Source code for vacumm.misc.core_plot

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Classes for all plots"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2012-2018)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to [describe
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# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
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import os
import re
from operator import isNumberType
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib.dates
import matplotlib.pyplot as P
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import numpy as N, MV2, cdms2
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
from matplotlib.axes import Subplot, Axes
from matplotlib.axis import YAxis
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, Normalize
from matplotlib.dates import (DateFormatter, MonthLocator, WeekdayLocator,
    YearLocator,DayLocator, HourLocator, MinuteLocator, SecondLocator,
    AutoDateLocator, AutoDateFormatter, MO, DAILY, HOURLY, num2date,
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patheffects import Normal
from matplotlib.text import Text
from matplotlib.ticker import (FormatStrFormatter, Formatter, Locator,
    NullLocator, AutoMinorLocator, AutoLocator)
from matplotlib.transforms import offset_copy
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, _setlatlab, _setlonlab
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection, LineCollection

from ._ext_plot import (DropShadowFilter, FilteredArtistList, GrowFilter,
from .misc import (kwfilter, dict_aliases, geo_scale, lonlab, latlab, deplab, cp_atts,
    auto_scale, dict_check_defaults, basic_auto_scale, dict_copy_items,
    dict_merge, phaselab, set_atts)
from .atime import mpl, strftime, is_numtime, numtime
from .axes import (check_axes, axis_type, set_order, merge_orders,
    check_order, order_match, isaxis, get_axis_type)
from .color import (get_cmap, RGB, land,
    RGBA, change_luminosity, change_saturation, pastelise,
from .docstrings import docfiller
from .filters import generic2d
from .grid import get_axis, meshbounds, meshgrid
from .grid.masking import resol_mask
from .grid.regridding import shift1d
from .phys.units import deg2m, tometric, m2deg
from .remote import OutputWorkFile
from ..config import get_config_value
import color

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__all__ = ['PlotError','Plot', 'Plot1D', 'Curve', 'Bar', 'Stick',
    'Plot2D', 'Map', 'Hov', 'QuiverKey',
    'ScalarMappable','AutoDateFormatter2', 'AutoDateLocator2',
    'AutoDateMinorLocator', 'AutoDualDateFormatter', 'DualDateFormatter',
    'MinuteLabel', 'Section', 'twinxy', 'DepthFormatter',
    'AutoDegreesMinutesFormatter', 'AutoDegreesMinutesLocator']

#: Aliases for argisimage services hosted by the arcgis server

[docs]class PlotError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Plot(object): """Base class for all plots :Generic params: - **load_data**, optional: Load data. - **pre_plot**, optional: Initialize the plot (preprocessing). - **plot**, optional: Plot data. - **post_plot**, optional: Finalize plot. - **Data loading**: See :meth:`load_data`, :meth:`_set_axes_`, :meth:`_check_order_` . - **Plot initialisation**: see :meth:`pre_plot`. - **Plot**: see :meth:`plot` - **Plot finalization**: see :meth:`post_plot` :Attribute params: - **long_name**, optional: Force the :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.long_name` attribute used in :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.title`. See also param ``x/ylong_name``. - **x/ylong_name**, optional: Same as :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.long_name` but for X and Y axes (:attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xlong_name` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.ylong_name`). It refers only to axes for 2D plots, and potentially to data for 1D plots. - **units**, optional: Force the :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.units` attribute used in labels (:attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.label`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xlabel` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.ylabel`). - **latex_units**, optional: Interpret units with latex after defining the :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.latex_units` attribute. Alternatively, you can simply specify units enclosed with ``"$"``. - **x/yunits**, optional: Same as :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.units` but for X and Y axes (:attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xunits` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.yunits`). It refers only to axes for 2D plots, and potentially to data for 1D plots. See also param ``x/yunits``. - **x/ymin/max**, optional: Force min and max along X and Y by setting attributes :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xmin`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xmax`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.ymin` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.ymax`. - **vmin/max**, optional: Force min and max value for data by setting attributes :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.vmin`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.vmax`. This may be equivalent to to set X or Y extrema for 1D plots. - **x/ylabel**, optional: Force label used for X and Y axes by setting attributes :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xlabel` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.ylabel`. - **title**, optional: Force the title of the plot by setting :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.title` - **x/ymasked**, optional: Force the plot to fit all data positions along X and/or Y, even if data is missing, by setting attributes :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xmasked`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.ymasked` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.xymasked`. - **anim**, optional: Create an animation for the current figure. Example: >>> myplot = Plot(data, xmin=3.5, title='My plot') >>> print myplot.xmin, myplot.title 3.5 Myplot The followwing rules apply: - :attr:`title` defaults to :attr:`long_name`, which defaults to the ``long_name`` attribute of input data. You can use templates with all other attributes as replacement keys (example ``"%(long_name)s (max=%(vmax)g)"``) but :attr:`xlabel` and :attr`ylabel`. - :attr:`units` defaults to the ``units`` attribute of input data. - :attr:`xlong_name` defaults to :attr:`long_name` if X axis refers to data, otherwize to the ``long_name`` attribute of input second axis. - :attr:`ylong_name` defaults to :attr:`long_name` if Y axis refers to data, otherwize to the ``long_name`` attribute of input first axis. - :attr:`xunits` defaults to :attr:`units` if X axis refers to data, otherwize to the ``units`` attribute of input second axis. - :attr:`yunits` defaults to :attr:`units` if Y axis refers to data, otherwize to the ``units`` attribute of input first axis. - :attr:`xlabel` is empty if X axis refers to a spatial or temporal axis, else it defaults ``"%(xlong_name)s [%(xunits)s]"``. You can use templates with all other attributes as replacement keys (example ``"%(long_name)s (max=%(vmax)g)"``) but :attr:`title` and :attr`ylabel`. - :attr:`ylabel` is empty if Y axis refers to a spatial or temporal axis, else it defaults ``"%(ylong_name)s [%(yunits)s]"``. You can use templates with all other attributes as replacement keys (example ``"%(long_name)s (max=%(vmax)g)"``) but :attr:`title` and :attr`xlabel`. - :attr:`vmin`/:attr:`vmax` defaults to the min/max of all plotted data. - :attr:`xmin`/:attr:`xmax` defaults to :attr:`vmin`/:attr:`vmin` if X axis refers to data, else to the min/max of the second axis of input data. - :attr:`ymin`/:attr:`ymax` defaults to :attr:`vmin`/:attr:`vmin` if Y axis refers to data, else to the min/max of the first axis of input data. - :attr:`uvlat` and :attr:`uvscaler` are used to convert vectors (like speed) used by quiver plots. .. warning:: These attributes may be used for the plotting process but may not be equal to their graphical counterpart. For instance, :attr:`xmin` may not be equal to ``matplotlib.pyplot.xlim()[0]``. :Generic tasks: #. Call to :meth:`load_attributes`. #. Call to :meth:`load_data` if ``load_data is True``. #. Call to :meth:`pre_plot` if ``pre_plot is True``. #. Call to :meth:`register`. #. Call to :meth:`load_attributes` for remaining attributes. #. Call to :meth:`plot` if ``plot is True``. #. Call to :meth:`post_plot` if ``plot is True and post_plot is True``. """ rank = None _order = None _primary_attributes = ['long_name', 'xlong_name', 'ylong_name', 'units', 'xunits', 'yunits', 'vmin', 'xmin', 'ymin', 'vmax', 'xmax', 'ymax'] _secondary_attributes = ['xlabel', 'ylabel', 'title'] _special_attributes = ['uvlat', 'uvscaler', 'anim', 'xymasked', 'xmasked', 'ymasked'] _plot_status_none = 0 _plot_status_plot = 1 _plot_status_post = 2 masked = True def __init__(self, data, load_data=True, pre_plot=True, plot=False, post_plot=False, **kwargs): # First inits self._gobjs = {} = self.axes = None # self._kwargs = kwargs self._post_plotted = False self._finalize = [] # Load data if load_data : self.load_data(data, **kwargs) # Load attributes: for current instance self.load_attributes(kwargs) # Initialize plot self.pre_plot(**kwargs) # Register self.register() # Load attributes: stored in axes instance self.load_attributes(kwargs) # Plot if plot: self.plot(**kwargs) # Post plot if post_plot: self.post_plot(**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_status(self): """Guess if current instance has a plot""" if self.get_obj('plots') is None: return self._plot_status_none if self._post_plotted: return self._plot_status_post return self._plot_status_plot
# def update(self, status=None, glob=True): # """Update what is needed of the plot""" # # Guess the status # if status is None: status = self.plot_status() # if not status: return # # # Update # if glob: # Global update (all plotters) # # for plotter in self.get_brothers(): # plotter.update(status=status, glob=False) # # else: # Update this plotter only # # if status>=self._plot_status_plot: # Re-plot # self.plot(*self._pargs, **self._kwargs) # # if status==self._plot_status_post: # Re-post_plot # self.post_plot(**self._kwargs)
[docs] def is_plotted(self): return self.plot_status()>=self._plot_status_plot
[docs] def is_post_plotted(self): return self.plot_status()>=self._plot_status_post
[docs] def load_attributes(self, items, select=None): """Load (selected) attributes from ``items`` Attributes not found are set to ``None``. :Example: >>> items = dict(xmin=4., title='%(long_name)s') >>> myplot.load_attributes('xmin', 'units', units='degC', **items) """ # User attributes for att in self._primary_attributes+self._secondary_attributes+self._special_attributes: if select and att not in select: continue value = items.get(att, None) if value is not None: setattr(self, att, value) if self.isset(att): del items[att] # clean out
[docs] def register(self): """Register current instance into self.fig and self.axes""" if self.axes is None: raise PlotError('Cannot register plot instance since no MPL axes available') if self.get_axobj('plotters') is None or self not in self.get_axobj('plotters'): self.add_axobj('plotters', self) self.fig._vacumm = self.get_axobj()
[docs] def load_data(self, data, **kwargs): """Load data and format data, and check rank. It finally calls :meth:`_check_order_`. :Params: - **data**: A single :mod:`cdms2` variable or a tuple of them, in the forms ``(m,)``, or ``(u,v)``, ``(m,u,v)``, where: - ``u``: X component of a vector. - ``v``: Y component of a vector. - ``m``: A scalar variable. If ``u`` and ``v`` are set, it defaults to their modulus. - **order**, optional: See :meth:`_check_order_` - **transpose**, optional: See :meth:`_check_order_` - Keywords are passed to :meth:`_set_axes_` for axis subtitutions. :Attributes: The following attributes are defined: .. attribute:: data A 1- to 3-element tuple of :class:`MV2.array` in a form of similar to **data** above. .. attribute:: x The last axis of the first element of data, or ``None`` if X axis refer to data. .. attribute:: y The first axis of the first element of data, or ``None`` if Y axis refer to data. .. attribute:: mask The data mask. :See also: :meth:`_check_order_` :meth`_set_axes_` """ self.raw_data = data = None # if data is None: # self._check_order_() # return # Arrows if data is not None: N.seterr(over='ignore') if isinstance(data, list): data = tuple(data) if not isinstance(data, tuple): = [MV2.array(data, copy=1),] elif len(data) in [1,3]: # (mod,) or (mod,u,v) = [MV2.array(v, copy=1) for v in data] elif len(data)==2: # Get vectors and modulus (u,v) -> (mod,u,v) vx,vy = [MV2.array(v, copy=1) for v in data] = [MV2.sqrt(vx**2+vy**2),vx,vy] ln = [] for vv in vx,vy: if hasattr(vv,'units'):[0].units = vv.units break if hasattr(vv,'long_name'): ln.append(vv.long_name) ln = ' and '.join(ln) if len(ln) == 0: ln = 'Modulus' else: ln = 'Modulus of '+ln[0].long_name = ln[0].setAxisList([2].getAxisList())[0].setGrid([2].getGrid())[0].id = 'modulus' else: raise PlotError('You must provide no more than 3 arrays as input for '+self.__class__.__name__) # Check all variables and axes units = [None]*self.rank for ivar,var in enumerate( # Check rank if var.rank() != self.rank: raise PlotError('Your variable must have a rank = %i (current rank is %i)' % (self.rank, var.rank())) # Guess axis types if '-' in var.getOrder(): check_axes(var) # Make time axes comptatible with matplotlib mpl(var, copy=True) # Store axes in x and y self._set_axes_(**kwargs) # Homogeneous axis units and long_names self._check_axis_atts_() # Check order self._check_order_(**kwargs) # Store mask #self.x = get_axis([0], -1) if self.order[1]!='d' else None #self.y = get_axis([0], 0) if self.order[0]!='d' else None #self.x =[0].getAxis(-1) if self.order[1]!='d' else None #self.y =[0].getAxis(0) if self.order[0]!='d' else None self.mask = ([0]) if self.has_data() else self.masked = self.mask.all() if self.masked and self.has_data(): warn('All your data are masked') return
def _set_axes_(self, **kwargs): pass def _check_axis_atts_(self): """Check that X/Y units and long_name can be used if possible If current axes (self.x and self.y) have no units or long_name, it tries to get them from variables ( :attr`x` and :attr`y` must have been set _set_axes_ method. """ if not self.has_data(): return for i, xy in enumerate(['y','x']): axis = getattr(self, xy) if axis is None: continue for att in 'units', 'long_name': if hasattr(axis, att): continue for dat in if self.rank==1: ax = dat.getAxis(0) else: ax = get_axis(dat, i, strict=False)#, geo=False) if hasattr(ax, att): setattr(axis, att, getattr(ax, att)) break def _check_order_(self, order=None, transpose=False, vertical=None, **kwargs): """Check the order of axes :Params: - **order**, optional: A string of length 2 that specify the physical type of plot axes. The first char refers to the Y axis, and the second to the X axis. It must contain one of the following characters: - ``x``: longitude - ``y``: latitude - ``z``: level - ``t``: time - ``-``: any of the latters - ``d``: data If char is upper-cased, its type is mandatory and must be found in input :mod:`cdms2` variables. It defines the :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.order` attribute. - **vertical**: Force data to be plotted along the vertical axis. - **transpose**: Transpose the plot axes (:attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.order`). :Attributes: This methods defines the following attributes: .. attribute:: order Two-character string define the order of axis types. It is the sum of the :attr:`xtype` and :attr:`ytype`. Examples: ``"xt"``, ``z-``. .. attribute:: xtype Type of the X axis (see above). .. attribute:: ytype Type of the Y axis (see above). """ if self._order is None: raise NotImplementedError if not self.has_data(): if not isinstance(self._order, list): self.order = self._order.lower() else: self.order = ('d' if self.y is None else get_axis_type(self.y, checkaxis=False)) self.order = self.order + ('d' if self.x is None else get_axis_type(self.x, checkaxis=False)) else: # Allowed orders if not isinstance(self._order, list): self._order = [self._order] withd = 'd' in self._order[0] if order is not None: if not isinstance(order, list): order = [order] for oo in order: if len(oo) != 2 or (withd and not 'd' in oo): raise PlotError('You order must be a 2-element string with "d" inside') self._order = order # Loop on variables data_order = None for i, var in enumerate([i], this_order, _reordered = check_order(var, self._order, reorder=True, vertical=vertical, extended=True, getorder=True) if data_order is not None: assert order_match(data_order, this_order), \ "Axis order incompatible: %s and %s"%(last_order, this_order) data_order, _ = merge_orders(data_order, this_order) else: data_order = this_order if i==0: reordered = _reordered self.order = data_order # Transpose axes when reordered if reordered or (self.rank==1 and data_order[1]=='d'): self._transpose_axes_() # Transpose? if transpose: self._transpose_() self.ytype, self.xtype = self.order return self.order def _transpose_(self): """Transpose data and axes""" # Variables if self.rank==2: for ivar, var in enumerate([ivar] = MV2.transpose(var) del var # Axes self._transpose_axes_() # Order self.order = self.order[::-1] def _transpose_axes_(self): for xy in 'x','y': axis = getattr(self, xy) if axis is None: continue if len(axis.shape)==2: axis = MV2.transpose(axis) setattr(self, xy, axis) self.x, self.y = self.y, self.x
[docs] def get(self, key, **kwargs): return getattr(self, 'get_'+key)(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_xmask(self): """Get the data mask projected along X""" if self.mask is None: return if self.xtype == 'd': return self.mask xdata = self.get_xdata(masked=False) if xdata.ndim==self.mask.ndim==1: return self.mask return self.mask.min(axis=0)
[docs] def get_ymask(self): """Get the data mask projected along Y""" if self.mask is None: return if self.ytype == 'd': return self.mask ydata = self.get_ydata(masked=False) if ydata.ndim==self.mask.ndim==1: return self.mask return self.mask.min(axis=-1)
[docs] def get_data(self, scalar=False): """Get data as a tuple of :class:`` :See also: :meth:`get_xdata` :meth:`get_ydata` :attr:`uvscaler` """ data = [var.asma() for var in] if len(data)==3: uvscaler = self.uvscaler if uvscaler is not None: data = [data[0]]+list(uvscaler(data[1], data[2])) if scalar=='uv': data = data[1:] if scalar is not False: if scalar is True: scalar = 0 if isinstance(scalar, int): return data[scalar] return tuple(data)
[docs] def get_xdata(self, scalar=True, masked=False, bounds=False): """Get the numerical data associated with the X axis .. note:: It can come from a physical axis or data depending on the axis type :attr:`xtype`. :Params: - **scalar**, optional: Set it to ``True`` to get data as a scalar array in case X axis refers to a tuple of data. If set to an int, it takes the element #scalar of this tuple. - **masked**, optional: If it is an axis (not data), values are masked with data mask. - **bounds**, optional: The data bounds (valid only of X is an axis). :See also: :meth:`get_ydata` :meth:`get_data` """ # # Nothing # if not self.has_data(): return # Axis if self.x is not None: x = self.x[:] #.getValue() if cdms2.isVariable(x): x = x.asma() if x = x.filled(x.max()) if masked is None: masked = self.xmasked if masked: mask = self.get_xmask() if mask.shape!=x.shape: mask = N.resize(mask, x.shape) x =, mask=mask) if bounds: if not hasattr(self, '_xb'): self._xb = meshcells(x) return self._xb return x # Data to plot if scalar is True: scalar = max(0, len( return self.get_data(scalar)
[docs] def get_ydata(self, scalar=True, masked=False, bounds=False): """Get the numerical data associated with the Y axis .. note:: It can come from a physical axis or data depending on the axis type :attr:`ytype`. :Params: - **scalar**, optional: Set it to ``True`` to get data as a scalar array in case Y axis refers to a tuple of data. If set to an int, it takes the element #scalar of this tuple. - **masked**, optional: If it is an axis (not data), values are masked with data mask. - **bounds**, optional: The data bounds (valid only of Y is an axis). :See also: :meth:`get_xdata` :meth:`get_data` """ # # Nothing # if not self.has_data(): return # Axis if self.y is not None: y = self.y[:] #.getValue() if cdms2.isVariable(y): y = y.asma() if y = y.filled(y.max()) if masked is None: masked = self.ymasked if masked: mask = self.get_ymask() if mask.shape!=y.shape: mask = N.resize(mask, y.shape[::-1]).T y =, mask=mask) if bounds: if not hasattr(self, '_yb'): self._yb = meshcells(y) return self._yb return y # Data to plot if scalar is True: scalar = max(0, len( return self.get_data(scalar)
[docs] def pre_plot(self, axes=None, figure=None, figsize=None, subplot=None, twin=None, subplots_adjust=None, bgcolor=None, noframe=False, fullscreen=False, verbose=False, axes_host=False, axes_xoffset=0, elev=None, azim=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the plot :Tasks: #. Filter keyword parameters. #. Create the :class:`~matplotlib.fig.Figure` instance and store it into :attr:`fig`. #. Create the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance and store it into :attr:`axes` :Params: - **fig**, optional: Figure number. - **figsize**, optional: Initialize the figure with this size. - **axes**, optional: Use this axes object. - **subplot**, optional: Call to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplot` to create axes. - **subplots_adjust**, optional: Dictionary sent to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots_adjust`. You can also use keyparams 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'wspace', 'hspace'! - **top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace**, optional: Override ``subplots_adjust``. - **sa**, optional: Alias for subplots_adjust. - **twin**, optional: Use ``"x"`` or ``"y"`` or ``"xy"`` to make a copy of current X or Y axes (see :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.twinx`). You can also provide a dictionary : ``twin=dict(x=axes1, y=axes2)``. - **bgcolor**, optional: Background axis color. - **axes_rect**, optional: [left, bottom, width, height] in normalized (0,1) units to create axes using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axes`. - **axes_<param>**, optional: <param> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axes`. - **noframe**, optional: Suppress plot frames. - **fullscreen**, optional: Plot in full screen mode (thus, ``noframe==True``). - **verbose**, optional: Informs about errors with axes. :Attributes: .. attribute:: fig :class:`~matplotlib.fig.Figure` on which plots are drawn. .. attribute:: axes :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance of the current plot. """ # Keywords management figure = kwargs.pop('fig', figure) kwfig = kwfilter(kwargs,'figure') kwaxes = kwfilter(kwargs,'axes') subplots_adjust = kwargs.pop('sa', subplots_adjust) for adj in 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'wspace', 'hspace': if kwargs.has_key(adj): if subplots_adjust is None: subplots_adjust = {} subplots_adjust[adj] = kwargs.pop(adj) if fullscreen: noframe = True subplot = None subplots_adjust = None default_axes_rect = [0,0,1,1] else: default_axes_rect = None axes_rect = kwaxes.pop('rect', default_axes_rect) if axes_rect is not None: axes_rect = [axes_rect] else: axes_rect = [] if noframe: kwargs['figure_frameon'] = False kwargs['axes_frameon'] = False # Figure if figure == 'old': figure = None if isinstance(figure, Figure): self.fig = figure elif figure is True or figure == 'new': self.fig = P.figure(**kwfig) elif figure is not None: self.fig = P.figure(figure, **kwfig) else: self.fig = P.gcf() if figsize is not None: if not isinstance(figsize, tuple): figsize = (figsize, figsize) else: figsize = tuple(figsize) self.fig.set_size_inches(figsize, forward=True) if noframe: self.fig.set_frameon(False) if subplots_adjust is not None: self.fig.subplots_adjust(**subplots_adjust) # Axes if (axes_host and axes is None and subplot is None and not axes_rect and twin is None): subplot = 111 if axes=="3d": kwaxes['projection'] = "3d" if subplot is None and not axes_rect: subplot = 111 axes = None if axes is not None: self.axes = axes if self.axes.get_figure() != self.fig: if verbose: print 'Axes does not match figure' self.fig = self.axes.get_figure() elif subplot is not None: if axes_host: # from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.parasite_axes import host_subplot_class_factory from mpl_toolkits.axisartist import Axes as AAxes host_subplot_class = host_subplot_class_factory(AAxes) if isinstance(subplot,(list,tuple)): self.axes = host_subplot_class(self.fig, *subplot, **kwaxes) else: self.axes = host_subplot_class(self.fig, subplot, **kwaxes) self.fig.add_subplot(self.axes) else: if isinstance(subplot,(list,tuple)): self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(*subplot,**kwaxes) else: self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(subplot,**kwaxes) elif axes_rect: self.axes = self.fig.add_axes(*axes_rect,**kwaxes) else: if isinstance(twin, str): self.axes = twinxy(twin, ax=self.axes) else: self.axes = P.gca() try: # Fails with host except: pass if axes_xoffset and hasattr(self.axes, 'get_grid_helper'): new_fixed_axis = self.axes.get_grid_helper().new_fixed_axis if axes_xoffset>0: loc = 'right' else: loc = 'left' offset = (axes_xoffset, 0) self.axes.axis[loc] = new_fixed_axis(loc=loc, axes=self.axes, offset=offset) self.axes.axis[loc].toggle(all=True) self.is3d = isinstance(self.axes, Axes3D) if self.is3d: self.axes.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim) if noframe: self.axes.set_frame_on(False) if bgcolor is not None: try: self.axes.set_facecolor(bgcolor) except ImportError: self.axes.set_axis_bgcolor(bgcolor)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """The main plot""" if self.plot_status()==2: self.axes.cla()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear axes from plotted objects""" objs = self.get_obj('plotted') if objs is None: return for obj in objs: self.remove(obj) if self.axes is not None: for container in self.axes.xaxis, self.axes.yaxis, self.axes: if hasattr(container, '_vacumm'): del container._vacumm if hasattr(self, '_gobjs'): del self._gobjs
[docs] def remove(self, objs): """Remove an graphical object from axes""" if isinstance(objs, tuple): objs = list(objs) if not isinstance(objs, list): objs = [objs] for obj in objs: for axobjs in self.axes.lines, self.axes.patches: if obj in axobjs: axobjs.remove(obj) if self.axes is not None: for container in self.axes.xaxis, self.axes.yaxis, self.axes: if hasattr(container, '_vacumm'): for key, val in container._vacumm.iteritems(): if val is obj: del container._vacumm[key] pp = self.get_obj('plotted') if pp is not None and obj in pp: pp.remove(obj)
[docs] def cla(self): """Clear axes of everything See :func:`clear` and :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.cla` """ self.clear() self.axes.cla()
[docs] def clf(self): """Clear figure of everything See :func:`clear`, :func:`cla` and :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.clf` """ self.cla() self.fig.clf()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the current See :func:`clear`, :func:`cla` and :func:`clf` """ self.clf() try: P.close(self.fig) except: pass
[docs] def get_brothers(self, notme=False, mefirst=True, filter=False): """Return all :class:`Plot` instances that belongs to current axes :Params: - **notme**, optional: Do not include current object in the list. - **mefirst**, optional: Place me at the beginning of the list. - **filter**, optional: If callable, use it to filter out brothers. """ brothers = self.get_axobj('plotters') brothers = [] if brothers is None else list(brothers) if self in brothers: if notme: brothers.remove(self) elif mefirst: brothers = [self]+brothers.pop(self) if callable(filter): brothers = [b for b in brothers if filter(b)] return brothers
[docs] @classmethod def get_current(cls, axes=None): """Retreive an instance of this class if found to be plotted in currents axes :Params: - **axes**, optional: Check this axes instance instead of the current one. :Return: Last plotted instance, else ``None`` :Example: >>> m = Map.get_current() """ if axes is None: if P.get_fignums() and P.gcf().axes: axes = P.gca() else: return if not hasattr(axes, '_vacumm'): return for p in axes._vacumm.get('plotters', [])[::-1]: if isinstance(p, cls): return p
[docs] def add_obj(self, gtype, obj, single=False): """Add a graphic object to the bank of current instance :Params: - **gtype**: A list (or a single element) of string keys to name the object. - **obj**: The object it self (may be a list). - **single**, optional: If ``True``, ``obj`` if store as is (i.e is not appended to existing store objects having the same name). :Return: The object added. :Example: >>> text_object = myplot.add_obj(['plotted', 'text', myplot.axes.text(10, 20, 'text')) >>> text_object = myplot.add_obj('colorbar', myplot.colorbar(), single=True) :See also: :meth:`set_obj` :meth:`get_obj` """ # Store the object if not hasattr(self, '_gobjs'): self._gobjs = {} if not isinstance(gtype, list): gtype = [gtype] for gt in gtype: if single: self._gobjs[gt] = obj else: if not self._gobjs.has_key(gt): self._gobjs[gt] = [] if isinstance(obj, list): self._gobjs[gt].extend(obj) else: self._gobjs[gt].append(obj) return obj
[docs] def set_obj(self, gtype, obj): """Shortcut to :meth:`add_obj` called with ``single=True``""" return self.add_obj(gtype, obj, single=True)
[docs] def get_obj(self, gtype): """Get a graphic object stored in the bank :Example: >>> myplot.get_obj('pcolor')[0].set_zorder(15) >>> myplot.get_obj('key').set_color('red') :Return: The object or ``None`` if not found. :See also: :meth:`add_obj` """ if not hasattr(self, '_gobjs'): self._gobjs = {} # Dict key if isinstance(gtype, str): return self._gobjs.get(gtype, None) # Check type for oo in self._gobjs.values(): if isinstance(oo, list): for o in oo: if isinstance(oo, gtype): return o elif isinstance(oo, gtype): return oo
[docs] def del_obj(self, gtype): self._gobjs.pop(gtype, None)
def __getitem__(self, gtype): return self.get_obj(gtype)
[docs] def add_axobj(self, gtype, obj, single=False, axis=None): """Add a object to the bank of current :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance :Return: The object added. :Example: >>> text_object = myplot.add_axobj('vmin', 24.5) :See also: :meth:`get_axobj` """ if self.axes is None: return container = self.axes if axis is None else getattr(self.axes, axis+'axis') if not hasattr(container, '_vacumm'): container._vacumm = {} if single: container._vacumm[gtype] = obj else: if not container._vacumm.has_key(gtype): container._vacumm[gtype] = [] container._vacumm[gtype].append(obj) return obj
[docs] def set_axobj(self, gtype, obj, axis=None): """Shortcut to :meth:`add_axobj` called with ``single=True``""" return self.add_axobj(gtype, obj, single=True, axis=axis)
