Source code for vacumm.misc.color

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Variables and utilities about colors and color maps

List of all available colormaps in matplotlib, including VACUMM colormaps
(plotted with :func:`plot_cmaps`)

.. image:: misc-color-cmaps.png

# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2016)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
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# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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import re
import os
import glob
from copy import deepcopy

from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import (Colormap, Normalize, LinearSegmentedColormap,
    ColorConverter, makeMappingArray, rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb)
import pylab as P
from import cmap_d
import numpy as N
ma =
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import cm as basemap_cm
    import as cmoceancm
    cmoceancm = None

import vacumm
from vacumm import vacumm_warn

# Color definitions

#: Land color
bistre = tuple([246./256.,223./256.,180./256.])

#: Alias for land color
land = bistre

#: Alias for land color
jean_pierre = bistre

#: Alias for land color
decimaitre = jean_pierre

#: Ocean color
ocean = (.6, .8, 1)

#: Alias for ocean color
sea = ocean

#: Basic list of colors
simple_colors =  ['k', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y']
#colors = simple_colors

_cpt_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cpt')

RGB = ColorConverter().to_rgb
RGBA = ColorConverter().to_rgba

__all__ = ['cmap_custom', 'cmap_bwr', 'cmap_bwre', 'cmap_br', 'cmap_wr', 'cmap_wre', 'cmap_bathy',
    'cmap_jete', 'cmap_ajete', 'cmap_jets', 'cmap_wjets', 'cmap_ajets', 'cmap_smoothed_steps',
    'cmap_smoothed_regular_steps', 'cmap_ss', 'cmap_steps', 'cmap_regular_steps', 'cmap_rs',
    'cmap_wjet', 'cmap_pe', 'cmap_grey', 'show_cmap', 'cmaps_mpl', 'cmaps_gmt', 'cmap_gmt',
    'cmaps_vacumm', 'print_cmaps_gmt',  'darken', 'whiten', 'to_shadow', 'StepsNorm',
    'bistre', 'land', 'jean_pierre', 'decimaitre', 'RGB', 'RGBA', 'cmap_srs', 'cmap_rs',
    'cmap_linear', 'ocean', 'sea', 'plot_cmap', 'plot_cmaps', 'get_cmap', 'simple_colors',
    'cmap_land', 'cmap_topo', 'auto_cmap_topo', 'cmap_jet', 'cmap_rainbow', 'rainbow',
    'cmap_magic', 'cmap_mg', 'RangedLinearSegmentedColormap','Scalar2RGB', 'cmap_chla',
    'cmap_previmer', 'cmap_rnb2_hymex','cmap_rainbow_sst_hymex','cmap_dynamic_cmyk_hymex',
    'cmap_white_centered_hymex','cmap_red_tau_hymex', 'cmap_previmer2', 'cmap_ssec',
    'cmap_ncview_rainbow', 'cmap_eke', 'cmap_rb', 'cmap_currents', 'cmaps_registered',
    'cmap_br2','cmap_nice_gfdl', 'anamorph_cmap', 'discretise_cmap', 'to_grey',
    'change_luminosity', 'saturate', 'desaturate', 'change_saturation',
    'change_value', 'pastelise'

