Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2017)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# - Move variable mapping feature from data.misc.profile to this module
# - Determine reference/run date from Catalog datasets, sort the loaded dataset,
#   move dataset aggregation over time into the Catalog class)
# - Add an interface (class) defining the root base feature of a Dataset
#   (aggregation using catalog, get_[time,depth,latitude,longitude,variable], get_grid, ...)
#   to provide a data format abstraction base.
# - Ensure compatibilty of possibly different axes coordinates (lat, lon, sigma, depths, ...)
#   over multiple dataset (e.g. about sigma: user.algo.readers.html)
# - Force variables order in dedicated data loaders (get_section, get_hovmoller, ...)
# - Check why
# = [...],time = (..., 'co'))
#   produces empty slices (e.g slice(14,2)), but doesnt if 'ccb' is used
# ==============================================================================

__author__ = 'Jonathan Wilkins'
__email__ = ''
__date__ = '2011-01-17'
__doc__ = 'Common dataset utilities'

# ==============================================================================

import os, sys
from traceback import format_exc
from collections import OrderedDict

import cdms2, MV2, numpy, pylab, seawater
from matplotlib.pyplot import colorbar, tight_layout
N = numpy

from vacumm.misc import auto_scale, MV2_concatenate, MV2_axisConcatenate, create_selector, \
    split_selector, dict_merge, dict_check_defaults, set_atts, broadcast
from vacumm.misc.atime import add as add_time, comptime, datetime as adatetime, Intervals, \
    filter_time_selector, itv_intersect, strftime
from vacumm.misc.axes import create_time, create_dep, create_lat, create_lon, guess_timeid, get_axis_type, isaxis
from vacumm.misc.bases import Object
import vacumm.misc.color as C
from import (ncget_var, ncfind_var, ncfind_obj, ncfind_axis,
    list_forecast_files, ncread_files, ncmatch_obj,
    ncread_best_estimate, NcIterBestEstimate, ncget_time, ncget_lon, ncget_lat, ncget_level,
    ncget_grid, ncget_axis, NcIterTimeSlice)
from vacumm.misc.grid.misc import meshweights, resol, create_grid, set_grid, \
    dz2depth, depth2dz, isdepthup, gridsel, makedepthup, curv2rect, isgrid,  \
    coord2slice, clone_grid
from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import resol, interp1d, regrid1d, grid2xy, transect,  \
    shift1d, shift2d, extend1d, extend2d, regrid1dold
from vacumm.misc.misc import is_iterable, kwfilter, squeeze_variable, dict_filter_out,  \
    get_atts, set_atts
from vacumm.misc.phys.constants import GRAVITY
from vacumm.misc.plot import map2, curve2, section2, hov2, add_map_lines
from vacumm.misc.axes import islon, islat, isdep
from import register_dataset
from import NcSigma
from import ArakawaGrid, AGrid, CGrid, ARAKAWA_LOCATIONS as arakawa_locations,  \
    set_grid_type, get_grid_type, _cdms2_atts as cdms2_arakawa_atts
from import (VAR_SPECS, AXIS_SPECS, cf2search, cf2atts,
    CF_AXIS_SPECS, CF_VAR_SPECS, format_axis, format_var, get_loc, no_loc_single,
    DEFAULT_LOCATION, change_loc, HIDDEN_CF_ATTS, change_loc_single, format_grid,
from vacumm import VACUMMError
from vacumm.diag.dynamics import barotropic_geostrophic_velocity, kinetic_energy
from vacumm.diag.thermdyn import mixed_layer_depth, density

from vacumm.misc.misc import grow_variables

# Kwargs which are pop'ed from intermediate plots
# (e.g. plot section, then trajectory map, then post plot using these kwargs)
POST_PLOT_ARGS = ('title', 'show', 'close', 'savefig', 'savefigs')
post_plot_args = POST_PLOT_ARGS # compat

_geonames =  {'x':'lon', 'y':'lat', 'z':'level', 't':'time'}


def _get_var_(self, name, mode=None, **kwargs):
    """Function to be used as a method for getting variables at a specific location


        - **name**: Generic name.
        - Extra keywords are passed to :method:`Dataset.get_variable`

    kwargs = kwargs.copy()
    warn = kwargs.get('warn', False)
    kwargs['warn'] = max(int(warn)-1, 0)
    gname = no_loc_single(name, 'name')
    ploc = self._get_ncobj_specs_(gname).get('physloc', None)
    if not self.arakawa_grid_type: ploc = None

    # From variable (no interpolation at all, just search for names)
    if check_mode('var', mode):

        # Direct try
        var =  self.get_variable(name, **kwargs)
        if var is not None: return var

        # No location info -> generic search allowed
        if gname!=name and not ploc:
            var = self.get_variable(gname, **kwargs) #'usurf_u' = 'usurf'
            if var is not None: return var

        # Generic name -> search at physical location only (U at '_u')
        elif gname==name and ploc:
            pname = change_loc_single(name, 'name', ploc) # 'usurf' -> 'usurf_u'
            var = self.get_variable(pname, **kwargs)
            if var is not None: return var

        # We failed
        if check_mode('var', mode, strict=True):
            if warn: self.warning("Can't get %(name)s from file"%locals())

    # Get it from other locations
    if check_mode('stag', mode):
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        toloc = kwargs.pop('at', None)
        if toloc is None:
            toloc = get_loc(name, 'name', mode='ext', default=DEFAULT_LOCATION)
        locations = list(arakawa_locations)
        if ploc:
            if ploc in locations: locations.remove(ploc)
            locations.insert(0, ploc)
        for fromloc in locations: #TODO: arakawa: clever order for loc2loc tries (use closer neighbours)
            fname = change_loc_single(gname, 'name', fromloc)
            var = self.get_variable(fname, at=toloc, at_fromloc=fromloc, **kwargs)
            if var is not None: return var

        if check_mode('stag', mode, strict=True):
            if warn: self.warning("Can't get %(name)s from any locations"%locals())

    if warn: self.warning("Can't get %(name)s in any way"%locals())

getvar_decmet_tpl = """def get_var(self, **kwargs):
    return _get_var_(self, '%(name)s', **kwargs)"""

