Source code for vacumm.misc.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2017)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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from __future__ import absolute_import
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys; del sys.path[0]

__author__ = 'Stéphane Raynaud, Jonathan Wilkins'
__email__ = ','
__doc__ = '''\
Configuration management with validation capabilities and commandline interaction.
It is based on :mod:`configobj` and :mod:`validate` modules.

List of builtin validators for :mod:`validate`, along with their plural form: {}


import copy, datetime, inspect, os, operator, re, sys, shutil, traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
from optparse import (OptionParser, OptionGroup, OptionContainer, Option,
                      OptionValueError, IndentedHelpFormatter, _)
from argparse import (ArgumentParser, _ArgumentGroup,
                      HelpFormatter as ArgHelpFormatter,
                      _StoreTrueAction as AP_StoreTrueAction,
                      Action as AP_Action,
                      _HelpAction, Action as AP_Action, SUPPRESS as AP_SUPPRESS)
from warnings import warn

from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors
from validate import Validator, ValidateError, VdtTypeError, VdtValueTooSmallError, VdtValueTooBigError
import validate

try: import numpy
except: numpy = None

__all__ = ['ConfigException', 'ValidationWarning', 'ConfigManager', 'print_short_help',
    'opt2rst', 'cfg2rst', 'cfgargparse', 'cfgoptparse', 'get_spec', 'get_secnames',
    'list_options', 'option2rst',  'filter_section', 'register_config_validator',
    'validator_bbox', 'validator_cdtime', 'validator_cmap', 'validator_color',
    'validator_datetime', 'validator_dict', 'validator_eval',
    'validator_figsize', 'validator_interval', 'validator_minmax',
    'validator_numerics', 'validator_path', 'validator_timeunits',

[docs]class ConfigException(Exception): pass
[docs]class ValidationWarning(Warning): pass
class VdtSizeError(ValidateError): '''List size is incorrect (nmin, nmax, odd, even or shape)''' pass def _valwrap_(validator): ''' Wrap a validation function to allow extraneous named arguments in specfile, this is usefull when getting specification with validator._parse_with_caching(configspec[section][option]) ''' # Already wrapped if (validator.func_name.startswith('validator_wrapper-') or validator.func_name.startswith('list_validator_wrapper-')): return validator # Wrapper def validator_wrapper(value, *args, **kwargs): # Handle None and default # if str(value) == 'None': return None # default = args[0] if len(args) else kwargs.get('default', None) # if value == '': return default # Remove extraneous arguments the validator can't handle argspec = inspect.getargspec(validator) kwargs = kwargs.copy() for k in kwargs.keys(): if k not in argspec.args: kwargs.pop(k) return validator(value, *args, **kwargs) validator_wrapper.__name__ += '-'+validator.__name__ return validator_wrapper def _valwraplist_(validator): ''' Wrap a validation function to handle list value using an existing validator. This adds the following list checking behaviors that can be used as named arguments in specifications: - **n**: required fixed number of elements - **nmin**: required minimum number of elements - **nmax**: required maximum number of elements - **odd**: number of elements must be odd - **even**: number of elements must be even - **shape**: check value shape (requires numpy) ''' # Already wrapped if validator.func_name.startswith('list_validator_wrapper-'): return validator # Wrapper def list_validator_wrapper(value, *args, **kwargs): # Handle None and default if str(value) == 'None': return None default = args[0] if len(args) else kwargs.get('default', ()) if value == '': value = default # Handle single value if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = [value] # Do list checks n = kwargs.pop('n', None) if n is not None and len(value) != int(n): raise VdtSizeError('Incorrect size: %s, %s values expected'%(len(value), n)) nmin = kwargs.pop('nmin', None) if nmin is not None and len(value) < int(nmin): raise VdtSizeError('Incorrect size: %s, at least %s values expected'%(len(value), nmin)) nmax = kwargs.pop('nmax', None) if nmax is not None and len(value) > int(nmax): raise VdtSizeError('Incorrect size: %s, at most %s values expected'%(len(value), nmax)) odd = validate.is_boolean(kwargs.pop('odd', False)) if odd and not len(value) % 2: raise VdtSizeError('Incorrect size: %s, odd number of values expected'%(len(value))) even = validate.is_boolean(kwargs.pop('even', False)) if even and len(value) % 2: raise VdtSizeError('Incorrect size: %s, even number of values expected'%(len(value))) # TODO?: use numpy to also check min and max ? (applicable on number only...) shape = kwargs.pop('shape', None) if shape is not None: if numpy is None: warn('Cannot check shape, numpy package is missing') else: try: shape, vshape = map(int, shape), numpy.shape(value) if vshape != shape: raise VdtSizeError('Incorrect shape: %s, %s shape expected'%(vshape, shape)) except Exception, e: raise ValidateError('Cannot test value shape, this may be caused by an irregular array-like shape. Error was:\n%s'%traceback.format_exc()) # Preserve tuple type istuple = isinstance(value, tuple) # Validate each values value = map(lambda v: validator(v, *args[1:], **kwargs), value) return tuple(value) if istuple else value list_validator_wrapper.__name__ += '-'+validator.__name__ return list_validator_wrapper
[docs]def validator_bbox(value, default=None): '''Parse bbox coordinates with value format: x1,y1,x2,y2''' if str(value) == 'None': return None if value == '': value = default c = [] # two possible delimiters: whitespaces and ',' for v in value.split(): c.extend(v.split(',')) if len(c) != 4: raise VdtTypeError(value) return map(float, c)
[docs]def validator_numerics(value, default=None, min=None, max=None, type='float', n=None): """Validator of a tuple of numeric values""" if isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.strip('()[] ') if str(value) == 'None': return None if isinstance(value, list): value = tuple(value) elif isinstance(value, basestring): try: value = eval(value) except: raise VdtTypeError(value) if not isinstance(value, tuple): try: value = tuple(value) except: value = value, if n is not None: if isinstance(n, basestring): n = int(n) if len(value)!=n: raise VdtTypeError(value) out = () type = eval(type) if min is not None and isinstance(min, basestring): min = type(min) if max is not None and isinstance(max, basestring): max = type(max) for val in value: if isinstance(val, basestring): try: val = type(val) except: raise VdtTypeError(value) if min is not None and val<min: val = type(min) if max is not None and val>max: val = type(max) out += val, return out
[docs]def validator_minmax(value, min=None, max=None, default=(0, 100), type='float'): """Validator of a min,max pair""" value = validator_numerics(value, min=min, max=max, default=default, type=type, n=2) if value is not None: out = list(value) out.sort() value = tuple(value) return value
[docs]def validator_figsize(value, default=(6, 6), min=0, max=20): """Validator of a figure size (xsize,ysize)""" return validator_numerics(value, default=default, min=min, max=max, type='float', n=2)
[docs]def validator_interval(value, default=None): """Validator of an interval of coordinates (min, max [,bounds])""" if isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.strip('()[] ') if str(value) == 'None': return None if not isinstance(value, basestring): if not isinstance(value, list): raise VdtTypeError(value) value = ','.join(value) if value.startswith('('): value = value[1:] if value.endswith(')'): value = value[:-1] values = value.split(',') if len(values)<2 or len(values)>3: raise VdtTypeError(value) out = () for val in values[:2]: try: val = eval(val) except: pass out += val, if len(values)==3 and values[2]: m ='([co]{1,2}[ne]{0,2})', values[2]) if m is None: raise VdtTypeError(value) out +=, return out
[docs]def validator_cmap(value, default=None): """Validator for colormaps""" if str(value) == 'None': return None if isinstance(value, basestring) and value.startswith('['): value = eval(value) if isinstance(value, list): from .color import cmap_custom return cmap_custom(value) from .color import get_cmap return get_cmap(value)
class VdtDateTimeError(ValidateError): pass
[docs]def validator_datetime(value, default=None, fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'): '''Parse value as a traditionnal python datetime object''' if str(value) == 'None': return None if value == '': value = default try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, fmt) except ValueError, e: raise VdtDateTimeError(e)
_re_validator_workdir_split_ = re.compile('\s*>\s*').split _re_validator_workdir_start_ = re.compile('^[\[(]').search _re_validator_workdir_stop_ = re.compile('[\])]').search
[docs]def validator_workdir(value, default=''): if str(value) == 'None': return '' value = value.strip() start = _re_validator_workdir_start_(value) is not None stop = _re_validator_workdir_stop_(value) is not None if (start and not stop) or (stop and not start): raise VdtTypeError(value) svalue = _re_validator_workdir_split_(value.strip('[]')) if len(svalue)==3: return '(%s>%s)%s'%tuple(svalue) if len(svalue)==2: return '(%s>%s)'%tuple(svalue) return svalue[0]