# Color maps
# ----------
[docs]def rainbow(n=None, mode='auto', first=None, last=None, middle=None, stretcher=None): """Get a list of nice rainbow colors :Params: - **n**, optional: Number of requested colors. It should be > 1. Defaults to ``None`` - **mode**, optional: Mode for choosing extreme colors. - ``"strict"``: Blue and red are first and last colors. - ``"first"``: ``(.5, 0, 1)`` is inserted as first color. - ``"last"``: ``(1, 0, .5)`` is inserted as last color. - ``"auto"`` or None: Switch to ``"extended"`` if ``n>6``. - ``"extended"`` or anything else: Like ``"first"`` and ``"last"``. - **stretcher**, optional: Function that alter color steps from their range [0.->1.] to [0.->1.]. This must be used for example to enhance a part of the colormap. Its value may also be a predefined function: - ``"reduced_green"``: Shrink the green band. .. note:: This function must return a monotonic array of increasing values included in the [0,1] interval. """ # Special cases if n is None: n=5 if n==0: return [] if n==1: return ['.5'] # Base colors rbcols = [(0., 0., 1.), (0., 1., 1.), (0., 1., 0.), (1., 1., 0.), (1., 0., 0.)] rbfirst = (.5, 0., 1.) rblast = (1., 0., .5) rbcyclic = (1., 0, 1.) # Mode if mode is None: mode = 'auto' if mode == 'auto': if n>6: mode = 'extended' else: mode = 'strict' if mode!='strict': if mode=='last': rbcols =rbcols+[rblast] elif mode=='first': rbcols = [rbfirst]+rbcols elif mode=='cyclic': rbcols = [rbcyclic]+rbcols+[rbcyclic] else: rbcols = [rbfirst]+rbcols+[rblast] # Rainbow colors expanded to n colors base_cmap = cmap_custom(_regular_(rbcols, steptype='bounds'), ncol=512) positions = N.linspace(0., 1., n) if stretcher in ['reduced_green']: stretcher = eval('_stretcher_%s_'%stretcher) if callable(stretcher): positions = N.clip(stretcher(positions), 0, 1) colors = [base_cmap(p)[:3] for p in positions] # Special values if first is not None: colors[0] = first if last is not None: colors[-1] = last if middle is not None and n%2: colors[int(n/2)] = middle return colors
def _stretcher_reduced_green_(x): xx = (x-.5)*20 return .2*P.exp(-N.abs(xx))*xx+x def _nlev_(n): if hasattr(n, '__len__'): lev = n n = max(0, len(n)-1) else: lev = None if n is None: n = 5 elif n==0: n = 1 return n, lev
[docs]def cmap_rainbow(n=None, name='vacumm_rainbow', smoothed=True, mode='auto', **kwargs): """Rainbow colormap :Params: - **n**, optional: Number of colors used (keyword passed to :func:`rainbow`). - **stretcher**, **first**, **last**, **middle**, optional: See :func:`rainbow`. - **rainbow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to func:`rainbow` - Extra keywords are passed to :func:`cmap_rs` or :func:`cmap_srs` :Example: >>> cmap = cmap_magic(10, first='.5', mode='last') >>> cmap = cmap_magic([5.,6.,7,8,9], stretcher='reduced_green') :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_rainbow.png """ from misc import kwfilter kwrb = kwfilter(kwargs, 'rainbow_') for att in 'first', 'last', 'middle', 'stretcher': kwrb[att] = kwargs.pop(att, None) n, pos = _nlev_(n) colors = rainbow(n=n, mode=mode, **kwrb) if False and pos is not None: func = cmap_ss if smoothed else cmap_steps norm = kwargs.pop('norm', None) if norm is None: norm = Normalize(vmin=pos[0], vmax=pos[-1]) colors = [(c, norm(p)) for (p, c) in zip(pos, colors)] else: func = cmap_srs if smoothed else cmap_rs return func(colors, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_rb(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`cmap_rainbow`""" return cmap_rainbow(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_magic(n=None, stretch = 0.4, mode='normal', white='.95', name='vacumm_magic', **kwargs): """Magic rainbow colormap Based upon :func:`cmap_rainbow` with specificities: - ``n`` may be for example an array of levels. - ``smoothed`` is set to ``False`` by default. - ``stretch`` is set negative by default (``-attenuation``). :Params: - **n**, optional: Number of colors used or object with a length (like an array of levels). - Extra keywords are passed to :func:`rainbow` :Example: >>> ssta = MV2.arange(-2.6, 3.1, .1) >>> cmap = cmap_magic(ssta, anomaly=True) >>> cmap = cmap_magic(len(ssta)) :Samples: - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_magic.png - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_magic-n10.png - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_magic-anom.png - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_magic-pos.png - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_magic-neg.png """ #print 'cmap_magic n in',n n, pos = _nlev_(n) kwargs.setdefault('smoothed', False) from misc import broadcast for att in 'positive', 'negative', 'anomaly', 'symetric': # compat if kwargs.has_key(att): if kwargs[att]: mode = att del kwargs[att] if mode.startswith('anom'): mode = 'symetric' if mode.startswith('norm'): kwargs['lstretch'] = -stretch elif mode.startswith('pos'): kwargs['first'] = white kwargs['lstretch'] = [0]+broadcast(-stretch, n-1) kwargs['rstretch'] = [-stretch]+[0]*(n-1) elif mode.startswith('neg'): kwargs['last'] = white kwargs['lstretch'] = [0]*(n-1)+[-stretch] kwargs['rstretch'] = broadcast(-stretch, n-1)+[0] elif mode.startswith('sym'): keepc = broadcast(None, n) mid = int(n/2) if n%2: # odd kwargs['lstretch'] = [0]*mid+broadcast(-stretch, mid+1) kwargs['rstretch'] = kwargs['lstretch'][::-1] kwargs['middle'] = '.8' keepc[mid] = False else: kwargs['lstretch'] = [0]*(mid)+[.98]+broadcast(-stretch, mid-1) kwargs['rstretch'] = kwargs['lstretch'][::-1] keepc[mid:mid+2] = False, False #print 'cmap_magic n out',n if pos is not None: n = pos return cmap_rainbow(n, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_mg(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`cmap_magic`""" return cmap_magic(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_custom(colors, name='mycmap', ncol=256, ranged=False, register=True, **kwargs): """Quick colormap creation :Params: - **colors**: Like [(color1, position1),(color2, position2), etc...] or dict(red=((pos1,r1a,r1b), (pos2,r2a,r2b)),etc...) - **ncol/N**: Discretization. - **register**: Register the colormap into matplotlib to be accessible with its name? """ ncol = kwargs.pop('N', ncol) if isinstance(colors, dict): for cname, cvals in colors.items(): cvals = tuple(cvals) if cvals[0][0] != 0: colors[cname] = ((0, cvals[0][1], cvals[0][2]), ) + cvals if cvals[-1] != 1: colors[cname] = cvals + ((1, cvals[-1][1], cvals[-1][2]), ) else: if isinstance(colors, tuple): colors = list(colors) tcolors = colors colors = dict(red=(), green=(), blue=()) if tcolors[0][1] != 0: tcolors.insert(0, (tcolors[0][0], 0)) if tcolors[-1][1] != 1: tcolors.append((tcolors[-1][0], 1)) for col, pos in tcolors: r, g, b = RGB(col) colors['red'] += ((pos, r, r), ) colors['green'] += ((pos, g, g), ) colors['blue'] += ((pos, b, b), ) if ranged: cmap = RangedLinearSegmentedColormap(name,colors,ncol, **kwargs) else: cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(name,colors,ncol) P.register_cmap(name, cmap) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_linear(c, **kwargs): """Basic linear map between colors""" kwargs['stretch'] = 0 return cmap_srs(c, **kwargs)
# blue -> white -> red
[docs]def cmap_bwr(wpos=0.5, wcol='w', name='vacumm_bwr'): """Blue->white->red colormap :Params: - *white*: relative position of white color in the map [default: 0.5] :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_bwr.png """ return cmap_custom((('b', 0), (wcol, wpos), ('r', 1)), name)
# blue -> white -> red for Extremes : violet and pink and ends
[docs]def cmap_bwre(wpos=0.5,gap=0.1, wcol='w', name='vacumm_bwre', **kwargs): """Returns a violet->blue->white->red colormap->yellow - **white**, optional: relative position of white color in the map [default: 0.5] - **gap**, optional: Relative width of the pure central white gap [default: 0.1] :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_bwre.png """ wstart = wpos*(1-gap) wstop = wpos + (1.-wpos)*gap return cmap_custom((((1, 0, 1), 0), ('b', .1), (wcol, wstart), (wcol, wstop), ('r', .9), ((1, 1, 0), 1)), name, **kwargs)
# blue -> red
[docs]def cmap_br(sep=0.5, name='vacumm_br', **kwargs): """Blue->red colormap :Params: - **sep**, optional: relative position of the blue/red transition in the map [default: 0.5] :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_br.png """ return cmap_custom( (('b', 0), ((.5, 0, .5), sep), ('r', 1)), name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_br2(sep=0.5, white=.7, name="vacumm_br2", **kwargs): """Blue->light blue|light red-> red :Params: - **sep**, optional: relative position of the blue/red transition in the map [default: 0.5] - **white**, optional: Strenght of the whitening (see :func:`whiten`). :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_br.png """ bsep = whiten('b', white) rsep = whiten('r', white) cdict = {'red': ((0,1,1),(sep,bsep[0],rsep[0]), (1,0,0)), 'green': ((0,0,0),(sep,bsep[1],rsep[1]), (1,0,0)), 'blue': ((0,0,0),(sep,bsep[2],rsep[2]), (1,1,1)), } return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
# white -> red
[docs]def cmap_wr(name='vacumm_wr', **kwargs): """White->red colormap :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_wr.png """ return cmap_custom((('w', 0), ('r', 1)), name, **kwargs)
# white -> red
[docs]def cmap_wre(name='vacumm_wre', **kwargs): """White->red->yellow colormap for positive extremes :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_wre.png """ cdict = {'red': ((0.,1.,1.),(.8,1.,1.),(1.,1.,1.)), 'green':((0.,1.,1.),(.8,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.)), 'blue': ((0.,1.,1.),(.8,0.,0.),(1.,0.,0.))} return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
cy = 0.6 # cyan ye = 0.95 # yellow vi = 0.35 # violet _colors_bathy = (('k',0), ((0,.1,.9),vi), ((0,.8,.8),cy), ((.9,.9,.6),.9), ((.9,.9,.8),1))
[docs]def cmap_bathy(start=0., stop=1., name='vacumm_bathy', **kwargs): """Colormap for bathymetry maps :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_bathy.png """ this_cmap = cmap_custom(_colors_bathy, name, ranged=True, start=start, stop=stop, **kwargs) this_cmap.set_bad(bistre) this_cmap.set_under(bistre) this_cmap.set_over(bistre) return this_cmap
_colors_land = ((_colors_bathy[-1][0], 0), ('#145D0A',.2),('#62CF60', .4), ('#A1A156',.6),('#6D461D', .85), ('#eeeeff', 1.))
[docs]def cmap_land(start=0., stop=1., name='vacumm_land', **kwargs): """Colormap for land maps :Params: - **start/stop**, optional: Positions for a zoom in colormap. :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_land.png """ this_cmap = cmap_custom(_colors_land, name, ranged=True, start=start, stop=stop, **kwargs) this_cmap.set_bad(ocean) this_cmap.set_under(ocean) this_cmap.set_over(ocean) return this_cmap