[docs]def getvar_decmets(cls): """Generate methods such as :meth:`get_sst` based on the :attr:`auto_generic_var_names` attributes that provides a list of generic names of variables These generic names must be the keys of :mod:``. The docstring of the each method is formatted using :func:`getvar_fmtdoc`. Methods that already exist are not overwritten. When a generic name does not start with a "+", its name appended with a location suffix ('_t', '_u', '_v', '_w', '_f') is also treated. """ # Get the basic list if not hasattr(cls, 'auto_generic_var_names'): return cls if isinstance(cls.auto_generic_var_names, basestring): cls.auto_generic_var_names = [cls.auto_generic_var_names] # Add names for other positions (u, v, etc) if available. names = [] for name in cls.auto_generic_var_names: if name.startswith('+'): names.append(name[1:]) continue names.append(name) for p in arakawa_locations: #'u', 'v', 'w', 'f': namep = name+'_'+p if namep in CF_VAR_SPECS: names.append(namep) # Declarations for name in names: # Check existence metname = "get_"+name if hasattr(cls, metname): continue # Declare the method exec getvar_decmet_tpl%locals() # Change its name get_var.__name__ = metname # Change its docstring getvar_fmtdoc(get_var) # Attach it to the class setattr(cls, get_var.__name__, get_var) return cls
#: Template for auto formatting methods that get variables (like :meth:`get_sst`) getvar_fmtdoc_tpl = """%(func_name)s(time=None, level=None, lat=None, lon=None, squeeze=False, order=None, asvar=None, at=None, format=None, torect=True, verbose=None, warn=None, mode=None, **kwargs) Read the %(long_name)s %(units)s :Params: - **time/level/lat/lon**, optional: For selection (tuples or slices). - **squeeze**, optional: Squeeze singleton dimensions (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.squeeze_variable`, like ``True``, ``z`` or ``['x','y']``). %(other_params)s- **asvar**, optional: Grow variable to match the ``asvar`` variable, using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **asvar**, optional: Reshape as this variable. - **at**, optional: Interpolate to this grid location using :meth:`Datatset.toloc`. - **format**, optional: Format the variable and its axes using :func:``. - **torect**, optional: If possible, convert a curvilinear grid to a rectilinar grid using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.curv2rect`. - **order**, optional: Change order of axes (like ``'xty'``). %(kwargs_params)s """ _default_modes = """Retreiving mode - ``"var"``: Get from netcdf variable only. - ``"stag"``: Get it from another grid location."""
[docs]def getvar_fmtdoc(func, **kwargs): """Format the docstring of methods that get variables It uses the :attr:`getvar_fmtdoc_tpl` template. :Params: - **func**: Method (or function) name that must be in the form ``get_<name>``, where ``<name>`` must be a generic var names in :attr:``. - Extra keywords define extra options in the docstring. Keys must correspond to a keyword name, and values correspond to a keyword description. :Example: :: # Manual way getvar_fmtdoc(OceanDataset.get_sst, extra_param='Its description') # Decorator way @getvar_fmtdoc def get_sst(self, *args, **kwargs): ... """ kwargs_params = kwargs.get('_kwargs', "Other keywords are passed to :func:``.") func_name = func.__name__ if not func_name.startswith('get_'): return func var_name = func_name[4:] if not var_name in CF_VAR_SPECS: return func # Long name and units try: long_name = VAR_SPECS[var_name]['long_name'][0] except: pass long_name = long_name[0].lower()+long_name[1:] if VAR_SPECS[var_name]['units']: units = " [%s]"%VAR_SPECS[var_name]['units'][0] else: units = '' # Extra keywords kwargs.setdefault('mode', _default_modes) if not kwargs['mode']: del kwargs['mode'] if kwargs: other_params = [] indent = ' ' keys = sorted(kwargs.keys()) for key in keys: other_params.append('- **%s**, optional: %s\n'%(key, kwargs[key])) other_params = (indent*2).join(other_params)#+'\n' other_params += indent*2 else: other_params = '' kwargs_params = ('- '+kwargs_params) if kwargs_params else '' # Format using template func.__doc__ = getvar_fmtdoc_tpl%locals() + '\n' return func
############################################################################ ### CATALOG ############################################################################
[docs]class CatalogError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Catalog(Object): '''Build dataset files list based on self.get_config Variables in config (all optionnal): - **files**: explicit list of datasets files - **filepattern** , **time**: see :func:`` These configuration can be passed when creating the Catalog object like any other Object, examples: >>> c = Catalog(config='configfile.cfg') >>> c = Catalog(config=dict(files=('', ''))) >>> c = Catalog(config=dict(filepattern='model_%Y-%m-%d', time=('2010-01-01', '2011-01-01'))) >>> c = Catalog(config=dict(filepattern='model_%Y-%m-%d', time=('2010-01-01', '2011-01-01'), files=('', ''))) ''' def __init__(self, files=None, filepattern=None, time=None, **kwargs): self.files, self.filepattern, self.time = files, filepattern, time Object.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def find_datasets(cls, filepattern, time, **kwargs): ''' Perform dataset search using :func:`` ''''Searching datasets using pattern: %s, time: %s', filepattern, time) findings = [] if not isinstance(filepattern, (list, tuple)): filepattern = [filepattern] for fp in filepattern: findings.extend(list_forecast_files(fp, time, **kwargs))'Found %s datasets', len(findings)) return findings
[docs] def get_datasets(self): '''Get the logical view of datasets. Datasets are specified by this object configuration (:meth:`~vacumm.misc.bases.Object.get_config`) using: - files: use files specified directly - filepattern and time: perform dataset search using :func:`~find_datasets` :Return: - List of strings, the dataset files found .. todo:: - Ensure returned dataset order (by (run)date) - Add a tutorial about :class:`Catalog` ''' datasets = [] if self.files: datasets.extend(files) if self.filepattern and self.time: datasets.extend(self.find_datasets(self.filepattern, self.time)) return datasets
############################################################################ ### BASES ############################################################################
[docs]class DatasetError(Exception): pass
[docs]@getvar_decmets class Dataset(Object): '''Generic dataset representation. Handle multiple datasets (files) in a best time serie view. Variables specifications are stored in :attr:`ncobj_specs`. This global attribute must be refined for all new dataset. .. attribute:: ncobj_specs Dictionary describing variable specifications: final id of the variable as the keys, and aliases ad slice as the content. Here is an example:: ncobj_specs = { 'u10m':dict( search=dict(id=['u', 'u10', 'uwind', '.*u.*']), select=(Ellipsis, 0)), 'sst':dict( search=dict(standard_name="sea_surface_temperature"), select=(Ellipsis, -1)), atts=dict(units="DegC"), } :Params: - **dataset**: A dataset or list of dataset (see :meth:`load_dataset`). Argument to are either a :class:`Catalog` instance, or compatible with :func:``. In this latter case, please read the documentation of this function carefully. - **select**: A selector to be applied by default. - **time**: Time for searching files (see :func:``) which overwrites configuration. - **sort/nopat/patfreq/patfmtfunc/check**, optional: These arguments are passed to :func:``. - Extra keywords are passed to Object.__init__, you may then pass a config filepath/dict/ConfigObj. :See also: :ref:`user.desc.dataset`. :Examples: Classical cases: >>> d = Dataset("mars.*.nc") >>> d = Dataset("", time=('2000','2000-02-15')) >>> d = Dataset(['', '']) >>> d = Dataset('') With :meth:`load_dataset`: >>> d = Dataset() >>> d.load_dataset('') >>> d.load_dataset(['', ''], append=True) Is equivalent to: >>> d = Dataset(['', '', '']) Another example using configuration: >>> d = Dataset(config='dataset.cfg') With configuration file 'dataset.cfg': [Dataset] [[Catalog]] files = '', '', '' .. note:: For a subclass of Dataset, say for example MyModel, the configuration would be: [MyModel] [[Catalog]] files = '', '', '' :Attributes: .. attribute:: selector A :class:`cdms2.selectors.Selector` created at initialization time. .. attribute:: selects Same as :attr:`selector` but as dictionary. ''' #: Arakawa grid type (see :mod:``) arakawa_grid_type = None # For auto-declaring methods auto_generic_var_names = ['corio'] ncobj_specs = {} description = None name = None def __init__(self, dataset=None, time=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, ncobj_specs=None, nopat=False, patfreq=None, patfmtfunc=None, sort=True, check=True, **kwargs): # Load dataset if dataset is None: dataset = [] self.dataset = [] time, level, lat, lon, squeeze = self._parse_selects_(time, level, lat, lon) self.selects = dict(time=time, lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level) self.sselects = dict(lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level) self.selector = create_selector(**self.selects) self.sselector = create_selector(**self.sselects) self.squeeze = squeeze Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.load_dataset(dataset, time=time, nopat=nopat, patfreq=patfreq, patfmtfunc=patfmtfunc, sort=sort, check=check) self._ncids = {} self._nibeid = str(id(self)) # IterBestEstimate id # Arakawa grid self.arakawa_grid = ArakawaGrid.factory(self.arakawa_grid_type) # Load specs of variables self._load_ncobj_specs_(ncobj_specs) def _parse_selects_(self, time, level, lat, lon): return time, level, lat, lon, False def _load_ncobj_specs_(self, ncobj_specs=None): """Read the :attr:`ncobj_specs` attribute and reformat it""" # Get specs if ncobj_specs is None: ncobj_specs = self.ncobj_specs # local ncobj_specs = dict_merge(ncobj_specs, self._inherited_ncobj_specs_(), **CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS) # inherited self.ncobj_specs = ncobj_specs # set it # Loop on variables to format their specs for name, specs in ncobj_specs.items(): self._format_single_ncobj_specs_(specs, name) @classmethod def _inherited_ncobj_specs_(cls): """Get merged specs from current and parent classes""" ncobj_specs = {} for c in cls.__bases__: if hasattr(c, 'ncobj_specs'): ncobj_specs = dict_merge(ncobj_specs, c._inherited_ncobj_specs_(), **CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS) return ncobj_specs def _format_single_ncobj_specs_(self, specs, name=None): """Load and reformat ncobj_specs dictionary :Params: - **specs**: Dictionary of the following possible form:: {'search': { 'id':[name1,...], 'standard_name': [standard_name1,...], 'long_name': [long_name1,...] }, 'atts': {'units':units,...}, 'select': select, 'squeeze': squeeze_specs, } If ``search`` is not found, it is taken from :mod:``. If ``'units'`` and ``'long_name'`` are not found in ``atts``, ``select`` is selector as a dictionary, cdms2 selector, tuple or list, passed to :func:``. - **name**, optional: Name (id) of the variable. """ # # From another generic variable # if 'fromobj' in specs: # from_specs = self._get_ncobj_specs_(specs['fromobj']) # specs.update(dict_merge(specs, from_specs)) # del specs['fromobj'] # Search specs search = specs.get("search", {}) specs["search"] = search # - id (as a list, and with name as its first element) ids = search.get("id", []) if isinstance(ids, tuple): ids = list(ids) elif not isinstance(ids, list): ids = [name] if name is not None: if name in ids: ids.remove(name) ids.insert(0, name) search["id"] = ids # - standard_name (as a list) if 'standard_name' in search and not isinstance(search['standard_name'], list): if isinstance(search['standard_name'], tuple): search['standard_name'] = list(search['standard_name']) else: search['standard_name'] = [search['standard_name']] # - removes everything else for key in search.keys(): if key not in ['id', 'standard_name']: del search[key] # Attributes atts = specs.get("atts", {}) specs["atts"] = atts # - put id if name is not None: atts['id'] = name # - put standard_name if 'standard_name' in search: atts.setdefault('standard_name', search['standard_name'][0]) # Selection (slices -> select) if 'slices' in specs: if "select" not in specs: specs['select'] = specs['slices'] del specs['slices'] # # Squeeze (as a list) # if 'squeeze' in specs and not isinstance(specs['squeeze'], list): # specs['squeeze'] = [specs['squeeze']] return specs def _get_ncobj_merged_specs_(self, varname, searchmode=None): """Get object specs merged from :mod:`` and class level specification (attribute :attr:`ncobj_specs`) Merging is done in the following order: 1. Specs from :mod:``. 2. Specs declared at the class definition level (attribute :attr:`ncobj_specs`). 3. Specs from another variable specified through the 'fromobj' specification key. Found specs are reformatted to provide ``search`` and ``atts`` specs using :func:`` and :func:``. :Params: - **varname**: Valid generic name. :Return: A dictionary of specifications. """ # Specs from CF specs ( fromobj = None if varname in CF_VAR_SPECS or varname in CF_AXIS_SPECS: # Search and atts cf_specs = dict( search=cf2search(varname, mode=searchmode), atts=cf2atts(varname), ) # Get 'physloc' axvar_specs = (VAR_SPECS if varname in CF_VAR_SPECS else AXIS_SPECS)[varname] for prop in ['physloc']: if prop in axvar_specs: cf_specs[prop] = axvar_specs[prop] genname = varname fromobj = cf_specs.pop('fromobj', None) else: cf_specs = None # Specs from current class if varname in self.ncobj_specs: local_specs = self.ncobj_specs[varname].copy() if genname is None: genname = varname fromobj = local_specs.pop('inherit', fromobj) else: local_specs = None # From other var if fromobj: from_specs = self._get_ncobj_merged_specs_(fromobj) else: from_specs = None # Merge if from_specs is not None and cf_specs is None and local_specs is None: raise DatasetError(('Generic var/axis name "{}" has no ' 'specification defined in current class or ' 'module').format(varname)) specs = dict_merge(cf_specs, local_specs, from_specs, **CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS) # Final check if specs is not None and 'search' not in specs: specs = None return specs def _get_ncobj_specs_(self, varname, attsingle=True, searchmode=None): """Get specs for searching, selecting and setting defaults of a variable Calls :meth:`_get_ncobj_merged_specs_` for merging specifications. :Return: dict with following keys: genname, search, select, squeeze, atts and physloc """ # Init outputs specs = None select = create_selector() atts = None genname = None squeeze = self.squeeze physloc = None search = None # Generic name -> cf specs and/or class level specs if isinstance(varname , basestring) and not varname.startswith('+'): specs = self._get_ncobj_merged_specs_(varname, searchmode=searchmode) genname = varname # Dict of specifications elif isinstance(varname, dict): specs = self._format_single_ncobj_specs_(varname) if 'fromobj' in specs: from_specs = self._get_ncobj_merged_specs_(specs['fromobj'], searchmode=searchmode) specs = dict_merge(specs, from_specs, **CF_DICT_MERGE_KWARGS) # Single (+varname) or list of netcdf names else: if isinstance(varname , basestring) and varname.startswith('+'): # Netcdf name varname = varname[1:] search = varname if isinstance(search, list): search = tuple(search) # Get search, selector and attributes from specs if specs is not None: # Search search = specs['search'] if isinstance(search['id'], list): search['id'] = tuple(search['id']) # Selector vselect = specs.get('select', None) if vselect is not None: select.refine(create_selector(vselect)) # Attributes if atts is None: atts = specs.get('atts', None) if atts and attsingle: for att, val in atts.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, list): atts[att] = val[0] # Squeeze squeeze = specs.get('squeeze', False) #[]) squeeze = merge_squeeze_specs(self.squeeze, squeeze) # if not isinstance(squeeze, list): # squeeze = [squeeze] # Physical location physloc = specs.get('physloc') if search is None: return return OrderedDict(genname=genname, search=search, select=select, squeeze=squeeze, atts=atts, physloc=physloc) # return genname, search, select, squeeze, atts
[docs] def apply_config(self, config, **kwargs): '''Apply passed configuration (usually internal call from load_config) Call :meth:`~vacumm.misc.bases.Object.apply_config` and load datasets (if config has a Catalog section) ''' self.verbose('Applying configuration:\n %s', '\n '.join(config.write())) Object.apply_config(self, config) catalog = Catalog.from_config(config, nested=True) self.load_dataset(catalog, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_dataset(self, dataset, time=None, **kwargs): '''Load dataset files. :Params: - **dataset**: can be either: - an instance or list of strings (filepath/filepattern/url) that will be passed to :func:``. - an instance of :class:`Catalog` - **time**: used with :meth:`Catalog.find_datasets` when dataset is a string (or list of strings). - Extra keywords are passed to :func:`` (via :meth:`Catalog.find_datasets`). :Keyword parameters: - **append**: keep previously loaded datasets if True :Return: The list of (newly) loaded datasets :Example: >>> d.load_dataset('../../data/model/mars/', ('2004-01-01', '2004-04-01'), patfreq=(2,'month'), verbose=True) [2013-01-14 09:42:43 CET Catalog INFO] Searching datasets using pattern: ['../../data/model/mars/'], time: ('2004-01-01', '2004-04-01') Guessing file list using: filepattern: ../../data/model/mars/ time selector: ('2004-01-01', '2004-03-31') Found 2 files [2013-01-14 09:42:43 CET Catalog INFO] Found 2 datasets [2013-01-14 09:42:43 CET Dataset INFO] Loading datasets: [2013-01-14 09:42:43 CET Dataset INFO] - ../../data/model/mars/ [2013-01-14 09:42:43 CET Dataset INFO] - ../../data/model/mars/ ''' append = kwargs.pop('append', None) # Catalog case: get its dataset files (copy logger level too) if isinstance(dataset, Catalog): oldlevel = dataset.get_loglevel() dataset.set_loglevel(self.get_loglevel()) datasets = dataset.get_datasets() dataset.set_loglevel(oldlevel) # Other cases: let Catalog find files using filepaths / filepatterns & time else: if not isinstance(dataset, (list, tuple)): dataset = [dataset] oldlevel = Catalog.get_loglevel() Catalog.set_loglevel(self.get_loglevel()) datasets = Catalog.find_datasets(dataset, time, **kwargs) Catalog.set_loglevel(oldlevel) # Open new datasets if datasets:'Loading datasets:') for i,d in enumerate(datasets): datasets[i] ='- %s', datasets[i].id) # If append mode, extend internal list if append: self.dataset.extend(datasets) # Otherwise close internal list and overwrite it else: self.close() self.dataset = list(datasets) # Return the new datasets return datasets