[docs] def get_axobj(self, gtype=None, axis=None, axes=None): """Get an object stored in the bank of current :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance :Params: - **gtype**, optional: Object type (name). If not set, all objects are returned. - **axis**, optional: If one of ``"x"`` or ``"y"``, get objects stored in current xaxis or yaxis instead if current axes instance. - **axes**, optional: Target axes, which defaults to #. attribute :attr:`axes`, #. result from :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca`. :Example: >>> myplot.get_axobj() >>> myplot.get_axobj('vmin') >>> myplot.get_axobj('hlitvs', axis='x') >>> Plot.get_axobj() :Return: The object or ``None`` if not found. :See also: :meth:`add_axobj` """ if axes is None and hasattr(self, 'axes'): axes = self.axes if axes is None: return #if not P.get_fignums() or not P.gcf().axes: return #axes = P.gca() container = axes if axis is None else getattr(axes, axis+'axis') if container is None: return if not hasattr(container, '_vacumm'): container._vacumm = {} if gtype is None: return container._vacumm return container._vacumm.get(gtype, None)
[docs] def del_axobj(self, gtype, axis=None): container = self.axes if axis is None else getattr(self.axes, axis+'axis') if container is None: return if container._vacumm.has_key(gtype): del container._vacumm[gtype]
[docs] def isset(self, key): """Check if an attribute has been manually set different from ``None`` :Example: >>> return myplot.iset('xmin') :See also: :meth:`get_obj` :meth:`get_axobj` """ if key in ['units', 'long_name']: return getattr(self, key) is not None return self.get_axobj(key) is not None or self.get_obj(key) is not None
[docs] def post_plot(self, grid=True, figtext=None, show=True, close=False, savefig=None, savefigs=None, title=None, fullscreen=False, anchor=None, autoresize=2, finalize=None, key=False, hlitvs=False, legend=False, tight_layout=False, param_label=None, **kwargs): """Finish plotting stuff (plot size, grid, texts, saves, etc) :Params: - **title**: Title of the figure [defaults to var.long_name or ''] - **grid**: Plot the grid [default: True] - **grid_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.grid` - **hlitvs**: Add highlithing if time axis [default: False] - **figtext**: figtext Add text at a specified position on the figure. Example: figtext=[0,0,'text'] add a 'text' at the lower left corner, or simply figtext='text'. - **figtext_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figtext` - **anchor**: Anchor of the axes (useful when resizing) in ['C', 'SW', 'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W']. - **legend**, optional: Draw the legend using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.legend`. - **legend_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.legend` - **show**: Display the figure [default: True] - **savefig**: Save the figure to this file. - **savefig_<param>**: <param> is passed to method :meth:`savefig` and finally to the matplotlib function :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`. - **savefigs**: Save the figure into multiple formats using :func:`savefigs` and 'savefigs' as the prefix to the files. - **savefigs_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`savefigs` - **autoresize**: Auto resize the figure according axes (1 or True), axes+margins (2). If 0 or False, not resized [default: False=2]. - **key**: Add a key (like 'a)') to the axes using add_key if different from None [default: None] - **key_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`add_key` - **param_label**: Add a param label to the figure using :meth:`add_param_label` if different from None [default: None] - **param_label_<param>**: <param> is passed to :meth:`add_param_label` - **close**: Close the figure at the end [default: False] - **title_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.title` - **logo_<param>**: <param> is passed to :func:`add_logo` - **tight_layout**: To make a tight layout one everything is plotted. """ self._post_plotted = True # Format X and Y axis self.format_axes(**kwargs) # Filter kewords kw = {} for kwtype in ['grid', 'title', 'hlitvs', 'hldays', 'dayhl', 'finalize', 'figtext', 'key', 'savefig', 'savefigs', 'show', 'legend', 'tight_layout', 'param_label', 'autoresize']: kw[kwtype] = kwfilter(kwargs, kwtype+'_') if (kwtype in self._primary_attributes+self._secondary_attributes+ self._special_attributes and kw[kwtype].has_key(kwtype)): del kw[kwtype][kwtype] kwanim = kwfilter(kwargs, 'anim_', keep=True) kw['show'].update(**kwanim) kw['hlitvs'].update(kw['dayhl']) # compat kw['hlitvs'].update(kw['hldays']) # compat # Resize plot autoresized = self.autoresize(autoresize, **kw['autoresize']) # Anchor if anchor is None and autoresized: anchor='C' if anchor is not None: self.axes.set_anchor(anchor) # Grid self.grid(grid, **kw['grid']) # Highlight intervals if kwargs.pop('hldays', hlitvs): if kwargs.pop('hldays', False): kw['hlitvs'].setdefault['units'] = 'day' self.hlitvs(**kw['hlitvs']) # Title self.ptitle(title, **kw['title']) # Fig text self.figtext(figtext, **kw['figtext']) # Key of axes self.add_key(key, **kw['key']) # Params if param_label: self.add_param_label(param_label, **kw['param_label']) # Legend if legend: self.legend(**kw['legend']) # Tight layout if tight_layout: self.fig.tight_layout(**kw['tight_layout']) # User finalization if callable(finalize): dict_check_defaults(kw['finalize'], fig=self.fig, ax=self.axes) finalize(**kw['finalize']) # Save it self.savefig(savefig, **kw['savefig']) self.savefigs(savefigs, **kw['savefigs']) # Show or close if show:**kw['show']) if close: self.close()
[docs] def format_axes(self, tz=None, nodate=False, date_rotation=None, date_fmt=None, date_locator=None, date_minor_locator=None, date_nominor=False, log=False, **kwargs): """Scale and format X and Y axes :Params: - **x/y/vskip**, optional: Skip axis formating. - **nodate**, optional: do not format as date. - **date_rotation**, optional: Rotate date labels. - **date_fmt**, optional: Date format (like ``"%s/%m/%Y"``). - **date_locator**, optional: Major locator (see :func:`setup_time_axis`). - **date_minor_locator**, optional: Minor locator (see :func:`setup_time_axis`). - **date_nominor**, optional: Do not plot minor localor. - **x/y/vmin/max**, optional: Force min/max of X or Y axis (defaults to :attr:`xmin`, etc). - **x/y/vlim**, optional: Force min/max of X or Y axis with `(min,max)`` like argument. - **x/y/vminmax**, optional: Minimal max value -> use this value if max is too low. - **x/y/vmaxmin**, optional: Maximal min value. - **x/yticks**, optional: Position of ticks. - **x/yfmt** (or **...format**, **...tickfmt**, **...tickformat**, optional: Format of ticks. - **x/yticklabels**, optional: Label of ticks. - **x/yhide**, optional: Hide labels. - **x/ynmax** (or **...nmax_ticks***), optional: Max number of ticks for some locators. - **x/y/vtitle** (or **..label**), optional: Title of the axis (defaults to :attr:`xlabel`, etc). """ vkwargs = kwfilter(kwargs, 'v', copy=True, short=True) for iaxis, xy in enumerate(('x', 'y')): if kwargs.get(xy+'skip'): continue # Base axis = getattr(self.axes, xy+'axis') data = self.get(xy+'data') iorder = 1-iaxis # Keywords defaults = {} props = {} props['type'] = self.order[1-iaxis] vatts = ['min', 'max', 'minmax', 'maxmin', ('label', 'title'), 'units', ] aatts = ['strict', ('fmt', 'format', 'tickfmt', 'tickformat'), ('rotation', 'rotate'), 'lim', 'hide', 'ticks', 'ticklabels','locator', 'minor_locator', 'formatter', 'minor_formatter', ('nmax', 'nmax_ticks'), 'scale', 'minutes'] defaults = dict(minutes=True)#strict=True) if props['type']!='d': defaults['strict'] = True xykwargs = kwfilter(kwargs, xy, copy=1, short=True) for raw_att in aatts+vatts: # Merge aliases if isinstance(raw_att, tuple): dict_aliases(xykwargs, raw_att) att = raw_att[0] else: att = raw_att # Default values # - base default = None # - get it from cdms variable if props['type']=='d' and raw_att in vatts: kwvar = dict_aliases(vkwargs, raw_att) if not xykwargs.has_key(att) and kwvar.has_key(att): default = kwvar[att] # - special if defaults.has_key(att): default = defaults[att] # Get attribute props[att] = xykwargs.get(att, default) props['label_kwargs'] = kwfilter(xykwargs, 'label_', copy=1) props['label_kwargs'].update(kwfilter(xykwargs, 'title_', copy=1)) props['fmt_kwargs'] = kwfilter(xykwargs, 'fmt_', copy=1) props['locator_kwargs'] = kwfilter(xykwargs, 'locator_', copy=1) props['ticklabels_kwargs'] = kwfilter(xykwargs, 'ticklabels_', copy=1) if props['type']=='d' and log is True: props['locator'] = False props['minor_locator'] = False # Axis scale if props['scale'] is not None: getattr(self.axes, 'set_%sscale'%xy)(props['scale']) # Limits axmin, axmax = None, None # - wee clearly need strict limits if props['strict'] is None: props['strict'] = props['type'] == 't' if props['strict']: axmin = getattr(self, 'get_%smin'%xy)(glob=True) axmax = getattr(self, 'get_%smax'%xy)(glob=True) # - use of the form xlim/ylim if props['lim']: if isinstance(props['lim'],dict): if props['lim'].has_key(xy+'min'): axmin = props['lim'][xy+'min'] elif props['lim'].has_key('min'): axmin = props['lim']['min'] if props['lim'].has_key(xy+'max'): axmax = props['lim'][xy+'max'] elif props['lim'].has_key('max'): axmax = props['lim']['max'] else: axmin, axmax = props['lim'] # - we directly specify xmin/xmax... if props['min'] is not None: axmin = props['min'] elif self.isset(xy+'min') or (self.order[iorder]=='d' and self.isset('vmin')): axmin = getattr(self, 'get_%smin'%xy)() if props['max'] is not None: axmax = props['max'] elif self.isset(xy+'max') or (self.order[iorder]=='d' and self.isset('vmax')): axmax = getattr(self, 'get_%smax'%xy)() # - we put min and max in boundary if props['minmax'] is not None: if axmin is None: axmin = getattr(self, 'get_%smin'%xy)(glob=True) axmin = min(axmin, props['minmax']) if props['maxmin'] is not None: if axmax is None: axmax = getattr(self, 'get_%smax'%xy)(glob=True) axmax = max(axmax, props['maxmin']) # - ok, lets set it xylim_func = getattr(self.axes, 'set_%slim'%xy) if axmin is not None and axmin is not False: if props['type'] == 't' and (isinstance(axmin, basestring) or not N.isscalar(axmin)): try: axmin = mpl(axmin) except: raise PlotError("Can't convert axmin to date: %s"%axmin) xylim_func(**{xy+'min':_asnum_(axmin)}) if axmax is not None and axmax is not False: if props['type'] == 't' and (isinstance(axmax, basestring) or not N.isscalar(axmax)): try: axmax = mpl(axmax) except: raise PlotError("Can't convert axmax to date: %s"%axmin) xylim_func(**{xy+'max':_asnum_(axmax)}) # Ticks values and formats if props['type'] in ['x','y','z']: # Lon, lat or dep axis kwscale = dict(vmin=axmin, vmax=axmax, geo=props['minutes']) kwlf = props['fmt_kwargs'] lab_val = props['ticks'] if hasattr(lab_val, '__len__') and len(lab_val)==0: lab_val = None if props['type'] in ['x','y']: if lab_val is None: lab_val = geo_scale(data, nmax=props['nmax'], **kwscale) if props['type'] == 'x': lab_func = lonlab else: lab_func = latlab kwlf.setdefault('decimal', not props['minutes']) kwlf.setdefault('auto_minutes', int(min(lab_val))!=int(max(lab_val))) else: if lab_val is None: lab_val = auto_scale(data, **kwscale) lab_func = deplab if callable(props['fmt']): lab_func = props['fmt'] props['fmt'] = None props['ticks'] = None #FIXME: bad choice (due to labels?) axis.set_ticks(lab_val) if not self.has_data(): # set min/max from ticks when no data available if axmin is None : axmin = lab_val[0] if axmax is None: axmax = lab_val[-1] # kwtf = {} if props['fmt'] is not None: axis.set_ticklabels([props['fmt']%l for l in lab_val], **props['ticklabels_kwargs']) else: # kwtf['fmt'] = props['fmt'] axis.set_ticklabels(lab_func(lab_val, **kwlf), **props['ticklabels_kwargs']) props['locator'] = None elif props['type'] == 't' and not nodate: # Time axis # Rotate dates # if date_rotation is None: # if xy=='y': # date_rotation = 0. # else: # date_rotation = 30. # Ok let's format trange = data.ptp() kwdate = kwfilter(kwargs,'date', copy=1) kwdate.setdefault('nmax_ticks', props['nmax']) kwdate.setdefault('auto', axmin is None or axmax is None) setup_time_axis(axis, rotation=date_rotation,fmt=date_fmt,locator=date_locator, minor_locator=date_minor_locator,nominor=date_nominor,trange=trange, nodual=date_rotation is not None, **kwdate) props['locator'] = None else: # Other axes if props['fmt'] is not None: # Numeric format axis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(props['fmt'])) if props['locator']: locator = axis.set_major_locator(props['locator']) if props['locator_kwargs']: locator.set_params(**props['locator_kwargs']) if props['minor_locator'] is not False and props['type'] not in 'xyzt': props['minor_locator'] = AutoMinorLocator() if props['minor_locator']: axis.set_minor_locator(props['minor_locator']) if props['formatter']: axis.set_major_formatter(props['formatter']) if props['minor_formatter']: axis.set_minor_formatter(props['minor_formatter']) if props['type'] != 't' or nodate: if props['rotation'] is not None: P.setp(axis.get_ticklabels(), 'rotation', props['rotation']) if nodate: props['type'] = '-' if props['ticks'] is not None: axis.set_ticks(props['ticks']) if not self.has_data(): # set min/max from ticks when no data available if axmin is None : axmin = props['ticks'][0] if axmax is None: axmax = props['ticks'][-1] if props['ticklabels'] is not None: if props['ticklabels'] is False: props['ticklabels'] = [] axis.set_ticklabels(props['ticklabels'], **props['ticklabels_kwargs']) # Hiding if self._xyhide_(xy, props['hide']): P.setp(axis.get_ticklabels(), 'visible', not props['hide']) # Label elif props['label'] or getattr(self, xy+'label') and axis.get_label().get_text()=='': if props['label'] is None: props['label'] = getattr(self, xy+'label') if props['label'] is not False: func = getattr(self.axes, 'set_%slabel'%xy) func(props['label'], **props['label_kwargs']) # Now set again min/max if axmin is not None and axmax is not False: xylim_func(**{xy+'min':_asnum_(axmin)}) if axmax is not None and axmax is not False: xylim_func(**{xy+'max':_asnum_(axmax)}) # Properties if props['ticklabels_kwargs']: P.setp(axis.get_ticklabels(), **props['ticklabels_kwargs']) if props['label_kwargs']: P.setp(axis.get_label(), **props['label_kwargs'])
def _xyhide_(self, xy, hide): if not isinstance(hide, basestring): return hide hide = hide.lower() if hide=='auto' or hide=='subplot': if not isinstance(self.axes, Subplot): return False if xy=='x': return not self.axes.is_last_row() return not self.axes.is_first_col() return False
[docs] def autoresize(self, autoresize=True, minaspect=None): """Resize figure or axes to fit to data axes""" if (autoresize and self.axes.get_aspect() != 'auto' and isinstance(self.axes, Subplot) and self.axes.is_first_col() and self.axes.is_first_row() and self.axes.is_last_col() and self.axes.is_last_row()): r = self.axes.get_aspect() # dy/dx if r=='equal': r = 1. r *= self.axes.get_data_ratio() # rect = self.axes.get_position(True) # if autoresize == 2: r *= rect.width/rect.height sp = self.fig.subplotpars x0 = sp.left x1 = sp.right y0 = sp.bottom y1 = Dx = x1 - x0 Dy = y1 - y0 R = r * Dx / Dy if minaspect is not None: R = N.clip(R, minaspect, 1/minaspect) w, h = self.fig.get_size_inches() if autoresize=='x': # Resize x only, change the surface H = h W = H / R elif autoresize=='y': # Resize y only, change the surface W = w H = R * W else: # Resize both x and y without changing the surface a = 1.*w*h W = N.sqrt(a / R) H = r * W self.fig.set_size_inches(W, H ,forward=True) return True return False
def _transform_(self, transform, default=None): return _transform_(transform, default, ax=self.axes, fig=self.fig)
[docs] def get_xy(self, x, y, transform=None, xyscaler=None, default_transform=None, atleast_1d=False): """Convert (x,y) in data coordinates :Params: - **x/y**: Coordinates referenced to data, axes or figure. - **transform**, optional: Transform applied to coordinates. This either a :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Transform` or a string: ``"data"``, ``"axes"``, ``"figure"``. - **xyscaler**, optional: Converter of coordinates used when input coordinates are in data coordinates. It must be a callable, and it defaults to attribute :attr:`xyscaler` if existing. It converts for instance from degrees to meters for :class:`Map` instances. If equal to False, no conversion is performed. """ transform = self._transform_(transform, default_transform) # From figure or axes coordinates if transform is self.fig.transFigure or transform is self.axes.transAxes: return tuple((transform-self.axes.transData).transform_point((x, y))) # From data coordinates (check xyscaler only) if (transform is self.axes.transData or transform in self.axes.transData._parents.values() \ or str(self.axes.transData) in str(transform)) and xyscaler is not False: # Add transform from ie degrees to m if xyscaler is None and hasattr(self, 'xyscaler'): xyscaler = self.xyscaler x = _asnum_(x) y = _asnum_(y) if xyscaler: x, y = xyscaler(x, y) return x, y
[docs] def get_transoffset(self, x, y, units='points', transform='data'): """Return a translation :class:`~maplotlib.transforms.Transform` It can be used for instance to plot an object with an offset with respect to its specified position. :Params: - **x/y**: Relative position. - **units**, optional: Units ("points", "inches", "pixels", ...) - **transform**, optional: Base transform for reference position. Choose for instance "data" or "axes". :Example: >>> o = Plot2D(data) >>> o.add_point(-4, 43) >>> t = o.get_transoffset(0, 10) >>> o.text(-4, 43, transform=t) :See also: :func:`~maplotlib.transforms.offset_copy` """ transform = self._transform_(transform, 'data') return offset_copy(transform, fig=self.fig, x=x, y=y, units=units)
[docs] def grid(self, b=True, **kwargs): """Add a grid to axes using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.grid` :Example: >>> myplot.grid(color='r') >>> myplot.grid(False) """ # grid = self.get_axobj('grid') # print 'grid',grid # if grid is None: self.axes.grid(b=b, **kwargs)
# print grid # self.set_axobj('grid', grid) # print self.get_axobj('grid') # print 'done' # return grid
[docs] def add_figtext(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add text to the current figure using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figtext` :Defaults: - Position: defaults to the top center. - Alignement: ``ha="center", va="top"`` :Example: >>> myplot.figtext('Group of plots') >>> myplot.figtext(0.2, 0.92, 'My plots', color='b', ha='left', va='center') """ # Arguments if len(args)==0: return if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): args = args[0] if len(args) == 1: text = args[0] if text is None: return if not isinstance(text, dict): x = .5 y = .98 else: x = 0 y = 0 else: x, y, text = args # Keywords if isinstance(text, dict): text = ' '.join('%s=%s'%(key, text[key]) for key in sorted(text.keys())) defaults = dict(ha='left', va='bottom', size=9, color='.4', family='monospace') else: defaults = dict(ha='center', va='center', size='12') for key, val in defaults.items(): kwargs.setdefault(key, val) # Plot return self.add_obj('figtext', self.fig.text(x, y, text, **kwargs))
figtext = add_figtext # backward compat
[docs] def add_text(self, x, y, text, transform='axes', shadow=False, glow=False, xyscaler=None, strip=True, **kwargs): """Add text to the plot axes :Params: - **x,y**: Coordinates of the text. - **text**: Text to plot. - **transform**, optional: Type of coordinates (like ``"axes"`` or ``"data"``). - **shadow**, optional: Add a droped shadow below the text (see :func:`add_shadow`). - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect the text (see :func:`add_glow`). - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_glow`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.text`. """ # Keywords kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') # Coordinates transform transform = self._transform_(transform, 'axes') if transform not in [self.axes.transAxes, self.fig.transFigure]: x, y = self.get_xy(x, y, transform, xyscaler=xyscaler) # Plot if strip: text = text.strip() obj = self.add_axobj('text', self.axes.text(x, y, text, transform=transform, **kwargs)) self.register_obj(obj, **kwargs) # Path effects if shadow: self.register_obj(self.add_shadow(obj, **kwsh), **kwargs) if glow: self.register_obj(self.add_glow(obj, **kwgl), **kwargs) return obj
text = add_text # backward compat
[docs] def add_water_mark(self, text, x=.5, y=.5, ha='center', va='center', size=20, color='k', alpha=.7, zorder=0, transform='axes', **kwargs): """Add a background text to the plot All arguments are passed to :meth:`add_text`. """ return self.add_text(x, y, text, ha=ha, va=va, size=size, color=color, zorder=zorder, transform=transform, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_time_label(self, x, y, mytime, fmt="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", **kwargs): """Add a time label See :meth:`add_text` for other keywords """ text = strftime(fmt, mytime) kwargs.setdefault('family', 'monospace') return self.add_text(x, y, text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_lon_label(self, x, y, mylon, fmt='%5g', **kwargs): """Add a longitude label See :meth:`add_text` for other keywords """ text = lonlab(mylon, fmt=fmt) return self.add_text(x, y, text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_lat_label(self, x, y, mylat, fmt='%5g', **kwargs): """Add a longitude label See :meth:`add_text` for other keywords """ text = latlab(mylat, fmt=fmt) return self.add_text(x, y, text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_left_label(self, text, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the left of the plot :See also: :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_left_label` """ kwargs['ax'] = self.axes return add_left_label(text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_right_label(self, text, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the right of the plot :See also: :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_right_label` """ kwargs['ax'] = self.axes return add_right_label(text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_top_label(self, text, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the top of the plot :See also: :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_top_label` """ kwargs['ax'] = self.axes return add_top_label(text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_bottom_label(self, text, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the bottom of the plot :See also: :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_bottom_label` """ kwargs['ax'] = self.axes return add_bottom_label(text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_key(self, key, **kwargs): """Add a key to specify the plot number See :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_key` for more information. """ if key is False: return from vacumm.misc.plot import add_key kwargs.update(fig=self.fig, axes=self.axes) return self.set_axobj('key', add_key(key, **kwargs))
[docs] def add_param_label(self, text, **kwargs): """Add parameters description to the bottom/left of the figure using :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_param_label` :Example: >>> c = curve2(sst, show=False) >>> c.add_param_label(dict(max=.23, kz=0.25), color='r') :Params: - **text**: Either a string or a dictionary. - See :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_param_label` for other parameters """ kwargs['fig'] = self.fig return add_param_label(text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_annotation(self, x, y, xtext, ytext, text='', xycoords='data', textcoords='offset points', arrowprops='->', shadow=False, glow=False, xyscaler=None, strip=True, **kwargs): """Add an annotation to the plot axes using :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.annotate` :Params: - **x,y**: Coordinates of the text. - **text**: Text to plot. - **xycoords/transform**, optional: Type of coordinates of point (like ``"axes"`` or ``"data"``). - **textcoords**, optional: Type of coordinates of text (like ``"axes"`` or ``"data"``). - **arrowprops**, optional: Dictionary of arrow properties or string thet defines the arrow style. - **shadow**, optional: Add a droped shadow below the text (see :func:`add_shadow`). - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect the text (see :func:`add_glow`). - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_glow`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.annotate`. """ # Keywords kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') # Coordinates transform xycoords = kwargs.pop('transform', xycoords) xycoords = self._transform_(xycoords, 'data') if not isinstance(xycoords, basestring) and \ xycoords not in [self.axes.transAxes, self.fig.transFigure]: x, y = self.get_xy(x, y, xycoords, xyscaler=xyscaler) if textcoords is None: textcoords = xycoords else: textcoords = self._transform_(textcoords, 'offset points') if not isinstance(textcoords, basestring) and \ textcoords not in [self.axes.transAxes, self.fig.transFigure]: xtext, ytext = self.get_xy(xtext, ytext, textcoords, xyscaler=xyscaler) # Arrow properties if isinstance(arrowprops, basestring): arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle=arrowprops) elif not isinstance(arrowprops, dict): arrowprops = {} arrowprops.setdefault('arrowstyle', '->') # Plot if strip: text = text.strip() obj = self.axes.annotate(xy=(x, y), xytext=(xtext, ytext), s=text, xycoords=xycoords, textcoords=textcoords, arrowprops=arrowprops, **kwargs) obj = self.add_axobj('text', obj) self.register_obj(obj, **kwargs) # Path effects if shadow: self.register_obj(self.add_shadow(obj, **kwsh), **kwargs) if glow: self.register_obj(self.add_glow(obj, **kwgl), **kwargs) return obj
[docs] def hlitvs(self, **kwargs): """Highlight intervals with grey/white background alternance See :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.hlitvs` for more information. """ ret = [] for i, xy in enumerate('yx'): if self.order[i] == 't': cached = self.get_axobj('hlitvs', axis=xy) if cached is not None: self.remove(cached) kwargs['axis'] = getattr(self.axes, xy+'axis') obj = self.set_axobj('hlitvs', hlitvs(**kwargs), axis=xy) self.register_obj(obj, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] def hldays(self, **kwargs): """Alias for : >>> myplot.hlitv(units='day') """ kwargs.setdefault('units', 'day') return self.hlitvs(**kwargs)
[docs] def ptitle(self, title=None, force=None, **kwargs): """Add a title to the plot .. note:: No title is added to the plot if a title already exists and the specified title is guessed (not hard set). :Params: - **title**: Title to add to plot. - A string: directly used. - ``True`` or ``None``: the :attr:`title` attribute is used. - ``False``: not title is plotted. - **force**, optional: If the title is already plotted, it is not overwritten, except if ``force is True``. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.title`. """ if title is None: title = self.title isset = self.isset('title') else: isset = True if force is None: force = isset if title is False: return if title is not None and (force or self.axes.get_title()==''): return self.set_axobj(title, self.axes.set_title(title, **kwargs))
[docs] def legend(self, *args, **kwargs): """A simple call to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend` method Arguments and keywords are passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend`. Defaults values : - **loc**: ``"best"`` - **shadow**: ``False`` - **fancybox**: ``True`` - **alpha** (applied to legend patch): ``0.5`` """ kwargs.setdefault('loc', 'best') # kwargs.setdefault('shadow', False) # kwargs.setdefault('fancybox', True) alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', .5) zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) # zorder = kwargs.pop('framealpha', alpha) leg = self.axes.legend(*args, **kwargs) if leg is not None: leg.legendPatch.set_alpha(alpha) self.set_axobj('legend', leg) if zorder: leg.set_zorder(zorder) return leg
def _get_xykeys_(self, xy): """Get possible keys for interval selections along X or Y""" keys = [xy] ixy = 'yx'.index(xy) if self.order[ixy]=='x': keys.extend(['lon', 'longitude']) elif self.order[ixy]=='y': keys.extend(['lat', 'latitude']) elif self.order[ixy]=='z': keys.extend(['level', 'dep', 'depth']) elif self.order[ixy]=='t': keys.extend(['time']) elif self.order[ixy]=='d': keys.extend(['data', 'value']) return keys def _get_boxminmax_(self, box): """Get ``xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax`` from box specs Two cases: - ``box=xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax`` - ``box=dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=(xmin,xmax))`` or with for instance ``lon``, ``lat``, ``time`` depending on axis type. """ if isinstance(box, dict): # Along X for key in self._get_xykeys_('x'): if key in box: xmin, xmax = box[key][:2] break else: xmin, xmax = self.xmin, self.xmax # Along Y for key in self._get_xykeys_('y'): if key in box: ymin, ymax = box[key][:2] break else: ymin, ymax = self.ymin, self.ymax box = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax return box
[docs] def add_box(self, box, zorder=150, shadow=False, glow=False, color='r', npts=10, xyscaler=None, fill=False, **kwargs): """Add a box to the plot using :meth:`matplotlib.pyplots.plot` :Params: - **box**: Box limits in the forms ``[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]`` ``dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=(xmin,xmax)``. - **color**, optional: Line color of the box. - **npts**, optional: Number of points per side (useful with special map projections). - **shadow**, optional: Add a droped shadow below the box (see :func:`add_shadow`). - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect the box (see :func:`add_glow`). - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_glow`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. :See also: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` """ # Limits try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self._get_boxminmax_(box) except: raise PlotError('Box limits should be a list in the form [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]' ' or a dictionary in the form dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=xmin,xmax): %s'%box) xmin = _asnum_(xmin) xmax = _asnum_(xmax) ymin = _asnum_(ymin) ymax = _asnum_(ymax) if xyscaler is None and hasattr(self, 'xyscaler'): xyscaler = self.xyscaler if xyscaler: xmin, ymin = xyscaler(xmin, ymin) xmax, ymax = xyscaler(xmax, ymax) # Params kwargs.update(ec=color, zorder=zorder) if not fill: kwargs.update(fc='none') kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') kwsh.setdefault('zorder', zorder) kwgl.setdefault('zorder', zorder) dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') # Sides X = N.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts), X += N.linspace(xmax, xmax, npts)[1:], X += N.linspace(xmax, xmin, npts)[1:], X += N.linspace(xmin, xmin, npts), Y = N.linspace(ymin, ymin, npts), Y += N.linspace(ymin, ymax, npts)[1:], Y += N.linspace(ymax, ymax, npts)[1:], Y += N.linspace(ymax, ymin, npts), # Plot o = self.axes.fill(N.concatenate(X), N.concatenate(Y), **kwargs) self.register_obj(o, **kwargs) # Effects if shadow: self.add_shadow(o,**kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(o, **kwgl) return o
