Source code for vacumm.misc.grid.masking

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Utilities to deal with masks and selections

.. seealso::

    Tutorials: :ref:`user.tut.misc.grid.masking`, :ref:`user.tut.misc.grid.polygons`
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
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#print 'importing masking 0'

from warnings import warn
import numpy as N
MA =
from cdms2.hgrid import TransientCurveGrid
from cdms2.grid import AbstractGrid
import cdms2, MV2
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from _geoslib import Point, Polygon, LineString
import gc
from genutil import minmax
cdms = cdms2

__all__ = ['get_coast', 'get_coastal_indices', 'GetLakes', 'polygon_mask', 'masked_polygon',
    'polygons', 'd2m', 'polygon_select', 'envelop', 'check_poly_islands',
    'check_poly_straits','t2uvmasks', 'mask2d', 'grid_envelop', 'convex_hull',
    'uniq', 'rsamp', 'zcompress', 'Lakes', 'erode_coast', 'resol_mask',
    'get_dist_to_coast', 'get_avail_rate', 'grid_envelop_mask', 'create_polygon',
    'clip_shape', 'proj_shape', 'plot_polygon', 'clip_shapes', 'merge_masks']

[docs]def get_coast(mask, land=True, b=True, borders=True, corners=True): """Get a mask integer of ocean coastal points from a 2D mask - **mask**: Input mask with 0 on water and 1 on land. - *land*: If True, coast is on land [default: True] - *corners*: If True, consider borders as coastal points [default: True] - *borders:* If True, consider corners as coastal points [default: True] At each point, return 0 if not coast, else an interger ranging from 1 to (2**8-1) to describe the coast point:: 128 4 64 8 + 2 16 1 32 """ # Initialize mask and its boundaries sh = list(mask.shape) imask = N.zeros((sh[0]+2, sh[1]+2), 'i') imask[1:-1, 1:-1] = mask.astype('i') imask[0] = imask[1] imask[-1] = imask[-2] imask[:, 0] = imask[:, 1] imask[:, -1] = imask[:, -2] for j in 0, -1: jp = N.sign(j) for i in 0, -1: ip = N.sign(i) imask[j, i] = imask[j+jp, j] + imask[j, i+ip] # Coast on land or ocean if not land: iimask = imask imask = 1-imask else: iimask = 1-imask # Coast along borders only mborders = \ 1 *iimask[ :-2,1:-1]+ \ 2 *iimask[1:-1,2: ]+ \ 4 *iimask[2: ,1:-1]+ \ 8 *iimask[1:-1, :-2] # Coast as corners only mcorners = \ 16 *iimask[ :-2, :-2]+ \ 32 *iimask[ :-2,2: ]+ \ 64 *iimask[2: ,2: ]+ \ 128*iimask[2: , :-2] mcorners = N.where(N.equal(mborders, 0), mcorners, 0) m = imask[1:-1,1:-1]*(borders*mborders+corners*mcorners) del imask, iimask gc.collect() # Return if b: return m.astype(bool) return m
[docs]def get_coastal_indices(mask, coast=None, asiijj=False, **kwargs): """Get indices of ocean coastal points from a 2D mask :Params: - **mask**: Input mask with 0 on water and 1 on land. - *boundary*: If True, consider outside boundary as land [default: True] - *asiijj*: Get results as II,JJ instead of [(j0,i0),(j1,i1)...] """ if mask is MA.nomask: return [] if coast is None: coast = get_coast(mask, **kwargs) iy,ix = N.indices(mask.shape) jj = N.compress(coast.ravel(),iy.ravel()) ii = N.compress(coast.ravel(),ix.ravel()) if asiijj: return ii, jj return zip(jj, ii)