[docs] def close(self): for ds in self.dataset: if ds._status_ != 'closed': try: ds.close() except: self.exception('Error closing dataset %s',
def __del__(self): self.close() def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return self.dataset[key] return self.dataset[0][key]
[docs] def get_variable_names(self): """Get the list of netcdf variable names of the first file""" return self[0].listvariables()
[docs] def get_selector(self, time=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, merge=True, only=None, split=False, **kwargs): """Get a cdms2.selectors.Selector from specified time/lat/lon/level selection :Params: - **time/lon/lat/level**, optional: Refine or set the selector with these components. - **only**, optional: Work only on one component, like "time" or "t". - **merge**, optional: Merge with selector created at initialization time (stored in attribute :attr:`selector`.) - **split**, optional: return a splitted selector (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.split_selector`) """ # Only on one component if only is not None: # Init myselect = create_selector() # Check "only" onlies = only for only in onlies: only = str(only).lower() _geonames = {'x':'lon', 'y':'lat', 'z':'level', 't':'time'} allowed = _geonames.keys()+_geonames.values() if not only in allowed: raise TypeError('Wrong selector type for "only". Please choose on of: '%', '.join(allowed)) if only in _geonames.keys(): only = _geonames[only] # Get and merge if merge: if self.selects[only] is not None: myselect.refine(**{only:self.selects[only]}) if locals()[only] is not None: myselect.refine(**{only:locals()[only]}) return split_selector(myselect) if split else myselect # Full selector myselect = create_selector() if merge: myselect.refine(self.selector) kw = dict(lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level, time=time) for key, val in kw.items(): if val is None: del kw[key] if kw: myselect.refine(**kw) return split_selector(myselect) if split else myselect
[docs] def get_seltimes(self, time=None): """Get a zero to two elements time selector specifications It is the addition of non global and local time selection specs """ seltimes = [] if self.selects['time'] is not None: seltimes.append(self.selects['time']) if time is not None: seltimes.append(time) return seltimes
[docs] def get_axis(self, name, select=None, select2=None, dataset=None, warn=True, getid=False, searchmode=None, format=True): """Retreive a 1D or 2D axis. :Params: - **name**: Generic axis name. - **select** optional: Selection along this axis. Only slices are accepted for 2D axes. - **select2** optional: Selection on the other dimension for 2D axes. - **dataset** optional: find axis based on this dataset. - **getid**, optional: If True, only return the id (netcdf name) or None. - **warn**, optional: Display a warning in case of problem. - **searchmode**, optional: Search order (see :func:``). - **format**, optional: Format the axis using :func:``? :Return: - cdms2 axis or None if not found, or id """ # Inits if not getid: self.debug('Searching axis %s', name) if dataset is None and not len(self.dataset): if warn: self.warning('No %s found, dataset is empty', name) return None axis = None if dataset is None: dataset = self.dataset[0] if not getid: self.debug('Using reference dataset: %s', # Get specs specs = self._get_ncobj_specs_(name, attsingle=False, searchmode=searchmode) genname = specs['genname'] search = specs['search'] atts = specs['atts'] if 'long_name' in atts: search['long_name'] = atts['long_name'] if 'units' in atts and 'axis' in atts and atts['axis']!='Z': search['units'] = atts['units'] # Check cache first ncname = self._get_cached_ncid_(genname) if getid and ncname: return ncname # Search id if not available if ncname is None: # Find try: ncname = ncfind_obj(dataset, search, regexp=True, searchmode=searchmode) if getid: return ncname if ncname is None: if warn: self.warning('Generic axis not found with search specs: %s'%search) return except: if not getid and warn: self.warning('Error searching for generic axis ' 'with specs: %s. Message: %s'%(search, format_exc())) return # Cache result self._set_cached_ncid_(genname, ncname) # Read if ncname in dataset.listvariables(): axis = dataset(ncname) else: axis = dataset.getAxis(ncname) axis = axis.clone() # Format if genname is not None and format: axis = format_axis(axis, genname) atts = _notuplist_(atts) if atts: for key, val in atts.items(): setattr(axis, key, val) # Select if select is not False and select2 is not False: # Curv case if len(axis.shape)==2: axtype = get_axis_type(axis, genname=True, ro=True, checkatts=False) if select is not None or self.selects[axtype] is not None: if (genname and genname.startswith('lon')) or islon(axis, ro=True): aname = 'lat' if genname: aname += genname[3:] axis = axis, getattr(self, 'get_'+aname)(False) iaxis = 0 elif (genname and genname.startswith('lat')) or islat(axis, ro=True): aname = 'lon' if genname: aname += genname[3:] axis = getattr(self, 'get_'+aname)(False), axis iaxis = 1 select, select2 = select2, select axis = self._select_on_axis_(axis, select, select2, global_select=True, genname=genname)[iaxis] else: axis = self._select_on_axis_(axis, select, select2, global_select=True, genname=genname) return axis
def _select_on_axis_(self, axis, select1=None, select2=None, global_select=True, genname=None): """Global and local selection applied to a 1D or 2D axis :Params: - **axis**: cdms2 axis on which to operate, or a tuple of them (2D case). - **select1**: local lon selection if axis is lon, else lat selection. - **select2**: local lat selection if axis is lon, else lon selection. - **global_select**: also apply a global selection (using self.selects). """ if select1 is False: return axis if not isinstance(axis, tuple) and len(axis.shape)==1: # 1D axis selects = [select1 or select2] axtype = get_axis_type(axis, genname=True, ro=True, checkatts=False) if axtype and global_select: selects.insert(0, self.selects[axtype]) for sel in selects: if sel is None: continue if isinstance(sel, slice): i, j, k = sel.indices(len(axis)) elif isinstance(sel, tuple): ijk = axis.mapIntervalExt(sel) if ijk is None: raise DatasetError("Can't appy selection %s to axis %s"%(sel, genname or axis)) i, j, k = ijk else: raise DatasetError("Selection must be a tuple or a slice: %s"%sel) axis = axis.subaxis(i, j, k) else: # Global selection if global_select: if self.selects['lon'] is None and self.selects['lat'] is None: global_select = None else: global_select = dict(lon = self.selects['lon'] or None, lat = self.selects['lat'] or None) else: global_select = None # Local selection if select1 is None and select2 is None: # No selection local_select = None else: lon = lat = None axtarget = axis[0] if isinstance(axis, tuple) else axis axtype = get_axis_type(axtarget, genname=True, ro=True, checkatts=False) if select1 is not None and select2 is not None: # Along X and Y lon, lat = select1, select2 elif select1 is not None: if axtype=='lon': lon = select1 else: lat = select1 else: if axtype=='lat': lon = select2 else: lat = select2 local_select = dict(lon=lon, lat=lat) for sel in [global_select, local_select]: if sel is None: continue if sel['lon'] is None and sel['lat'] is None: continue axis = gridsel(axis, **sel) return axis def _get_cached_ncid_(self, genname): if genname is None: return return self._ncids.get(genname, None) def _set_cached_ncid_(self, genname, ncid): if genname is None: return self._ncids[genname] = ncid
[docs] def get_variable(self, varname, time=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, atts=None, squeeze=False, order=None, asvar=None, torect=True, depthup=None,verbose=None, warn=True, searchmode='is', format=True, at=None, grid=None, **kwargs): '''Load a variable in a best time serie fashion. :Params: - **varname**: Either a generic variable name listed in :attr:``, a netcdf name with a '+' a prefix, a tuple of netcdf variable names or dictionnary of specification names with a search argument of :func:`` (tuple of netcdf names or dictionary). - **time/lon/lat/level**: Selector components. - **squeeze**: If true, call :func:`squeeze_variable` on the returned variable. - **order**: If not None, specify the output variable axes order. - **depthup**: Make depths up. - **torect**: Make grid rectangular if possible. - **at/toloc**: Interpolate the variable to another location on the grid using :meth:`toloc`. Note that the :attr:`arakawa_grid_type` must be defined. - **format**: Format the variable and its axes using :func:``? - **warn**: Display a warning message if the variable can"t be retreived. - Other kwargs are passed to :func:``. :Return: cdms2 variable or None if not found :Example: >>> get_variable('ssh', lon=(-10,0)) >>> get_variable('+xe') >>> get_variable(dict(search={'standard_name':'sea_surface_height_above_sea_level'})) ''' selstring = 'time: %(time)s, level: %(level)s, lat: %(lat)s, lon: %(lon)s'%locals() self.debug('Getting variable: %(varname)s, %(selstring)s'%locals()) if not len(self.dataset): if warn: self.warning('No %s variable found, dataset is empty', varname) return None # Specifications for searching, selecting and modifying the variable specs = self._get_ncobj_specs_(varname, searchmode=searchmode) if specs is None: if (isinstance(varname, basestring) and not varname.startswith('+') and varname in self.get_variable_names()): specs = self._get_ncobj_specs_('+'+varname) # direct from file else: if warn: self.warning('No valid specs to search for %s and not in file', varname) return None genname = specs['genname'] search = specs['search'] select = specs['select'] base_squeeze = specs['squeeze'] atts = specs['atts'] # Refine selector select.refine(self.get_selector(lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level, merge=True, only='xyz')) seltimes = self.get_seltimes(time=time) or [None] if len(seltimes)==2 and all([isinstance(seltime, tuple) for seltime in seltimes]): seltimes = [itv_intersect(*seltimes)] if hasattr(select, 'squeeze') and select.squeeze: squeeze = merge_squeeze_specs(base_squeeze, select.squeeze) # Search for the variable now ncvarid = self._get_cached_ncid_(genname) if ncvarid is None: ncvarid = ncfind_var(self.dataset[0], search, searchmode=searchmode) self._set_cached_ncid_(genname, ncvarid) if ncvarid is not None and isaxis(self.dataset[0][ncvarid]): ncvarid = None if ncvarid is None: if warn: self.warning('Variable not found with search specs: %s (in file %s)', search, self.dataset[0]) return # TODO: if grid not found and specs say that there must have a grid, create it with get_lon/get_lat # Curved grid case if len(self.dataset[0][ncvarid].shape)>2: var_grid = self.dataset[0][ncvarid].getGrid() if grid is None: grid = var_grid kwg = {} elif var_grid is not None: kwg = dict(xid=var_grid.getAxis(1).id, yid=var_grid.getAxis(0).id) if grid is not None: curvsel = CurvedSelector(grid, select, **kwg) else: curvsel = None # Intercept kwargs before ncread_files # Read kwncr = kwargs.copy() kwncr['torect'] = False dict_filter_out(kwncr, ['at'], copy=False, mode='start') # seltime = filter_time_selector(select, ids=self.get_timeid()) try: var = ncread_files(self.dataset, #[ for d in self.dataset], ncvarid, time=seltimes[0], timeid=self.get_timeid(), select=select, verbose=verbose if verbose is not None else self.is_debug(), squeeze=base_squeeze, nibeid=self._nibeid+str(time), **kwncr) if var is None: if warn: self.warning('No data found for variable: %s, local select: %s', varname, selstring) return except VACUMMError, e: if warn: self.warning('Error reading variable: %s. Message: %s', varname, e.message) return if isinstance(var, list): var = var[0] # Finalize if isinstance(var, N.ndarray): # Minimal formatting if format and genname and cdms2.isVariable(var): = genname # Post process if len(seltimes)>1: kwargs[self.get_timeid()] = seltimes[1] var = self.finalize_object(var, genname=genname, format=format, atts=atts, order=order, squeeze=squeeze, asvar=asvar, torect=torect, depthup=depthup, curvsel=curvsel, at=at, **kwargs) self.verbose('Loaded variable: %s', self.describe(var)) return var
[docs] def get(self, varname, **kwargs): """Generic way to get a variable It first tries to find a ``get_*`` method, then call :meth:`get_variable` if no method is found. """ var = None if hasattr(self, 'get_'+varname): var = getattr(self, 'get_'+varname)(**kwargs) if var is None: var = self.get_variable(varname, **kwargs) return var
__call__ = get # def get_time(self, *args, **kwargs): # return self.get_axis('t', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_timeid(self, warn=False): """Get the time id""" # From cache timeid = self._get_cached_ncid_('time') if timeid is not None: return timeid if not len(self.dataset): if warn: self.warning('No time found, dataset is empty') return None # Find time id specs = self._get_ncobj_specs_('time') genname = specs['genname'] search = specs['search'] timeid = ncfind_axis(self.dataset[0], search) self._set_cached_ncid_('time', timeid) return timeid
[docs] def get_time(self, time=None, var=None, ids=None, warn=True, **kwargs): '''Load time axis in a best time serie fashion. :Params: - **time**: time selector ''' self.debug('Getting time, select: %s', time) # Find time id timeid = self.get_timeid(warn=max(int(warn)-1, 0)) if timeid is None: return # Loop on files with first level selection allaxes = [] if timeid: # Pre and post time selectors iter_time = None post_times = [] for this_time in [self.selects.get('time', None), time]: if isinstance(this_time, tuple) and iter_time is None: iter_time = this_time elif this_time not in [None, False]: post_times.append(this_time) # Build iterator iter = NcIterBestEstimate([ for d in self.dataset], iter_time, timeid=timeid, autoclose=False, id=str(iter_time)) # Iterate for f,t in iter: if t is None: continue if f._status_=='closed': f = axis = f.getAxis(iter.timeid).clone() i, j, k = t.indices(len(axis)) if i!=0 or j!=len(axis): axis = axis.subaxis(i, j, k) allaxes.append(axis) iter.close() # Finalize if allaxes : # Concatenate axis = MV2_axisConcatenate(allaxes, copy=0) # Final selections for this_time in post_times: axis = self._select_on_axis_(axis, this_time, genname='time', global_select=False) # Format axis = format_axis(axis.clone(), 'time') return axis if warn: self.warning('No time found for select: %s'%time)
[docs] def get_ctime(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get time axis as a list of :class:`cdtime.comptime` It is a simple shortcut to: >>> ds.get_time().asComponentTime() :Params: All arguments are passed to :meth:`get_time` """ time = self.get_time(*args, **kwargs) if time is not None: return time.asComponentTime()
[docs] def get_time_res(self): '''Get the estimated time resolution, based on the two first time coordinates :Return: - resolution as datetime.timedelta ''' ctime = self.get_ctime() if ctime is None: return return adatetime(ctime[1]) - adatetime(ctime[0])
[docs] def get_lon(self, lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): '''Get longitude axis''' return self.get_axis('lon', lon, lat, **kwargs)
get_longitude = get_lon
[docs] def get_lon_t(self, lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): '''Get longitude axis at T location''' return self.get_axis('lon_t', lon, lat, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lon_u(self, lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): '''Get longitude axis at U location''' return self.get_axis('lon_u', lon, lat, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lon_v(self, lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): '''Get longitude axis at V location''' return self.get_axis('lon_v', lon, lat, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lon_f(self, lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): '''Get longitude axis at F location''' return self.get_axis('lon_f', lon, lat, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lat(self, lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs): '''Get latitude axis''' return self.get_axis('lat', lat, lon, **kwargs)
get_latitude = get_lat
[docs] def get_lat_t(self, lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs): '''Get latitude axis at T location''' return self.get_axis('lat_t', lat, lon, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lat_u(self, lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs): '''Get latitude axis at U location''' return self.get_axis('lat_u', lat, lon, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lat_v(self, lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs): '''Get latitude axis at V location''' return self.get_axis('lat_v', lat, lon, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lat_f(self, lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs): '''Get latitude axis at F location''' return self.get_axis('lat_f', lat, lon, **kwargs)
