# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Generic tools dealing with information about longitude, latitude, depth and time axes
.. seealso::
Tutorials: :ref:`user.tut.misc.variables.axes`
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model of IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
import re
import numpy as N, cdms2, MV2
cdms = cdms2
from cdms2.axis import AbstractAxis, FileAxis
from cdms2.coord import TransientAxis2D
from re import match
from operator import isSequenceType,isNumberType
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from warnings import warn
from vacumm import VACUMMError
from .misc import check_def_atts, dict_check_defaults, match_atts
__all__ = ['isaxis', 'islon', 'islat', 'islev', 'isdep', 'istime',
'check_axes', 'is_geo_axis', 'check_axis', 'get_axis_type', 'check_id',
'get_checker', 'is_geo_axis_type', 'axis_type',
'create_time', 'create_lon', 'create_lat', 'create_dep', 'create_depth',
'guess_timeid', 'get_order', 'set_order', 'order_match', 'merge_orders',
'check_order', 'create_axis', 'BASIC_AXIS_SPECS', 'BASIC_AXIS_DEFAULTS']
'lon': dict(
id = 'lon',
standard_name = 'longitude',
units = ['degrees_east', 'degree_east', 'degree_e', 'degrees_e', 'degreee', 'degreese'],
long_name = 'longitude',
axis = 'X',
'lat': dict(
id = 'lat',
standard_name = 'latitude',
units = ['degrees_north', 'degree_north', 'degree_n', 'degrees_n', 'degreen', 'degreesn'],
axis = 'Y',
'lev': dict(
id = ['dep','lev','plev'],
standard_name = ['depth','pressure_level'],
unit = ['m','meters','hpa'],
long_name = ['depth','pressure level','profondeur','pression','sigma','geopotential'],
axis = 'Z',
'dep': dict(
id = ['dep'],
standard_name = ['depth'],
unit = ['m','meters'],
long_name = ['depth','profondeur'],
axis = 'Z',
'time': dict(
id = ['time','date'],
standard_names = ['time'],
units = None,
long_names = ['time','temps','date'],
axis = 'T',
'lon': dict(units='degrees_east',standard_name='longitude',long_name='Longitude',axis='X'),
'lat': dict(units='degrees_north',standard_name='latitude',long_name='Latitude',axis='Y'),
'lev': dict(axis='Z',long_name='Levels'),
'dep': dict(axis='Z',long_name='Depth'),
'time': dict(axis='T', standard_name='time', long_name='Time'),
[docs]def isaxis(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'isAbstractCoordinate') and obj.isAbstractCoordinate():
return True
return isinstance(obj,(AbstractAxis, FileAxis, TransientAxis2D))
[docs]def islon(obj, defaults=None, ro=False, checkaxis=True, checkatts=True, **attchecks):
"""Check if an object is of longitude type"""
if defaults is None:
defaults = BASIC_AXIS_DEFAULTS['lon']
dict_check_defaults(attchecks, **BASIC_AXIS_SPECS['lon'])
return is_geo_axis_type(obj, 'x', defaults=defaults, ro=ro, checkatts=checkatts,
checkaxis=checkaxis, **attchecks)
[docs]def islat(obj, defaults=None, ro=False, checkaxis=True, checkatts=True, **attchecks):
"""Check if an object is of latitude type"""
if defaults is None:
defaults = BASIC_AXIS_DEFAULTS['lat']
dict_check_defaults(attchecks, **BASIC_AXIS_SPECS['lat'])
return is_geo_axis_type(obj, 'y', defaults=defaults, ro=ro, checkatts=checkatts,