# TODO: fix interpolation and expand !
[docs]def validator_path(value, default='', expand=None): ''' Parse a value as a path :Params: -- **expand**: expandvars and expandhome on loaded path **Warning: expand currently can't work with interpolation** ''' if str(value) == 'None': return None if value == '': value = default if expand and isinstance(value, basestring): return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(value)) return value
[docs]def validator_timeunits(value, default='days since 1950-01-01'): """Validator of standard time units""" from .atime import are_valid_units value = str(value) if value=='None' or not value: value = default if not are_valid_units(value): raise VdtTypeError(value) return value
[docs]def validator_cdtime(value, min=None, max=None, default=None): """Validator of a date (compatible with :func:`cdtime.s2c`)""" import cdtime value = str(value).strip() if not value[0].isdigit(): return value.upper() try: value = cdtime.s2c(value) except: raise VdtTypeError(value) #not re.match('^\d+(-\d+(-\d+( \d+:(\d+(:\d+(\.(\d+)?)?)?)?)?)?)?$', value): if min is not None and val<cdtime.s2c(min): raise VdtValueTooSmallError(value) if max is not None and val>cdtime.s2c(max): raise VdtValueTooBigError(value) return value
[docs]def validator_eval(value, default=None, unchanged_if_failed=True): """Validate a string that can be evaluated""" try: value = eval(str(value)) except: if unchanged_if_failed: return value else: raise VdtTypeError(value) return value
[docs]def validator_color(value, default='k', alpha=False, as256=None): if str(value) == 'None': return None if alpha: from .color import RGBA as CC else: from .color import RGB as CC try: return CC(_check256_(value, as256=as256)) except: if isinstance(value, str): try: return CC(_check256_(eval(value), as256=as256)) except: raise VdtTypeError(value) raise VdtTypeError(value)
def _check256_(val, as256=None): if isinstance(val, str): return val if as256 is None: as256 = any([v>1 for v in val[:3]]) if as256: val = tuple([v/256. for v in val[:3]]) + tuple(val[3:]) return val _re_funccall = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+\(.*\))\s*$').match # func(...) _re_acc = re.compile(r'^\s*(\{.*\})\s*$').match # {...} _re_set = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$').match # a=b
[docs]def validator_dict(value, default={}, vtype=None): """validator for dictionaries Examples -------- value: - dict(a=2, b="x") - {"a":2, "b":"x"} - a=2 - a=2, b="x" - OrderedDict(b=2) - dict([("a",2),("b","x")]) """ if str(value)=='None': return None if isinstance(value, dict): return value if isinstance(value, list): value = ', '.join(value) value = value.strip() if value=='': return {} m = _re_funccall(value) or _re_acc(value) if not m: m = _re_set(value) if not m: raise VdtTypeError(value) value = 'dict('+value+')' if m: try: value = eval(value) except: raise VdtTypeError(value) if not isinstance(value, dict): raise VdtTypeError(value) else: return value raise VdtTypeError(value)
# Define additionnal specifications # Value should be dict for internal use of this module (iterable, opttype, ...) # If value is not a dict, it is supposed to be the validator function #: Available VACUMM :mod:`configobj` validator specifications VALIDATOR_SPECS = { # copy of some validate.Validator.functions to later build plural forms 'integer':validate.is_integer, 'float':validate.is_float, 'boolean':validate.is_boolean, 'string':validate.is_string, # single value 'date':validator_cdtime, 'cdtime':validator_cdtime, 'timeunits':validator_timeunits, 'minmax':validator_minmax, 'numerics':validator_numerics, 'figsize':validator_figsize, 'workdir':validator_workdir, 'bbox':validator_bbox, 'datetime':validator_datetime, 'file':validator_path, 'path':validator_path, 'directory':validator_path, 'interval':validator_interval, 'eval':validator_eval, 'cmap':validator_cmap, 'color':validator_color, 'dict':validator_dict, # lists validators for these scalars will be automatically generated } #: Available VACUMM :mod:`configobj` validator functions as dict useful for :class:`validate.Validator` VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS = {} #: Available VACUMM :mod:`configobj` validator type names VALIDATOR_TYPES = [] # Aliases for backward compat _validator_specs_ = _VALIDATOR_SPECS_ = VALIDATOR_SPECS _validator_functions_ = _VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS_ = VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS def _update_registry_(): # 1. Fix specs dicts # 2. Generate list validators for k, v in VALIDATOR_SPECS.items(): # Check type of spec if not isinstance(v, dict): v = dict(func=v) # Update specs mapping VALIDATOR_SPECS[k] = v # Check minimum settings v.setdefault('func', validate.is_string) v.setdefault('base_func', v['func']) v['func'] = _valwrap_(v['func']) v.setdefault('iterable', False) v.setdefault('opttype', k) v.setdefault('argtype', v['func']) # Add plural forms and validators to handle list values # TODO: we should remove this plural form which is not really correct if k.endswith('y'): nk = k[:-1]+'ies' elif k.endswith('x'): nk = k+'es' else: nk = k+'s' for nk in (nk, k+'_list'): if nk not in VALIDATOR_SPECS: nv = v.copy() nv['func'] = _valwraplist_(v['func']) nv['iterable'] = True # OptionParser will check each value, not the list thus we provide the value validator # TODO: check how this is treated, add argtype ? nv['opttype'] = nk VALIDATOR_SPECS[nk] = nv # List of names while VALIDATOR_TYPES: del VALIDATOR_TYPES[0] VALIDATOR_TYPES.extend(VALIDATOR_SPECS.keys()) VALIDATOR_TYPES.sort() # Dict of functions for key in VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.keys(): del VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS[key] VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.update(dict((k, v['func']) for k,v in VALIDATOR_SPECS.items() if 'func' in v)) _update_registry_() _for_doc = [] for key in VALIDATOR_TYPES: spec = VALIDATOR_SPECS[key] if not spec['func'].func_name.startswith('list_validator_wrapper'): val = ':func:`{} <{}>`'.format(key, spec['base_func'].func_name) else: val = ':func:`{}`'.format(key) _for_doc.append(val) __doc__ = __doc__.format(' '.join(_for_doc)) # Build the mapping suitable for Validator.functions #VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS = dict((k, v['func']) for k,v in VALIDATOR_SPECS.iteritems() if 'func' in v)
[docs]def register_config_validator(**kwargs): """Add a new configobj validator function :Example: >>> register_config_validator(level=is_level) """ VALIDATOR_SPECS.update(**kwargs) _update_registry_() pass