def _get_grid_(self, loc='', lon=None, lat=None, format=True, warn=True, dataset=None, searchmode='si'): # Loc loc = _at_(loc) loc_ = _at_(loc, prefix='_') longenname = 'lon' + loc_ latgenname = 'lat' + loc_ # Search specs searches = {} for name in longenname, latgenname: specs = self._get_ncobj_specs_(name, attsingle=False, searchmode=searchmode) # genname = specs['genname'] searches[name] = specs['search'] atts = specs['atts'] if 'long_name' in atts: searches[name]['long_name'] = atts['long_name'] if 'units' in atts and 'axis' in atts and atts['axis']!='Z': searches[name]['units'] = atts['units'] # Inits self.debug('Searching for a grid that matches: ({}, {})'.format(latgenname, longenname)) if dataset is None and not len(self.dataset): if warn: self.warning('No %s found, dataset is empty', name) return None axis = None if dataset is None: dataset = self.dataset[0] self.debug('Using reference dataset: %s', for grid in dataset.grids.values(): valid = True for name, axis in [(longenname, grid.getLongitude()), (latgenname, grid.getLatitude())]: valid &= ncmatch_obj(axis, searchmode=searchmode, **searches[name]) # bool(ncfind_obj(dataset, search, regexp=True, # searchmode=searchmode)) if valid: break else: if warn: msg = "Can't get grid" if loc: msg = msg = 'at {} location'.format(loc.upper()) self.warn(msg) return # Select if lon is not None or lat is not None: grid = gridsel(grid, lon, lat) else: # clone grid = clone_grid(grid) # Format if format: format_grid(grid, loc, format_subaxes=False) return grid
[docs] def get_grid(self, **kwargs): return self._get_grid_('', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_grid_t(self, **kwargs): return self._get_grid_('t', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_grid_u(self, **kwargs): return self._get_grid_('u', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_grid_v(self, **kwargs): return self._get_grid_('v', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_grid_f(self, **kwargs): return self._get_grid_('f', **kwargs)
# def get_grid(self, lon=None, lat=None, format=True, warn=True): # '''Get grid''' # warn2 = max(int(warn)-1, 0) # axlon = self.get_lon(lon, lat, format=format, warn=warn2) # axlat = self.get_lat(lat, lon, format=format, warn=warn2) # if axlon is None or axlat is None: # if warn: self.warning("Can't get grid") # return None # grid = create_grid(axlon, axlat) # return grid
[docs] def get_grid_t_old(self, lon=None, lat=None, format=True, warn=True): '''Get grid at T location''' warn2 = max(int(warn)-1, 0) axlon = self.get_lon_t(lon, lat, format=format, warn=warn2) axlat = self.get_lat_t(lat, lon, format=format, warn=warn2) if axlon is None or axlat is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't get grid") return None grid = create_grid(axlon, axlat) return grid
[docs] def get_grid_u_old(self, lon=None, lat=None, format=True, warn=True): '''Get grid at U location''' warn2 = max(int(warn)-1, 0) axlon = self.get_lon_u(lon, lat, format=format, warn=warn2) axlat = self.get_lat_u(lat, lon, format=format, warn=warn2) if axlon is None or axlat is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't get grid") return None grid = create_grid(axlon, axlat) return grid
[docs] def get_grid_v_old(self, lon=None, lat=None, format=True, warn=True): '''Get grid at V location''' warn2 = max(int(warn)-1, 0) axlon = self.get_lon_v(lon, lat, format=format, warn=warn2) axlat = self.get_lat_v(lat, lon, format=format, warn=warn2) if axlon is None or axlat is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't get grid") return None grid = create_grid(axlon, axlat) return grid
[docs] def get_grid_f_old(self, lon=None, lat=None, format=True, warn=True): '''Get grid at F location''' warn2 = max(int(warn)-1, 0) axlon = self.get_lon_f(lon, lat, format=format, warn=warn2) axlat = self.get_lat_f(lat, lon, format=format, warn=warn2) if axlon is None or axlat is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't get grid") return None grid = create_grid(axlon, axlat) return grid
[docs] def get_shape(self, dims='tzyx', warn=True): """Get the dataset shape from known generic dims :Params: - **dims**, optional: Letters that select the generic dimensions to consider. :Return: A tuple of the size of dimensions. If a requested dim is not found, None is returned for its size. """ shape = () getters = dict(x='lon', y='lat', z='level', t='time') for d in dims: if d in getters: axis = getattr(self, 'get_'+getters[d])() sh = axis.shape if axis is not None else None if sh: if len(sh)==2: # 2D axes sh = sh[0] if d=='y' else sh[1] else: sh = sh[0] else: sh = None if warn: self.warning('Invalid generic dim: %s'%d) shape += sh, return shape
shape = property(fget=get_shape, doc='Generic shape of the dataset') def _get_dxy_(self, xy, at='t', lon=None, lat=None, degrees=False, mode=None, local=True, frompt=None, **kwargs): dxy = None atp = _at_(at, squeezet=True, focus='hor', prefix='_') dict_check_defaults(kwargs, warn=False, verbose=False) kwgeo = dict(lon=lon, lat=lat) kwg = kwgeo if not local else {} kwvar = dict(kwargs, **kwgeo) rmode = 'raw' if local else "median" if frompt is None: frompt = [] frompt.append((at, 'centered')) # X or Y axis = -1 if xy=='x' else 0 genname_deg = ['dlat', 'dlon'][axis] # In meters if not degrees: # Using sizes if check_mode('var', mode): dxy = self.get_variable('d'+xy+atp, **kwvar) if not local and dxy is not None: dxy = N.median(dxy.compressed()) if dxy is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return dxy # Using coordinates if check_mode('coord', mode): # Estimate dxy = self._coord2res_(axis, self._coord2dxy_, rmode, frompt, kwg, kwgeo) # Finalize return self._finalize_dxy_(axis, atp, dxy, 'd'+xy, kwgeo, **kwargs) return # In degrees # - estimate dxy = self._coord2res_(axis, self._coord2dlonlat_, rmode, frompt, kwg, kwgeo) # - finalize return self._finalize_dxy_(axis, atp, dxy, genname_deg, kwgeo, **kwargs) def _coord2res_(self, axis, func, rmode, frompt, kwg, kwgeo): """Estimate resolution in meters or degrees from coordinates at several locations""" dxy = None if frompt: # [('u', -1)] # FIXME: WE MUST DOT IT HERE AND USE FINALISE/AT INSTEAD for pt, transforms in frompt: # Compute it dxy = func(axis, pt, rmode, **kwg) if dxy is None: continue if rmode!='raw': return dxy # Loop on transforms for transform in transforms: # Centered estimation if transform=='centered': sh = list(dxy.shape) sh[axis]+=1 dxy_ = N.zeros(sh) sl = get_axis_slices(sh, axis) dxy_[sl['firsts']] += shift1d(dxy, shift=-1, axis=axis) dxy_[sl['last']] += shift1d(dxy, shift=1, axis=axis)[sl['last']] dxy = dxy_ else: # Using specified transforms transfunc, kw = transform dxy = transfunc(dxy, **kw) return dxy def _coord2dxy_(self, axis, pt, rmode, **kwgeo): """Estimate resolution in meters from coordinates""" atp = _at_(pt, squeezet=True, focus='hor', prefix='_') grid = getattr(self, 'get_grid'+atp)(**kwgeo) # lat is also needed for projection if grid is None: return return resol(grid, proj=True, mode=rmode, axis=axis)[1+axis] def _coord2dlonlat_(self, axis, pt, rmode, **kwgeo): """Estimate resolution in degrees from coordinates""" atp = _at_(pt, squeezet=True, focus='hor', prefix='_') name = ['lat', 'lon'][axis] coord = getattr(self, 'get_'+name+atp)(**kwgeo) if coord is None: return return resol(coord, proj=False, mode=rmode, axis=-1) def _finalize_dxy_(self, axis, atp, dxy, genname, kwgeo, warn=True, **kwargs): """Reshape, put on grid and finalize as other variables""" # Nothing if dxy is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't estimate resolution from coordinates") return if N.isscalar(dxy): return dxy # Put on grid dxy = MV2.asarray(dxy) grid = getattr(self, 'get_grid'+atp)(**kwgeo) if dxy.ndim==1: if axis==0: dxy = MV2.transpose(, -1), grid.shape[::-1])) else: dxy = MV2.resize(dxy, grid.shape) set_grid(dxy, grid) # Finalize return self.finalize_object(dxy, genname=genname+atp, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dx(self, **kwargs): """Get the grid resolution along X It can be stored as an variable or computed from coordinates. """ frompt = [('u', [(extend1d, {'ext':(1, 0), 'axis':-1})])] return self._get_dxy_('x', 't', frompt=frompt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dx_u(self, **kwargs): """Get the grid resolution along X at U location""" frompt = [('t', [(extend1d, {'ext':(0, 1), 'axis':-1})])] return self._get_dxy_('x', 'u', frompt=frompt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dx_v(self, **kwargs): """Get the grid resolution along X at V location""" frompt = [ ('u', [(extend1d, {'ext':(0, 1), 'axis':-1}), (shift1d, {'shift':1, 'axis':0})]), ('t', ['centered', (shift1d, {'shift':1, 'axis':0})]), ] return self._get_dxy_('x', 'v', frompt=frompt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dy(self, **kwargs): """Get the grid resolution along Y It can be stored as an variable or computed from coordinates. """ frompt = [('u', [(extend1d, {'ext':(1, 0), 'axis':0})])] return self._get_dxy_('y', 't', frompt=frompt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dy_v(self, **kwargs): """Get the grid resolution along Y at V location""" frompt = [('t', [(extend1d, {'ext':(0, 1), 'axis':0})])] return self._get_dxy_('y', 'v', frompt=frompt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dy_u(self, **kwargs): """Get the grid resolution along Y at U location""" frompt = [ ('u', [(extend1d, {'ext':(0, 1), 'axis':0}), (shift1d, {'shift':1, 'axis':-1})]), ('t', ['centered', (shift1d, {'shift':1, 'axis':-1})]), ] return self._get_dxy_('y', 'u', frompt=frompt, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_resol(self, degrees=False, at='t', mode=None, warn=True, **kwargs): """Get the horizontal grid resolutions :Params: - **degrees**, optional: In degrees or meters? - **local**, optional: Get resolution at each point? :Return: ``dx,dy`` :See also: :meth:`get_dx` :meth:`get_dy` :meth:`get_grid` :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.resol` """ dx = dy = None # In meters if not degrees: # Using sizes kw = dict(local=False, verbose=False, mode='var', degrees=False) kw.update(kwargs) try: dx = self._get_dx_(at, **kw) except: pass try: dy = self._get_dy_(at, **kw) except: pass if dx is not None and dy is not None: return dx, dy # Using coordinates (degrees or meters) grid = self.get_grid(**kwargs) if grid is None: dx2 = dy2 = None else: dx2, dy2 = resol(grid, proj=not degrees, mode="median") res = dx or dx2, dy or dy2 if (res[0] is None or res[1] is None) and warn: self.warning("Can't properly estimate resolution along both X and Y") return res
[docs] def get_level(self, level=None, **kwargs): '''Get level axis, based on :func:`get_axis`''' return self.get_axis('level', select=level, **kwargs)
# @getvar_fmtdoc # def get_corio(self, **kwargs): # '''Get Coriolis parameter''' # return self.get_variable('corio', **kwargs) # # @getvar_fmtdoc # def get_corio_u(self, **kwargs): # '''Get Coriolis parameter''' # return self.get_variable('corio_u', **kwargs) # # @getvar_fmtdoc # def get_corio_v(self, **kwargs): # '''Get Coriolis parameter''' # return self.get_variable('corio_v', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_transect(self, varname, lons, lats, times=None, method='bilinear', subsamp=3, getcoords=False, timeavg=False, outaxis=None, time=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, warn=True, **kwargs): """Get a transect between two points It uses :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.transect`. :Params: - **varname**: Generic var name. - **lons/lats**: Specification of transect, either - Coordinates of first and last point in degrees as tuples in the form ``(lon0,lon1)`` and ``(lat0,lat1)``. The array of coordinates is generated using :func:`transect_specs`. - Or explicit array of coordinates (as scalars, lists or arrays). - **times**, optional: For time transect too. - **subsamp**, optional: Subsampling with respect to grid cell. - **method**, optional: Interpolation method (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.grid2xy`). - **getcoords**, optional: Also get computed coordinates. - **outaxis**, optional: Output axis. - A cdms2 axis. - ``None`` or ``'auto'``: Longitudes or latitudes depending on the range. - ``'lon'`` or ``'x'``: Longitudes. - ``'lat'`` or ``'y'``: Latitudes. - ``'dist'`` or ``'d'``: Distance in km. - **timeavg**, optional: Time average of results. :Return: ``tvar`` or ``tvar,tlons,tlats`` """ # Params if time is None and times is not None: ctimes = comptime(times) time = (ctimes[0], ctimes[-1], 'ccn') kwvar = kwfilter(kwargs, ['torect', 'at', 'squeeze', 'asvar'], time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, level=level, depthup=False, warn=max(int(warn)-1, 0)) # Get data var = self.get(varname, **kwvar) if var is None: return if len(var.shape)<2: if warn: self.warning('Your variable needs at least to be YX for a transect') return var # Make transect res = transect(var, lons, lats, subsamp=subsamp, getcoords=getcoords, method=method, outaxis=outaxis) tvar = res[0] if getcoords else res # Time average if timeavg and tvar.getOrder().startswith('t') and tvar.shape[0]>1: self.verbose('Averaging transect along time') tvar = MV2.average(tvar, axis=0) tvar = self.finalize_object(tvar, **kwargs) if getcoords: return (tvar, )+res[1:] return tvar
[docs] def plot_transect(self, varname, lons, lats, times=None, method='bilinear', timeavg=False, subsamp=3, outaxis=None, time=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, title='%(long_name)s along transect', minimap=None, **kwargs): """Plot a transect between two points :Params: - **varname**: Generic var name. - **lons/lats/times**: Specification of transect (see :meth:`get_transect`). - **title**, optional: Title of the figure. - **minimap**, optional: If True, add a minimap showing the transect on a map; if False, display nothing; if None, display if no minimap already displayed. - **minimap_<param>**, optional: Passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_map_lines`. - Some params are passed to :meth:`get_transect`. - Other params are passed to the plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.curve2` for 1D plots and, :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.hov2` or :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.section2` for 2D plots. """ # Get data kwts = dict(method=method, subsamp=subsamp, timeavg=timeavg, outaxis=outaxis, time=time, lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level, times=times, **kwargs) var, lons, lats = self.get_transect(varname, lons, lats, getcoords=True, **kwts) try: time = var.getTime().asComponentTime() ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time[0]) if timeavg or var.ndim==3: ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[0]) ct1 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[-1]) title = "\n".join((title,"%s / %s period" %(ct0,ct1))) else: title = "\n".join((title,ct0)) except Exception, e: self.warning("Can't get time information. Error: \n"+e.message) var = squeeze_variable(var) if var is None: self.error("Can't get transect on variable") return if var.getLevel() is not None: if self.domain=="ocean": depth = self.get_transect('depth', lons, lats, squeeze=True, **kwts) elif self.domain=="atmos": depth = self.get_transect('altitude', lons, lats, squeeze=True, **kwts) if isaxis(depth): depth = None else: depth = None # Check dimension if var.ndim==3: self.warning('Forcing time average to have a 2D transect') var = MV2.average(var, axis=0) if depth is not None and depth.getTime() is not None: depth = MV2.average(depth, axis=0) # Main plot kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'minimap_') post_plot = kwargs.get('post_plot', True) kwargs.update(post_plot=False, title=title) kwargs.setdefault('bgcolor', '0.5') kwargs.setdefault('ymax', 0) # - 1D if var.ndim==1: p = curve2(var, **kwargs) # - T- elif 't' in var.getOrder(): p = hov2(var, **kwargs) # - Z- else: # - Modif GC: Masked depth converted to 0. if depth[:] = depth.filled(0.) kwargs.setdefault('fill', 'contourf') p = section2(var, yaxis=depth, **kwargs) # Minimap if minimap=='auto': minimap = None if minimap is True or (minimap is None and not getattr(p.axes, '_minimap', False)): kwmap.setdefault('map_zoom', 0.5) m = add_map_lines(((lons[0],lons[-1]),(lats[0], lats[-1])), lons, lats, **kwmap) p.axes._minimap = True del kwargs['title'] if post_plot: if self.domain=="atmos": else: p.post_plot(**kwargs) #tight_layout() return p
[docs] def get_hsection(self, varname, depth, time=None, lat=None, lon=None, timeavg=False, warn=True, **kwargs): """Get a horizontal section of a variable for a specified depth :Params: - **varname**: Generic var name. - **depth**: Target depth. - **timeavg**, optional: Time average of results. - **depth_<param>**, optional: Param is passed to :meth:`get_depth`. - **interp_<param>**, optional: Param is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.interp1d`. """ # Params kwargs.pop('level', None) kwvar = dict(time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, torect=kwargs.pop('torect', True), warn=max(int(warn)-1, 0)) kwdepth = kwfilter(kwargs, 'depth_') kwdepth.update(kwvar) kwinterp = kwfilter(kwargs, 'interp_', axis=1) kwinterp.setdefault('method', 'linear') # Get data var = self.get(varname, **kwvar) if self.domain=="ocean": vardepth = self.get_depth(**kwdepth) elif self.domain=="atmos": vardepth = self.get_altitude(**kwdepth) if var is None or vardepth is None: if warn: self.warning('Cannot get var or depths for hsection') return # Get time information ctime = None try: time = var.getTime().asComponentTime() ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time[0]) if timeavg and var.getOrder().startswith('t') and var.shape[0]>1: ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[0]) ct1 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[-1]) ctime = "%s / %s period" %(ct0,ct1) else: ctime = ct0 except Exception, e: self.warning("Can't get time information. Error: \n"+e.message) # Interpolate lvar = self._interp_at_depths_(var, vardepth, depth, domain=self.domain, **kwinterp) # Time average if timeavg and lvar.getOrder().startswith('t') and lvar.shape[0]>1: lvar = MV2.average(lvar, axis=0) return self.finalize_object(lvar, depthup=False, **kwargs), ctime
