dmean # Énergie potentielle disponible ape = danom * g ape *= ddeps # Deficit ped_mod = MV2.average(ape, axis=0, weights=ddeps) ped_mod.units = 'J.m^{-2}' ped_mod.long_name = u"Definit d'energie potentielle" ped_mod.setAxisList(lons_mod.getAxisList()) model.verbose('PED: %s', ped_mod) # ===== # Calcul ped profiles ped_pro, lats_pro, lons_pro = profiles.get_ped(select) profiles.verbose('PED: %s', ped_pro) # ===== # Tracés vmin = ped_pro.min() vmax = ped_pro.max() if ped_mod.count(): vmin = min(ped_mod.min(), vmin) vmax = max(ped_mod.max(), vmax) else: self.warning('No model data') if 'latitude' in select: lat_min, lat_max = select['latitude'][:2] else: la = model.get_latitude() lat_min, lat_max = min(la), max(la) if 'longitude' in select: lon_min, lon_max = select['longitude'][:2] else: lo = model.get_longitude() lon_min, lon_max = min(lo), max(lo) levels = auto_scale((vmin, vmax)) vmin = levels[0] vmax = levels[-1] # Création de la palette cmap = cmap_magic(levels) # On trace de champ du modèle moyené sur la période choisie m = map2(lon=(lon_min, lon_max), lat=(lat_min, lat_max), show=False) # On trace le modèle en fond msca = None try: msca =, lats_mod, s=100, c=ped_mod, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, label='model') except: self.exception('Failed plotting model data') # On trace les observations avec des points plus petits psca = None try: psca =, lats_pro, s=25, c=ped_pro, vmin=m.vmin, vmax=m.vmax, cmap=m.cmap, label='profiles') except: self.exception('Failed plotting profiles data') # Colorbar if msca is not None: colorbar(msca) elif psca is not None: colorbar(psca)