[docs]class ConfigManager(object): """A configuration management class based on a configuration specification file and a :class:`validate.Validator` :Example: >>> Cfg = Config('config.ini', interpolation='template') >>> Cfg.opt_parse() >>> cfg = Cfg.load('config.cfg') :See also: :class:`configobj.ConfigObj` and :class:`validate.Validator` """ def __init__(self, cfgspecfile=None, validator=None, interpolation='template', encoding=None, boolean_false=True, splitsecdesc=False, cfgfilter=None, cfgfilter_default=False, warn_empty_specs=False): ''' :Params: - **cfgspecfile**, optional: The specification file, file object, or list of strings, to be used with this. - **validator**, optional: A custom :class:`validate.Validator` to use or a mapping dict of validator functions. - **interpolation**, optional: See :class:`configobj.ConfigObj`. - **boolean_false**, optional: Make sure that booleans have a default value. - **splitsecdesc**, optional: Section descriptions are split in two components separated by ':'. ''' # Specifications # - load self._encoding = encoding # if (cfgspecfile is not None and isinstance(cfgspecfile, basestring) and # not os.path.exists(cfgspecfile) and not hasattr(cfgspecfile, 'read')): # raise ConfigException('Specification file not found: %s'%cfgspecfile) # self._configspecfile = cfgspecfile if isinstance(cfgspecfile, ConfigObj): self._configspec = cfgspecfile else: self._configspec = ConfigObj(cfgspecfile, list_values=False, interpolation=False, encoding=encoding, raise_errors=True, file_error=True) if not self._configspec: if warn_empty_specs: warn('Empty Config specifications') else: # - filter if isinstance(cfgfilter, dict): filter_section(self._configspec, cfgfilter, cfgfilter_default) else: self._cfgfilter = None if not self._configspec and warn_empty_specs: warn('Empty Config specifications after filtering') self._cfgfilter = cfgfilter self._cfgfilter_default = cfgfilter_default self._configspecfile = self._configspec.filename # Validator if isinstance(validator, Validator): self._validator = validator else: self._validator = get_validator(functions=validator) # Makes sure that booleans have a default value self._boolean_false = boolean_false if boolean_false: self._configspec.walk(_walker_set_boolean_false_by_default_, validator=self._validator) # Interpolation if interpolation is True: interpolation='template' self._interpolation = interpolation @property def specs(self): return self._configspec cfgspecs = configspecs = specs @property def validator(self): return self._validator
[docs] def get_spec(self, sec, key, **kwargs): ''' See :func:`get_spec` If sec is a basestring, use configspec[sec][key] Otherwise use sec as a configspec, sec[key] ''' return get_spec((self._configspec[sec] if isinstance(sec, basestring) else sec)[key], validator=self._validator)
getspec = get_spec
[docs] def defaults(self, nocomments=False, interpolation=None): """Get the default config :Params: - **nocomments**, optional: Do not include option comments in config file. If equal to 2, remove section comments too. - **interpolation**, optional: if True, interpolate values. :Return: A :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance """ if interpolation is None or interpolation is True: interpolation = self._interpolation cfg = ConfigObj(interpolation=interpolation, configspec=self._configspec, encoding=self._encoding) cfg.validate(self._validator, copy=True) if nocomments: cfg.walk(_walker_remove_all_comments_, call_on_sections=int(nocomments)==2) elif self._configspec: cfg.inline_comments = self._configspec.inline_comments return cfg
[docs] def reset(self, cfgfile='config.cfg', backup=True, nocomments=True, verbose=True): """Reset a config file to default values :Params: - **cfgfile**, optional: The configuration file to reset. - **backup**, optional: Backup the old config file. - **nocomments**, optional: Do not include comment in config file. :Return: A :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance :See also: :meth:`defaults` """ # Load defaults cfg = self.defaults(nocomments=nocomments, interpolation=False) # Remove old file if os.path.exists(cfgfile): if backup: shutil.copy(cfgfile, cfgfile+'.bak') os.remove(cfgfile) else: backup = False # Write to new one cfg.filename = cfgfile cfg.write() if verbose: print 'Created default config file: %s'%cfgfile if backup: print "Backuped old config file to: %s.bak"%cfgfile return cfg
[docs] def load(self, cfgfile='config.cfg', validate='fix', geterr=False, patch=None, force=True, cfgfilter=False, **kwpatch): """Get a :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance loaded from a file :Params: - **cfgfile**, optional: config file - a config file name - a :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance - ``None``: defaults to ``"config.cfg"`` - **validate**, optional: Type of validation - ``False``: no validation - ``"fix"``: validation fixes and reports errors - ``"report"``: validation reports errors - ``"raise"``: validation raises errors - **geterr**, optional: Return validation results as well - **force**, optional: Force re-instantiation of ``cfgfile`` when it is already a :class:`ConfigObj` instance. :Return: Depends on ``geterr`` - if ``True``: ``(cfg, err)`` where is the result of :meth:`~configobj.ConfigObj.validate` - else: ``cfg`` (:class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance) """ # Load the config if cfgfile is not None and isinstance(cfgfile, basestring) and not os.path.exists(cfgfile): cfgfile = None # Instantiate / Copy if not isinstance(cfgfile, ConfigObj) or force: cfg = ConfigObj(cfgfile, interpolation=self._interpolation, configspec=self._configspec, encoding=self._encoding) else: cfg = cfgfile # Patch if kwpatch and not patch: patch = {} if patch is not None: if kwpatch: # Patch the patch! patch = self.patch(patch, kwpatch, validate=False) self.patch(cfg, patch, validate=False) # Filter if self._cfgfilter and cfgfilter: if not isinstance(cfgfilter, dict): cfgfilter = self._cfgfilter filter_section(cfg, cfgfilter, self._cfgfilter_default) # Validation if validate and self._configspec: # Validation itself err = cfg.validate(self._validator, preserve_errors=True) # Defaults for fixing if validate in ['fix', 'report']: defaults = self.defaults() # Loop on errors if isinstance(err, dict): for sections, key, error in flatten_errors(cfg, err): # Format explicit message if len(sections): section = '['+']['.join(sections)+'] ' else: section = '' msg = 'Config value error: %s%s: %s'%(section, key, getattr(error, 'message', error)) # Check what to do if validate in ['fix', 'report']: # Report sec = cfg secd = defaults for subsec in sections: sec = sec[subsec] if subsec not in secd: secd = None break secd = secd[subsec] if secd is None: # sys.stderr.write(msg+"\nCan't set it to default value because" # " none available") continue # Loop on keys keys = secd.keys() if key is None else [key] for k in keys: vdef = secd.get(k, None) sys.stderr.write(msg+'\nSetting it to default value: %s\n'%(vdef,))#,ValidationWarning) # Reset to default if validate=='fix': sec[k] = vdef else: # Raise an error raise ValidateError, msg if geterr: return cfg, err return cfg
[docs] def patch(self, cfg, cfgpatch, validate=False): """Replace config values of ``cfg`` by those of ``cfgpatch`` :Params: - **cfg**: A :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance, a config file or a dictionary, that must be patched. - **cfgpatch**: A :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` instance, a config file or a dictionary, used for patching. - **validate**, optional: If ``True``, validate configs if they have a valid config spec. """ if not isinstance(cfg, ConfigObj): cfg = ConfigObj(cfg, configspec=self._configspec, encoding=self._encoding)#, interpolation=False) #else: #cfg.interpolation = False if not isinstance(cfgpatch, ConfigObj): cfgpatch = ConfigObj(cfgpatch, configspec=self._configspec, interpolation=False, encoding=self._encoding) else: cfgpatch.interpolation = False # Merging based on specs with type check self.cfgspecs.walk(_walker_patch_, cfg=cfg, cfgpatch=cfgpatch) # Merging of missing stuff cfgpatch.walk(_walker_patch_, cfg=cfg, cfgpatch=cfgpatch) if validate and cfg.configspec is not None: cfg.validate(self.validator) #cfg.interpolation = 'template' return cfg