@staticmethod def _interp_at_depths_(var, vardepth, depths, domain="ocean", **kwargs): if domain=="ocean": depths = -N.abs(depths) elif domain == "atmos": depths = N.abs(depths) zo = create_dep([depths] if N.isscalar(depths) else depths[:]) if isinstance(vardepth, tuple): vardepth = vardepth[0] iaxi = var.getOrder().index('z') if len(vardepth.shape) > 1: # var, vardepth = grow_variables(var, vardepth) kwargs.update(axi=vardepth.filled(0.)) iaxo = iaxi else: iaxo = 0 return regrid1d(var, zo, iaxi=iaxi, iaxo=iaxo, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_hsection(self, varname, depth, time=None, lat=None, lon=None, timeavg=False, title='%(long_name)s at %(depth)im', mask_land=False, **kwargs): """Plot a horizontal section of a variable for a specified depth Section is computed with :meth:`get_hsection`. :Params: - **varname**: Generic var name. - **depth**: Target depth. - **timeavg**, optional: Time average of results. - **depth_<param>**, optional: Param is passed to :meth:`get_depth`. - **interp_<param>**, optional: Param is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.interp1d`. - Other arguments are passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2`. """ # Get section interp2depth = isinstance(depth,(int, float, list, N.ndarray, N.generic) ) if interp2depth: depth = -N.abs(depth) var, ctime = self.get_hsection(varname, depth, time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, timeavg=timeavg, squeeze=True) else: var = self.get_variable(varname, level=depth, time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon) ctime = strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', var.getTime().asComponentTime()[0] ) var = squeeze_variable(var) title = ' '.join(("%(long_name)s at level ",str(depth.start))) # Atmosphere : Mask fields to remove contours on land if mask_land and self.domain=="atmos": land = self.get_oro(lat=lat, lon=lon, time=slice(0,1),squeeze=True) mask = land > 0. var[:] = MV2.masked_where(N.resize(land > 0., var.shape), var, copy=0) # Plot it long_name = getattr(var, 'long_name', '') units = getattr(var, 'units', '') title = "\n".join((title,ctime)) dict_check_defaults(kwargs, bgcolor='0.5') return map2(var, title=title%locals(), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def squeeze_variable(cls, var, spec=True): '''Squeeze a variable, preserving remaining axis :See also: :func:`vacumm.misc.misc.squeeze_variable` ''' cls.debug('Squeezing variable: %s', cls.describe(var)) return squeeze_variable(var, spec)
#axes = [a for a in var.getAxisList() if a.shape[0] > 1] #var = var.squeeze() #if numpy.size(var): #var.setAxisList(axes) #return var
[docs] def toloc(self, var, loc, fromloc=None, copy=False, **kwargs): """Interpolate a variable to another location It has no effect if the current :class:`Dataset` instance has no valid :attr:`arakawa_grid_type` defined (``None``). :Params: - **var**: A CDAT array. - **loc**: A physical location (see :attr:``). - **fromloc**, optional: Originating location. If ``None`` it is guessed from its attributes (id, standard_name and long_name), and default to :attr:``). - Extra keywords are passed to :meth:``. """ # No grid type atts = get_atts(var, extra=HIDDEN_CF_ATTS+cdms2_arakawa_atts) if not self.arakawa_grid_type:# or var.getGrid() is None: if copy: var = var.clone() set_atts(var, atts) return var # Originating location if fromloc is None: fromloc = get_loc(var, mode='ext') if fromloc is None: fromloc = DEFAULT_LOCATION # Interpolate var = self.arakawa_grid.interp(var, fromloc, loc, copy=copy, **kwargs) # Reformat location change_loc(var, loc, squeeze=True) return var
[docs] def finalize_object(self, var, genname=None, format=format, squeeze=False, order=None, asvar=None, torect=True, atts=None, lon=None, lat=None, curvsel=None, at=None, **kwargs): """Finalize a variable or an axis :Params: - **genname**, optional: Generic name to format the variable. - **format**, optional: Format the variable and its axes with :func:``? - **atts**, optional: Set these attributes to the variable. - **squeeze**, optional: If not False, squeeze singletons axes using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.squeeze_variable`. - **order**, optional: If not None, change the axes order of the variable. It must contains letters like 'txyz-'. - **asvar**, optional: Grow variable to match the ``asvar`` variable, using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **asvar_<param>**: Param passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **torect**, optinal: Try to convert curvilinear grid to rectangular grid using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect`. - **lon/lat**, optional: Additional spatial selection. - **curvsel**, optional: :class:`CurvedSelector` instance. - **at/toloc**: Interpolate the variable to another location on the grid using :meth:`toloc`. Note that the :attr:`arakawa_grid_type` must be defined. """ if var is None: return kwasvar = kwfilter(kwargs, 'asvar_') kwat = kwfilter(kwargs, 'at_') kwat.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'toloc_')) at = kwargs.pop('toloc', at) ax = isaxis(var) if atts is None: atts = {} if not isaxis(var): # Curved selector if curvsel is not None: var = curvsel.finalize(var) # Format if format and (genname is not None or in CF_VAR_SPECS): format_var(var, genname, **atts) elif atts: set_atts(var, **atts) # Squeeze singletons. if squeeze: self.debug('Squeezing variable: %s', self.describe(var)) var = squeeze_variable(var, squeeze, asmv=True) # Reorder if order: self.debug('Reordering variable: %s', self.describe(var)) var = var(order=order) # Rectangular if possible if torect: self.torect(var, curvsel) # At/toloc if at: kwat['copy'] = False var = self.toloc(var, at, **kwat) elif format and (genname is not None or in CF_VAR_SPECS): format_axis(var, genname, **atts) elif atts: set_atts(var, **atts) # Grow variables or axes if asvar is not None: if not cdms2.isVariable(asvar): asvar = self.get(asvar, warn=max(int(warn)-1, 0)) var = grow_variables(asvar, var, **kwasvar)[1] # Not an axis if not isaxis(var): # Post spatial selection if lon is not None or lat is not None: var = var(create_selector(lon=lon, lat=lat)) # Some attributes set_grid_type(var, self.arakawa_grid_type) return var
[docs] def torect(self, var, curvsel=None): """Place a variable on rectangular grid if possible using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.curv2rect` :Params: - **var**: CDAT variable or grid. """ # Get the grid grid = var if isgrid(var) else var.getGrid() if grid is None: return var # Ids lon = grid.getLongitude() lat = grid.getLatitude() lonid = getattr(lon, '_oldid', latid = getattr(lat, '_oldid', ids = (lonid, latid) if curvsel: ids += curvsel.geosels, ids = str(ids) # Check cache if not hasattr(self, '_rgrids'): self._rgrids = {} if ids in self._rgrids: # print 'datset: got rect from cache' if isgrid(var): return self._rgrids[ids] set_grid(var, self._rgrids[ids]) return var # Estimate it var = curv2rect(var, f=self.dataset[0], mode='none') # Cache it if rectangular grid = var if isgrid(var) else var.getGrid() if isgrid(grid, curv=True): # print 'dataset: we cache rect' self._rgrids[ids] = grid return var
############################################################################ ### OCEAN AND ATMOS ############################################################################
[docs]@getvar_decmets class AtmosSurfaceDataset(Dataset): name = 'atmossurface' # For auto-declaring methods auto_generic_var_names = ['nethf', 'senhf', 'hfsen', 'lathf', 'hflat', 'swhf', 'lwhf', 'evap', 'rain', 'taux', 'tauy', 'u10m', 'v10m', 't2m', 'hu2m', 'z0a', 'cda', 'cha', 'cea']
[docs]@getvar_decmets class OceanSurfaceDataset(Dataset): name = 'oceansurface' # For auto-declaring methods auto_generic_var_names = ['sst', 'sss', 'ssh', 'usurf', 'vsurf']
[docs]@getvar_decmets class WaveSurfaceDataset(Dataset): name = 'wave' # For auto-declaring methods auto_generic_var_names = ['hs','mss','mssx','mssy','mss','dir','fp','t0m1','lm', 'ubot','uubr','vubr','bhd','foc','utwo','vtwo','utaw','vtaw','uuss','vuss','utus','vtus', 'fbb','utbb','vtbb','mapsta','bathy','wlv','ucur','vcur','uwnd','vwnd','dp','cha','utaw','vtaw']
[docs]@getvar_decmets class OceanDataset(OceanSurfaceDataset): name = 'ocean' domain = 'ocean' description = 'Generic ocean dataset' default_depth_search_mode = None # For auto-declaring methods auto_generic_var_names = ['temp', 'sal', 'u3d', 'v3d', 'ubt', 'vbt', 'kz', 'bathy', 'eke', 'tke'] def _parse_selects_(self, time, level, lat, lon): level, squeeze = self._parse_level_(level) return time, level, lat, lon, squeeze def _parse_level_(self, level, squeeze=False): # Convert level argument from string if isinstance(level, basestring): # Selector bottom = slice(0, 1) surf = slice(-1, None) if level=='surf': level = surf if self._isdepthup_() else bottom elif level=='bottom': level = bottom if self._isdepthup_() else surf elif level=='3d': level = None else: raise DatasetError('Invalid level selector string: '+level) # Squeeze Z dim squeeze = (merge_squeeze_specs(squeeze, 'z') if level is not None else False) return level, squeeze
[docs] def get_selector(self, level=None, **kwargs): # Argument level, squeeze = self._parse_level_(level) selector = Dataset.get_selector(self, level=level, **kwargs) if isinstance(selector, dict): selector['squeeze'] = squeeze elif isinstance(selector, cdms2.selectors.Selector): selector.squeeze = squeeze return selector
get_selector.__doc__ = Dataset.get_selector.__doc__
[docs] def finalize_object(self, var, squeeze=False, order=None, asvar=None, torect=True, depthup=None, **kwargs): """Finalize a variable :Params: - **squeeze**, optional: If not False, squeeze singletons axes using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.squeeze_variable`. - **order**, optional: If not None, change the axes order of the variable. It must contains letters like 'txyz-'. - **asvar**, optional: Grow variable to match the ``asvar`` variable, using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **asvar_<param>**: Param passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **torect**, optinal: Try to convert curvilinear grid to rectangular grid using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect`. - **depthup**, optional: If not False, try the make depth positive up using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.makedepthup`. """ if var is None: return # Make depth positive up if isinstance(var,tuple): var=var[0] if depthup is not False: self._makedepthup_(var, depth=depthup) # Generic stuff var = Dataset.finalize_object(self, var, squeeze=squeeze, order=order, torect=torect, asvar=asvar, **kwargs) return var
def _get_dz_(self, loc='t', warn=True, mode=None, **kwargs): """Get layer thickness""" atp = _at_(loc, squeezet=True, prefix=True) fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) # forward warning # First, find a variable if check_mode('var', mode): dz = self.get_variable('dz'+atp, warn=fwarn, **kwargs) if dz is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return dz # Second, guess from vertical coordinates if check_mode('depth', mode): # - read depths dz2dmode = None if loc in 'tr': depth = self._get_depth_('w', warn=fwarn, mode='-dz', **kwargs) # from W points if depth is None: depth = self._get_depth_('t', warn=fwarn, mode='-dz', **kwargs) # from T points dz2dmode = 'center' elif loc=='w': depth = self._get_depth_('t', warn=fwarn, mode='-dz', **kwargs) # from T points if depth is None: depth = self._get_depth_('w', warn=fwarn, mode='-dz', **kwargs) # from W points dz2dmode = 'center' else: if warn: self.warning("Computing dz from depths at points other than T and W is yet not implemented") return if depth is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't get depth to compute dz") return # - compute thicknesses dz = format_var(depth.clone(), 'dz'+atp) isup = self._isdepthup_(depth) if loc=='': # At T from W depth dz2dmode= 'top' if isup else 'bottom' else: # At W from T depth dz2dmode = 'bottom' if isup else 'top' dz[:] = depth2dz(depth, mode=dz2dmode, masked=False) return dz _mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"depth"``: Estimate from depth (see :meth:`get_depth`) You can also negate the search with a '-' sigme before: ``"-depth"``."""
[docs] def get_dz(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer thickness testing all locations""" warn = kwargs.pop('warn', True) fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwargs['warn'] = fwarn locs = kwargs.pop('at', 'tuvw') for loc in locs: dz = self._get_dz_(loc, *args, **kwargs) if dz is not None: return dz else: if warn: self.warning("Can't get dz at location "+loc)
get_dz = getvar_fmtdoc(get_dz, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_dz_t(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer thickness at T location""" return self._get_dz_('t', *args, **kwargs)
get_dz_t = getvar_fmtdoc(get_dz_t, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_dz_u(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer thickness at U location""" return self._get_dz_('u', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_dz_u, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_dz_v(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer thickness at V location""" return self._get_dz_('v', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_dz_v, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_dz_w(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer thickness at W location""" return self._get_dz_('w', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_dz_w, mode=_mode_doc) del _mode_doc
[docs] def get_variable(self, varname, level=None, squeeze=False, **kwargs): level, squeeze = self._parse_level_(level, squeeze) return Dataset.get_variable(self, varname, level=level, squeeze=squeeze, **kwargs)
get_variable.__doc__ = Dataset.get_variable.__doc__ def _isdepthup_(self, depth=None): """Guess if depths are positive up""" # Cache if getattr(self, 'positive', None) is not None: return self.positive=='up' # Get depth if depth is None: depth = self.get_depth(time=slice(0, 1), warn=False, format=False) if depth is None: # no depth = no problem self.positive = 'up' return True # Guess axis = 0 if len(depth.shape)==1 else 1 isup = isdepthup(depth, ro=False, axis=axis) self.positive = 'up' if isup else 'down' return isup def _makedepthup_(self, var, depth=None): """Make depths positive up""" if depth is None: if cdms2.isVariable(var): depth = var.getLevel() elif isdep(var): depth = var if depth is None: return var isup = self._isdepthup_(depth) if isup: return var if isdep(var): return makedepthup(var, depth=False, strict=True) axis = var.getOrder().find('z') if axis<0: return var return makedepthup(var, depth=False, axis=axis, strict=True) def _get_depth_(self, at='t', level=None, time=None, lat=None, lon=None, order=None, squeeze=None, asvar=None, torect=True, warn=True, mode=None, format=True, grid=None, zerolid=False, formula_terms=None, **kwargs): depth=None if mode is None: mode = self.default_depth_search_mode # Where? at_p = _at_(at, squeezet=True, prefix=True) atz = _at_(at, prefix=False, focus='ver') at_z = _at_(at, prefix=True, focus='ver') at_xy = _at_(at, squeezet=True, prefix=True, focus='hor') # Setup keywords fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwfinal = dict(order=order, squeeze=squeeze, asvar=asvar, torect=torect, format=format, at=at) kwvar = dict(level=level, time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, warn=fwarn) kwvar.update(kwfinal) kwvarnoat = kwvar.copy() kwvarnoat.pop('at') # First, try to find a depth variable if check_mode('var', mode): depth = self.get_variable('depth'+at_p, depth=False, **kwvar) if depth is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return self._makedepthup_(depth, depth) # Get selector for other tries sselector = self.get_selector(lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level, merge=True, only='xyz') seltimes = self.get_seltimes(time=time) or [None] # selnotime = None gridmet = 'get_grid'+at_xy if grid is None: grid = getattr(self, gridmet)()#False) curvsel = CurvedSelector(grid, sselector) kwfinal['curvsel'] = curvsel kwfinal['genname'] = genname = 'depth' + at_p if len(seltimes)>1: kwfinal[self.get_timeid()] = seltimes[1] kwfinalz = kwfinal.copy() if at_p and at_z!=at_p: # from T or W to U, etc kwfinalz['genname'] = genname = 'depth' + at_z kwfinalz.setdefault('at', at) # Second, try from sigma-like coordinates at W and T points only (for now) if formula_terms is None: formula_terms = getattr(self, 'formula_terms', None) sigma_converter = NcSigma.factory(self.dataset[0], formula_terms=formula_terms) if check_mode('sigma', mode): if sigma_converter is not None and sigma_converter.stype is None: sigma_converter.close() sigma_converter = None if sigma_converter is not None: self.debug('Found depth referring to a sigma level, processing sigma to depth conversion') allvars = [] if seltimes[0] is None or isinstance(seltimes[0], slice): nib = NcIterTimeSlice(self.dataset, tslice=seltimes[0]) else: nib = NcIterBestEstimate(self.dataset, time=seltimes[0], id=self._nibeid+str(time)) for f, tslice in nib: # - init if tslice is False: continue # and when no time??? None-> ok we continue if f!=self.dataset[0]: sigma_converter.update_file(f) sel = create_selector(time=tslice) # if selnotime is None: # selnotime = filter_time_selector(selector, ids=nib.timeid, out=True) # sel.refine(selnotime) sel.refine(sselector) self.debug('- dataset: %s: sigma: %s, select: %s', os.path.basename(, sigma_converter.__class__.__name__, sel) # - try it try: d = sigma_converter(sel, at=atz, copyaxes=True, mode='sigma', zerolid=zerolid) except Exception, e: if warn: self.warning("Can't get depth from sigma. Error: \n"+e.message) break self.debug('Sigma to depth result: %s', self.describe(d)) allvars.append(d) # Concatenate loaded depth if allvars: var = MV2_concatenate(allvars) return self.finalize_object(var, depthup=var, **kwfinalz) if check_mode('sigma', mode, strict=True): return # if sigma_converter is not None: # sigma_converter.close() # Third, estimate from layer thickness if check_mode('dz', mode): if atz=='t': # at T-location dzw = self.get_dz_w(mode=None, **kwvarnoat) if dzw is not None: bathy = self.get_bathy(**kwvar) if bathy is not None and dzw is not None: depth = dz2depth(dzw, bathy, refloc="bottom") elif atz=='w': # at W-location dzt = self.get_dz_t(mode=None, **kwvarnoat) if dzt is not None: ssh = self.get_ssh(**kwvar) if ssh is not None and dzt is not None: depth = dz2depth(dzt, ssh, refloc="top") if depth is not None or check_mode('dz', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(depth, depthup=False, **kwfinalz) # Finally, find a depth axis if sigma_converter is None and check_mode('axis', mode): # no Z axis for sigma coordinates axis = self.get_axis('depth'+at_p, level) if axis is not None: if format: axis = format_axis(axis, 'depth'+at_p) return self.finalize_object(axis, depthup=axis, **kwfinal) if warn: self.warning('Found no way to estimate depths at %s location'%at.upper()) _mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"sigma"``: Estimate from sigma coordinates. - ``"dz"``: Estimate from layer thinknesses (see :meth:`get_dz`) - ``"axis"``: Read it from an axis (if not sigma coordinates) You can specifiy a list of them: ``['dz', 'sigma']`` You can also negate the search with a '-' sigme before: ``"-dz"``."""
