Source code for vacumm.misc.grid.kriging

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
Kriging utilities inspired from the AMBHAS library (
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2013-2016)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
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import gc
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool,  cpu_count
import warnings

import numpy as N
import pylab as P

if not hasattr(N, 'isclose'):
    from vacumm.misc import closeto as isclose
    isclose = N.isclose

#from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
[docs]def get_blas_func(name): try: import scipy.linalg.blas func = scipy.linalg.blas.get_blas_funcs(name) except: import scipy.linalg.fblas func = getattr(scipy.linalg.fblas, 'd'+name) return func
blas_dgemv = get_blas_func('gemv')
[docs]def dgemv(a, x): return blas_dgemv(1., a, x)
try: from _blaslapack import symm, sytri except: # print 'Falling back to builtin functions' dgemm = get_blas_func('gemm')
[docs] def symm(a, b): return dgemm(1., a, b)
sytri = N.linalg.pinv from ...misc.misc import kwfilter from .misc import get_distances
[docs]class KrigingError(Exception): pass
#: Variogram model types VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES = ['linear', 'exponential', 'spherical', 'gaussian'] VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES = VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES #: Default variogram model type DEFAULT_VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPE = 'exponential'
[docs]def variogram_model_type(mtype=None): """Check the the variogram model type :Params: - **mtype**, optional: ``None``, and index or a string matching an element of :data:`VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES`. If set to ``None``, it defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPE`. """ if mtype is True: return VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES errmsg = [] for i, vtype in enumerate(VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES): errmsg += '"%s" (=%i)'%(vtype, i) errmsg = 'Invalid variogram model type. Please choose one of: '+ ', '.join(errmsg) if mtype is None: mtype = DEFAULT_VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPE if isinstance(mtype, int): if i<0 or i>len(VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES)-1: raise KrigingError(errmsg) return VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES[i] if not isinstance(mtype, basestring): raise KrigingError(errmsg) for vtype in VARIOGRAM_MODEL_TYPES: if vtype.startswith(mtype): return vtype raise KrigingError(errmsg)
[docs]def variogram_model(mtype, n, s, r, nrelmax=0.2): """Get the variogram model function from its name""" mtype = variogram_model_type(mtype) n = max(n, 0) n = min(n, nrelmax*s) r = max(r, 0) s = max(s, 0) if mtype == 'linear': return lambda h: n + (s-n) * ((h/r)*(h<=r) + 1*(h>r)) if mtype=='exponential': return lambda h: n + (s-n) * (1 - N.exp(-3*h/r)) if mtype=='spherical': return lambda h: n + (s-n)*((1.5*h/r - 0.5*(h/r)**3)*(h<=r) + 1*(h>r)) if mtype=='gaussian': return lambda h: n + (s-n)*(1-N.exp(-3*h**2/r**2)) raise KrigingError(errmsg)
[docs]class VariogramModel(object): """Class used when fitting a variogram model to data to better control params""" param_names = list(variogram_model.func_code.co_varnames[1:]) param_names.remove('nrelmax') def __init__(self, mtype, **kwargs): self.mtype = variogram_model_type(mtype) self.fixed_params = dict([(p, v) for (p, v) in kwargs.items() if p in self.param_names and v is not None])
[docs] def get_all_kwargs(self, pp): """Get arguments list to :func:`variogram_model` by merging variable params `p` and :attr:`fixed_params` """ pp = list(pp) return dict([(p, (self.fixed_params[p] if p in self.fixed_params else pp.pop(0))) for p in self.param_names])
[docs] def get_var_args(self, **kwargs): """Get variable arguments list from specified params .. note:: Result cannot contain ``None`` """ vargs = [kwargs[p] for p in self.param_names if p not in self.fixed_params] if None in vargs: raise VariogramModelError('Variable arguments cannot contains Nones') return vargs
