#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2017)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
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# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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__author__ = 'Stéphane Raynaud'
__email__ = 'raynaud@actimar.fr'
'''This module defines a class for all sigma coordinates systems'''
import re, math, string, numpy as N, cdms2, MV2
from traceback import format_exc
from warnings import warn
from cdms2.selectors import Selector
from vacumm import vcwarn
from vacumm.misc import (selector2str, create_selector, split_selector,
filter_level_selector, dict_merge)
import vacumm.data.cf as cf
from vacumm.misc.axes import axis_type
from vacumm.misc.grid import dz2depth as dz2depths
from vacumm.misc.io import NcFileObj, ncread_axis, ncread_var
RE_SN2LOC_SEARCH = re.compile(r'_at_([uvwtdfr])_location', re.I).search
[docs]def standard_name_to_location(standard_name):
m = RE_SN2LOC_SEARCH(standard_name)
if m is not None:
return m.group(1)
[docs]class SigmaError(Exception):
[docs]class SigmaWarning(UserWarning):
[docs]class NcSigma(object):
'''Abstract class for sigma coordinates interface to Netcdf files
See :class:`NcSigmaStandard` and :class:`NcSigmaGeneralized` for more information
.. attribute:: f
cdms2 file object.
.. attribute:: levelvar
Variable whose standard_name is of type "ocean_XX_coordinate"
.. attribute:: formula_terms
Dictionary to find formula variables
.. attribute:: standard_names
List of useful standard names
.. attribute:: names
Netcdf names of some variables
.. attribute:: dzt
Layer thickness at T point
.. attribute:: dzu
Layer thickness at U point
.. attribute:: dzw
Layer thickness at W point
standard_names = dict(
dz = cf.VAR_SPECS['dz']['standard_name'],
dzu = cf.VAR_SPECS['dz_u']['standard_name'],
dzv = cf.VAR_SPECS['dz_v']['standard_name'],
dzw = cf.VAR_SPECS['dz_w']['standard_name'],
depth = cf.VAR_SPECS['bathy']['standard_name'],
depthu = cf.VAR_SPECS['bathy_u']['standard_name'],
depthv = cf.VAR_SPECS['bathy_v']['standard_name'],
eta = cf.VAR_SPECS['ssh']['standard_name'],
#cval utile ?
oro = cf.VAR_SPECS['oro']['standard_name'],
height = cf.VAR_SPECS['topheight']['standard_name'],
altitude = cf.VAR_SPECS['altitude']['standard_name'],
# dz = "ocean_layer_thickness",
# dzu = "ocean_layer_thickness_at_u_location",
# dzv = "ocean_layer_thickness_at_v_location",
# dzw = "ocean_layer_thickness_at_w_location",
# depth = "model_sea_floor_depth_below_geoid",
# depthu = "model_sea_floor_depth_below_geoid_at_u_location",
# depthv = "model_sea_floor_depth_below_geoid_at_v_location",
# eta = ["sea_surface_height_above_geoid"],
gridvars = dict(
t = ['eta', 'depth','oro','altitude'],
u = ['depthu'],
v = ['depthv'],
gridvars['all'] = gridvars['t']+gridvars['u']+gridvars['v']
names = {}
horiz_terms = ['depth', 'eta', 'height', 'oro']
sigma_name = None
def __init__(self, ncfile, levelvars=None, formula_terms=None):
# Open file
self.nfo = NcFileObj(ncfile)
self.f = self.nfo.f
# Level variable
if levelvars is None or isinstance(levelvars, list):
self.levelvars = self.get_levelvars(ncfile, getcls=False, levelids=levelvars)
self.levelvars = levelvars
# Load formula terms
if 'depth' in self.formula_terms['t']: self.domain = 'ocean'
elif 'height' in self.formula_terms['t']: self.domain = 'atmosphere'
self.domain = None
# Load names from standard_names
# Load sigma related variables
# # Load layer thickness names
# self.load_thickness_names()
# Init the cache
self._cache = {}
[docs] def close(self):
"""Closed opened file"""
def __del__(self):
[docs] @classmethod
def factory(cls, f, **kwargs):
"""Get a sigma instance by scaning the standard name of axes and variables in a netcdf file
- **ncfile**: A netcdf file name or descriptor.
- Other keywords are used to initialize the output instance.
- **sigma**: ``None`` or one of the following instance:
- :class:`NcSigmaStandard`: Ocean sigma-coordinates
- :class:`NcSigmaGeneralized`: Ocean s-coordinates
# Open file
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
vars, sigcls = cls.get_levelvars(f, getcls=True, atlocs=False)
if sigcls is not None:
return sigcls(f, vars, **kwargs)
# raise SigmaError('No valid coordinate system found in variables')
[docs] @classmethod
def get_levelvars(cls, f, getcls=False, atlocs=True, levelids=None):
"""Find de level variables that have a standard name like ocean_XX_coordinate
- **f**: cdms2 file object or netcdf file name.
