Source code for vacumm.diag.spectrum

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
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import numpy as N
from vacumm.misc import kwfilter
from vacumm.misc.grid import resol
import matplotlib.pyplot as P
import cdms2

[docs]def get_kxky(shape, dx, dy, verbose=False): """Generate 2D wavenumbers""" # to work with dimensional axes if hasattr(shape, 'shape'): shape = shape.shape nlat, nlon = shape Lx = nlon*dx Ly = nlat*dy # to work with non-dimensional axes # Lx = N.pi # Ly = Lx * nlat / nlon * dy / dx coefx = Lx / (2*N.pi) coefy = Ly / (2*N.pi) if verbose: print "Lx : %s Ly : %s coefx : %s coefy : %s \n" %(Lx,Ly,coefx,coefy) kx = N.hstack( ( N.arange(0.,nlon/2), N.array([0]), -N.arange(1.,nlon/2)[::-1] ) ) / coefx ky = N.hstack( ( N.arange(0.,nlat/2), N.array([0]), -N.arange(1.,nlat/2)[::-1] ) ) / coefy [kkx,kky] = N.meshgrid(kx,ky) kk = N.sqrt( kkx**2 + kky**2 ) return kx,ky,kkx,kky,kk,Lx,Ly
[docs]def get_spec(var1, var2=None, dx=None, dy=None, verbose=False, fft=False, **kwargs): """Get the spectrum of a 2D variable :Return: specvar,nbwave,dk """ # Get the resolution in meters kwresol = kwfilter(kwargs, 'resol_') if None in [dx, dy]: if not cdms2.isVariable(var1): raise TypeError('var1 must be a MV2 array to compute dx and dy') kwresol.setdefault('proj', True) ldx, ldy = resol(var1, **kwresol) dx = dx or ldx dy = dy or ldy if var1= var1.filled(0.) if var2 = var2.filled(0.) # Part 1 - estimate of the wavenumbers [kx,ky,kkx,kky,kk,Lx,Ly] = get_kxky(var1, dx, dy, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print "dx = %s, fy = %s " %(dx,dy) print "kx = ",kx[0:3] print "ky = ",ky[0:3] print "kkx[0:3,2] = ",kkx[0:3,2] print "kky[0:3,1] = ",kky[0:3,1] print "kk[0:3,3] = ",kk[0:3,3] print "shape",kx.shape,ky.shape,kkx.shape,kky.shape,kk.shape # Part 2 - estimate of the spectrum # - fast fourier transform if fft: hat_phi1=N.fft.fft2(var1) hat_phi1=hat_phi1*hat_phi1.conj() hat_phi1=hat_phi1.real.copy() # useless else: hat_phi1 = var1 if var2 is not None: if fft: hat_phi2=N.fft.fft2(var2) hat_phi2=hat_phi2*hat_phi2.conj() hat_phi2=hat_phi2.real.copy() # useless else: hat_phi2 = var2 hat_spec = hat_phi1 + hat_phi2 else: hat_spec = hat_phi1 # - integration of the spectrum # shift to have values centered on the intervals dk = kx[1] - kx[0] dk_half = dk/2 # half of the interval k_= kx[0:min(var1.shape[1],var1.shape[0])/2] + dk specvar = k_*0 for i in range(len(k_)): # get indexes that satisfy two conditions # integration over a spectral width specvar[i] = ( hat_spec[ (kk<=k_[i]+dk_half) & (kk>k_[i]-dk_half) ] ).sum() # Normalisation (Danioux 2011) specvar /= (var1.shape[1]*var1.shape[0])**2 * dk # Dimensionalization to be able to compare with the litterature nbwave = k_*1000.0/2.0/N.pi # from rad/m to km/m dk *= 1000.0/2.0/N.pi specvar *= 2.0*N.pi/1000.0 if verbose: if var2 is not None: print "\n Normalized co-spectrum : \n",specvar else: print "\n Normalized spectrum : \n",specvar return specvar,nbwave,dk
[docs]def get_cospec(var1, var2, dx=None, dy=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Co-sprectum of two variables""" return get_spec(var1, var2, dx=dx, dy=dy, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
[docs]def save_spec(filename,var,absc,time): if os.path.isfile(filename): #tmpabsc=N.column_stack((N.load(filename)['nbwave'],absc)) tmpvar=N.column_stack((N.load(filename)['spectrum'],var)) tmptime=N.append(N.load(filename)['time'],time) else: tmpvar = var tmptime = time N.savez(filename,spectrum=tmpvar,nbwave=absc,time=tmptime)