[docs]def cmap_topo(start=0., stop=1., name='vacumm_topo', zero=.5, over=_colors_bathy[0][0], under=_colors_land[-1][0], bad='0.5', **kwargs): """Colormap for bathy+land maps :Params: - **start/stop**, optional: Positions for a zoom in colormap. - **zero**, optional: Position of 0-depth color. - **over**, optional: Color for values over maximal range (see :meth:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap.set_over`). - **under**, optional: Color for values under maximal range (see :meth:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap.set_under`). - **bad**, optional: Color for bad values (see :meth:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap.set_bad`). :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_topo.png :See also: :func:`cmap_bathy` :func:`cmap_land` """ mycolors = tuple([(c[0], zero*c[1]) for c in _colors_bathy]) mycolors += tuple([(c[0], zero+(1-zero)*c[1]) for c in _colors_land[1:]]) this_cmap = cmap_custom(mycolors, name, ranged=True, start=start, stop=stop, **kwargs) this_cmap.set_bad(bad) this_cmap.set_under(under) this_cmap.set_over(over) return this_cmap
[docs]def auto_cmap_topo(varminmax=(0., 1.), gzoom=1., xzoom=1., **kwargs): """Adjusted :func:`cmap_topo` colormap so that altitude 0 fall on center of full colormap by defaut :Params: - **varminmax**: Define the min and max of topo ; it can be either : - a topo variable (array) from which min and max are computed - a tuple of (min, max) fo topo - **gzoom**, optional: Global zoom in the colormap (>1.) - **xzoom**, optional: Zoom out - the land colormap if more ocean, - the ocean colormap if more land. """ # Data range if isinstance(varminmax, tuple): topomin, topomax = varminmax else: topomin = N.asarray(varminmax, 'f').min() topomax = N.asarray(varminmax, 'f').max() topomin = float(min(topomin, 0)) topomax = float(max(topomax, 0)) # More land or ocean? xzoom = N.clip(xzoom, 0., 1.) if abs(topomin) < topomax: # More land alpha = -topomin/topomax if xzoom<alpha: xzoom=alpha zero = xzoom/(1.+xzoom) start = zero*(1-alpha) stop = 1. else: # More ocean alpha = -topomax/topomin if xzoom<alpha: xzoom=alpha zero = 1/(1.+xzoom) start = 0. stop = zero*(1+alpha) # Global zoom if gzoom<1: gzoom=1. start = zero - (zero-start)/gzoom stop = zero + (stop-zero)/gzoom kwargs.setdefault('register', False) return cmap_topo(start, stop, 'vacumm_auto_cmap_topo', zero=zero, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_jete(name='vacumm_jete', **kwargs): """Jet colormap with extremes :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_jete.png """ cdict = {'red':((0.,.75,.75),(0.22,0,0), (0.4,0,0),(0.6,1,1), (.78,1,1), (1,1,1)), 'green':((0.,0.,0.),(0.22,0,0), (0.375,1,1),(0.64,1,1), (.78,0,0), (1,0,0)), 'blue':((0.,1.,1.),(0.22,1,1), (0.4,1,1),(0.6,0,0), (.78,0,0), (1,.75,.75))} return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_ajete(w=.02, name='vacumm_ajete', **kwargs): """Jet colormap with white at center and extremes, for anomaly plots :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_ajete.png """ cdict = {'red':((0.,.75,.75),(0.21,0,0), (0.33,0,0),(.5-w/2,1,1),(.5+w/2,1,1),(0.67,1,1), (.79,1,1), (1,1,1)), 'green':((0.,0.,0.),(0.21,0,0), (0.3,1,1),(.5-w/2,1,1),(.5+w/2,1,1),(0.71,1,1), (.79,0,0), (1,0,0)), 'blue':((0.,1.,1.),(0.21,1,1), (0.33,1,1),(.5-w/2,1,1),(.5+w/2,1,1),(0.67,0,0), (.79,0,0), (1,.75,.75))} return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_jet(smoothed=False, name='vacumm_jet', **kwargs): """Jet colormap""" colors = [(.75,0,1),(0,0,1),(0,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0)] kwargs.setdefault('stretch', 0) if not smoothed: cmap = cmap_regular_steps(colors, name=name, **kwargs) else: cmap = cmap_srs(colors, name=name, **kwargs) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_jets(name='vacumm_jets', **kwargs): """Jet colormap with smoothed steps :Params: Passed to :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` :Samples: - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_jets.png - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_jets+60.png - .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_jets-60.png :See also: :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` """ colors = [(.75,0,1),(0,0,1),(0,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0)] kwargs.setdefault('stretch', 0) return cmap_smoothed_regular_steps(colors,name=name,**kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_wjets(wcol=".95", name='vacumm_wjets', **kwargs): """White jet colormap with smoothed steps :Params: - **wcol**, optional: color of "white" - other options are passed to :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_wjets.png """ ## colors = [(1,1,1),(0,0,1),(0,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0),(1,0,.75)] wcol = kwargs.get('first_color', wcol) colors = [RGB(wcol),(0,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0),(1,0,.75)] kwargs.setdefault('stretch', 0) # return cmap_linear(colors,name='cmap_wjets',**kwargs) return cmap_smoothed_regular_steps(colors, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_ajets(wcol="w", name='vacumm_ajets', **kwargs): """Jet colormap with smoothed steps and white at center (for anomalies) :Params: - **wcol**, optional: color of "white" - other options are passed to :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_ajets.png """ ## colors = [(.75,0,1),(0,0,1),(0,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0)] colors = [(.75,0,1),(0,0,1),(0,1,1),RGB(wcol),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0)] kwargs.setdefault('stretch', 0) return cmap_smoothed_regular_steps(colors,name=name,**kwargs)
def _stretch_(value, stretch): """ 0 = no stretch -1 = black 1 = white """ stretch = N.clip(stretch, -1, 1) if stretch == 0: return value if stretch < 0: return (1+stretch) * value return value + stretch * (1-value)
[docs]def cmap_smoothed_steps(colors, stretch=None, rstretch=0, lstretch=0, name='vacumm_css', asdict=False, **kwargs): """Smoothed steps :Params: - **colors**, optional: Central positions for each colors [(col1,pos1),...] :See also: :func:`cmap_steps` :func:`cmap_regular_steps` :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` """ if stretch is not None: # compat if isinstance(stretch, tuple): if len(stretch)>1: lstretch, rstretch = stretch[:2] else: lstretch = stretch[0] from misc import broadcast ns = len(colors) lstretch = broadcast(lstretch, ns) rstretch = broadcast(rstretch, ns) rr = [] ; gg = [] ; bb = [] for i,(col,pos) in enumerate(colors): r, g, b = RGB(col) if i == 0: rr = [(0,r,r)] gg = [(0,g,g)] bb = [(0,b,b)] else: pcol,ppos = colors[i-1] pr,pg,pb = RGB(pcol) npos = .5*(pos+ppos) rr.append((npos,_stretch_(.5*(r+pr),lstretch[i]),_stretch_(.5*(r+pr),rstretch[i]))) gg.append((npos,_stretch_(.5*(g+pg),lstretch[i]),_stretch_(.5*(g+pg),rstretch[i]))) bb.append((npos,_stretch_(.5*(b+pb),lstretch[i]),_stretch_(.5*(b+pb),rstretch[i]))) if i == (len(colors)-1): pos = 1 rr.append((pos,r,r)) gg.append((pos,g,g)) bb.append((pos,b,b)) cdict = {'red':rr,'green':gg,'blue':bb} if asdict: return cdict return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_ss(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`cmap_smoothed_steps`""" return cmap_smoothed_steps(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_smoothed_regular_steps(colors, steptype='center', **kwargs): """Smoothed regular steps :Params: - **colors**: [(r1,g1,b1),...] - Other keywords are passed to :func:`cmap_smoothed_steps()` :See also: :func:`cmap_steps` :func:`cmap_smoothed_steps` :func:`cmap_regular_steps` (:func:`cmap_regular_jets` for an example) """ return cmap_smoothed_steps(_regular_(colors,steptype=steptype),**kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_srs(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps`""" return cmap_smoothed_regular_steps(*args, **kwargs)
def _regular_(colors, steptype='center', posmin=0., posmax=1.): rcolors = [] dpos = posmax-posmin*1. step = dpos/len(colors) if steptype == 'center': offset = .5 else: if steptype == 'bounds': step = dpos/(len(colors)-1) offset = 0 for i,col in enumerate(colors): col = RGB(col) pos = posmin+(i+offset)*step # pos = int(255*pos)/256. rcolors.append((col,pos)) return rcolors
[docs]def cmap_steps(cols, stretch=None, lstretch=0., rstretch=0., keepc=None, name='cmap_steps', **kwargs): """Colormap by steps :Params: - **cols**: [(col1,pos1),(col2,pos2),...] - **lstretch**, optional: Color darkening (<0) or whitening at start of steps (left) - **rstretch**, optional: Same but at end of steps (right) - **keepc**, optional: If ``lstretch`` and ``rstretch`` are both different from zero, it keeps center of steps intact, else it becomes a mean of left and right. - **ncol/N**: Discretization. .See also: :func:`cmap_regular_steps` :func:`cmap_smoothed_steps` :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` """ if stretch is not None: # compat if isinstance(stretch, tuple): if len(stretch)>1: lstretch, rstretch = stretch[:2] else: lstretch = stretch[0] from misc import broadcast ns = len(cols) lstretch = broadcast(lstretch, ns) rstretch = broadcast(rstretch, ns) keepc = broadcast(keepc, ns) rr = [] ; gg = [] ; bb = [] pcol, ppos = cols[0] pr, pg, pb = RGB(pcol) pr = _stretch_(pr, lstretch[0]) pg = _stretch_(pg, lstretch[0]) pb = _stretch_(pb, lstretch[0]) apos = [p for (c, p) in cols]+[1.] for i,(col,pos) in enumerate(cols): r, g, b = RGB(col) if i == 0: pos = 0. else: pr = _stretch_(pr, rstretch[i-1]) pg = _stretch_(pg, rstretch[i-1]) pb = _stretch_(pb, rstretch[i-1]) rr.append((pos, pr, _stretch_(r, lstretch[i]))) gg.append((pos, pg, _stretch_(g, lstretch[i]))) bb.append((pos, pb, _stretch_(b, lstretch[i]))) if keepc[i] is None: keepc[i] = lstretch[i] != 0 and rstretch[i] != 0 if keepc[i]: rr.append((.5*(pos+apos[i+1]), r, r)) gg.append((.5*(pos+apos[i+1]), g, g)) bb.append((.5*(pos+apos[i+1]), b, b)) pr, pg, pb = r,g,b r = _stretch_(r, rstretch[-1]) g = _stretch_(g, rstretch[-1]) b = _stretch_(b, rstretch[-1]) rr.append((1, r, r)) gg.append((1, g, g)) bb.append((1, b, b)) cdict = {'red':rr,'green':gg,'blue':bb} return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_regular_steps(colors, steptype='stair', **kwargs): """Colormap by regular steps :Params: - **cols**: [col1,col2,...] - **stretch**, optional: Color darkening (<0) or whitening within steps [default: -.6] - **steptype**, optional: 'center', 'stair' or 'bounds' [default: 'center'] - Other keywords are passed to :func:`cmap_steps()` :See also: :func:`cmap_steps` :func:`cmap_smoothed_steps` :func:`cmap_smoothed_regular_steps` """ return cmap_steps(_regular_(colors, steptype=steptype), **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_rs(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`cmap_regular_steps`""" return cmap_regular_steps(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_wjet(wcol='.95', smoothed=True, name='vacumm_wjet', **kwargs): """jet colormap with white (or another color) at beginning :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_wjet.png """ wcol = kwargs.get('first_color', wcol) func = cmap_regular_steps if not smoothed else cmap_smoothed_regular_steps colors = [wcol, 'b', (0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, .74)] return func(colors, name=name, **kwargs)