[docs]def get_dist_to_coast(grid, mask=None, proj=True): """Get the distance to coast on grid :Params: - **grid**: (x,y), grid or variable with a grid. - **mask**: Land/sea mask or variable with a mask. If not provided, gets mask from ``grid`` if it is a masked variable, or estimates it using :func:`polygon_mask` and a GHSSC shoreline resolution given by :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.basemap.gshhs_autores`. - **proj**: Distance are computed by converting coordinates from degrees to meters. :Example: >>> dist = get_dist_to_coast(sst.getGrid(), sst.mask) >>> dist = get_dist_to_coast(sst) :See also: :func:`get_coastal_indices` """ if mask is None and mask = grid xx, yy = M.get_xy(grid, proj=proj, mesh=True, num=True) if mask is None: from basemap import gshhs_autores, merc x, y = M.get_xy(grid, proj=False, num=True, mesh=False) res = gshhs_autores(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()) mask = polygon_mask(grid, res) elif mask = mask = mask2d(mask) ii, jj = get_coastal_indices(mask, asiijj=True) good = ~mask xc = xx[jj, ii] yc = yy[jj, ii] nc = len(xc) ng = good.sum() xdiff = N.resize(xx[good], (nc, ng)) - N.resize(xc, (ng, nc)).T ydiff = N.resize(yy[good], (nc, ng)) - N.resize(yc, (ng, nc)).T dists = xdiff**2+ydiff**2 ; del xdiff, ydiff md = N.sqrt(dists.min(axis=0)) ; del dists mindists = mindists[mask] = mindists[good] = md del good if cdms2.isVariable(grid): mindists = MV2.asarray(mindists) = 'coastdist' mindists.long_name = 'Distance to coast' mindists.units = 'm' M.set_grid(mindists, M.get_grid(grid)) return mindists
[docs]def erode_coast(var, mask2d=None, copy=True, maxiter=10, corners=0., hardmask=None, **kwargs): """Erode coastal mask of ``var`` to fit to ``mask2d`` using 2D smoothing Soothing is performed using :func:`~vacumm.misc.filters.shapiro2d`, in a convergence loop. Loop is ended if : - the mask no longer changes, - the number of iteration exceeds ``maxiter``. .. warning:: Must be used only for erodeing a thin border of the coast. :Params: - **var**: Atleast-2D A :mod:`MV2` variable with mask. - **mask2d**, optional: Reference 2D mask. - **maxiter**, optional: Maximal number of iteration for convergence loop. If equal to ``None``, no check is performed. - **corners**, optional: Weights of corners when calling :func:`~vacumm.misc.filters.shapiro2d`. - **copy**, optional: Modify the variable in place or copy it. - **hardmask**, optional: Mask always applied after an erosion step. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.filters.shapiro2d`. :Return: - A :mod:`MV2` variable :Tutorial: :ref:`user.tut.misc.grid.masking.erode_coast` """ from vacumm.misc.filters import shapiro2d varo = var.clone() if copy else var if mask2d is None: mask2d = N.zeros(var.shape[-2:], '?') masknd = mask2d if (var.ndim==2) else N.resize(mask2d, var.shape) if hardmask is not None and hardmask.ndim != var.ndim: hardmask = N.resize(hardmask, var.shape) # Not masked if varo.mask is MV2.nomask or not var.mask.any(): varo[:] = MV2.masked_where(masknd, varo) return varo # Convergence loop oldnmasked = varo.mask.sum() i=0 while maxiter is None or i<maxiter: varc = shapiro2d(varo, corners=corners, copy=True, mask='minimal', **kwargs) varo[:] = MV2.where(varo.mask, varc, varo) if hardmask is not None: varo[:] = MV2.masked_where(hardmask, varo, copy=0) del varc maskc = varo.mask | masknd nmasked = maskc.sum() if nmasked == oldnmasked: break del maskc oldnmasked = nmasked i+=1 varo[:] = MV2.masked_where(masknd, varo, copy=0) return varo
