Source code for vacumm.misc.docstrings

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Docstring refomatting utilities for VACUMM help

.. warning:: This module requires python 2.7+ to work.
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2012-2015)
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from textwrap import dedent
import re, inspect

[docs]class Docstring2Params(dict): """Scan the docstring of an object to load parameters names and descriptions and reformat them. The docstring must follow this example:: '''Description Some text :Section: text :Params: - **arg**: text text - **opt**, optional: text Some text or sections. ''' In particular: - Parameters are described as in this example, on one or more lines. - They must be inside a section whose name contains "param". :Params: - **obj**: Typically a function, method or class. - **select**, optional: A single or a list of parameter names to restrict scan. :Example: >>> dsp = Docstring2Params(myfunc) >>> dsp.format('firstparam') >>> params = dsp.asdict(select=['secondpar', 'thirdpar'], indent=8) """ # Regular expressions RE_SECTION_MATCH = re.compile(r'^:([^:]+):.*').match RE_INDENT_MATCH = re.compile(r"^(\s*)(\S.*)?$").match RE_PARAM = re.compile(r"^(\s+)-\s*\*\*?\s*([^\*]+)\s*\*\*?([^:]*:.*)$") def __init__(self, obj, select=None, prefix=None, sections = ['param']): dict.__init__(self) # Format docstring if isinstance(obj, basestring): obj = eval(obj) self._target = obj self._docstring = doc = obj.__doc__ if doc is None: self.params = {} return nn = doc.index("\n") doc = doc[nn+1:] doc = dedent(doc) docs = doc.splitlines() if select is not None and isinstance(select, basestring): select = [select] if prefix is None: prefix = '' # Loop on lines param = 0 ifc = None for iline, line in enumerate(docs): # Section header m = self.RE_SECTION_MATCH(line) if m: if True in [secname in for secname in sections]: # Params section header param = 1 continue elif param: # New section, so the end break # Still no param section found if not param: continue # Param declaration mp = self.RE_PARAM.match(line) if mp: param = if select is None or param in select: if prefix: line = self.RE_PARAM.sub(r'\1- **%s\2**\3'%prefix, line) if not (prefix+param) in self: self[prefix+param] = [] self[prefix+param].append(line) if ifc is None: ifc = len( # Official indent continue # Valid line for a param description continuation if not isinstance(param, basestring): continue mi = self.RE_INDENT_MATCH(line) ns = len( rem = if rem is None or ns >= ifc: if ns == ifc and rem is not None: if rem.startswith('-'): # Description without parameter param = 2 else: # No longer describing a parameter param = 1 elif param != 2 and (select is None or param in select): self[prefix+param].append(line) continue # End of parameters break # Remove trail empty line of the last param if self and isinstance(param, basestring) and len(self[prefix+param])>1: p = self[prefix+param] while p[-1].strip()=='': del p[-1]
[docs] def format(self, select=None, indent=4): """Reformat one or several parameters :Params: - **indent**, optional: Indentation string for all but the first line. - String: Used as is. - Integer: ``ident`` times the space char. - ``False``: ``''``. - Class method: 12 spaces. - Other object: 8 spaces. - **select**, optional: List of parameter names to format. If None, all available parameters are used. """ # Selection of parameters if select is None: select = self.keys() select.sort() elif isinstance(select, basestring): select = [select] # Indentation if indent is True or indent is None: indent = 4 elif not indent: indent = '' elif isinstance(indent, int): indent = ' '*indent elif not isinstance(indent, basestring): indent = (12*' ') if inspect.ismethod(indent) else (8*' ') out = [] for param in select: if param not in self: continue if len(self[param])==1: out.append(self[param][0].strip()) else: out.extend(dedent('\n'.join(self[param])).splitlines()) if not self[param][-1].strip(): out.append('') return ('\n'+indent).join(out)
[docs] def asfmtdict(self, indent=8, select=None): """Get parameters as a dictionary of formatted descriptions""" out = {} for param in self: if select is not None and param not in select: continue out[param] = self.format(param, indent) return out
[docs]class DocFiller(object): '''Scan objects and return a dictionary whose key are their (formatted) name, and value are a dictionary of their attributes description If the object is a method like ``Map.contour``, the associated key is ``Map_contour``. Therefore, classe names are supposed to not have any underscore inside. Parameter description are indented with 12 spaces for methods and 8 spaces for other objects. :Example: >>> df = DocFiller(MyClass1.my_method, MyClass2, myfync1) :: @df.docfill def myfunc2(para, parb, parc, pard) """My description :Params: {MyClass1_my_method[para]} {MyClass2[parb]} {MyClass2[parc]} {myfync1[pard]} ''' def __init__(self, *objs, **aobjs): self.content = {} self.verbose = aobjs.pop('verbose', True) if objs: self.scan(*objs, **aobjs)
[docs] def scan(self, *objs, **aobjs): aliases = dict([(o, a) for a, o in aobjs.items()]) for obj in objs+tuple(aliases.keys()): key = obj.__name__ if inspect.ismethod(obj): key = obj.im_class.__name__+"_"+key prefix = aliases[obj] if obj in aliases else '' self.content[key] = Docstring2Params(obj, prefix=prefix)
[docs] def formatted(self, indent): """Format all parameter descriptions :Params: - **indent**, optional: Indentation string for all but the first line. - String: Used as is. - Integer: ``ident`` times the space char. - ``False``: ``''``. - Class method: 12 spaces. - Other object: 8 spaces. """ out = {} for key, val in self.content.items(): out[key] = val.asfmtdict(indent=indent) return out
[docs] def docfill(self, obj): '''Fill docstring of an object with collected parameter descriptions It is typically used to format function docstrings using a decorator. .. warning:: It cannot be applied to methods and classes. ''' # print obj.__doc__ # print self.formatted(obj) # obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format(**self.formatted(obj)) try: obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format(**self.formatted(obj)) except KeyError, e: if self.verbose: print 'Missing key for docfill: '+e.message # print 'When formatting doc:' # print obj.__doc__ except Exception, e: if self.verbose: print 'Docfill error:', e.message return obj
from vacumm import docfiller_verbose docfiller = DocFiller(verbose=docfiller_verbose) docfill = docfiller.docfill if __name__=='__main__': df = DocFiller(Docstring2Params.format) @df.docfill def myfunc(indent): """Description :Params: {Docstring2Params_format[indent]} """ pass print myfunc.__doc__