def __call__(self, d, *pp): """Call the variogram model function""" return self.get_variogram_model(pp)(d)
[docs] def get_variogram_model(self, pp): """Get the variogram model function using `pp` variable arguments""" kwargs = self.get_all_kwargs(pp) return variogram_model(self.mtype, **kwargs)
[docs]class VariogramModelError(KrigingError): pass
def _get_xyz_(x, y, z=None, check=True, noextra=True, getmask=False): if not x.ndim==1 and x.shape!=y.shape : raise KrigingError('x, y must have the same 1D shape') if z is not None: if (noextra or z.ndim==1) and x.shape!=z.shape: raise KrigingError('z must have the same 1D shape as x and y') elif not noextra and z.ndim!=1 and (z.ndim!=2 or x.shape!=z.shape[1:]): raise KrigingError('z must have 2 dims with its last dim of same length as x and y') mask = if mask = if mask |= if mask |= if mask is not and mask.any(): if mask.shape==2: # permanent mask mask = N.logical_and.reduce(mask, axis=0) good = ~mask if check and not good.any(): raise KrigingError('All data are masked') try: x = x.compress(good) except: pass y = y.compress(good) z = z.compress(N.resize(good, z.shape)) res = x, y, z if getmask: res += mask, return res
[docs]def variogram(x, y, z, binned=None, nmax=1500, nbindef=30, nbin0=None, nbmin=10, distmax=None, distfunc='simple', errfunc=None): """Estimate variogram from data :Params: - **x/y/z**: 1D arrays of positions and data. - **nmax**, optional: Above this number, size of the sampe is reduced using undersampling. - **binned**, optional: If set to a number, data are arranged in bins to estimate variogram. If set to ``None``, data are arranged in bins if the number of pairs of points is greater than ``nbindef*nbmin``. - **nbindef**, optional: Default number of bins (not used if ``binned`` is a number). - **nbin0**, optional: If set to a number > 1, the first bin is split into nbin0 sub-bins. If set to ``None``, it is evaluated with ``min(bins[1]/nbmin, nbin)``. - **nbmin**, optional: Minimal number of points in a bin. - **distmax**, optional: Max distance to consider. - **distfunc**: Function to compute distances, or a mode argument to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_distances`. - **errfunc**, optional: Callable function to compute "errors" like square root difference between to z values. It take two arguments and defaults to :math:`(z1-z0)^2/2`. """ x, y, z = _get_xyz_(x, y, z) npts = x.shape[0] # Undepsample? if npts>2*nmax: samp = npts/nmax x = x[::samp] y = y[::samp] z = z[::samp] npts = x.shape[0] # Distances dd = get_distances(x, y, x, y, mode=distfunc) # Variogram if errfunc is None: errfunc = lambda a0, a1: 0.5*(a1-a0)**2 vv = errfunc(*N.meshgrid(z, z)) # Unique ii = N.indices(dd.shape) iup = ii[1]>ii[0] d = dd[iup] v = vv[iup] del dd, vv # Max distance if distmax: valid = d<=distmax d = d[valid] v = v[valid] del valid # Direct variogram? if binned is None and len(d)>nbindef*nbmin: binned = True if binned is True: binned = nbindef if not binned: return d, v # Rebin # - first try ii = N.argsort(d) np = d.shape[0] nbin = binned edges = N.linspace(0, np-1, nbin+1).astype('i').tolist() # - more details in first bin if nbin0 is None: # do we need more details? NBIN0MAX = 10 nbin0 = min(edges[1]/nbmin, NBIN0MAX) if nbin0>1: # split first bin edges = N.linspace(0., edges[1], nbin0+1).astype('i')[:-1].tolist()+edges[1:] nbin = nbin - 1 + nbin0 # len(edges)-1 # - rebinning db = N.empty(nbin) vb = N.empty(nbin) for ib in xrange(nbin): iib = ii[edges[ib]:edges[ib+1]+1] db[ib] = d[iib].mean() vb[ib] = v[iib].mean() return db, vb
[docs]def variogram_fit(x, y, z, mtype=None, getall=False, getp=False, geterr=False, distfunc='simple', errfunc=None, **kwargs): """Fit a variogram model to data and return the function :Example: >>> vm, errs = variogram_fit(x, y, z, 'linear', n=0, distmax=30e3, geterr=True) :Params: - **x/y/z**: Position and data. - **mtype**: Variogram model type (see ::`variogram_model_type`). - **getall**: Get verything in a dictionary whose keys are - ``"func"``: model function, - ``"err"``: fitting error, - ``"params"``: all parameters has a dictionary, - ``"popt"``: parameters than where optimised, - ``vm"``: :class:`VariogramModel` instance, - ``"mtype"``: variogram model