# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Various 1d and 2D filters"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
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# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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__all__ = ['generic1d', 'shapiro1d', 'gaussian1d', 'hamming1d','generic2d', 'shapiro2d', 'gaussian2d', 'deriv', 'deriv2d',
'norm_atan','running_average', 'bartlett1d', 'kaiser1d', 'hanning1d', 'blackman1d']
import numpy as N,MV2, cdms2
from genutil.filters import *
MA = N.ma
MV = MV2
cdms = cdms2
import scipy.signal
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from misc import cp_atts
from phys.units import deg2m
from pylab import meshgrid
from axes import islon,islat
import warnings
from numpy import ComplexWarning
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Casting complex values', ComplexWarning)
except ImportError: pass
[docs]def generic1d(data, weights, axis=0, mask='same', copy=True, cyclic=False):
"""Generic 1D filter applied to :mod:`MV2` variables using convolution.
- **data**: Atleast 1D :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **weights**: integer, 1D weights.
They are expected to be symmetric and of odd sizes.
- **axis**, optional: axis on which to operate
- **mask**, optional: mode of masking.
The mask is also filtered, and its value helps
defining the new mask, depending on this parameter:
- If a float is provided, data are masked if the mask value
is greater than this parameter.
- ``"minimal"``: Equivalent to ``1.``. Data is not masked
if a valid value was used to compute data.
- ``"maximal"``: Equivalent to ``0.``. Data is masked
if a invalid value was used to compute data.
- ``"same"``: Mask is the same as input mask.
- **copy**, optional: Copy variable before filtering it.
- The filtered :mod:`MV2` variable.
>>> generic1d(data, 3.) # running mean using a 3-points block
>>> generic1d(data, [1.,2.,1], axis=2) # shapiro filter on third axis
:See also: :func:`scipy.signal.convolve2d`
# Setup
# - data
data = MV2.asarray(data)
assert data.ndim, 'Input data array must be at least 1D'
if axis<0: axis += data.ndim
if axis!=data.ndim-1:
init_order = data.getOrder(ids=1)
data = data.reorder('...%i'%axis)
datan = data.filled(0.).copy()
nx = datan.shape[-1]
datan.shape = -1, nx
# - weights
if isinstance(weights, int):
weights = N.ones(weights)
weights = N.asarray(weights)
assert weights.ndim, 'Input weights array must be at least 1D'
assert weights.shape[-1] % 2 == 1, 'Shape of weights must be of odd size'
ww = (~N.ma.getmaskarray(data)).astype('i') # = good 2D
nw = weights.shape[-1]
nw2 = weights.shape[-1] / 2
weights.shape = 1, -1
ww.shape = datan.shape
if data.mask is not MV2.nomask:
one2d = N.ones(datan.shape, 'i')
# Cyclic case
if cyclic:
mode = 'valid'
fdatan = N.concatenate((datan[:, -nw2:], datan, datan[:, :nw2]), axis=1)
fww = N.concatenate((ww[:, -nw2:], ww, ww[:, :nw2]), axis=1)
one1d = N.ones(datan.shape[-1]+nw2*2, 'i')
mode = 'same'
fdatan = datan
fww = ww
one1d = N.ones(datan.shape[-1], 'i')
# Filter
kwf = dict(mode=mode)
datan = convolve2d(fdatan, weights, **kwf)
one2d = N.resize(N.convolve(one1d, weights[0], **kwf), datan.shape)
del one1d
if data.mask is MV2.nomask:
ww = one2d
ww = convolve2d(fww, weights, **kwf)
del fdatan, fww
bad = ww==0
ww[bad] = 1
datan[:] = N.where(bad, datan, datan/ww.astype('d'))
ww[bad] = 0
# Set
if copy:
datao = data.clone()
datao = data
datan.shape = data.shape
bad.shape = data.shape
if data.mask is not MV2.nomask:
ww.shape = one2d.shape = data.shape
if mask is 'same':
bad = data.mask
if mask == 'minimal':
mask = 1.
