Source code for vacumm.misc.grid.basemap

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Utilities derived from mpl_toolkits.basemap"""

# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2016)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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__all__  = ['gshhs_reslist', 'gshhs_autores', 'cached_map', 'cache_map', 'get_map',
'GSHHS_BM', 'merc', 'clean_cache', 'reset_cache', 'get_map_dir', 'get_proj',
'create_map', 'RSHPERE_WGS84', 'GSHHS_RESLIST']

import os
import numpy as N
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, __version__ as basemap_version
from mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj import Proj
from matplotlib import get_configdir
import cPickle, stat
from import Shapes
from misc import get_xy
from ...misc.phys.constants import R as rsphere_mean
from ...misc.phys.units import deg2m, m2deg
from ...misc.misc import kwfilter, dict_check_defaults,  zoombox
from vacumm.config import get_config_value
from ...__init__ import vacumm_warn

#: Earth radius of wgs84 ellipsoid
RSHPERE_WGS84 = (6378137.0,6356752.3141)
rshpere_wgs84 = RSHPERE_WGS84

#: GSHHS shorelines letters
GSHHS_RESLIST = ['f', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'c']
gshhs_reslist = GSHHS_RESLIST

[docs]def gshhs_autores(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, asindex=False, shift=None): """Guess best resolution from lon/lat bounds""" testresol=((lon_max-lon_min)+(lat_max-lat_min))/2.0 ires = N.array([-1.,1. ,5.,15.,50.]).searchsorted(testresol)-1 if isinstance(shift, int): ires += shift ires = N.clip(ires, 0, len(GSHHS_RESLIST)-1) if asindex: return ires return GSHHS_RESLIST[ires]
# Cached maps
[docs]def cached_map(m=None, mapdir=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Check if we have a cached map - *m*: A Basemap instance [Default: None] - *mapdir*: Where are stored the cached maps. If ``None``, :func:`matplotlib.get_configdir` is used as a parent directory, which is the matplotlib configuration directory (:file:`~/.matplotlib` undex linux), and :file:`basemap/cached_maps` as the subdirectory. :Example: >>> m = cached_map(lon_min=-5, lon_max=6, lat_min=40, lat_max=50, projection='lcc', resolution='f') >>> m = cached_map(m) # Does only caching of map """ # We already have one in live memory if isinstance(m, Basemap): # Save it cache_map(m, mapdir=mapdir) # Get it return m # Guess file = _cached_map_file_(mapdir=mapdir, **kwargs) if file is None: return None if verbose: print 'Checking', file, os.path.exists(file) if not os.path.exists(file): return None if verbose: print 'Loadind cached map from '+os.path.basename(file) try: f = open(file) m = cPickle.load(f) f.close() return m except: vacumm_warn('Error while loading cached basemap instance from dir: '+ os.path.dirname(file)) os.remove(file) return None
[docs]def cache_map(m, mapdir=None): """Cache a map if still not cached""" if m is None or m.resolution is None: return file = _cached_map_file_(m, mapdir=mapdir) if file is None: return if not os.path.exists(file): # Dump try: f = open(file, 'wb') = None cPickle.dump(m, f) f.close() except: vacumm_warn('Error while trying to cache basemap instance into: '+ os.path.dirname(file)) return # Access to all if not in user directory if not file.startswith(os.path.expanduser("~")): os.chmod(file, stat.S_IROTH+stat.S_IWOTH+stat.S_IWGRP+stat.S_IRGRP+stat.S_IWUSR+stat.S_IRUSR) # Clean clean_cache()
[docs]def clean_cache(mapdir=None, maxsize=None): """Clean cache directory by checking its size :Params: - **mapdir**, optional: Directory where maps are cached - **maxsize**, optional: Maximal size of directory in bytes. Default value from :confopt:`[vacumm.misc.grid.basemap]max_cache_size` configuration value. """ from ...misc.misc import dirsize mapdir = get_map_dir(mapdir) if mapdir is None: mapdir = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'basemap', 'cached_maps') cache_size = dirsize(mapdir) if maxsize is None: maxsize = eval(get_config_value('vacumm.misc.grid.basemap', 'max_cache_size')) if cache_size>maxsize: files = [os.path.join(mapdir, ff) for ff in os.listdir(mapdir)] files.sort(cmp=lambda f1, f2: cmp(os.stat(f1)[8], os.stat(f2)[8])) for ff in files: cache_size -= os.path.getsize(ff) try: os.remove(ff) except: vacumm_warn('Error while trying to clean basemap cache in: '+ os.path.dirname(ff)) return if cache_size<=maxsize: break