# wcol = kwargs.get('first_color', wcol) # colors = [RGB(wcol),(0,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,1,0),(1,.5,0),(1,0,0),(1,0,.75)]
[docs]def cmap_pe(red=.8, name="vacumm_pe", **kwargs): """Colomap for positive extremes (white->grey->red) :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_pe.png """ cdict = {'red': ((0.,1.,1.),(red,.7,.7),(1.,1.,1.)), 'green':((0.,1.,1.),(red,.7,.7),(1.,0.,0.)), 'blue': ((0.,1.,1.),(red,.7,.7),(1.,0.,0.))} return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_grey(start=0, end=1., name="vacumm_grey", **kwargs): """Grey colormap from position ``start`` to position ``end`` :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_grey.png """ cdict = {'red': ((0.,start,start),(1.,end,end)), 'green':((0.,start,start),(1.,end,end)), 'blue': ((0.,start,start),(1.,end,end))} return cmap_custom(cdict, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_chla(name='vacumm_chla', smoothed=True, **kwargs): """Colormap for Chlorophyll A :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_chla.png :Source: IDL code from F. Gohin. """ # From? # rgb = [(144, 8, 240), (112, 8, 240), (80, 8, 240), (8, 8, 240), (8, 8, 224), (8, 8, 208), (8, 8, 192), (8, 8, 176), (8, 8, 152), (8, 32, 120), (8, 56, 104), (8, 80, 104), (8, 104, 112), (8, 96, 120), (8, 104, 152), (8, 120, 160), (8, 136, 160), (8, 152, 168), (8, 168, 168), (8, 184, 184), (8, 200, 200), (8, 216, 216), (8, 224, 224), (8, 232, 232), (8, 240, 240), (8, 240, 216), (8, 232, 200), (8, 232, 144), (8, 224, 112), (8, 216, 120), (8, 200, 120), (8, 184, 112), (8, 176, 80), (8, 160, 80), (8, 144, 80), (8, 128, 80), (8, 144, 56), (8, 136, 8), (56, 152, 8), (56, 168, 8), (72, 184, 8), (88, 200, 8), (112, 208, 8), (136, 216, 8), (160, 224, 8), (192, 232, 8), (232, 232, 8), (224, 224, 8), (224, 208, 8), (224, 184, 8), (224, 160, 8), (224, 136, 8), (224, 112, 8), (224, 88, 8), (224, 64, 8), (224, 40, 8), (216, 8, 8), (200, 8, 8), (176, 8, 8), (152, 8, 8), (128, 8, 8), (104, 8, 8)] # cc = [(r/255., g/255., b/255.) for r, g, b in rgb] # colors = _regular_(cc, steptype='bounds', posmax=220./256) # colors.append(((200./255, )*3, 1.)) # From F. gohin (IDL) param_red = N.array([0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.53,0.45,0.35,0.48, 0.43,0.53,0.67,0.80,0.50,0.60,0.72,0.80,0.87, 0.43,0.60,0.12,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.78,0.78, 0.62,0.62,0.62,0.62,0.62,0.77,0.87,1.00,1.00, 0.95,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00, 1.00,1.00,1.00,0.87,0.75,0.60,0.53,0.65,0.72, 0.82,0.92,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.87,0.80,0.72, 0.65,0.60,0.57,0.57,0.93,0.80,0.70,0.50,0.40]) param_green = N.array([0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, 0.45,0.55,0.70,0.80,0.80,0.87,0.95,0.97,0.97, 0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,1.00,0.88, 0.75,0.60,0.55,0.65,0.75,0.85,0.93,0.78,0.96, 0.70,0.70,0.70,0.70,0.00,0.88,0.95,1.00,1.00, 0.95,1.00,1.00,0.95,0.90,0.83,0.75,0.65,0.58, 0.50,0.30,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.38,0.50,0.58, 0.68,0.78,0.85,0.00,0.65,0.80,0.72,0.65,0.57, 0.50,0.35,0.28,0.17,0.92,0.80,0.70,0.50,0.40]) param_blue = N.array([0.55,0.67,0.80,0.90,0.00,0.97,0.87,0.77,0.77, 0.82,0.92,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.97, 0.97,0.97,0.90,0.80,0.62,0.48,0.22,0.00,0.00, 0.00,0.00,0.53,0.57,0.67,0.75,0.82,0.70,0.60, 0.04,0.16,0.38,0.52,0.62,0.40,0.48,0.62,0.80, 0.82,0.42,0.00,0.72,0.65,0.62,0.50,0.38,0.20, 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.75,0.65,0.70, 0.60,0.50,0.40,0.18,0.93,0.80,0.70,0.50,0.40]) indtab = N.array([51,127,124,118,117,116,114,113, 112,108,109,107,106,94,98,99,100,101, 102,104,92,86,85,83,84,81,80,79, 78,77,76,75,74,73,72,70,69,68, 067,47, 47]) indtab = -(indtab - 127) param_red = param_red[indtab] param_green = param_green[indtab] param_blue = param_blue[indtab] colors = zip(param_red,param_green,param_blue) func = cmap_regular_steps if not smoothed else cmap_smoothed_regular_steps return func(colors, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_previmer(name='vacumm_previmer', **kwargs): """Colormap from PREVIMER Website ( :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_previmer.png :Source: (F. Lecornu, G. Charria) """ post = N.array([2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10.5,11,11.5,12,12.5,13,13.5,14,14.5,15,15.5,16,16.5,17,17.5,18,18.5,19,19.5,20,20.5,21,22,23,24]) norm = StepsNorm(post) r1=N.array([212,191,165,153,97,83,65,48,34,12,8,24,42,56,75,90,105,122,132,134,175,216,250,252,252,252,252,245,231,213,200,185,167,152]) r1 = r1/255. v1=N.array([154,117,95,66,29,46,61,78,94,114,134,150,165,182,199,216,231,244,250,250,250,250,247,231,207,174,141,118,101,87,70,55,40,22]) v1 = v1/255. b1=N.array([229,213,208,209,159,173,119,205,222,242,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,228,155,132,132,126,105,82,49,15,4,4,4,4,4,4,4]) b1 = b1/255. colors = [] for icolor in N.arange(len(r1)): colors.append(((r1[icolor],v1[icolor],b1[icolor]),norm.positions[icolor])) kwargs.setdefault('ncol', len(colors)-1) return cmap_custom(colors, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_previmer2(name='vacumm_previmer2', **kwargs): """Colormap from PREVIMER Website ( Same as :func:`cmap_previmer` but extremes are used for :meth:`set_under` and :meth`set_over`. :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_previmer.png :Source: (F. Lecornu, G. Charria) """ r = N.array([212,191,165,153,97,83,65,48,34,12,8,24,42,56,75,90,105,122,132,134,175,216,250,252,252,252,252,245,231,213,200,185,167,152.]) r /= 255. g = N.array([154,117,95,66,29,46,61,78,94,114,134,150,165,182,199,216,231,244,250,250,250,250,247,231,207,174,141,118,101,87,70,55,40,22.]) g /= 255. b = N.array([229,213,208,209,159,173,119,205,222,242,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,228,155,132,132,126,105,82,49,15,4,4,4,4,4,4,4.]) b /= 255. colors = zip(r,g,b) cmap = cmap_srs(colors[1:-1], name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(colors[0]) cmap.set_over(colors[-1]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_ssec(name='vacumm_ssec', **kwargs): """ Colormap from Ncview ( :Source: (ncview-2.1.2, G. Charria) """ d = N.array([0,0,45, 0,1,46, 0,2,47, 0,3,48, 0,5,49, 0,6,50, 0,7,51, 0,9,52, 0,10,53, 0,11,54, 0,13,55, 0,14,56, 0,15,57, 0,17,58, 0,18,59, 0,19,60, 0,21,62, 0,22,63, 0,23,64, 0,25,65, 0,26,66, 0,27,67, 0,29,68, 0,30,69, 0,31,70, 0,33,71, 0,34,72, 0,35,73, 0,37,74, 0,38,75, 0,39,76, 0,40,77, 0,42,79, 0,43,80, 0,44,81, 0,46,82, 0,47,83, 0,48,84, 0,50,85, 0,51,86, 0,52,87, 0,54,88, 0,55,89, 0,56,90, 0,58,91, 0,59,92, 0,60,93, 0,62,94, 0,63,96, 0,64,97, 0,66,98, 0,67,99, 0,68,100, 0,70,101, 0,71,102, 0,72,103, 0,74,104, 0,75,105, 0,76,106, 0,77,107, 0,79,108, 0,80,109, 0,81,110, 0,83,111, 0,84,113, 0,85,114, 0,87,115, 0,88,116, 0,89,117, 0,91,118, 0,92,119, 0,93,120, 0,95,121, 0,96,122, 0,97,123, 0,99,124, 0,100,125, 0,101,126, 0,103,127, 0,104,128, 0,105,130, 0,107,131, 0,108,132, 0,109,133, 0,111,134, 0,112,135, 0,113,136, 0,114,137, 0,116,138, 0,117,139, 0,118,140, 0,120,141, 0,121,142, 0,122,143, 0,124,144, 0,125,145, 0,126,147, 0,128,148, 0,129,149, 0,130,150, 0,132,151, 0,133,152, 0,134,153, 0,136,154, 0,137,155, 0,138,156, 0,140,157, 0,141,158, 0,142,159, 0,144,160, 0,145,161, 0,146,162, 0,148,164, 0,149,165, 0,150,166, 0,151,167, 0,153,168, 0,154,169, 0,155,170, 0,157,171, 0,158,172, 0,159,173, 0,161,174, 0,162,175, 0,163,176, 0,165,177, 0,166,178, 0,167,180, 0,169,181, 0,170,182, 0,171,183, 0,173,184, 0,174,185, 0,175,186, 0,177,187, 0,178,188, 0,179,189, 0,181,190, 0,182,191, 0,183,192, 0,185,193, 0,186,194, 0,187,195, 0,188,197, 0,190,198, 0,191,199, 0,192,200, 0,194,201, 0,195,202, 0,196,203, 0,198,204, 0,199,205, 0,200,206, 0,202,207, 0,203,208, 0,204,209, 0,206,210, 0,207,211, 0,208,212, 0,210,214, 0,211,215, 0,212,216, 0,214,217, 0,215,218, 0,216,219, 0,218,220, 0,219,221, 0,220,222, 0,222,223, 0,223,224, 0,224,225, 0,225,226, 0,227,227, 0,228,228, 0,229,229, 8,230,222, 17,231,214, 26,232,206, 34,233,198, 43,234,190, 52,235,182, 61,236,174, 70,236,166, 78,237,158, 87,238,150, 96,239,143, 105,240,135, 114,241,127, 122,242,119, 131,242,111, 140,243,103, 149,244,95, 157,245,87, 166,246,79, 175,247,71, 184,248,63, 193,248,55, 201,249,47, 210,250,39, 219,251,32, 228,252,24, 237,253,16, 245,254,8, 254,254,0, 255,250,0, 255,245,0, 255,240,0, 255,236,0, 255,231,0, 255,226,0, 255,221,0, 255,217,0, 255,212,0, 255,207,0, 255,202,0, 255,198,0, 255,193,0, 255,188,0, 255,183,0, 255,179,0, 255,174,0, 255,169,0, 255,164,0, 255,160,0, 255,155,0, 255,150,0, 255,145,0, 255,141,0, 255,136,0, 255,131,0, 255,126,0, 255,122,0, 253,117,0, 249,113,0, 246,109,0, 242,105,0, 239,101,0, 236,97,0, 232,93,0, 229,89,0, 225,85,0, 222,81,0, 219,77,0, 215,73,0, 212,69,0, 208,65,0, 205,61,0, 202,57,0, 198,53,0, 195,49,0, 191,45,0, 188,41,0, 185,37,0, 181,33,0, 178,29,0, 175,24,0]) r = d[0::3]/255. g = d[1::3]/255. b = d[2::3]/255. colors = zip(r,g,b) cmap = cmap_srs(colors[1:-1], name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(colors[0]) cmap.set_over(colors[-1]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_ncview_rainbow(name='vacumm_ncview_rainbow', **kwargs): """ Colormap Rainbow from Ncview ( :Source: (ncview-2.1.2, G. Charria) """ d = N.array([38, 0, 50, 38, 0, 51, 38, 0, 51, 38, 0, 51, 39, 0, 52, 39, 0, 52, 39, 0, 53, 40, 0, 54, 41, 0, 55, 41, 0, 57, 42, 0, 58, 43, 0, 60, 44, 0, 61, 45, 0, 63, 46, 0, 65, 47, 0, 67, 48, 0, 70, 50, 0, 72, 51, 0, 75, 52, 0, 77, 53, 0, 80, 54, 0, 83, 56, 0, 86, 57, 0, 89, 58, 0, 92, 59, 0, 96, 60, 0, 99, 61, 0,103, 62, 0,106, 63, 0,110, 64, 0,114, 65, 0,117, 65, 0,121, 66, 0,125, 66, 0,129, 66, 0,133, 66, 0,137, 66, 0,141, 66, 0,145, 65, 0,150, 65, 0,154, 64, 0,158, 63, 0,162, 62, 0,166, 60, 0,170, 59, 0,174, 57, 0,179, 55, 0,183, 52, 0,187, 50, 0,191, 47, 0,195, 44, 0,198, 41, 0,202, 38, 0,206, 34, 0,210, 30, 0,213, 26, 0,217, 21, 0,220, 17, 0,223, 12, 0,226, 7, 0,229, 2, 0,232, 0, 3,235, 0, 8,237, 0, 14,240, 0, 20,242, 0, 26,244, 0, 33,246, 0, 39,247, 0, 46,249, 0, 52,250, 0, 59,251, 