type. - **getp**, optional: Only return model parameters. Return them as a `class:`dict` if equal to ``2``. - **variogram_<param>**, optional: ``param`` is passed to :func:`variogram`. - **distfunc**: Function to compute distances, or a mode argument to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_distances`. - **errfunc**, optional: Callable function to compute "errors" like square root difference between to z values. It take two arguments and defaults to :math:`\sqrt(z1^2-z0^2)/2`. .. warning:: use "haversine" if input coordinates are in degrees. - Extra keywords are those of :func:`variogram_model`. They can be used to freeze some of the parameters. >>> variogram_fit(x, y, z, mtype, n=0) # fix the nugget """ kwv = kwfilter(kwargs, 'variogram_') kwv.setdefault("distfunc", distfunc) kwv.setdefault("errfunc", errfunc) # Estimated variogram d, v = variogram(x, y, z, **kwv) # Variogram model vm = VariogramModel(mtype, **kwargs) # First guess of paramaters imax = p0 = vm.get_var_args(n=0., s=v[imax], r=d[imax]) # Fitting # p, e = curve_fit(vm, d, v, p0=p0) # old way: no constraint from scipy.optimize import minimize func = lambda pp: ((v-vm.get_variogram_model(pp)(d))**2).sum() warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'divide by zero encountered in divide') p = minimize(func, p0, bounds=[(N.finfo('d').eps, None)]*len(p0), method='L-BFGS-B')['x'] del warnings.filters[0] # Output if getall: return dict( func=vm.get_variogram_model(p), err=(vm.get_variogram_model(p)(d)-v).std(), params = vm.get_all_kwargs(p), popt = p) if int(getp)==2: res = vm.get_all_kwargs(p) elif getp: res = p else: res = vm.get_variogram_model(p) if not geterr: return res return res, (vm.get_variogram_model(p)(d)-v).std()
[docs]def variogram_multifit(xx, yy, zz, mtype=None, getall=False, getp=False, **kwargs): """Same as :func:`variogram_fit` but with several samples""" vm = VariogramModel(mtype, **kwargs) pp = [] for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(zip(xx, yy, zz)): x, y, z = _get_xyz_(x, y, z, check=False) if len(x)==0: continue p = variogram_fit(x, y, z, mtype, getp=True, **kwargs) pp.append(p) pp = N.asarray(pp) if pp.shape[0]==0: raise KrigingError('All data are masked') mp = N.median(pp, axis=0) if getall: return dict( func=vm.get_variogram_model(mp), err=None, params = vm.get_all_kwargs(mp), popt = mp) if int(getp)==2: return vm.get_all_kwargs(mp) if getp: return mp return vm.get_variogram_model(mp)
[docs]def cloud_split(x, y, npmax=1000, getdist=True, getcent=True): """Split data intot cloud of points of max size npmax: :Returns: ``None`` if ``len(x)<=npmax`` Else ``indices`` or ``(indices, global_distorsion, distortions)``. """ from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, vq # Nothing to do csize = len(x) if npmax<2 or csize<=npmax: return # Loop on the number of clusters nclust = 2 points = N.vstack((x, y)).T ii = N.arange(csize) while csize > npmax: centroids, global_distorsion = kmeans(points, nclust) indices, distorsions = vq(points, centroids) sindices = [ii[indices==nc] for nc in xrange(nclust)] csizes = [sii.shape[0] for sii in sindices] order = N.argsort(csizes)[::-1] csize = csizes[order[0]] if getdist: sdistorsions = [distorsions[sii] for sii in sindices] nclust += 1 # Reorder sindices = [sindices[i] for i in order] if getdist: sdistorsions = [sdistorsions[i] for i in order] dists = global_distorsion, sdistorsions if getcent: centroids = centroids[order] # Output if not getdist and not getcent: return indices ret = sindices, if getcent: ret += centroids, if getdist: ret += dists, return ret
[docs]def syminv(A): """Invert a symetric matrix :Params: - **A**: (np+1,np+1) for variogram matrix :Return: ``Ainv(np+1,np+1)`` :Raise: :exc:`KrigingError` """ res = sytri(A.astype('d')) if isinstance(res, tuple): info = res[1] if info: raise KrigingError('Error during call to Lapack DSYTRI (info=%i)'%info) return res[0] else: return res