[docs]def reset_cache(mapdir=None): """Remove all cached maps""" mapdir = get_map_dir(mapdir) for file in [os.path.join(mapdir, ff) for ff in os.listdir(mapdir)]: os.remove(file)
[docs]def get_map_dir(mapdir=None): """Get the directory where cqched maps are stored""" if mapdir is None: mapdir = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'basemap', 'cached_maps') return mapdir
def _cached_map_file_(m=None, mapdir=None, **kwargs): mapdir = get_map_dir(mapdir) if not os.path.exists(mapdir): os.makedirs(mapdir) if m is None: if kwargs.has_key('resolution') and kwargs['resolution'] is None: return None res = kwargs['resolution'] kwargs['resolution'] = None m = Basemap(**kwargs) elif m.resolution is None: return None else: res = m.resolution srs = m.srs.replace(' ', '')+'+res='+res szone = '+%.5f+%.5f+%.5f+%.5f' % (m.llcrnrlon, m.llcrnrlat, m.urcrnrlon, m.urcrnrlat) # bversion = '.'.join(basemap_version.split('.')[:2]) return os.path.join(mapdir, 'basemap-%s.%s.%s.pyk' % (basemap_version, srs, szone))
[docs]def create_map(lon_min=-180., lon_max=180., lat_min=-90., lat_max=90., projection='cyl', resolution='auto', epsg=None, lon_center=None, lat_center=None, lat_ts=None, zoom=None, ax=None, overlay=False, fullscreen=False, nocache=False, cache_dir=None, **kwargs): """Generic creation of a :class:`Basemap` instance with caching .. todo:: Merge :func:`get_map` with :func:`create_map` """ kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'basemap', defaults={'area_thresh':0.}) kwmap.update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'map_')) # Map arguments kwargs.setdefault('area_thresh', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('rsphere', RSHPERE_WGS84) # WGS-84 if kwargs['rsphere'] in [None, False, True]: del kwargs['rsphere'] projection = kwargs.pop('proj', projection) if lon_center is None: lon_center = .5*(lon_min+lon_max) if lat_center is None: lat_center = .5*(lat_min+lat_max) if lat_ts is None: lat_ts = lat_center if lon_max-lon_min<1.e-5: lon_min = lon_center-1 lon_max = lon_center+1 if lat_max-lat_min<1.e-5: lat_min = N.clip(lat_center-1, 0, 90) lat_max = N.clip(lat_center+1, 0, 90) if isinstance(zoom, (int, float)): lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max = zoombox( [lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max], zoom) # Special overlay case if overlay: projection = 'merc' resolution = None lat_center = 0 lon_center = 0 elif projection == None: projection = 'cyl' # Guess resolution res = kwargs.pop('res', resolution) if res is True: res = 'auto' elif res is False or res=='None': res = None elif isinstance(res, int): if res < 0: res= 'auto' else: res = GSHHS_RESLIST[4-res] if res == 'auto': res = gshhs_autores(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) if res in GSHHS_RESLIST: kwargs.setdefault('resolution', res) else: kwargs['resolution'] = None # Basemap args if isinstance(projection, str) and projection.lower() == 'rgf93' : # RGF93 kwargs.update(lon_0=3, lat_0=46.5, lat_1=44, lat_2=49, rsphere=RSHPERE_WGS84, projection='lcc') else: # standard kwargs.setdefault('lon_0', lon_center) kwargs.setdefault('lat_0', N.clip(lat_center, -90, 90)) kwargs.setdefault('lat_1', kwargs['lat_0']) kwargs.setdefault('lat_2', kwargs['lat_1']) kwargs.setdefault('lat_ts', N.clip(lat_center, -90, 90)) kwargs.setdefault('projection', projection) kwargs.setdefault('llcrnrlon', lon_min) kwargs.setdefault('urcrnrlon', lon_max) kwargs.setdefault('llcrnrlat', N.clip(lat_min, -90, 90)) kwargs.setdefault('urcrnrlat', N.clip(lat_max, -90, 90)) kwargs['epsg'] = epsg # Check the cache kwcache = kwargs.copy() if cache_dir is not None: kwcache['mapdir'] = cache_dir if not nocache: mymap = cached_map(**kwcache) else: mymap = None # Create the map object if mymap is None: mymap = Basemap(ax=ax, **kwargs) # Cache it? if int(nocache)<=1: if cache_dir is not None: kwcache = {'mapdir':cache_dir} else: kwcache = {} cache_map(mymap, **kwcache) elif ax is not None: = ax mymap.res = res return mymap