[docs] def arg_parse( self, parser=None, exc=[], parse=True, args=None, getparser=False, getargs=False, cfgfile='config.cfg', patch=None, cfgfileopt='--cfgfile', cfgfilepatch='before', nested=None, extraopts=None): """Options (:mod:`argparse`) and config mixer. 1. Creates command-line options from config defaults 2. Parse command-line argument and create a configuration patch For instance, the following config define the commandline option ``--section1-my-section2-my-key`` with ``value`` as a default value, s tored in a special group of options with a short name and a long description:: [section1] # Short name : long description of the group [[my_section2]] my_key=value .. warning:: Section and option names must not contain any space-like character ! .. note:: If you want to prevent conflict of options, don't use ``"_"`` in section and option names. :Params: - **parser**: optional, a default one is created if not given. This can be: - a :class:`OptionParser` instance - a :class:`dict` with keyword arguments for the one to be created - **exc**, optional: List of keys to be excluded from parsing. - **parse**, optional: If ``True``, parse commande line options and arguments - **args**, optional: List of arguments to parse instead of default sys.argv[1:] - **getparser**: allow getting the parser in addition to the config if parse=True - **getargs**: allow getting the parsed arguments in addition to the config if parse=True - **patch**, optional: used if parse is True. Can take the following values: - a :class:`bool` value indicating wheter to apply defaults on the returned config before applying the command line config - a :class:`ConfigObj` instance to apply on the returned config before applying the command line config - **cfgfileopt**: optional, if present a config file option will be added. Can be a :class:`string` or couple of strings to use as the option short and/or long name - **cfgfilepatch**: specify if the returned config must be patched if a config file command line option is provided and when to patch it. Can take the following values: - True or 'before': the config file would be used before command line options - 'after': the config file would be used after command line options - Any False like value: the config file would not be used - **nested**: Name of a section whose defines the configuration. It must be used when the configuration in nested in more general configuration. - **extraopts**: Extra options to declare in the form ``[(args1, kwargs1), ((args2, kwargs2), ...]`` :Return: - the :class:`OptionParser` if parse is False - the resulting :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` if parse is True and getparser is not True - the resulting :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` and the :class:`OptionParser` if both parse and getparser are True """ # Prepare the option parser if parser is None: parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) elif isinstance(parser, dict): parser['add_help'] = False parser = ArgumentParser(**parser) # Add short and long helps old_conflict_handler = parser._optionals.conflict_handler parser._optionals.conflict_handler = 'resolve' parser.add_argument('-h','--help', action=AP_ShortHelpAction, help='show a reduced help and exit') parser.add_argument('--long-help', action=_HelpAction, help='show an extended help and exit') parser.add_argument('--short-help', action=AP_VeryShortHelpAction, help='show a very reduced help and exit') parser._optionals.conflict_handler = old_conflict_handler # Add extra options first if extraopts: for eopt in extraopts: if len(eopt)==1: if not isinstance(eopt, dict): eargs = eopt ekwargs = {} else: eargs = [] ekwargs = eopt else: eargs, ekwargs = eopt parser.add_argument(*eargs, **ekwargs) # Add the cfgfile option (configurable) if cfgfileopt: if isinstance(cfgfileopt, basestring): if not cfgfileopt.startswith('-'): if len(cfgfileopt)==1: cfgfileopt = '-'+cfgfileopt else: cfgfileopt = '--'+cfgfileopt cfgfileopt = (cfgfileopt,) parser.add_argument(*cfgfileopt, dest="cfgfile", help='user configuration file that overrides defauts' ' [default: "%(default)s"]', default=cfgfile) # Default config defaults = self.defaults() # Create global group of options from defaults # - inits re_match_initcom = re.compile(r'#\s*-\*-\s*coding\s*:\s*\S+\s*-\*-\s*').match if len(defaults.initial_comment)==0 or re_match_initcom(defaults.initial_comment[0]) is None: desc = ['global configuration options'] else: re_match_initcom(defaults.initial_comment[0]), defaults.initial_comment[0] icom = int(re_match_initcom(defaults.initial_comment[0]) is not None) if len(defaults.initial_comment)>icom: desc = defaults.initial_comment[icom].strip('# ').split(':', 1) group = parser.add_argument_group(*desc) # - global options for key in defaults.scalars: if key not in exc: _walker_argcfg_setarg_(defaults, key, group=group, exc=exc, nested=nested, boolean_false=self._boolean_false) # group.add_argument('--'+_cfg2optname_(key, nested), help=_shelp_(defaults, key)) else: pass # Create secondary option groups from defaults for key in defaults.sections: desc = [key] comment = defaults.inline_comments[key] # FIXME: always empty! if comment is not None: desc = comment.strip('# ') if ':' in desc: desc = desc.split(':', 1) else: desc = [key.lower(), desc] section = defaults[key] group = parser.add_argument_group(*desc) defaults[key].walk(_walker_argcfg_setarg_, raise_errors=True, call_on_sections=False, group=group, exc=exc, nested=nested, boolean_false=self._boolean_false) # Now create a configuration instance from passed options if parse: # Which args ? if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # Parse options = parser.parse_args(list(args)) # Create a configuration to feed cfg = ConfigObj(interpolation=self._interpolation, encoding=self._encoding) # Initial config from defaults or the one supplied if patch: self.patch(cfg, patch if isinstance(patch, ConfigObj) else defaults) if cfgfilepatch: if (isinstance(cfgfilepatch, basestring) and cfgfilepatch.strip().lower().startswith('a')): cfgfilepatch = 'after' else: cfgfilepatch = 'before' # Feed config with cfgfile before command line options if cfgfilepatch == 'before' and getattr(options, 'cfgfile', None): cfg = self.patch(cfg, self.load(options.cfgfile)) # Feed config with command line options defaults.walk(_walker_argcfg_setcfg_, raise_errors=True, call_on_sections=False, cfg=cfg, options=options, nested=nested) # Feed config with cfgfile after command line options if cfgfilepatch == 'after' and getattr(options, 'cfgfile', None): cfg = self.patch(cfg, self.load(options.cfgfile)) if not getparser and not getargs: return cfg out = cfg, if getparser: out += parser, if getargs: options.vacumm_cfg = cfg out += options, return out else: return parser
[docs] def arg_patch(self, parser, exc=[], cfgfileopt='cfgfile'): """Call to :meth:`arg_parse` with an automatic patching of current configuration :Return: ``cfg, args`` """ # Create a patch configuration from commandline arguments cfgpatch, args = self.arg_parse(parser, exc=exc, cfgfileopt=cfgfileopt, getargs=True) # Load personal config file and default values cfg = self.load(args.cfgfile) # Patch it with commandeline options self.patch(cfg, cfgpatch) return cfg, args