- **getcls**, optional: Get the associated sigma class too.
- **levelids**, optional: Restrict search to theses ids.
:Return: Variables as a dictionary whose keys at point positions
such as 't', 'w'. If position is not properly estimated
from the standard_name (using :func:`standard_name_to_location`),
't' is assumed.
- if not getcls: ``{'t': levelt, 'w':levelw, ...}``
- else: ``{'t': levelt, 'w':levelw, ...}, sigcls``
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
targets = [(dimname, f.getAxis(dimname)) for dimname in f.listdimension()]
targets += [var for var in f.variables.items()]
levelvars = {}
valid_sigcls = None
for name,var in targets:
if levelids is not None and name not in levelids: continue
sigcls = cls.get_sigma_class(var)
if sigcls is not None:
# if atlocs:
at = standard_name_to_location(var.standard_name)
if at is None: at = 't'
levelvars[at] = var
valid_sigcls = sigcls
# else:
# vars.append(var)
if not levelvars:
levelvars = None
if getcls: return levelvars, valid_sigcls
return levelvars
[docs] @classmethod
def get_sigma_class(cls, var):
"""Return the sigma class as identified in var or None"""
# standard_name available ?
if not hasattr(var, 'standard_name'): return
# Loop on classes
for sigcls in NcSigmaStandard, NcSigmaGeneralized:
# Get standard names as a list
sigma_standard_names = sigcls.standard_names[sigcls.sigma_name]+sigcls.standard_names[sigcls.sigma_name+'w']
if not isinstance(sigma_standard_names, list):
sigma_standard_names = [sigma_standard_names]
# Check
if var.standard_name in sigma_standard_names:
return sigcls
[docs] @classmethod
def is_sigma(cls, *args, **kwargs):
sc = cls.get_sigma_class(*args, **kwargs)
return sc is not None and issubclass(sc, NcSigma)
def _load_names_(cls, f):
"""Store netcdf names of variables according to :attr:`standard_names` into :attr:`names`"""
targets = [(dimname, f.getAxis(dimname)) for dimname in f.listdimension()]
targets += [var for var in f.variables.items()]
for name, standard_names in cls.standard_names.items():
if not isinstance(standard_names, list):
standard_names = [standard_names]
for ncname,ncvar in targets:
if hasattr(ncvar, 'standard_name') and ncvar.standard_name in standard_names:
cls.names.setdefault(name, ncname)
return cls.names
# def _get_from_standard_name_(self, standard_names, selector=None, mode="full"):
# """Get a variable from its standard name
# :Params:
# - **standard_names**: A single standard_name or a list.
# - **getid**, optional: If True, return the id instead of the variable.
# :Return: The variabe if found, or None.
# """
# if not isinstance(standard_names, list):
# standard_names = [standard_names]
# targets = [(dimname, f.getAxis(dimname)) for dimname in f.listdimension()]
# targets += [var for var in f.variables.items()]
# for name,var in targets:
# if hasattr(var, 'standard_name') and var.standard_name in standard_names:
# if mode=="id" or mode==0:
# return var.id
# if mode=="full" or mode>1:
# self._get_from_name_(var.id, selector)
# return var
def _ft_to_dict_(formula_terms):
if isinstance(formula_terms, dict):
return formula_terms
if not isinstance(formula_terms, (list,tuple)):
formula_terms = re.split('[\W]+', formula_terms)
ft = {}
for i in xrange(len(formula_terms)/2):
ft[formula_terms[i*2]] = formula_terms[i*2+1]
raise SigmaError('Error while scaning formula terms')
return ft
def _serialize_selector_(selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None):
selector = as_selector(selector)
ss = selector2str(selector)
if lons is not None and lats is not None:
ss += str(hash(str(N.asarray(lons).data)))
ss += str(hash(str(N.asarray(lats).data)))
if times is not None:
ss += str(hash(str(N.asarray(create_time(times)).data)))
return ss
def _get_from_cache_(self, name, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None):
"""Get a variable either from the cache or
by reading it with :func:`_get_from_name_`"""
# Check the cache
name = name.lower()
if not hasattr(self, '_cache'): self._cache = {}
selector = as_selector(selector)
ss = self._serialize_selector_(selector=selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
if not self._cache.has_key(name):
self._cache[name] = [None,None]
if self._cache[name][0] is ss and self._cache[name][0] is not None:
return self._cache[name][1]
del self._cache[name]
# Read it
var = self._get_from_name_(name, selector, lons, lats)
self._cache[name] = [ss, var]
return var
[docs] def clean_cache(self):
if '_cache' in self: del self._cache
def _get_ncname_(self, name):
"""Get netcdf var name from name"""
if name is None: return
name = name.lower()
if not name.startswith('+') and name not in self.names: return
if name.startswith('+'):
ncname = name[1:]
ncname = self.names[name]
return ncname
def _get_from_name_(self, name, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None):
"""Load axis or variable from its generic name
.. note:: Tests against generic names are case insensitives.