[docs]class Lakes(object): """Find lakes in a 2D mask where 0 is water and 1 is land :Example: >>> from vacumm.misc.grid import Lakes >>> import numpy as N >>> from pylab import pcolor,show,title >>> # Build the mask >>> mask=N.ones((500,500)) >>> mask[3:10,100:102]=0 >>> mask[103:110,200:210]=0 >>> mask[203:210,200:220]=0 >>> # Find the lakes >>> lakes = Lakes(mask,nmaxcells=80) >>> print 'Number of lakes:', len(lakes.indices()) Number of lakes: 2 >>> pcolor(lakes.mask(),shading=False) >>> title('Lakes') >>> show() >>> first_two_lakes = lakes[:2] """ def __init__(self,mask,nmaxcells=None): # Inits self._nmaxcells = nmaxcells self._ny,self._nx = mask.shape self._mask = N.array(mask[:], dtype='?') self._imask = self._mask.astype('i') self._iy, self._ix = N.indices(mask.shape) self._np = self._imask.sum() # Find lakes using labelling import scipy.ndimage self._lakes, self.nlakes = scipy.ndimage.label(1-self._imask) self._ncells = [N.equal(self._lakes, ilake).astype('i').sum() for ilake in xrange(1, self.nlakes+1)] # Compute indices self._indices = [] for ilake in xrange(1, self.nlakes+1): mask = self._lakes == ilake self._indices.append(zip(self._ix[mask], self._iy[mask])) # Sorting argument self._argsort = N.argsort(self._ncells)[::-1] def __call__(self,**kwargs): return self.indices(**kwargs) def __len__(self): return self.nlakes def __getitem__(self, item): lakes = N.zeros(self._lakes.shape, 'l') for lakeid in self._size2ids_(item): lakes[self._lakes==lakeid] = lakeid return lakes def _size2ids_(self, item): ids = N.arange(self.nlakes)[self._argsort[item]] ids += 1 if isinstance(ids, int): ids = N.asarray([ids]) return ids
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Display the lakes Keywords are passed to :func`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor` """ ny, nx = self._mask.shape xx, yy = N.meshgrid(N.arange(nx+1), N.arange(ny+1)) import pylab as P P.pcolor(xx, yy, self.lakes(), **kwargs)
[docs] def ncells(self): """Number of cell point for each lake""" return self._ncells
[docs] def indices(self, id=None, nbig=None): """Return a list of lake coordinates - *id*: Select lake #<id> - *nbig*: Consider the first ``nbig`` greatest lakes """ if id is not None: return self._indices[id] if nbig is None: return self._indices indices = [] for lakeid in self._size2ids_(slice(0, nbig)): indices.append(self._indices[lakeid]) return indices
[docs] def lakes(self, id=None, nbig=None): """Return an array of same size as masks, but with points in lakes set to its lake id, and others to set to zero - *id*: Select lake #<id> - *nbig*: Consider the first ``nbig`` greatest lakes """ if id is None: if nbig is not None: return self[:nbig] return self._lakes.copy() return N.where(self._lakes==id, self._lakes, 0)
[docs] def mask(self, id=None, nbig=None, **kwargs): """Returns a boolean land/sea mask from lakes() (land is True) - *id*: Select lake #<id> - *nmaxcells*: Do not consider lakes with number of points greater than nmaxcells :Example: >>> mask_lake2 = GetLakes(mask).mask(2) """ return self.lakes(id=id, nbig=nbig) == 0
[docs] def ocean(self, mask=False): """Get the biggest lake or its mask (integer type) - *mask*: If True, return the mask, not the lake [default: True] """ if mask: return self.mask(nbig=1) return self[0]
GetLakes = Lakes
[docs]def polygon_mask(gg, polys, mode='intersect', thresholds=[.5, .75], ocean=False, fractions=0, yclean=True, premask=None, proj=False): """Create a mask on a regular or curvilinear grid according to a polygon list :Params: - **gg**: A cdms grid or variable or a tuple of (xx,yy). - **polys**: A list of polygons or GMT resolutions or Shapes instance like shorelines. - **mode**, optional: Way to decide if a grid point is masked. Possible values are: - ``intersect``, 1, ``area`` (default): Masked if land area fraction is > ``thresholds[0]``. If more than one intersections, land area fraction must be > ``thresholds[1]`` to prevent masking straits. - else: Masked if grid point inside polygon. - **thresholds**, optional: See ``intersect`` mode [default: [.5, .75]] - **ocean**, optional: If True, keep only the ocean (= biggest lake). - **fractions**: If True or 1, return the total fraction of cells covered by the polygons; if 2, returns the total area for each cell. - **proj**, optional: Geographical projection function. See :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.basemap.get_proj`. Use ``False`` to not convert coordinates to meters, and speed up the routine. :Result: A :mod:`numpy` array of boolean (mask) with ``False`` on land. """ # Get proper numeric axes gg = M.get_grid(gg) if proj is not False: proj = get_proj(gg) curved = M.isgrid(gg, curv=True) or proj xx, yy = M.get_xy(gg, mesh=True, num=True, proj=proj) # Thresholds if not isinstance(thresholds, (list, tuple)): thresholds = [thresholds, thresholds] elif len(thresholds) == 1: thresholds += thresholds # Bounds if mode is 'intersect' bmode = mode in ['intersect', 1, 'area'] fmode = fractions #mode in [2, 'fractions', 3] if fmode: bmode = True mask = N.zeros(xx.shape) else: mask = N.zeros(xx.shape, dtype='?') xxb = M.bounds2d(xx) yyb = M.bounds2d(yy) if bmode: # yyb[yyb>90.] = 89.99 # yyb[yyb<-90.] = -89.99 dx = xxb.ptp()/xxb.shape[1] dy = yyb.ptp()/yyb.shape[0] clip = (xxb.min()-dx, yyb.min()-dy, xxb.max()+dx, yyb.max()+dy) ymins = yyb[:, 0, 0]-dy/10. xmin = xxb[0, 0].min()-dx/10. xmax = xxb[0, -1].max()+dx/10. ymax = yyb[-1, 0].max()+dy/10. else: dx = xx.ptp()/xx.shape[1] dy = yy.ptp()/yy.shape[0] clip = (xx.min()-dx, yy.min()-dy, xx.max()+dx, yy.max()+dy) ymins = yy[:, 0]-dy/10. xmin = xx[0, 0]-dx/10. xmax = xx[0, -1]+dx/10. ymax = yy[-1, 0]+dy/10. if curved: xxc, yyc = M.meshcells(xx, yy) dxx = N.diff(xxc, axis=1) dxy = N.diff(xxc, axis=0) dyx = N.diff(yyc, axis=1) dyy = N.diff(yyc, axis=0) for var in dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy: var /= 10. if premask is not None: premask = N.asarray(premask, 'i') # Get instances of Polygons polys = polygons(polys, clip=clip, shapetype=2, proj=proj, clip_proj=False) # Loop on grid points skipped = 0 for j in xrange(xx.shape[0]): # Get polygons of the curent row ypolys = [] if curved: # base rowdown = N.vstack((xxc[j], yyc[j])).T rowup = N.vstack((xxc[j+1], yyc[j+1])).T # bottom margin rowdown[1:-1, 0] -= .5*(dyx[j, :-1]+dyx[j, 1:]) rowdown[1:-1, 1] -= dyy[j, 1:-1] # top margin rowup[1:-1, 0] += .5*(dyx[j, :-1]+dyx[j, 1:]) rowup[1:-1, 1] += dyy[j, 1:-1] # margin at corners for ij, ddx, ddy in (0, dxx, dxy), (1, dyx, dyy): # x,y rowdown[0, ij] -= ddx[j, 0] + ddy[j, 0] rowdown[-1, ij] += ddx[j, -1] - ddy[j, -1] rowup[0, ij] -= ddx[j+1, 0] - ddy[j, 0] rowup[-1, ij] += ddx[j+1, -1] + ddy[j, -1] rowpoly_array = N.vstack((rowdown, rowup[::-1])) del rowdown, rowup else: rowpoly_array = N.array([ [xmin, yyb[j, 0, 0]-dy/10.], [xmax, yyb[j, 0, 0]-dy/10.], [xmax, yyb[j, 0, 3]+dy/10.], [xmin, yyb[j, 0, 3]+dy/10.]]) rowpoly = Polygon(rowpoly_array) for poly in polys: try: if poly.intersects(rowpoly): ypolys.extend(poly.intersection(rowpoly)) except: pass del rowpoly_array, rowpoly for i in xrange(xx.shape[1]): # Pre-masking if premask is not None and premask[j, i] != -1: mask[j, i] = premask[j, i] skipped += 1 continue # Point is inside if not bmode: for poly in ypolys: mask[j, i] = Point((xx[j, i],yy[j, i])).within(poly) if mask[j, i]: break continue # Check the cell cell_poly = Polygon(N.asarray([xxb[j, i, :], yyb[j, i, :]]).transpose()) if isinstance(cell_poly, (LineString, Point)): raise TypeError, 'cell' intersect_area = 0. nintersect = 0 for ip, poly in enumerate(ypolys): if poly is None: continue if