checkaxis=checkaxis, **attchecks)
[docs]def islev(obj, defaults=None, ro=False, checkaxis=True, checkatts=True, **attchecks):
"""Check if an object is of level type"""
if defaults is None:
defaults = BASIC_AXIS_DEFAULTS['lev']
dict_check_defaults(attchecks, **BASIC_AXIS_SPECS['lev'])
if not checkaxis:
if 'units' in attchecks:
del attchecks['units']
if 'long_name' in attchecks:
del attchecks['long_name']
return is_geo_axis_type(obj, 'z', defaults=defaults, ro=ro, checkatts=checkatts,
checkaxis=checkaxis, **attchecks)
islevel = islev
[docs]def isdep(obj, defaults=None, ro=False, checkaxis=True, checkatts=True, **attchecks):
"""Check if an object is of depth type"""
if defaults is None:
defaults = BASIC_AXIS_DEFAULTS['lev']
dict_check_defaults(attchecks, **BASIC_AXIS_SPECS['dep'])
if not checkaxis:
if 'units' in attchecks:
del attchecks['units']
if 'long_name' in attchecks:
del attchecks['long_name']
return is_geo_axis_type(obj, 'z', defaults=defaults, ro=ro, checkatts=checkatts,
checkaxis=checkaxis, **attchecks)
isdepth = isdep
[docs]def istime(obj, defaults=None, ro=False, checkaxis=True, checkatts=True, **attchecks):
"""Check if an object is of time type"""
if defaults is None:
defaults = BASIC_AXIS_DEFAULTS['time']
dict_check_defaults(attchecks, **BASIC_AXIS_SPECS['time'])
units = attchecks.setdefault('units', [])
if not isinstance(units, (list, tuple)):
units = [units]
from .atime import are_good_units
attchecks['units'] = units
myistime = is_geo_axis_type(obj, 't', defaults=defaults, ro=ro, checkatts=checkatts,
checkaxis=checkaxis, **attchecks)
if myistime and not ro:
obj.calendar = 'gregorian'
return myistime
[docs]def get_checker(name):
"""Get the function that checks if an axis of required type
- **name**: Generic name of the axis.
:func:`islon`, :func:`islat`, :func:`islevel`, :func:`istime`
or raises :exc:`TypeError`
>>> get_checker('x')
>>> get_checker('lon')(myaxis)
errmsg = 'Input must be a generic name axis, like "x" or "lon"'
if not isinstance(name, basestring):
raise TypeError(errmsg)
name = name.lower()
if name in ('x', 'lon', 'longitude'):
return islon
if name in ('y', 'lat', 'latitude'):
return islat
if name in ('z', 'level', 'depth', 'dep'):
return islev
if name in ('t', 'time'):
return istime
raise TypeError(errmsg)
[docs]def is_geo_axis_type(obj, atype, defaults=None, ro=False, checkaxis=True,
checkatts=True, **attchecks):
"""Check if an object is of a specific type
- **obj**: CDAT 1D or 2D axis or other object.
- **atype**: Axis type as one of 'x', 'y', 'z' or 'z'.
- **ids**, optional: List od ids to check.
- **standard_names**, optional: List of standard_names to check.
- **long_names**, optional: List of long_names to check.
- **units**, optional: List of units to check.
- **ro**, optional: Read-only mode?
- **checkatts**, optional: If False, do not check units and long_name attributes.
- **attchecks**: Extra keywords are attributes name and checklist that
will checks using :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.match_atts`.
if defaults is None:
defaults = {}
# Pure axis checks
if checkaxis:
# Is it an axis?
if not isaxis(obj):
return False
# Use for instance obj.isLongitude()
if atype in ['t', 'time']:
name = 'Time'
elif atype in ['z', 'lev', 'dep']:
name = 'Level'
elif atype in ['y', 'lat']:
name = 'Latitude'
elif atype in ['x', 'lon']:
name = 'Longitude'
atype = 'x'
if getattr(obj, 'axis', '-').lower() not in ['-', atype]:
return False
isfunc = getattr(obj, 'is' + name)
def valfunc():
getattr(obj, 'designate'+name)()
check_def_atts(obj, **defaults)
if isfunc():
if not ro:
return True
# Check axis attribute
if getattr(obj,'axis','') == atype.upper():
if not ro:
return True
# Check from attributes
if not checkatts:
return False
#TODO: merge with ncmatch_obj
valid = match_atts(obj, attchecks, ignorecase=True,
transform=lambda ss: (re.compile(ss, re.I).match
if isinstance(ss, basestring) else None)) # transform=startswith
if not valid:
return False
if not ro:
if not ro and checkaxis:
return True
_isgeoaxis_ = is_geo_axis_type # Backward compat
[docs]def check_axes(var, **kw):
"""Check the format of all axes of a cdms variable"""
if cdms.isVariable(var):
for axis in var.getAxisList():
check_axis(axis, **kw)
[docs]def is_geo_axis(axis, **kw):
"""Return True if axis is time, level, lat or lon"""
return istime(axis, **kw) or islev(axis, **kw) or islat(axis, **kw) or islon(axis, **kw)
[docs]def check_axis(axis, **kw):
"""Check the format an axis"""
is_geo_axis(axis, ro=False, **kw)
[docs]def get_axis_type(axis, genname=False, **kw):
"""Return the axis type as a signle letter (CDAT standards): -, t, z, y, or x
- **axis**: CDAT axis.
- **genname**, optional: Return a generic name or None.
- Other keywords are passed to checking functions (:func:`islon`...).
>>> get_axis_type(create_time((5,),'days since 2000'))
>>> get_axis_type(axis, genname=True, ro=True, checkatts=False)
if islon(axis, **kw):
at = "x"
elif islat(axis, **kw):
at = "y"
elif islev(axis, **kw):
at = "z"
elif istime(axis, **kw):
at = "t"
at = '-'
if not genname: return at
if at=='-': return
return {'x':'lon', 'y':'lat', 'z':'level', 't':'time'}[at]
axis_type = get_axis_type # Backward compat
[docs]def check_id(axis,**kwargs):
"""Verify that an axis has a suitable id (not like 'axis_3' but 'lon')"""
aliases = dict(X='lon',Y='lat',Z='depth',T='time')
if hasattr(axis,'axis') and match('^axis_\d+$',axis.id) is not None or match('^variable_\d+$',axis.id):
axis.id = aliases[axis.axis]
[docs]def create_axis(values, atype='-', **atts):
"""Quickly create a :mod:`cdms2` axis
- **values**: Numerical values.
- **atype**, optional: axis type within 'x','y','z','t','-' [default: '-']
- Other keywords are passed as attributes to the axis.
>>> lon = create_axis(N.arange(-10., 0, 2), 'x')
>>> lon = create_axis((-10., 0, 2), 't', id='temps', units='seconds since 2000')
from vacumm.misc import cp_atts
if N.isscalar(values):
values = [values]
if isinstance(values, tuple) and len(values) < 4:
values = N.arange(*values, **{'dtype':'d'})
if cdms2.isVariable(values):
for item in values.attributes.items():
values = values.asma()
if not isaxis(values):
axis = cdms2.createAxis(values)
axis = values
for att,val in atts.items():
setattr(axis, att, val)
axis.axis = atype.upper()
if axis.axis == '-':
del axis.axis
return axis
create = create_axis
[docs]def create_time(values,units=None,**atts):
"""Create a time axis
- **values**: Numeric values, or list of date objects
(:class:`~datetime.datetime`, :func:`~cdtime.comptime`, :func:`~cdtime.reltime`).
- **units**, optional: Time units like 'days since 2000-01-01'.
- Other keywords are passed as attributes to the axis.
.. note:: Units must be provided explicitly if no date are passed.