They are search for in :attr:`names`.
:Return: None is not found, else a MV2 array
# Inits
ncname = self._get_ncname_(name)
if ncname is None: return
selector = as_selector(selector)
# Axis
var = ncread_axis(self.f, ncname, mode=None)
if var is not None:
# Selector
atype = axis_type(var, genname=True)[:3]
for sname, sel in split_selector(selector)[1].items():
if sname==var.id or (atype is not None and atype==sname[:3]):
if not isinstance(sel, slice):
ijk = var.mapIntervalExt(sel)
ijk = sel.indices(len(var))
var = var.subaxis(*ijk)
return var
# Variable
Variables = self.f.variables.keys()
variables = map(string.lower, Variables)
if ncname.lower() in variables:
ncname = Variables[variables.index(ncname.lower())]
not_scalar = self.f[ncname].shape
args = [ncname]
if selector and not_scalar:
kwargs = {'mode':None}
var = ncread_var(self.f, *args, **kwargs)
if var is None:
if not_scalar and hasattr(self.f[ncname], '_FillValue') and cdms2.isVariable(var):
var[:] = MV2.masked_values(var, self.f[ncname]._FillValue, copy=0)
# Transect
if not_scalar and lons is not None and lats is not None:
var = grid2xy(var, xo=lons, yo=lons, to=times, outaxis=False)
return var
# Attribute
Attributes = self.f.attributes.keys()
attributes = map(string.lower, Attributes)
if ncname.lower() in attributes:
ncname = Attributes[attributes.index(ncname.lower())]
return self.f.attributes.get(ncname, None)
[docs] def load_sigma(self, selector=None, at=None):
"""Scan variables to find sigma (or s), and set :attr:`sigma` (or :attr:`s`) attributes"""
if at is None: at = ['t', 'w']
single = not isinstance(at, list)
if single: at = [at]
setattr(self, self.sigma_name, {})
setattr(self, 'sigma', getattr(self, self.sigma_name)) # alias
ss = getattr(self, self.sigma_name)
for a in at:
a = self._at_(a, focus='ver')
if self.sigma_name not in self.formula_terms[a]: continue
varname = '+' + self.formula_terms[a][self.sigma_name]
ncname = self._get_ncname_(varname)
ids = [ncname] if ncname else []
zsel = filter_level_selector(selector, ids=ids)
var = self._get_from_cache_(varname, zsel)
if var is None:
raise SigmaError('Sigma variable not found for sigma coordinates: '+varname)
# if hasattr(var, 'getValue'):
# var = var.getValue()
# else:
# var = var.filled()
ss[a] = var
self.nz = var.shape[0]
return ss if not single else ss[at[0]]
[docs] def has_w(self):
"""Check if W sigma coordinates are available"""
return 'w' in self.sigma
[docs] def has_t(self):
"""Check if W sigma coordinates are available"""
return 't' in self.sigma
[docs] def get_depth(self, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None, at='t', mode='error'):
"""Read bottom depth at T, U or V points"""
at = self._at_(at, squeezet=True)
if at=="w": at = 't'
var = self._get_from_cache_('depth'+at, selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
if var is None and mode=='error':
raise SigmaError('Depth variable at %-points not found for %s coordinates: %s'(self.sigma_name, at, 'depth'+at))
return var
[docs] def get_eta(self, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None, mode='error'):
"""Scan variables to find eta and read it"""
var = self._get_from_cache_('eta', selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
if var is None and mode=='error':
raise SigmaError('Eta variable not found for %s coordinates'%self.sigma_name)
return var
[docs] def get_oro(self, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None, mode='error'):
"""Scan variables to find oro and read it"""
var = self._get_from_cache_('oro', selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
if var is None and mode=='error':
raise SigmaError('Oro variable not found for %s coordinates'%self.sigma_name)
return var
[docs] def get_height(self, mode='error'):
"""Scan variables to find height and read it"""
var = self._get_from_cache_('height')
if var is None and mode=='error':
raise SigmaError('Height variable not found for %s coordinates'%self.sigma_name)
return var
# def load_thickness_names(self):
# """Load name of thickness variables at T, U and W if availables
# Thickness variables are identified according to their standard_name,
# stored in attributes :attr:`standard_names`.
# Results are stored in attributes :attr:`dzt_name`, :attr:`dzu_name` and :attr:`dzw_name`.
# """
# for at in 't', 'u', 'w':
# if at=='t': at=''
# standard_name = sef.standard_names["dz"+at]
# self.names["dz"+at] = self._get_from_standard_name_(standard_name, mode='id')
[docs] def get_dz(self, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None, at='t'):
"""Load thickness at T or W if availables
- **selector**: Global selector.