isinstance(poly, (LineString, Point)): raise TypeError, 'poly' # Check X range if xxb[j, i, :].max() <= poly.boundary[:, 0].min() or \ xxb[j, i, :].min() >= poly.boundary[:, 0].max(): continue # Check if polygon covers cell if cell_poly.within(poly): nintersect = 1 intersect_area = cell_poly.area() break # One polygon ok = False if cell_poly.intersects(poly): # Remove from list of polys if inside cell if poly.within(cell_poly): intersect_area += poly.area() nintersect += 1 del ypolys[ip] continue try: intersections = cell_poly.intersection(poly) except: continue for intersection in intersections: if isinstance(intersection, (LineString, Point)): continue # One intersection polygon this_area = intersection.area() intersect_area += this_area nintersect += 1 if this_area == poly.area(): ok = True break del intersections if ok: break # Fraction land_fraction = intersect_area/cell_poly.area() if fmode: # Fraction only if fmode==2: mask[j, i] = intersect_area else: mask[j, i] = land_fraction continue # Mask according to fraction (basic masking + strait checking) mask[j, i] = land_fraction >= thresholds[nintersect > 1] # mask[j, i] = intersect_fraction < thresholds[1] and nintersect > 1 del cell_poly del ypolys # Select ocean only if ocean: return GetLakes(mask).ocean() return mask
[docs]def masked_polygon(vv, polys, copy=0, reverse=False, **kwargs): """Mask a variable according to a polygon list :Params: - **vv**: The MV2 array. - **polys**, optional: Polygons (or something like that, see :func:`polygons`). - **copy**, optional: Copy data?. - **reverse**, optional: Reverse the mask? - Other keywords are passed to :func:`polygon_mask`. """ # Get mask mask = polygon_mask(vv, polys, **kwargs) if reverse: mask = ~mask # Mask the variable vv2 = MV2.masked_where(mask, vv, copy=copy) = del mask return vv2
def masked_ocean(vv, polys=None, **kwargs): """Remove lakes from a variable to keep only ocean where ocean the the biggest lake - **vv**: The variable """ pass
[docs]def proj_shape(shape, proj): """Project a Point, a Polygon or a LineString shape using a geographical projection :Params: - **shape**: A Point, Polygon, or a LineString instance with coordinates in degrees. - **proj**: A projection function of instance. See :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.basemap.get_proj`. :Return: A similar instance with its coordinates converted to meters """ if not callable(proj): return shape # Point if isinstance(shape, Point): return Point(*proj(shape.boundary)) # LineString and Polygon return shape.__class__(proj(*shape.boundary.T).T)
[docs]def clip_shape(shape, clip=None): """Clip a :class:`Point`, a :class:`Polygon` or a :class:`LineString` shape using clipping polygon :Params: - **shape**: A valid :class:`Point`, a :class:`Polygon` or a :class:`LineString` instance. - **clip**, optional: A clipping polygon. :Return: A possible empty list of intersection shapes. """ if clip is None: return [shape] clip = create_polygon(clip) shapes = [] if shape.within(clip): return [shape] if shape.intersects(clip): try: return shape.intersection(clip) except: pass return shapes
[docs]def clip_shapes(shapes, clip=None): """Same as :func:`clip_shape` but applied to a list of shapes""" clip = create_polygon(clip) shapes = [] for shape in shapes: shapes.extend(clip_shape(shape, clip)) return shapes