>>> from vacumm.misc.atime import create_time
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import cdtime
>>> taxis = create_time([1,2],units='months since 2000',long_name='My time axis')
>>> taxis = create_time(taxis)
>>> create_time([datetime(2000,1,1),'2000-2-1'],units='months since 2000')
>>> create_time([cdtime.reltime(1,'months since 2000'),cdtime.comptime(2000,1)])
from atime import are_good_units,comptime,strftime
for var in values, units:
if hasattr(var, 'units'):
units = var.units
if units is not None and not are_good_units(units):
raise AttributeError('Bad time units: "%s"'%units)
istuple = isinstance(values, tuple)
if not istuple or (istuple and len(values)>3):
if isinstance(values,str) or not isSequenceType(values):
if hasattr(values, 'next') and hasattr(values, '__iter__'):
values = [v for v in values]
values = [values]
newvalues = []
for value in values:
if isNumberType(value):
if units is None and hasattr(value, 'units'):
units = value.units
value = comptime(value)
if units is None:
units = strftime('hours since %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',value)
newvalues = values
if units is None:
raise ValueError,'Unable to guess units. You must specify them.'
return create_axis(newvalues,'t',units=units,**atts)
[docs]def create_lon(values,**atts):
"""Create a longitude axis
- **values**: Numeric values
- Keywords are passed as attributes to the axis.
>>> create_lon(numpy.arange(-18., -5.))
>>> create_lon(numpy.arange(-18., -5.),long_name='original_longitude')
if isinstance(values, N.ndarray) and len(values.shape)==2 and not isaxis(values):
from grid.misc import create_axes2d
atts.setdefault('long_name', 'Longitude')
return create_axes2d(x=values, lonid=atts.pop('id', None), xatts=atts)
return create_axis(values,'x',**atts)
[docs]def create_lat(values,**atts):
"""Create a latitude axis
- **values**: Numeric values
- Keywords are passed as attributes to the axis.
>>> create_lat(numpy.arange(40., 48., 1.5))
>>> create_lat(numpy.arange(40., 48., 1.5),long_name='strange_latitude')
if isinstance(values, N.ndarray) and len(values.shape)==2 and not isaxis(values):
from grid.misc import create_axes2d
atts.setdefault('long_name', 'Latitude')
return create_axes2d(y=values, latid=atts.pop('id', None), yatts=atts)
return create_axis(values,'y',**atts)
[docs]def create_dep(values,**atts):
"""Create a depthaxis
- **values**: Numeric values
- Keywords are passed as attributes to the axis.
>>> create_dep(numpy.arange(-1000., -500., 10.))
>>> create_dep(numpy.arange(-1000., -500., 10.),long_name='deep_depth')
return create_axis(values,'z',**atts)
create_depth = create_dep
[docs]def guess_timeid(ncfile, vnames=None):
"""Guess the id of the time axis in a netcdf file
- **ncfile**: Netcdf file name or descriptor.
- **vnames**, optional: List of variables to look for
a time axis (defaults to all variables)
:Return: The id as a string, or ``None`` if not found.
>>> tid = guess_timeid('file.nc')
>>> f = cdms2.open('file.nc')
>>> tid = guess_timeid(f)
>>> f.close()
from vacumm.misc.io import NcFileObj
nfo = NcFileObj(ncfile)
if vnames is None: vnames = nfo.f.listvariables()
for vv in vnames:
time = nfo.f[vv].getTime()
if time is not None:
return time.id if time is not None else None
[docs]def set_order(var, order, replace=False):
"""Restore axis order of cdms variable
- **var**: A cdms array.
- **order**: A cdms order string(like 'tx')
- **replace**: Erase existing axis types?
>>> set_order(temp, 'tyx')
current_order = var.getOrder()
assert len(current_order)==len(order), \
'Specified order must have length %i'%len(current_order)
for i, (co, o) in enumerate(zip(current_order, order.lower())):
if co==o or (co!='-' and not replace): continue
axis = var.getAxis(i)
if o=='x':
elif o=='y':
elif o=='z':
elif o=='t':
elif o=='-' and hasattr(axis, 'axis'):
del axis.axis
return var
[docs]def get_order(var):
"""Enhanced version of getOrder() method that handles 2D axes
- **var**: axis or cdms variable.