- **at**: 't' or 'w'
:Return: The variable if available or None
at = self._at_(at, focus='ver', squeezet=True)
return self._get_from_cache_("dz"+at, selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
# def create_depths(self, eta):
# """Create an empty output depths variable"""
# shape = eta.shape[-2:]
# if eta.getTime() is not None:
# shape = (eta.shape[0],) + shape
# depths = MV2.zeros(shape, eta.dtype)
# return depths
def _at_(at, squeezet=False, focus=None):
if isinstance(at, basestring): at = at.lower()
if at=='' or at is True: at = 't'
# Aliases
if at in 'rts':
at = 't'
# Focus on hor. or ver.
if (focus=="hor" or focus=='h' or focus=='xy') and at in 'w':
at = 't'
elif focus=="ver" or focus=='z':
if at in 'uv':
at = 't'
elif at in 'd':
at = "w"
# Squeeze t
if squeezet and at=='t': at = ''
return at
def _get_dz2d_config_(self, at, selector=None, lons=None, lats=None, times=None):
"""Get what is needed to generate depths from layer thicknesses
- **at**: Grid point name: T or W (only).
- **selector**, optional: Global :class:`~cdms2.selectors.Selector`.
:Returns: name, dz, ref
# Currently only at T and W points
at = self._at_(at)
if at not in 'tw': return
# Check config already existing
kwsel = dict(selector=selector, lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
ss = self._serialize_selector_(**kwsel)
if not hasattr(self, '_dz2d_config'): self._dz2d_config={}
if at in self._dz2d_config and ss in self._dz2d_config[at]:
return self._dz2d_config[at][ss]
# Generate config
config = None
if at=='t' and 'depth' in self.names and 'dzw' in self.names:
config = ('dzw/depth',
self._get_from_cache_('dzw', **kwsel),
self._get_from_cache_('depth', **kwsel),
elif at=='w' and 'eta' in self.names and 'dz' in self.names:
config = ('dz/eta',
self._get_from_cache_('dz', **kwsel),
self._get_from_cache_('eta', **kwsel),
if at not in self._dz2d_config:
self._dz2d_config[at] = {}
self._dz2d_config[at][ss] = config
return config
[docs] def dz_to_depths(self, selector=None, at='t', copyaxes=True, zerolid=False,
lons=None, lats=None, times=None):
"""Get depths from layer thicknesses
# Get config
at = self._at_(at, focus='z')
config = self._get_dz2d_config_(at, selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
msg = "Can't compute depths from layer thicknesses at %s"%at
if config is None:
raise SigmaError(msg+": no config available")
cfgname, dz, ref = config
refloc = cfgname.split('/')[1]
return dz2depths(dz, ref, refloc=refloc, zerolid=zerolid)
except Exception, e:
raise SigmaError(msg+': '+format_exc())
[docs] def update_file(self, newncfile, close=False):
"""Change the netcdf file"""
if close: self.close()
self.nfo = NcFileObj(newncfile)
self.f = self.nfo.f
[docs]class NcSigmaStandard(NcSigma):
'''Ocean standard coordinates converter for netcdf files
- **ncfile**: A netcdf file name or descriptor.
- **levelvar**, optional: Variable or axis of levels.
.. attribute:: sigma
[array] Sigma coordinates
.. attribute:: depth
[array] Bottom depth
standard_names = NcSigma.standard_names.copy()
sigma_name = 'sigma'
standard_names[sigma_name] = ["ocean_sigma_coordinate", "ocean_sigma_coordinate_at_t_location", "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate", "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate_at_t_location"]
standard_names[sigma_name+'w'] = ["ocean_sigma_coordinate_at_w_location", "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate_at_w_location"]
def __init__(self, ncfile, levelvars=None, formula_terms=None):
# Basic initializations
NcSigma.__init__(self, ncfile, levelvars=levelvars, formula_terms=formula_terms)
# Ocean or standard sigma?
#cval ici pas super clair le choix
for at in 't', 'w':
if at in self.sigma:
if self.domain == 'ocean':
self.standard = self.sigma[at][:].sum()<0
elif self.domain == 'atmosphere':
self.standard = self.sigma[at][:].sum()>0
self.standard = None
self.stype = 'standard' if self.standard else 'ocean'
# def load_sigma(self, selector=None):
# """Scan variables to find sigma , and set :attr:`sigma` attribute
# :Return: :attr:`sigma`
# """
# return NcSigma._load_sigma_('sigma', selector)
[docs] def sigma_to_depths(self, selector=None,
lons=None, lats=None, times=None,
at='t', mode=None, copyaxes=True,
eta=None, zerolid=None, depth=None):
"""Get depths for the current state
- **selector**: cdms selector or dict of selection specs.
