Source code for vacumm.diag.thermdyn

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Diagnostics about thermodynamics"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
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# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
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from warnings import warn
import numpy as N, cdms2, MV2
from genutil.grower import grower
from vacumm import VACUMMError
from import format_var, match_var
from vacumm.misc.grid import get_zdim, get_axis_slices, get_grid, set_grid
from vacumm.misc.axes import islat
from vacumm.misc import N_choose, grow_depth, grow_lat
from vacumm.misc.misc import grow_variables

    from seawater import pres as sw_pres, dens as sw_dens, dens0 as sw_dens0, \
        dpth as sw_depth
        from seawater.csiro import pres as sw_pres, dens as sw_dens, dens0 as sw_dens0, \
            depth as sw_depth
        warn('Failed to import seawater functions')

[docs]def density(temp, sal, depth=None, lat=None, potential=False, getdepth=False, getlat=False, format_axes=False): """Compute density from temperature, salinity and depth (and latitude) :Params: - **temp**: Insitu or potential temperature. - **sal**: Salinity. - **depth**, optional: Depth at temperature and salinty points. Assumed to be 0 if not found. - **lat**, optional: Latitude. Error when not found. - **potential**, optional: True to get the potential density (at atmospheric pressure). :Algo: >>> pressure = seawater.csiro.pres(depth, lat) >>> density = seawater.csiro.dens(sal, temp, depth) """ # Compute if not potential and depth is not False: # In-situ # Get depth and latitude lat = grow_lat(temp, lat, mode='raise', getvar=False) if lat is None: raise VACUMMError('No latitude found for density') depth = grow_depth(temp, depth, mode='raise', getvar=False) if N.abs(depth.max())<N.abs(depth.min()): # positive depth = -depth if (depth.asma()<0).any(): depth = depth-depth.min() # top=0 # Get density pres = sw_pres(depth, lat) dens = sw_dens(sal, temp, pres) ; del pres else: # Potential dens = sw_dens0(sal, temp) getdepth = getlat = False # Format dens.setAxisList(temp.getAxisList()) set_grid(dens, get_grid(temp)) format_var(dens, 'dens', format_axes=format_axes) # Out if not getdepth and not getlat: return dens dens = dens, if getdepth: dens += depth, if getlat: dens += lat, return dens
[docs]def mixed_layer_depth(data, depth=None, lat=None, zaxis=None, mode=None, deltatemp=.2, deltadens=.03, kzmax=0.0005, potential=True, format_axes=False): """Get mixed layer depth from temperature and salinity :Params: - **temp**: Insitu or potential temperature. - **sal**: Salinity. - **depth**, optional: Depth at temperature and salinty points. - **lat**, optional: Latitude. - **mode**, optional: ``"deltatemp"``, ``"deltadens"``, ``"kz"`` or ``"twolayers"`` :Raise: :class:`~vacumm.VACUMMError` if can't get depth (and latitude for density). """ # TODO: positive up # Inspection if isinstance(data, tuple): # data = temp,sal temp, sal=data # Get density if mode!='deltatemp': res = density(temp, sal, depth=depth, lat=lat, format_axes=False, potential=potential, getdepth=True) if isinstance(res, tuple): dens, depth = res else: dens = res dens = dens.asma() if mode is None: mode = 'deltadens' else: temp = data[0] # Check mode if mode == 'kz': warn("Switching MLD computation mode to 'deltadens'") mode = "deltadens" elif match_var(data, 'temp', mode='nslu'): if mode is not None and mode!