[docs]class CloudKriger(object): """Ordinary kriger using mutliclouds of points Big input cloud of points (size > ``npmax``) are split into smaller clouds using cluster analysis of distance with function :func:`cloud_split`. The problem is solved in this way: #. Input points are split in clouds if necessary. #. The input variogram matrix is inverted for each cloud, possibly using :mod:`multiprocessing` if ``nproc>1``. #. Value are computed at output positions using each the inverted matrix of cloud. #. Final value is a weighted average of the values estimated using each cloud. Weights are inversely proportional to the inverse of the squared error. :Params: - **x/y/z**: Input positions and data (masked array). - **mtype**, optional: Variogram model type (defaults to 'exp'). See :func:`variogram_model_type` and :func:`variogram_model_type`. - **vgf**, optional: Variogram function. If not set, it is estimated using :meth:`variogram_fit`. - **npmax**, optional: Maxima size of cloud. - **nproc**, optional: Number of processes to use to invert matrices. Set it to a number <2 to switch off parallelisation. - **exact**, optional: If True, variogram is exactly zero when distance is zero. - **distfunc**: Function to compute distances, or a mode argument to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_distances`. - **errfunc**, optional: Callable function to compute "errors" like square root difference between to z values. It take two arguments and defaults to :math:`\sqrt(z1^2-z0^2)/2`. - Extra keywords are parameters to the :func:`variogram_model` that must not be optimized by :func:`variogram_model`. For instance ``n=0`` fix the - Extra keywords are the parameters to the :func:`variogram_model` that must not be optimized by :func:`variogram_model`. For instance ``n=0`` fixes the nugget to zero. This is used only if ``vfg`` is not passed as an argument. :Attributes: :attr:`x`, :attr:`y`, :attr:`z`, :attr:`np`, :attr:`xc`, :attr:`yc`, :attr:`zc`, :attr:`npc`, :attr:`variogram_function`, :attr:`Ainv`, :attr:`npmax`, :attr:`nproc`. .. attribute:: x List of all input x positions. .. attribute:: y List of all input y positions. .. attribute:: z List of all input data. .. attribute:: xc List of input x positions of each cloud. .. attribute:: yc List input of y positions of each cloud. .. attribute:: zc List of input data of each cloud. """ def __init__(self, x, y, z, krigtype, mtype=None, vgf=None, npmax=1000, nproc=None, exact=False, distfunc='simple', errfunc=None, mean=None, farvalue=None, **kwargs): if krigtype is None: krigtype = 'ordinary' krigtype = str(krigtype).lower() assert krigtype in ['simple', 'ordinary'], ('krigtype must be either ' '"simple" or "ordinary"') self.x, self.y, self.z, self.mask = _get_xyz_(x, y, z, noextra=False, getmask=True) = self.x.shape[0] self.nt = 0 if self.z.ndim==1 else z.shape[0] self.mtype = variogram_model_type(mtype) self.npmax = npmax if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() else: nproc = max(1, min(cpu_count(), nproc)) self._setup_clouds_() self.nproc = min(nproc, self.ncloud) if callable(vgf): self.variogram_func = vgf self._kwargs = kwargs self.variogram_fitting_results = None self.exact = exact self.distfunc = distfunc self.errfunc = errfunc self.krigtype = krigtype self._simple = self.krigtype == 'simple' if not self._simple: mean = 0. elif mean is None: mean = self.z.mean() self.mean = mean self.farvalue = farvalue def __len__(self): return self.x.shape[0] def _get_xyz_(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): if x is None: x = self.x if y is None: y = self.y if z is None: z = self.z return _get_xyz_(x, y, z, noextra=False) def _setup_clouds_(self): """Setup cloud spliting Estimate: #. The number of procs to use (sef.nproc). #. Cloud positions and data (self.xc/yc/zc[ic]). #. Weight function for each cloud (self.wc[ic](x,y)). """ # Split? self.npc = [] if self.npmax>2 and self.x.shape[0]>self.npmax: # Split in clouds indices, centroids, (gdist, dists) = cloud_split(self.x, self.y, npmax=self.npmax, getdist=True, getcent=True) self.ncloud = len(indices) # Loop on clouds self.xc = [] self.yc = [] self.zc = [] for ic in xrange(self.ncloud): # Positions and data for xyz in 'x', 'y', 'z': getattr(self, xyz+'c').append(getattr(self, xyz)[..., indices[ic]].T) # Size self.npc.append(len(indices[ic])) else: # Single cloud self.xc = [self.x] self.yc = [self.y] self.zc = [self.z.T] self.ncloud = 1 self.npc = [] self.cwfunc = [lambda x, y: 1.]