:Output: string containing letters x, y, z, t or -
>>> get_order(var)
# Already an order
if isinstance(var, basestring):
return var.lower()
# Axis
if isaxis(var):
order = get_axis_type(var)
if len(var.shape)==2 and order in 'xy':
return 'yx'
return order
# Variable
if not cdms2.isVariable(var): return '-'*len(var.shape)
order = var.getOrder()
if getattr(var, '_nogridorder', False) or \
'-' not in order[-2:]: return order
if var.getGrid() is not None and \
'z' not in order[-2:] and 't' not in order[-2:]:
if order[-1]=='-' and 'x' not in order:
# lon = var.getLongitude()
# if len(lon.shape)==2:
order= order[:-1]+'x'
if order[-2]=='-' and 'y' not in order:
# lat = var.getLatitude()
# if len(lat.shape)==2:
order = order[:-2]+'y'+order[-1]
return order
[docs]def order_match(order1, order2, asscore=False, strict=False):
"""Check that to axis orders are compatible
- **order1/2**: Order strings containing ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, ``t`` or ``-`` chars.
- **asscore**, optional: Return the total level of matching, where, for one char:
- 0: no matching,
- 1: matching with ``-``,
- 2: letters equal.
- **strict**, optional: Be more strict.
- ``False``: Not strict.
- ``True`` or ``"both"``: Fail even with ``-``.
- ``"left"`` or ``"right"``: Designate the reference order, where
the other one is not allowed to be different, except when the former
has a ``-``.
>>> order_match('y', 'x')
>>> order_match('x-', 'xy')
>>> order_match('x-', 'xy', strict="right")
order1 = get_order(order1)
order2 = get_order(order2)
if len(order1)!=len(order2):
if asscore: return 0
assert False, 'Both orders must have the same length (%s, %s)'%(order1, order2)
score = 1
if strict is True: strict = "both"
for ic in xrange(len(order1)):
o1 = order1[ic]
o2 = order2[ic]
if '-' in o1+o2:
if o1!=o2 and (
strict=="both" or
(strict=='left' and o1!='-') or
(strict=='right' and o2!='-')):
return 0 if asscore else False
elif o1==o2:
score *=2
return 0 if asscore else False
return score if asscore else True
[docs]def merge_orders(order1, order2, raiseerr=True):
"""Merge two axis orders
When two orders doesn't have the same length,
they are right adjusted.
>>> merge_orders('t-x', 'y-')
'tyx', 'yx'
>>> merge_orders('yx', 'tz')
'yx', 'tz'
>>> merge_orders(myvar, zaxis)
order1 = get_order(order1)
order2 = get_order(order2)
rev = slice(None, None, 1-2*int(len(order2)<len(order1)))
order1, order2 = (order1, order2)[rev]
# Inner loop
ishift = 0
n1 = len(order1)
n2 = len(order2)
n12 = n2-n1
for i in range(n12+1):
j = n12-i
if order_match(order1, order2[j:j+n1]):
i1 = 0
i2 = j
l = n1
else: # Outerloops
for ishift in range(1, min(n1, n2)):
l = min(n1, n2)-ishift
if order_match(order1[:l], order2[ishift:ishift+l]):
i1 = 0
i2 = ishift
if order_match(order2[:l], order1[ishift:ishift+l]):
i1 = ishift
i2 = 0
if raiseerr:
raise VACUMMError('orders are incompatible and cannot be safely merged: %s %s'%(order1, order2)[rev])
return (order1, order2)[rev]
# Merge
neworder1 = order1[:i1]
neworder2 = order2[:i2]
for i in range(l):
c1 = order1[i1+i]
c2 = order2[i2+i]
if c1==c2 or c2=='-':
neworder1 += c1
neworder2 += c1
elif c1=='-':
neworder1 += c2
neworder2 += c2
if raiseerr:
raise VACUMMError('orders are incompatible and cannot be safely merged: %s %s'%(order1, order2)[rev])
return (order1, order2)[rev]
neworder1 += order1[i1+l:]
neworder2 += order2[i2+l:]
# Check multiples
for c in 'xyztd':
if neworder1.count(c)>2 or neworder2.count(c)>2:
warn('Merging of orders (%s and %s) may have not '%(order1, order2) + \
'properly worked (multiple axes are of the same type)')
return (neworder1, neworder2)[rev]
[docs]def check_order(var, allowed, vertical=None, copy=False, reorder=False,
extended=None, getorder=False):
"""Check that the axis order of a variable is matches
at least one the specifed valid orders
- **var**: MV2 array.