[docs] def add_arrow(self, x, y, udata, vdata, zorder=150, polar=False, degrees=True, shadow=False, glow=False, quiverkey=False, xyscaler=None, color=False, **kwargs): """Add an arrow to the map using :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` :Params: - **x,y**: Coordinates of the position of the tail - **udata**: X or radial component of arrows. - **vdata**: Y or directional component of arrows. - **polar**, optional: Consider polar coordinates: ``(u, v) -> (rho, theta)`` - **degrees**, optional: If True (default), trat ``theta`` as degrees, else radians. - **quiver_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. :See also: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` """ # Data for arrows udata = MV2.asarray(udata) vdata = MV2.asarray(vdata) if polar: u, v = udata,vdata m = u angle = (v*N.pi/180.) if degrees else v u = m * MV2.cos(angle) v = m * MV2.sin(angle) del angle if hasattr(m, 'units'): u.units = v.units = m.units if hasattr(m, 'long_name'): u.long_name = 'X component of '+m.long_name v.long_name = 'Y component of '+m.long_name # Data udata, vdata = u,v # Coordinates x = _asnum_(x, atleast_1d=True) y = _asnum_(y, atleast_1d=True) if xyscaler is None and hasattr(self, 'xyscaler'): xyscaler = self.xyscaler if callable(xyscaler): x, y = xyscaler(x, y) # Params kwargs.update(zorder=zorder) kwqv = kwfilter(kwargs,'quiver') kwqvk = kwfilter(kwargs,'quiverkey') #dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwqv],'anim') kwargs = dict_merge(kwargs, kwqv) args = [] # Color if color is True: color =**2+v**2) if isinstance(color, (N.ndarray, list)): args.append(color) elif color is not False and color is not None: kwargs['color'] = color # Plot o = self.axes.quiver(x, y, udata, vdata, *args, **kwargs) self.register_obj(o, **kwargs) if quiverkey: self.quiverkey(o, **kwqvk) return o
[docs] def quiverkey(self, qv, value, pos=(0.,1.02), text='%(value)g %(units)s', units=None, latex_units=None, value_mode=80, **kwargs): """Add a quiver key to the plot :Params: - **qv**: Results of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. - **value**: Numeric value for key (used by text). - **pos**, optional: Position of key for arrow . - **text**, optional: Text or format with variables 'value' and 'units'. - **units**, optional: Units for key (used by text). - **latex_units**, optional: Interpret units using latex. - Extra keywords are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiverkey`. """ # Value value = get_quiverkey_value(value, mode=value_mode) # Text if units is None: units = self.quiverkey_units elif cdms2.isVariable(units) and hasattr(units,'units'): units = units.units elif not isinstance(units, basestring): units = '' latex_units = kwargs.pop('tex', None) if latex_units is None: latex_units = self.latex_units if units is None: units = '' if latex_units and not self.is_latex(units): units = '$%s$'%units try: text = text % vars() except: text = '%(value)g' % value # Plot pos = kwargs.pop('loc', pos) qvk = self.axes.quiverkey(qv, pos[0], pos[1], value, text, **kwargs) return self.register_obj(qvk, 'quiverkey', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_quiverkey_units(self): """Get :attr:`quiverkey_units`""" units = self.get_obj('quiverkey_units') if units is None and isinstance(self, Plot1D) and self.isset('units'): units = self.units if units is None: units = self.get_units(idata=[-2, -1]) return units
[docs] def set_quiverkey_units(self, value): """Set :attr:`quiverkey_units`""" self.set_axobj('quiverkey_units', value)
[docs] def del_quiverkey_units(self): """Del :attr:`quiverkey_units`""" self.del_axobj('quiverkey_units')
quiverkey_units = property(get_quiverkey_units, set_quiverkey_units, del_quiverkey_units, doc="Units used for quiverkey")
[docs] def add_line(self, extents, zorder=150, shadow=False, glow=False, color='r', npts=10, xyscaler=None, **kwargs): """Add a line to the plot using :meth:`matplotlib.pyplots.plot` :Params: - **extents**: Extents in the forms ``[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]`` ``dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=xmin,xmax)``. - **color**, optional: Line color of the line. - **npts**, optional: Number of points per side (useful with special map projections). - **shadow**, optional: Add a droped shadow below the box (see :func:`add_shadow`). - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect the box (see :func:`add_glow`). - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_glow`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. :See also: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` """ # Positions try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self._get_boxminmax_(extents) except: raise PlotError('Extents should be a list in the form [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]' ' or a dictionary in the form dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=xmin,xmax): %s'%extents) xmin = _asnum_(xmin) xmax = _asnum_(xmax) ymin = _asnum_(ymin) ymax = _asnum_(ymax) if xyscaler is None and hasattr(self, 'xyscaler'): xyscaler = self.xyscaler if xyscaler: xmin, ymin = xyscaler(xmin, ymin) xmax, ymax = xyscaler(xmax, ymax) # Params kwargs.update(color=color, zorder=zorder) kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') kwsh.setdefault('zorder', zorder) kwgl.setdefault('zorder', zorder) dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') # Sides X = N.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts) Y = N.linspace(ymin, ymax, npts) # Plot o = self.axes.plot(X, Y, **kwargs) self.register_obj(o, **kwargs) # Effects if shadow: self.add_shadow(o, **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(o, **kwgl) return o
[docs] def add_point(self, x, y, zorder=150, shadow=False, glow=False, color='r', size=20, xyscaler=None, **kwargs): """Add a point to the map using :meth:`matplotlib.pyplots.plot` :Params: - **x,y**: Coordinates. - **color**, optional: Line color of the point. - **shadow**, optional: Add a droped shadow below the box (see :func:`add_shadow`). - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect the box (see :func:`add_glow`). - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_glow`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. :See also: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` """ # Coordinates x = _asnum_(x, atleast_1d=True) y = _asnum_(y, atleast_1d=True) if xyscaler is None and hasattr(self, 'xyscaler'): xyscaler = self.xyscaler if callable(xyscaler): x, y = xyscaler(x, y) # Params kwargs.update(zorder=zorder) kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') size = kwargs.pop('s', size) if size is not None: kwargs['s'] = size color = kwargs.pop('c', color) if color is not None: kwargs['c'] = color #kwsh.setdefault('zorder', zorder-0.01) #kwgl.setdefault('zorder', zorder-0.01) # Plot o = self.axes.scatter(x, y, **kwargs) self.register_obj(o, **kwargs) # Effects if shadow: self.add_shadow(o, **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(o, **kwgl) return o
[docs] def add_place(self, x, y, text, zorder=150, color='k', shadow=False, glow=False, text_offset=(0, 10), ha='center', va='center', **kwargs): """Place a point using :meth:`add_point` and a label using :meth:`add_text` :Examples: >>> m = map2(sst, show=False) >>> m.add_place(-5, 44, 'Buoy 654', text_offset=(20,0), text_ha='left', text_color='b', point_size=100, shadow=True) :Params: - **x/y**: Coordinates of the place in data units. - **text**: Name of the place. - **text_offset**, optional: Offset of the text in points with relative to coordinates. - **point_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`add_point`. - **text_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`add_text`. """ kwpoint = kwfilter(kwargs, 'point_') kwtext = kwfilter(kwargs, 'text_') kwcom = dict(zorder=zorder, shadow=shadow, glow=glow, color=color) dict_check_defaults(kwpoint, **kwcom) dict_check_defaults(kwtext, ha=ha, va=va, weight='bold', **kwcom) tha = kwtext['ha'] tva = kwtext['va'] if tha=='auto': if text_offset[0]==0: tha = 'center' elif text_offset[0]>0: tha = 'left' else: tha = 'right' if tva=='auto': if text_offset[1]==0: tva = 'center' elif text_offset[1]>0: tva = 'bottom' else: tva = 'top' kwtext['ha'] = tha kwtext['va'] = tva p = self.add_point(x, y, **kwpoint) kwtext.setdefault('transform', self.get_transoffset(*text_offset)) t = self.add_text(x, y, text, **kwtext) return p, t
[docs] def add_lines(self, xx, yy, zorder=150, shadow=False, glow=False, color='r', xyscaler=None, closed=False, **kwargs): """Add lines to the plot using :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` :Params: - **xx/yy**: Coordinates (in degrees). - **color**, optional: Line color of the line. - **closed**, optional: Close the lines to form a polygon. - **shadow**, optional: Add a droped shadow below the box (see :func:`add_shadow`). - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect the box (see :func:`add_glow`). - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`add_glow`. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. :See also: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` """ # Positions xx =, atleast_1d=True)) yy =, atleast_1d=True)) if xx.size!=yy.size: raise PlotError('xx and yy must have the same number of elements (%i!=%i)'%(xx.size,yy.size)) if xyscaler is None and hasattr(self, 'xyscaler'): xyscaler = self.xyscaler if xyscaler: xx, yy = xyscaler(xx, yy) # Params kwargs.update(color=color, zorder=zorder) kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') kwsh.setdefault('zorder', zorder) kwgl.setdefault('zorder', zorder) dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') # Plot o = self.axes.plot(xx, yy, **kwargs) self.register_obj(o, **kwargs) # Effects if shadow: self.add_shadow(o, **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(o, **kwgl) return o
[docs] def add_glow(self, objs, gtypes=None, **kwargs): """Add glow effect to objects :See: :func:`add_glow` """ kwargs['ax'] = self.axes anim = kwargs.pop('anim', None) return self.register_obj(add_glow(objs, **kwargs), gtypes, anim=anim)
[docs] def add_shadow(self, objs, gtypes=None, **kwargs): """Add shadow to objects :See: :func:`add_shadow` """ kwargs['ax'] = self.axes anim = kwargs.pop('anim', None) return self.register_obj(add_shadow(objs, **kwargs), gtypes, anim=anim)
[docs] def savefig(self, figfile, verbose=False, mkdir=True, **kwargs): """Save the figure to a file :Params: - **figfile**: Figure file name. Also accepts :class:`~vacumm.misc.remote.OutputWorkFile`. - **verbose**, optional: Informs about file name when written. - **mkdir**, optional: Make figure directory if it does not exists. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`. """ if not figfile: return # List of files if isinstance(figfile, (list, tuple)): oo = [] for ff in figfile: oo.append(self.savefig(ff, verbose=verbose, mkdir=mkdir, **kwargs)) return oo # Remote output file rem = figfile if isinstance(figfile, OutputWorkFile) else False if rem: figfile = figfile.local_file # Extension backend = P.get_backend().lower() ext_standalone = ['ps','pdf','svg'] ext_others = ['png','gif','jpg','jpeg','bmp'] basename, ext = os.path.splitext(figfile) if ext == '': ext = 'png' figfile += '.png' elif ext == ".py": ext = 'png' figfile = basename+'.png' else: ext = ext[1:] if not rem and ext.lower() not in ext_others: if backend not in ext_standalone and ext.lower() not in ext_standalone: figfile += '.png' elif backend in ext_standalone and not ext.lower().endwith(backend): figfile += '.'+backend # Directory figdir = os.path.dirname(figfile) if mkdir and figdir and not os.path.exists(figdir): os.makedirs(figdir) # Save self.fig.savefig(figfile, **kwargs) if verbose: print 'Saved plot to '+figfile self._last_figfile = figfile # Transfer if rem: rem.put() return figfile
[docs] def savefigs(self, figfile, **kwargs): """Save a figure to png (and optionaly) pdf files using :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.savefigs`""" if figfile is None: return from vacumm.misc.plot import savefigs savefigs(figfile, fig=self.fig, **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, **kwargs): """Show the current figure If the backend does not allow showing the figure using :func:``, it uses an external viewer after saving the figure to a temporary file using :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` """ kwanim = kwfilter(kwargs, 'anim_') viewers = { 'pdf':['/usr/bin/kghostview', '/usr/bin/evince', '/usr/bin/xpdf', '/usr/local/bin/acroread'], 'ps':['/usr/bin/kghostview', '/usr/bin/evince', '/usr/bin/ghostview'], 'svg':['/usr/bin/svgdisplay', '/usr/bin/konqueror']} backend = P.get_backend().lower() if backend in viewers.keys(): if savefig is None: tmpfig = mktemp(suffix='.'+backend) self.fig.savefig(tmpfig, **kwargs) else: tmpfig = savefig for viewer in viewers[backend]: if os.path.exists(viewer): cmd = '%s %s' % (viewer,tmpfig) try: os.system(cmd) except: raise PlotError('Unable to view file with command: '+str(cmd)) if savefig is None: os.remove(tmpfig) return else: # Animation if self.anim is not False: dict_check_defaults(kwanim, interval=50, repeat_delay=3000, blit=True) self.animation = self.animator.make_animation(**kwanim) # Show
[docs] def has_data(self): """Guess if object has data""" return is not None
[docs] def has_valid_data(self): """Guess if object has unmasked data""" return is not None and not self.masked
# Some properties
[docs] def get_anim(self): """Get the :attr:`anim` attribute`""" return getattr(self, '_anim', False)
[docs] def set_anim(self, anim): """Set the :attr:`anim` attribute`""" self._anim = anim
anim = property(get_anim, set_anim, doc="""Is each plot saved for final animation?""")
[docs] def get_animator(self): """Get the current :class:`Animator` instance or None""" if self.anim is False: return if not hasattr(self, '_animator'): if not hasattr(self.fig, '_vacumm_animator'): self.fig._vacumm_animator = Animator(self.fig) self._animator = self.fig._vacumm_animator return self._animator
[docs] def set_animator(self, animator): """Set the current :class:`Animator` instance""" self._animator = animator
animator = property(get_animator, set_animator, doc="""Current :class:`Animator` instance or None""")
[docs] def animator_append(self, obj, anim=None): """Append an object to current :class:`Animator`""" if self.fig is None: return if anim is None: anim = self.anim if anim is False: return anim = self.animator.append(obj, anim) if self.anim is True: self.anim = anim return anim
[docs] def register_obj(self, obj, gtypes=None, anim=None, **kwargs): """Register an object with :meth:`add_obj` and :meth:`animator_append`""" if gtypes is None: gtypes = [] elif not isinstance(gtypes, list): gtypes = [gtypes] if 'plotted' not in gtypes: gtypes.append('plotted') self.add_obj(gtypes, obj) self.animator_append(obj, anim=anim) return obj
[docs] def get_uvlat(self, default=45.): """Get :attr:`uvlat` If a latitude axis is available on X or Y plot axis, its mean value is used, else it defaults to ``default`` """ lat = self.get_obj('uvlat') if self.has_data() and 'y' in self.order: return [self.y[:], self.x[:]][self.order.index('y')].mean() return lat if lat is not None else default
[docs] def set_uvlat(self, value): """Set :attr:`uvlat`""" self.set_obj('lat', value)
[docs] def del_uvlat(self): """Del :attr:`uvlat`""" self.del_obj('uvlat')
uvlat = property(get_uvlat, set_uvlat, del_uvlat, doc="Latitude used for guessing :attr:`uvscaler`")
[docs] def get_uvscaler(self, guess=True, lat=None, raw=False): """Get :attr:`uvscaler` :Params: - **guess**, optional: Guess scaler from axis types and data units if not specified. - **lat**, optional: Latitude value passed to :meth:`get_metric_scale` to guess plot axis metric scale. """ uvscaler = self.get_obj('uvscaler') if uvscaler is not None: return self._uvscaler_(uvscaler, raw=raw) if not guess: return # Skip data mode if 'd' in self.order: return # Guess if uvscaler is None: # Latitude if lat is not None: self.uvlat = lat else: lat = self.uvlat # Along X xmscale = self.get_metric_scale('x', lat=lat) if xmscale is None: return uunits = getattr([1], 'units', None) if uunits is None: return umscale = tometric(uunits, munits='m/s') if umscale is None: return # Along Y ymscale = self.get_metric_scale('y', lat=lat) if ymscale is None: return vunits = getattr([2], 'units', None) if vunits is None: return vmscale = tometric(vunits, munits='m/s') if vmscale is None: return # Scale uvscaler = (vmscale*xmscale*self.x[:].ptp())/(umscale*ymscale*self.y[:].ptp()) # Parse self.uvscaler = uvscaler return self._uvscaler_(uvscaler, raw=raw)
@staticmethod def _uvscaler_(uvscaler, raw=False): if callable(uvscaler): return uvscaler if isinstance(uvscaler, (tuple,list)): _ = 1., uvscaler[1]/uvscaler[0] if raw: return uvscaler uvscaler = _ if N.isscalar(uvscaler): if raw: return uvscaler return lambda u, v: (u, uvscaler*v) raise TypeError("uvscaler must be a callable, a scalar or a"+ " 2-element tuple or list")
[docs] def set_uvscaler(self, uvscaler): """Set :attr:`uvscaler`""" self._uvscaler_(uvscaler) self.set_obj('uvscaler', uvscaler)
[docs] def del_uvscaler(self): """Del :attr:`uvscaler`"""
uvscaler = property(get_uvscaler, set_uvscaler, del_uvscaler, doc="""Function to rescale U anv V data along X and Y axes. ``None`` is returned if no scaling is possible. :Example: >>> uvscaler = myplot.uvscaler >>> if uvscaler is not None: ... u2,v2 = myplot.uvscaler(u, v) :Return: A callable function or ``None`` if no scaling is possible """)
[docs] def get_metric_scale(self, xy, lat=None): """Get units of X or Y plot axis as meters if possible Longitude and latitude coordinates are converted using :func:`~vacumm.phys.units.deg2m`. else :func:`~vacumm.misc.phys.units.tometric` is used using axis units. :Params: - **xy**: Plot axis type (``"x"``, ``"y"``...). - **lat**, optional: Latitude for degrees to meter conversion of longitude coordinates. It default to :attr:`uvlat`. :Return: - ``None`` if conversion of possible, else a float value. """ # X or Y plot axis if xy not in ['x', 'y']: return # From order type axtype = getattr(self, xy+'type') if axtype=='x': if lat is not None: self.uvlat = lat else: lat = self.uvlat return deg2m(1., lat=lat) if axtype=='y': return deg2m(1.) units = getattr(self, xy+'units', None) if units is None: if axtype!='z': return units = 'm' #if units.startswith('deg'): #if getattr(self, xy+'type')=='x': #return deg2m(1., lat=lat) #if getattr(self, xy+'type')=='y': #return deg2m(1.) return tometric(units, munits='m')
[docs] def get_vmin(self, index=0, glob=False): """Get :attr:`vmin`""" gmin = self.get_obj('vmin') if gmin is not None: return gmin # if not self.has_data(): return if index=='all': # All components (m,u,v) if not self.has_valid_data(): vmins = [None]*3 else: vmins = [var.min() for var in] if glob: # Of all plotters for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True): for i, v in enumerate(b.get_min(index='all')): if v is not None: vmins[i] = min(vmins[i], v) if vmins[i] is not None else v else: # Selected component vmins = [[index].min()] if self.has_valid_data() else [] if glob: # Of all plotters vmins = vmins+[b.get_min(index=index) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)] vmins = [v for v in vmins if v is not None] vmins = min(vmins) if len(vmins) else None return vmins
[docs] def set_vmin(self, value): """Set :attr:`vmin`""" self.set_obj('vmin', value)
[docs] def del_vmin(self): """Del :attr:`vmin`""" self.del_obj('vmin')
vmin = property(get_vmin, set_vmin, del_vmin, doc="Data min to use for plot")
[docs] def get_vmax(self, index=0, glob=False): """Get :attr:`vmax`""" gmax = self.get_obj('vmax') if gmax is not None: return gmax # if not self.has_data(): return if index=='all': # All components (m,u,v) if not self.has_data() or self.masked: maxs = [None]*3 else: maxs = [var.max() for var in] if glob: # Of all plotters for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True): for i, v in enumerate(b.get_max(index='all')): if v is not None: vmaxs[i] = max(vmaxs[i], v) if vmaxs[i] is not None else v else: # Selected component vmaxs = [[index].max()] if self.has_valid_data() else [] if glob: # Of all plotters vmaxs = vmaxs+[b.get_max(index=index) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)] vmaxs = [v for v in vmaxs if v is not None] vmaxs = max(vmaxs) if len(vmaxs) else None return vmaxs
[docs] def set_vmax(self, value): """Set :attr:`vmax`""" self.set_obj('vmax', value)
[docs] def del_vmax(self): """Del :attr:`vmax`""" self.del_obj('vmax')
vmax = property(get_vmax, set_vmax, del_vmax, doc="Data max to use for plot") # X/Y MASKED
[docs] def get_xymasked(self): """Get :attr:`xymasked`""" gmasked = self.get_obj('xymasked') return gmasked is None and True or gmasked
[docs] def set_xymasked(self, value): """Set :attr:`xymasked`""" self.set_obj('xymasked', value)
[docs] def del_xymasked(self): """Del :attr:`xymasked`""" self.del_obj('xymasked')
xymasked = property(get_xymasked, set_xymasked, del_xymasked, doc="Whether X and Y data are not considered if no data at these coordinates")
[docs] def get_xmasked(self): """Get :attr:`xmasked`""" gmasked = self.get_obj('xmasked') if gmasked is None: gmasked = self.xymasked return gmasked is None and True or gmasked
[docs] def set_xmasked(self, value): """Set :attr:`xmasked`""" self.set_obj('xmasked', value)
[docs] def del_xmasked(self): """Del :attr:`xmasked`""" self.del_obj('xmasked')
xmasked = property(get_xmasked, set_xmasked, del_xmasked, doc="Whether X data are not considered if no data at these coordinates")
[docs] def get_ymasked(self): """Get :attr:`ymasked`""" gmasked = self.get_obj('ymasked') if gmasked is None: gmasked = self.xymasked return gmasked is None and True or gmasked
[docs] def set_ymasked(self, value): """Set :attr:`ymasked`""" self.set_obj('ymasked', value)
[docs] def del_ymasked(self): """Del :attr:`ymasked`""" self.del_obj('ymasked')
ymasked = property(get_ymasked, set_ymasked, del_ymasked, doc="Whether X data are not considered if no data at these coordinates") # X MIN/MAX
[docs] def get_xmin(self, glob=True, masked=None): """Get :attr:`xmin`""" gmin = self.get_axobj('xmin') if gmin is not None: return gmin if self.masked: masked = False if masked is None: masked = self.xmasked # if not self.has_data(): return if self.order[1]=='d': index = max(0, len( xmin = self.get_vmin(index=index) else: if not self.has_data(): xmin = None elif masked: if self.masked: xmin = None else: xmin = self.get_xdata(masked=masked).min() else: xmin = self.get_xdata(masked=False).min() if glob: xmins = [] if xmin is None else [xmin] xmins += [b.get_xmin(glob=False, masked=masked) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)] xmins = [v for v in xmins if v is not None] xmin = min(xmins) if len(xmins) else None return xmin
[docs] def set_xmin(self, value): """Set :attr:`xmin`""" self.set_axobj('xmin', value)
[docs] def del_xmin(self): """Del :attr:`xmin`""" self.del_axobj('xmin')
xmin = property(get_xmin, set_xmin, del_xmin, doc="Min of X axis to use for plot")
[docs] def get_xmax(self, glob=True, masked=None): """Get :attr:`xmax`""" gmax = self.get_axobj('xmax') if gmax is not None: return gmax if self.masked: masked = False if masked is None: masked = self.xmasked # if not self.has_data(): return if self.order[1]=='d': index = max(0, len( xmax = self.get_vmax(index=index) else: if not self.has_data(): xmax = None elif masked: if self.masked: xmax = None else: xmax = self.get_xdata(masked=masked).max() else: xmax = self.get_xdata(masked=False).max() if glob: xmaxs = [] if xmax is None else [xmax] xmaxs += [b.get_xmax(glob=False, masked=masked) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)] xmaxs = [v for v in xmaxs if v is not None] xmax = max(xmaxs) if len(xmaxs) else None return xmax
[docs] def set_xmax(self, value): """Set :attr:`xmax`""" self.set_axobj('xmax', value)
[docs] def del_xmax(self): """Del :attr:`xmax`""" self.del_axobj('xmax')
xmax = property(get_xmax, set_xmax, del_xmax, doc="Max of X axis to use for plot") # Y MIN/XMAX
[docs] def get_ymin(self, glob=True, masked=None): """Get :attr:`ymin`""" gmin = self.get_axobj('ymin') if gmin is not None: return gmin if self.masked: masked = False if masked is None: masked = self.ymasked # if not self.has_data(): return if self.order[0]=='d': index = min(0, len( ymin = self.get_vmin(index=index) else: if not self.has_data(): ymin = None elif masked: if self.masked: ymin = None else: ymin = self.get_ydata(masked=masked).min() else: ymin = self.get_ydata(masked=False).min() if glob: ymins = [] if ymin is None else [ymin] ymins += [b.get_ymin(glob=False, masked=masked) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True,)] ymins = [v for v in ymins if v is not None] ymin = min(ymins) if len(ymins) else None return ymin
[docs] def set_ymin(self, value): """Set :attr:`ymin`""" self.set_axobj('ymin', value)
[docs] def del_ymin(self): """Del :attr:`ymin`""" self.del_axobj('ymin')
ymin = property(get_ymin, set_ymin, del_ymin, doc="Min of Y axis to use for plot")
[docs] def get_ymax(self, glob=True, masked=None): """Get :attr:`ymax`""" gmax = self.get_axobj('ymax') if gmax is not None: return gmax if masked is None: masked = self.ymasked if self.masked: masked = False # if not self.has_data(): return if self.order[0]=='d': index = max(0, len( ymax = self.get_vmax(index=index) else: if not self.has_data(): ymax = None elif masked: if self.masked: ymax = None else: ymax = self.get_ydata(masked=masked).max() else: ymax = self.get_ydata(masked=False).max() if glob: ymaxs = [] if ymax is None else [ymax] ymaxs += [b.get_ymax(glob=False) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)] ymaxs = [v for v in ymaxs if v is not None] ymax = max(ymaxs) if len(ymaxs) else None ymaxs = [ymax]+[b.get_ymax(glob=False, masked=masked) for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)] ymaxs = [v for v in ymaxs if v is not None] ymax = max(ymaxs) if ymaxs else None return ymax
[docs] def set_ymax(self, value): """Set :attr:`ymax`""" self.set_axobj('ymax', value)
[docs] def del_ymax(self): """Del :attr:`ymax`""" self.del_axobj('ymax')
ymax = property(get_ymax, set_ymax, del_ymax, doc="Max of Y axis to use for plot") # X/Y TICKS
[docs] def get_xticks(self, raw): """Get X ticks""" return self.axes.get_xticks()
[docs] def set_xticks(self, ticks): """Set X ticks""" if ticks is False: ticks = [] elif ticks=='auto': if not self.has_data():return if self.order[1]=='t': ticks = AutoDateLocator2() ticks = self.auto_scale(self.xmin, self.xmax) if isinstance(ticks, Locator): self.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticks) elif ticks is not None: self.axes.set_xticks(ticks)
[docs] def del_xticks(self): """Del X ticks""" self.xticks = False
xticks = property(get_xticks, set_xticks, del_xticks, doc="X ticks to use plot")
[docs] def get_yticks(self, glob=False): """Get Y ticks""" return self.axes.get_yticks()
[docs] def set_yticks(self, ticks): """Set Y ticks""" if ticks is False: ticks = [] elif ticks=='auto': if not self.has_data():return if self.order[1]=='t': ticks = AutoDateLocator2() ticks = self.auto_scale(self.xmin, self.xmax) if isinstance(ticks, Locator): self.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticks) elif ticks is not None: self.axes.set_xticks(ticks)
[docs] def del_yticks(self): """Del Y ticks""" self.yticks = False
yticks = property(get_yticks, set_yticks, del_yticks, doc="X ticks to use for plot") # Generic attribute management def _get_xyattr_(self, xy, att, idata=None): """Get an attribute of an X/Y axis or current data""" # # Nothing # if not self.has_data(): return # From a variable if xy=='d' or getattr(self, xy+'type')=='d': if not self.has_data(): return if idata is None: idata = range(len( elif not isinstance(idata, (list, tuple)): idata = [idata] for i in idata: if i<0: i = len( if len(>i and hasattr([i], att): return getattr([i], att) return # From an axis return getattr(getattr(self, xy), att, None) def _set_xyattr_(self, xy, att, value, idata=0): """Set an attribute to an X/Y axis or current data""" # # Nothing # if not self.has_data(): return # Del if value is False: self._del_xyattr_(xy, att) # Variable or axis? if xy=='d' or getattr(self, xy+'type')=='d': if not self.has_data(): return target =[idata] else: target = getattr(self, xy) # setattr([idata], att, value) # Set setattr(target, att, value) def _del_xyattr_(self, xy, att, idata=0): """Del an attribute from an X/Y axis or current data""" # Nothing if not self.has_data(): return # To a variable if xy=='d' or getattr(self, xy+'type')=='d': if not self.has_data(): return target =[idata] else: target = getattr(self, xy) # Del if hasattr(target, att): delattr(target, att) # ID / SHORT NAME
[docs] def get_id(self, idata=None): """Get :attr:`id`""" return self._get_xyattr_('d', 'id', idata=idata)
[docs] def set_id(self, id=None): """Set :attr:`id`""" self._set_xyattr_('d', 'id', id)
[docs] def del_id(self): """Del :attr:`id`""" self._del_xyattr_('d', 'id')
id = property(get_id, set_id, del_id, 'Current data id')
[docs] def get_xid(self): """Get :attr:`xid`""" return self._get_xyattr_('x', 'id')
[docs] def set_xid(self, id=None): """Set :attr:`xid`""" self._set_xyattr_('x', 'id', id)
[docs] def del_xid(self): """Del :attr:`xid`""" self._del_xyattr_('x', 'id')
xid = property(get_xid, set_xid, del_xid, 'Current id of X axis')
[docs] def get_yid(self): """Get :attr:`yid`""" return self._get_xyattr_('y', 'id')
[docs] def set_yid(self, id=None): """Set :attr:`yid`""" self._set_xyattr_('y', 'id', id)
[docs] def del_yid(self): """Del :attr:`yid`""" self._del_xyattr_('y', 'id')
yid = property(get_yid, set_yid, del_yid, 'Current id of Y axis') # LONG_NAME
[docs] def get_long_name(self, idata=None): """Get :attr:`long_name`""" long_name = self._get_xyattr_('d', 'long_name', idata=idata) id = self.get_id(idata=idata) if long_name is None and id: long_name = id.title().replace('_', ' ') return long_name
[docs] def set_long_name(self, long_name=None): """Set :attr:`long_name`""" self._set_xyattr_('d', 'long_name', long_name)
[docs] def del_long_name(self): """Del :attr:`long_name`""" self._del_xyattr_('d', 'long_name')
long_name = property(get_long_name, set_long_name, del_long_name, 'Current long name')
[docs] def get_xlong_name(self): """Get :attr:`xlong_name`""" long_name = self._get_xyattr_('x', 'long_name') if long_name is None: long_name = self.get_xid().title().replace('_', ' ') return long_name
[docs] def set_xlong_name(self, long_name=None): """Set :attr:`xlong_name`""" self._set_xyattr_('x', 'long_name', long_name)
[docs] def del_xlong_name(self): """Del :attr:`xlong_name`""" self._del_xyattr_('x', 'long_name')
xlong_name = property(get_xlong_name, set_xlong_name, del_xlong_name, 'Current long_name of X axis')
[docs] def get_ylong_name(self): """Get :attr:`ylong_name`""" long_name = self._get_xyattr_('y', 'long_name') if long_name is None: long_name = self.get_yid().title().replace('_', ' ') return long_name
[docs] def set_ylong_name(self, long_name=None): """Set :attr:`ylong_name`""" self._set_xyattr_('y', 'long_name', long_name)
[docs] def del_ylong_name(self): """Del :attr:`ylong_name`""" self._del_xyattr_('y', 'long_name')
ylong_name = property(get_ylong_name, set_ylong_name, del_ylong_name, 'Current long_name of Y axis') # UNITS
[docs] def get_units(self, idata=None): """Get :attr:`units`""" units = self._get_xyattr_('d', 'units', idata) if not isinstance(units, basestring): return if units[0]=='$' and units[-1]=='$': units = units[1:-1] if not self.isset('latex_units'): self.latex_units = True return units
[docs] def set_units(self, units=None): """Set :attr:`units`""" self._set_xyattr_('d', 'units', units)
[docs] def del_units(self): """Del :attr:`units`""" self._del_xyattr_('d', 'units')
units = property(get_units, set_units, del_units, 'Current units')
[docs] def get_xunits(self): """Get :attr:`xunits`""" return self._get_xyattr_('x', 'units')
[docs] def set_xunits(self, units=None): """Set :attr:`xunits`""" self._set_xyattr_('x', 'units', units)
[docs] def del_xunits(self): """Del :attr:`xunits`""" self._del_xyattr_('x', 'units')
xunits = property(get_xunits, set_xunits, del_xunits, 'Current units of X axis')
[docs] def get_yunits(self): """Get :attr:`yunits`""" return self._get_xyattr_('y', 'units')
[docs] def set_yunits(self, units=None): """Set :attr:`yunits`""" self._set_xyattr_('y', 'units', units)
[docs] def del_yunits(self): """Del :attr:`yunits`""" self._del_xyattr_('y', 'units')
yunits = property(get_yunits, set_yunits, del_yunits, 'Current units of Y axis') # INTERPRET UNITS WITH LATEX?