[docs]def plot_loglog_kspec(data,abscisse,title=None,subtitle=None,xlabel=None,ylabel=None,slope=-3,savefig=None): # bound the range of the abscisses abs_min = round( abscisse.min() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(abscisse.min(),v) != 0]) ) abs_min = abs_min * 0.9 # 90 percent of the value abs_max = round( abscisse.max() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(abscisse.max(),v) != 0]) ) abs_max = abs_max * 1.1 # 110 percent of the value ord_min = round( data.min() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(data.min(),v) != 0]) ) ord_min = ord_min * 0.9 # 90 percent of the value ord_max = round( data.max() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(data.max(),v) != 0]) ) ord_max = ord_max * 1.1 # 110 percent of the value # straight line with a slope of k**slope a=data[len(abscisse)/2] / abscisse[len(abscisse)/2]**slope line=a*abscisse**slope # figure P.figure() P.loglog(abscisse, data, basex=10) P.loglog(abscisse[1:-1], line[1:-1], basex=10) text='k'+str(slope) P.text(abscisse[len(abscisse)/10], data[len(abscisse)/10]*5,text,color='g') P.xlim(abs_min,abs_max) P.grid(True,which="major",ls="-") P.grid(True,which="minor") P.suptitle(title) P.title(subtitle) P.xlabel(xlabel) P.ylabel(ylabel) P.tight_layout() P.subplots_adjust(top=.9) if savefig: P.savefig(savefig+'.png') P.close()
[docs]def plot_semilogx_kspec(data,abscisse,title=None,subtitle=None,xlabel=None,ylabel=None,savefig=None): # bound the range of the abscisses abs_min = round( abscisse.min() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(abscisse.min(),v) != 0]) ) abs_min = abs_min * 0.9 # 90 percent of the value abs_max = round( abscisse.max() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(abscisse.max(),v) != 0]) ) abs_max = abs_max * 1.1 # 110 percent of the value ord_min = round( data.min() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(data.min(),v) != 0]) ) ord_min = ord_min * 0.9 # 90 percent of the value ord_max = round( data.max() , min([v for v in range(10) if round(data.max(),v) != 0]) ) ord_max = ord_max * 1.1 # 110 percent of the value # figure P.figure() P.semilogx(abscisse, data, basex=10) P.axhline(linewidth=3, color='r') P.xlim(abs_min,abs_max) P.grid(True,which="major",ls="-") P.grid(True,which="minor") P.suptitle(title) P.title(subtitle) P.xlabel(xlabel) P.ylabel(ylabel) P.tight_layout() P.subplots_adjust(top=.9) if savefig: P.savefig(savefig+'.png') P.close()
[docs]def energy_spectrum(var, dx=None, dy=None, ctime=None, dispfig=False, latmean=None, verbose=False): """Compute the energy spectrum of a 2D variable""" # Guess dx and/or dy if None in [dx, dy]: if not cdms2.isVariable(var): raise TypeError('var must be a MV2 array to compute dx and dy') kwresol.setdefault('proj', True) ldx, ldy = resol(var, **kwresol) dx = dx or ldx dy = dy or ldy if latmean is None: if not cdms2.isVariable(var): raise Exception('You must provide explicitly latmean') latmean = var.getLatitude().getValue().mean() # Numpy arrays sshbox = var.filled(0.) if else var ##################################################### # estimate of the spatial resolution and the latitude ##################################################### grav = 9.81 #latmean = int(float(latmean)) #dx = int(grid[0])*np.cos(np.pi*latmean/180.) f0 = 2*N.pi/(24.*3600.)