[docs] def plot_clouds(self, marker='o', **kwargs): """Quickly Plot inputs points splitted in clouds""" P.figure() for x, y in zip(self.xc, self.yc): P.plot(x, y, marker, **kwargs)
[docs] def variogram_fit(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, **kwargs): """Estimate the variogram function by using :func:`variogram_fit`""" kw = self._kwargs.copy() kw.update(kwargs) kw['distfunc'] = self.distfunc kw['errfunc'] = self.errfunc x, y, z = self._get_xyz_(x, y, z) if z.ndim==2: ne = z.shape[0] res = variogram_multifit([x]*ne, [y]*ne, z, self.mtype, getall=True, **kw) else: res = variogram_fit(x, y, z, self.mtype, getall=True, **kw) self.variogram_func = res['func'] self.variogram_fitting_results = res return self.variogram_func
[docs] def get_sill(self): vgf = self.variogram_func if self.variogram_fitting_results is not None: return self.variogram_fitting_results['params']['s'] return vgf(1e60)
sill = property(fget=get_sill, doc="Sill")
[docs] def set_variogram_func(self, vgf): """Set the variogram function""" if not callable(vgf): raise KrigingError("Your variogram function must be callable") reset = getattr(self, '_vgf', None) is not vgf self._vgf = vgf if reset: del self.Ainv
[docs] def get_variogram_func(self): """Get the variogram function""" if not hasattr(self, '_vgf'): self.variogram_fit() return self._vgf
[docs] def del_variogram_func(self): """Delete the variogram function""" if hasattr(self, '_vgf'): del self._vgf
variogram_func = property(get_variogram_func, set_variogram_func, del_variogram_func, "Variogram function")
[docs] def get_Ainv(self): """Get the inverse of A""" # Already computed if hasattr(self, '_Ainv'): return self._Ainv # Variogram function vgf = self.variogram_func # Loop on clouds if not hasattr(self, '_dd'): self._dd = [] Ainv = [] AA = [] next = int(not self._simple) for ic in xrange(self.ncloud): # Get distance between input points if len(self._dd)<ic+1: dd = get_distances(self.xc[ic], self.yc[ic], self.xc[ic], self.yc[ic], mode=self.distfunc) self._dd.append(dd) else: dd = self._dd[ic] # Form A np = self.npc[ic] A = N.empty((np+next, np+next)) A[:np, :np] = vgf(dd) if self.exact: N.fill_diagonal(A, 0) A[:np, :np][isclose(A[:np, :np], 0.)] = 0. if not self._simple: A[-1] = 1 A[:, -1] = 1 A[-1, -1] = 0 # Invert for single cloud if self.nproc==1: Ainv.append(syminv(A)) else: AA.append(A) # Multiprocessing inversion if self.nproc>1: pool = Pool(self.nproc) Ainv =, AA, chunksize=1) pool.close() # Fortran arrays Ainv = [N.asfortranarray(ainv, 'd') for ainv in Ainv] self.Ainv = Ainv return Ainv
[docs] def set_Ainv(self, Ainv): """Set the invert of A""" self._Ainv = Ainv
[docs] def del_Ainv(self): """Delete the invert of A""" if hasattr(self, '_Ainv'): del self._Ainv
Ainv = property(get_Ainv, set_Ainv, del_Ainv, doc='Invert of A')
[docs] def interp(self, xo, yo, geterr=False, blockr=None): """Interpolate to positions xo,yo :Params: - **xo/yo**: Output positions. - **geterr**, optional: Also return errors. :Return: ``zo`` or ``zo,eo`` """ # Inits xo = N.asarray(xo, 'd') yo = N.asarray(yo, 'd') npo = xo.shape[0] vgf = self.variogram_func so = (self.nt, npo) if self.nt else npo zo = N.zeros(so, 'd') if geterr: eo = N.zeros(npo, 'd') if self.ncloud>1 or geterr: wo = N.zeros(npo, 'd') # Loop on clouds Ainv = self.Ainv next = int(not self._simple) for ic in xrange(self.ncloud): # TODO: multiproc here? # Distances to output points # dd = cdist(N.transpose([xi,yi]),N.transpose([xo,yo])) # TODO: test cdist dd = get_distances(xo, yo, self.xc[ic], self.yc[ic], mode=self.distfunc) # Form