[docs] def opt_parse( self, parser=None, exc=[], parse=True, args=None, getparser=None, cfgfile='config.cfg', patch=None, cfgfileopt='--cfgfile', cfgfilepatch='before', nested=None): """Options (:mod:`optparse`) and config mixer. 1. Creates command-line options from config defaults 2. Parse command-line argument and create a configuration patch For instance, the following config define the commandline option ``--section1-my-section2-my-key`` with ``value`` as a default value, s tored in a special group of options with a short name and a long description:: [section1] # Short name : long description of the group [[my_section2]] my_key=value .. warning:: Section and option names must not contain any space-like character ! .. note:: If you want to prevent conflict of options, don't use ``"_"`` in section and option names. :Params: - **parser**: optional, a default one is created if not given. This can be: - a :class:`OptionParser` instance - a :class:`dict` with keyword arguments for the one to be created - **exc**, optional: List of keys to be excluded from parsing. - **parse**, optional: If ``True``, parse commande line options and arguments - **args**, optional: List of arguments to parse instead of default sys.argv[1:] - **getparser**: allow getting the parser in addition to the config if parse=True - **patch**, optional: used if parse is True. Can take the following values: - a :class:`bool` value indicating wheter to apply defaults on the returned config before applying the command line config - a :class:`ConfigObj` instance to apply on the returned config before applying the command line config - **cfgfileopt**: optional, if present a config file option will be added. Can be a :class:`string` or couple of strings to use as the option short and/or long name - **cfgfilepatch**: specify if the returned config must be patched if a config file command line option is provided and when to patch it. Can take the following values: - True or 'before': the config file would be used before command line options - 'after': the config file would be used after command line options - Any False like value: the config file would not be used :Return: - the :class:`OptionParser` if parse is False - the resulting :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` if parse is True and getparser is not True - the resulting :class:`~configobj.ConfigObj` and the :class:`OptionParser` if both parse and getparser are True """ # Prepare the option parser if parser is None: parser = OptionParser() elif isinstance(parser, dict): parser = OptionParser(**parser) # Add (or override!) option types checkers # Define a new Option class class option_class(Option): TYPES = tuple(list(parser.option_class.TYPES) + list(self._validator.functions.keys())) TYPE_CHECKER = parser.option_class.TYPE_CHECKER.copy() # Define the wrapping function for optparse option types which also handle list values def wrap_option_type_checker(func, islist): def wrapper_option_type_checker(opt, name, value): if islist: # Use configobj list parser value,comment = ConfigObj(list_values=True, interpolation=False, encoding=self._encoding)._handle_value(value) return func(value) else: return func(value) wrapper_option_type_checker.__name__ += '-'+func.__name__ return wrapper_option_type_checker # Setup type checkers into the new Option class for name,func in self._validator.functions.items(): if name in option_class.TYPE_CHECKER: pass # warn('Overriding Option type checker %s'%(name)) islist = VALIDATOR_SPECS.get(name, {}).get('iterable', None) option_class.TYPE_CHECKER[name] = wrap_option_type_checker(func, islist) # Replace the parser Option class parser.option_class = option_class # Add the cfgfile option (configurable) if cfgfileopt: if isinstance(cfgfileopt, basestring): cfgfileopt = (cfgfileopt,) parser.add_option(*cfgfileopt, action='store', type="string", dest="cfgfile", help='Configuration file [default: "%s"]'%cfgfile, default=cfgfile) # Default config defaults = self.defaults() # Create global group of options from defaults # - inits re_match_initcom = re.compile(r'#\s*-\*-\s*coding\s*:\s*\S+\s*-\*-\s*').match if len(defaults.initial_comment)==0 or re_match_initcom(defaults.initial_comment[0]) is None: desc = ['Global configuration options'] else: re_match_initcom(defaults.initial_comment[0]), defaults.initial_comment[0] icom = int(re_match_initcom(defaults.initial_comment[0]) is not None) if len(defaults.initial_comment)>icom: desc = defaults.initial_comment[icom].strip('# ').split(':', 1) group = OptionGroup(parser, *desc) # - global options for key in defaults.scalars: if key not in exc: _walker_optcfg_setopt_(defaults, key, group=group, exc=exc, nested=nested, boolean_false=self._boolean_false) # group.add_option('--'+_cfg2optname_(key, nested), action='store', type="string", # dest=key, help=_shelp_(defaults, key)) else: pass # - add to parser parser.add_option_group(group) # Create secondary option groups from defaults for key in defaults.sections: desc = ['Undocumented section'] comment = defaults.inline_comments[key] if comment is not None: desc = comment.strip('# ').split(':', 1) section = defaults[key] group = OptionGroup(parser, *desc) defaults[key].walk(_walker_optcfg_setopt_, raise_errors=True, call_on_sections=False, group=group, exc=exc, nested=nested, boolean_false=self._boolean_false) parser.add_option_group(group) # Now create a configuration instance from passed options if parse: if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] (options, args) = parser.parse_args(list(args)) # Intercept helps if getattr(options, 'long_help', None): parser.print_help() sys.exit() elif getattr(options, 'help', None): print_short_help(parser) sys.exit() # Create a configuration to feed cfg = ConfigObj(interpolation=self._interpolation, encoding=self._encoding) # Initial config from defaults or the one supplied if patch: self.patch(cfg, patch if isinstance(patch, ConfigObj) else defaults) if cfgfilepatch: if (isinstance(cfgfilepatch, basestring) and cfgfilepatch.strip().lower().startswith('a')): cfgfilepatch = 'after' else: cfgfilepatch = 'before' # Feed config with cfgfile before command line options if cfgfilepatch == 'before' and getattr(options, 'cfgfile', None): self.patch(cfg, self.load(options.cfgfile)) # Feed config with command line options defaults.walk(_walker_optcfg_setcfg_, raise_errors=True, call_on_sections=False, cfg=cfg, options=options, nested=nested) # Feed config with cfgfile after command line options if cfgfilepatch == 'after' and getattr(options, 'cfgfile', None): self.patch(cfg, self.load(options.cfgfile)) return (cfg, parser) if getparser else cfg else: return parser
[docs] def opt_patch(self, parser, exc=[], cfgfileopt='cfgfile'): """Call to :meth:`arg_parse` with an automatic patching of current configuration :Return: ``cfg, args`` """ # Create a patch configuration from commandline arguments cfgpatch = self.opt_parse(parser, exc=exc, cfgfileopt=cfgfileopt) # Load personal config file and default values cfg = self.load(parser.values.cfgfile) # Patch it with commandeline options self.patch(cfg, cfgpatch) return cfg
