Source code for vacumm.diag.atmos

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
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# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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import numpy as N, MV2
from import format_var

[docs]def wind_stress(u, v, rhoa=1.25, cd=0.016, format_axes=False, alongxy=None): """Compute the sea surface zonal and meridional wind stress from 10m wind components Output variables are formatted using :func:``. :Formula: .. math:: \\tau_x = \\rho_a C_d (U_{10m}^2+V_{10m}^2)^{\\frac{1}{2}}U_{10m} \\tau_y = \\rho_a C_d (U_{10m}^2+V_{10m}^2)^{\\frac{1}{2}}V_{10m} :Params: - **u/v**: Wind at 10m above sea surface. - **rhoa**, optional: Air density (in kg.m-3). - **cd**, optional: Drag coefficient. - **format_axes**, optional: Also format axes using :func:``. - **alongxy**, optional: Format variables considering components are along X/Y direction and not along zonal/meridional direction. :Return: ``us, vs`` """ # Init and format variables us = MV2.asarray(u).clone() vs = MV2.asarray(v).clone() if alongxy is None: alongxy = hasattr(u, 'long_name') and 'x' in u.long_name.lower() if alongxy: usname, vsname = 'taux', 'tauy' else: usname, vsname = 'tauu', 'tauv' format_var(us, usname, format_axes=format_axes) format_var(vs, vsname, format_axes=format_axes) # Compute uvmod =**2+v**2) us.assignValue(cd*rhoa*uvmod*u) vs.assignValue(cd*rhoa*uvmod*v) del uvmod return us, vs
[docs]def ws2w(us, vs, rhoa=1.25, cd=0.016, format_axes=False, alongxy=None): """Convert from wind stress to 10m wind components This function is the reverse one of :func:`wind_stress`. Output variables are formatted using :func:``. :Formula: .. math:: U_{10m} = (\\rho_a C_d)^{-\\frac{1}{2}} (\\tau_x^2+\\tau_y^2)^{-\\frac{1}{4}} \\tau_x V_{10m} = (\\rho_a C_d)^{-\\frac{1}{2}} (\\tau_x^2+\\tau_y^2)^{-\\frac{1}{4}} \\tau_y :Params: - **us/vs**: Wind stress components. - **rhoa**, optional: Air density (in kg.m-3). - **cd**, optional: Drag coefficient. - **format_axes**, optional: Also format axes using :func:``. - **alongxy**, optional: Format variables considering components are along X/Y direction and not along zonal/meridional direction. :Return: ``u, v`` """ # Init and format variables u = MV2.asarray(us).clone() v = MV2.asarray(vs).clone() if alongxy is None: alongxy = hasattr(u, 'long_name') and 'x' in us.long_name.lower() if alongxy: uname, vname = 'ux10m', 'vy10m' else: uname, vname = 'u10m', 'v10m' format_var(u, uname, format_axes=format_axes) format_var(v, vname, format_axes=format_axes) # Compute zero = us.filled(1)==0. zero &= vs.filled(1)==0. uvsmod = (us**2+vs**2)**-0.25 uvsmod /= N.sqrt(rhoa*cd) u.assignValue(uvsmod*us) v.assignValue(uvsmod*vs) u.assignValue(MV2.where(zero, 0., u)) v.assignValue(MV2.where(zero, 0., v)) del uvsmod return u, v
if __name__=='__main__': import MV2 u = MV2.arange(3.) v = 2*u us, vs = wind_stress(u, v) U, V = ws2w(us, vs) print u, v print U, V