[docs]def create_polygon(data, proj=False, mode='poly'): """Create a simple :class:`Polygon` instance using data :Param: - **data**: Can be either a ``(N,2)`` or ``(2,N)`` array, a ``(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)`` list, tuple or array, or a Polygon. - **proj**, optional: Geographical projection function. - **mode**, optional: Output mode. ``"line"`` = :class:`LineString`, ``"verts"`` = numpy vertices, else :class:`Polygon`. """ if isinstance(data, Polygon): if callable(proj): data = data.boundary else: return data # Convert to numeric data = N.asarray(data, 'float64') # xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax form if data.ndim == 1: assert len(data) == 4, '1D form must have 4 elements (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax), not %i'%len(data) xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = data data = N.asarray([[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymin], [xmax, ymax], [xmin, ymax]]) # Check order if data.shape[0] == 2: data = data.T # Projection if callable(proj): xdata, ydata = proj(*data.T) data = N.asarray([xdata, ydata]).T # Create Polygon or LineString mode = str(mode) if mode.startswith('v'): return data shaper = LineString if mode.startswith('l') else Polygon return shaper(data)
[docs]def plot_polygon(poly, ax=None, **kwargs): """Simply plot a polygon on the current plot using :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` :Params: - **poly**: A valid :class:`Polygon` instance. - Extra keyword are passed to plot function. """ xx = poly.boundary[:, 0] yy = poly.boundary[:, 1] xx = N.concatenate((xx, xx[:1])) yy = N.concatenate((yy, yy[:1])) if ax is None: from matplotlib.pyplot import gca ax = gca() return ax.plot(xx, yy, **kwargs)
[docs]def polygons(polys, proj=None, clip=None, shapetype=2, **kwargs): """Return a list of Polygon instances :Params: - **polys**: A tuple or list of polygon proxies (see examples). - **shapetype**: 1 = Polygons, 2=Polylines(=LineStrings) [default: 2] - **proj**: Geographical projection to convert positions. No projection by default. - **clip**, optional: Clip all polygons with this one. :Example: >>> import numpy as N >>> X = [0,1,1,0] >>> Y = N.array([0,0,1,1]) >>> polygons( [(X,Y)]] ) # from like grid bounds >>> polygons( [zip(X,Y), [X,Y], N.array([X,Y])] ) # cloud >>> polygons( [polygons(([X,Y],), polygons(([X,Y],)]) # from polygins >>> polygons( [[min(X),min(Y),max(X),max(Y)],] ) # from bounds """ # Input if isinstance(polys, (Basemap, str, Polygon, N.ndarray, Shapes, AbstractGrid, tuple)): polys = [polys] if kwargs.has_key('m'): proj = kwargs['m'] kwclip = kwfilter(kwargs, 'clip_') # Numeric or geos polygons out_polys = [] # gmt_polys = [] if shapetype == 1: shaper = LineString else: shaper = Polygon if clip is not None: clipl = clip # degrees kwclip.setdefault('proj', proj) clip = create_polygon(clip, **kwclip) del kwclip['proj'] kwclip['mode'] = 'verts' else: clipl = None # Loop on polygon data from misc import isgrid, isrect, curv2rect for poly in polys: # Grid (cdms var, grid or tuple of axes) -> get envelop if cdms2.isVariable(poly) or isgrid(poly) or \ (isinstance(poly, tuple) and len(poly)==2 and islon(poly[1]) and islat(poly[0])): grid = M.get_grid(poly) if grid is None: continue poly = grid_envelop(grid) # It's already a polygon if isinstance(poly, Polygon): pp = [poly] # Polygon from GMT if isinstance(poly, (str, Basemap)): # poly = GSHHS_BM(poly) # gmt_polys.append(poly) out_polys.extend(GSHHS_BM(poly, clip=clipl, proj=proj).get_shapes()) continue # Shapes instance if isinstance(poly, Shapes): # Good polygon? if poly.get_type() == 0 or poly.get_type() != shapetype: continue # # Clip # poly.clip(clip) # Append to list out_polys.extend(poly.get_shapes()) # continue # Make sure to have a polygon with the right