='deltatemp': warn("Switching MLD computation mode to 'deltatemp'") mode = 'deltatemp' temp = data elif match_var(data, 'dens', mode='nslu'): if mode in ['kz', 'deltatemp']: warn("Switching MLD computation mode to 'deltadens'") mode = None if mode is None: mode = "deltadens" dens = data elif match_var(data, 'kz', mode='nslu'): if mode is None: mode = "kz" if mode != "kz": warn("Switching MLD computation mode to 'kz'") kz = data else: if mode in ['deltadens', 'twolayers']: dens = data elif mode == "deltatemp": temp = data elif mode == "kz": kz = data elif mode is not None: raise VACUMMError("Invalid MLD computation mode : '%s'"%mode) else: raise VACUMMError("Can't guess MLD computation mode") temp = delta # Find Z dim data0 = data[0] if isinstance(data, tuple) else data depth = grow_depth(data0, depth, mode='raise', getvar=False) zaxis = get_zdim(data0, axis=zaxis) if zaxis is None: raise VACUMMError("Can't guess zaxis") slices = get_axis_slices(data0, zaxis) # Init MLD axes = data0.getAxisList() del axes[zaxis] mld = MV2.array(data0.asma()[slices['first']], copy=1, axes=axes, copyaxes=False) set_grid(mld, get_grid(data0)) format_var(mld, 'mld', format_axes=format_axes) mld[:] = MV2.masked # Two-layers if mode=='twolayers': densbot = dens[slices['first']] denstop = dens[slices['last']] del dens H = 1.5*depth[slices['first']] - 0.5*depth[slices['firstp1']] H = -1.5*depth[slices['last']] + 0.5*depth[slices['lastm1']] mld[:] = -H*(densbot-denstop)/(densbot-denstop) del H elif mode=='deltadens': denscrit = dens[slices['last']]+deltadens mld[:] = -_val2z_(dens, depth, denscrit, zaxis, -1) del dens elif mode=='deltatemp': tempcrit = temp[slices['last']]-deltatemp mld[:] = -_val2z_(temp, depth, tempcrit, zaxis, 1) elif mode=='kz': mld[:] = -_valmin2z_(kz, depth, kzmax, zaxis, 1) else: raise VACUMMError("Invalid mode for computing MLD (%s)."%mode + "Please choose one of: deltadens, twolayers") # Mask zeros mld[:] = MV2.masked_values(mld, 0., copy=0) return mld
def _val2z_(var, dep, varref, axis, monosign): """Compute depth for a given reference data value""" # Inits with Z axis first var = var.asma() if cdms2.isVariable(var) else var = var.copy() dep = dep.asma() if cdms2.isVariable(dep) else dep =, dep, copy=False) varref = varref.asma() if cdms2.isVariable(varref) else if var.ndim-1==0: var = var.reshape(-1,1) dep = dep.reshape(-1,1) varref = varref.reshape(1) axis = 0 rvar = N.rollaxis(var, axis) if axis else var rdep = N.rollaxis(dep, axis) if axis else dep rdepref = rdep[0].copy() rvar = rvar.copy() nz = rvar.shape[0] # nb of elements along the first axis (z in general) maskland =[-1] # Monotonic rvar *= monosign varref *= monosign dvar =, axis=0) # Find z index dvarref = rvar-varref iiz0 = N.arange(nz-1, dtype='i') iiz0 =, rvar.shape[rvar.ndim-1:0:-1]+(nz-1, )).T iiz0 =, axis=0)<2, iiz0, copy=0) iz0 = iiz0.max(axis=0) del iiz0 maskdz = iz0.mask iz0 = iz0.filled(0.) # Interpolation dvar0 = N_choose(iz0, dvar) dvar0[maskdz] = 1. w1 = -N_choose(iz0, dvarref)/dvar0 w1.set_fill_value(0.) rdep.set_fill_value(0.) rdepref = N_choose(iz0+1, rdep)*w1 rdepref += N_choose(iz0, rdep)*(1-w1) # Masking rdepref[maskland] = rdepref =, rdep.min(axis=0), rdepref) return rdepref def _valmin2z_(var, dep, varmax, axis, monosign): """Compute depth at which data value at lower than a reference value""" # Inits with Z axis first var = var.asma() if cdms2.isVariable(var) else var = var.copy() dep = dep.asma() if cdms2.isVariable(dep) else if var.ndim-1==0: var = var.reshape(-1,1) dep = dep.reshape(-1,1) axis = 0 rvar = N.rollaxis(var, axis) if axis else var rdep = N.rollaxis(dep, axis) if axis else dep rvar = rvar.copy() nz = rvar.shape[0] maskland =[-1] # Monotonic (greater at surface) rvar *= monosign # Find z index iiz = N.arange(nz, dtype='i') iiz =, rvar.shape[rvar.ndim-1:0:-1]+(nz, )).T iiz =>varmax, iiz, copy=0) iz0 = iiz.max(axis=0) del iiz maskz = iz0.mask iz0 = iz0.filled(0.) # Values rdepref = N_choose(iz0, rdep) # Masking rdepref[maskland] = rdepref =, rdep.min(axis=0), rdepref) return rdepref if __name__=='__main__': # print 'hoho' nx = 4 ny = 2 nz = 6 depth =*nx*ny**1.).reshape(nz, ny, nx) depth = depth-depth.max() # partie ci-dessus inutile en fait # var = N.round(N.sqrt(-depth)*10) # var[:,1, 2] = # # varref = var[-1]+44#15.7 # varref[:] = 23 # varref[:] = 67.5 # # var = var[::-1] # varref = var[-1]*0+67.5 # # tableaux 1D (29 elements) var =[13.1168556213, 13.120059967, 13.1211280823, 13.1211280823, 13.1211280823 , 13.1211280823, 13.1179237366, 13.1136512756, 13.1093788147, 13.1083106995 , 13.1072416306, 13.1019010544, 13.066652298, 13.0527667999, 13.0784015656 , 13.1136512756, 13.1905574799, 13.2461013794, 13.2503738403, 13.2236700058 , 13.2236700058, 13.5729541779, 14.4798116684, 15.1249732971, 15.0694293976 , 15.0683612823, 15.0672931671, 15.0651569366, 15.0608844757]) depth = N.array([-2340.67651367, -2240.55786133, -2134.18212891, -2021.54858398 , -1908.9152832, -1796.28186035, -1683.64868164, -1571.01525879, -1458.38183594 , -1345.74865723, -1233.11523438, -1120.48181152, -1007.84857178, -895.215148926 , -782.581848145, -669.948547363, -563.572570801, -463.454071045, -369.592926025 , -284.4921875, -209.403320312, -150.583679199, -106.781829834, -75.4947891235 , -50.4651565552, -27.9384918213, -12.9207115173, -5.41182279587, -1.65737783909]) varref = var[-1]-0.2 print varref, var[-1] var =[13.1157875061, 13.1157875061, 13.1157875061, 13.1157875061, 13.1157875061 , 13.1168556213, 13.1168556213, 13.1168556213, 13.1168556213, 13.1179237366 , 13.1189918518, 13.1275367737, 13.1414222717, 13.1168556213, 13.1019010544 , 13.1798763275, 13.2610549927, 13.2589187622, 13.2450332642, 13.2428970337 , 13.2450332642, 13.5654773712, 14.426404953, 15.0363168716, 14.9070711136 , 14.9401836395, 14.9700918198, 14.9668874741, 14.9604787827]) depth =[-2478.62475586, -2372.61083984, -2259.97119141, -2140.70556641 , -2021.44006348, -1902.17443848, -1782.90893555, -1663.64331055, -1544.37768555 , -1425.11218262, -1305.84655762, -1186.58093262, -1067.31530762, -948.049682617 , -828.784118652, -709.518554688, -596.87878418, -490.864959717, -391.476959229 , -301.365203857, -221.854782104, -159.571640015, -113.190582275, -80.0612487793 , -53.5577850342, -29.7046699524, -13.8025913239, -5.85155200958, -1.87603235245]) varref = var[-1]-0.2 print varref, var[-1] depref = _val2z_(var, depth, varref, 0, 1) # print 'var',var[:,0] # print 'varref', varref[0] # print 'dep',depth[:,0] # print 'res',depref[0] print depref