[docs] def get_latex_units(self): """Get :attr:`latex_units`""" return self.get_obj('latex_units') or False
[docs] def set_latex_units(self, value): """Set :attr:`units`""" self.set_obj('latex_units', value)
[docs] def del_latex_units(self): """Del :attr:`units`""" self.del_obj('latex_units')
latex_units = property(get_latex_units, set_latex_units, del_latex_units, 'Interpret units with latex') re_latex_match = re.compile(r'\$.+\$').match
[docs] def is_latex(self, text): """Is this text formatted as latex formula ("$...$")?""" return self.re_latex_match(text)
# TITLE OF THE PLOT def _strfill_(self, strpat, name='pattern'): """Try to fill strpat with self.sndict() or return strpat with not filling""" try: return strpat % self.sndict() except: # warn("Error when filling %(name)s (skipping): %(strpat)s"%locals()) return strpat
[docs] def get_title(self): """Get :attr:`title`""" title = self.get_axobj('title') if title is False: return False if title == '_auto_': title = True if isinstance(title, basestring): return self._strfill_(title, 'title pattern') return self.long_name
[docs] def set_title(self, title=None): """Set attr:`title` .. note:: If set to ``False``, the title is not plotted. """ self.set_axobj('title', title)
[docs] def del_title(self): """Del attr:`title`""" self.del_axobj('title')
title = property(get_title, set_title, del_title, 'Preformed title to use for the plot. ' 'It may be formed as a template using other attributes ' 'like :attr:`long_name`, :attr:`units`, :attr:`xmin`, etc.') # LABELS
[docs] def get_label(self): """Get :attr:`label`""" label = self.get_axobj('label') if label is False: return if label is not None: return self._strfill_(label, 'label pattern') return self.long_name
[docs] def set_label(self, label=None): """Set :attr:`label` .. note:: If set to ``False``, the label is not plotted. """ self.set_axobj('label', label)
[docs] def del_label(self): """Del :attr:`label`""" self.del_axobj('label')
label = property(get_label, set_label, del_label, 'Preformed label to use for the plot. ' 'It may be formed as a template using other attributes ' 'like :attr:`long_name`, :attr:`units`, :attr:`xmin`, etc.')
[docs] def get_xlabel(self): """Get :attr::`xlabel`""" label = self.get_axobj('xlabel') # label = getattr(self, '_xlabel', None) if label is False: return '' if label is None or label is True: if self.order[1]=='d': label = self.get_fmt_lnu(long_name=False) elif label is True or self.order[1]=='-': label = self.get_fmt_lnu(prefix='x') else: label = '' return self._strfill_(label, 'xlabel pattern')
[docs] def set_xlabel(self, label): """set :attr::`xlabel`""" self.set_axobj('xlabel', label)
# self._xlabel = label
[docs] def del_xlabel(self): """Del :attr::`xlabel`""" self.del_axobj('xlabel')
# if hasattr(self, '_xlabel'): del self._xlabel xlabel = property(get_xlabel, set_xlabel, del_xlabel, 'Label of X axis. ' 'It may be formed as a template using other attributes ' 'like :attr:`long_name`, :attr:`units`, :attr:`xmin`, etc.')
[docs] def get_ylabel(self): """Get :attr::`ylabel`""" label = self.get_axobj('ylabel') # label = getattr(self, '_ylabel', None) if label is False: return '' if label is None or label is True: if self.order[0]=='d': label = self.get_fmt_lnu(long_name=False) elif label is True or self.order[0]=='-': label = self.get_fmt_lnu(prefix='y') else: label = '' return self._strfill_(label, 'ylabel pattern')
[docs] def set_ylabel(self, label): """Set :attr::`ylabel`""" self.set_axobj('ylabel', label)
# self._ylabel = label
[docs] def del_ylabel(self): """Del :attr::`ylabel`""" self.del_axobj('ylabel')
# if hasattr(self, '_ylabel'): del self._ylabel ylabel = property(get_ylabel, set_ylabel, del_ylabel, 'Label of Y axis. ' 'It may be formed as a template using other attributes ' 'like :attr:`long_name`, :attr:`units`, :attr:`xmin`, etc.')
[docs] def get_fmt_lnu(self, prefix='', fmtln='%(long_name)s', fmtu='%(units)s', fmtlnu='%(long_name)s [%(units)s]', long_name=True, units=True): """Format long_name and units as string according to their availability :Params: - **prefix**, optional: Prefix of the attributes :Example: >>> myplot.get_fmt_lnu() '%(long_name)s [%(units)s]' >>> myplot.get_fmt_lnu(prefix='x', fmtlnu='%(long_name)s [%(units)s]') '%(xlong_name)s [%(xunits)s]' >>> myplot.get_fmt_lnu(long_name=False) '%(xunits)s' """ if getattr(self, prefix+'long_name') is None: long_name = False if getattr(self, prefix+'units') is None: units = False if long_name and units: fmt = fmtlnu elif long_name: fmt = fmtln elif units: fmt = fmtu else: fmt='' long_name = '%%(%slong_name)s'%prefix units = '%%(%sunits)s'%prefix return fmt%locals()
[docs] def dict(self, *keys, **items): """Get attributes as a dictionary .. note:: :attr:`units` is treated in a special way. If :attr:`latex_units` is ``True``, it is formatted as ``$<units>$``. """ if len(keys)==0: keys = list(self._primary_attributes) dd = {} for key in keys: dd[key] = getattr(self, key) items = dict([(key, val) for (key, val) in items.items() if val is not None]) dd.update(items) if self.latex_units and 'units' in dd and not self.is_latex(dd['units']): dd['units'] = '$%(units)s$'%dd return dd
[docs] def sndict(self, *keys, **items): """Get attributes as a dictionary of strings or numbers""" dd = self.dict(*keys, **items) for key, val in dd.items(): if val is None or val is False or val is True: dd[key] = '' return dd
[docs] def sdict(self, *keys, **items): """Get attributes as a dictionary of strings""" dd = self.sndict(*keys, **items) for key, val in dd.items(): val = str(val) return dd
[docs]class Plot1D(Plot): _order = ['zd', 'd-', '-d'] rank = 1 def _check_order_(self, vertical=None, **kwargs): """Check order of data :Params: - **vertical**, optional: Plot vertically. :Sea also: :meth:`Plot._check_order_` """ # Force vertical plot if vertical is True: self._order = [o for o in self._order if o.startswith('d') ] elif vertical is False: self._order = [o for o in self._order if not o.startswith('d')] # Old stuff return Plot._check_order_(self, **kwargs) # check_order.__doc__ = Plot.check_order.__doc__ def _set_axes_(self, axis=None, axisatts=None, **kwargs): """Get/set used axes :Params: - **axis**, optional: Change plot axis. """ # Get axis and adjust order if axis is not None: if not isaxis(axis): axis = cdms2.createAxis(axis) if self.has_data(): cp_atts([0].getAxis(0), axis, overwrite=False) elif self.has_data(): # adjust order orders = [var.getOrder() for var in] for ivar, var in enumerate( c = getattr(axis, 'axis', '-').lower() if c!='-' or orders[ivar][0]=='-': set_order(var, c) elif self.has_data(): axis =[0].getAxis(0) else: raise PlotError('No axis data available for this plot') # Change attributes if axisatts is not None: set_atts(axis, axisatts) # Set X axis by default self.x = axis self.y = None # _set_axes_.__doc__ = Plot._set_axes_.__doc__ # Restore order
[docs] def get_axis_data(self, **kwargs): """Return data of the axis""" if not self.has_data(): return if self.xtype=='d': return self.get_ydata(**kwargs) return self.get_xdata(**kwargs)
[docs]class ScalarMappable: """Abstract class for adding scalar mappable utilities :Attribute params: - **levels**, optional: Levels to use for contours or colorbar ticks. "They can be specified as a single value, a list or array, or " "as a tuple used as argument to :func:`numpy.arange`. It sets the attribute :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.levels`. - **nmax_levels**, optional: Maximal number of levels when :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.levels` are computed automatically. It sets the attribute :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.nmax_levels`. - **nmax**, optional: Same as **nmax_levels**. It sets the attribute :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.keepminmax`. - **cmap**, optional: Colormap name (see :func:`vacumm.misc.color.get_cmap`). If not specified, it is taken from config section ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` and config option ``cmap``, as a string that defaults to ``magic``. - **levels_mode**, optional: Mode of computing levels if needed. It can be specified at initialisation with attribute :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.levels_mode`. If not specified, it it taken from the config section ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` and config option ``levels_mode``. - ``"symetric"``: Min and max are set opposite. - ``"positive"``: Min is set to 0. - ``"negative"``: Max is set to 0. - ``"auto"``: If abs(min) and abs(max) are close, ``"symetric"`` is assumed. If min and max are > 0, ``"positive"`` is assumed, and the reverse for ``"negative"``. - **keepminmax**, optional: It can be specified at initialisation with attribute :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.keepminmax`. If not specified, it it taken from the config section ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` and config option ``keepminmax``. If False or 0, adjust :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.vmin` and :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.vmax` to first and last values of :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.levels`; if 1, do not change :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.vmin`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.vmax` and :attr:`levels` if 2, adjust first and last values of :attr:`levels` or :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.vmin`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.vmax`. It sets the attribute :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.cmap`. - **cblabel**, optional: Preformed label of the colorbar. It may be formed as a template using other attributes like :attr:`long_name`, :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.units`, :attr:`xmin`, etc. Example: ``"%(long_name)s [%(units)s]"``. """ _primary_attributes = Plot._primary_attributes + ['nmax', 'nmax_levels', 'levels_mode', 'levels', 'cmap', 'keepminmax'] _secondary_attributes = Plot._secondary_attributes + ['cblabel']
[docs] def get_nmax_levels(self): """Get :attr:`nmax_levels`""" nmax = self.get_obj('nmax_levels') if nmax is not None: return nmax return int(get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'nmax_levels'))
[docs] def set_nmax_levels(self, value): """Set :attr:`nmax_levels`""" self.set_obj('nmax_levels', value)
[docs] def del_nmax_levels(self): """Del :attr:`nmax_levels`""" self.del_obj('nmax_levels')
nmax_levels = nmax = property(get_nmax_levels, set_nmax_levels, del_nmax_levels, doc="Max number of :attr:`levels` for contours and colorbar ticks.")
[docs] def get_levels(self, mode=None, keepminmax=None, nocache=False, autoscaling='normal', **kwargs): """Get :attr:`levels` for contours and colorbar ticks :Params: - **mode**, optional: Mode of computing levels if needed. It can be specified at initialisation with attribute :attr:`levels_mode`. If not specified, it it taken from the config section ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` and config option ``levels_mode``. - ``"normal"``: Min and max are not preprocessed. - ``"symetric"``: Min and max are set opposite. - ``"positive"``: Min is set to 0. - ``"negative"``: Max is set to 0. - ``"auto"``: If abs(min) and abs(max) are close, ``"symetric"``is assumed. If min and max are > 0, ``"positive"`` is assumed, and the reverse for ``"negative"``. - **keepminmax**, optional: It can be specified at initialisation with attribute :attr:`keepminmax`. If not specified, it it taken from the config section ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` and config option ``keepminmax``. If False or 0, adjust :attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax` to first and last values of :attr:`levels`; if 1, do not change :attr:`vmin`, :attr:`vmax` and :attr:`levels` if 2, adjust first and last values of :attr:`levels` or :attr:`vmin`, :attr:`vmax`. - **nocache**, optional: Once levels are computed, they are stored in cache. If ``nocache is True``, first check cache before trying to compute levels. - **autoscaling**, optional: Autoscaling mode. - ``"normal"``: Use :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.auto_scale`. - ``"degrees"``: Use :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.geo_scale`. - `A callable: Use it to auto scale. It should accept the follwing keywords: vmin, vmax, nmax, keepminmax. """ # Cache levels = self.get_obj('levels') if levels is not None and not isinstance(levels, str): if not hasattr(levels, '__len__'): levels = N.asarray([levels]) elif isinstance(levels, tuple): levels = N.arange(*levels[:3]).astype('d') self._levels = levels return levels if hasattr(self, '_levels') and not nocache: return self._levels # Inits if isinstance(levels, str): mode = levels if mode is not None: self.levels_mode = mode else: mode = self.levels_mode if not self.has_data(): return if keepminmax is not None: self.keepminmax = keepminmax keepminmax = self.keepminmax # Min and max for key in 'positive', 'negative', 'symetric', 'anomaly': if kwargs.has_key(key) and kwargs[key]: mode = key vmin = self.vmin if self.isset('vmin') else None vmax = self.vmax if self.isset('vmax') else None if mode == 'auto': mode = self.minmax2levelsmode(self.vmin, self.vmax) self.levels_mode = mode if mode=='positive': vmin = 0. elif mode=='negative': vmax = 0. elif mode=='symetric': vmax = max(N.abs(self.vmin), N.abs(self.vmax)) vmin = -vmax # Compute base levels assert autoscaling in ['normal', 'degrees'] or callable(autoscaling), 'Wrong autoscaling parameter' if autoscaling=='normal': autoscaling = auto_scale elif autoscaling=='degrees': autoscaling = geo_scale levels = autoscaling((self.vmin, self.vmax), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, nmax=self.nmax_levels, keepminmax=keepminmax==2) # Change min and max if not keepminmax: del self.vmin, self.vmax # Cache self._levels = levels return levels
[docs] def minmax2levelsmode(self, vmin=None, vmax=None): """Get auto levels mode from min and max value :Return: normal, symetric, positive or negative""" if vmin is None: vmin = self.vmin if vmax is None: vmax = self.vmax if self.masked: mode = 'normal' elif (vmin>=0 and vmax > 0) and (vmin<=vmax/3.): mode = 'positive' elif (vmin<0 and vmax<=0) and (vmax>=vmin/3.): mode = 'negative' elif (vmin+vmax)< 0.05 * (vmax-vmin): mode = 'symetric' else: mode = 'normal' return mode
[docs] def set_levels(self, value): """Set :attr:`levels`""" self.set_obj('levels', value)
[docs] def del_levels(self): """Del :attr:`levels`""" self.del_obj('levels')
levels = property(get_levels, set_levels, del_levels, doc="Levels to use for contours or colorbar ticks. " "They can be specified as a single value, a list or array, or " "as a tuple used as argument to :func:`numpy.arange`.")
[docs] def get_keepminmax(self): """Get :attr:`keepminmax`""" keepminmax = self.get_obj('keepminmax') if keepminmax is None: keepminmax = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'keepminmax') try: keepminmax = int(keepminmax) except: raise PlotError('Error with keepminmax: %s'%keepminmax) return keepminmax
[docs] def set_keepminmax(self, value): """Set :attr:`keepminmax`""" self.set_obj('keepminmax', value)
[docs] def del_keepminmax(self): """Del :attr:`keepminmax`""" self.del_obj('keepminmax')
keepminmax = property(get_keepminmax, set_keepminmax, del_keepminmax, doc="Do not adjust :attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax` when setting :attr:`levels`. If 0, :attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax` are set to first and last :attr:`levels`; if 1, they are not adjested to :attr:`levels` ; if 2, first and last :attr:`levels` are adjusted to :attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax`.")
[docs] def get_levels_mode(self): """Get :attr:`levels_mode`""" levels_mode = self.get_obj('levels_mode') if levels_mode is None: levels_mode = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'levels_mode') levels_mode = self._check_levels_mode_(levels_mode) return levels_mode
[docs] def set_levels_mode(self, mode): """Set :attr:`levels_mode`""" mode = self._check_levels_mode_(mode) self.set_obj('levels_mode', mode)
[docs] def del_levels_mode(self): """Del :attr:`levels_mode`""" self.del_obj('levels_mode')
levels_mode = property(get_levels_mode, set_levels_mode, del_levels_mode, doc="The way :attr:`levels` are estimated from " ":attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax`: 'positive'/'negative' means levels " "starting/ending from 0, 'anomaly' or 'symetric' means symetric " "levels, 'auto' or 'smart' means that mode is estimated " "from min and max, and 'normal' means no special treatment.") def _check_levels_mode_(self, mode): """Check values and aliases, and fallback to config value""" mode = str(mode).lower() if mode not in ['auto', 'smart', 'normal', 'basic', 'positive', 'negative', 'symetric', 'anomaly']: oldmode = mode mode = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'levels_mode', user=False) warn('Bad value for config value [vacumm.misc.plot] levels_mode: %s. Switched to default: %s'%(oldmode, mode)) if mode=='anomaly': mode = 'symetric' elif mode=='smart': mode = 'auto' elif mode=='basic': mode = 'normal' return mode
[docs] def get_vmin(self, index=0, glob=False): """Get :attr:`vmin`""" gmin = self.get_obj('vmin') if gmin is not None: return gmin if not self.has_data(): return if index==0 and hasattr(self, '_levels'): mins = self._levels[0] if glob: # Of all plotters mins = max([mins]+[b.min for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)]) return mins return Plot.get_vmin(self, index=index, glob=glob)
vmin = property(get_vmin, Plot.set_vmin, Plot.del_vmin, doc="Data min to use for plot")
[docs] def get_vmax(self, index=0, glob=False): """Get :attr:`vmax`""" gmax = self.get_obj('vmax') if gmax is not None: return gmax if not self.has_data(): return if index==0 and hasattr(self, '_levels'): maxs = self._levels[-1] if glob: # Of all plotters maxs = max([maxs]+[b.max for b in self.get_brothers(notme=True)]) return maxs return Plot.get_vmax(self, index=index, glob=glob)
vmax = property(get_vmax, Plot.set_vmax, Plot.del_vmax, doc="Data max to use for plot") @staticmethod def _get_config_cmap_(key='cmap'): cmap = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', key) if cmap is None: cmap = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', key, user=False) if cmap is None or cmap.lower() in ['none', 'mpl', 'default', 'normal', 'true', 'false']: cmap = None # default from matplotlib return cmap
[docs] def get_cmap(self, cmap=None, nocache=False, tint=None, lum=None, sat=None, pastel=False, **kwargs): """Get :attr:`cmap` :Params: - **cmap**, optional: Colormap name (see :func:`vacumm.misc.color.get_cmap`). It defaults to ``"magic"``. - **nocache**, optional: Once cmap is computed, it is stored in cache. If ``nocache is True``, first check cache before trying to compute cmap. - **lum**, optional: Change luminosity, between -1 and 1. - **sat**, optional: Change saturation. """ # From cache cmap = self.get_obj('cmap') if (cmap is None and not nocache and hasattr(self, '_cmap') and tint is None and lum is None): cmap = self._cmap # From config if cmap is None or cmap is True : cmap = self._get_config_cmap_() # Aliases if cmap == 'mpl': cmap = False elif cmap=='mg': cmap = 'magic' elif cmap=='rb': cmap = 'rainbow' elif cmap == 'normal' or cmap is True or cmap is False: cmap = None # Adaptative choices cmap_levels = ['positive', 'negative', 'symetric', 'anomaly'] if cmap in ['auto', 'magic', 'rainbow'] + cmap_levels: # Levels mode if cmap in cmap_levels: levels_mode = self._check_levels_mode_(cmap) cmap = 'auto' else: levels_mode = self.levels_mode if levels_mode == 'auto': levels_mode = self.minmax2levelsmode(self.vmin, self.vmax) if cmap=='auto': if levels_mode == 'normal': cmap = None elif levels_mode == 'symetric': cmap = self._get_config_cmap_('cmap_symetric') if cmap is None: cmap = CMAP_SYMETRIC elif levels_mode == 'positive': cmap = self._get_config_cmap_('cmap_positive') if cmap is None: cmap = CMAP_POSITIVE else: cmap = self._get_config_cmap_('cmap_negative') if cmap is None: cmap = CMAP_NEGATIVE cmap = get_cmap(cmap, errmode='warn') elif cmap=='magic' or cmap=='rainbow': if cmap=='magic': kwargs.setdefault('mode', levels_mode) kwargs.setdefault('stretcher', 'reduced_green') if getattr(self, 'fill_method', None)=='contourf' or getattr(self, 'fill', '')=='contourf': dict_check_defaults(kwargs, stretch=0, lstretch=0, rstretch=0) cmap = getattr(color, 'cmap_'+cmap)(self.levels, **kwargs) elif not isinstance(cmap, Colormap): cmap = get_cmap(cmap, errmode='warn', **kwargs) # Luminosity if lum is None: lum = .5 if tint is not None: lum = tint*.5 + .5 if lum != 0.5: cmap = change_luminosity(cmap, lum) # Saturation if sat is not None: cmap = change_saturation(cmap, sat) # Pastelisation if pastel: cmap = pastelise(cmap) self._cmap = cmap return cmap
[docs] def set_cmap(self, cmap): """Set :attr:`cmap`""" self.set_obj('cmap', cmap)
[docs] def del_cmap(self, cmap): """Del :attr:`cmap`""" self.del_obj('cmap')
cmap = property(get_cmap, set_cmap, del_cmap, doc="Colomap to use for filled plots and colorbar.")