projection poly = create_polygon(poly, proj=proj, mode='line' if shaper is LineString else 'poly') # Clip if clip is not None: out_polys.extend(clip_shape(poly, clip)) else: out_polys.append(poly) # # Treat GMT polygons # from ...misc.plot import map as Map # for poly in gmt_polys: # if isinstance(poly, Basemap) and poly.resolution is not None: # # We already have all the numeric polygons # gmt_m = poly # elif isinstance(poly, str): # # We must deduce polygons from gmt resolution # print 'getting gmt map for mask' # assert poly[0] in ['f', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'c'], \ # "Resolution must be one of ['f', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'c'], not "+poly[0] # # What kind of map? # if m is not None: # proj = m.projection # else: # proj = 'cyl' # # Ok, get it # gmt_m = Map(lon=lon, lat=lat, maponly=True, res=poly[0], projection=proj) # else: # continue # out_polys.extend([Polygon(N.array(p).transpose()) for p in gmt_m.coastpolygons]) return out_polys
def _trans_(trans, xx, yy): #FIXME: see deg2map # Nothing to do if trans is False: return xx, yy # Check if we are sure to not have degrees xx = N.asarray(xx) yy = N.asarray(yy) xmin = xx.min() ymin = yy.min() xmax = xx.max() ymax = yy.max() if xmin >= -0.1 and ymin >= -0.1 and (xmax > 720. or ymax > 90.): return xx, yy # We use a existing basemap instance if callable(trans): return trans(xx, yy) # We create an instance lat_center = yy.mean() m = Basemap(lat_0=lat_center, lat_ts=lat_center, lon_0=xx.mean(), resolution=None,projection='merc', llcrnrlon=xmin,llcrnrlat=ymin,urcrnrlon=xmax,urcrnrlat=ymax) return m(xx, yy) # return d2m(xx, yy)
[docs]def d2m(x, y): return deg2m(x, y), deg2m(y)
[docs]def polygon_select(xx, yy, polys, zz=None, mask=False): """Select unstructered points that are inside polygons :Params: - **xx**: Positions along X. - **yy**: Positions along Y. - **polys**: Polygons. - **zz**, optional: Values at theses positions. - **mask**, optional: Return masked positions and values of True or 1, :Examples: >>> xs, ys = polygon_select(x, y, [poly1, poly2]) >>> xs, ys, zs = polygon_select(x, y, [poly1, poly2], z) >>> xmasked, ymasked, zmasked = polygon_select(x, y, polys, z, mask=True) >>> print N.allclose(xs, xmasked.compressed()) >>> valid = polygon_select(x, y, polys, mask=2) >>> print N.allclose(xs, x[valid]) :Outputs: Depends on ``mask`` - False or 0: selected ``x,y`` or ``x,y,z`` - True/1: the same but as masked arrays - 2: boolean array of valid points (the inverse of the mask) """ # Get numeric axes xx = N.asarray(xx, 'd') yy = N.asarray(yy, 'd') # Get a proper polygon list polys = polygons(polys, lon=(xx.min(), xx.max()), lat=(yy.min(), yy.max())) # Create the mask pmask = N.ones(xx.shape, '?') for ip, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xx, yy)): for poly in polys: if Point((x,y)).within(poly): pmask[ip] = False break # Return mask or masked if mask: if mask==2: return ~pmask else: return, xx, copy=0), \, yy, copy=0), \, zz, copy=0) # Return selection good = ~pmask del pmask xsel = xx[good] ysel = yy[good] ret = (xsel, ysel) if zz is not None: ret += (zz[good], ) del good return ret