elif mask == 'maximal':
mask = 0.
mask = float(mask)
bad |= (ww/one2d)<(1-mask) # threshold
datao[:] = N.ma.masked_where(bad, datan, copy=False)
del ww, one2d, bad
datao[:] = datan
if axis!=data.ndim-1:
init_order = cdms2.order2index(datao.getAxisList(), init_order)
return datao.reorder(init_order)
return datao
[docs]def shapiro1d(data, **kwargs):
"""Shapiro (121) 1D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.array([1.,2.,1.],data.dtype.char)
return generic1d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def hamming1d(data, M, **kwargs):
"""Hamming 1D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **M**: Size of the Hamming window.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.hamming(M).astype(data.dtype.char)
return generic1d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def hanning1d(data, M, **kwargs):
"""Hanning 1D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **M**: Size of the Hanning window.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.hanning(M).astype(data.dtype.char)
return generic1d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def bartlett1d(data, M, **kwargs):
"""Bartlett 1D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **M**: Size of the Bartlett window.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.bartlett(M).astype(data.dtype.char)
return generic1d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def blackman1d(data, M, **kwargs):
"""Blackman 1D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **M**: Size of the Blackman window.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.blackman(M).astype(data.dtype.char)
return generic1d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def kaiser1d(data, M, beta, **kwargs):
"""Kaiser 1D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **M**: Size of the Kaiser window.
- **beta**: Shape of the window.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.kaiser(M, beta).astype(data.dtype.char)
return generic1d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def gaussian1d(data,nxw,**kwargs):
"""Gaussian 1D filter
- **data**: Data array
- **nxw**: Size of gaussian weights array along X
- Other keywords are passed to :func:`generic1d`
assert nxw % 2 == 1 , 'nxw must be an odd number'
tc = data.dtype.char
xx = N.arange(nxw)-nxw/2.
return generic1d(data, N.exp(-xx**2/nxw**2),**kwargs)
[docs]def generic2d(data, weights, mask='same', copy=True):
"""Generic 2D filter applied to 2D (or more) :mod:`MV2` variables using convolution.
- **data**: Atleast 2D :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **weights**: integer, 2D weights.
They are expected to be symmetric and of odd sizes.
If an integer is provided, a ``(weights,weights)``
array of ones is used.
- **mask**, optional: mode of masking.
The mask is also filtered, and its value helps
defining the new mask, depending on this parameter:
- If a float is provided, data are masked if the mask value
is greater than this parameter.
- ``"minimal"``: Equivalent to ``1.``. Data is not masked
if a valid value was used to compute data.
- ``"maximal"``: Equivalent to ``0.``. Data is masked
if a invalid value was used to compute data.
- ``"same"``: Mask is the same as input mask.
- **copy**, optional: Copy variable before filtering it.
- The filtered :mod:`MV2` variable.
>>> generic2d(data, 3.) # running mean using a 3x3 block
>>> generic2d(data, N.ones(3,3)) # the same
>>> generic2d(data, N.ones(3,3), weights, mode='minimal') # crop coasts
:See also: :func:`scipy.signal.convolve2d`
# Setup
data = MV2.asarray(data)
assert data.ndim>1, 'Input data array must be at least 2D'
if isinstance(weights, int):
weights = N.ones((weights, weights))
weights = N.asarray(weights)
assert weights.ndim, 'Input weights array must be at least 2D'
for i in -2,-1:
assert weights.shape[i] % 2 == 1, \
'Shape of weights must be of odd size in the two directions'
ww = -N.ma.getmaskarray(data).astype('f')+1
datan = data.filled(0.).copy()
if datan.ndim > 2:
ny, nx = datan.shape[-2:]
datan.shape = datan.size/(nx*ny), ny, nx
elif datan.ndim == 2:
datan.shape = (1,) + datan.shape[-2:]
ww.shape = datan.shape
one2d = N.ones(datan.shape[-2:])
# Filter
kwf = dict(mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0.)