[docs] def get_depth(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer depth testing all locations""" warn = kwargs.pop('warn', True) fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwargs['warn'] = fwarn locs = kwargs.pop('at', 'tuvw') for loc in locs: depth = self._get_depth_(loc, *args, **kwargs) if depth is not None: return depth else: if warn: self.warning("Can't get depth at location "+loc) return self._get_depth_('t', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_depth, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_depth_t(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get depth at T location""" return self._get_depth_('t', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_depth_t, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_depth_w(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get depth at W location""" return self._get_depth_('w', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_depth_w, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_depth_u(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get depth at U location""" return self._get_depth_('u', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_depth_u, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_depth_v(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get depth at V location""" return self._get_depth_('v', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_depth_v, mode=_mode_doc) del _mode_doc _mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"tempsal"``: Estimate from temperature and salinity.""" _extra_doc = {'dens_<param>':'Passed to :func:`~vacumm.diag.thermdyn.density', 'depth_<param>':'Passed to :meth:`get_depth`', 'mode':_mode_doc}
[docs] def get_dens(self, mode=None, warn=True, potential=False, **kwargs): '''Get 4D density''' fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwvar = kwfilter(kwargs, ['lon','lat','time','level','torect'], warn=fwarn) kwfinal = kwfilter(kwargs, ['squeeze','order','asvar', 'at'], genname='dens') kwdens = kwfilter(kwargs, 'dens_') kwdepth = kwfilter(kwargs, 'depth_') kwdepth.update(kwvar) kwdens['potential'] = potential # First, try to find a dens variable if check_mode('var', mode): dens = self.get_variable('dens', **kwvar) if dens is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(dens, **kwfinal) # Estimate it from temperature and salinity if check_mode('tempsal', mode): temp = self.get_temp(**kwvar) sal = self.get_sal(**kwvar) depth = None if potential else self.get_depth(**kwdepth) if temp is not None and sal is not None: dens = density(temp, sal, depth=depth, format_axes=True, **kwdens) if dens is not None or check_mode('tempsal', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(dens, depthup=False, **kwfinal) if warn: self.warning('Unable to get density')
getvar_fmtdoc(get_dens, **_extra_doc) del _extra_doc['depth_<param>']
[docs] def get_ssd(self, mode=None, warn=True, **kwargs): '''Get sea surface density''' fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwvar = kwfilter(kwargs, ['lon','lat','time','level','torect'], warn=fwarn) kwfinal = kwfilter(kwargs, ['squeeze','order','asvar', 'at'], genname='dens') kwdens = kwfilter(kwargs, 'dens_') kwdens['potential'] = True # First, try to find a ssd variable if check_mode('var', mode): dens = self.get_variable('ssd', **kwvar) if dens is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(dens, **kwfinal) # Estimate it from temperature and salinity if check_mode('tempsal', mode): sst = self.get_sst(**kwvar) sss = self.get_sss(**kwvar) if sst is not None and sss is not None: ssd = density(sst, sss, format_axes=True, **kwdens) if ssd is not None or check_mode('tempsal', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(ssd, **kwfinal) if warn: self.warning('Unable to get surface density')
getvar_fmtdoc(get_ssd, **_extra_doc) del _extra_doc, _mode_doc _mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"ssh"``: Estimate from ssh."""
[docs] @getvar_fmtdoc def get_uvgbt(self, getu=True, getv=True, warn=True, mode=None, **kwargs): """Get zonal and meridional geostrophic velocity from SSH""" # Params fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwvar = kwfilter(kwargs, ['lon','lat','time','level','torect'], warn=fwarn) kwfinal = kwfilter(kwargs, ['squeeze','order','asvar', 'at']) kwfinalu = kwfinal.copy() kwfinalu['genname'] = 'ugbt' kwfinalv = kwfinal.copy() kwfinalv['genname'] = 'vgbt' kwssh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'ssh_') kwssh.update(kwvar) # First, try to find a variable u = v = None if check_mode('var', mode): if getu: u = self.get_variable('ugbt', **kwvar) if getv: v = self.get_variable('vgbt', **kwvar) if (u is not None and v is not None) or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): res = () if getu: res += self.finalize_object(u, **kwfinalu), if getv: res += self.finalize_object(v, **kwfinalv) return res if len(res)==2 else res[0] # Estimate it if check_mode('ssh', mode): ssh = self.get_ssh(**kwargs) dx = self.get_dx_u(degrees=False, local=True, **kwargs) dy = self.get_dy_v(degrees=False, local=True, **kwargs) sshok = [_ is not None for _ in [ssh, dx, dy]] mstrict = check_mode('ssh', mode, strict=True) if sshok or mstrict: if sshok: us, vs = barotropic_geostrophic_velocity(ssh, dxy=(dx, dy)) u = self.finalize_object( (u if u is not None and not mstrict else us), **kwfinalu) v = self.finalize_object( (v if v is not None and not mstrict else vs), **kwfinalv) res = () if getu: res += u, if getv: res += v, return res if len(res)==2 else res[0] if warn: self.warning("Can't estimate barotropic geostrophic velocities")
[docs] @getvar_fmtdoc def get_ugbt(self, **kwargs): '''Get zonal barotropic geostrophic velocity from SSH''' kwargs['getv'] = False return self.get_uvgbt(**kwargs)
[docs] @getvar_fmtdoc def get_vgbt(self, **kwargs): '''Get meridional barotropic geostrophic velocity from SSH''' kwargs['getu'] = False return self.get_uvgbt(**kwargs)
_mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"uvgbt"``: Estimate from barotropic geostrophic velocity (:meth:`get_uvgbt`)."""
[docs] def get_ke(self, mode=None, warn=True, **kwargs): """Get kinetic energy" :See also: :func:`~vacumm.diag.dynamics.kinetic_energy` :meth:`get_uvgbt` """ # Params fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwvar = kwfilter(kwargs, ['lon','lat','time','level','torect'], warn=fwarn) kwfinal = kwfilter(kwargs, ['squeeze','order','asvar', 'at'], genname='ke') kwuvgbt = kwfilter(kwargs, 'uvgbt_') kwuvgbt.update(kwvar) # First, try to find a variable if check_mode('var', mode): var = self.get_variable('ke', **kwvar) if var is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(var, **kwfinal) # Estimate it if check_mode('uvgbt', mode): ugbt, vgbt = self.get_uvgbt(**kwargs) if ugbt is not None or check_mode('uvgbt', mode, strict=True): ke = kinetic_energy((ugbt, vgbt)) return self.finalize_object(ke, **kwfinal) if warn: self.warning("Can't estimate the kinetic energy")
getvar_fmtdoc(get_ke, mode=_mode_doc) ############################################################################
[docs] def get_layer(self, varname, depth, timeavg=True, **kwargs): """Get an horizontal section of a variable at a specified depth .. warning:: This method is now an alias for method :meth:`get_hsection` """ self.warning('get_layer is deprecated by get_hsection') self.verbose('Getting layer data' '\n variable: %s' '\n depth: %s' '\n timeavg: %s', varname, depth, timeavg) var, ctime = self.get_hsection(varname, depth, timeavg=True, **kwargs) self.logdesc(var, title='out: ') return var
[docs] def get_section(self, varname, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, timeavg=True, **kwargs): '''Get a (vertical) section data along a straight trajectory, not necessary zonal or meridional. .. warning:: This method is deprecated by the :meth:`get_transect` method. :Params: - **varname**: variable to process - **xmin**: westernmost longitude coordinate - **ymin**: southernmost latitude coordinate - **xmax**: eastermost longitude coordinate - **ymax**: northernmost latitude coordinate - **timeavg**: if true, average date along time if needed :Return: A list containing in order: - var(level,position): section variable - depth(level) FOR 3D VARIABLES ONLY: depth corresponding to var's level - latitude(position): latitude corresponding to var's position - longitude(position): longitude corresponding to var's position ''' # Get variable tvar, tlons, tlats = self.get_transect(varname, (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), timeavg=True, getcoords=True, **kwargs) if tvar is None: raise Exception('No %s found'%(varname)) ret = [tvar] # Depth? if tvar.getLevel() is not None: tdep = self.get_transect('depth', (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), timeavg=True, **kwargs) if tdep is None: raise Exception('No depth found') ret.append(tdep) ret.extend([tlats, tlons]) self.verbose('Final Section data:\n %s', '\n '.join(self.describe(o) for o in ret)) return ret
[docs] def get_hovmoller(self, varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional=False, method='bilinear', timeavg=False, subsamp=3, outaxis=None, time=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, warn=True, **kwargs): '''Get a hovmoller(time,position) section data along a straight trajectory, zonal or meridional. .. warning:: This method is deprecated and must be rewritten has a special case of method :meth:`get_transect`. Coordinates xorymin and xorymax are longitudes and xory a latitude if the section is zonal, latitudes and a longitude if the section is meridonal Level must be defined using the select parameter. :Params: - **varname**: variable to process - **xorymin**: westernmost longitude or southernmost latitude coordinate - **xorymax**: eastermost longitude or northernmost latitude coordinate - **xory**: longitude or latitude coordinate - **meridional**: if true, hovmoller is meridional, at a longitude and along given latitude range (default is zonal) - **lon/lat/level/time**: Selection. - Other keywords are passed to :meth:`get_transect`. :Return: A list containing in order: - var(time,position): hovmoller variable - latitude(position): latitude corresponding to var's position - longitude(position): longitude corresponding to var's position :Example: >>> get_hovmoller(self, 'sst', -10, -6, 47): ''' self.warning('Please use the more generic method get_transect') self.verbose('Getting hovmoller data' '\n variable: %s' '\n xorymin: %s' '\n xorymax: %s' '\n xory: %s' '\n meridional: %s', varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional) # Transect kwts = dict(method=method, subsamp=subsamp, timeavg=timeavg, outaxis=outaxis, time=time, lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level, **kwargs) if meridional: lons = (xory, xory) lats = (xorymin, xorymax) else: lons = (xorymin, xorymax) lats = (xory, xory) ts = self.get_transect(varname, lons, lats, getcoords=True, **kwts) if ts is None: if warn: self.warning("Can't get hovmoller") return vo, xo, yo = ts # grid = self.get_grid(varname) # if grid is None: # raise Exception('No grid found') # xres, yres = resol(grid) # if select is None: select = dict() # if meridional: # subgrid = grid.subGridRegion((xorymin, xorymax, 'oo'), (xory, xory, 'ccb')) # xoryax = subgrid.getLatitude()[:] # select.update(longitude=(xory-xres, xory+xres, 'ccb'), latitude=(xorymin-yres, xorymax+yres, 'ccb')) # yo = numpy.concatenate(([xorymin], xoryax, [xorymax])) # xo = numpy.ones(len(yo)) * xory # else: # subgrid = grid.subGridRegion((xory, xory, 'ccb'), (xorymin, xorymax, 'oo')) # xoryax = subgrid.getLongitude()[:] # select.update(longitude=(xorymin-xres, xorymax+xres, 'ccb'), latitude=(xory-yres, xory+yres, 'ccb')) # xo = numpy.concatenate(([xorymin], xoryax, [xorymax])) # yo = numpy.ones(len(xo)) * xory # # select = self.get_selector(select) # var = self.get_variable(varname, select=select, squeeze=True) # if var is None: # raise Exception('No %s found'%(varname)) # # # interp var # vo = grid2xy(var, xo, yo, method='nat') # # axes = vo.getAxisList() # if meridional: # axes[-1] = create_lat(yo) # else: # axes[-1] = create_lon(xo) # vo.setAxisList(axes) self.verbose('Resulting variable: %s', self.describe(vo)) self.verbose('Resulting longitude: %s', self.describe(xo)) self.verbose('Resulting latitude: %s', self.describe(yo)) return vo, yo, xo
[docs] def get_extrema_location(self, varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional=False, extrema='min', select=None): '''Get positions of min/max values of variable extremas along a straight trajectory, zonal or meridional. Coordinates xorymin and xorymax are longitudes and xory a latitude if the section is zonal, latitudes and a longitude if the section is meridonal Level must be defined using the select parameter. :Params: - **varname**: variable to process - **xorymin**: westernmost longitude or southernmost latitude coordinate - **xorymax**: eastermost longitude or northernmost latitude coordinate - **xory**: longitude or latitude coordinate - **meridional**: if true, hovmoller is meridional, at a longitude and along given latitude range (default is zonal) - **extrema**: type of extrema, one of: - **min**: retrieve minimum values positions - **max**: retrieve maximum values positions - **select**: selector (should at least restrict to one level) - select=dict(level=slice(-1,None),time=slice(0,2)) :Return: A list containing in order: - var(time,position): loaded variable data - latitude(position): latitude corresponding to var's position - longitude(position): longitude corresponding to var's position :Example: >>> get_extrema_location(self, 'temp', -10, -6, 47, select=dict(level=slice(-1,None))): ''' self.verbose('Getting extrema location data' '\n variable: %s' '\n xorymin: %s' '\n xorymax: %s' '\n xory: %s' '\n meridional: %s' '\n extrema: %s' '\n select: %s',varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional, extrema, select) #var, lat, lon = self.get_hovmoller(varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional, select) kwvar = {} if select is not None: kwvar = kwfilter(select, ['level','time','times']) var, lon, lat = self.get_transect(varname, (xorymin, xorymax), (xory,xory), getcoords=True, subsamp=1, **kwvar) if var.shape > 2: self.debug('Squeezing variable: %s', self.describe(var)) var = squeeze_variable(var) ex = extrema.strip().lower() exfunc = getattr(, 'arg%s'%(ex), None) if ex not in ['min','max'] or exfunc is None: raise ValueError('Invalid extrema: %s'%(extrema)) # Position of extrema along time with masked values #iex = exfunc(var, axis=1, fill_value=-1) iex = exfunc(var, axis=1) #bad = iex == -1 # Initialize localization variable vo = var[:,0].clone() if meridional: vo.long_name = 'Latitude of %s'%(ex) vo.units = 'degrees_north' lonorlat = var.getLatitude() else: vo.long_name = 'Longitude of %s'%(ex) vo.units = 'degrees_east' lonorlat = var.getLongitude() # Fill with lon/lat coordinates for j, i in numpy.ndenumerate(iex): vo[j] = lonorlat[i] # Remasking #vo[:] = MV2.masked_where(bad, vo, copy=0) self.verbose('Resulting variable: %s', self.describe(vo)) self.verbose('Resulting longitude: %s', self.describe(lon)) self.verbose('Resulting latitude: %s', self.describe(lat)) return vo, lat, lon