0, 66,252, 0, 73,253, 0, 80,253, 0, 86,253, 0, 93,253, 0,100,253, 0,107,253, 0,114,253, 0,121,253, 0,128,253, 0,136,252, 0,143,252, 0,150,252, 0,157,252, 0,165,252, 0,172,252, 0,180,252, 0,187,252, 0,194,251, 0,202,251, 0,210,251, 0,217,251, 0,225,250, 0,232,250, 0,240,250, 0,247,250, 0,249,244, 0,249,235, 0,248,227, 0,248,219, 0,247,210, 0,247,202, 0,246,193, 0,245,185, 0,245,176, 0,244,167, 0,243,159, 0,241,150, 0,240,141, 0,238,132, 0,237,123, 0,235,114, 0,232,105, 0,229, 96, 0,226, 87, 0,222, 78, 0,217, 69, 0,212, 61, 0,206, 52, 0,198, 43, 0,190, 35, 0,181, 27, 0,172, 20, 0,163, 13, 0,157, 7, 0,153, 2, 2,153, 0, 7,157, 0, 13,163, 0, 20,172, 0, 27,181, 0, 35,190, 0, 43,198, 0, 52,206, 0, 61,212, 0, 69,217, 0, 78,222, 0, 87,226, 0, 96,229, 0, 105,232, 0, 114,235, 0, 123,237, 0, 132,238, 0, 141,240, 0, 150,241, 0, 159,243, 0, 167,244, 0, 176,245, 0, 185,245, 0, 193,246, 0, 202,247, 0, 210,247, 0, 219,248, 0, 227,248, 0, 235,249, 0, 244,249, 0, 250,247, 0, 250,240, 0, 250,232, 0, 250,225, 0, 251,217, 0, 251,210, 0, 251,202, 0, 251,194, 0, 252,187, 0, 252,180, 0, 252,172, 0, 252,165, 0, 252,157, 0, 252,150, 0, 252,143, 0, 252,136, 0, 253,128, 0, 253,121, 0, 253,114, 0, 253,107, 0, 253,100, 0, 253, 93, 0, 253, 86, 0, 253, 80, 0, 253, 73, 0, 252, 66, 0, 251, 59, 0, 250, 52, 0, 249, 46, 0, 247, 39, 0, 246, 33, 0, 244, 26, 0, 242, 20, 0, 240, 14, 0, 237, 8, 0, 235, 3, 0, 232, 0, 2, 229, 0, 7, 226, 0, 12, 223, 0, 17, 220, 0, 21, 217, 0, 26, 213, 0, 30, 210, 0, 34, 206, 0, 38, 202, 0, 41, 198, 0, 44, 195, 0, 47, 191, 0, 50, 187, 0, 52, 183, 0, 55, 179, 0, 57, 174, 0, 59, 170, 0, 60, 166, 0, 62, 162, 0, 63, 158, 0, 64, 154, 0, 65, 150, 0, 65, 145, 0, 66, 141, 0, 66, 137, 0, 66, 133, 0, 66, 129, 0, 66, 125, 0, 66, 121, 0, 65, 117, 0, 65, 114, 0, 64, 110, 0, 63, 106, 0, 62, 103, 0, 61, 99, 0, 60, 96, 0, 59, 92, 0, 58, 89, 0, 57, 86, 0, 56, 83, 0, 54, 80, 0, 53, 77, 0, 52, 75, 0, 51, 72, 0, 50, 70, 0, 48, 67, 0, 47, 65, 0, 46, 63, 0, 45, 61, 0, 44, 60, 0, 43, 58, 0, 42, 57, 0, 41, 55, 0, 41, 54, 0, 40, 53, 0, 39, 52, 0, 39, 52, 0, 39, 51, 0, 38, 51, 0, 38, 51, 0, 38,50, 0, 38]) r = d[0::3]/255. g = d[1::3]/255. b = d[2::3]/255. colors = zip(r,g,b) cmap = cmap_srs(colors[1:-1], name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(colors[0]) cmap.set_over(colors[-1]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_nice_gfdl(name='vacumm_nice_gfdl', **kwargs): """ GFDL colormap ( :Source: (included by G. Charria) """ d = N.array([0.996078, 0.984314, 0.964706, 0.925490, 0.929412, 0.945098, 0.905882, 0.909804, 0.925490, 0.862745, 0.882353, 0.901961, 0.835294, 0.854902, 0.874510, 0.811765, 0.823529, 0.858824, 0.784314, 0.796078, 0.831373, 0.749020, 0.772549, 0.811765, 0.729412, 0.749020, 0.788235, 0.694118, 0.717647, 0.768627, 0.670588, 0.690196, 0.741176, 0.639216, 0.666667, 0.725490, 0.611765, 0.639216, 0.698039, 0.580392, 0.607843, 0.666667, 0.560784, 0.588235, 0.647059, 0.517647, 0.560784, 0.623529, 0.490196, 0.537255, 0.596078, 0.462745, 0.517647, 0.576471, 0.435294, 0.490196, 0.545098, 0.400000, 0.447059, 0.525490, 0.384314, 0.431373, 0.509804, 0.352941, 0.407843, 0.486275, 0.325490, 0.380392, 0.458824, 0.294118, 0.356863, 0.443137, 0.270588, 0.329412, 0.415686, 0.247059, 0.301961, 0.396078, 0.223529, 0.282353, 0.372549, 0.196078, 0.254902, 0.360784, 0.168627, 0.223529, 0.325490, 0.133333, 0.203922, 0.301961, 0.113725, 0.180392, 0.274510, 0.094118, 0.149020, 0.250980, 0.074510, 0.125490, 0.227451, 0.050980, 0.109804, 0.203922, 0.047059, 0.105882, 0.196078, 0.050980, 0.117647, 0.203922, 0.062745, 0.129412, 0.219608, 0.074510, 0.141176, 0.235294, 0.086275, 0.156863, 0.254902, 0.094118, 0.176471, 0.258824, 0.105882, 0.188235, 0.274510, 0.121569, 0.207843, 0.298039, 0.133333, 0.219608, 0.309804, 0.137255, 0.243137, 0.325490, 0.145098, 0.254902, 0.337255, 0.160784, 0.270588, 0.356863, 0.176471, 0.286275, 0.372549, 0.180392, 0.301961, 0.380392, 0.196078, 0.313725, 0.396078, 0.203922, 0.325490, 0.407843, 0.219608, 0.341176, 0.423529, 0.223529, 0.360784, 0.427451, 0.247059, 0.384314, 0.450980, 0.247059, 0.396078, 0.458824, 0.262745, 0.415686, 0.478431, 0.282353, 0.439216, 0.490196, 0.290196, 0.447059, 0.498039, 0.298039, 0.462745, 0.513725, 0.309804, 0.478431, 0.529412, 0.313725, 0.501961, 0.533333, 0.329412, 0.517647, 0.549020, 0.333333, 0.529412, 0.560784, 0.349020, 0.549020, 0.580392, 0.356863, 0.564706, 0.592157, 0.372549, 0.580392, 0.607843, 0.392157, 0.603922, 0.631373, 0.403922, 0.615686, 0.643137, 0.403922, 0.631373, 0.643137, 0.423529, 0.654902, 0.666667, 0.431373, 0.662745, 0.674510, 0.447059, 0.678431, 0.694118, 0.454902, 0.698039, 0.705882, 0.474510, 0.717647, 0.725490, 0.482353, 0.725490, 0.733333, 0.501961, 0.749020, 0.756863, 0.505882, 0.772549, 0.752941, 0.517647, 0.788235, 0.764706, 0.525490, 0.807843, 0.784314, 0.541176, 0.819608, 0.800000, 0.549020, 0.839216, 0.811765, 0.564706, 0.858824, 0.831373, 0.580392, 0.874510, 0.847059, 0.596078, 0.894118, 0.862745, 0.596078, 0.905882, 0.862745, 0.596078, 0.905882, 0.862745, 0.576471, 0.890196, 0.819608, 0.564706, 0.878431, 0.811765, 0.549020, 0.866667, 0.760784, 0.541176, 0.858824, 0.752941, 0.529412, 0.847059, 0.729412, 0.517647, 0.835294, 0.713725, 0.498039, 0.827451, 0.662745, 0.478431, 0.807843, 0.643137, 0.470588, 0.803922, 0.607843, 0.454902, 0.784314, 0.588235, 0.443137, 0.776471, 0.556863, 0.431373, 0.764706, 0.545098, 0.415686, 0.749020, 0.501961, 0.407843, 0.741176, 0.494118, 0.392157, 0.729412, 0.458824, 0.380392, 0.713725, 0.447059, 0.368627, 0.701961, 0.415686, 0.352941, 0.682353, 0.400000, 0.345098, 0.678431, 0.360784, 0.329412, 0.662745, 0.345098, 0.317647, 0.647059, 0.325490, 0.305882, 0.635294, 0.313725, 0.282353, 0.623529, 0.270588, 0.274510, 0.615686, 0.262745, 0.262745, 0.592157, 0.223529, 0.258824, 0.584314, 0.215686, 0.247059, 0.576471, 0.180392, 0.243137, 0.572549, 0.176471, 0.270588, 0.584314, 0.149020, 0.282353, 0.600000, 0.160784, 0.313725, 0.619608, 0.117647, 0.329412, 0.639216, 0.129412, 0.372549, 0.654902, 0.098039, 0.384314, 0.666667, 0.109804, 0.419608, 0.686275, 0.070588, 0.435294, 0.701961, 0.086275, 0.478431, 0.721569, 0.023529, 0.494118, 0.741176, 0.050980, 0.529412, 0.756863, 0.000000, 0.545098, 0.772549, 0.000000, 0.588235, 0.788235, 0.000000, 0.603922, 0.807843, 0.000000, 0.635294, 0.811765, 0.000000, 0.658824, 0.835294, 0.000000, 0.698039, 0.850980, 0.000000, 0.721569, 0.874510, 0.000000, 0.756863, 0.878431, 0.000000, 0.780392, 0.905882, 0.000000, 0.823529, 0.909804, 0.000000, 0.847059, 0.933333, 0.000000, 0.878431, 0.945098, 0.000000, 0.901961, 0.968627, 0.000000, 0.933333, 0.972549, 0.000000, 0.960784, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.984314, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.972549, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.921569, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.905882, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.862745, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.847059, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.803922, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.788235, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.749020, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.733333, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.694118, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.678431, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.631373, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.619608, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.580392, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.568627, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.529412, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.509804, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.466667, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.458824, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.431373, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.407843, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.376471, 0.000000, 0.980392, 0.360784, 0.000000, 0.952941, 0.333333, 0.000000, 0.929412, 0.313725, 0.000000, 0.909804, 0.290196, 0.000000, 0.886275, 0.270588, 0.000000, 0.862745, 0.243137, 0.000000, 0.843137, 0.231373, 0.000000, 0.819608, 0.203922, 0.000000, 0.792157, 0.184314, 0.000000, 0.772549, 0.160784, 0.000000, 0.749020, 0.145098, 0.000000, 0.725490, 0.121569, 0.023529, 0.721569, 0.117647, 0.019608, 0.686275, 0.125490, 0.023529, 0.674510, 0.117647, 0.011765, 0.631373, 0.117647, 0.035294, 0.627451, 0.117647, 0.031373, 0.603922, 0.109804, 0.031373, 0.592157, 0.101961, 0.023529, 0.549020, 0.105882, 0.035294, 0.545098, 0.101961, 0.031373, 0.505882, 0.101961, 0.027451, 0.501961, 0.098039, 0.023529, 0.474510, 0.101961, 0.035294, 0.466667, 0.098039, 0.031373, 0.431373, 0.094118, 0.039216, 0.427451, 0.090196, 0.035294, 0.392157, 0.094118, 0.039216, 0.388235, 0.090196, 0.035294, 0.360784, 0.086275, 0.039216, 0.349020, 0.078431, 0.031373, 0.313725, 0.086275, 0.047059, 0.301961, 0.078431, 0.043137, 0.290196, 0.078431, 0.043137, 0.278431, 0.070588, 0.039216, 0.239216, 0.074510, 0.039216, 0.235294, 0.070588, 0.039216, 0.215686, 0.066667, 0.043137, 0.207843, 0.062745, 0.039216, 0.180392, 0.062745, 0.043137, 0.160784, 0.050980, 0.031373, 0.141176, 0.054902, 0.035294, 0.137255, 0.050980, 0.031373, 0.113725, 0.050980, 0.035294, 0.101961, 0.043137, 0.023529, 0.082353, 0.043137, 0.031373, 0.070588, 0.031373, 0.019608, 0.058824, 0.031373, 0.023529, 0.058824, 0.031373, 0.023529, 0.054902, 0.031373, 0.019608, 0.050980, 0.031373, 0.015686, 0.047059, 0.023529, 0.019608, 0.050980, 0.027451, 0.023529, 0.043137, 0.027451, 0.019608, 0.039216, 0.015686, 0.000000, 0.035294, 0.019608, 0.015686, 0.031373, 0.011765, 0.000000, 0.023529, 0.015686, 0.000000, 0.023529, 0.015686, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]) r = d[0::3] g = d[1::3] b = d[2::3] colors = zip(r,g,b) cmap = cmap_srs(colors[1:-1], name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(colors[0]) cmap.set_over(colors[-1]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_eke(name='vacumm_eke', **kwargs): """ Colormap for Eddy Kinetic Energy (from Barnier et al., 2006) Added by G. Charria """ r = N.array([1, 0.98792, 0.97584, 0.96376, 0.95169, 0.93961, 0.92753, 0.91545, 0.90337, 0.89129, 0.87922, 0.86714, 0.85506, 0.84298, 0.8309, 0.81882, 0.80675, 0.79467, 0.78259, 0.77051, 0.75843, 0.74635, 0.73427, 0.7222, 0.71012, 0.69804, 0.68596, 0.67388, 0.6618, 0.64973, 0.63765, 0.62557, 0.61349, 0.60141, 0.58933, 0.57725, 0.56518, 0.55122, 0.53584, 0.52047, 0.5051, 0.48973, 0.47435, 0.45898, 0.44361, 0.42824, 0.41286, 0.39749, 0.38212, 0.36675, 0.35137, 0.336, 0.32063, 0.30525, 0.28988, 0.27451, 0.25914, 0.24376, 