[docs] def get_cblabel(self): """Get :attr:`cblabel`""" label = getattr(self, '_cblabel', None) if label is None or label is True: label = self.get_fmt_lnu(long_name=False) if not isinstance(label, basestring): return '' return self._strfill_(label, 'cblabel pattern')
[docs] def set_cblabel(self, label): """Set :attr:`cblabel`""" self._cblabel = label
[docs] def del_cblabel(self): """Del :attr:`cblabel`""" if hasattr(self, '_cblabel'): del self._cblabel
cblabel = property(get_cblabel, set_cblabel, del_cblabel, doc='Preformed label of the colorbar. ' 'It may be formed as a template using other attributes ' 'like :attr:`long_name`, :attr:`units`, :attr:`xmin`, etc.')
[docs] def get_scalar_mappable(self): """Get the current scalar mappable or ``None`` It is useful for instance for :meth:`colorbar`. .. note: The scalar mappable is search for in current instance only. """ return self.get_obj('scalar_mappable')
get_sm = get_scalar_mappable
[docs] def get_colorbar(self): """Get the current colorbar object """ cb = self.get_obj('colorbar') if cb is not None: return cb
# def get_colorbars(self): # """Get the colorbar of all brothers""" # return [b.get_colorbar() # for b in self.get_brothers(notme=False, mefirst=True) # if cb is not None]
[docs] def colorbar(self, cax=None, fit=False, ticklabels_nmax=12, **kwargs): """Add a colorbar The colorbar is drawn only if :meth:`get_scalar_mappable` returns a valid scalar mappable. :Params: - **cax**, optional: Axes for the colorbar. - **label_<param>**, optional: <param> is passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar.set_label`. - **ticklabels_<param>**, optional: <param> is set as a property of tick labels. - Other keywords are passed to the :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar` method. :See also: :meth:`get_colorbar` :meth:`get_scalar_mappable` """ # Get scalar mappable sm = self.get_scalar_mappable() if sm is None: return # Check if already plotted cb = self.get_colorbar() kwcmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cmap') if cb is not None: # Update cb.set_cmap(sm.get_cmap(**kwcmap)) cb.set_clim(sm.get_clim()) cb.update_normal(sm) if self.levels is not None: cb.set_ticks(self.levels) return cb # Plot kwtl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'ticklabels') kwl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'label') # - levels levels = self.levels if levels is not None: kwargs.setdefault('ticks', levels) # - extend if kwargs.get('extend', None) is None: kwargs['extend'] = self._get_extend_(sm.get_clim()) # - axes if isinstance(cax, list): cax = self.fig.add_axes(cax) # - plot it # print kwargs # xxx cb = self.fig.colorbar(sm, ax=self.axes, cax=cax, **kwargs) # - fit to axes limits if fit: axbbox = self.axes.get_position() caxbbox = print 'avant', axbbox, caxbbox if cb.orientation=='horizontal':[axbbox.x0, caxbbox.y0, axbbox.width, caxbbox.height]) else:[caxbbox.x0, axbbox.y0, caxbbox.width, axbbox.height]) print 'apres', # - ticks if levels is not None and 'format' not in kwargs: samp = len(levels)/ticklabels_nmax+1 if samp>1: levels = list(levels) for i in xrange(len(levels)): if i%samp: levels[i] = '' labels = cb.set_ticklabels(levels) if kwtl: axis = getattr(, ('x' if cb.orientation=='horizontal' else 'y')+'axis') P.setp(axis.get_ticklabels(), **kwtl) # - label label = self.cblabel if label is not None: cb.set_label(label, **kwl) return self.set_obj('colorbar', cb)
def _get_extend_(self, clim): """clim: sm.get_clim() or self.levels""" cmin = min(clim) cmax = max(clim) data = self.get_data(scalar=True) vmin = data.min() vmax = data.max() if cmin>vmin and cmax<vmax: return 'both' if cmin>vmin: return 'min' if cmax<vmax: return 'max' return 'neither'
[docs] def post_plot(self, colorbar=True, savefig=None, savefigs=None, show=True, close=False, **kwargs): """ :Params: - **colorbar**, optional: Plot the colorbar. - **colorbar_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.colorbar`. """ # Keywords kw = {} for kwtype in 'savefig', 'savefigs', 'show', 'colorbar': kw[kwtype] = kwfilter(kwargs, kwtype+'_') # Base stuff kwargs.update(savefig=None, savefigs=None, show=False) Plot.post_plot(self, **kwargs) # Colorbar if 'extend' in kwargs: kw['colorbar'].setdefault('extend', kwargs.get('extend')) if colorbar: self.colorbar(**kw['colorbar']) # Save it self.savefig(savefig, **kw['savefig']) self.savefigs(savefigs, **kw['savefigs']) # Show or close if show:**kw['show']) elif close: P.close(self.fig)
[docs]class Curve(Plot1D): """Class for plotting simple curve :Params: - **data**: Data to plot. It may be a single variable or tuple. It a tuple is passed, here are the possible forms: - ``(M,)``: Simple scalar. - ``(U,V)``: Vector coordinates and the modulus is plotted. - ``(M,U,V)``: Modulus and vector coordinates and only the modulus is used and plotted. - **parg**, optional: Argument passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` after the data. - **Specific plot params**: See :meth:`plot`. - **Other generic params**: See :class:`Plot`. :Example: >>> c = Curve(mydata, xmin=3, plot=False) >>> c.ymax = 5. >>> c.plot('-r') >>> c.post_plot(savefig='toto.png') """
[docs] def load_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check order of data :Params: - **data**: A :mod:`MV2` 1D array. :See also: :meth:`Plot.load_data` """ return Plot.load_data(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, parg=None, nosingle=False, label=None, err=None, fill_between=False, shadow=False, glow=False, log=False, **kwargs): """Plot of data as a curve :Params: - **parg**, optional: Argument passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` after the data. - **nosingle**, optional: Single point with missing data around are not plotted. - **fill_between**, optional: Plot curve using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between`. Reference value defaults to 0. and may be given provided by the parameter. - **fill_between_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between`. - **err**, optional: Errors as ``(2,nx)`` array to add to the plot using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar`. - **err_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar`. - **label**, optional: Alternative label for the plot (see also :attr:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.label`). - **shadow**, optional: A shadow is plotted below the line and points. - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: A glow effect is plotted below the line and points. - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_glow`. """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Data xx = self.get_xdata(scalar=0) yy = self.get_ydata(scalar=0) if err is not None: if cdms2.isVariable(err): err = err.asma() else: err = egood = if egood.ndim==2: if egood.shape[0]==2: egood = egood[0]&egood[1] else: err = err.ravel() egood = egood.ravel() if not egood.any(): err = None elif err.shape[-1]!=len(xx): raise PlotError('Error array must be 1D and of size %i'%xx.size) # Plot keywords kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') kwerr = kwfilter(kwargs, 'err') kwfb = kwfilter(kwargs, 'fill_between') kwline = {} line_keys = ['color','linewidth','linestyle','markerwidth','drawstyle'] marker_keys = ['markeredgecolor','markeredgesize','markersize','markerfacecolor','marker','zorder','alpha'] line_keys.extend(marker_keys) for key in line_keys: if key in kwargs and kwargs[key] is not None: kwline[key] = kwargs[key] if parg is None: parg = [] elif not isinstance(parg, list): parg = [parg] kwline['label'] = self.label if label is None else label # Plot func if log: if self.order[0]=='d': pfunc = self.axes.semilogy else: pfunc = self.axes.semilogx else: pfunc = self.axes.plot # Plot # - main ll = pfunc(xx, yy, *parg, **kwline) self.register_obj(ll, ['curve', 'lines', 'plot'], **kwargs) # - fill_between if fill_between is not False: kwfb.setdefault('zorder', ll[0].get_zorder()-0.01) kwfb.setdefault('linewidth', 0) kwfb.setdefault('interpolate', True) if 'color' in kwline: kwfb.setdefault('color', kwline['color']) b0 = yy if fill_between is True or fill_between is None: b1 = 0. elif N.asarray(fill_between).ndim == 2: b0, b1 = fill_between if self.order[0]=='d': ff = self.axes.fill_between(xx, b0, b1, **kwfb) else: ff = self.axes.fill_betweenx(yy, b0, b1, **kwfb) self.add_obj('fill_between', ff) self.register_obj(ff, 'fill_between', **kwargs) # - error if err is not None: kwerr.setdefault('ecolor', ll[0].get_color()) kwerr.setdefault('elinewidth', ll[0].get_linewidth()) if kwerr.get('zorder', None) and kwerr['zorder']<0: kwerr['zorder'] = ll[0].get_zorder() - kwerr['zorder'] ee = self.axes.errorbar(xx.compress(egood), yy.compress(egood), err.compress(egood, axis=-1), fmt='none', **kwerr) self.register_obj(ee, 'error', **kwargs) # - filters if shadow: self.add_shadow(ll, 'lines_shadow', **kwsh) # 'lines_shadow' if err is not None: self.add_shadow(ee, 'error_shadow', **kwsh) # 'error_shadow' if glow: self.add_glow(ll, 'lines_glow', **kwgl) # 'lines_glow' if err is not None: self.add_glow(ee, 'error_glow', **kwgl) # 'error_glow' # - single dots if not nosingle and len(xx) > 2: mask = self.mask.copy() for m in [self.mask[:-2],self.mask[2:]]: mask[1:-1] = mask[1:-1] | 1-m mask[0] = mask[0] or not self.mask[1] mask[-1] = mask[-1] or not self.mask[-2] if N.sometrue(1-mask): kwmark = {} for key in marker_keys: if kwargs.has_key(key): kwmark[key] = kwargs[key] if kwargs.has_key('zorder'): kwmark['zorder'] = kwargs['zorder'] if self.xtype!='d': xx =,mask=mask) else: yy =,mask=mask) kwmark.update(label='',color=ll[0].get_color()) dots = self.axes.plot(xx, yy, '.', **kwmark) self.register_obj(dots, ['lines_dots', 'plot'], **kwargs) if shadow: self.add_shadow(dots, 'lines_dots_shadow', **kwsh) # 'lines_dots_shadow' if glow: self.add_glow(dots, 'lines_dots_glow', **kwsh) # 'lines_dots_glow'
[docs]class Bar(Plot1D): """Class for plotting simple curve :Params: - **data**: 1D array. - **Specific plot params**: See :meth:`plot`. - **Other generic params**: See :class:`Plot`. :Example: >>> c = Bar(mydata, xwidth=.8, plot=False, order='zd') >>> c.ymax = 5. >>> c.plot() >>> c.post_plot(savefig='rain.png') """
[docs] def plot(self, width=1., lag=0, align='center', shadow=False, glow=False, offset=None, label=None, **kwargs): """Plot data as bar plot :Params: - **width**, optional: Relative width of the bars(``0<width<1``). a width of ``1`` means that successive are bars are joined. - **lag**, optional: Relative lag to apply to the position - **align**, optional: Alignment relative to coordinates. - **shadow**, optional: Add a shadow to the bars. - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`add_shadow`. - **glow**, optional: Add a glow effect to the bars. - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`add_shadow`. - **offset**, optional: Bars start at ``offset``. - **label**, optional: Alternative label for the plot (see also :attr:`~Plot.label`). - **bar_<param>**, optional: ``param`` is passed to :func:`` (or :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.barh`). :Example: >>> Bar(rain1).plot(width=.45, align='left', color='cyan') >>> Bar(rain2).plot(width=.45, lag=.5, align='left', color='b') """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Data data = self.get_data()[0] axis = self.get_axis_data().astype('d') bounds = meshbounds(axis) widths = N.diff(bounds) axis += widths*(lag if lag else 0.) widths *= width if cdms2.isVariable(offset): offset = offset.asma() # Plot keywords kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs,'shadow_') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs,'glow_') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') kwbar = kwfilter(kwargs, 'bar_') bar_keys = ['color','linewidth','linestyle','markerwidth', 'edgecolor', 'zorder', 'alpha', 'log'] for key in bar_keys: if kwargs.has_key(key): kwbar[key] = kwargs[key] kwbar['label'] = self.label if label is None else label # Log data if kwbar.get('log', False) and (data<=0.).all(): return # Plot # - main func_name = 'bar'+('h' if self.xtype=='d' else '') plot_func = getattr(self.axes, func_name) pp = plot_func(axis, data, widths, offset, align=align, **kwbar) self.register_obj(pp, ['patches', func_name], **kwargs) # - filters if shadow: self.add_shadow(pp, **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(pp, **kwgl)
[docs]class QuiverKey:
[docs] def quiverkey(self, qv, value=None, value_mode=80, **kwargs): """Add a quiver key to the plot See :meth:`Plot.quiverkey` for arguments. :Params: - **qv**: Results of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. - **pos**, optional: Position of key for arrow . - **text**, optional: Text or format with variables 'value' and 'units'. - **value**, optional: Numeric value for key (used by text). - **units**, optional: Units for key (used by text). - **latex_units**, optional: Interpret units using latex. - Extra keywords are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiverkey`. """ # Value if value is None: m,u,v = self.get_data() value = get_quiverkey_value((u, v), mode=value_mode) del m, u, v return Plot.quiverkey(self, qv, value, **kwargs)
[docs]class Stick(QuiverKey, ScalarMappable, Curve): """Class for makeing a stick plot (vectors on a line) :Params: - **udata**: 1D array of intensities along X. - **vdata**: 1D array of intensities along V. - **Specific data loading params**: See :meth:`load_data`. - **Specific plot params**: See :meth:`plot`. - **Specific plot finalization params**: See :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.post_plot`. - **Generic params**: See :class:`Plot`. :Example: >>> c = Stick(u10, v10, savefig='cart.png') >>> c = Stick(r, theta, polar=True,width=.8, plot=False, order='zd') >>> c.plot() >>> c.post_plot(savefig='polar.png') """ # _primary_attributes = Plot._primary_attributes + ['levels', 'nmax', 'nmax_levels', 'cmap'] # _secondary_attributes = Plot._secondary_attributes + ['cblabel'] def __init__(self, udata, vdata, polar=False, degrees=True, **kwargs): Curve.__init__(self, (udata, vdata), polar=polar, degrees=degrees, **kwargs) # Polar case
[docs] def load_data(self, data, **kwargs): """Load variables :Special params: - **udata**: X or radial component of arrows. - **vdata**: Y or directional component of arrows. - **polar**, optional: Consider polar coordinates: ``(u, v) -> (rho, theta)`` - **degrees**, optional: If True (default), trat ``theta`` as degrees, else radians. :Tasks: #. Calls :meth:`Plot.load_data`. #. Deals with polar case, if keyword ``polar==True``. """ polar = kwargs.pop('polar') degrees = kwargs.pop('degrees') Curve.load_data(self, data, **kwargs) if polar: m, u, v = m = u angle = (v*N.pi/180.) if degrees else v u = m * MV2.cos(angle) v = m * MV2.sin(angle) del angle if hasattr(m, 'units'): u.units = v.units = m.units if hasattr(m, 'long_name'): u.long_name = 'X component of '+m.long_name v.long_name = 'Y component of '+m.long_name[:] = m, u, v
# Read vector data and not modulus
[docs] def get_xdata(self, scalar=1, masked=False, bounds=False): return Curve.get_xdata(self, scalar=scalar, masked=masked, bounds=bounds)
get_xdata.__doc__ = Curve.get_xdata.__doc__
[docs] def get_ydata(self, scalar=2, masked=False, bounds=False): return Curve.get_ydata(self, scalar=scalar, masked=masked, bounds=bounds)
get_ydata.__doc__ = Curve.get_ydata.__doc__
[docs] def plot(self, mod=False, pos=None, line=False, color='k', alpha=1, quiverkey=True, headwidth=None, headlength=None, headaxislength=None, width=None, scale=None, minshaft=None, minlength=None, shadow=False, glow=False, cmap=None, levels=None, label=None, anomaly=False, **kwargs): """Main plot :Params: - **pos**, optional: Position of the arrow tails. It defaults to the middle of the appropriate axis. - **mod**, optional: Plot the curve of the modulus. - **mod_<param>***, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`Curve.plot` when plotting the modulus. - **color**: Can be either - ``"mod"``: The color is function of the modulus. - A normal color argument for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` (single or list/array). - **line**, optional: Add a transversal line along the arrow tails. - **alpha**, optional: Opacity. - **scale**, optional: Scale of arrows (see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`). - **headwidth**, optional: Head width of arrows (see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`). - **headlength**, optional: Head length of arrows (see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`). - **headaxislength**, optional: Length of arrow head on axis (see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`). - **minlength**, optional: See :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. - **minshaft**, optional: See :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. - **quiverkey**, optional: Add key to scale arrows. - **quiverkey_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.QuiverKey.quiverkey`. - **shadow**, optional: Add a drop shadow. - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`add_shadow` - **glow**, optional: Add a drop glow effect. - **glow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`add_glow` - **cmap**, optional: Colormap to use when ``color="mod"``. - **cmap_<param>**, optional: Passed to meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.get_cmap` to tune colormap. - **levels**, optional: Levels of values to use when ``color="mod"``. - **levels_<param>**, optional: Passed to meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.get_levels` to tune levels. """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Keywords kwmod = kwfilter(kwargs, 'mod_') kwqv = kwfilter(kwargs, 'quiver_') kwqvkey = kwfilter(kwargs, 'quiverkey_') kwline = kwfilter(kwargs, 'line_') kwcmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cmap_') kwlevels = kwfilter(kwargs, 'levels_', defaults=dict(anomaly=anomaly)) kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow_') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow_') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') kwqv['label'] = self.label if label is None else label # Cmap and levels numcolors = color=='mod' or color is True or \ (isinstance(color, N.ndarray) and color.dtype.char!='S') if numcolors: if levels is None: levels = self.get_levels(**kwlevels) else: self.levels = levels # color = None if cmap is not None: self.cmap = cmap cmap = self.get_cmap(cmap, **kwcmap) # Add modulus if mod: for att in 'color', 'alpha', 'shadow', 'glow': value = eval(att) if value is not None: kwmod.setdefault(att, eval(att)) # if color is not None and isinstance(kwmod['color'], (list, N.ndarray)): if kwmod['color'] is not None and isinstance(kwmod['color'], (list, N.ndarray)): kwmod['color'] = kwmod['color'][0] Curve.plot(self, **kwmod) # Data mm, uu, vv = self.get_data(scalar=False) # Coordinates pos = kwargs.pop('ycenter', pos) # compat if self.ytype=='d': if pos is None: pos = (self.axes.get_ylim()[0]+self.axes.get_ylim()[1])/2. xx = self.get_xdata() yy = N.zeros(len(xx))+pos else: if pos is None: pos = (self.axes.get_xlim()[0]+self.axes.get_xlim()[1])/2. yy = self.get_ydata() xx = N.zeros(len(yy))+pos # Plot for att in ['color', 'headwidth', 'headlength', 'alpha', 'headwidth', 'headlength', 'headaxislength', 'minshaft', 'minlength', 'width', 'scale']: value = eval(att) if value is not None: kwqv.setdefault(att, eval(att)) args = [xx, yy, uu, vv] if color is None or color is True: # kwqv['vmin'] = self.vmin # kwqv['vmax'] = self.vmax args.append(mm) kwqv.pop('color') elif numcolors: # numerical values for colors args.append(color) kwqv.pop('color') elif isinstance(color, (list, N.ndarray)): kwqv.setdefault('color', color) qv = self.register_obj(self.axes.quiver(*args, **kwqv), ['quiver', 'patches'], **kwargs) if numcolors: kwqv['cmap'] = cmap qv.set_clim(self.vmin, self.vmax) self.set_obj('scalar_mappable', qv) sel.axes._sci(av) qv.set_alpha(alpha) # Filters if shadow: self.add_shadow([qv], 'quiver_shadow', **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow([qv], 'quiver_glow', **kwgl) # Zorder of modulus if mod and not kwmod.has_key('zorder'): oo = self.get_obj('lines') if self.get_obj('lines_shadow') is not None: oo.extend(self.get_obj('lines_shadow')) if self.get_obj('lines_dot') is not None: oo.extend(self.get_obj('lines_dot')) if self.get_obj('lines_dot_shadow') is not None: oo.extend(self.get_obj('lines_dot_shadow')) dz = qv.get_zorder()-oo[0].get_zorder() if dz<=0: for o in oo: o.set_zorder(o.get_zorder()+dz-.2) # Quiver key if quiverkey: self.quiverkey(qv, **kwqvkey) # Base line if line: hv, pp = ('h', yy[0]) if self.ytype=='d' else ('v', xx[0]) funcname = 'ax%sline'%hv func = getattr(self.axes, funcname) self.register_obj(func(pp, **kwline), [funcname], **kwargs) return qv
[docs] def format_axes(self, **kwargs): if self.get_obj('quiver') is not None and self.get_obj('curve') is None: # xy = 'y' if self.ytype=='d' else 'x' kwargs.setdefault(xy+'hide', True) kwargs.setdefault(xy+'ticks', []) # kwargs.setdefault(xy+'label', '') return Curve.format_axes(self, **kwargs)
[docs]class Plot2D(ScalarMappable, QuiverKey, Plot): _order = ['--'] _primary_attributes = ScalarMappable._primary_attributes + ['fill'] _secondary_attributes = ScalarMappable._secondary_attributes + ['cblabel'] rank = 2 _plotter = None def _set_axes_(self, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, xatts=None, yatts=None, x2d=None, y2d=None, x2db=None, y2db=None, **kwargs): """Change axes and their attributes of the variables The main goal is to deal 2D plots on special grids where the grid cannot be properly stored internally in variables (like a section grid). :Params: - **x/yaxis**, optional: 1D or 2D array or axes to use for axis, instead of internal axes of input variables. - **x/y2d**, optional: (ny,nx) array of cell center coordinates. - **x/y2db**, optional: (ny+1,nx+1) array of cell bounds coordinates used in pcolor like plots. - **x/yatts**, optional: Dictionnary of alter given ``x/yaxis``. """ # Get axes and adjust order if (xaxis is not None or yaxis is not None) and self.has_data(): # Adjust order for ivar, var in enumerate( order = var.getOrder()[ivar] = var2d(var, xaxis, yaxis, xatts=xatts, yatts=yatts) for i, axis in enumerate([yaxis, xaxis]): c = getattr(axis, 'axis', '-').lower() if order[i]=='-' and c!='-': order[i] = c set_order([ivar], order)[ivar]._nogridorder = True if self.has_data(): xax = get_axis([0], -1, strict=True) yax = get_axis([0], -2, strict=True) if xaxis is None: if self.has_data(): xaxis = xax else: raise PlotError('No xaxis data available') elif not isaxis(xaxis): xaxis = MV2.array(xaxis, copy=0) if self.has_data(): cp_atts(xax, xaxis, overwrite=False) if yaxis is None: if self.has_data(): yaxis = yax else: raise PlotError('No yaxis data available') elif not isaxis(yaxis): yaxis = MV2.array(yaxis, copy=0) if self.has_data(): cp_atts(yax, yaxis, overwrite=False) # Change attributes if xatts is not None: set_atts(xaxis, xatts) if yatts is not None: set_atts(yaxis, yatts) # Set axes self.x = xaxis self.y = yaxis # Mesh form xdata = self.get_xdata(masked=False) ydata = self.get_ydata(masked=False) # - centers if x2d is None or y2d is None: self.x2d, self.y2d = meshgrid(xdata, ydata) if x2d is not None: self.x2d = x2d if y2d is not None: self.y2d = y2d self.x2dr,self.y2dr = self.x2d, self.y2d # save raw values # - bounds if x2db is None or y2db is None: self.x2db, self.y2db = meshbounds(xdata, ydata) if x2db is not None: if x2db.ndim==1: self.x2db = N.resize(x2db, (self.x2d.shape[0]+1, x2db.shape[0])) elif x2db.shape[0] == self.x2d.shape[0]: self.x2db = N.zeros((self.x2d.shape[0]+1, self.x2d.shape[1]+1)) self.x2db[1:] = shift1d(x2db, 1, axis=0, mode='same') self.x2db[:-1] += shift1d(x2db, -1, axis=0, mode='same') self.x2db[1:-1] *= 0.5 else: self.x2db = x2db if y2db is not None: if y2db.ndim==1: self.y2db = N.resize(y2db, (self.y2d.shape[1]+1, y2db.shape[0])).T elif y2db.shape[1] == self.y2d.shape[1]: self.y2db = N.zeros((self.y2d.shape[0]+1, self.y2d.shape[1]+1)) self.y2db[:, 1:] = shift1d(y2db, 1, axis=1, mode='same') self.y2db[:, :-1] += shift1d(y2db, -1, axis=1, mode='same') self.y2db[:, 1:-1] *= 0.5 else: self.y2db = y2db self.x2dbr,self.y2dbr = self.x2db, self.y2db # save raw values
[docs] def load_data(self, data, **kwargs): """Load data and axes :Tasks: #. Call to :meth:`Plot.load_data`. #. Compute :attr:`x2d`, :attr:`y2d`, :attr:`x2db`, :attr:`y2db` :Params: - **data**: A single or a tuple or 2D :mod:`MV2` arrays. - Single variable: Plot 2D scalar field with contours, filled contours, pcolor or image. - 2-tuple ``(U,V)``: Plot arrows. - 3-tuple ``(M,U,V)``: Plot both scalar field ``M`` and arrows. :Specific attributes: .. attribute:: x2d 2D version of the X axis data. .. attribute:: y2d 2D version of the Y axis data. .. attribute:: x2db 2D bounds coordinates of the X axis data. .. attribute:: y2db 2D bounds coordinates of the Y axis data. """ # # Check # if data is None: return # Normal load Plot.load_data(self, data, **kwargs)
def _transpose_axes_(self): # Normal transpose Plot._transpose_axes_(self) # Mesh form # - centers self.x2d, self.y2d = self.y2d.T, self.x2d.T self.x2dr, self.y2dr = self.y2dr.T, self.x2dr.T # - bounds self.x2db, self.y2db = self.y2db.T, self.x2db.T self.x2dbr, self.y2dbr = self.y2dbr.T, self.x2dbr.T
[docs] def get_xyscaler(self, guess=True): """Get :attr:`xyscaler`""" return self.get_obj('xyscaler')
[docs] def set_xyscaler(self, scaler): """Set :attr:`xyscaler`""" self.set_obj('xyscaler', scaler)
[docs] def del_xyscaler(self): """Del :attr:`xyscaler`"""
xyscaler = property(get_xyscaler, set_xyscaler, del_xyscaler, doc="""Function to rescale X and Y coordinates. ``None`` is returned if no scaler is available. A typical scaler is a :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` or a :class:`mpl_toolkits.pyproj.Proj` instance that converts positions from degrees to meters using a geographic projection. This scaler is used by :meth:`plot_quiver` for undersampling based on resolution. :Example: >>> xyscaler = myplot.xyscaler >>> if xyscaler is not None: ... x,y = myplot.xyscaler(x, y) :Return: A callable function or ``None`` if no scaling is possible """) @staticmethod def _fill_method_(fill='pcolormesh', pcolor=None, nofill=None, **kwargs): if fill is None: fill = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'fill') if fill is not None: if fill.isdigit(): fill = int(fill) elif fill in ['True', 'None', 'False']: fill = eval(fill) if fill is True or str(fill).startswith('pcolor'): fill = 'pcolormesh' if nofill: fill = 0 elif pcolor: fill = 'pcolormesh' elif pcolor in (False, 0, 2): fill = 'contourf' elif pcolor == 3: fill = 'imshow' if fill == 'nofill' or fill is False: fill = 'no' elif fill == 'contour': fill = 'contourf' elif isinstance(fill, int): fill = N.clip(fill, 0, 4) fill = ['no', 'pcolor', 'contourf', 'imshow', 'scatter'][fill] return fill
[docs] def get_fill(self, fill=None, pcolor=None, nofill=None, **kwargs): """Get the :attr:`fill` attribute""" if fill is None: fill = self.get_obj('fill') return self._fill_method_(fill=fill, pcolor=pcolor, nofill=nofill)
[docs] def set_fill(self, fill): """Set the :attr:`fill` attribute""" self.set_obj('fill', fill)
[docs] def del_fill(self): """Del the :attr:`fill` attribute""" self.del_obj('fill')
fill = property(get_fill, set_fill, del_fill, doc="Fill method for 2D plots: 'pcolor', None, True, False, 'contourf', 'imshow', 'pcolormesh'")