[docs] def get_localized_computed_values(self, varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional=False, operation='min', select=None): '''Get min/max/mean values of a variable along a straight trajectory, zonal or meridional. Coordinates xorymin and xorymax are longitudes and xory a latitude if the section is zonal, latitudes and a longitude if the section is meridonal Level must be defined using the select parameter. :Params: - **varname**: variable to process - **xorymin**: westernmost longitude or southernmost latitude coordinate - **xorymax**: eastermost longitude or northernmost latitude coordinate - **xory**: longitude or latitude coordinate - **meridional**: if true, hovmoller is meridional, at a longitude and along given latitude range (default is zonal) - **operation**: type of operation, one of: - **min**: retrieve minimum values - **mean**: retrieve mean values - **max**: retrieve maximum values - **select**: selector (should at least restrict to one level) - select=dict(level=slice(-1,None),time=slice(0,2)) :Return: A list containing in order: - var(time,position): loaded variable data - latitude(position): latitude corresponding to var's position - longitude(position): longitude corresponding to var's position :Example: >>> get_localized_computed_values(self, 'temp', -10, -6, 47, select=dict(level=slice(-1,None))): ''' self.verbose('Getting localized computed data' '\n variable: %s' '\n xorymin: %s' '\n xorymax: %s' '\n xory: %s' '\n meridional: %s' '\n operation: %s' '\n select: %s',varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional, operation, select) #var, lat, lon = self.get_hovmoller(varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional, select) kwvar = {} if select is not None: kwvar = kwfilter(select, ['level','time','times']) var, lon, lat = self.get_transect(varname, (xorymin, xorymax), (xory,xory), getcoords=True, subsamp=1, **kwvar) if var.shape > 2: self.debug('Squeezing variable: %s', self.describe(var)) var = squeeze_variable(var) op = operation.strip().lower() if op in ('mean','avg'): op = 'average' elif op not in ['min','max']: raise ValueError('Invalid extrema: %s'%(extrema)) op = getattr(MV2, op, None) if op is None: raise ValueError('Invalid operation: %s'%(operation)) vo = op(var, -1) = vo.attributes.update(var.attributes) self.verbose('Resulting variable: %s', self.describe(vo)) return vo, lat, lon
[docs] def get_stratification_data(self, select, timeavg=True): '''Get stratification data :Params: - **select**: selector - **timeavg**: if true, average date along time if needed :Return: - temp, sal, dens, depth, deltadepth with shape ([time],depth,latitude,longitude) - densmin, densmax, densmean with shape ([time],latitude,longitude) ''' select = self.get_selector(select=select) temp = self.get_temp(select=select, squeeze=True) sal = self.get_sal(select=select, squeeze=True) lat = temp.getLatitude() depth = self.get_depth(, select=select, squeeze=True) # TODO: depth may not have a time axis ! depth.setAxisList(temp.getAxisList()) self.verbose('Initial stratification data for select=%s:\n %s', select, '\n '.join(self.describe(o) for o in (temp, sal, lat, depth))) if temp.getOrder() not in ('tzyx','zyx'): raise ValueError('Invalid order: %s, [t]zyx expected'%(temp.getOrder())) def compute_strat(temp, sal, lat, depth): '''Compute strat data for one time step''' # Epaisseurs shp = depth.shape ddepth = meshweights(depth.reshape((depth.shape[0], numpy.product(depth.shape[1:]))), axis=0) ddepth = ddepth.reshape(shp) # Pression pres = seawater.csiro.pres(depth, numpy.resize(lat[:], depth.shape)) # Densité dens = seawater.csiro.dens(sal, temp, pres) # Densité min/max densmin = dens.min(axis=0) densmax = dens.max(axis=0) # Densité moyenne densmean = MV2.average(dens, axis=0, weights=ddepth) ret = dens, densmin, densmax, densmean, ddepth self.verbose('\n %s', '\n '.join(self.describe(o) for o in ret)) return ret if 't' in temp.getOrder(): self.verbose('Computing stratification along time') tmp, data = [], [] time = depth.getTime() ctime = time.asComponentTime() for it in xrange(len(time)): self.verbose('Processing time: %s', ctime[it]) tmp.append(compute_strat(temp[it], sal[it], lat, depth[it])) for i in xrange(len(tmp[0])): d = [d[i] for d in tmp] data.append(MV2.concatenate([d])) dens, densmin, densmax, densmean, ddepth = data else: dens, densmin, densmax, densmean, ddepth = compute_strat(temp, sal, lat, depth) axes = temp.getAxisList() ddepth = cdms2.createVariable(ddepth, id='weight', axes=axes) dens = cdms2.createVariable(dens, id='dens', axes=axes) axes.pop(depth.getOrder().index('z')) densmin = cdms2.createVariable(densmin, id='densmin', axes=axes) densmax = cdms2.createVariable(densmax, id='densmax', axes=axes) densmean = cdms2.createVariable(densmean, id='densmean', axes=axes) ret = [temp, sal, dens, densmin, densmax, densmean, depth, ddepth] if timeavg and 't' in temp.getOrder(): self.verbose('Averaging along time') for i,d in enumerate(ret): self.verbose('Averaging %s', ret[i] = MV2.average(d, axis=0) self.verbose('Final stratification data:\n %s', '\n '.join(self.describe(o) for o in ret)) return ret
_mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"deltatemp"``: Estimate from a difference in temperature. - ``"deltadens"``: Estimate from a difference in density. - ``"twolayers"``: Shalow water mode with two density layers. - ``"kz"``: Depth where ks becomes low. You can specifiy a list of them: ``['deltadens', 'deltatemp']`` You can also negate the search with a '-' sigme before: ``"-kz"``."""
[docs] def get_mld(self, mode=None, lat=None, warn=True, **kwargs): # Params fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwargs.pop('level', None) kwvar = kwfilter(kwargs, ['lon','time','torect']) kwvar['lat'] = lat kwvar['warn'] = fwarn kwdens = kwfilter(kwargs, 'dens_') kwdens.update(kwvar) kwdens['potential'] = True kwdepth = kwfilter(kwargs, 'depth_') kwdepth.update(kwvar) kwfinal = kwargs.copy() kwfinal.pop('depthup', None) kwmld = kwfilter(kwargs, ['mld_', 'deltatemp', 'deltadens', 'kzmax']) # First, try to find a MLD variable if check_mode('var', mode): mld = self.get_variable('mld', **kwvar) if mld is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(mld, **kwfinal) # Estimate it depth = self.get_depth(**kwdepth) dens = None # - deltadens if check_mode('deltatemp', mode): temp = self.get_temp(**kwvar) if temp is not None: mld = mixed_layer_depth(temp, depth=depth, mode='deltatemp', format_axes=True, **kwmld) if mld is not None or check_mode('deltatemp', mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(mld, depthup=False, **kwfinal) # - deltadens and twolayers (density) for testmode in 'deltadens', 'twolayers': if check_mode(testmode, mode): if dens is None: dens = self.get_dens(**kwdens) if dens is not None: mld = mixed_layer_depth(dens, depth=depth, lat=lat, mode=testmode, format_axes=True, **kwmld) if mld is not None or check_mode(testmode, mode, strict=True): return self.finalize_object(mld, depthup=False, **kwfinal) # - Kz if check_mode('kz', mode): kz = self.get_kz(**kwdens) if kz is not None: mld = mixed_layer_depth(kz, depth=depth, mode='kz', format_axes=True, **kwmld) if mld is not None or check_mode('twolayers', mode, strict=True): kwfinal['depthup'] = False return self.finalize_object(mld, **kwfinal) if warn: self.warning('Unable to get mixed layer depth with mode: %s'%mode)
get_mld = getvar_fmtdoc(get_mld, mode=_mode_doc, deltatemp='Temperature difference with surface.', deltadens='Density difference with surface', kzmax='Kz max for search for low values', )
[docs] def get_mixed_layer_depth(self, select): '''Get mixed layer depth .. warning:: This method is deprecated by :meth:`get_mld`. MLD is computed for each time step and then averaged :Params: - **select**: selector with at least a time component :Return: - mld with shape (latitude,longitude) ''' self.warning('get_mixed_layer_depth is deprecated by get_mld') select = select.copy() time = select.pop('time') mlds = [] td = self.get_time_res() ts = (td.days*86400+td.seconds, 'seconds')'Detected model time step: %s', ts) for itv in Intervals(time, ts): s = select.copy() s['time'] = list(itv[:2])+['co'] temp, sal, dens, densmin, densmax, densmean, depth, ddepth = self.get_stratification_data(s) # Profondeur max (max+demi épaisseur) H = depth[-1]+ddepth[-1]*.5 mld = H*(densmax-densmean)/(densmax-densmin)'MLD[time=%s]: %s', itv, self.describe(mld)) mlds.append([mld]) mlds = MV2.concatenate(mlds, axis=0) mld = MV2.average(mlds, axis=0) = 'MLD' mld.units = 'm' mld.long_name = u'Mixed layer depth' mld.setAxisList(temp.getAxisList()[-2:])'AVG MLD: %s', self.describe(mld)) return mld
[docs] def get_potential_energy_deficit(self, select): '''Get potential energy deficit PED is computed for each time step and then averaged :Params: - **select**: selector with at least a time component :Return: - ped with shape (latitude,longitude) ''' select = select.copy() time = select.pop('time') peds = [] td = self.get_time_res() ts = (td.days*86400+td.seconds, 'seconds')'Detected model time step: %s', ts) for itv in Intervals(time, ts): s = select.copy() s['time'] = itv temp, sal, dens, densmin, densmax, densmean, depth, ddepth = self.get_stratification_data(s) # Anomalie de densité danom = dens-densmean # Énergie potentielle disponible ape = danom * GRAVITY ape *= ddepth # Deficit ped = MV2.average(ape, axis=0, weights=ddepth)'PED[time=%s]: %s', itv, self.describe(ped)) peds.append([ped]) peds = MV2.concatenate(peds, axis=0) ped = MV2.average(peds, axis=0) = 'PED' ped.units = 'J.m^{-2}' ped.long_name = u"Potential energy deficit" ped.setAxisList(temp.getAxisList()[-2:])'AVG PED: %s', self.describe(ped)) return ped
[docs] def plot_trajectory_map(self, lon, lat, **kwargs): ''' Plot the "legend" map of a trajectory using :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_map_lines` :Params: - **lon/lat**: Coordinates (in degrees) as 1D arrays. .. todo:: - replace this method usage by vacumm.misc.plot.add_map_lines ''' varname=kwargs.pop('varname', None) grid = self.get_grid(**kwargs) glob_lon, glob_lat = grid.getLongitude(), grid.getLatitude() mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map', defaults=dict( label=self.__class__.__name__, lon=(MV2.min(glob_lon), MV2.max(glob_lon)), lat=(MV2.min(glob_lat), MV2.max(glob_lat)), axes_rect=[0.75, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], drawmeridians_size=6, drawparallels_size=6, show = False)) for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) # FIXME: make post_plot available for standalone trajectory plot ? mapkw.update(dict(vertical=True, show=False)) # The map itself mp = map2(**mapkw) # The section line xx, yy =, lat), yy, 'r-') return mp
[docs] def plot_layer(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Plot a layer .. warning:: This method is deprecated by :meth:`plot_hsection`. Params: - **map_<keyword>**: passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` - **plot_<keyword>**: passed to created map :func:`post_plot` Other params are passed to :func:`get_layer` ''' self.warning('plot_layer is deprecated by plot_hsection') mp = kwargs.pop('map', None) mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map', default=dict(label=self.__class__.__name__)) for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') var = self.get_layer(*args, **kwargs) mapkw.update(show=False) if mp: mp(var, **mapkw) else: mp = map2(var, **mapkw) # Post plotting plotkw.setdefault('title', mp.post_plot(**plotkw) return mp
[docs] def plot_section(self, varname, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, select=None, pmap=True, **kwargs): ''' Produce a section plot. .. warning:: This method is deprecated by :meth:`plot_transect`. :Params: see :func:`get_section` :Plot params: - **sec_<keyword>**: are passed to the section plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.section2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **map_<keyword>**: are passed to the map plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **plot_[show|close|savefig|savefigs]**: are passed to the post plotting function :func:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot` at end of plotting operations .. todo:: - add lat/lon position lines indicator ''' self.warning('plot_section is deprecated by plot_transect') datakw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'data') # Get section data var,dep,lat,lon = self.get_section(varname, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, select=select, **datakw) pos = var.getAxis(1) # Compute scaling/informationnal data # vmin,vmax = numpy.min(var), numpy.max(var) # vstep = abs(vmax-vmin)/10. dmin,dmax = MV2.min(dep), MV2.max(dep) # dstep = abs(dmax-dmin)/10. # if dmax > 0: dmax = 0 # var, dep = var[::-1], dep[::-1] # print dep[::4,0] # print var[::4,0] seckw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'sec', defaults= dict( label=self.__class__.__name__, figsize=(12,6), fill='contourf', xlong_name='Position', xlabel='position', xunits='pos', #xmin=, xmax=, #xlim=(pos[0],pos[-1]), xfmt='%s', xtickfmt='%s', ylong_name='Depth', ylabel='depth', yunits=dep.units, #ymin=dmin, ymax=dmax, #ylim=(dmin,dmax), ytickfmt='%s', yfmt='%s', #vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, units=var.units, #colorbar_ticks=numpy.arange(vmin, vmax+vstep, vstep), axes_rect=[0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8])) mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map', keep=True, defaults=dict( for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') # Plot the section seckw.update(yaxis=dep, levels_mode='normal', show=False) sc = section2(var, **seckw) # from vacumm.misc.plot import section # section(var, **seckw) from vacumm.misc.plot import add_grid add_grid((pos, dep)) mp = None if pmap: mp = self.plot_trajectory_map(lon, lat, **mapkw) # Post plotting plotkw.setdefault('title', 'Vertical section of %s\ntime: %s\nlon: %s to %s, lat: %s to %s'%(, select['time'], xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) sc.post_plot(**plotkw) return sc
[docs] def plot_hovmoller(self, varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional=False, select=None, pmap=True, **kwargs): ''' Produce a hovmoller plot. :Params: see :func:`get_hovmoller` :Plot params: - **hov_<keyword>**: are passed to the section plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.hov2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **map_<keyword>**: are passed to the map plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **plot_[show|close|savefig|savefigs]**: are passed to the post plotting function :func:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot` at end of plotting operations ''' # Get data try: level = select['level'] except: level = None try: time = select['time'] except: time = None # Get section data if meridional: var, lon, lat = self.get_transect(varname, (xory,xory), (xorymin, xorymax), getcoords=True, subsamp=1, level=level, time=time) else: var, lon, lat = self.get_transect(varname, (xorymin, xorymax), (xory,xory), getcoords=True, subsamp=1, level=level, time=time) if var is None: self.error("Can't get transect on variable") return if var.shape > 2: self.debug('Squeezing variable: %s', self.describe(var)) var = squeeze_variable(var) # Compute scaling/informationnal data vmin,vmax = numpy.min(var), numpy.max(var) vstep = abs(vmax-vmin)/10. xname = meridional and 'Latitude' or 'Longitude' hovkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'hov', defaults=dict( label=self.__class__.__name__, figsize=(12,6), fill='contourf', xlong_name=xname, xlabel=xname, xunits='', #xmin=, xmax=, ylong_name='Time', ylabel='time', yunits='', #ymin=dmin, ymax=dmax, #vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, units=var.units, #colorbar_ticks=numpy.arange(vmin, vmax+vstep, vstep), axes_rect=[0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8])) for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: hovkw.pop(k, None) mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map', keep=True, defaults=dict( for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') # Plot the section hovkw.update(time_vertical=True, show=False) hv = hov2(var, **hovkw) mp = None if pmap: mp = self.plot_trajectory_map(lon, lat, **mapkw) # Post plotting if meridional: hovtype = 'Meridional' lonlat = 'lon: %s, lat: %s to %s'%(xory, xorymin, xorymax) else: hovtype = 'Zonal' lonlat = 'lon: %s to %s, lat: %s'%(xorymin, xorymax, xory) ctime = None try: time = var.getTime().asComponentTime() ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[0]) ct1 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[-1]) ctime = "%s / %s period" %(ct0,ct1) except Exception, e: self.warning("Can't get time information. Error: \n"+e.message) plotkw.setdefault('title', '%s Hovmoller of %s\ntime: %s\n%s'%(hovtype,, ' / '.join((ct0,ct1)), lonlat)) hv.post_plot(**plotkw)
[docs] def plot_extrema_location(self, varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional=False, extrema='min', pmap=True, select=None, **kwargs): ''' Produce 1D plot of min/max positions. :Params: see :func:`get_extrema_location` :Plot params: - **cur_<keyword>**: are passed to the section plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.curve2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **map_<keyword>**: are passed to the map plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **plot_[show|close|savefig|savefigs]**: are passed to the post plotting function :func:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot` at end of plotting operations ''' datakw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'data') # Get data var, lat, lon = self.get_extrema_location(varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional, extrema, select, **datakw) # Compute scaling/informationnal data vmin,vmax = numpy.min(var), numpy.max(var) vstep = abs(vmax-vmin)/10. xname = meridional and 'Latitude' or 'Longitude' curkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cur', defaults=dict( label=self.__class__.__name__, figsize=(12,6), xlong_name=xname, xlabel=xname, xunits=var.units, xmin=xorymin, xmax=xorymax, #xmin=vmin+vstep, xmax=vmax+vstep, ylong_name='Time', ylabel='time', #yunits=, #ymin=dmin, ymax=dmax, #vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, units=var.units, axes_rect=[0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8])) for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: curkw.pop(k, None) mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map', keep=True, defaults=dict( for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') # Plot the location curve curkw.update(order='td', show=False) cur = curve2(var, **curkw) mp = None if pmap: mp = self.plot_trajectory_map(lon, lat, **mapkw) # Post plotting if meridional: curtype = 'Meridional' lonlat = 'lon: %s, lat: %s to %s'%(xory, xorymin, xorymax) else: curtype = 'Zonal' lonlat = 'lon: %s to %s, lat: %s'%(xorymin, xorymax, xory) time = var.getTime().asComponentTime() ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[0]) ct1 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[-1]) plotkw.setdefault('title', '%s location of %s %s\ntime: %s\n%s'%(curtype, extrema,, ' / '.join((ct0,ct1)), lonlat)) cur.post_plot(**plotkw) #tight_layout() return cur, var, lat, lon