for i in xrange(datan.shape[0]): # TODO: multiproc filter2d
datan[i] = scipy.signal.convolve2d(datan[i], weights, **kwf)
if data.mask is MV2.nomask:
ww[i] = scipy.signal.convolve2d(one2d, weights, **kwf)
ww[i] = scipy.signal.convolve2d(ww[i], weights, **kwf)
if data.mask is not MV2.nomask:
one3d = scipy.signal.convolve2d(one2d, weights, **kwf)
one3d = N.resize(one3d, datan.shape)
bad = ww==0
datan[:] = N.where(bad, datan, datan/ww)
# del bad
# Set
if copy:
datao = data.clone()
datao = data
datan.shape = data.shape
if data.mask is not MV2.nomask:
ww.shape = bad.shape = one3d.shape = data.shape
# print 'mask crit', ww/one3d
if mask is 'same':
bad = data.mask
if mask == 'minimal':
mask = 1.
elif mask == 'maximal':
mask = 0.
mask = float(mask)
bad |= (ww/one3d) < (1-mask)
datao[:] = N.ma.masked_where(bad, datan, copy=False)
del ww, one3d
datao[:] = datan
del one2d
return datao
def generic2d_old(data,weights,fast=False,fill_value=None,min_valid=0):
"""Generic 2D filter
- **data**: 2D variable.
- **weights**: Weights of the filter as 2D array of odd sizes.
if not cdms.isVariable(data):
data = MV.masked_array(data, data.mask)
assert data.rank() == 2, 'You need a 2D data set'
assert len(weights.shape) == 2, 'You need to apply 2D weights'
for i in 0,1:
assert weights.shape[i] % 2 == 1, \
'Shape of weights must be of odd size in the two directions'
weights = weights.astype(data.dtype.char)
nyw,nxw = weights.shape
dxw = nxw/2
dyw = nyw/2
ny,nx = data.shape
data_filt = data.clone()
if data.mask is MV.nomask:
fast = True
data_min = data.min()
data_max = data.max()
if fast:
if fill_value is None:
if data.getMissing() is None:
fill_value = data.getMissing()
data_to_use = data.filled()
data_to_use = data.filled(fill_value)
mm = N
data_to_use = data
mm = MV
for j in xrange(ny):
yyrange = N.clip([j-dyw,j+dyw],0,ny-1)
jminw = min(yyrange)-j+dyw+1
jmaxw = max(yyrange)-j+dyw+1
for i in xrange(nx):
xxrange = N.clip([i-dxw,i+dxw],0,nx-1)
this_data = data_to_use[yyrange[0]:yyrange[1],xxrange[0]:xxrange[1]]
if min_valid and MV.count(this_data) < min_valid:
if not fast:
data_filt[j,i] = MV.masked
data_filt[j,i] = fill_value
iminw = min(xxrange)-i+dxw+1
imaxw = max(xxrange)-i+dxw+1
data_filt[j,i] = mm.average(this_data,
weights = weights[jminw:jmaxw,iminw:imaxw])
if fast and data.mask is not MV.masked:
data_filt[:] = MV.masked_greater(data_filt,data_max)
data_filt[:] = MV.masked_less(data_filt,data_min)
if data.mask is not MV.nomask:
data_filt[:] = MV.masked_where(data.mask, data_filt, copy=0)
return data_filt
[docs]def shapiro2d(data, corners=.5, **kwargs):
"""Shapiro (121) 2D filter
- **data**: A :mod:`MV2` variable.
- **corner**, optional: Value in (4) corners.
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic2d`.