*2.0*N.sin(N.pi*latmean/180.) gof0 = grav/f0 if verbose: print "the spatial resolution of the grid is constant \n dx = %s m, dy = %s m" %(dx,dy) print "the averaged latitude is %s degrees\n" %(latmean) ############################################### # 1ST PART ANALYZE FROM THE SEA SURFACE HEIGHT # -------------------------------------------- ############################################### # zonal average and its removing from ssh # mean on i (we erase 1 dimension) # and duplication along i (depends on sshbox.mean(1).shape) # then we need to transpose to have constant value along i and variations along j #revoir sshbox = sshbox - N.tile( sshbox.mean(1),(sshbox.shape[1],1) ).T # plot of ssh (box domain) #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(sshbox,sshbox.shape[0],sshbox.shape[1],'ssh_box_minus_iaverage') # estimate of the rms to further check sshbox_rms = N.sqrt( (sshbox**2).mean() ) if verbose: print "rms of the ssh over the region of interest (from physical field) : %s \n" %sshbox_rms ################################ # create a double periodic field ################################ ssh2per = N.tile( sshbox, (2,2) ) ssh2per[ssh2per.shape[0]/2:ssh2per.shape[0],0:ssh2per.shape[1]/2] = sshbox[::-1,::] ssh2per[::,ssh2per.shape[1]/2:] = N.fliplr(ssh2per[::,0:ssh2per.shape[1]/2]) #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(ssh2per,ssh2per.shape[0],ssh2per.shape[1],'ssh_double_periodic') del sshbox # estimate of the rms to further check ssh2per_rms = N.sqrt( (ssh2per**2).mean() ) if verbose: print "rms of the double periodic ssh over the region of interest (from physical field) : %s \n" %ssh2per_rms ################################ # wavenumber spectrum of the ssh (double periodic field) ################################ # estimate of the spectrum ssh2per_spec, ssh2per_k, dk = get_spec(ssh2per, dx=dx, dy=dy, fft='x2k', verbose=verbose) # sshbox in physical space # make sure the FFT is correct : we must have the same rms either from physics or from wavenumbers ssh2per_rmsk = N.sqrt( (ssh2per_spec*dk).sum() ) if verbose: print "rms of the ssh over the region of interest (from wave number fields) : %s \n" %ssh2per_rmsk # figure if dispfig: plot_loglog_kspec(ssh2per_spec, ssh2per_k, savefig='ssh2per_spec', title='SPECTRUM OF SSH (double periodic)', subtitle=str(ctime), xlabel='Wavenumber (cycles/km)', ylabel='SSH [m^2/(cycle/km)]', slope=-5) ########################################### # the ssh pectrum after doubling the domain # is much better than the previous one ########################################### #################################################### # 2ND PART ANALYZIS FROM THE GEOSTROPHIC VELOCITIES # ------------------------------------------------- #################################################### ########################################### # estimate of the geostrophic velocities (from the spectrum of the periodic field of ssh) ########################################### # estimate of the wavenumbers kx,ky,kkx,kky,kk,Lx,Ly = get_kxky(ssh2per, dx, dy, verbose=verbose) # estimate of the velocities from the spectrum of the ssh ussh = -gof0*N.fft.ifft2( (kky*N.fft.fft2(ssh2per))*N.complex(0,1) ).real vssh = gof0*N.fft.ifft2( (kkx*N.fft.fft2(ssh2per))*N.complex(0,1) ).real #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(ussh,ussh.shape[0],ussh.shape[1],'ussh (from double periodic field spectral method) ') #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(vssh,vssh.shape[0],vssh.shape[1],'vssh (from double periodic field and spectral method) ') ssh2per_shape = ssh2per.shape del ssh2per ####################################################### # wavenumber co-spectrum of the geostrophic velocities (eke) ####################################################### # estimate of the co-spectrum uv2per_cospec,eke_k,dk = get_cospec(ussh, vssh, dx=dx, dy=dy, verbose=verbose, fft=True) # estimate of the eke to further check uv2per_rmsk = N.sqrt( ((uv2per_cospec*dk)/2.).sum() ) if verbose: print "eke over the region of interest (from physical field) : %s \n" %uv2per_rmsk # make sure the FFT is correct : we must have the same rms either