[docs] def plot_localized_computed_values(self, varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional=False, operation='min', pmap=True, select=None, **kwargs): ''' Produce 1D plot of min/max values. :Params: see :func:`get_localized_computed_values` :Plot params: - **cur_<keyword>**: are passed to the section plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.curve2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **map_<keyword>**: are passed to the map plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **plot_[show|close|savefig|savefigs]**: are passed to the post plotting function :func:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot` at end of plotting operations ''' datakw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'data') # Get data var, lat, lon = self.get_localized_computed_values(varname, xorymin, xorymax, xory, meridional, operation, select, **datakw) # Compute scaling/informationnal data vmin,vmax = numpy.min(var), numpy.max(var) vstep = abs(vmax-vmin)/10. curkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cur', defaults=dict( label=self.__class__.__name__, figsize=(12,6), xlong_name='Time', xlabel='time', #xunits=, #xmin=, xmax=,,, #yunits=var.units, ymin=vmin, ymax=vmax, #vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, units=var.units, axes_rect=[0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8])) for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: curkw.pop(k, None) mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map', keep=True, defaults=dict( for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') # Plot the computed curve curkw.update(show=False)#, order='td') cur = curve2(var, **curkw) if pmap: mp = self.plot_trajectory_map(lon, lat, **mapkw) # Post plotting if meridional: curtype = 'Meridional' lonlat = 'lon: %s, lat: %s to %s'%(xory, xorymin, xorymax) else: curtype = 'Zonal' lonlat = 'lon: %s to %s, lat: %s'%(xorymin, xorymax, xory) time = var.getTime().asComponentTime() ct0 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[0]) ct1 = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time[-1]) plotkw.setdefault('title', '%s %s of %s\ntime: %s\n%s'%(curtype, operation,, ' / '.join((ct0,ct1)), lonlat)) cur.post_plot(**plotkw) return cur, var, lat, lon
[docs] def plot_mld(self, select, **kwargs): ''' Produce mixed layer depth map. :Params: see :func:`get_mixed_layer_depth` :Plot params: - **map_<keyword>**: are passed to the map plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **plot_[show|close|savefig|savefigs]**: are passed to the post plotting function :func:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot` at end of plotting operations ''' mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') mld = self.get_mixed_layer_depth(select) l = auto_scale((mld.min(), mld.max())) c = C.cmap_magic(l) #c = C.cmap_rainbow() mapkw.update(dict(show=False, cmap=c)) m = map2(mld, **mapkw) m.post_plot(**plotkw) return m,c
[docs] def plot_ped(self, select, **kwargs): ''' Produce potential energy deficit map. :Params: see :func:`get_potential_energy_deficit` :Plot params: - **map_<keyword>**: are passed to the map plot function :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` *excepting* those about post plotting described below - **plot_[show|close|savefig|savefigs]**: are passed to the post plotting function :func:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot` at end of plotting operations ''' mapkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for k in POST_PLOT_ARGS: mapkw.pop(k, None) plotkw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plot') ped = self.get_potential_energy_deficit(select) l = auto_scale((ped.min(), ped.max())) c = C.cmap_magic(l) #c = C.cmap_rainbow() mapkw.update(dict(show=False, cmap=c)) m = map2(ped, **mapkw) m.post_plot(**plotkw) return m,c
[docs]@getvar_decmets class AtmosDataset(AtmosSurfaceDataset): name = 'atmos' domain = 'atmos' description = 'Generic atmospheric dataset' default_altitude_search_mode = None # For auto-declaring methods auto_generic_var_names = ['oro','wdir','wspd','uair','vair','wair','tair','pa', 'tkea'] def _parse_selects_(self, time, level, lat, lon): level, squeeze = self._parse_level_(level) return time, level, lat, lon, squeeze def _parse_level_(self, level, squeeze=False): # Convert level argument from string if isinstance(level, basestring): # Selector top = slice(-2, -1) surf = slice(1, 2) if level=='surf': level = surf if self._isdepthup_() else top elif level=='top': level = top if self._isdepthup_() else surf elif level=='3d': level = None else: raise DatasetError('Invalid level selector string: '+level) # Squeeze Z dim squeeze = (merge_squeeze_specs(squeeze, 'z') if level is not None else False) return level, squeeze
[docs] def get_selector(self, level=None, **kwargs): # Argument level, squeeze = self._parse_level_(level) selector = Dataset.get_selector(self, level=level, **kwargs) if isinstance(selector, dict): selector['squeeze'] = squeeze elif isinstance(selector, cdms2.selectors.Selector): selector.squeeze = squeeze return selector
get_selector.__doc__ = Dataset.get_selector.__doc__
[docs] def finalize_object(self, var, squeeze=False, order=None, asvar=None, torect=True, depthup=None, **kwargs): """Finalize a variable :Params: - **squeeze**, optional: If not False, squeeze singletons axes using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.squeeze_variable`. - **order**, optional: If not None, change the axes order of the variable. It must contains letters like 'txyz-'. - **asvar**, optional: Grow variable to match the ``asvar`` variable, using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **asvar_<param>**: Param passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.grow_variables`. - **torect**, optinal: Try to convert curvilinear grid to rectangular grid using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect`. - **depthup**, optional: If not False, try the make depth positive up using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.makedepthup`. """ if var is None: return # Make depth positive up if isinstance(var,tuple): var=var[0] if depthup is not False: self._makealtitudeup_(var, altitude=depthup) # Generic stuff var = Dataset.finalize_object(self, var, squeeze=squeeze, order=order, torect=torect, asvar=asvar, **kwargs) return var
[docs] def get_variable(self, varname, level=None, squeeze=False, **kwargs): level, squeeze = self._parse_level_(level, squeeze) return Dataset.get_variable(self, varname, level=level, squeeze=squeeze, **kwargs)
get_variable.__doc__ = Dataset.get_variable.__doc__ def _isdepthup_(self, depth=None): """Guess if depths are positive up""" # Cache if getattr(self, 'positive', None) is not None: return self.positive=='up' # Get depth if depth is None: depth = self.get_depth(time=slice(0, 1), warn=False, format=False) if depth is None: # no depth = no problem self.positive = 'up' return True # Guess axis = 0 if len(depth.shape)==1 else 1 isup = isdepthup(depth, ro=False, axis=axis) self.positive = 'up' if isup else 'down' return isup def _makealtitudeup_(self, var, altitude=None): """Make altitudes positive up""" if altitude is None: if cdms2.isVariable(var): altitude = var.getLevel() elif isdep(var): altitude = var if altitude is None: return var isup = self._isdepthup_(altitude) if isup: return var if isdep(var): return makealtitudeup(var, depth=False, strict=True) axis = var.getOrder().find('z') if axis<0: return var return makealtitudeup(var, depth=False, axis=axis, strict=True) def _get_altitude_(self, at='t', level=None, time=None, lat=None, lon=None, order=None, squeeze=None, asvar=None, torect=True, warn=True, mode=None, format=True, grid=None, zerolid=False, **kwargs): altitude=None if mode is None: mode = self.default_altitude_search_mode # Where? at_p = _at_(at, squeezet=True, prefix=True) atz = _at_(at, prefix=False, focus='ver') at_z = _at_(at, prefix=True, focus='ver') at_xy = _at_(at, squeezet=True, prefix=True, focus='hor') # Setup keywords fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwfinal = dict(order=order, squeeze=squeeze, asvar=asvar, torect=torect, format=format, at=at) kwvar = dict(level=level, time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, warn=fwarn) kwvar.update(kwfinal) kwvarnoat = kwvar.copy() kwvarnoat.pop('at') # First, try to find a altitude variable if check_mode('var', mode): altitude = self.get_variable('altitude'+at_p, **kwvar) if altitude is not None or check_mode('var', mode, strict=True): return self._makealtitudeup_(altitude, altitude) # Get selector for other tries sselector = self.get_selector(lon=lon, lat=lat, level=level, merge=True, only='xyz') seltimes = self.get_seltimes(time=time) or [None] # selnotime = None gridmet = 'get_grid'+at_xy if grid is None: grid = getattr(self, gridmet)()#False) curvsel = CurvedSelector(grid, sselector) kwfinal['curvsel'] = curvsel kwfinal['genname'] = genname = 'depth' + at_p if len(seltimes)>1: kwfinal[self.get_timeid()] = seltimes[1] kwfinalz = kwfinal.copy() if at_p and at_z!=at_p: # from T or W to U, etc kwfinalz['genname'] = genname = 'altitude' + at_z kwfinalz.setdefault('at', at) # Second, try from sigma-like coordinates at W and T points only (for now) sigma_converter = NcSigma.factory(self.dataset[0]) if check_mode('sigma', mode): if sigma_converter is not None and sigma_converter.stype is None: sigma_converter.close() sigma_converter = None if sigma_converter is not None: self.debug('Found depth referring to a sigma level, processing sigma to depth conversion') allvars = [] if seltimes[0] is None or isinstance(seltimes[0], slice): nib = NcIterTimeSlice(self.dataset, tslice=seltimes[0]) else: nib = NcIterBestEstimate(self.dataset, time=seltimes[0], id=self._nibeid+str(time)) for f, tslice in nib: # - init if tslice is False: continue # and when no time??? None-> ok we continue if f!=self.dataset[0]: sigma_converter.update_file(f) sel = create_selector(time=tslice) # if selnotime is None: # selnotime = filter_time_selector(selector, ids=nib.timeid, out=True) # sel.refine(selnotime) sel.refine(sselector) self.debug('- dataset: %s: sigma: %s, select: %s', os.path.basename(, sigma_converter.__class__.__name__, sel) # - try it try: d = sigma_converter(sel, at=atz, copyaxes=True, mode='sigma', zerolid=zerolid) except Exception, e: if warn: self.warning("Can't get altitude from sigma. Error: \n"+e.message) break self.debug('Sigma to altitude result: %s', self.describe(d)) allvars.append(d) # Concatenate loaded depth if allvars: var = MV2_concatenate(allvars) return self.finalize_object(var, depthup=var, **kwfinalz) if check_mode('sigma', mode, strict=True): return if warn: self.warning('Found no way to estimate depths at %s location'%at.upper()) _mode_doc = """Computing mode - ``None``: Try all modes, in the following order. - ``"var"``: Read it from a variable. - ``"sigma"``: Estimate from sigma coordinates. #not yet- ``"dz"``: Estimate from layer thinknesses (see :meth:`get_dz`) #not yet- ``"axis"``: Read it from an axis (if not sigma coordinates) #You can specifiy a list of them: ``['dz', 'sigma']`` #You can also negate the search with #a '-' sigme before: ``"-dz"``."""
[docs] def get_altitude(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get layer altitude testing all locations""" warn = kwargs.pop('warn', True) fwarn = max(int(warn)-1, 0) kwargs['warn'] = fwarn locs = kwargs.pop('at', 'tuvw') for loc in locs: altitude = self._get_altitude_(loc, *args, **kwargs) if altitude is not None: return altitude else: if warn: self.warning("Can't get altitude at location "+loc) return self._get_altitude_('t', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_altitude, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_altitude_t(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get altitude at T location""" return self._get_altitude_('t', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_altitude_t, mode=_mode_doc)
[docs] def get_altitude_w(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get altitude at W location""" return self._get_altitude_('w', *args, **kwargs)
getvar_fmtdoc(get_altitude_w, mode=_mode_doc)
def _at_(at, squeezet=False, focus=None, prefix=False): """Convert location letters""" if isinstance(at, basestring): at = at.lower() if at=='' or at is True: at = 't' # Aliases if at in 'rts': at = 't' # Focus on hor. or ver. if (focus=="hor" or focus=='h' or focus=='xy') and at in 'w': at = 't' elif focus=="ver" or focus=='z': if at in 'uv': at = 't' elif at in 'd': at = "w" # Squeeze t if squeezet and at=='t': at = '' # Prefix if at != '': if prefix is True: prefix = '_' if isinstance(prefix, basestring): at = prefix+at return at
[docs]def check_mode(validmodes, modes, strict=False): """Check at least one of the checked modes is valid :Params: - **validmodes**: Valid modes as a single or list of strings. - **modes**: Modes to check. ``None`` is accepted. - **strict**, optional: If a checked mode is ``None``, it returns ``True`` if strict is ``True`` else ``False``. :Example: >>> check_mode('var', 'var') True >>> validmodes = ['var', 'depth'] >>> check_mode(validmodes, 'toto') False >>> check_mode(validmodes, None) True >>> check_mode(validmodes, 'var') True >>> check_mode(validmodes, 'var', 'toto') True >>> check_mode(validmodes, ['var', 'toto']) True >>> check_mode(validmodes, '-axis') True """ if not isinstance(validmodes, (list, tuple)): validmodes = [validmodes] if not isinstance(modes, (list, tuple)): modes = [modes] for mode in modes: if not isinstance(mode, (list, tuple)): mode = [mode] for m in modes: if m is None and not strict: return True rev = isinstance(m, basestring) and m.startswith('-') if strict and rev: return False if rev and m[1:] not in validmodes: return True elif not rev and m in validmodes: return True return False
def _notuplist_(dd): """Convert lists and tuples to single elements in dict (after copy)""" if dd is None: return dd = dd.copy() for key, val in dd.items(): if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): dd[key] = val[0] return dd
[docs]class GenericDataset(AtmosDataset, OceanDataset): """Generic :class:`Dataset` class to load everything""" name = 'generic' description = 'Generic dataset'
[docs]class CurvedSelector(object): """Curved grid multiple selector""" def __init__(self, grid, select, force=True, xid=None, yid=None): self.geosels = self.extract_geosels(select) = str(self.geosels) self._post_sel = False self.grid = grid self.force = force self.curv = len(grid.getLongitude().shape)==2 if self.geosels and grid is not None and (self.curv or force): islice, jslice, mask = coord2slice(grid, *self.geosels[0]) if islice is None: islice = ':' if jslice is None: jslice = ':' self.remove_geosels(select) self.xid = xid or grid.getAxis(1).id self.yid = yid or grid.getAxis(0).id select.refine(**{self.xid:islice, self.yid:jslice}) self._post_sel = True self.mask = mask = select
[docs] def togrid(self, grid): """Make a copy and put it on another grid with new xid and yid""" cs = copy(self) if hasattr(cs, 'xid'): cs.xid = xid or grid.getAxis(1).id cs.yid = yid or grid.getAxis(0).id return cs
[docs] def finalize(self, var): if var is None or not self._post_sel: return var if self.mask is not None and self.mask.any(): var[:] = MV2.masked_where(N.resize(self.mask, var.shape), var, copy=0) if len(self.geosels)==2 and self.grid is not None and (self.curv or self.force): assert self.grid.shape == var.getGrid().shape, 'Incomptible grids' islice, jslice, mask = coord2slice(self.grid, *self.geosels[1]) if islice is None: islice = ':' if jslice is None: jslice = ':' var = var(**{self.xid:islice, self.yid:jslice}) if self.mask.any(): var[:] = MV2.masked_where(N.resize(mask, var.shape), var, copy=0) return var return var
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_geosels(select): """Convert select to a list of (lon,lat) selection specs""" lons = [] lats = [] for c in select.components(): id = getattr(c, 'id', None) if id is None: continue if id=='lon': lons.append(c.spec) if id=='lat': lats.append(c.spec) continue n = max(len(lons), len(lats)) if n==0: return [] lons = broadcast(lons, n, fillvalue=None) lats = broadcast(lats, n, fillvalue=None) return zip(lons, lats)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_geosels(select): """Remove lon and lat component selections""" for c in select().components(): id = getattr(c, 'id', None) if id is None: continue if id in ['lon', 'lat']: select._Selector__components.remove(c) return select
[docs]def merge_squeeze_specs(squeeze1, squeeze2): if squeeze1==squeeze2: return squeeze1 s1 = isinstance(squeeze1, basestring) s2 = isinstance(squeeze2, basestring) if (((squeeze1 or squeeze1 is None) and not s1) or ((squeeze2 or squeeze2 is None) and not s2)): return True if s1 and s2: return squeeze1 + squeeze2 if s1: return squeeze1 if s2: return squeeze2 return s1 or s2
# Register dataset classes for cls in (GenericDataset, OceanDataset, AtmosDataset, AtmosSurfaceDataset, OceanSurfaceDataset, WaveSurfaceDataset): register_dataset(cls)