- **at**, optional: Where to compute them (T or Z).
- **mode**, optional: Computational mode: "auto"/None, "sigma" or "dz".
- **eta**: Sea surface elevation. A scalar, False, an array or defaults
file's eta.
# Inits
if mode is None: mode = 'auto'
at = self._at_(at)
atz = self._at_(at, focus='z')
kwsel = dict(selector=selector, lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
# From sigma
if mode=='auto' or mode=='sigma':
# Compute it
# Read variables
if eta is None:
eta = self.get_eta(mode='noerr', **kwsel)
elif eta is False:
eta = None
if depth is None:
depth = self.get_depth(**kwsel)
# Force sigma reload to allow level selection
# Compute it
return sigma2depths(self.sigma[at], depth, eta, stype=self.stype,
copyaxes=copyaxes, zerolid=zerolid)
except Exception, e:
if isinstance(e, KeyError):
msg = "can't compute it at %s location"%e.message
msg = format_exc()
msg = "Can't compute depths from sigma coordinates. Error: %s"%msg
if mode=='sigma':
raise SigmaError(msg)
warn(msg, SigmaWarning)
# From dz
return self.dz_to_depths(at=at, copyaxes=copyaxes,
zerolid=zerolid, **kwsel)
except SigmaError, e:
if mode=='auto':
raise SigmaError("Can't compute depths from layer thicknesses or sigma coordinates")
raise SigmaError(e.message)
# # Init depths
# notime = eta.getTime() is None
# nt = 1 if notime else eta.shape[0]
# nz = self.sigma.shape[0]
# shape = (nt, nz) + eta.shape[-2:]
# depths = MV2.zeros(shape, eta.dtype)
# depths.long_name = 'Depths'
# depths.units = 'm'
# depths.id = 'depths'
# # Loops
# for it in xrange(nt):
# for iz in xrange(nz):
# # Common base
# depths[it,iz] = self.sigma[iz] * (eta[it] + depth)
# # Sigma type
# if self.standard:
# depths[it,iz] += eta[it] # standard
# else:
# depths[it,iz] -= depth # ocean
# if notime:
# depths = depths[0]
# if copyaxes:
# # Reaffect axes
# # TODO:
# # - does axes need to be copied ?
# # - retreive z axis instead of creating it
# # - factorize this copyaxes behavior
# axes = []
# if not notime:
# axes.append(eta.getTime())
# axes.append(cdms2.createAxis(range(self.sigma.shape[0]), id='level'))
# axes.extend(eta.getAxisList()[-2:])
# #print depths.shape, [type(a) for a in axes]
# depths.setAxisList(axes)
# self.f.close()
# return depths
[docs] def sigma_to_altitudes(self, selector=None, at='t', mode=None, copyaxes=True,
oro=None, zerolid=None):
"""Get depths for the current state
- **selector**: cdms selector or dict of selection specs.
- **at**, optional: Where to compute them (T or Z).
- **mode**, optional: Computational mode: "auto"/None, "sigma" or "dz".
- **eta**: Sea surface elevation. A scalar, False, an array or defaults
file's eta.
# Inits
if mode is None: mode = 'auto'
at = self._at_(at)
atz = self._at_(at, focus='z')
# From sigma
if mode=='auto' or mode=='sigma':
# Compute it
# Read variables
if oro is None:
oro = self.get_oro(selector, mode='noerr')
height = self.get_height()
# Force sigma reload to allow level selection
# Compute it
return sigma2altitudes(self.sigma[at], height, oro, stype=self.stype,
copyaxes=copyaxes, zerolid=zerolid)
except Exception, e:
if isinstance(e, KeyError):
msg = "can't compute it at %s location"%e.message
msg = format_exc()
msg = "Can't compute altitudes from sigma coordinates. Error: %s"%msg
if mode=='sigma':
raise SigmaError(msg)
warn(msg, SigmaWarning)
# From dz
# try:
# return self.dz_to_depths(selector=selector, at=at, copyaxes=copyaxes,
# zerolid=zerolid)
# except SigmaError, e:
# if mode=='auto':
# raise SigmaError("Can't compute altitudes from layer thicknesses or sigma coordinates")
# else:
# raise SigmaError(e.message)
#def sigma_to_depthaltitudes(self, selector=None, at='t', mode=None, copyaxes=True,
[docs] def sigma_to_levels(self, selector=None, at='t', mode=None, copyaxes=True, zerolid=None):
if self.domain == 'atmosphere': return self.sigma_to_altitudes(selector=selector, at=at, mode=mode, copyaxes=copyaxes, zerolid=zerolid)
else: return self.sigma_to_depths(selector=selector, at=at, mode=mode, copyaxes=copyaxes, zerolid=zerolid)
__call__ = sigma_to_levels
[docs]class NcSigmaGeneralized(NcSigma):
'''Ocean s coordinates converter for netcdf files
- **ncfile**: A netcdf file name or descriptor.