B np = self.npc[ic] B = N.empty((np+next, npo)) B[:self.npc[ic]] = vgf(dd) if not self._simple: B[-1] = 1 if self.exact: B[:np][isclose(B[:np], 0.)] = 0. del dd # Block kriging if blockr: tree = cKDTree(N.transpose([xo, yo])) Bb = B.copy() for i, iineigh in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, blockr)): Bb[:, i] = B[:, iineigh].mean() B = Bb # Compute weights W = N.ascontiguousarray(symm(Ainv[ic], N.asfortranarray(B, 'd'))) # Simple kriging with adjusted mean for long distance values if self._simple and self.farvalue is not None: s = self.get_sill() Ais = self.get_sill() * Ainv[ic].sum(axis=0) mean = self.farvalue - (self.zc[ic] * Ais).sum() mean /= (1 - Ais.sum()) else: mean = self.mean # Interpolate z = N.ascontiguousarray(dgemv(N.asfortranarray(W[:np].T, 'd'), N.asfortranarray(self.zc[ic]-mean, 'd'))) if self._simple: z += mean # Simplest case if not geterr and self.ncloud<2: zo[:] = z.T continue # Get error # e = (W[:-1]*B[:-1]).sum(axis=0) e = (W*B).sum(axis=0) del W, B # Weigthed contribution based on errors w = 1/e**2 if self.ncloud>1: z[:] *= w wo += w del w zo[:] += z.T ; del z # Error if geterr: eo = 1/N.sqrt(wo) # Normalization if self.ncloud>1: zo[:] /= wo gc.collect() if geterr: return zo, eo return zo
__call__ = interp
[docs]class OrdinaryCloudKriger(CloudKriger): """Ordinary kriger using cloud splitting""" def __init__(self, x, y, z, mtype=None, vgf=None, npmax=1000, nproc=None, exact=False, distfunc='simple', errfunc=None, **kwargs): CloudKriger.__init__(self, x, y, z, 'ordinary', mtype=mtype, vgf=vgf, npmax=npmax, nproc=nproc, exact=False, distfunc=distfunc, errfunc=errfunc, **kwargs)
OrdinaryKriger = OrdinaryCloudKriger
[docs]class SimpleCloudKriger(CloudKriger): """Simple kriger using cloud splitting""" def __init__(self, x, y, z, mtype=None, vgf=None, npmax=1000, nproc=None, exact=False, distfunc='simple', errfunc=None, mean=None, farvalue=None, **kwargs): CloudKriger.__init__(self, x, y, z, 'simple', mtype=mtype, vgf=vgf, npmax=npmax, nproc=nproc, exact=False, distfunc=distfunc, errfunc=errfunc, mean=mean, farvalue=farvalue, **kwargs)
[docs]def krig(xi, yi, zi, xo, yo, vgf=None, geterr=False, **kwargs): """Quickly krig data""" return OrdinaryKriger(xi, yi, zi, vgf=vgf, **kwargs)(xo, yo, geterr=geterr)
[docs]def gauss3(x, y, x0=-1, y0=0.5, dx0=1, dy0=1, f0=1., x1=1, y1=1, dx1=2, dy1=0.5, f1=-1, x2=0, y2=-1.5, dx2=.5, dy2=.5, f2=-.3, **kwargs): """Create data sample as function position and 3-gaussian function""" g = P.bivariate_normal(x, y, dx0, dy0, x0, y0)*f0 g+= P.bivariate_normal(x, y, dx1, dy1, x1, y1)*f1 g+= P.bivariate_normal(x, y, dx2, dy2, x2, y2)*f2 g *= 10. return g
[docs]def gridded_gauss3(nx=100, ny=100, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-3, ymax=3, mesh=False, **kwargs): """Create a data sample on a grid using :func:`gauss3`""" x = N.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) y = N.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny) xx, yy = N.meshgrid(x, y) zz = gauss3(xx, yy, **kwargs) if mesh: return xx, yy, zz return x, y, zz
[docs]def random_gauss3(**kwargs): """Create a data sample of random points using :func:`gauss3`""" x, y = random_points(**kwargs) z = gauss3(x, y, **kwargs) return x, y, z
[docs]def random_points(np=200, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-3, ymax=3, **kwargs): """Generate random coordinates of points""" x = P.rand(np)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin y = P.rand(np)*(ymax-ymin)+ymin return x, y