from physics or from wavenumbers #ssh2per_rmsk = N.sqrt( (ssh2per_spec*dk).mean() ) #if verbose: print "eke over the region of interest (from physical field) : %s \n" %sshbox_rms #if verbose: print "rms of the ssh over the region of interest (from wave number fields) : %s \n" %ssh2per_rmsk #if verbose: print "rms difference (wavenumber - physics) : %s \n" %(ssh2per_rmsk-ssh2per_rms) # figure if dispfig: plot_loglog_kspec(uv2per_cospec, eke_k, savefig='eke2per_spec', title='SPECTRUM OF EKE', subtitle=str(ctime), xlabel='Wavenumber (cycles/km)', ylabel='EKE [(m/s)^2/(cycle/km)]') #################################################### # 3RD PART ESTIMATE OF THE FLUXES OF ENERGY # ------------------------------------------------- #################################################### ########################################### # estimate of the production of eke ########################################### # geostrophic velocities in the spectral space are non zero in the bottom-left corner ug = ussh.copy() ; del ussh ug[ssh2per_shape[0]/2:ssh2per_shape[0],::] = 0. ug[::,ssh2per_shape[1]/2:] = 0. vg = vssh.copy() ; del vssh vg[ssh2per_shape[0]/2:ssh2per_shape[0],::] = 0. vg[::,ssh2per_shape[1]/2:] = 0. #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(ug,ug.shape[0],ug.shape[1],'ug (from the spectrum of the periodic ssh)') #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(vg,vg.shape[0],vg.shape[1],'vg (from the spectrum of the periodic ssh)') u = N.fft.fft2(ug) v = N.fft.fft2(vg) ugx = N.fft.ifft2( (u*kkx)*N.complex(0,1) ).real ugy = N.fft.ifft2( (u*kky)*1j ).real vgx = N.fft.ifft2( (v*kkx)*1j ).real vgy = N.fft.ifft2( (v*kky)*1j ).real term_u = N.fft.fft2(ug*ugx + vg*ugy) term_v = N.fft.fft2(ug*vgx + vg*vgy) eke_prod = - ( u.conj()*term_u + v.conj()*term_v ).real eke_prod_phys1=N.fft.ifft2(eke_prod).real #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(eke_prod_phys1,eke_prod_phys1.shape[0],eke_prod_phys1.shape[1],'eke_prod_phys1') term_u = 1j*kkx*N.fft.fft2(ug*ug) + 1j*kky*N.fft.fft2(vg*ug) term_v = 1j*kkx*N.fft.fft2(ug*vg) + 1j*kky*N.fft.fft2(vg*vg) eke_prod = - ( u.conj()*term_u + v.conj()*term_v ).real eke_prod_phys2=N.fft.ifft2(eke_prod).real #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(eke_prod_phys2,eke_prod_phys2.shape[0],eke_prod_phys2.shape[1],'eke_prod_phys2') #if options.dispfig: plot.contour_xy(eke_prod_phys1-eke_prod_phys2,eke_prod_phys2.shape[0],eke_prod_phys2.shape[1],'diff_eke_prod') phi = eke_prod_phys1-eke_prod_phys2 # estimate of the total energy flux of the momentum equation gg_spec, gg_k, dk = get_spec(eke_prod, dx=dx, dy=dy, verbose=verbose, fft=False) # phi in Fourier space # choose kmax1 such that it corresponds to gg_k(kmax1) < 1/(3*dx)*1000 [km/m] (2dx Shanon + take into account diffusion) kmax1 = min( N.where(gg_k>= 1/(3.0*dx)*1000.)[0][0] - 1 ,gg_spec.shape[0]) if verbose: print "Shanon criterium kmax1 = %s, gg_k(kmax1) = %s, gg_k(kmax1+1) = %s, 1/(3.0*dx)*1000. = %s" %(kmax1,gg_k[kmax1],gg_k[kmax1+1],1/(3.0*dx)*1000.) # integration from large scales to small ones (shift one large scales) tpi = N.array( [sum(gg_spec[ i:kmax1 ]) for i in range(kmax1)] ) tpi[0]=0. # figure if dispfig: plot_semilogx_kspec(tpi, gg_k[:kmax1], savefig='ssh_spec', title='TOTAL ENERGY FLUX', subtitle=str(ctime), xlabel='Wavenumber (cycles/km)', ylabel='Sum of EKE from small scales to k [(m/s)^2/(cycle/km)]') if verbose: print "The end !" del grav,f0,gof0,sshbox_rms,ssh2per_rms,dk,kx,ky,kkx,kky,kk,Lx,Ly,uv2per_rmsk,ug,vg,u,v,term_u,term_v,ugx,ugy,vgx,vgy,eke_prod,eke_prod_phys1,eke_prod_phys2,phi,gg_spec gc.collect() return ssh2per_spec, ssh2per_k, uv2per_cospec, eke_k, tpi, gg_k[:kmax1]