- **levelvar**: Variable name of levels.
.. attribute:: s
[array] S coordinates
.. attribute:: depth
[array] Bottom depth
.. attribute:: depth_c
[array] Surface limit depth
.. attribute:: a
Surface control parameter
.. attribute:: b
Bottom control parameter
.. attribute:: csu_standard_name
Standard name of stretching at mid-layer
.. attribute:: csw_standard_name
Standard name of stretching at top-layer
.. attribute:: csu
Stretching at mid-layer
.. attribute:: csw
Stretching at top-layer
standard_names = NcSigma.standard_names.copy()
sigma_name = 's'
cst = "ocean_s_coordinate_function_at_midlayer",
csw = ["ocean_s_coordinate_function_at_toplayer", "ocean_s_coordinate_function_at_interface"]
standard_names[sigma_name] = [
standard_names[sigma_name+'w'] = [
horiz_terms = NcSigma.horiz_terms + ['depth_c']
def __init__(self, ncfile, levelvars=None, formula_terms=None):
# Basic initializations
NcSigma.__init__(self, ncfile, levelvars=levelvars, formula_terms=formula_terms)
self.stype = 'generalized'
# Load control parameters
# Load stretching functions
[docs] def load_controls(self, at='t', mode='noerr'):
"""Load control parameters :attr:`a` and :attr:`b`"""
at = self._at_(at, focus='ver')
for term in 'a','b':
if term not in self.formula_terms[at]:
var = None
varname = self.formula_terms[at][term]
if varname=='tetha': varname = 'theta' # Grrr
var = self._get_from_name_('+'+varname)
if var is None and mode!='noerr':
raise SigmaError('%s variable not found for %s coordinates: %s'%(term,self.sigma_name, varname))
setattr(self, term, var)
[docs] def load_stretchings(self):
"""Load stretching at mid and top layer and store them in :attr:`cs` dict"""
self.cs = {}
for at in 'w', 't':
csname = "cs"+at
if csname in self.names:
var = self.f(self.names[csname])
var = None
self.cs[at] = var
[docs] def get_depth_c(self, selector=None,
lons=None, lats=None, times=None,
"""Scan file for limit depth and read it"""
var = self._get_from_cache_('depth_c', selector,
lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
if var is None and mode=='error':
raise SigmaError('Depth_c variable not found for %s coordinates: '%(self.sigma_name, varname))
return var
# def load_sigma(self, selector=None):
# """Scan variables to find s
# :Return: :attr:`s`
# """
# return self._load_sigma_('s', selector)
[docs] def sigma_to_depths(self, selector=None,
lons=None, lats=None, times=None,
at='t', mode=None, copyaxes=True,
eta=None, zerolid=False, depth=None, depth_c=None):
"""Get depths for the current state
- **selector**: cdms selector or dict of selection specs.
- **at**, optional: Where to compute them (T or Z).
- **mode**, optional: Computational mode: "auto"/None, "sigma" or "dz".
- **eta**: Sea surface elevation. A scalar, False, an array or defaults
file's eta.
# Inits
if mode is None: mode = 'auto'
at = self._at_(at)
atz = self._at_(at, focus='z')
kwsel = dict(selector=selector, lons=lons, lats=lats, times=times)
# From sigma
if mode=='auto' or mode=='sigma':
# Read variables
#cval revoir le selector ici
if eta is None:
eta = self.get_eta(mode='noerr', **kwsel)
elif eta is False:
eta = None
if depth is None:
depth = self.get_depth(**kwsel)
if depth_c is None:
depth_c = self.get_depth_c(**kwsel)
# Force sigma reload to allow level selection
# Compute it
return sigma2depths(self.s[atz], depth, eta, stype=self.stype,
cs=self.cs[atz], depth_c=depth_c, a=self.a, b=self.b,
copyaxes=copyaxes, zerolid=zerolid)
except Exception, e:
if isinstance(e, KeyError):
msg = "can't compute it at %s location"%e.message
msg = format_exc()
msg = "Can't compute depths from sigma coordinates. Error: %s"%msg
if mode=='sigma':
raise SigmaError(msg)
warn(msg, SigmaWarning)
# From dz
return self.dz_to_depths(at=at, copyaxes=copyaxes,
zerolid=zerolid, **kwsel)
except SigmaError, e:
if mode=='auto':
raise SigmaError("Can't compute depths from layer thicknesses or sigma coordinates")
raise SigmaError(e.message)
__call__ = sigma_to_depths
def _check_sigma_type_(stype, nogen=False):
if stype is None:
raise SigmaError('Sigma type undefined')
stypes = ['standard', 'ocean']
if not nogen: stypes.append('generalized')
ss1 = [s[0] for s in stypes]
if isinstance(stype, int):
if stype<0 or stype>=len(stypes):
raise SigmaError('Wrong sigma type id : %i. Should be > 0 and < %i'%(stype, len(stypes)))
stype = str(stype)
ss1 = [s[0] for s in stypes]
if stype[:1] not in ss1:
raise SigmaError('Wrong sigma type : %s. Should one of: '%(stype, stypes))
stype = ss1.index(stype[:1])
return stype
[docs]def sigma2depths(sigma, depth, eta=None, stype='standard',
cs=None, depth_c=None, a=None, b=None, copyaxes=True,
"""Conversion from standard or ocean sigma coordinates to depths
- **sigma**: Sigma levels (abs(sigma)<1) as an 1D array.