[docs] def plot_fill(self, norm=None, shading='flat', alpha=1, extend=None, zorder=None, shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs): """Plot filled stuff :Params: - **fill**, optional: Type filling. It defaults to ``fill`` option of the ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` section of the configuration (see :func:`~vacumm.config.edit_config`). - ``0`` or ``"no"`` or ``"nofill"`` or ``False``: No filling. - ``1`` or ``"pcolor"`` or ``"pcolormesh"``: Fill using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. - ``2`` or ``"imshow"``: Fill using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. - ``3`` or ``"contourf"``: Fill using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf`. - **fill_<param>**: ``<param>`` is passed to the corresponding plot function. - **nofill**, optional: Implies ``fill=0``. - **cmap**, optional: Colormap (defaults to ``"magic"``). - **cmap_<param>**, optional: Passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.get_cmap` to tune colormap. - **norm**, optional: :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance. - **alpha**, optional: Opacity. - **shading**, optional: Shading with :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`. - **extend**, optional: Let's :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` add contours to cover all data range. - **zorder**, optional: Plot order. :Tasks: #. Guess the fill method. #. Get the colormap with :meth:`~ScalarMappable.get_cmap`. #. Get the scalar data with :meth:`~Plot.get_data`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.clabel` .. note:: :meth:`~ScalarMappable.get_levels` must have been previously called. """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Keywords kwfill = kwfilter(kwargs, 'fill_') kwnorm = kwfilter(kwargs, 'norm') kwcmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cmap', copy=True) kwlevels = kwfilter(kwargs, 'levels_') if zorder is not None: kwfill.setdefault('zorder', zorder) kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') # Fill method fill = self.fill_method = self.get_fill(**kwargs) if fill == 'no': return # Levels levels = self.get_levels(**kwlevels) # Norm # from matplotlib.colors import Normalize if norm is None: from color import StepsNorm norm = StepsNorm(levels, **kwnorm) elif norm is True: norm = Normalize(min(levels), max(levels)) elif not isinstance(norm, Normalize): norm = None # Color map cmap = self.get_cmap(**kwcmap) # Data data = self.get_data(scalar=True) # Plots if fill == 'imshow': kwfill.setdefault('origin', 'lower') pp = self._plotter.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, norm=norm, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, extent=[self.x2db.min(), self.x2db.max(), self.y2db.min(), self.y2db.max()], **kwfill) if alpha != 1: pp.set_alpha(alpha) self.set_obj('imshow', pp) elif fill.startswith('pcolor'): if fill=='pcolormesh': # self.mask is MV2.nomask or func = self._plotter.pcolormesh kwfill.setdefault('edgecolors', 'None') else: kwfill.setdefault('edgecolors', 'None') kwfill.setdefault('linewidth', 0) func = self._plotter.pcolor for att, val in dict(cmap=cmap,alpha=alpha, norm=norm, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, edgecolors='none').items(): kwfill.setdefault(att, val) pp = func(self.x2db, self.y2db, data, **kwfill) if alpha != 1: pp.set_alpha(alpha) pp.set_linewidth(0.) self.set_obj('pcolor', pp) elif fill == 'contourf': if extend is None: extend = self._get_extend_(levels) dict_check_defaults(kwfill, cmap=cmap, levels=levels, alpha=alpha, norm=norm, extend=extend, edgecolors='none') pp = self._plotter.contourf(self.x2d, self.y2d, data, copy=0, **kwfill) self.set_obj('contourf', pp) if alpha != 1: for col in pp.collections: try: col.set_alpha(alpha) except: pass elif fill == 'scatter': pp = self._plotter.scatter(self.x2d.ravel(), self.y2d.ravel(), c=data.ravel(), cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, norm=norm, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, **kwfill) if alpha != 1: pp.set_alpha(alpha) self.set_obj('scatter', pp) else: raise PlotError('Wrong fill method') # Register self.set_obj(['fill', 'scalar_mappable'], pp) self.register_obj(pp, 'patches', **kwargs) self.axes._sci(pp) # Filters if shadow or glow: obj = pp.collections if hasattr(pp, 'collections') else pp if shadow: self.add_shadow(obj, 'fill_shadow', **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(obj, 'fill_glow', **kwgl) # Hacks # if zorder is not None: pp.set_zorder(zorder) for key in 'edgecolors', 'linewidths': # if hasatt(pp, 'set_'+key): # getattr(pp, 'set_'+key)(kwfill[key]) if not kwfill.has_key(key): continue if hasattr(pp, 'collections'): for p in pp.collections: getattr(p, 'set_'+key)(kwfill[key])
# if kwfill.has_key('edgecolor'): # for p in pp.collections: # p.set_edgecolor(kwfill['edgecolor']) # if kwfill.has_key('linewidth'): # for p in pp.collections: # p.set_linewidth(kwfill['linewidth'])
[docs] def plot_contour(self, zorder=None, alpha=1, clabel=None, linewidths=None, colors='k', shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs): """Plot contour lines :Params: - **contour_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contour`. - **zorder**, optional: Plot order. - **alpha**, optional: Opacity. - **linewidths**, optional: Contour linewidths. - **clabel**, optional: Add contour labels with :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.clabel`. If not specified, it is taken from config section ``[vacumm.misc.plot]`` and config option ``clabel``. - **clabel_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.clabel`.. - **contour_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contour`. :Tasks: #. Get the scalar data with :meth:`~Plot.get_data`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contour`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.clabel` """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Keywords if clabel is None: try: clabel = eval(get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'clabel')) except: clabel = eval(get_config_value('vacumm.misc.plot', 'clabel', user=False)) kw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'contour', defaults=dict(levels=self.levels)) kwcl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'clabel') kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwsh.update(kwfilter(kw, 'shadow_')) kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') kwgl.update(kwfilter(kw, 'glow_')) kwcmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cmap', copy=True) # kwcmap.update(kwfilter(kw, 'cmap_')) shadow = kw.get('shadow', shadow) glow = kw.get('glow', glow) dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') # Setup if kwargs.has_key('fmt'): kwcl['fmt'] = kwargs['fmt'] kwcl.setdefault('fmt', '%g') kw.setdefault('alpha', .5 if self.fill_method.startswith('pcolor') or self.fill_method.startswith('imshow') else alpha) kwcl.setdefault('alpha', alpha) if 'linewidth' in kw: linewidths = kw.pop('linewidth') if linewidths is None and 'linewidth' in kwargs: linewidths = kwargs.pop('linewidth') if linewidths is not None: kw.setdefault('linewidths', linewidths) if zorder is not None: kw.setdefault('zorder', zorder) # Colors if not 'cmap' in kw: cmap = None else: cmap = self.get_cmap(kw.get('cmap', None)) if colors is None and 'color' in kwargs: colors = kwargs.pop('color') colors = kw.get('colors', colors) if cmap is not None: colors = None else: cmap = self.get_cmap(**kwcmap) if colors is not None: cmap = None kw['cmap'] = cmap kw['colors'] = colors # Data data = self.get_data(scalar=True) # Contours cc = self._plotter.contour(self.x2d, self.y2d, data, **kw) self.set_obj('contour', cc) self.register_obj(cc, 'lines', **kwargs) if shadow: self.add_shadow(cc.collections, 'contour_shadow', **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(cc.collections, 'contour_glow', **kwgl) # Labels if len(cc.collections) and not kwcl.pop('hide', not clabel): kwcl.setdefault('zorder', cc.collections[0].get_zorder()) clshadow = kwcl.pop('shadow', shadow) kwclsh = kwfilter(kwcl, 'shadow') clglow = kwcl.pop('glow', glow) kwclgl = kwfilter(kwcl, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwclsh, kwclgl], 'anim') cl = self.axes.clabel(cc, **kwcl) self.set_obj('clabel', cl) self.register_obj(cl, 'text', **kwargs) for l in cl: l.set_alpha(kwcl['alpha']) l.set_zorder(kwcl['zorder']) if clshadow: self.add_shadow(cl, **kwclsh) if clglow: self.add_glow(cl, **kwclgl)
[docs] def plot_quiver(self, zorder=None, quiverkey=True, barbs=False, shadow=False, glow=False, quiver_cmap=None, quiver_vmin=None, quiver_vmax=None, quiver_samp=None, quiver_xsamp=None, quiver_ysamp=None, quiver_res=None, quiver_relres=None, quiver_xres=None, quiver_xrelres=None, quiver_yres=None, quiver_yrelres=None, quiver_res_scaler=None, quiver_nauto=None, **kwargs): """Plot arrows You can undersample arrows using direct undersampling (parameters with "samp") or undersampling based on resolution (using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.resol_mask`). Resolution undersampling may be in input (like degrees) or transformed (like meters) coordinates. Transformed coordinates are deduced from input coordinates using ``quiver_res_scaler``, which defaults to :attr:`xyscaler`. .. note:: Direct unsampling is incompatible with resolution undersampling: the former prevails against the latter. :Params: - **quiver_norm**,optional: Normalize/colorize arrows - ``0`` or ``None``: No normalization, no colorization (default) - ``1``: Normalization, no colorization. - ``2``: Normalization, colorization. - ``3``: No normalization, colorization. - **quiver_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. - **barbs**, optional: Plot wind barbs instead of arrows (see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.barbs`). - **zorder**, optional: Plot order. - **alpha**, optional: Opacity. - **shadow**, optional: Add shadow below arrows. - **glow**, optional: Add glow effect to arrows. - **quiverkey**, optional: Add key to scale arrows. - **quiverkey_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.QuiverKey.quiverkey`. - **cmap**, optional: Colormap to use when ``color="mod"`` (defaults to ``"magic"``). - **quiver_samp**, optional: Horizontal sampling of arrows (in both directions) [default: 1] - **quiver_x/ysamp**, optional: Sampling along X/Y [default: quiver_samp] - **quiver_res**, optional: Horizontal resolution of arrows (in both directions) for undersampling [default: None] If ``'auto'``, resolution is computed so as to have at max ``quiver_nauto`` arrow in along an axis. If it is a :class:`complex` type, its imaginary part set the ``quiver_nauto`` parameter and ``quiver_res`` is set to ``'auto'``. - **quiver_x/yres**, optional: Same along X/Y [default: quiver_res] - **quiver_relres**, optional: Relative resolution (in both directions). - If > 0, = ``mean(res)*relres``. - If < -1, = ``min(res)*abs(relres)``. - If < 0 and > -1, = ``max(res)*abs(relres)`` - **quiver_x/yrelres**, optional: Same along X/Y [default: quiver_relres] :Tasks: #. Get the scalar data with :meth:`~Plot.get_data`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.quiverkey` """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Get data if len(!=3: return x2d, y2d = self.x2d, self.y2d x2dr, y2dr = self.x2dr, self.y2dr mm, uu, vv = self.get_data(scalar=False) del mm mm =**2+vv**2) # Keywords kwqv = kwfilter(kwargs, 'quiver')#, defaults=dict(angles='uv')) kwqvkey = kwfilter(kwargs, 'quiverkey') if zorder is not None: kwqv['zorder'] = zorder # if kwqv.has_key('width') and kwqv['width'] > .01: # kwqv['width'] *= 0.001 shadow = kwqv.pop('shadow', shadow) glow = kwqv.pop('glow', glow) kwsh = kwfilter(kwqv, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwqv, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') kwcmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cmap', copy=True) if not self.get_scalar_mappable() else {} kwcmap.update(kwfilter(kwqv, 'cmap')) # Undersampling # - setup if quiver_samp is not None: if quiver_xsamp is None: quiver_xsamp = quiver_samp if quiver_ysamp is None: quiver_ysamp = quiver_samp if quiver_xsamp is not None: quiver_xres = quiver_xrelres = False if quiver_ysamp is not None: quiver_yres = quiver_yrelres = False # - indirect rmask = resol_mask((x2dr, y2dr), res=quiver_res, xres=quiver_xres, yres=quiver_yres, relres=quiver_relres, xrelres=quiver_xrelres, yrelres=quiver_yrelres, scaler = self.xyscaler, compact=True, nauto=quiver_nauto) # - apply if rmask is not False: uu = uu.copy() vv = vv.copy() mm = mm.copy() uu[rmask] = MV2.masked vv[rmask] = MV2.masked mm[rmask] = MV2.masked if quiver_xsamp or quiver_ysamp: xslice = slice(None, None, quiver_xsamp) yslice = slice(None, None, quiver_ysamp) x2d = x2d[yslice, xslice] y2d = y2d[yslice, xslice] uu = uu[yslice, xslice] vv = vv[yslice, xslice] mm = mm[yslice, xslice] # Norm quiver_norm = kwqv.pop('norm', None) if quiver_norm in [1, 2] : quiverkey = False good = mm!=0. uu =, uu/mm, uu) vv =, vv/mm, vv) del good qvargs = [x2d, y2d, uu, vv] if quiver_norm == 2: qvargs.append(mm) else: qvargs = [x2d, y2d, uu, vv] if quiver_norm == 3: qvargs.append(mm) if quiver_norm >=2: if quiver_cmap is None: quiver_cmap = self.get_cmap(**kwcmap) kwqv['cmap'] = quiver_cmap vmin = quiver_vmin if quiver_vmin is not None else self.vmin vmax = quiver_vmax if quiver_vmax is not None else self.vmax kwqv['norm'] = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) mask = if mask is not MV2.nomask: good = ~mask.ravel() qvargs = [N.compress(good, qa.ravel()) for qa in qvargs] ; del qa # Arrows if barbs: quiver_func = self._plotter.barbs quiverkey = False else: quiver_func = self._plotter.quiver angles = 'xy' if self.uvscaler is not None else 'uv' kwqv.setdefault('angles', angles) qv = quiver_func(*qvargs, **kwqv) if isinstance(qv, tuple): qv = list(qv) self.set_obj('quiver', qv) self.register_obj(qv, 'patches') if quiver_norm>=2 and self.get_scalar_mappable() is None: self.set_obj('scalar_mappable', qv) # Filters if shadow: self.add_shadow(qv, 'quiver_shadow', **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(qv, 'quiver_glow', **kwgl) # Quiver key if quiverkey: self.quiverkey(qv, **kwqvkey) return qv
[docs] def plot_streamplot(self, zorder=None, shadow=False, glow=False, streamplot_color=None, streamplot_linewidth=None, streamplot_lwmodmin=.5, streamplot_lwmodmax=3, streamplot_cmap=None, streamplot_norm=None, streamplot_vmin=None, streamplot_vmax=None, **kwargs): """Plot stream lines with :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot` :Params: - **streamplot_color**,optional: - ``None`` or `"default"`: Default colorization. - ``"modulus"``: Colorization as a function of the modulus. - Else, passed directly to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot` - **streamplot_linewidth**,optional: - ``None`` or ``"default"``: Default linewidth. - ``"modulus"``: Linewidth proportional to the modulus with a maximum linewidth of ``streamplot_lwmod``. - Else, passed directly to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot` - **streamplot_lwmodmin**, optional: Min linewidth used when ``streamplot_linewidth`` is set to ``"modulus"``. - **streamplot_lwmodmax**, optional: Max linewidth used when ``streamplot_linewidth`` is set to ``"modulus"``. - **streamplot_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot`. - **zorder**, optional: Plot order. - **alpha**, optional: Opacity. - **shadow**, optional: Add shadow below arrows. - **glow**, optional: Add glow effect to arrows. - **streamplotkey**, optional: Add key to scale arrows. - **cmap**, optional: Colormap to use when ``color="modulus"`` (defaults to ``"magic"``). :Tasks: #. Get the scalar data with :meth:`~Plot.get_data`. #. Calls :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot`. """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Get data if len(!=3: return x2d, y2d = self.x2d, self.y2d mm, uu, vv = self.get_data(scalar=False) del mm mm =**2+vv**2) # Keywords kwsp = kwfilter(kwargs, 'streamplot')#, defaults=dict(angles='uv')) if zorder is not None: kwsp['zorder'] = zorder if kwsp.has_key('width') and kwsp['width'] > .01: kwsp['width'] *= 0.001 shadow = kwsp.pop('shadow', shadow) glow = kwsp.pop('glow', glow) kwsh = kwfilter(kwsp, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwsp, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') kwcmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'cmap', copy=True) if not self.get_scalar_mappable() else {} kwcmap.update(kwfilter(kwsp, 'cmap')) # Color vmax = streamplot_vmax if streamplot_vmax is not None else self.vmax vmin = streamplot_vmin if streamplot_vmin is not None else self.vmin if streamplot_color in [None, 'default']: streamplot_color = None elif streamplot_color=='modulus': streamplot_color = mm if streamplot_cmap is None: streamplot_cmap = self.get_cmap(**kwcmap) kwsp['cmap'] = streamplot_cmap if streamplot_norm is None: streamplot_norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) kwsp['norm'] = streamplot_norm kwsp['color'] = streamplot_color # Linewidth streamplot_linewidth = kwsp.pop('lw', streamplot_linewidth) streamplot_lwmodmax = kwsp.pop('lwmod', streamplot_lwmodmax) if streamplot_linewidth in [None, 'default']: streamplot_linewidth = None elif streamplot_linewidth=='modulus': streamplot_linewidth = (streamplot_lwmodmin+ (streamplot_lwmodmax-streamplot_lwmodmin)*(mm-vmin)/(vmax-vmin)) kwsp['linewidth'] = streamplot_linewidth # Lines sp = self._plotter.streamplot(x2d, y2d, uu, vv, **kwsp) self.set_obj('streamplot', sp) self.register_obj(sp.arrows, 'patches') self.register_obj(sp.lines, 'lines') if isinstance(streamplot_color, N.ndarray) and self.get_scalar_mappable() is None: sp.arrows.set_array(streamplot_color) sp.arrows.set_clim(vmin, vmax) sp.arrows.set_norm(kwsp['norm']) sp.arrows.set_cmap(kwsp['cmap']) self.set_obj('scalar_mappable', sp.arrows) return sp
[docs] def plot(self, levels=None, contour=True, anomaly=False, streamplot=False, **kwargs): """Plot filled and/or contoured content :Params: - **levels**, optional: Levels for contouring and/or colormap. - **levels_<param>**, optional: Passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable.get_levels` to tune levels. - **contour**, optional: Plot line contours. - **streamplot**, optional: Plot stream lines instead of arrows. - Other arguments are passed to :meth:`plot_fill` and :meth:`plot_contour`. :Tasks: #. Get :attr:`~ScalarMappable.levels`. #. Calls :meth:`plot_fill`. #. Calls :meth:`plot_contour`. #. Calls :meth:`plot_quiver` or :meth:`plot_streamplot`. """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Get levels kwlevels = kwfilter(kwargs, 'levels', defaults=dict(anomaly=anomaly)) if levels is not None: self.levels = levels levels = self.get_levels(**kwlevels) # Plotter if self._plotter is None: self._plotter = self.axes # Fill self.plot_fill(**kwargs) # Contours if contour: self.plot_contour(**kwargs) # Quiver or stream lines if not streamplot: self.plot_quiver(**kwargs) else: self.plot_streamplot(**kwargs)
[docs] def add_grid(self, **kwargs): """Add the coordinates as a grid with centers and corners See :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_grid` for parameters. """ from .plot import add_grid kwargs.update(xcorners=self.x2db, ycorners=self.y2db) return self.register_obj(add_grid((self.x2d, self.y2d), **kwargs), 'grid')
[docs]class Hov(Plot2D): _order = ['zT', 'Tx', 'yT', 'T-', '-T']
[docs]class Section(Plot2D): _order = ['Zx', 'Zy']
[docs]class Map(Plot2D): """This class is used for plotting a map with or without data It uses a :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance, stored in attribute :attr:`map`. Some other attributes: :attr:`lon`, :attr:`lat`, :attr:`map_update`. .. attribute:: map A :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` initialized in :meth:`pre_plot`. """ _order = 'YX' map = None def _set_axes_(self, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, xatts=None, yatts=None, **kwargs): Plot2D._set_axes_(self, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, xatts=xatts, yatts=yatts, **kwargs) if self.has_data(): if xaxis is not None: for var in var.getAxis(1).designateLongitude() if yaxis is not None: for var in var.getAxis(0).designateLatitude() _set_axes_.__doc__ = Plot2D._set_axes_.__doc__
[docs] def format_axes(self, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def mapproj(self, x, y, inverse=False): """Convert from degrees to meters (or inverse) It uses attribute :attr:`map` if set to a :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance with a projection different from "cyl". If no valid projection is found, et uses functions :func:`~vacumm.misc.phys.units.deg2m` and :func:`~vacumm.misc.phys.units.m2deg`. :Params: - **x/y**: Coordinates in degrees or meters - **inverse**, optional: Reverse projection (meters->degrees) - **current**, optional: If True, """ if getattr(self, 'map', None) is None or'cyl': if inverse: return m2deg(x, y), m2deg(x) return deg2m(x, y), deg2m(x) return, y, inverse=inverse)
[docs] def get_xyscaler(self): """Get :attr:`xyscaler`""" xyscaler = Plot2D.get_xyscaler(self) if xyscaler is None: if getattr(self, 'map', None) is None: return lambda x,y,inverse=True: x,y return return xyscaler
xyscaler = property(get_xyscaler, Plot2D.set_xyscaler, Plot2D.del_xyscaler, Plot2D.xyscaler.__doc__)
[docs] def get_uvscaler(self, guess=False): """Get :attr:`uvscaler`""" uvscaler = self.get_obj('uvscaler') if uvscaler is not None: return uvscaler if guess: return Plot.get_uvscaler(self, guess=True) uvscaler = self.uvscaler = lambda u, v:, v, self.x.getValue(), self.y.getValue(), returnxy=False) return uvscaler
uvscaler = property(get_uvscaler, Plot.set_uvscaler, Plot.del_uvscaler, Plot.uvscaler.__doc__)
[docs] def load_data(self, data=None, lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): """Data loading It performs the following tasks: #. Call to the generic :meth:`Plot2D.load_data` method. #. Set attributes :attr:`lon` :attr:`lat`. :Params: - **data**, optional: See :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot2D.load_data`. - **lon**, optional: Longitude interval. - **lat**, optional: Latitude interval. .. attribute:: lon Longitudes as a two-elements tuple or and array. .. attribute:: lat Latitudes as a two-elements tuple or and array. """ # Default bounds default_lon = N.array([-180., 180.]) default_lat = N.array([-90., 90.]) if lon is not None: lon = N.asarray(lon) if lat is not None: lat = N.asarray(lat) # Get some keys self.lon = lon = lat self.order = 'yx' # Minimal setup if data is None: if 'xaxis' not in kwargs: kwargs['xaxis'] = lon if lon is not None else default_lon if 'yaxis' not in kwargs: kwargs['yaxis'] = lat if lat is not None else default_lat # Basic load Plot2D.load_data(self, data, **kwargs) # Longitudes and latitudes if not self.has_data(): if self.lon is None: self.lon = default_lon if is None: = default_lat else: # masked = False if self.masked else None self.lon = self.get_xdata(masked=True) if self.lon is None else self.lon = self.get_ydata(masked=True) if is None else
[docs] def pre_plot(self, map=None, projection='cyl', resolution='auto', epsg=None, overlay=False, fullscreen=False, map_update=None, lon_min=None, lon_max=None, lat_min=None, lat_max=None, lon_center=None, lat_center=None, lat_ts=None, nocache=False, cache_dir=None, zoom=None, **kwargs): """Plot initialisation. :Tasks: #. Call to the generic :meth:`Plot.pre_plot` method. #. Setup a :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance and store it in :attr:`map`. #. Project :attr:`~Plot2D.x2d`, :attr:`~Plot2D.y2d`, :attr:`~Plot2D.x2db` and :attr:`~Plot2D.y2db` using :attr:`map`. :Generic params: See :meth:`Plot.pre_plot`. :Special params: - **projection**: Map projection, like "merc". See :mod:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` for a list of possible projections. - **resolution**: GSHHS resolution of shoreline or 's' for Histolitt (SHOM). - ``"c"``: Crude. - ``"l"``: Low. - ``"i"``: Intermediate. - ``"h"``: High. - ``"f"``: Full. - ``"s"``: Histolittfor the french coast (from a shapefile file automatically downloaded once the license is accepted). - **nocache**: Management of cached maps. .. only:: html and epub - ``0``: Read and write cached maps. - ``1``: Only write cached maps. - ``2``: Caching is disabled. .. only:: latex ``0``: read and write cached maps.; ``1``: Only write cached maps; ``2``: Caching is disabled. - **map_update**: Force the update of the map latter by :meth:`post_plot`, setting :attr:`map_update`. - **zoom**: Zoom on map bounds before creating it. .. attribute:: map_update An attribute to know if current map must be updated by :meth:`post_plot`. It is also a parameter to method. """ # Aliases = kwargs.pop('m', map) # Common init Plot.pre_plot(self, **kwargs) # Check if map exists if isinstance(, Plot): = getattr(, 'map', None) if is None and self.get_axobj('map'): = self.get_axobj('map') if is not None: if is not self.axes: = self.axes map_update = 2 elif map_update is None: map_update = 0 if map_update is not None: self.map_update = int(map_update) else: self.map_update = 2 # Create the map if is None: kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'basemap') kwmap.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'map_')) lon = self.lon if self.xmasked else lat = if self.ymasked else if lon_min is None: lon_min = lon.min() if lon_max is None: lon_max = lon.max() if lat_min is None: lat_min = lat.min() if lat_max is None: lat_max = lat.max() projection = kwargs.pop('proj', projection) from vacumm.misc.grid.basemap import create_map resolution = kwargs.pop('res', resolution) = create_map(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, projection=projection, resolution=resolution, overlay=overlay, fullscreen=fullscreen, lon_center=lon_center, lat_center=lat_center, lat_ts=lat_ts, epsg=epsg, nocache=nocache, cache_dir=cache_dir, zoom=zoom, ax=self.axes, **kwmap) # Projection of coordinates if self.has_data(): self.x2d, self.y2d = self.xyscaler(self.x2d, self.y2d) self.x2db, self.y2db = self.xyscaler(self.x2db, self.y2db) if not hasattr(, 'res'): = self.set_axobj('map', #self._plotter = self._plotter = self.axes
def _check_map_(self): if is None: raise PlotError('Map still no set') def __call__(self, lon, lat, inverse=False): """Convert coordinates with a geographic projection using the current :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance (:attr:`map`). See :meth:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.__call__` """ self._check_map_() return, lat, inverse=inverse)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Main plot It performs the following tasks: #. Call to generic :meth:`~Plot2D.plot` method. """ # Generic 2D plot Plot2D.plot(self, **kwargs) # Update map limits
[docs] def plot_quiver(self, quiver_res_scaler=None, quiver_angles='uv', **kwargs): if quiver_res_scaler is None: quiver_res_scaler = self.mapproj return Plot2D.plot_quiver(self, quiver_res_scaler=quiver_res_scaler, **kwargs)
plot_quiver.__doc__ = Plot2D.plot_quiver.__doc__
[docs] def add_lowhighs(self, size=40, weight='normal', lowtext='L', hightext='H', shadow=False, glow=False, smooth=False, va='center', ha='center', **kwargs): """Mark position of mins and maxs using letters. It is typically used for adding L and H to depressions and anticyclones. """ if not self.has_valid_data(): return # Data data = self.get_data(scalar=True) if data.shape[0]<=2 or data.shape[1]<=2: return # Smooth if smooth: data[:] = generic2d(data, smooth) # Gradients ndata = data.filled() dx = N.sign(N.diff(data[1:-1], axis=1)) dy = N.sign(N.diff(data[:, 1:-1], axis=0)) # High and low fields lows = dx[:, :-1]<0 lows &= dx[:, 1:]>0 lows &= dy[:-1]<0 lows &= dy[1:]>0 highs = dx[:, :-1]>0 highs &= dx[:, 1:]<0 highs &= dy[:-1]>0 highs &= dy[1:]<0 # Masking if self.mask.any(): mask = self.mask[:-1] | self.mask[1:] mask |= self.mask[:, -1] | self.mask[:, 1:] for hl in lows, highs: var[mask] = False # Positions xlows = self.x2d[1:-1, 1:-1][lows] ylows = self.y2d[1:-1, 1:-1][lows] xhighs = self.x2d[1:-1, 1:-1][highs] yhighs = self.y2d[1:-1, 1:-1][highs] # Plot text kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') dict_copy_items(kwargs, [kwsh, kwgl], 'anim') for key in 'size', 'va', 'ha', 'weight': kwargs.setdefault(key, eval(key)) tts = [] for (xx, yy), text in (((xlows, ylows), lowtext), ((xhighs, yhighs), hightext)): for x, y in zip(xx, yy): tt = self.register_obj(self.axes.text(x, y, text, **kwargs), 'lowhighs', **kwargs) tts.append(tt) if shadow: self.add_shadow(tt, 'lowhighs_shadow', **kwsh) if glow: self.add_glow(tt, 'lowhighs_glow', **kwgl) del xlows, ylows, xhighs, yhighs return tts