- **allowed**: A single order string or a list. It should contain one or
several of these letters:
- ``x``: longitudes,
- ``y``: latitudes,
- ``z``: vertical levels,
- ``t``: time axis,
- ``d``: data values (ignored),
- ``-``: any kind of axis.
``var``, or ``var, order, reordered`` if **reorder** is True.
# Check allowed orders
# - consistency
if not isinstance(allowed, (list, tuple)):
allowed = [allowed]
allowed = list(allowed)
withd = 'd' in allowed[0]
get_rank = lambda o: len(o.replace('d', ''))
rank = get_rank(allowed[0])
for order in allowed:
cdms2.orderparse(order.lower().replace('d', ''))
raise VACUMMError("Wrong allowed order: "+order)
if ('d' in order and not withd) or ('d' not in order and withd):
raise VACUMMError("'d' only partially present in allowed order: %s"%allowed)
if get_rank(order)!=rank:
raise VACUMMError("Inconsistent ranks between allowed orders: %s"%[get_rank(o) for o in allowed])
# - check extended mode
if extended is None: # extended?
re_upper = re.compile('[XYZT]').search
for order in allowed:
if re_upper(order) is not None:
extended = True # force extended mode
extended = False
if extended is False: # lower
allowed = [order.lower() for order in allowed]
else: #add tolerance for lower case orders
re_sub = re.compile('[xyzt]').sub
allowed = allowed+[re_sub('-', order) for order in allowed]
# - unique and lower case
_, idx = N.unique(allowed, return_index=True)
idx = N.sort(idx)
allowed = N.array(allowed)[idx].tolist()
# - restrict to vertical or horizontal (1D data only)
if vertical is not None and len(allowed[0])==2:
allowed = [oo for oo in allowed if oo[int(vertical)]=='d']
# Data order
data_cdms_order = get_order(var)
# Loop on allowed orders
from vacumm.misc.grid.misc import get_axis, var2d
reordered = False
for allowed_order in allowed:
# Handle data case
d = allowed_order.find('d')
if d!=-1: allowed_order = allowed_order.replace('d', '') # pure axis
# Check cdms order
allowed_cdms_order = allowed_order.lower() # lower case
if order_match(data_cdms_order, allowed_cdms_order, strict='right'): break # It is already good
# Try to reorder
if reorder:
reordered = cdms2.order2index(var.getAxisList(), allowed_cdms_order)
new_var = var.reorder(allowed_cdms_order)
if allowed_cdms_order[-1]=='x' and len(get_axis(new_var, -1).shape)==2: # 2D axes
del var
var = var2d(new_var,
MV2.transpose(get_axis(new_var, 0)),
MV2.transpose(get_axis(new_var, -1)), copy=0)
set_order(new_var, allowed_cdms_order)
del var
var = new_var
data_cdms_order = get_order(var)
break # No error so it worked and we leave
raise VACUMMError('Wrong type of axes. Possible forms are: %s'%', '.join(allowed))
if not getorder: return var
if d!=-1:
data_cdms_order = cdms2.orderparse(data_cdms_order)
data_cdms_order.insert(d, 'd')
data_cdms_order = ''.join(data_cdms_order)
return var, data_cdms_order, reordered