- **depth**: Bottom depth.
- **eta**, optional: Sea surface elevation (with a time axis or not).
- **stype**, optional: Sigma coordinates type
- ``"standard"`` or ``0``: Standard.
- ``"ocean"`` or ``1``: Ocean standard.
- ``"generalized"`` or ``2``: Generalized (s) coordinates.
- **cs**, optional: Stretching function (s coords only).
If not provided, it is computed from stretching parameters.
- **depth_c**, optional: Surface limit depth (s coords only).
- **a**, optional: Surface control parameter (s coords only).
- **b**, optional: Bottom control parameter (s coords only).
- **zerolid**, optional: The surface is put at a zero depth to simulate
observed depths. This makes the bottom to change with time if
the sea level is varying.
# Init depths
if eta is None: eta = 0.
if not isinstance(eta, N.ndarray):
eta = etam = N.ma.array(eta, dtype='d')
withtime = False
withtime = eta.getTime() is not None
etam = eta.asma()
nt = eta.shape[0] if withtime else 1
nz = sigma.shape[0]
shape = (nt, nz) + depth.shape
#shape = (nt, nz) + depth.shape[-2:] # cval devrait etre cela je pense pour que tous les cas soient pris en compte
depths = MV2.zeros(shape, eta.dtype)
depths.long_name = 'Depths'
depths.units = 'm'
depths.id = 'depths'
sigman = sigma.filled() if N.ma.isMA(sigma) else sigma
etam = N.ma.atleast_1d(etam)
# if not withtime:
# etam = N.ma.resize(etam, (1, )+eta.shape)
# Compute it
stype = _check_sigma_type_(stype)
if stype==2:
if cs is None:
if a is None or b is None or depth_c is None:
raise SigmaError('You must prodive depth_c, and b '
'parameters for sigma generalized coordinates conversions')
cs = ((1-b)*N.sinh(a*sigma)/math.sinh(a) +
b * (N.tanh(a*(sigma+.5))-math.tanh(.5*a)) /
dd = depth-depth_c
# Time loop
for it in xrange(nt):
for iz in xrange(nz):
# Sigma generalized
if stype == 2:
depths[it, iz] = etam[it] * (1+sigma[iz])
depths[it, iz] += depth_c * sigma[iz]
depths[it, iz] += dd*cs[iz]
if zerolid:
depths[it, iz] -= etam[it]
# Common base
depths[it, iz] = sigma[iz] * (etam[it] + depth)
# Sigma type
if stype!=0:
depths[it,iz] -= depth # ocean
elif not zerolid:
depths[it,iz] += etam[it] # standard
if not withtime:
depths = depths[0]
# Format axes
if copyaxes:
axes = []
if withtime: # Time axis
if isinstance(sigma, cdms2.axis.AbstractAxis): # Vertical axis
elif cdms2.isVariable(sigma):
zaxis = depths.getAxis(int(withtime))
zaxis.id = 'z'
zaxis.long_name = 'Vertical levels'
axes.extend(depth.getAxisList()) # Horizontal axes
depths.setAxisList(axes) # Set axes
grid = depth.getGrid() # Grid
if grid is not None:
return depths
[docs]def sigma2altitudes(sigma, height, oro, stype='standard',
cs=None, depth_c=None, a=None, b=None, copyaxes=True,
"""Conversion from standard or ocean sigma coordinates to depths
- **sigma**: Sigma levels (abs(sigma)<1) as an 1D array.
- **height**: Top altitude.
- **eta**: Orography (with a time axis or not).
- **stype**, optional: Sigma coordinates type
- ``"standard"`` or ``0``: Standard.
- ``"atmosphere"`` or ``1``: Ocean standard.
- ``"generalized"`` or ``2``: Generalized (s) coordinates.
cval A completer avec sleve coordinates
- **cs**, optional: Stretching function (s coords only).
If not provided, it is computed from stretching parameters.
- **depth_c**, optional: Surface limit depth (s coords only).
- **a**, optional: Surface control parameter (s coords only).