0.22839, 0.21302, 0.19765, 0.18227, 0.1669, 0.15153, 0.13616, 0.12078, 0.10541, 0.090039, 0.074667, 0.059294, 0.043922, 0.028549, 0.013176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035294, 0.0084706, 0.013412, 0.018353, 0.023294, 0.028235, 0.033176, 0.038118, 0.043059, 0.048, 0.052941, 0.057882, 0.062824, 0.067765, 0.072706, 0.077647, 0.082588, 0.087529, 0.092471, 0.097412, 0.10235, 0.10729, 0.11224, 0.11718, 0.12212, 0.12706, 0.132, 0.13694, 0.14188, 0.14682, 0.15176, 0.15671, 0.16165, 0.16659, 0.17153, 0.17647, 0.18643, 0.20894, 0.23145, 0.25396, 0.27647, 0.29898, 0.32149, 0.344, 0.36651, 0.38902, 0.41153, 0.43404, 0.45655, 0.47906, 0.50157, 0.52408, 0.54659, 0.5691, 0.59161, 0.61412, 0.63663, 0.65914, 0.68165, 0.70416, 0.72667, 0.74918, 0.77169, 0.7942, 0.81671, 0.83922, 0.86173, 0.88424, 0.90675, 0.92925, 0.95176, 0.97427, 0.99678, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.98824, 0.96078, 0.93333, 0.90588, 0.87843, 0.85098, 0.82353, 0.79608, 0.76863, 0.74118, 0.71373, 0.68627, 0.65882, 0.63137, 0.60392, 0.57647, 0.54902, 0.52157, 0.49412, 0.46667, 0.43922, 0.41176, 0.38431, 0.35686, 0.32941, 0.30196, 0.27451, 0.24706, 0.21961, 0.19216, 0.16471, 0.13725, 0.1098, 0.082353, 0.054902, 0.027451, 0]) g = N.array([1, 0.97749, 0.95498, 0.93247, 0.90996, 0.88745, 0.86494, 0.84243, 0.81992, 0.79741, 0.7749, 0.75239, 0.72988, 0.70737, 0.68486, 0.66235, 0.63984, 0.61733, 0.59482, 0.57231, 0.5498, 0.52729, 0.50478, 0.48227, 0.45976, 0.43725, 0.41475, 0.39224, 0.36973, 0.34722, 0.32471, 0.3022, 0.27969, 0.25718, 0.23467, 0.21216, 0.18965, 0.19286, 0.21537, 0.23788, 0.26039, 0.2829, 0.30541, 0.32792, 0.35043, 0.37294, 0.39545, 0.41796, 0.44047, 0.46298, 0.48549, 0.508, 0.53051, 0.55302, 0.57553, 0.59804, 0.62055, 0.64306, 0.66557, 0.68808, 0.71059, 0.7331, 0.75561, 0.77812, 0.80063, 0.82314, 0.84565, 0.86816, 0.89067, 0.91318, 0.93569, 0.9582, 0.98071, 0.99608, 0.96863, 0.94118, 0.91373, 0.88627, 0.85882, 0.83137, 0.80392, 0.77647, 0.74902, 0.72157, 0.69412, 0.66667, 0.63922, 0.61176, 0.58431, 0.55686, 0.52941, 0.50196, 0.47451, 0.44706, 0.41961, 0.39216, 0.36471, 0.33725, 0.3098, 0.28235, 0.2549, 0.22745, 0.2, 0.17255, 0.1451, 0.11765, 0.090196, 0.062745, 0.035294, 0.0078431, 0.01549, 0.037176, 0.058863, 0.080549, 0.10224, 0.12392, 0.14561, 0.16729, 0.18898, 0.21067, 0.23235, 0.25404, 0.27573, 0.29741, 0.3191, 0.34078, 0.36247, 0.38416, 0.40584, 0.42753, 0.44922, 0.4709, 0.49259, 0.51427, 0.53596, 0.55765, 0.57933, 0.60102, 0.62271, 0.64439, 0.66608, 0.68776, 0.70945, 0.73114, 0.75282, 0.77451, 0.79165, 0.79741, 0.80318, 0.80894, 0.81471, 0.82047, 0.82624, 0.832, 0.83776, 0.84353, 0.84929, 0.85506, 0.86082, 0.86659, 0.87235, 0.87812, 0.88388, 0.88965, 0.89541, 0.90118, 0.90694, 0.91271, 0.91847, 0.92424, 0.93, 0.93576, 0.94153, 0.94729, 0.95306, 0.95882, 0.96459, 0.97035, 0.97612, 0.98188, 0.98765, 0.99341, 0.99918, 0.97647, 0.94902, 0.92157, 0.89412, 0.86667, 0.83922, 0.81176, 0.78431, 0.75686, 0.72941, 0.70196, 0.67451, 0.64706, 0.61961, 0.59216, 0.56471, 0.53725, 0.5098, 0.48235, 0.4549, 0.42745, 0.4, 0.37255, 0.3451, 0.31765, 0.2902, 0.26275, 0.23529, 0.20784, 0.18039, 0.15294, 0.12549, 0.098039, 0.070588, 0.043137, 0.015686, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) b = N.array([1, 0.99424, 0.98847, 0.98271, 0.97694, 0.97118, 0.96541, 0.95965, 0.95388, 0.94812, 0.94235, 0.93659, 0.93082, 0.92506, 0.91929, 0.91353, 0.90776, 0.902, 0.89624, 0.89047, 0.88471, 0.87894, 0.87318, 0.86741, 0.86165, 0.85588, 0.85012, 0.84435, 0.83859, 0.83282, 0.82706, 0.82129, 0.81553, 0.80976, 0.804, 0.79824, 0.79247, 0.79329, 0.79906, 0.80482, 0.81059, 0.81635, 0.82212, 0.82788, 0.83365, 0.83941, 0.84518, 0.85094, 0.85671, 0.86247, 0.86824, 0.874, 0.87976, 0.88553, 0.89129, 0.89706, 0.90282, 0.90859, 0.91435, 0.92012, 0.92588, 0.93165, 0.93741, 0.94318, 0.94894, 0.95471, 0.96047, 0.96624, 0.972, 0.97776, 0.98353, 0.98929, 0.99506, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.98039, 0.95294, 0.92549, 0.89804, 0.87059, 0.84314, 0.81569, 0.78824, 0.76078, 0.73333, 0.70588, 0.67843, 0.65098, 0.62353, 0.59608, 0.56863, 0.54118, 0.51373, 0.48627, 0.45882, 0.43137, 0.40392, 0.37647, 0.34902, 0.32157, 0.29412, 0.26667, 0.23922, 0.21176, 0.18431, 0.15686, 0.12941, 0.10196, 0.07451, 0.047059, 0.019608, 0.0021961, 0.0098824, 0.017569, 0.025255, 0.032941, 0.040627, 0.048314, 0.056, 0.063686, 0.071373, 0.079059, 0.086745, 0.094431, 0.10212, 0.1098, 0.11749, 0.12518, 0.13286, 0.14055, 0.14824, 0.15592, 0.16361, 0.17129, 0.17898, 0.18667, 0.19435, 0.20204, 0.20973, 0.21741, 0.2251, 0.23278, 0.24047, 0.24816, 0.25584, 0.26353, 0.27122, 0.2789, 0.27341, 0.26573, 0.25804, 0.25035, 0.24267, 0.23498, 0.22729, 0.21961, 0.21192, 0.20424, 0.19655, 0.18886, 0.18118, 0.17349, 0.1658, 0.15812, 0.15043, 0.14275, 0.13506, 0.12737, 0.11969, 0.112, 0.10431, 0.096627, 0.088941, 0.081255, 0.073569, 0.065882, 0.058196, 0.05051, 0.042824, 0.035137, 0.027451, 0.019765, 0.012078, 0.0043922, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) colors = zip(r,g,b) cmap = cmap_srs(colors[1:-1], name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(colors[0]) cmap.set_over(colors[-1]) return cmap
def _local_cmap_cpt_(name, **kwargs): """Get a cmap stored in a GMT format in file _cpt_dir/<name>.cpt""" if name in cmap_d: return cmap_d[name] sname = name[7:] if name.startswith('vacumm_') else name return cmap_gmt(os.path.join(_cpt_dir, sname+'.cpt'), register='vacumm_'+sname, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_currents(name='vacumm_currents', **kwargs): """A colormap for displaying currents""" return _local_cmap_cpt_(name, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmap_rnb2_hymex(name="vacumm_rnb2_hymex", **kwargs): """RNB2 Colormap for HYMEX .. note:: This colormap is registered in matplotlib under the name "vacumm_rnb2_hymex". :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_rnb2_hymex.png """ data = [ ((0., 0, .6), 0.), ((0, 0.2, 1), .12), ((.2, .7, 1), .16), ((0, .8, 0), .27), ((1, 1, 0), .5), ((1, .1, .1), .82), ((.8, .1, .1), .9), ((.6, .25, .6), 1.)] cmap = cmap_smoothed_steps(data, name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(data[0][0]) cmap.set_over(data[-1][0]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_rainbow_sst_hymex(name="vacumm_rainbow_sst_hymex", **kwargs): """RAINBOW_SST Colormap for HYMEX .. note:: This colormap is registered in matplotlib under the name "vacumm_rainbow_sst_hymex". :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_rainbow_sst_hymex.png """ data = [ ((0., 0, .52), 0.), ((0, 0.41, 1), .2), ((.09, .98, 0.91), .39), ((0.61, 1., 0.38), .53), ((1, 0.95, 0), .66), ((1, .2, 0), .85), ((.61, 0, 0), 1.)] cmap = cmap_smoothed_steps(data, name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(data[0][0]) cmap.set_over(data[-1][0]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_dynamic_cmyk_hymex(name="vacumm_dynamic_cmyk_hymex", **kwargs): """DYNAMIC_CMYK Colormap for HYMEX .. note:: This colormap is registered in matplotlib under the name "vacumm_dynamic_cmyk_hymex". :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_dynamic_cmyk_hymex.png """ data = [ ((0.94902, 0.94510, 0.94902), 0.), ((0.94510, 0.88627, 0.94118), .1), ((0.69804, 0.62745, 0.80392), .2), ((0.50196, 0.65098, 0.80784), .3), ((0.40392, 0.75686, 0.60784), .4), ((0.33725, 0.69412, 0.20000), .5), ((0.80000, 0.90588, 0.04314), .6), ((0.98039, 0.96078, 0.09804), .7), ((0.97255, 0.50980, 0.06667), .8), ((0.98039, 0.07059, 0.04706), .9), ((0.59608, 0.05882, 0.03137), 1.)] cmap = cmap_smoothed_steps(data, name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(data[0][0]) cmap.set_over(data[-1][0]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_white_centered_hymex(name="vacumm_white_centered_hymex", **kwargs): """RNB2 Colormap for HYMEX .. note:: This colormap is registered in matplotlib under the name "vacumm_white_centered_hymex". :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_white_centered_hymex.png """ data = [ ((0, 1, 1), 0.), ((0.2, 0.2, 1), .2), ((1, 1, 1), .35), ((1, 1, 1), .65), ((1,0.2,0.2), .8), ((1, 1, 0), 1.)] cmap = cmap_smoothed_steps(data, name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(data[0][0]) cmap.set_over(data[-1][0]) return cmap
[docs]def cmap_red_tau_hymex(name="vacumm_red_tau_hymex", **kwargs): """RNB2 Colormap for HYMEX .. note:: This colormap is registered in matplotlib under the name "vacumm_red_tau_hymex". :Sample: .. image:: misc-color-vacumm_red_tau_hymex.png """ data = [ ((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.), ((1.0, 1.0, 0), .2), ((1.0, 0.8,0.05), .4), ((1.0, 0.6, 0.1), .6), ((1.0, 0.3, 0.1), .9), ((1.0, 0.0, 0), 1.)] cmap = cmap_smoothed_steps(data, name=name, **kwargs) cmap.set_under(data[0][0]) cmap.set_over(data[-1][0]) return cmap
[docs]def get_cmap(cmap=None, errmode=None, **kwargs): """A simple way to get a VACUMM, GMT or MPL colormap :Example: >>> get_cmap('jet') # Matplotlib >>> pylab.jet() # Matplotlib >>> pylab.get_cmap('jet') # Matplotlib >>> get_cmap('cmap_grey',start=.2) # VACUMM >>> get_cmap('vacumm_grey') # VACUMM (registered in MPL) >>> cmap_grey(start=.2) # VACUMM >>> get_cmap('gmt_gebco') # GMT (registered in MPL) >>> cmap_gmt('gebco') # GMT (registered in MPL) :See also: :func:`cmap_gmt` :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap` """ if isinstance(cmap, Colormap): return cmap if isinstance(cmap, basestring): if not kwargs: # Try an already registered colormap try: return P.get_cmap(cmap) except: pass if cmap.startswith('cmap_'): cmap = eval(cmap)(**kwargs) elif cmap.startswith('gmt_') or cmap.endswith('.cpt'): cmap = cmap_gmt(cmap) elif cmap.startswith('vacumm_') and kwargs: cmap = eval('cmap_'+cmap[7:])(**kwargs) else: if errmode=='raise': cmap = P.get_cmap(cmap) else: try: cmap = P.get_cmap(cmap) except: if errmode=='warn': vacumm_warn('Invalid colormap: {!s}. Switch to default one'.format(cmap)) cmap = P.get_cmap() else: cmap = P.get_cmap() return cmap