- A :mod:`MV2` variable
weights = N.empty((3,3),data.dtype.char)
weights[:] = corners
weights[1,:] = [1.,2.,1.]
weights[:,1] = [1.,2.,1.]
return generic2d(data, weights, **kwargs)
def shapiro2d_old(data,**kwargs):
"""Shapiro (121) 2D filter
- **data**: Data array
- Keywords are passed to :func:`generic2d`
## print 'shap2d'
weights = N.zeros((3,3),data.dtype.char)
weights[1,:] = [1.,2.,1.]
weights[:,1] = [1.,2.,1.]
for j in 1,-1:
for i in 1,-1:
weights[j,i] = 0.5
shap = generic2d(data,weights,**kwargs)
for i in 0, -1:
shap[i] = data[i]
shap[:, i] = data[:, i]
return shap
[docs]def gaussian2d(data, nxw, nyw=None, sxw=1/3., syw=1/3., rmax=3., **kwargs):
"""Gaussian 2D filter
- **data**: Data array
- **nxw**: Size of gaussian weights array along X (and Y if nyw not given)
- *nyw*: Size of gaussian weights array along Y [default: nxw]
- *sxw*: Standard deviation of the gaussian distribution along X.
If <1, its size is relative to nxw. If > 1, it is directly expressed in grid
- *syw*: Same as sxw for Y direction.
- *rmax*: Distance relative to sqrt(sxw**2+syw**2) after with weights are
- Other keywords are passed to :func:`generic2d`
if nyw is None: nyw = nxw
assert nxw % 2 == 1 and nyw % 2 == 1, 'nxw and nyw must be odd numbers'
assert sxw > 0 and syw > 0, 'sxw and syw must be positive'
xx,yy = meshgrid(N.arange(nxw)-nxw/2, N.arange(nyw)-nyw/2)
if sxw < 1:
sxw *= nxw/2
if syw < 1:
syw *= nyw/2
weights = N.exp(-(xx**2/sxw**2 + yy**2/syw**2))
weights[weights<N.exp(-rmax**2)] = 0.
return generic2d(data, weights, **kwargs)
[docs]def deriv(data, axis=0, fast=True, fill_value=None, physical=True, lat=None):
"""Derivative along a given axis
- **data**: Data array (converted to MV array if needed)
- *axis*: Axis on which the derivative is performed [default: 0]
- *fast*: Filled masked array before derivating, so use Numeric which is faster than MA or MV [*WARNING* default: True]
- *physical*: Try physical derivative, taking axis units into account [default: True]
- *lat*: Latitude for geographical deriviative to convert positions in degrees to meters
## print 'deriv2d'
data = MV.masked_array(data)
# Reordering if needed
if axis:
init_order = data.getOrder(ids=1)
data = data.reorder(str(axis)+'...')
data_deriv = data.clone()
data_deriv.id += '_deriv%i'%axis
# cdms or Numeric variable to work on?
if data.mask is MV.nomask:
fast = True
if fast:
if fill_value is None:
data_to_use = data.filled()
data_to_use = data.filled(fill_value)
data_to_use = data
# Derivative
data_deriv[1:-1] = data_to_use[2:]-data_to_use[:-2]
data_deriv[0] = data_to_use[1]-data_to_use[0]
data_deriv[-1] = data_to_use[-2]-data_to_use[-1]
# if not fast:
# for i in 0,-1: data_deriv[i] = MV.masked
# Physical derivative
if physical:
pos = N.resize(data.getAxis(0)[:],data.shape[::-1]).transpose()
if islon(data.getAxis(0)):
if lat is None:
for i,lataxis in enumerate(data.getAxisList()):
if islat(lataxis):
sh = list(data.shape)
if i != data.ndim-1:
olen = sh[-1]
sh[-1] = len(lataxis)
sh[i] = olen
lat = N.swapaxes(N.resize(lataxis[:],sh),i,-1)
lat = N.resize(lataxis[:],sh)
if islon(data.getAxis(0)) or islat(data.getAxis(0)):
pos = deg2m(pos,lat)
units = 'm-1'
units = getattr(data.getAxis(0),'units',None)
data_deriv[1:-1] /= (pos[2:]-pos[:-2])
data_deriv[0] /= (pos[1]-pos[0])
data_deriv[-1] /= (pos[-2]-pos[-1])