- **b**, optional: Bottom control parameter (s coords only).
- **zerolid**, optional: The surface is put at a zero depth to simulate
observed depths. This makes the bottom to change with time if
the sea level is varying.
# Init altitudes
if oro is None:
oro = 0 # cela va marcher mais ne prend pas en compte orography alors
if height == 0 or height is None:
height = sigma[-1]
if not isinstance(oro, N.ndarray):
oro = orom = N.ma.array(oro, dtype='d')
withtime = False
withtime = oro.getTime() is not None
orom = oro.asma()
nt = oro.shape[0] if withtime else 1
nz = sigma.shape[0]
shape = (nt, nz) + oro.shape[-2:]
altitudes = MV2.zeros(shape, oro.dtype)
altitudes.long_name = 'Altitudes'
altitudes.units = 'm'
altitudes.id = 'altitudes'
sigman = sigma.filled() if N.ma.isMA(sigma) else sigma
orom = N.ma.atleast_1d(orom)
# if not withtime:
# etam = N.ma.resize(etam, (1, )+eta.shape)
# Compute it
stype = _check_sigma_type_(stype)
# if stype==2:
# if cs is None:
# if a is None or b is None or depth_c is None:
# raise SigmaError('You must prodive depth_c, and b '
# 'parameters for sigma generalized coordinates conversions')
# cs = ((1-b)*N.sinh(a*sigma)/math.sinh(a) +
# b * (N.tanh(a*(sigma+.5))-math.tanh(.5*a)) /
# (2*math.tanh(.5*a)))
# dd = depth-depth_c
# Time loop
for it in xrange(nt):
for iz in xrange(nz):
# Sigma generalized
if stype == 2:
# depths[it, iz] = etam[it] * (1+sigma[iz])
# depths[it, iz] += depth_c * sigma[iz]
# depths[it, iz] += dd*cs[iz]
# if zerolid:
# depths[it, iz] -= etam[it]
# Common base
altitudes[it, iz] = sigma[iz] / height * (height - orom[it]) + orom[it]
if not withtime:
altitudes = altitudes[0]
# Format axes
if copyaxes:
axes = []
if withtime: # Time axis
if isinstance(sigma, cdms2.axis.AbstractAxis): # Vertical axis
elif cdms2.isVariable(sigma):
zaxis = altitudes.getAxis(int(withtime))
zaxis.id = 'z'
zaxis.long_name = 'Vertical levels'
#print "depth.getAxisList()",depth.getAxisList()
axes.extend(oro.getAxisList()[-2:]) # Horizontal axes
altitudes.setAxisList(axes) # Set axes
grid = oro.getGrid() # Grid
if grid is not None:
return altitudes
[docs]class SigmaStandard(object):
"""Standard or ocean sigma coordinates converters
.. attribute:: sigma
[array] Sigma coordinates
.. attribute:: depth
[array] Bottom depth
def __init__(self, sigma, depth, stype='standard'):
self.stype = _check_sigma_type_(stype, nogen=True)
self.depth = depth
self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def sigma_to_depths(self, eta=None, selector=None, copyaxes=True, zerolid=False):
selector = as_selector(selector)
depth = self.depth(selector)
if eta is not None:
eta = eta(selector)
return sigma2depths(self.sigma, depth, eta, stype=self.stype,
copyaxes=copyaxes, zerolid=zerolid)
__call__ = sigma_to_depths
[docs]class SigmaGeneralized(object):
"""Ocean generalized (s) coordinates converters
.. attribute:: s
[array] S coordinates
.. attribute:: depth
[array] Bottom depth
.. attribute:: depth_c
[array] Surface limit depth
.. attribute:: a
Surface control parameter
.. attribute:: b
Bottom control parameter
def __init__(self, s, depth, depth_c, a, b):
self.stype = 'generalized'
self.depth = depth
self.s = s
self.depth_c = depth_c
self.a = a
self.b = b
[docs] def sigma_to_depths(self, eta=None, selector=None, copyaxes=True, zerolid=False):
selector = as_selector(selector)
depth = self.depth(selector)
depth_c = self.depth_c(selector)
if eta is not None:
eta = eta(selector)
return sigma2depths(self.s, depth, eta, stype=self.stype, copyaxes=copyaxes,
depth_c=depth_c, a=self.a, b=self.b, zerolid=zerolid)
__call__ = sigma_to_depths
[docs]def as_selector(select=None):
"""Convert select to a :class:`cdms2.selectors.Selector` object"""
if isinstance(select, cdms2.selectors.Selector):
return select
return create_selector(select)
# selector = cdms2.selectors.Selector()
# if select is None: return selector
# if isinstance(select, dict):
# selector.refine(**select)
# elif isinstance(select, list):
# selector.refine(*select)
# else:
# selector.refine(select)
# return selector
if __name__=='__main__':
print selector2str(a)