[docs]def get_map(gg=None, proj=None, res=None, auto=False, **kwargs): """Quickly create :class:`Basemap` instance :Params: - **gg**, optional: cdms grid or variable, or (xx,yy). - **res**, optional: Resolution. - **proj**, optional: Projection [default: None->'merc'] - **auto**, optional: If True, get geo specs according to grid. If False, whole earth. If None, auto = res is None. .. todo:: Merge with :func:`create_map` """ from vacumm.misc.grid import misc if proj is None: proj = 'merc' if auto is None: auto = res is not None if gg is None: auto = False kwmap = dict(resolution=res, projection=proj) if auto: xx, yy = misc.get_xy(gg, proj=False) lat_center = yy.mean() lon_center = xx.mean() kwmap.update( llcrnrlon = xx.min(), urcrnrlon = xx.max(), llcrnrlat = yy.min(), urcrnrlat = yy.max()) else: lat_center = 0. lon_center = 0. return Basemap(lat_ts=lat_center, lat_0=lat_center, lon_0=lon_center, **kwmap)
[docs]class GSHHS_BM(Shapes): """Shoreline from USGS using Basemap Initialized with a valid Basemap instance with resolution not equal to None, or thanks to arguments passed to :func:`` - *input*: Basemap or Shapes instance [default: None] """ def __init__(self, input=None, clip=None, sort=True, reverse=True, proj=False, **kwargs): # From another Shapes instance if isinstance(input, Shapes): if clip is None: # m is not None and clip = [input.xmin, input.ymin, input.xmax, input.ymax] input = input._m # Get the map without projection if not isinstance(input, Basemap): # Base to create the map kwmap = kwargs.copy() if isinstance(input, str): kwmap['res'] = input elif isinstance(input, dict): kwmap.update(input) # Clipping zone if clip is not None: # Vertices clip = create_polygon(clip, mode='verts') # Map extension from clip bounds kwmap.setdefault('lon_min', clip[:, 0].min()) kwmap.setdefault('lon_max', clip[:, 0].max()) kwmap.setdefault('lat_min', clip[:, 1].min()) kwmap.setdefault('lat_max', clip[:, 1].max()) # Default resolution is 'i' if nothing to estimate it if not 'res' in kwmap and not 'resolution' in kwmap and \ ( (not 'lon' in kwmap and (not 'lon_min' in kwmap or not 'lon_max' in kwmap)) or (not 'lat' in kwmap and (not 'lat_min' in kwmap or not 'lat_max' in kwmap))): kwmap['res'] = 'i' # Check lats if 'lat_min' in kwmap: kwmap['lat_min'] = max(kwmap['lat_min'], -89.99) if 'lat_max' in kwmap: kwmap['lat_max'] = min(kwmap['lat_max'], 89.99) # Build the map m = create_map(**kwmap) self.res = m.resolution else: clip = False m = input # Get unprojected polygons vertices self.res = m.resolution assert m.resolution is not None, 'Your map needs its resolution to be set' all_verts = [] for i, verts in enumerate(m.coastpolygons): if m.coastpolygontypes[i] in [2,4]: continue # Skip lakes if m.projection!='cyl': # Project back verts = m.projtran(verts[0], verts[1], inverse=True) all_verts.append(N.asarray(verts).T) # Final initialization Shapes.__init__(self, all_verts, m=m, clip=clip, sort=sort, proj=proj, shapetype=Shapes.POLYGON, **kwargs)
# def __init__(self, input=None, clip=None, sort=True, reverse=True, proj=False, **kwargs): # # Clipping argument # if clip is not None: # clip = create_polygon(clip) # # from_map = not isinstance(input, Shapes) # if not from_map: # # Already a Shapes instance # self._m = input._m # self._proj = input.get_proj(proj) # polys = input.get_shapes(proj=proj) # # else: # # Get the map # if isinstance(input, Basemap): # assert input.resolution is not None, 'Your map needs its resolution to be set' # m = input # else: # if isinstance(input, str): # kwargs['res'] = input # elif isinstance(input, dict): # kwargs.update(input) # # # Map extension from clip bounds # if clip is not None: # bb = clip.boundary # kwargs.setdefault('lon_min', bb[:, 0].min()) # kwargs.setdefault('lon_max', bb[:, 0].max()) # kwargs.setdefault('lat_min', bb[:, 1].min()) # kwargs.setdefault('lat_max', bb[:, 1].max()) # # # Default resolution is 'i' if nothing to estimate it # if not kwargs.has_key('res') and not kwargs.has_key('resolution') and \ # ( (not kwargs.has_key('lon') and # (not