[docs] def opt_long_help(self, rst=True, usage="Usage: [prog] [options] ...", description="Long help based on config specs"): """Get the generic long help from config specs :Params: - **rst**, optional: Reformat output in rst. """ # Standard options parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, add_help_option=False ) parser.add_option('-h','--help', action='store_true', dest="help", help='show a reduced help') parser.add_option('--long-help', action='store_true', dest="long_help", help='show an extended help') # Configuration options self.opt_parse(parser, parse=False) if rst: formatter = IndentedHelpFormatter(width=1000)#max_help_position=0) shelp = parser.format_option_help(formatter).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace') else: shelp = parser.format_help().encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace') # Convert to rst if rst: shelp = opt2rst(shelp) return shelp
[docs] def arg_long_help(self, rst=True, usage=None, description="Long help based on config specs"): """Get the generic long help from config specs :Params: - **rst**, optional: Reformat output in rst. """ # Standard options parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=description, add_help=False ) parser.add_argument('-h','--help', action='store_true', help='show a reduced help') parser.add_argument('--long-help', action='store_true', help='show an extended help') parser.add_argument('--short-help', action='store_true', help='show a very reduced help') # Configuration options self.arg_parse(parser, parse=False) if rst: formatter = ArgHelpFormatter(max_help_position=0) for action_group in parser._action_groups: formatter.start_section(action_group.title) formatter.add_text(action_group.description) formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions) formatter.end_section() shelp = formatter.format_help() else: shelp = parser.format_help() # Encoding shelp = shelp.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace') # Convert to rst if rst: shelp = opt2rst(shelp) return shelp
[docs] def get_rst(self, mode='specs', **kwargs): """Convert the default configuration to rst declarations with :func:`cfg2rst`""" return cfg2rst(self, mode=mode, **kwargs)
[docs]def filter_section(sec, cfgfilter, default=False): """Recursively filter a section according to a dict of specifications When encountering an option of ``sec``, it removed if its value in ``cfgfilter`` is set to False. When not found, it default to the ``__default__`` key of ``cfgfilter``. And if the ``__default__`` is not found, it defaults to ``False`` (filtered out). When an option is a section and its value in ``cfgfilter`` is a dictionary, this subsection is filtered in the same way with the value as restrictions (``cfgfilter[subsection]``). :Params: - **sec**: A :class:`configobj.Section` instance. - **cfgfilter**: A dictionary tree with the same structure as ``sec``. """ # Default behavior default = cfgfilter.get('__default__', default) # Exceptions excepts = cfgfilter.get('__excepts__', None) if excepts is not None and not isinstance(excepts, list): excepts = [excepts] # First pass on level 0 for key in sec: kdefault = default if excepts is None or key not in excepts else not default if not cfgfilter.get(key, kdefault): del sec[key] # Filter subsections for subsec in sec.sections: if subsec in cfgfilter: if isinstance(cfgfilter[subsec], dict): filter_section(sec[subsec], cfgfilter[subsec]) return sec
[docs]def cfgargparse(cfgspecfile, parser, cfgfileopt='cfgfile', cfgfile='config.cfg', exc=[], extraopts=None, args=None, **kwargs): """Merge configuration and commandline arguments :Params: - **cfgspecfile**: Config specification file (.ini). - **parser**: :class:`~argpase.ArgumentParser` instance. - **cfgfileopt**, optional: Name of the option used to specify the user config file. Example: ``'cfgfile'`` creates the option ``--cfgfile=<config file>``. - **cfgfile**, optional: Default name for the loaded config file. - **exc**, optional: Config option name that must not be used to generated a commandline option. - Extra params are passed to :class:`ConfigManager` initialization. :Return: A :class:`ConfigObj` object :Tasks: 1. Initialize a default configuration (:class:`ConfigManager`) from the specification file given by ``cfgspecfile``. 2. Generate associated commandline options. 3. Load a user configuration file (specified with the option whose name is given by ``cfgfileopt``). 4. Patch this configuration with user supplied options retrieved using the :class:`~argpase.ArgumentParser` parser ``parser``. Technically it combines :class:`ConfigManager` and :meth:`ConfigManager.arg_parse` """ return ConfigManager(cfgspecfile, **kwargs).arg_parse( parser, cfgfileopt=cfgfileopt, exc=exc, cfgfile=cfgfile, getargs=True, extraopts=extraopts, args=args)
[docs]def cfgoptparse(cfgspecfile, parser, cfgfileopt='cfgfile', cfgfile='config.cfg', exc=[], **kwargs): """Merge configuration and commandline arguments :Params: - **cfgspecfile**: Config specification file (.ini). - **parser**: :class:`~argpase.ArgumentParser` instance. - **cfgfileopt**, optional: Name of the option used to specify the user config file. Example: ``'cfgfile'`` creates the option ``--cfgfile=<config file>``. - **cfgfile**, optional: Default name for the loaded config file. - **exc**, optional: Config option name that must not be used to generated a commandline option. - Extra params are passed to :class:`ConfigManager` initialization. :Tasks: 1. Initialize a default configuration (:class:`ConfigManager`) from the specification file given by ``cfgspecfile``. 2. Generate associated commandline options. 3. Load a user configuration file (specified with the option whose name is given by ``cfgfileopt``). 4. Patch this configuration with user supplied options retrieved using the :class:`~optpase.OptionParser` parser ``parser``. Technically it combines :class:`ConfigManager` and :meth:`ConfigManager.opt_patch` """ return ConfigManager(cfgspecfile, **kwargs).opt_parse( parser, cfgfileopt=cfgfileopt, exc=exc, cfgfile=cfgfile, getparser=True)
[docs]def opt2rst(shelp, prog=None, secfmt=':%(secname)s:', descname='Description'): """Convert options displayed in an help string to rst declarations of options This is useful for autodocumenting executable python scripts that show a formatted help. :Params: - **shelp**: Help string showing options (results from :option:``--help``). - **prog**, optional: Program name, otherwise guess it from usage. :Output: String converted to rst format (with :rst:dir:`cmdoption` directives). """ rhelp = [] multiline = False s_param = r'(?:\{[\w,]+\}|\w+)' s_sopt = r'(?:-\w+(?: %(s_param)s)?)'%locals() # short option (-t) s_lopt = r'(?:--[\w\-]+(?:[= ]+%(s_param)s)?)'%locals() # long option (--toto) s_optsep = r'(?:, +)' # option separator s_desc = r'(?: (.+))' s_tot = r'^ (?: )?((?:%(s_sopt)s|%(s_lopt)s)(?:%(s_optsep)s(?:%(s_sopt)s|%(s_lopt)s))*)%(s_desc)s?$'%locals() # s_tot = r'^ (%(s_sopt)s|%(s_lopt)s)|%(s_sopt)s%(s_optsep)s%(s_lopt)s)%(s_desc)s?$'%locals() re_opt = re.compile(s_tot).match re_sec = re.compile(r'^(?: )?([\w\s]+):(?: (.+))?$').match secname = None for line in shelp.splitlines(): # Sections m = re_sec(line) if m and not line.lower().endswith('ex:'): secname = # Usage if secname=='Usage' and is not None: usage = if prog is None: prog = os.path.basename(usage.split()[0]) rhelp.append('.. program:: %s\n'%prog) rhelp.extend([secfmt%locals(), "\n\t.. code-block:: bash\n\n\t\t%s"%usage]) multiline = True else: rhelp.extend([secfmt%locals(), '']) if is not None: rhelp.extend(['', '\t']) multiline = True continue # Options and other lines m = re_opt(line) if m: rhelp.extend(['','\t.. cmdoption:: ', '']) multiline = True if is not None: rhelp.append('\t\t' elif secname and secname.lower()=='positional arguments' and line.startswith(' '*2): sline = line.split() rhelp.extend(['','\t.. cmdoption:: '+sline[0], '']) multiline = True if len(sline)>1 is not None: rhelp.append('\t\t'+' '.join(sline[1:])) elif multiline and len(line.strip()) and line.startswith(' '*3): indent = '\t\t' if secname=='Usage': indent += '\t' rhelp.append(indent+line.strip()) #elif secname==descname: # rhelp.append('\t'+line) else: indent = '' if secname and secname==descname: indent += '\t' rhelp.append(indent+line) multiline = False if secname=='Usage': secname = descname rhelp.extend([secfmt%locals(), '']) return '\n'.join(rhelp)