data_deriv[1:-1] = data_deriv[1:-1] * .5
units = None
# Mask
if fast:
mask = MV.getmaskarray(data)
dmask = mask.copy()
dmask[1:-1] = N.logical_or(mask[2:],mask[:-2])
# for i in 0,-1: dmask[i] = 1
data_deriv[:] = MV.masked_array(data_deriv,mask=dmask)
for i in 0,-1: data_deriv[i] = MV.masked
# Reordering back
if axis:
init_order = cdms2.order2index(data_deriv.getAxisList(), init_order)
data_deriv = data_deriv.reorder(init_order)
# Units
if units is not None:
data_units = getattr(data_deriv,'units',None)
if data_units is None:
data_deriv.units = units
data_deriv.units += ' '+units
if data_deriv.units == 'm m-1':
del data_deriv.units
return data_deriv
[docs]def deriv2d(data,direction=None,**kwargs):
"""Derivative in a 2D space
- **data**: 2D variable
- *direction*: If not None, derivative is computed in this direction, else the module is returned [default: None]
- Other keywords are passed to deriv()
data = MV.masked_array(data)
data_deriv = data.clone()
data_deriv.id += '_deriv'
assert data.ndim == 2, 'You need a 2D data set'
xdata_deriv = deriv(data,1,**kwargs)
ydata_deriv = deriv(data,0,**kwargs)
## print '2d der'
if direction is None:
data_deriv[:] = MV.sqrt(xdata_deriv**2+ydata_deriv**2)
aa = direction*MV.pi/180.
data_deriv[:] = xdata_deriv*MV.cos(aa) + ydata_deriv*MV.sin(aa)
if hasattr(xdata_deriv,'units'):
data_deriv.units = xdata_deriv.units
elif hasattr(data_deriv,'units'):
del data_deriv.units
return data_deriv
[docs]def norm_atan(var,stretch=1.):
"""Normalize using arctan (arctan(strecth*var/std(var))
- *stretch*: If stretch close to 1, saturates values [default: 1]
Return: Value in [-1,1]
if cdms2.isVariable(var):
var_norm = var.clone()
var_norm.id += '_norm'
mm = MV
elif MA.isMA(var):
var_norm = var.copy()
mm = MA
var_norm = N.array(var)
mm = N
std = var.std()
var_norm[:] = mm.arctan(stretch*var/var.std())*2./N.pi
return var_norm
[docs]def running_average(x, l, d = 0, w = None, keep_mask = True):
"""Perform a running average on an masked array. Average is linearly reduced near bounds, so that the input and output have the same size.
- **x**: Masked array
- **l**: Window size
- *d*: Dimension over which the average is performed (0)
- *w*: Weights (1...)
- *keep_mask*: Apply mask from x to output array
>>> running_average(x, l, d = 0, w = None, keep_mask = 1)
Returns Average array (same size as x)
.. warning:: This function deprecated. Please use :func:`generic1d` instead.
s= x.shape
if cdms.isVariable(x):
out = x.clone()
AV = N
out = N.zeros(s,x.dtype.char)
keep_mask = False
ns = len(s)
if d > (ns-1) or d < 0:
raise '[running_average] bad dimension', d
n = s[d]
#if w is None:
# w = N.ones(n,'f')
ii = []
io = []
for id in range(ns):
if id == d:
for i in range(n):
imin = max(0, i-l/2)
imax = min(n-1,i+l/2)+1
exec 'out['+','.join(ii)+'] = AV.average(x['+','.join(io)+'], d)'
if keep_mask:
out = MV.masked_array(out,mask=MV.getmask(x))
return out
#print 'importing filters 1'
#def smooth1d(var):
# # Smooth
# varan = vara.filled()
# try:
# len(smooth)
# except:
# smooth = [1., 2., 1.]
# vara[:] = N.convolve(varan, smooth, mode='same')
# vara[:] /= N.convolve(N.ones(len(vara)), smooth, mode='same')
# if vara.mask is not MV2.nomask:
# mask = N.convolve(vara.mask.astype('f'), smooth, mode='same')
# vara[:] = MV2.masked_where(mask!=0., vara, copy=0)