[docs] def add_arcgisimage(self, service, **kwargs): """Add an Arcgis image Available service aliases (see :attr:`ARCGISIMAGE_ALIASES`): {} """ # Alias if not service: return if service is True: service = "esriimagery" if isinstance(service, basestring): service = ARCGISIMAGE_ALIASES.get(service, service) # Pixels axext = self.axes.bbox.extents fact = 1. xpixels = (axext[2]-axext[0])*fact # ypixels = (axext[3]-axext[1])*fact dpi = self.fig.dpi # Call the basemap method dict_check_defaults(kwargs, service=service, xpixels=xpixels, # ypixels=ypixels, dpi=dpi) try: return**kwargs) except Exception, e: warn('Error when plotting arcgisimage: {}.\nMessage: {}'.format( service, e.message))
add_arcgisimage.__doc__.format(', '.join(ARCGISIMAGE_ALIASES.keys())) def _get_posposref_(self, pos=None, posref=None, xrel=0.1, yrel=0.1, transform='axes', xpad=30, ypad=None): """Get position of point and reference points in data coordinates (meters) :Params: - **pos**: Position in data (lon, lat), axes or figure coordinates for placement. - **posref**: Position in data (lon, lat) coordinates of reference point. - **x/yrel**: Default placement position relative to longitude and latitude ranges. - **transform**: Coordinates transform for ``pos`` which defaults to "data". Use a valid transform, or "data", "axes" or "figure". - **x/ypad**: Padding if dots for placement when given as a string like "upper left". Return: ``(x,y),(xref,yref)`` in meters """ # Placement point offset = None if xrel<0: xrel += 1 if yrel<0: yrel += 1 if pos is None: lonmin = lonmax = latmin = latmax = dlon = lonmax-lonmin dlat = latmax-latmin lon0 = lonmin+xrel*dlon lat0 = latmin+yrel*dlat pos = tuple(self(lon0, lat0)) else: if pos in _locations: if xpad is not False and ypad is not False: offset = loc2offset(pos, xpad=xpad, ypad=ypad, margin=0.01) pos = loc2tuple(pos, xpad=0, ypad=0) else: pos = loc2tuple(pos, xpad=xrel, ypad=yrel) transform = self.axes.transAxes else: transform = self._transform_(transform) if transform is self.axes.transAxes or transform is self.fig.transFigure: pos = tuple((transform-self.axes.transData).transform_point(pos)) else: pos = tuple(self(*pos)) # Reference point if posref is None: posref = pos else: posref = self(*posref) return pos, posref, offset
[docs] def add_mapscale(self, pos='lower left', scale=None, posref=None, barstyle='simple', transform=None, xrel=0.1, yrel=0.1, getpos=False, posonly=False, shadow=False, zorder=10, **kwargs): """Add a map scale using :meth:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawmapscale` :Params: - **pos**, optional: ``(lon,lat)`` where to draw it. - **posref**, optional: ``(lon,lat)`` of reference position where the scale is estimated. - **scale**, optional: Length of the scale in projection coordinates (m). - **barstyle**, optional: Bar style: 'simple' or 'fancy'. - **transform**, optional: Coordinates transform for ``pos`` which defaults to "data". Use a valid transform, or "data", "axes" or "figure". - **x/yrel**, optional: Default placement position relative to longitude and latitude ranges. - **x/ypad**, optional: Padding if dots for placement when given as a string like "upper left". - **shadow**, optional: Add a shadow. - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_shadow`. - Othe keywords are passed to :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawmapscale`. :Example: >>> mymap.add_mapscale((.2,.2), transform='axes') >>> mymap.add_mapscale('upper right', posref=(-2,45), fontsize=10) """ if is None: return kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow_') # Positions pos, posref, offset = self._get_posposref_(pos, posref, transform=transform, xrel=xrel if xrel<.5 else (1-xrel), yrel=yrel if yrel<.5 else (1-yrel), xpad=False) pos = self(pos[0], pos[1], inverse=True) if getpos and posonly: return pos posref = self(posref[0], posref[1], inverse=True) # Scale if scale is None: scales = basic_auto_scale(,, nmax=10) scale = (scales[1]-scales[0])*0.001 # Draw it kwargs['barstyle'] = barstyle ms =[0], pos[1], posref[0], posref[1], scale, **kwargs) self.add_obj('mapscale', ms) # Finalize for o in ms: o.set_clip_on(False) o.set_zorder(zorder) if shadow: self.add_shadow(o, **kwsh) if getpos: return ms, pos return ms
[docs] def add_compass(self, pos='lower right', size=40, posref=None, style='simple', transform=None, xpad=None, ypad=None, xrel=0.9, yrel=0.9, getpos=False, shadow=False, zorder=10, **kwargs): """Add a compass to the map using :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_compass` See :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_compass` all options. :Params: - **pos**, optional: ``(lon,lat)`` where to draw it. - **size**, optional: Size in pixels. - **posref**, optional: ``(lon,lat)`` of reference position where the north is estimated. - **style**, optional: Compas style: 'simple' or 'fancy'. - **transform**: Coordinates transform for ``pos`` which defaults to "data". Use a valid transform, or "data", "axes" or "figure". - **x/yrel**: Default placement position relative to longitude and latitude ranges. - **x/ypad**: Padding in dots for placement when given as a string like "upper left". - **shadow**, optional: Add a shadow. - **shadow_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_shadow`. - Othe keywords are passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.add_compass`. :Example: >>> map2(data, compass=True) >>> mymap.add_compass((-4,45), 40, facecolor1='r', text_weight='bold') >>> mymap.add_compass(pos="upper right", style="fancy", xpad=100) """ if is None: return kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow_') # Transform transform = self._transform_(transform, 'axes') # Positions if xpad is None: xpad = int(size/2)+20 pos, posref, poffset = self._get_posposref_(pos, posref, transform=transform, xrel=xrel, yrel=yrel, xpad=xpad, ypad=ypad) # Departure angle from 90 for north pr = self(posref[0], posref[1], inverse=True) uo, vo =[0]),N.array([1.]), N.array(pr[:1]),N.array(pr[1:])) angle = N.degrees(N.arctan2(vo[0], uo[0]))-90. # Draw it x, y = pos kwargs['posref'] = posref dict_check_defaults(kwargs, offset=poffset, text_zorder=zorder) kwfont = kwfilter(kwargs, 'font', short=True) if 'size' in kwfont: kwargs['text_size'] = kwfont['size'] if 'color' in kwfont: kwargs['text_color'] = kwfont['color'] cp = add_compass(x, y, size=size, ax=self.axes, angle=angle, anglemode='data', transform=self.axes.transData, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) self.add_obj('compass', cp) # Finalize if shadow: for o in cp[0]+cp[1]: self.add_shadow(o, **kwsh) if getpos: return cp, pos return cp
[docs] def add_mscp(self, pos=None, posref=None, compass_size=40, transform=None, shadow=False, color='k', zorder=10, **kwargs): """Plot a mapscale and a compass above :Params: - **pos**: Position of the mapscale (see :meth:`add_mapscale`). The compass is drawn just above. - **posref**, optional: Position of reference point for both mapscale and compass. - **mapscale_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_mapscale`. - **scompass_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_compass`. Example: >>> map2(data, mscp=True, mscp_pos=(-2, 48)) >>> mymap.add_mscp('lower left') >>> mymap.add_mscp((-4,45), mapscale_scale=100, mapscale_barstyle='fancy', compass_size=50, compass_style='simple') >>> mymap.add_mscp((.9,.1), transform='axes') """ kwms = kwfilter(kwargs, 'mapscale') kwms['transform'] = transform kwcp = kwfilter(kwargs, 'compass') dict_check_defaults(kwcp, facecolor1=color, edgecolor=color, text_color=color, zorder=zorder) dict_check_defaults(kwms, fontcolor=color, fillcolor2=color, zorder=zorder) msoffset = kwms.get('offset', 0.02*( cptextpad = kwcp.get('text_pad', 5) cpoffset = (0, int(compass_size)/2) # Mapscale position at top if pos in _locations and 'top' in loc2align(pos)['va']: pos = self.add_mapscale(pos=pos, posref=posref, getpos=True, posonly=True, **kwms) mpos = self(*pos) ppos = self.axes.transData.transform_point(mpos) mpos = self.axes.transData.inverted().transform_point( (ppos[0], ppos[1]-cpoffset[1]-cptextpad*2)) pos = self(mpos[0], mpos[1]-3*msoffset, inverse=True) del kwms['transform'] # Mapscale kwms.setdefault('pos', pos) ms, pos = self.add_mapscale(posref=posref, getpos=True, **kwms) # Compass above mapscale pos = self(*pos) pos = self(pos[0], pos[1]+msoffset*3, inverse=True) kwcp.update(transform = 'data', offset=cpoffset) kwcp.setdefault('pos', pos) cp = self.add_compass(posref=posref, size=compass_size, **kwcp) return ms+list(cp)
[docs] def post_plot(self, drawrivers=False, fillcontinents=True, meridional_labels=True, zonal_labels=True, drawcoastlines=True, drawmapboundary=True, meridians=None, parallels=None, land_color=None, ticklabel_size=None, refine=0, no_seconds=False, fullscreen=False, minutes=True, mapscale=False, compass=False, mscp=False, bfdeg=None, lowhighs=False, arcgisimage=None, **kwargs): """Post-processing of the plot :Tasks: #. Update the map if attribute :attr:`map_update` is True: #) Treat continents if attribute :attr:`map_update` = 2 and attribute :attr:`map` has a coastline resolution not ``None``: draw coastlines, fill continents and draw rivers. #) Draw parallels and associated labels. #. Call to generic post processing of 2D plots (:meth:`Plot2D.post_plot`). :Params: - **drawrivers**: Draw rivers on the map using method :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawrivers`. - **drawrivers_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the method. - **fillcontinents**: Fill continents with color ``land_color`` using method :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.fillcontinents`. - **land_color**: Fill color. - **fillcontinents_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the method. - **drawparallels**: Display or hide parallels and associated labels using method :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawparallels`. - **drawparallels_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the method. - **drawparallels_fmt**: Default to :class:`MinuteLabel`. - **drawparallels_gs_<param>**: Passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.geo_scale`. - **parallels**: Parallels to plot. - **drawmeridians**: Display or hide medidians and associated labels using method :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawmeridians`. - **drawmeridians_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the method. - **drawmeridians_fmt**: Default to :class:`MinuteLabel`. - **drawmeridians_gs_<param>**: Passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.geo_scale`. - **meridians**: Meridians to plot. - **meridional/zonal_labels**: Display or hide meridional/zonal labels. ``meridional/zonal_labels=False`` is equivalent to ``y/xhide=True``. - **no_seconds**: Do not display seconds in labels (if applicable). - **minutes**: Do not use decimal degrees for labels (if applicable). - **bfdeg**: Degrees are in bold (latex text only, if applicable). - **x/y/ticklabels_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawmeridians` and :meth:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.drawparallels` to change text properties. - **fullscreen**: Full screen mode -> no colorbar and no labels. - **mapscale**: Add a map scale using :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_mapscale`. - **mapscale_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_mapscale` method. - **compass**: Add a compass using :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_compass`. - **compass_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_compass` method. - **mscp**: Add a mapscale AND a compass using :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_mscp`. - **mscp_<param>**: Pass ``<param>`` to the :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.add_mscp` method. """ if self.map_update: # Full screen if fullscreen: kwargs.setdefault('colorbar', False) default_drawparallels = default_drawmeridians = False else: default_drawparallels = default_drawmeridians = True drawparallels = kwargs.pop('drawparallels', default_drawparallels) drawmeridians = kwargs.pop('drawmeridians', default_drawmeridians) # Map boundaries if drawmapboundary and not self.is3d: try: self.set_axobj('drawmapboundary',**kwfilter(kwargs,'drawmapboundary'))) except: print 'Problem with Basemap.drawmapboundary' # Continents if is not None and self.map_update>=2: if land_color is None: land_color = land kwdrawcoastlines = kwfilter(kwargs, 'drawcoastlines_') kwdrawcoastlines.setdefault('linewidth', 0.2) kwfillcontinents = kwfilter(kwargs, 'fillcontinents_', defaults={'color':land_color}) if is not None:# GSHHS # Draw coastlines if drawcoastlines and not self.get_axobj('drawcoastlines'): o =**kwdrawcoastlines) self.set_axobj('drawcoastlines', o) if self.is3d: self.axes.add_collection3d(o) # Fill continents fcsh = kwfillcontinents.pop('shadow', False) kwfcsh = kwfilter(kwfillcontinents, 'shadow_') if fillcontinents and not self.get_axobj('fillcontinents'): if not self.is3d: try: self.set_axobj('fillcontinents',**kwfillcontinents)) except: pass if self.get_axobj('fillcontinents') is not None and fcsh: add_shadow(self.get_axobj('fillcontinents'), **kwfcsh) else: polys = [] for polygon in polys.append(polygon.get_coords()) kwfillcontinents['facecolor'] = kwfillcontinents.pop('color') kwfillcontinents.pop('lake_color', None) lc = PolyCollection(polys, linewidth=0, closed=False, **kwfillcontinents) del polys self.axes.add_collection3d(lc) # Draw rivers if drawrivers and not self.get_axobj('drawrivers'): o =**kwfilter(kwargs,'drawrivers')) self.set_axobj('drawrivers', o) if self.is3d: self.axes.add_collection3d(o) #elif m.res == 's': # SHOM else: from io import Shapes if's': from vacumm.bathy.shorelines import Histolitt shoreline = Histolitt(, proj=True) else: shoreline = if isinstance(shoreline, Shapes): try: kwshoreline = {} if not drawcoastlines: kwshoreline['linewidth'] = 0 else: kwshoreline.update(kwdrawcoastlines) if not fillcontinents: kwshoreline['fill'] = False else: kwshoreline['fillcolor'] = kwfillcontinents.pop('color') kwshoreline.update(kwfillcontinents) kwshoreline.update(show = False, axes=self.axes) shoreline.plot(**kwshoreline) except Exception, e: import traceback print '*** Error in shaprefile shoreline' print traceback.format_exc() # Tick labels and lines kwpm_def = dict(linewidth=0.5) kwpm_def.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'ticklabels_')) if ticklabel_size is not None: kwpm_def.update(fontsize=ticklabel_size) kwp = kwpm_def.copy() ; kwm = kwpm_def.copy() if kwargs.get('grid', True) is False: kwp['linewidth'] = kwm['linewidth'] = 0 # - parallels if drawparallels: if self._xyhide_('y', kwargs.get('yhide', False)) or self.is3d: meridional_labels = 0 kwp.setdefault('labels', [int(meridional_labels),0,0,0]) # kwp.update(kwpm_def) kwp.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'yticklabels_')) kwp = kwfilter(kwargs,'drawparallels',defaults=kwp) kwgs = kwfilter(kwp,'gs', defaults={'vmin', 'vmax', 'minutes':minutes}) if parallels is None: parallels = geo_scale(**kwgs) parallels = filter(lambda _: _>= and _<=, parallels) if minutes: kwp.setdefault('fmt', MinuteLabel(parallels, zonal=False, tex=None, no_seconds=no_seconds, bfdeg=bfdeg)) # self.set_axobj('drawparallels',,**kwp)) self.parallels = parallels else: self.parallels = None # - meridians if drawmeridians: if self._xyhide_('x', kwargs.get('xhide', False)) or self.is3d: zonal_labels = 0 kwm.setdefault('labels', [0,0,0,int(zonal_labels)]) # kwm.update(kwpm_def) kwm.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'xticklabels_')) kwm = kwfilter(kwargs,'drawmeridians',defaults=kwm) kwgs = kwfilter(kwm,'gs', defaults={'vmin', 'vmax', 'minutes':minutes}) if meridians is None: meridians = geo_scale(**kwgs) if (meridians[-1]-meridians[0])>=360.: # to prevent overlaping meridians = meridians[meridians<meridians[0]+360.] crnlon =, meridians = filter(lambda _: _>= and _<=, meridians) if minutes: kwm.setdefault('fmt', MinuteLabel(meridians, zonal=True, tex=None, no_seconds=no_seconds, bfdeg=bfdeg)) self.meridians = meridians else: self.meridians = None if self.is3d: def addto3d(what, fmt='%g', labstyle=None, **kwargs): """Handle lines ans labels for 3D plots""" coords = [] for value, par in self.get_axobj(what).items(): for line in par[0]: xy = line.get_xydata() coords.append(xy) x = xy[0, 0] y = xy[0, 1] if what=='drawmeridians': lab = _setlatlab(fmt, value, labstyle) zdir = 'y' ha = 'left' else: lab = _setlonlab(fmt, value, labstyle) zdir = 'x' ha = 'right' self.axes.text(x, y, 0, lab, ha=ha, va='center', zdir=zdir) if coords: self.axes.add_collection3d(LineCollection(coords, linewidths=[line.get_linewidth()], linestyles=[line.get_linestyle()], colors=[line.get_color()], )) # - bfdeg (bold face degrees) homogeneisation if minutes: if (drawparallels and isinstance(kwp['fmt'], MinuteLabel) and drawmeridians and isinstance(kwm['fmt'], MinuteLabel) and bfdeg is None and (kwp['fmt'].kwargs['bfdeg'] or kwm['fmt'].kwargs['bfdeg'])): kwp['fmt'].kwargs['bfdeg'] = kwm['fmt'].kwargs['bfdeg'] = True # - draw if drawparallels: self.set_axobj('drawparallels',,**kwp)) if self.is3d: addto3d('drawparallels', **kwp) if drawmeridians: # Draw lonlabs = self.set_axobj('drawmeridians',,**kwm)) if self.is3d: addto3d('drawmeridians', **kwm) # Remove duplicated labels llfound = [] for ll in lonlabs.keys()[:]: llm = ll%360. istart = 1-int(llm in llfound) for lab in lonlabs[ll][1][1:]: lab.set_visible(False) llfound.append(llm) # Plot lows and highs lowhighs = kwargs.pop('lowhigh', lowhighs) if lowhighs: self.add_lowhighs(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'lowhighs')) # Plot arcgis image arcgisimage = kwargs.pop('arcgisimage', arcgisimage) if arcgisimage: self.add_arcgisimage(arcgisimage, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'arcgisimage')) # Map scale and compass if mscp: kw = kwfilter(kwargs, 'mscp') kw.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'mapscale_', keep=True)) kw.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'compass_', keep=True)) self.add_mscp(**kw) else: # Map scale if mapscale: self.add_mapscale(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'mapscale_')) # Compass if compass: self.add_compass(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'compass_')) if fullscreen: self.axes.set_frame_on(False) # Basic Plot2D.post_plot(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_best_loc(self, onland=True, **kwargs): """Best location on the plot for an object according to land/sea mask""" return best_loc_map(self, onland=onland, **kwargs)
############################################################ ## Utilities def get_axis_scale(axis, type=None): """Get an axis scale relative standard units It searches for the units of the axis, and guess conversion factor. :Params: - **axis**: A :mod:`cdms2` axis. - **type**, optional: Its type. If ``None`` it is guessed. See :func:`~vacumm.misc.axes.axis_type`. :Return: A scalar which defaults to ``1.`` """ if type is None: type = axis_type(axis).lower() units = getattr(axis, 'units', '') if type=='-' or not units: return 1. if type in ['x', 'y']: units #NOT FINISHED
[docs]def get_quiverkey_value(data, mode=80): """Get a decent value for a quiver key""" # Scalar if N.isscalar(data): return data # From components if isinstance(data, tuple): data =[0]**2+data[1]**2) # Reference value if mode=='max': vref = elif mode=='mean': vref = else: if mode=='median': mode = .5 elif not isinstance(mode, (int, float)): raise PlotError('Unkown quiverkey value mode: {}'.format(mode)) vref = N.percentile(data, mode) del data # Quiverkey value v10 = if ((v10+1) % 1) > (N.log10(.5) % 1): v10 = else: v10 = return 10.**v10
############################################################ ## Locators ############################################################
[docs]class AutoDateLocator2(AutoDateLocator): """A clever :class:`matplotlib.dates.AutoDateLocator`""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): noweek = kwargs.pop('noweek', 2) try: AutoDateLocator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) except: kwargs.pop('maxticks', None) AutoDateLocator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._oldlocator = None self._oldlims = None if noweek: self.intervald[DAILY] = [1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21][:2+int(noweek)] self.minticks = 3
[docs] def get_locator(self, *args, **kwargs): # Check cache if self._oldlocator is not None and \ self._oldlims == self.axis.get_view_interval().tolist()+self.axis.get_data_interval().tolist(): return self._oldlocator # Get normal locator locator = AutoDateLocator.get_locator(self, *args, **kwargs) # Rectifications try: # sampling interval sampling = locator.rule._rrule._interval except: sampling = locator.base._base update = False if self._freq == DAILY and sampling%7 == 0: # Fix daily/7 to weekly/monday locator (start on monday) locator.rule.set(byweekday=MO) locator.rule.set(interval=1) update = True elif self._freq == HOURLY and sampling > 1: # Fix hourly locator to start at midnight good = [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12] sampling = good[min(N.searchsorted(good, sampling), len(good)-1)] for i in xrange(sampling): try: locator.rule.set(byhour=range(i, 24, sampling)) except: pass locator.rule.set(interval=1) update = True if update: locator.set_axis(self.axis) locator.set_view_interval(*self.axis.get_view_interval()) locator.set_data_interval(*self.axis.get_data_interval()) self._oldlocator = locator self._oldlims = self.axis.get_view_interval().tolist()+self.axis.get_data_interval().tolist() return locator
[docs]class AutoDateMinorLocator(AutoDateLocator2): """An extension to the :class:`AutoDateLocator2` for minor locators""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('minticks', 3) kwargs.setdefault('maxticks', 11) AutoDateLocator2.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def viewlim_to_dt(self): major_ticks = self.axis.get_majorticklocs()[:2] return num2date(major_ticks[0],, num2date(major_ticks[-1],
[docs] def datalim_to_dt(self): return self.get_view_interval()
############################################################ ## Formatters ############################################################
[docs]class AutoDateFormatter2(AutoDateFormatter): scaled = { 365.0 : '%Y', 30. : '%b %Y', 1.0 : '%d %b', 1./24. : '%Hh', 1./(60*24.) : '%Hh%M', 1./(60*24.*60) : "%M'%Ss''", } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): AutoDateFormatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.scaled = AutoDateFormatter2.scaled
[docs]class DualDateFormatter(DateFormatter): """Special formatter for dates Example: ['00h 01/10/2000' '02h' .... '23h' '00h 01/10/2000'] to mark days and keep hours. Here the 'phase' is 0 (00h) and the level is 3 (='day'). .. todo:: DualDateFormatter: verify if dual_fmt is really used """ def __init__(self, level, fmt=None, dual_fmt=None, phase=None, locator=None, **kwargs): # Which level? slevels = ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'] if not isNumberType(level): level = level.strip().lower() if level.endswith('s'): level = level[:-1] if level not in slevels: level = -1 else: level = slevels.index(level) self.level = level self.locator = locator # Autoformat best_phases = None if self.level == 0: # Year if fmt is None: fmt = '%b' if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt+'%n%Y' elif self.level == 1: # Month if fmt is None: fmt = '%e' if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt+'%n%b %Y' bast_phases = [0, 15] elif self.level == 2: # Week if fmt is None: fmt = '%a' if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt+'%n%d/%m/%Y' # BAD PHASE FOR WEEKS! should be monday self.level = 2 elif self.level == 3: # Day if fmt is None: fmt = '%Hh' if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt+'%n%d/%m/%Y' self.level -=1 best_phases = [0, 12] elif self.level == 4: # Hour if fmt is None: fmt = "%M'" if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = '%Hh' self.level -= 1 best_phases = [0, 30] elif self.level == 5: # Minute if fmt is None: fmt = "%S''" if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = "%M'" self.level -= 1 best_phases = [0, 30] else: if self.level == -2: if fmt is None: fmt = '%Y' if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt elif self.level == -3 or self.level>5: if fmt is None: fmt = "%M'%Ss''" if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt self.level = -3 else: if fmt is None: fmt = '%Y-%d-%m %H:%M' if dual_fmt is None: dual_fmt = fmt self.level = -1 DateFormatter.__init__(self, fmt, **kwargs) self.fmt = fmt self.dual_fmt = dual_fmt self._reqphase = phase if self.level<0: return if callable(phase): self._phase_check = self._phase = phase else: np = 5-self.level-1 phases = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0] # m,d,H,M,S if isinstance(phase, int): phases[self.level] = phase phases = tuple(phases) if isinstance(phase, tuple): if len(phase)<np: # tail is missing phase += tuple(phases[self.level+len(phase):]) else: # too much head phase = phase[-np:] else: phase = phases[self.level:] self._phase = phase self._phase_check_ = lambda dt: ( dt.timetuple()[self.level+1:5]+(int(round(dt.second)), ) == tuple(self._phase)) if locator: # check real case using locator dates = num2date(locator()) if not any([self._phase_check_(date) for date in dates]): self._phase = list(self._phase) for bp in best_phases or []: self._phase[0] = bp if any([self._phase_check_(date) for date in dates]): break else: # fall back to the first date phase self._phase = (dates[0].timetuple()[self.level+1:5]+ (int(round(dates[0].second)), )) def __call__(self, x, pos=None): dt = num2date(x, # Main label if self.level>=0 and self._phase_check_(dt): return self.strftime(dt, self.dual_fmt) # Intermediate label return self.strftime(dt, self.fmt)
[docs] @classmethod def factory(cls, locator, **kwargs): """Helper to setup an appropriate formatter associated to a specified locator""" # Get best arguments for initializing and return instance if 'level' in kwargs: level = kwargs.pop('level') else: keys = sorted(AutoDateFormatter2.scaled.keys(), reverse=True) tmin, tmax = locator.axis.get_view_interval() dtmin, dtmax = locator.viewlim_to_dt() if hasattr(locator, 'get_locator'): locator = locator.get_locator(dtmin, dtmax) if hasattr(locator, '_freq'): freq = locator._freq else: freq = locator.rule._freq trange = tmax-tmin if freq == YEARLY : kwargs.setdefault('fmt', AutoDateFormatter2.scaled[keys[0]]) level = -2 elif freq == MONTHLY: if trange > 5*365: kwargs.setdefault('fmt', AutoDateFormatter2.scaled[keys[0]]) level = -2 else: level = 'year' elif freq == WEEKLY: level = 'month' elif freq == DAILY: if dtmax.month != dtmin.month: level = 'month' else: level = 'week' elif freq == HOURLY: level = 'day' elif freq == MINUTELY: level = 'hour' elif freq == SECONDLY: if trange<1./(24.*60): level = -3 else: level = 'minute' kwargs['locator'] = locator return cls(level, **kwargs)
[docs]class AutoDualDateFormatter(Formatter): """Automatic formatter that searches for the best :class:`DualDateFormatter`""" def __init__(self, locator, **kwargs): self._locator = locator self._kwargs = kwargs self._formatter = self.get_formatter()
[docs] def get_formatter(self): return DualDateFormatter.factory(self._locator, **self._kwargs)
def __call__(self, x, pos=None): self._formatter = self.get_formatter() s = self._formatter(x, pos) return s