def _opt2cfgname_(name, nested): cfgkey = name.replace('-', '_') if nested and cfgkey.startswith(nested+'_'): cfgkey = cfgkey[len(nested+'_'):] return cfgkey _re_cfg2optname_sub = re.compile('[_\s]').sub def _cfg2optname_(name, nested=None): optkey = _re_cfg2optname_sub('-', name) if nested: optkey = nested+'-'+optkey return optkey.lower() class _attdict_(dict): def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) else: return self[name]
[docs]def get_spec(spec, validator=None): ''' Get an option specification. :Params: - **spec**: the specification string - **validator**: (optional) the validator to use :Return: A dict with keys: - **funcname**: the validation function name - **args**: the positionnal arguments - **kwargs**: the named arguments - **default**: the default value - **iterable**: if the value is list-like - **func**: the validation function - **opttype**: the function used with :mod:`optparse` - **argtype**: the function used with :mod:`argparse` Read access to these keys can also be done as attribute of the returned dict (d.funcname == d['funcname'], ...) For example, a specification file containing: [section] option = integer(default=0, min=-10, max=10) Would return: ``{'funcname': integer, 'args': [], 'kwargs': {'min': '-10', 'max': '10'}, 'default:' 0, 'opttype': 'int', 'argtype': int, 'func':is_integer, 'iterable': None} This can be usefull when you added extraneous named arguments into your specification file for your own use. ''' if not validator: validator = get_validator() funcname, args, kwargs, default = validator._parse_with_caching(spec) spec = VALIDATOR_SPECS.get(funcname, dict(func=None, iterable=None, opttype=None, argtype=None)).copy() spec.update(dict(funcname=funcname, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, default=default)) return _attdict_(spec)
getspec = get_spec
[docs]def get_validator(functions=None): """Get a default validator""" # Init validator = Validator() # User defined functions if functions: validator.functions.update(functions) # Wrap default functions to handle none and extra args for k, v in validator.functions.items(): validator.functions[k] = _valwrap_(v) # This modules's validator functions are already wrapped validator.functions.update(VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS) return validator
def _walker_remove_all_comments_(sec, key): sec.comments[key] = '' sec.inline_comments[key] = '' def _walker_remove_comments_(sec, key): sec.comments[key] = '' def _walker_remove_inline_comments_(sec, key): sec.inline_comments[key] = '' def _walker_unchanged_options_(sec, key): if not sec.configspec: return spec = getspec(sec.configspec.get(key, '')) return spec.default == sec[key] def remove_defaults(cfg): defaults = cfg.walk(_walker_unchanged_options_, call_on_sections=False) def remove(c, d): for k,v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): remove(c[k], v) elif v: c.pop(k) remove(cfg, defaults) def _walker_optcfg_setcfg_(sec, key, cfg=None, options=None, nested=None): """Walker to set config values""" # Find genealogy parents = _parent_list_(sec, names=False) cfgkey = '_'.join(['_') for p in parents]+[key]) for option, value in options.__dict__.items(): # Option not set if value is None: continue # Option matches key? if _opt2cfgname_(option, nested) != cfgkey.lower(): continue # Check or create cfg genealogy s = cfg for p in parents: if not s.has_key( s[] = {} s = s[] s[key] = value def _walker_optcfg_setopt_(sec, key, group=None, exc=None, nested=None, boolean_false=True): """Walker to set options""" # Find option key and output var name key = key.strip('_') pp = _parent_list_(sec) varname = '_'.join(pp+[key]) optkey = _cfg2optname_(varname, nested) # Check exceptions if key in exc: return # Add option to group spec = VALIDATOR_SPECS.get(sec.configspec[key].split('(', 1)[0], {}) type = spec.get('opttype', 'string') if boolean_false and type=='boolean': default = sec[key] action = 'store_false' if default else 'store_true' type = None else: action = 'store' default = None group.add_option( '--'+optkey, #action='append' if spec.get('iterable', None) else 'store', action=action, type=type, dest=varname, help=_shelp_(sec, key), default=default, ) def _walker_argcfg_setcfg_(sec, key, cfg=None, options=None, nested=None): """Walker to set config values""" # Find genealogy parents = _parent_list_(sec, names=False) cfgkey = '_'.join(['_') for p in parents]+[key]) for option, value in options._get_kwargs(): # Option not set if value is None: continue # Option matches key? if _opt2cfgname_(option, nested) != cfgkey.lower(): continue # Check or create cfg genealogy s = cfg for p in parents: if not s.has_key( s[] = {} s = s[] s[key] = value def _walker_argcfg_setarg_(sec, key, group=None, exc=None, nested=None, encoding=None, boolean_false=True): """Walker to set options""" # Find option key and output var name key = key.strip('_') pp = _parent_list_(sec) varname = '_'.join(pp+[key]) optkey = _cfg2optname_(varname, nested) # Check exceptions if key in exc: return if sec.configspec is None or key not in sec.configspec: return spec = VALIDATOR_SPECS.get(sec.configspec[key].split('(', 1)[0], {}) # Define the wrapping function for argparse argument types which also handle list values def wrap_argparse_type(func, islist): def wrapper_argparse_type(value): if islist: # Use configobj list parser value,comment = ConfigObj(list_values=True, interpolation=False, encoding=encoding)._handle_value(value) return func(value) else: return func(value) wrapper_argparse_type.__name__ += '-'+func.__name__ return wrapper_argparse_type # Add argument to group type = wrap_argparse_type(spec.get('func', lambda s:s), spec.get('iterable', None)) kw = {} if boolean_false and spec.get('opttype', '')=='boolean': default = sec[key] action = 'store_true' if default is False else 'store_false' else: action = 'store' kw['type'] = type group.add_argument( '--'+optkey, action=action, help=_shelp_(sec, key), **kw ) def _shelp_(sec, key, format='%(shelp)s [default: %(default)r]', mode='auto', undoc='Undocumented', adddot=True): """Get help string :Params: - **mode**: - inline: inline comment only, - above: above comments only, - merge: merge inline and above comments, - auto: if one is empty use the other one, else use inline """ # filter def strip(c): return c.strip().strip('#').strip() abcoms = map(strip, filter(lambda c: c is not None, sec.comments[key])) incoms = map(strip, filter(lambda c: c is not None, [sec.inline_comments[key]])) # Merge comments above item and its inline comment if mode=='merge': comments = abcoms+incoms elif mode=='auto': if not incoms: comments = abcoms else: comments = incoms elif mode=='above': comments = abcoms else: comments = incoms # Force comments to end with a dot '.' if adddot: comments = [c.endswith('.') and c or '%s.'