[docs]def plot_cmap(cmap, ncol=None, smoothed=True, ax=None, figsize=(5, .25), fig=None, show=True, aspect=.05, title=None, title_loc=(.5, .5), sa=dict(left=.0, right=1, top=1, bottom=.0), savefig=None, savefigs=None, close=True, **kwargs): """Display a colormap""" from vacumm.misc import kwfilter, dict_check_defaults cmap = get_cmap(cmap) if ax is None: if fig is None: fig = P.figure() ax = fig.gca() else: fig = ax.get_figure() if figsize: fig.set_size_inches(figsize, forward=True) ax.set_aspect('auto', anchor='C') ax.axis("off") if ncol is None: ncol = cmap.N if hasattr(cmap, 'N') else 256. x = N.arange(0,ncol,1.) dx = x[1]-x[0] interp = 'bilinear' if smoothed else "nearest" p = ax.imshow(N.outer(N.ones(1),x), aspect=aspect*ncol, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", interpolation=interp, vmin=-.5, vmax=x[-1]+0.5) ax.fill([x[0]-dx/2, x[0]-dx/2, x[0]-dx/2-ncol/20.], [-.5, .5, 0], facecolor=p.to_rgba(-1), edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) ax.fill([x[-1]+dx/2, x[-1]+dx/2, x[-1]+dx/2+ncol/20.], [-.5, .5, 0], facecolor=p.to_rgba(ncol+2), edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) if title is None: title = if title is not None and title is not False: kwtitle = kwfilter(kwargs, 'title_') dict_check_defaults(kwtitle, alpha=.8, ha='center', va='center', transform=ax.transAxes, size=9, color='k') ax.text(title_loc[0], title_loc[1], title, **kwtitle) if sa: fig.subplots_adjust(**sa) # Save and show if savefig is not None: fig.savefig(savefig, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefig')) if savefigs is not None: from plot import savefigs as Savefigs Savefigs(savefigs, fig=fig, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefigs')) if show: if close: P.close(fig)
[docs]def plot_cmaps(cmaps=None, figsize=None, show=True, savefig=None, ncol=5, savefigs=None, aspect=0.05, fig=None, close=True, **kwargs): """Display a list of or all colormaps""" from vacumm.misc import kwfilter kwsf = kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefig') kwsfs = kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefigs') kwargs.pop('nrow', None) # Default colormap list from vacumm.misc import kwfilter if cmaps is None: cmaps = cmaps_mpl(names=False) elif isinstance(cmaps, str): if cmaps.startswith('vacumm'): cmaps = cmaps_vacumm(names=False) elif cmaps == 'mpl': cmaps = cmaps_mpl(names=False, vacumm=False) elif cmaps == 'gmt': cmaps = cmaps_gmt() else: cmaps = [cmaps] # Check validity goodcmaps = [] for cmap in cmaps: try: cmap = get_cmap(cmap) if cmap is not None: goodcmaps.append(cmap) except: continue cmaps = goodcmaps # Uniq oldcmaps = cmaps cmaps = [] names = [] for cmap in oldcmaps: if not in names: cmaps.append(cmap) names.append( ncmap = len(cmaps) assert ncmap, 'No valid cmap' # Sort cmaps.sort(cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(, # Setup figure if fig is None: fig = P.figure() ncol = min(ncmap, ncol) nrow = (ncmap-1)/ncol+1 # nrow = min(ncmap, nrow) # ncol = (ncmap-1)/nrow+1 if N.isscalar(figsize): figwidth = figsize figsize = None else: figwidth = 6. if figsize is None: onecol = figwidth / ncol onerow = figwidth * aspect * .8 figheight = onerow * nrow figsize = (figwidth, figheight) if figsize is not False: fig.set_size_inches(figsize, forward=True) # Loop on colormaps ip = N.arange(ncol*nrow).reshape((nrow,ncol)).T.ravel()+1 for i, cmap in enumerate(cmaps): ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ip[i]) plot_cmap(cmap, show=False, ax=ax, figsize=False, aspect=aspect, close=False, title_loc=(.5, 2), title_alpha=1, **kwargs) ax.set_anchor('C') # fig.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=0, w_pad=0) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0, hspace=0, top=0.98, bottom=0.02, left=0.02, right=0.98) # Save and show if savefig is not None: P.savefig(savefig, fig=fig, **kwsf) if savefigs is not None: from plot import savefigs as _savefigs _savefigs(savefigs, fig=fig, **kwsfs) if show: if close: P.close(fig)
[docs]def show_cmap(cmap, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for :func:`plot_cmap`""" return plot_cmap(cmap, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def cmaps_registered(include=None, exclude=None, names=True): """List colormap registered in matplotlib :Params: - **include**: Include only colormaps that have one of these prefixes. - **include**: Exclude colormaps that have one of these prefixes. - **names**: Return names OR colormaps. """ cmap_names = cmap_d.keys() cmap_names.sort() if include is None: include = [] elif isinstance(include, basestring): include = [include] if exclude is None: exclude = [] elif isinstance(exclude, basestring): exclude = [exclude] for inc in include: cmap_names = [name for name in cmap_names if name.startswith(inc)] for exc in exclude: cmap_names = [name for name in cmap_names if not name.startswith(exc)] if not names: return [cmap_d[name] for name in cmap_names] return cmap_names
[docs]def cmaps_mpl(vacumm=True, gmt=True, names=True): """List available registered colormaps available directly from Matplotlib :See also: :func:`get_cmap` """ exclude = [] if not vacumm: exclude.append('vacumm_') if not gmt: exclude.append('GMT_') return cmaps_registered(exclude=exclude, names=names)
[docs]def cmaps_vacumm(names=True): """List available VACUMM colormaps :See also: :func:`get_cmap` """ return cmaps_registered(include='vacumm_', names=names)
cmaps_act = cmaps_vacumm
[docs]def cmaps_gmt(names=True): """List available GMT colormaps :See also: :func:`cmap_gmt` :func:`print_cmaps_gmt` :func:`get_cmap` """ return cmaps_registered(include='GMT_', names=names)
_re_split_gmt = re.compile(r'[\t/\-]+').split
[docs]def cmap_gmt(name, register=True, **kwargs): """Get a colormap from GMT :Params: - **name**: GMT colormap name OR .cpt file name. :See also: :func:`cmaps_gmt` :func:`print_cmaps_gmt` :func:`get_cmap` """ # Already registered if not name.endswith('.cpt'): # name = name.lower() if name.startswith('gmt_'): name = 'GMT_'+name[4:] mname = ('GMT_'+name) if not name.startswith('GMT_') else name if mname not in cmaps_gmt(): raise vacumm.VACUMMError('Invalid GMT colormap: %s. '%name + 'Please print available name with: print_cmaps_gmt()') return P.get_cmap(mname) # From file import colorsys filePath = name name = os.path.basename(name[:-4])#.lower() if not os.path.exists(filePath): raise vacumm.VACUMMError("Wrong GMT colormap file: "+filePath) f = open(filePath) lines = f.readlines() f.close() x = [] r = [] g = [] b = [] colorModel = "RGB" for l in lines: ls = _re_split_gmt(l.strip()) # ls = l.split() if l[0] == "#": if ls[-1] == "HSV": colorModel = "HSV" continue else: continue if len(ls)==0: continue if ls[0] == "B" or ls[0] == "F" or ls[0] == "N": pass elif len(ls)==8: x.append(float(ls[0])) r.append(float(ls[1])) g.append(float(ls[2])) b.append(float(ls[3])) xtemp = float(ls[4]) rtemp = float(ls[5]) gtemp = float(ls[6]) btemp = float(ls[7]) # else: # return x.append(xtemp) r.append(rtemp) g.append(gtemp) b.append(btemp) nTable = len(r) x = N.array( x , 'f') r = N.array( r , 'f') g = N.array( g , 'f') b = N.array( b , 'f') if colorModel == "HSV": for i in range(r.shape[0]): rr,gg,bb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(r[i]/360.,g[i],b[i]) r[i] = rr ; g[i] = gg ; b[i] = bb if colorModel == "HSV": for i in range(r.shape[0]): rr,gg,bb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(r[i]/360.,g[i],b[i]) r[i] = rr ; g[i] = gg ; b[i] = bb if colorModel == "RGB": r = r/255. g = g/255. b = b/255. xNorm = (x - x[0])/(x[-1] - x[0]) red = [] blue = [] green = [] for i in range(len(x)): red.append([xNorm[i],r[i],r[i]]) green.append([xNorm[i],g[i],g[i]]) blue.append([xNorm[i],b[i],b[i]]) colorDict = {"red":red, "green":green, "blue":blue} if register: if isinstance(register, basestring): name = register return cmap_custom(colorDict, name, register=register, **kwargs)
def _generic_transform_(c, converter, channels, *args, **kwargs): # Colormap case if isinstance(c, Colormap): c = deepcopy(c) if not hasattr(c, '_lut'): c._init() c._lut[:-3, :3] = _generic_transform_(c._lut[:-3, :3], converter, channels, *args, **kwargs) for att in '_under', '_over', '_bad': col = getattr(c, '_rgba'+att, None) if col is not None: fset = getattr(c, 'set'+att) fset(_generic_transform_(col, converter, channels, *args, **kwargs)+(col[3], )) return c # Get RGB with_hsv = 'h' in channels or 's' in channels or 'v' in channels if isinstance(c, N.ndarray): # array r = c[:, 0] g = c[:, 1] b = c[:, 2] if with_hsv: hsv = rgb_to_hsv(c[:, :3]) h = hsv[:, 0] s = hsv[:, 1] v = hsv[:, 2] back_to_rgb = lambda x, y, z: hsv_to_rgb(N.array([x, y, z]).T)[:, :3].T else: r, g, b, a = RGBA(c) if with_hsv: h, s, v = rgb_to_hsv((r, g, b)) back_to_rgb = lambda x, y, z: hsv_to_rgb((x, y, z)) # Convert channels conv = lambda c: N.clip(converter(c, *args, **kwargs), 0, 1) if 'r' in channels: r = conv(r) if 'g' in channels: g = conv(g) if 'b' in channels: b = conv(b) if with_hsv: if 'h' in channels: h = conv(h) if 's' in channels: s = conv(s) if 'v' in channels: v = conv(v) r, g, b = back_to_rgb(h, s, v) if isinstance(c, N.ndarray): c = c.copy() c[:, 0] = r c[:, 1] = g c[:, 2] = b return c return r, g, b def _pull_toward_value_(x, f, v): """Move toward a value No effect with f=0 Max effect with f=1 """ return v - (v-x) * (1-f)
[docs]def darken(c, f): """Darken a color 'c' by a factor 'f' (max when f=1) :Params: - **c**: Color - **f**: Factor between 0 and 1 with null impact at 0 :Sample: >>> darken('r',0) (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) >>> darken('r',.5) (0.5, 0.0, 0.0) :See also: :func:`whiten` """ converter = lambda x, f: _pull_toward_value_(x, f, 0) return _generic_transform_(c, converter, 'rgb', f)
[docs]def whiten(c, f): """Whiten a color 'c' by a factor 'f' (max when f=1) :Params: - **c**: Color - **f**: Factor between 0 and 1 with null impact at 0 :Sample: >>> whiten('r',.5) (1.0, 0.5, 0.5) >>> whiten('r',0) (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) :See also: :func:`darken` """ converter = lambda x, f: _pull_toward_value_(x, f, 1) return _generic_transform_(c, converter, 'rgb', f)
[docs]def change_luminosity(c, f): """Change the luminosity :Params: - **c**: color - **f**: Factor between 0 and 1 with null impact at 0.5 """ if f==0.5: return c f = 2*f-1 if f>0: return whiten(c, f) return darken(c, -f)
[docs]def to_shadow(c,att=.3): """Return the shadow color of a color .. note:: This is a simple shortcut to :func:`darken` with ``f=.3`` be default. :Params: - **c**: Color. - **att**, optional: Attenuation factor """ return darken(c, 1-att)
[docs]def to_grey(c, f, g=.5): """Pull a color toward a single grey vzlue :Params: - **c**: Color - **f**: Factor between 0 and 1. When max, color is converted to medium grey ("0.5"). - **g**: Value of the grey :Sample: >>> to_grey('r', 0) (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) >>> to_grey('r',1) (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) :See also: :func:`whiten` : :func:`darken` """ converter = lambda x, f, g: _pull_toward_value_(x, f, g) return _generic_transform_(c, converter, 'rgb', f, g)
[docs]def saturate(c, f): """Saturate a color or a colormap""" return _generic_transform_(c, _pull_toward_value_, 's', f, 1)
[docs]def desaturate(c, f): """Desaturate a color or a colormap""" return _generic_transform_(c, _pull_toward_value_, 's', f, 0)