kwargs.has_key('lon_min') or not kwargs.has_key('lon_max'))) or # (not kwargs.has_key('lat') and # (not kwargs.has_key('lat_min') or not kwargs.has_key('lat_max')))): # kwargs['res'] = 'i' # # # Check lats # if kwargs.has_key('lat_min'): kwargs['lat_min'] = max(kwargs['lat_min'], -90) # if kwargs.has_key('lat_max'): kwargs['lat_max'] = min(kwargs['lat_max'], 90) # # # Build the map # m = create_map(**kwargs) # # # polys = m.coastpolygons # self._m = m # self._proj = proj # # # Convert to GEOS polygons and clip # self._shapes = [] # for i, pp in enumerate(polys): # # # Get the polygon with good projection # if not from_map: # poly = pp # else: # if m.coastpolygontypes[i] in [2,4]: continue # Skip lakes # if callable(proj) and m.projection!='cyl': # Project back for reprojection # pp = m.projtran(pp[0], pp[1], inverse=True) # poly = create_polygon(pp, proj=proj) # # # Clip it # self._shapes.extend(clip_shape(poly, clip)) # # # Save some info # self._info = [] # self._type = 2 # self._shaper = Polygon # if self._shapes: # xy = N.concatenate([s.boundary for s in self._shapes]) # self.xmin = xy[:, 0].min() # self.xmax = xy[:, 0].max() # self.ymin = xy[:, 1].min() # self.ymax = xy[:, 1].max() # del xy # else: # xmin = N.inf # xmax = -N.inf # ymin = N.inf # ymax = -N.inf # # # Sort polygons? # if sort: # self.sort(reverse=reverse)
[docs]def merc(lon=None, lat=None, **kwargs): """Mercator map - Extra keywords are passed to :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` - *lon*: Longitudes to define ``llcrnrlon`` and ``urcrnrlon`` - *lat*: Latitudes to define ``lat_ts``, ``llcrnrlat`` and ``urcrnrlat`` """ kwargs.setdefault('resolution', None) if lon is not None: lon = N.asarray(lon) kwargs.setdefault('llcrnrlon', lon.min()) kwargs.setdefault('urcrnrlon', lon.max()) if lat is not None: lat = N.asarray(lat) kwargs.setdefault('llcrnrlat', lat.min()) kwargs.setdefault('urcrnrlat', lat.max()) lat_ts = N.median(lat) else: lat_ts = 0. kwargs.setdefault('lat_ts',lat_ts) return Basemap(projection='merc', **kwargs)
#proj = merc() def basic_proj(xx, yy, inverse=False): """A basic projection using :func:`vacumm.misc.phys.units.deg2m` and :func:`vacumm.misc.phys.units.deg2m` """ if inverse: yy = m2deg(yy) return m2deg(xx, yy), yy return deg2m(xx, yy), deg2m(yy)
[docs]def get_proj(gg=None, proj=None, **kwargs): """Setup a default projection using x,y coordinates and :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj` or :func:`basic_proj` Projection is set by default to "basic". :Params: - **gg**, optional: Grid or coordinates (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_xy`). If not provided, lon bounds are set to (-180,180) and lat bounds to (-89.99,89.99). - Other keywords are passed to :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj`. One of them is the projection type, which defaults to configuration option :confopt:`[vacumm.misc.grid.basemap] proj`. :Return: A :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj.Proj` instance or :func:`basic_proj` :Examples: >>> proj = get_proj(sst.getGrid(), proj='laea') >>> x, y = proj(lon, lat) >>> proj = get_proj((lon, lat)) >>> xx, yy = N.meshgrid(lon, lat) >>> xx, yy = proj(xx, yy) >>> print proj(xx, yy, inverse=True) >>> proj = get_proj(R=6000000.) """ if proj is False: return False if proj is None or proj is True: proj = 'basic' if proj == 'basic': return basic_proj if callable(proj): return proj if gg is not None: x,y = get_xy(gg, num=True) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = x.min(), y.min(), x.max(), y.max() else: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = -180, -90, 180, 90 y = [0] projparams = kwargs.copy() ymax = min(ymax, 89.99) ymin = max(ymin, -89.99) if not isinstance(proj, str): proj = get_config_value('vacumm.misc.grid.basemap', 'proj') dict_check_defaults(projparams, R=rsphere_mean, units='m', proj=proj, lat_ts = N.median(y) if len(y)>10 else N.mean(y), lon_0 = N.median(x) if len(x)>10 else N.mean(x)) dict_check_defaults(projparams, lat_0=projparams['lat_ts']) return Proj(projparams, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
from masking import polygons, create_polygon, proj_shape, clip_shape