%c for c in comments] shelp = '\n'.join(comments) # If no comments if not shelp: shelp = undoc default = _sdefault_(sec, key) return format%locals() def _sdefault_(sec, key): """Get default string or None""" default = sec.get(key, None) if isinstance(default, (list,tuple)): default = ','.join(map(str, default)) else: default = str(default).strip('()') default = default.replace('%', '%%') if default=='None': default = None return default def _parent_list_(sec, names=True): parents = [] while is not None: parents.insert(0, names and'_') or sec) sec = sec.parent return parents def _walker_patch_(sec, patch_key, cfg, cfgpatch): """Walk through the patch to apply it""" psec = cfgpatch csec = cfg for key in _parent_list_(sec): if not key in psec.sections: # nothing to patch return if not key in csec.sections: csec[key] = {} csec = csec[key] psec = psec[key] if patch_key not in psec: # nothing to patch return if patch_key in csec: try: psec[patch_key] = type(csec[patch_key])(psec[patch_key]) except: pass csec[patch_key] = psec[patch_key] def _walker_set_boolean_false_by_default_(sec, key, validator=None): if validator is None: return check = sec[key] fun_name, fun_args, fun_kwargs, default = validator._parse_with_caching(check) if fun_name=='boolean' and default is None: if fun_args or fun_kwargs: check = check[:-1]+', default=False)' else: check = check+'(default=False)' sec[key] = check
[docs]def get_secnames(cfg): """Get section names as list from top to bottom ['sec0','sec1',...]""" if cfg.depth==0: return [] secnames = [] for i in xrange(cfg.depth-1): cfg = cfg.parent secnames.append( return secnames[::-1]
def pathname(cfg, entry=None): ''' Get a string representing the path of ConfigObj and optionally an entry in it. >>> c=configobj.ConfigObj({'a':{'b':{'c':'d'}}}) >>> cfgpath(c['a']['b']) 'a.b' >>> cfgpath(c['a'], 'b') 'a.b' >>> cfgpath(c['a']['b'], 'c') 'a.b.c' ''' ancestors = [] if entry is not None: ancestors.append(entry) curcfg = cfg while curcfg.depth > 0 and curcfg.parent is not curcfg: ancestors.append( curcfg = curcfg.parent return '.'.join(reversed(ancestors))
[docs]def list_options(sec, optlist=None, parents=None, values=False, sections=False): """Get the list of options of section tree Each list items has the format ``(sections, optname)`` or ``(sections, optname, optvalue)`` depending on the ``values`` keyword. """ if optlist is None: # new list optlist = [] if parents is None: # parent sections parents = get_secnames(sec) for key in sec.scalars: # add scalar items option = (parents, key) if values: option += sec[key], optlist.append(option) for subsec in sec.sections: # deep into subsections value = (None, ) if values else () subparents = parents+[subsec] if isinstance(sections, dict): subsections = sections.get(subsec, False) if subsections is True: optlist.append((subparents, None) + value) continue else: if sections: optlist.append((subparents, None) + value) subsections = sections list_options(sec[subsec], optlist, parents=subparents, values=values, sections=subsections) return optlist
[docs]def option2rst(option, optrole='confopt', secrole='confsec'): """Format a tuple or ``(parents, optname)`` to a rst inline declaration""" seclist, optname = option[:2] parents = '['+']['.join(seclist)+']' if optname is None: return ':{secrole}:`{parents}`'.format(**locals()) return ':{optrole}:`{parents}{optname}`'.format(**locals())
def redent(text, n=1, indent=' '): lines = text.split('\n') lines = [(n*indent+line) for line in lines] return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]def cfg2rst(cfg, mode='basic', optrole='confopt', secrole='confsec', **kwargs): """Convert a configuration to rst format Configuration sections are declared with the rst directive "confsec" and options are declared with the rst directive "confopt". For instance: .. code-block:: ini a=1 # desc a [s1] # desc s1 b=2 # desc b [[s2]] # desc s2 c=$a-$b # desd c [sec1] # section 1 is converted to: .. code-block:: rst .. confopt:: a desc a .. confsec:: [s1] desc s1 .. confopt:: [s1] b desc b .. confsec:: [s1][s2] desc s2 .. confopt:: [s1][s2] c desd c Then one can reference an option with for example ``:confopt:`[s1][s2]c`. :Params: - **cfg**: :class:`ConfigObj` or :class:`ConfigManager` instance. In the case of a :class:`ConfigManager`, the :meth:`~ConfigManager.defaults` are used. :Return: rst string """ out = '' if isinstance(cfg, ConfigManager): if mode=='specs': cfg = cfg.specs else: cfg = cfg.defaults() lines = [] cfg.walk(_walker_cfg2rst_, call_on_sections=True, lines=lines, optrole=optrole, secrole=secrole, mode=mode, **kwargs) return '\n'.join(lines)
def _walker_cfg2rst_(cfg, key, lines, optrole='cfgopt', secrole='cfgsec', mode='basic', validator=None, dir_fmt='.. {conftype}:: {name}\n\n{desc}\n', desc_fmt_desc_item="| {key}: ``{val}``\n", # desc_fmt_values='| Default value: ``{value}``\n| {desc}', # desc_fmt_specs=('| Default value: ``{value}``\n' # '| Type: ``{type}``\n| {desc}'), ): assert mode in ('basic', 'values', 'specs') # Name, values and type secnames = get_secnames(cfg) specs = OrderedDict() if key in cfg.sections: # section secnames.append(key) name = '[%s]'%(']['.join(secnames), ) conftype = secrole else: # option if secnames: name = '[%s] %s'%(']['.join(secnames), key) else: name = key conftype = optrole if mode == 'values': specs['default'] = cfg[key] elif mode=='specs': spec = get_spec(cfg[key], validator=validator) specs['default'] = spec['default'] specs['type'] = spec['funcname'] if spec['args']: skey = 'possible choices' if name=='choice' else 'args' specs[skey] = spec['args'] if spec['kwargs']: specs.update(spec['kwargs']) if specs: # join lists for k, v in specs.items(): if isinstance(v, list): specs[k] = ', '.join(map(str, v)) # Description desc = cfg.inline_comments.get(key) if desc is None: desc = '' desc = desc.strip('#').strip().capitalize() # Formatting # - description with specs if specs: sdesc = '' for key, val in specs.items(): if val=='': val = ' ' sdesc = sdesc + desc_fmt_desc_item.format(**locals()) desc = sdesc + '\n' + desc # - directive desc = redent(desc, 1) text = dir_fmt.format(**locals()) text = redent(text, cfg.depth) lines.append(text) class AP_ShortHelpAction(_HelpAction): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): print_short_help(parser) parser.exit() class AP_VeryShortHelpAction(_HelpAction): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): print_short_help(parser, compressed=True) parser.exit() if __name__=='__main__': shelp="""Usage: [options] ncfile [--logger-level LOGGER_LEVEL] [--logger-file LOGGER_FILE] Show time axis dates of netcdf file. Show time axis dates of netcdf file. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TNAME, --time=TNAME name of the time axis variable -v VNAME, --var=VNAME name of the variable from which to guess time -s TSLICE, --slice=TSLICE time slice (examples: "2", ":-2:4") -m, --minmax show min/max only (default: False) -n NCOL, --ncol=NCOL number of comlumns for output (default: 5) -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT date format (default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) """ # shelp="""Options: # -h, --help show a reduced help # --long-help show an extended help # --cfgfile=CFGFILE Configuration file [default: "config.cfg"] # # Global configuration options: # Important general configuration options # # --mars=MARS complete configuration of mars. [default: # 'MANGA-V8.11'] # --mars-version=MARS_VERSION # MARS version. [default: 'V8.11'] #""" print opt2rst(shelp)