[docs]def change_saturation(c, f): """Change the saturation in HSV mode :Params: - **c**: Color - **f**: Factor between 0 and 1. Null effect at 0.5. """ f = 2*f-1 if f>0: return saturate(c, f) return desaturate(c, -f)
[docs]def change_value(c, f): """Change de value in HSV mode :Params: - **c**: Color - **f**: Factor between 0 and 1. Null effect at 0.5. """ if f>.5: return _generic_transform_(c, _pull_toward_value_, 'v', 2*(f-.5), 1) return _generic_transform_(c, _pull_toward_value_, 'v', -2*(f-.5), 0)
[docs]def pastelise(c, s=.25, v=.9): """Make a color more pastel Equivalent to:: >>> c = change_value(c, v) >>> c = change_saturation(c, s) """ c = change_value(c, v) return change_saturation(c, s)
pastelize = pastelise
[docs]class StepsNorm(Normalize): """Normalize a given value to the 0-1 range on a stepped linear or log scale See tutorial :ref:`user.tut.misc.plot.advanced.stepsnorm` """ def __init__(self, levels, log=False, masked=True, **kwargs): levels = N.array(levels) Normalize.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.vmin is None: self.vmin = levels.min() if self.vmax is None: self.vmax = levels.max() self.levels = N.unique(N.clip(levels, self.vmin, self.vmax)).astype('d') self.positions = N.linspace(0, 1., len(self.levels)) self.log = log if self.vmin > self.vmax: raise ValueError("minvalue must be less than or equal to maxvalue") elif self.log and self.vmin <= 0.: raise ValueError("minvalue must be greater than 0 when using log scale") self._masked = masked
[docs] @staticmethod def process_value(value): """ Homogenize the input *value* for easy and efficient normalization. *value* can be a scalar or sequence. Returns *result*, *is_scalar*, where *result* is a masked array matching *value*. Float dtypes are preserved; integer types with two bytes or smaller are converted to N.float32, and larger types are converted to N.float. Preserving float32 when possible, and using in-place operations, can greatly improve speed for large arrays. Experimental; we may want to add an option to force the use of float32. """ if cbook.iterable(value): is_scalar = False result = ma.asarray(value) if result.dtype.kind == 'f': if isinstance(value, N.ndarray): result = result.copy() elif result.dtype.itemsize > 2: result = result.astype(N.float) else: result = result.astype(N.float32) else: is_scalar = True result = ma.array([value]).astype(N.float) return result, is_scalar
def __call__(self, value, clip=None): if clip is None: clip = self.clip result, is_scalar = self.process_value(value) val = result.copy() self.autoscale_None(result) vmin, vmax = self.vmin, self.vmax mask = ma.getmaskarray(val) # if theses 4 lines are not present, color of the 2D scalar field # in map2 is black for the values whose range is over the max value in colorbar # if cbook.iterable(value): # val = N.asarray(value).astype(N.float) # else: # val = N.array([value]).astype(N.float) # if vmin==vmax: result.fill(0.) else: if clip: result = ma.array(N.clip(val.filled(vmax), vmin, vmax), mask=mask) if self.log and N.any(self.levels<=0): raise ValueError("All levels must be greater than 0 when using log scale") nlev = len(self.levels) if self.log: val = ma.log(val) # Inside for ilev in xrange(nlev-1): lev0, lev1 = self.levels[ilev:ilev+2] p0, p1 = self.positions[ilev:ilev+2] if self.log: lev0 = ma.log(lev0) lev1 = ma.log(lev1) mincheck = (val>=lev0) if ilev>0 else True maxcheck = (val<=lev1) if ilev<nlev-2 else True result[:] = ma.where(mincheck&maxcheck, p0+(p1-p0)*(val-lev0)/(lev1-lev0), result) # Above (linear extrapolation) lev0, lev1 = self.levels[-2:] p0, p1 = self.positions[-2:] if self.log: lev0 = ma.log(lev0) lev1 = ma.log(lev1) result[:] = ma.where(val>=lev1, p1 + (p1-p0)*(val-lev1)/(lev1-lev0), result) result[N.isinf(val)] = N.inf # Below (linear extrapolation) lev0, lev1 = self.levels[:2] p0, p1 = self.positions[:2] if self.log: lev0 = ma.log(lev0) lev1 = ma.log(lev1) result[:] = ma.where(val<lev0, p0 + (p0-p1)*(val-lev0)/(lev0-lev1), result) result[N.isneginf(val)] = -N.inf if self._masked: result[mask] = if is_scalar: result = result[0] return result
[docs] def inverse(self, pos): result, is_scalar = self.process_value(pos) mask = pos = result.copy() if self.vmin==self.vmax: result.fill(0) else: # result = pos*0. # result[pos<0] = self.vmin # result[pos>1] = self.vmax # Inside nlev = len(self.levels) for ilev in xrange(len(self.levels)-1): lev0, lev1 = self.levels[ilev:ilev+2] p0, p1 = self.positions[ilev:ilev+2] if self.log: lev0 = ma.log10(lev0) lev1 = ma.log10(lev1) mincheck = (pos>=p0) if ilev else True maxcheck = (pos<=p1) if ilev<nlev-2 else True result[:] = N.where(mincheck&maxcheck, lev0+(pos-p0)*(lev1-lev0)/(p1-p0), result) if self.log: result = N.power(result) # Above (linear extrapolation) lev0, lev1 = self.levels[-2:] p0, p1 = self.positions[-2:] if self.log: lev0 = ma.log(lev0) lev1 = ma.log(lev1) result[:] = ma.where(pos>=p1, lev1 + (lev1-lev0)*(pos-p1)/(p1-p0), result) result[N.isinf(pos)] = N.inf # Below (linear extrapolation) lev0, lev1 = self.levels[:2] p0, p1 = self.positions[:2] if self.log: lev0 = ma.log(lev0) lev1 = ma.log(lev1) result[:] = ma.where(pos<p0, lev0 + (lev0-lev1)*(pos-p0)/(p0-p1), result) result[N.isneginf(pos)] = -N.inf if self._masked: result[mask] = if is_scalar: result = result[0] return result
[docs]class RangedLinearSegmentedColormap(Colormap): """ :See also: :class:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` """ def __init__(self, name, segmentdata, N=256, start=0., stop=1.): self.monochrome = False Colormap.__init__(self, name, N) self._segmentdata = segmentdata self._start = start self._stop = stop def _init(self): self._lut = N.ones((self.N + 3, 4), N.float) n = int(N.ceil(self.N/(self._stop-self._start))) r = makeMappingArray(n, self._segmentdata['red']) g = makeMappingArray(n, self._segmentdata['green']) b = makeMappingArray(n, self._segmentdata['blue']) i0 = int(self._start*n) i1 = i0+self.N self._lut[:-3, 0] = r[i0:i1] self._lut[:-3, 1] = g[i0:i1] self._lut[:-3, 2] = b[i0:i1] self._isinit = True self._set_extremes()
[docs]class Scalar2RGB(object): """Converter from scalar to colors :Params: - **vminmax**: Either an array or a tuple of (min,max). - **cmap**, optional: A colormap. :Example: >>> cmap = cmap_srs(['b', 'r']) >>> c = Scalar2RGB((1.5, 20.6), cmap) >>> print c(1.5, alpha=.5), c(10), c(20.6), c(50) (0.0,0.0,1.0,0.5) (0.38,0.0,0.61) (1.0,0.0,0.0) (1.0,0.0,0.0) >>> print c([1.5,10]) [[ 0. 0. 1. ] [ 0.38627451 0. 0.61372549]] """ def __init__(self, vminmax, cmap=None): cmap = get_cmap(cmap) self.cmap = cmap from genutil import minmax vmin, vmax = minmax(vminmax) self.norm = Normalize(vmin, vmax) = ScalarMappable(cmap=self.cmap, norm=self.norm) def __call__(self, value, alpha=None): """Convert value to RGB(A) :Params: - **value**: A scalar or array. - **alpha**, optional: Add an alpha value to all colors. """ res =, alpha) if alpha is not None: return res if isinstance(res, tuple): return res[:3] return res[:,:3]
[docs]def anamorph_cmap(cmap, transform, name=None): """Tranform a colormap with anamorphim :Params: - **cmap**: Colormap. - **transform**: Sorted array of float between 0 and 1. - **name**: name of the colormap """ # Input cmap cmap = P.get_cmap(cmap) # Transform transform = N.clip(N.atleast_1d(transform).astype('f'), 0, 1).tolist() if transform[0]!=0: transform = [0.] + transform if transform[-1]!=1: transform.append(1.) # First colors segmentdata = {'red':[], 'green':[], 'blue':[]} # Input segmentdata input_segmentdata = cmap._segmentdata.copy() if callable(input_segmentdata['red']): for cname, cfunc in input_segmentdata.items(): xind = N.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N) ** cmap._gamma lut = N.clip(N.array(cfunc(xind), dtype=N.float), 0, 1) input_segmentdata[cname] = [] for i, xi in enumerate(xind): input_segmentdata[cname].append((xi, lut[i], lut[i])) # Loop on intervals dxo = 1./(len(transform)-1) for ii, xi0 in enumerate(transform[:-1]): xi1 = transform[ii+1] dxi = xi1-xi0 xo0 = ii*dxo xo1 = (ii+1)*dxo for cname, cvals in input_segmentdata.items(): for cval in cvals: xi = cval[0] if xi<xi0: continue if xi>=xi1: break xo = (xi-xi0)*dxo/dxi+xo0 segmentdata[cname].append((xo,)+cval[1:]) else: col = cmap(xi1)[['red', 'green', 'blue'].index(cname)] segmentdata[cname].append((xo1, col, col)) for cname, cval in input_segmentdata.items(): segmentdata[cname].append(cval[-1]) # Name if name is None: name = if name is None: name = 'vacumm' name += '_anamorph' # Create it cmapo = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, segmentdata, cmap.N) # Register it P.register_cmap(name, cmapo) return cmapo
[docs]def discretise_cmap(cmap, bounds, name=None, **kwargs): """Make discret an existing colormap :Examples: >>> discretise_cmap('jet', [.25, .5, .9]) # two not evenly spaced colors >>> discretise_cmap('jet', 10) # ten evenly spaced colors :Params: - **cmap**: Colormap. - **bounds**: An array of limits that will normalized. If a scalar, it is converted into an array of 'scalar' values ranging from 0 to 1. - **name**, optional: Name of the colormap. - Other params are passed to :func:`cmap_custom`. """ from vcmq import P, cmap_custom, N, plot_cmap old_cmap = P.get_cmap(cmap) if N.isscalar(bounds): bounds = N.linspace(0, 1, bounds) else: bounds = N.asarray(bounds) bounds = (bounds-bounds[0])/(bounds[-1]-bounds[0]) centers = 0.5*(bounds[:-1]+bounds[1:]) colors = [old_cmap(c) for c in centers] data = [] for ic, color in enumerate(colors): data.extend([(color, bounds[ic]), (color, bounds[ic+1])]) if name is None: name ='_discrete' new_cmap = cmap_custom(data, name=name, **kwargs) return new_cmap
discretize_cmap = discretise_cmap # Register colormaps # - vacumm cmap_bwr() cmap_bwre() cmap_br() cmap_br2() cmap_wr() cmap_wre() cmap_bathy() cmap_land() cmap_topo() cmap_jete() cmap_ajete() cmap_jet() cmap_jets() cmap_wjets() cmap_ajets() cmap_wjet() cmap_pe() cmap_grey() cmap_chla() cmap_previmer() cmap_previmer2() cmap_rnb2_hymex() cmap_rainbow_sst_hymex() cmap_dynamic_cmyk_hymex() cmap_white_centered_hymex() cmap_red_tau_hymex() cmap_ncview_rainbow() cmap_eke() cmap_currents() cmap_nice_gfdl() cmap_ssec() # - basemap for _name in basemap_cm.datad.keys(): # sname = _name.lower() if _name.startswith('GMT_') else _name _cmap = getattr(basemap_cm, _name) P.register_cmap(_name, _cmap) del _cmap, _name # - cmocean if cmoceancm is not None: for cmname in cmoceancm.cmapnames: for suffix in '', '_r': cmapname = cmname + suffix cmap = getattr(cmoceancm, cmapname) P.register_cmap('cmocean_' + cmapname, cmap) P.register_cmap(cmapname, cmap) #: Colormap for posivite data CMAP_POSITIVE = 'speed' #: Colormap for negative data CMAP_NEGATIVE = 'tempo_r' #: Colomap for anomalies / symetric data CMAP_SYMETRIC = 'balance' CMAP_ANOMALY = CMAP_SYMETRIC