def _get_split_locator_(locator, kwargs): ls = locator.split('/') lb = locator.split(':') if len(ls)>1 and ls[1].isdigit(): kwargs.setdefault('interval', int(ls[1])) locator = ls[0] elif len(lb)>1: locator = lb[0] by = [int(v) for v in lb[1].split(',') if v.isdigit()] if by: kwargs.setdefault('by'+locator.lower(), by) return locator def setup_time_axis(axis, auto=True, formatter=None, rotation=None, locator=None, minor_locator=True, minor_formatter=None, nominor=False, maxticks=None, tz=None, interval_multiples=False, **kwargs): """Setup tick positions and labels of an time axis :Params: - **axis**: :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` instance (like ``P.gca().xaxis``) - **tz**, optional: Time zone. - **auto**, optional: Auto Scaling [default: True] - **rotation**, optional: Rotation angle of tick labels. If None, automatic [default: None] - **formatter**, optional: Date format: - 'mpl' or 0 : use the internal Matplotlib auto date locator. - "simple" or 1 or "auto": :class:`AutoDateFormatter2` - "dual", 2, None, tuple or dict: :class:`AutoDualDateFormatter` (default) - String: :class:`DateFormatter` - else a :class:`matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` instance. - **locator**, optional: Major locator. Can be within ['year','month','Weekday','day','hour','minute','second'], be like :class:`matplotlib.dates.MonthLocator`. or have a special value: - None or 'auto' or 'vacumm': use the :class:`AutoDateLocator` (default) - 'mpl': use the internal Matplotlib auto date locator. - **minor_locator**, optional: Minor locator. - **nominor**, optional: Do not try to add minor ticks [default: False] - **locator_<keyword>**, optional: <keyword> is passed to locator if locator is a string. If locator = 'month', locator = MonthLocator(locator_<keyword>=<value>). - **minor_locator_<keyword>**, optional: Same with minor_locator. - **maxticks**, optional: Maximal number of major ticks when default auto locator is used. """ if isinstance(axis, int): axis = 'xy'[axis] if isinstance(axis, str): axis = getattr(P.gca(), xy+'axis') axes = axis.axes iaxis = 1-int(axis.axes.xaxis is axis) xy = 'xy'[iaxis] yx = 'yx'[iaxis] # Base try: axis.axis_date() except: import datetime axis.update_units(,1,1)) # Scale axes if auto: axes.autoscale_view(**{'scale'+xy:True,'scale'+yx:False}) # Guess locators major_locator = locator or kwargs.get('major_locator', None) if nominor: minor_locator = False locs = ['year','month','weekday','day','hour','minute','second'] locs.extend([(loc+'s') for loc in locs]) kwmjl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'major_locator', defaults=kwfilter(kwargs, 'locator')) kwmnl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'minor_locator') # - major if major_locator is None: major_locator = 'auto' if isinstance(major_locator, basestring): if major_locator.lower()=='mpl': major_locator = None else: major_locator = _get_split_locator_(major_locator, kwmjl) if (major_locator.lower().startswith('auto') or major_locator.lower()=='vacumm'): maxticks = kwargs.get('nmax_ticks', maxticks) # compat kwmjl.setdefault('maxticks', maxticks) major_locator = AutoDateLocator2(**kwmjl) elif major_locator.lower() in locs: major_locator = eval(major_locator.lower().title()+'Locator(**kwmjl)') if major_locator: axis.set_major_locator(major_locator) else: major_locator = axis.get_major_locator() major_locator.set_axis(axis) if hasattr(major_locator, 'interval_multiples'): major_locator.interval_multiples = interval_multiples # - minor if minor_locator is 1 or minor_locator is True: minor_locator = 'auto' if isinstance(minor_locator, str): minor_locator = _get_split_locator_(minor_locator, kwmnl) if minor_locator.lower() in locs: minor_locator = eval(minor_locator.lower().title()+'Locator(**kwmnl)') elif minor_locator.lower().startswith('auto'): minor_locator = AutoDateMinorLocator(**kwmnl) else: minor_locator = None if minor_locator: axis.set_minor_locator(minor_locator) else: minor_locator = axis.get_minor_locator() minor_locator.set_axis(axis) if hasattr(minor_locator, 'interval_multiples'): minor_locator.interval_multiples = True #print 'minor_locator', minor_locator #print 'major_locator', major_locator # Tick format # - major fmt = formatter or kwargs.get('fmt', None) or kwargs.get('major_formatter', None) if fmt is None: fmt = 'dual' # default if fmt == 'mpl' or fmt==0: # matplotlib fmt = None elif fmt == 'simple' or fmt == 1 or fmt=="auto": fmt = AutoDateFormatter2(major_locator) elif fmt == 'dual' or fmt is True or fmt == 2: fmt = AutoDualDateFormatter(major_locator) elif isinstance(fmt, basestring): fmt = DateFormatter(fmt) elif isinstance(fmt, list): fmt = AutoDualDateFormatter(major_locator, *fmt) elif isinstance(fmt, dict): fmt = AutoDualDateFormatter(major_locator, **fmt) elif isinstance(fmt, tuple): if len(fmt) == 1: fmt += ({}, ) elif not isinstance(fmt[1], dict): fmt = (fmt[0], {}) fmt = DualDateFormatter(fmt[0], **fmt[1]) if fmt: axis.set_major_formatter(fmt) if rotation is not None and rotation!=0 \ and not isinstance(fmt, (DualDateFormatter, AutoDualDateFormatter)): P.setp(axis.get_majorticklabels(), "rotation", rotation) # - minor if not nominor and not isinstance(minor_locator, NullLocator): if minor_formatter is True: minor_formatter = AutoDateFormatter2() elif isinstance(minor_formatter, basestring): minor_formatter = DateFormatter(minor_formatter) if minor_formatter: axis.set_minor_formatter(minor_formatter)
[docs]def add_agg_filter(objs, filter, zorder=None, ax=None, add=True): """Add a filtered version of objects to plot :Params: - **objs**: :class:`matplotlib.artist.Artist` instances. - **filter**: :class:`vacumm.misc._ext_plot.BaseFilter` instance. - **zorder**, optional: zorder (else guess from ``objs``). - **ax**, optional: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance. Inspired from . """ # Input if not isinstance(objs, (list, tuple)): objs = [objs] elif len(objs)==0: return [] # Filter if ax is None: ax = P.gca() shadows = FilteredArtistList(objs, filter) if hasattr(add, 'add_artist'): add.add_artist(shadows) elif add: ax.add_artist(shadows) # Text for t in objs: if isinstance(t, Text): t.set_path_effects([Normal()]) # Adjust zorder if zorder is None or zorder is True: same = zorder is True if hasattr(objs, 'get_zorder'): zorder = objs.get_zorder() else: zorder = objs[0].get_zorder() if not same: zorder -= 0.1 if zorder is not False: shadows.set_zorder(zorder) return shadows
[docs]def add_shadow(objs, width=3, xoffset=2, yoffset=-2, alpha=0.5, color='k', zorder=None, ax=None, add=True): """Add a drop-shadow to objects :Params: - **objs**: :class:`matplotlib.artist.Artist` instances. - **width**, optional: Width of the gaussian filter in points. - **xoffset**, optional: Shadow offset along X in points. - **yoffset**, optional: Shadow offset along Y in points. - **color**, optional: Color of the shadow. - **zorder**, optional: zorder (else guess from ``objs``). - **ax**, optional: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance. Inspired from . """ if color is not None: color = RGB(color) try: gauss = DropShadowFilter(width, offsets=(xoffset, yoffset), alpha=alpha, color=color) return add_agg_filter(objs, gauss, zorder=zorder, ax=ax, add=add) except: warn('Cannot plot shadows using agg filters')
[docs]def add_glow(objs, width=3, zorder=None, color='w', ax=None, alpha=1., add=True): """Add a glow effect to text :Params: - **objs**: Plotted objects. - **width**, optional: Width of the gaussian filter in points. - **color**, optional: Color of the shadow. - **zorder**, optional: zorder (else guess from ``objs``). - **ax**, optional: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance. Inspired from . """ if color is not None: color = RGB(color) try: white_glows = GrowFilter(width, color=color, alpha=alpha) return add_agg_filter(objs, white_glows, zorder=zorder, ax=ax, add=add) except: warn('Cannot add glow effect using agg filters')
[docs]def add_lightshading(objs, width=7, fraction=0.5, zorder=None, ax=None, add=True, **kwargs): """Add a light shading effect to objects :Params: - **objs**: Plotted objects. - **width**, optional: Width of the gaussian filter in points. - **fraction**, optional: Unknown. - **zorder**, optional: zorder (else guess from ``objs``). - **ax**, optional: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance. - Extra keywords are passed to :class:`matplotlib.colors.LightSource` Inspired from . """ if zorder is None: zorder = True try: lf = LightFilter(width, fraction=fraction, **kwargs) return add_agg_filter(objs, lf, zorder=zorder, add=add, ax=ax) except: warn('Cannot add light shading effect using agg filters')
[docs]class MinuteLabel: def __init__(self, m, zonal=True, **kwargs): bfdeg = kwargs.pop('bfdeg', None) if not isinstance(m, Basemap) and (bfdeg is None or bfdeg=='auto'): bfdeg = False if N.size(m)==0 else (N.asarray(m)%1).ptp()!=0 if zonal: if isinstance(m, Basemap): auto_minutes = int(m.urcrnrlon) != int(m.llcrnrlon) else: auto_minutes = int(min(m)) != int(max(m)) self.func = lonlab else: if isinstance(m, Basemap): auto_minutes = int(m.urcrnrlat) != int(m.llcrnrlat) else: auto_minutes = int(min(m)) != int(max(m)) self.func = latlab kwargs['bfdeg'] = bfdeg kwargs['decimal'] = False kwargs['no_zeros'] = True kwargs['auto_minutes'] = auto_minutes self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, deg): return self.func(deg, **self.kwargs)
[docs]class AutoDegreesMinutesLocator(AutoLocator):
[docs] def bin_boundaries(self, vmin, vmax): steps = None mn = 1/60. if (vmax-vmin) > 50.: steps = [1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10] elif (vmax-vmin) > 3.: steps = [1, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 10] elif vmax//mn != vmin//mn: nmn = int(N.ceil((vmax-vmin)*60.))+1 nmax = 10 if nmn > nmax: steps = [1, 10/6.,15/6.,20/6.,30/6.,10] self.set_params(steps=steps) return AutoLocator.bin_boundaries(self, vmin, vmax)
[docs]class AutoDegreesMinutesFormatter(Formatter): """Phase formatter with degrees and minutes :Example: >>> locator = xaxis.get_major_locator() >>> xaxis.set_formatter(AutoDegreesMinutesFormatter(locator, label='lon')) """ def __init__(self, locator=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(locator, Locator): data = N.asarray(locator) locator = data.min(), data.max() self.locator = locator self.kwargs = kwargs.copy() self.kwargs.setdefault('decimal', False) def __call__(self, x, pos=None): if isinstance(self.locator, tuple): vmin, vmax = self.locator else: vmin, vmax = self.locator.axis.get_view_interval() kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() kwargs['auto_minutes'] = vmax//1 != vmax//1 return phaselab(x, **kwargs)
[docs]class DepthFormatter(Formatter): def __call__(self, x, pos=None): return "{:g}m".format(x)
[docs]def twinxy(xy, ax=None, fig=None): """Create an :func:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance based on existing one(s)* This is an fusion and extension of :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.twinx` and :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.twiny` :Params: - **xy**: A string containing ``"x"`` and/or ``"y"`` - **ax**, optional: Consider this axes instance instead of the current one. - **fig**, optional: Consider this figure instead of the current one. """ if ax is None: if fig is None: ax = P.gca() else: ax = fig.gca() if not isinstance(xy, str): return ax fig = ax.figure twinx = 'x' in xy twiny = 'y' is xy if not twinx and not twiny: return ax kw = dict(frameon=False) if twinx and not twiny: kw.update(sharex=ax) if twiny and not twinx: kw.update(sharex=ax) nax = fig.add_axes(ax.get_position(True), **kw) if twinx: nax.yaxis.tick_right() nax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax.yaxis.tick_left() if not twiny: nax.xaxis.set_visible(False) if twiny: nax.xaxis.tick_right() nax.xaxis.set_label_position('right') ax.xaxis.tick_left() if not twinx: nax.yaxis.set_visible(False) return nax
def _add_label_(text, ax0, ax1, ay0, ay1, ax, va, ha, rotation, shadow, glow, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = P.gca() fig = ax.figure b = ax.get_position() x = ax0*b.x0 + ax1*b.x1 y = ay0*b.y0 + ay1*b.y1 kwsh = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') kwgl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'glow') o = fig.text(x, y, text, va=va, ha=ha, rotation=rotation, **kwargs) if shadow: add_shadow(o, ax=ax, **kwsh) if glow: add_glow(o, ax=ax, **kwgl) return o
[docs]def add_left_label(text, pos=.1, ax=None, va='center', ha='left', rotation=90., shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the left of a plot""" return _add_label_(text, 1-pos, pos, .5, .5, ax, va, ha, rotation, shadow, glow, **kwargs)
[docs]def add_right_label(text, pos=.1, ax=None, va='center', ha='right', rotation=-90., shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the left of a plot""" return _add_label_(text, pos, 1-pos, .5, .5, ax, va, ha, rotation, shadow, glow, **kwargs)
[docs]def add_top_label(text, pos=.1, ax=None, va='top', ha='center', rotation=0., shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the left of a plot""" return _add_label_(text, .5, .5, pos, 1-pos, ax, va, ha, rotation, shadow, glow, **kwargs)
[docs]def add_bottom_label(text, pos=.1, ax=None, va='top', ha='center', rotation=0., shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs): """Add a text label to the left of a plot""" return _add_label_(text, .5, .5, 1-pos, pos, ax, va, ha, rotation, shadow, glow, **kwargs)
_locations = ['upper right', 'upper left', 'lower left', 'lower right', 'center left', 'center right', 'lower center', 'upper center', 'center center', 'center'] def loc2tuple(loc, xpad=0.02, ypad=0.02): """Location as tuple of (x,y) in relative coordinates""" if isinstance(loc, tuple): return loc if isinstance(loc, basestring): if len(loc.split())==1: loc = loc+' '+loc assert loc in _locations, 'loc must be a tuple or a string (%s)'% (", ".join(_locations)) sy, sx = loc.split() xpad = abs(xpad) if xpad>.5: xpad = 1-xpad ypad = abs(ypad) if ypad>.5: ypad = 1-ypad x = {"left":xpad, 'center':.5, 'right':1-ypad}[sx] y = {"lower":xpad, 'center':.5, 'upper':1-ypad}[sy] return x, y def loc2align(loc, ha=None, va=None, margin=1/3.): """From location to dict of ha and va :Params: - **loc**: (x,y) or string like "upper right. - **ha/va**, optional: alignments. :Return: dict(ha=ha, va=va) """ x, y = loc2tuple(loc, xpad=0, ypad=0) if ha is None: if x<margin: ha = 'left' elif x>(1-margin): ha = 'right' else: ha = 'center' if va is None: if y<margin: va = 'bottom' elif y>(1-margin): va = 'top' else: va = 'center' return dict(ha=ha, va=va) def loc2offset(loc, xpad, ypad=None, margin=1/3.): """From location to (xoffset, ypoffset) where x/yoffset = +/- x/ypad :Return: (xoffset,yoffset) """ align = loc2align(loc, margin=margin) xoffset = yoffset = 0 if ypad is None: ypad = xpad if align['ha'] == 'left': xoffset = xpad elif align['ha'] == 'right': xoffset = -xpad if align['va'] == 'top': yoffset = -ypad elif align['va'] == 'bottom': yoffset = ypad return xoffset, yoffset def best_loc_map(m, onland=True, allowed=_locations): """Find the best location on a plot map according to the land/ocean repartition""" from collections import OrderedDict if isinstance(m, Map): m = if not hasattr(m, 'coastpolygons'): sloc = allowed[0] else: from grid.masking import polygons from grid import bounds2d from _geoslib import Polygon fractions = N.zeros((3, 3)) polys = polygons(m) x = m.xmin + (m.xmax-m.xmin)*(0.5+N.arange(3))/3. y = m.ymin + (m.ymax-m.ymin)*(0.5+N.arange(3))/3. xxb, yyb = bounds2d(x, y) for j in xrange(3): for i in xrange(3): pcell = Polygon(N.array([xxb[j, i], yyb[j, i]]).T) for pcoast in polys: if pcell.within(pcoast): fractions[j, i] = 1. break if not pcell.intersects(pcoast): continue for p in pcell.intersection(pcoast): fractions[j, i] += p.area() if not onland: fractions = 1-fractions jmax, imax = N.unravel_index(fractions.argmax()) sloc = '%s %s'%(['left', 'center', 'right'][imax], ['bottom', 'center', 'top'][jmax]) return _loc2tuple_(sloc)
[docs]def add_param_label(text, loc=(0.01, 0.01), color='0.4', size=8, family='monospace', fig=None, **kwargs): """Add parameters description to the bottom/left of the figure :Example: >>> c = curve2(sst, show=False) >>> c.add_param_label(dict(max=.23, kz=0.25)) :Params: - **text**: Either a string or a dictionary. """ # Convert dict to text if isinstance(text, dict): clsname = text.__class__.__name__ tt = [] for item in text.items(): tt.append('%s=%s'%item) text = ', '.join(tt) if fig is None: fig = P.gcf() loc = loc2tuple(loc, xpad=0.01, ypad=0.01) return fig.text(loc[0], loc[1], str(text), color=color, size=size, family=family, **kwargs)
class Animator(object): """Animate objects on a figure :Example: >>> anim = Animator() >>> anim.append(P.plot([5,6]) >>> anim.append(P.plot([4,8]) >>> anim.make_animation() """ def __init__(self, fig=None): self.objs = [] if fig is None: fig = P.gcf() self.fig = fig def append(self, obj, frame=None): # Set frame index nobjs = len(self.objs) if frame == 'last': frame == -1 elif frame=='new': frame = None if nobjs==0: frame = None if isinstance(frame, int): if frame<0: frame = max(0, nobjs-frame) elif frame>nobjs-1: frame = None else: frame = min(nobjs-1, frame) # Get layer if frame is None: # New layer frameobjs = [] self.objs.append(frameobjs) frame = len(self.objs)-1 else: # Old layer frameobjs = self.objs[frame] # Append data if isinstance(obj, list): if hasattr(obj[0], 'get_figure'): if self.fig is None and obj: self.fig = obj[0].get_figure() else: assert self.fig == obj[0].get_figure() frameobjs.extend(obj) else: if hasattr(obj, 'get_figure'): if self.fig is None: self.fig = obj.get_figure() else: assert self.fig == obj.get_figure() frameobjs.append(obj) return frame def make_animation(self, **kwargs): """Create the animation object""" if self.fig is None: return if not self.objs: return from matplotlib.animation import ArtistAnimation self.animation = ArtistAnimation(self.fig, self.objs, **kwargs) return self.animation
[docs]def hlitvs(color='.95', axis='x', units='ticks', axes=None, maxticks=10, **kwargs): """Highlight intervals between ticks :Params: - *color*: Background color. - *axis*: Matplotlib axis or 'x'/'y'. - **units**, optional: Interval types - `"ticks"`: Use axis ticks. - A list or array: use it as ticks. - `"auto"`: Estimate ticks using :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.AutoLocator`. - `"date"` or `"time"`: Same but using :class:`AutoDateLocator2`. - A time string like `"day"` for using :class:`~matplotlib.dates.DayLocator`. - A locator. - Other keyparam are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axhspan` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axvspan`. """ # Get axis axes = kwargs.pop('ax', axes) if isinstance(axis, Axes): axes = axis axis = 'x' if isinstance(axis, basestring): if units.endswith('s'): units = units[:-1] if axes is None: axes = P.gca() axis = getattr(axes, axis+'axis') xy = 'xy'[isinstance(axis, YAxis)] axes = axis.axes # Locators and ticks kwloc = kwfilter(kwargs, 'locator_') if units=='ticks': ticks = axis.get_ticklocs() elif isinstance(units, (list, N.ndarray)): ticks = units else: # locator if units == 'auto': locator = AutoLocator(**kwloc) elif units=='date' or units=='time': locator = AutoDateLocator2(**kwloc) elif isinstance(units, basestring): locator = getattr(matplotlib.dates, units.title()+'Locator')(**kwloc) locator.set_axis(axis) ticks = locator() tmin, tmax = axis.get_view_interval() if isinstance(ticks, N.ndarray): ticks = ticks.tolist() else: ticks = list(ticks) if tmin!=ticks[0]: ticks.insert(0, tmin) if tmax!=ticks[-1]: ticks.append(tmax) # Patch alpha = RGBA(color)[-1] kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 0) kwargs.update(facecolor=color) kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 0) kwargs.setdefault('label', '_nolegend_') kwargs.setdefault('alpha', alpha) objs = [] axspan = getattr(axes, 'ax%sspan'%'vh'[xy=='y']) for i in xrange(0, len(ticks)-1, 2): objs.append(axspan(ticks[i], ticks[i+1], **kwargs)) # objs[-1].set_zorder(0) return objs
class _PPatch(Patch): """ Base class for patches with size in pixels. You must define your coordinates in attribute _path_coords between -5 and 5. """ def __str__(self): return "Compass(%s,%s;%s)" % ([0],[1], self.size) def __init__(self, xy, size, angle=0, anglemode='pixels', posref=None, offset=None, **kwargs): """ *xy* center of compass *size* size of compass """ Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs) = xy self.size = size self.angle = angle self.anglemode = anglemode self.posref = posref self.offset = offset path_coords = N.array(self._path_coords, 'f') path_coords *= 0.1 self._path = Path(path_coords, closed=False) self._patch_transform = mtransforms.IdentityTransform() def _update_transform_(self): self._patch_transform = self._get_pixrot_transform_() def _get_pixrot_transform_(self, size=None): if size is None: size=self.size transform = Artist.get_transform(self) if self.is_transform_set() else None return _transform_pixrot_(, size, self.angle, self.anglemode, ax = self.axes, posref=self.posref, transform=transform) def get_patch_transform(self): self._update_transform_() return self._patch_transform def get_path(self): return self._path def get_transform(self): t = Patch.get_transform(self) if self.offset is not None: t = t+mtransforms.Affine2D().translate(*self.offset) return t def draw(self, renderer): self._update_transform_() Patch.draw(self, renderer) class QuarterRightCompass(_PPatch): _path_coords = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 5]] # _path_coords = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] class QuarterLeftCompass(_PPatch): _path_coords = [[0, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 5]] class ArrowCompass(_PPatch): _path_coords = [[-.75, -5], [-.25, 3.5], [-1, 3], [0, 5], [1, 3], [.25, 3.5], [.75, -5], [0, -4]] class PPText(Text): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._vc_offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) self._vc_ppatch = kwargs.pop('ppatch', 0) Text.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_transform(self): t = self._vc_ppatch._get_pixrot_transform_(self._vc_ppatch.size+self._vc_offset)+ \ Artist.get_transform(self._vc_ppatch) if self._vc_ppatch.offset is not None: t = t + mtransforms.Affine2D().translate(*self._vc_ppatch.offset) return t def _transform_(transform, default=None, ax=None, fig=None): if ax is None: ax = P.gca() if default is None: default = ax.transData if transform is None: return default if isinstance(transform, basestring): if transform.lower()=='figure': if fig is None: fig = P.gcf() if ax is None else ax.fig return fig.transFigure if hasattr(ax, 'trans'+transform.title()): return getattr(ax, 'trans'+transform.title()) return transform def _transform_pixrot_(center, size, angle, anglemode, transform=None, posref=None, ax=None): """Special transform: size in pixel, rotation, translation in data :Params: - **trandform**: Transform for the center location. - **posref**: Reference point for the angle if anglemode == 'data'. It default to the center. Values must be in data coordinates. """ if ax is None: ax = P.gca() transform = _transform_(transform, 'data', ax=ax) # center xp0, yp0 = transform.transform(center) # scales xp1, yp1 = xp0 + size, yp0 + size xcorner, ycorner = transform.inverted().transform_point((xp1, yp1)) xscale = xcorner-center[0] yscale = ycorner-center[1] # angle anglemode = str(anglemode) if anglemode is None or anglemode.startswith('dot'): anglemode = 'pixels' if not anglemode.startswith('pix') and not anglemode.startswith('dat'): raise PlotError('Unkown anglemode: %s'%anglemode) if anglemode.startswith('dat'): # from data to pixels ar = N.radians(angle) if posref is None: posref = center if transform is not ax.transData: posref = (transform-ax.transData).transform_point(posref) if posref[0]>1.e20 or posref[1]>1e20: raise PlotError('Coordinates of reference seems wrong: %s,%s'%tuple(posref)) xlen = ylen = min(posref)*0.01 xr0, yr0 = ax.transData.transform_point(posref) xr1, yr1 = ax.transData.transform_point((posref[0]+xlen*N.cos(ar), posref[1]+ylen*N.sin(ar))) angle = N.degrees(N.arctan2(yr1-yr0, xr1-xr0)) # Transform t = mtransforms.Affine2D() \ .rotate_deg(angle) \ .scale(xscale, yscale) \ .translate(*center) return t def _add_text_(ax, text, **kwtext): ax._set_artist_props(text) text.update(kwtext) ax.texts.append(text) return text
[docs]def add_compass(x, y, size=40, facecolor1='k', facecolor2='w', edgecolor='k', text_color='k', text_size='medium', linewidth=0.5, alpha=1, text_pad=5, style='simple', angle=0, ax=None, m=None, anglemode='pixels', **kwpatch): """Add a compass to the current plot :Params: - **x/y**: Position in data coordinates. - **size**, optional: size in opixels. - **style**, optional: "simple", "fancy". - **angle**, optional: Angle of the north (trigo). - **anglemode**, optional: "pixels" or "data". - **facecolor1**, optional: Dark face color. - **facecolor2**, optional: Light face color. - **edgecolor**, optional: Edges color. - **text_color**, optional: Text labels color. - **text_size**, optional: Text labels size. - **text_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` when adding labels. - **fontsize/color**, optional: Same as ``text_size/color``. """ kwtext = kwfilter(kwpatch, 'text_') kwtext.update(color=text_color, size=text_size, alpha=alpha) if ax is None: if m: ax = or m._check_ax else: ax = P.gca() if m: x, y = m(x, y) if style is None: style = 'arrow' else: style = str(style) # Loop on quarters dict_check_defaults(kwpatch, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, clip_on=False, edgecolor=edgecolor) patches = [] texts = [] if style.startswith('a') or style.startswith('s'): # Patch kwp = kwpatch.copy() kwp['facecolor'] = facecolor1 patches.append(ax.add_patch(ArrowCompass((x, y), size, angle=angle, anglemode=anglemode, **kwp))) # Label (north only) text = PPText(0, .5, 'N', offset=text_pad, ppatch=patches[-1], ha='center', va='bottom') texts.append(_add_text_(ax, text, **kwtext)) elif style.startswith('f'): for iq, (label, ha, va) in enumerate([ ('N', 'center', 'bottom'), ('W', 'right', 'center'), ('S', 'center', 'top'), ('E', 'left', 'center')]): aa = iq*90. # Loop on back/white patches for (C, fc) in [ (QuarterRightCompass, facecolor1), (QuarterLeftCompass, facecolor2), ][:]: kwp = kwpatch.copy() kwp['facecolor'] = fc patches.append(ax.add_patch(C((x, y), size, angle=aa+angle, anglemode=anglemode, **kwp))) # Add text labels text = PPText(0, .5, label, offset=text_pad, ppatch=patches[-1], ha=ha, va=va) texts.append(_add_text_(ax, text)) else: raise PlotError('Unknown compass style. Please use one of : '+ ', '.join(['simple', 'fancy'])) return patches, texts
def _asnum_(xy, atleast_1d=False): """Get xy as a number If it is a number or a numpy array, it not converted, else it is converted with :func:`numtime`. xy can also be a list, a list of lists, etc. """ if isinstance(xy, N.ndarray): return xy single = not isinstance(xy, list) xys = xy if not single else [xy] out = [] for xy in xys: if is_numtime(xy): out.append(xy) continue if isinstance(xy, list): out.extend(xy) continue xy = numtime(xy) out.append(xy) if atleast_1d: return if single: return out[0] return out docfiller.scan(Plot, Plot.format_axes, Plot.load_data, Plot._check_order_, Plot.pre_plot, Plot.post_plot, Plot1D._set_axes_, Plot1D._check_order_, Curve.plot, Curve.load_data, Bar.plot, Stick.load_data, Stick.plot, ScalarMappable, ScalarMappable.colorbar, ScalarMappable.post_plot, ScalarMappable.get_cmap, ScalarMappable.get_levels, Plot2D.load_data, Plot2D.plot, Plot2D.plot_contour, Plot2D.plot_fill, Plot2D.plot_quiver, Plot2D._set_axes_, Map.load_data, Map.pre_plot, Map.post_plot, quiverkey_=QuiverKey.quiverkey, savefig_=Plot.savefig)