[docs]def convex_hull(xy, poly=False, method='delaunay'): """Get the envelop of cloud of points :Params: - **xy**: (x,y) or array of size (2,nxy) (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.get_xy`). - *poly*: - ``True``: Return as Polygon instance. - ``False``: Return two 1D arrays ``xpts,ypts`` - *method*: - ``"angles"``: Recursive scan of angles between points. - ``"delaunay"``: Use Delaunlay triangulation. """ # Points xx, yy = M.get_xy(xy, proj=False) xx = N.asarray(xx) yy = N.asarray(yy) if xx.ndim>1: xx = xx.ravel() yy = yy.ravel() # Various methods if method.startswith('delau'): # Delaunay from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull xy = uniq(N.asarray([xx, yy]).transpose()) indices = ConvexHull(xy).vertices xe = xy[indices, 0] ye = xy[indices, 1] elif method == 'quarters': np = len(xx) # Most south point ip = N.argmin(yy) xe = [xx[ip]] ye = [yy[ip]] # SW while True: good = xx>xe[-1] if not good.any(): break ip = N.argmin(yy[good]) xe.append(xx[ip]) ye.append(yy[ip]) # NW while True: good = yyx>ye[-1] if not good.any(): break ip = N.argmax(xx[good]) xe.append(xx[ip]) ye.append(yy[ip]) pass #TODO: finish convex_hull with quaters elif method=='angles': # Angles np = len(xx) xx0 = N.resize(xx, (np, np)) xx1 = N.resize(xx, (np, np)).transpose() dx = xx1-xx0 ; del xx0, xx1 yy0 = N.resize(yy, (np, np)) yy1 = N.resize(yy, (np, np)).transpose() dy = yy1-yy0 ; del yy0, yy1 angles = N.arctan2(dx, dy) ; del dx, dy idx = N.arange(np) angles[idx, idx] = 10. # Most south point ip0 = ip = N.argmin(yy) xe = [xx[ip]] ye = [yy[ip]] # Recursive search ic = 0 while True: ip = N.argmin(angles[ip]) if ip == ip0: break xe.append(xx[ip]) ye.append(yy[ip]) ic += 1 if ic > np: break xe = N.asarray(xe) ye = N.asarray(ye) else: raise NotImplementedError # Polygon or positions? if poly: return polygons([(xe, ye)], m=False)[0] return xe, ye
[docs]def uniq(data): """Remove duplicates in data :Example: >>> import numpy as N >>> a = N.arange(20.).reshape((10,2)) >>> a[5] = a[1] >>> b = uniq(a) """ if data.ndim>2: wdata = data.reshape((data.shape[0], data.size/data.shape[0])) else: wdata = data keep = N.ones(len(data), '?') for i, d in enumerate(data): if not keep[i]: continue bad = data == d if data.ndim>1: bad = bad.all(axis=-1) bad[i] = False keep = keep & ~bad return data[keep]
[docs]def envelop(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`convex_hull`""" return convex_hull(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def grid_envelop(gg, centers=False, poly=True): """Return a polygon that encloses a grid - **gg**: A cdms grid or a tuple of (lat,lon) - *centers*: - ``True``: The polygon is at the cell center. - ``False``: The polygon is at the cell corners. - *poly*: - ``True``: Return as Polygon instance. - ``False``: Return two 1D arrays ``xpts,ypts`` """ # Axes x, y = M.get_xy(gg, num=True) # Rectangular grids gg = M.curv2rect(gg,mode=False) if M.isgrid(gg, curv=False): if centers: x0 = x.min() ; x1 = x.max() y0 = y.min() ; y1 = y.max() else: xb = M.bounds1d(x) yb = M.bounds1d(y) x0 = xb.min() ; x1 = xb.max() y0 = yb.min() ; y1 = yb.max() if poly: return Polygon(N.array([[x0, y0], [x1, y0], [x1, y1], [x0, y1]], 'd')) return N.array([x0, x1]), N.array([y0, y1]) # Get the 2D axes xx, yy = M.meshgrid(x, y) xxb, yyb = M.meshbounds(x, y) if centers: xxref, yyref = xx, yy else: xxref, yyref = xxb, yyb ny, nx = xx.shape # Get the limits xp = [] yp = [] for jslice, islice in ( (0, slice(None)), # bottom (slice(1, -1), -1), # inner-left (-1, slice(None, None, -1)), # top (slice(-2, 0, -1), 0)): # inner right # Border xborder = xxref[jslice, islice].tolist() yborder = yyref[jslice, islice].tolist() # Smart compression if isinstance(jslice, int): # Along X if jslice: # top jb0 = -2 ; jb1 = None else: # bottom jb0 = 0 ; jb1 = 2 xpoly = xxb[jb0:jb1, islice][:, ::nx] ypoly = yyb[jb0:jb1, islice][:, ::nx] else: # Along Y if islice: # right ib0 = -2 ; ib1 = None else: # left ib0 = 0 ; ib1 = 2 xpoly = xxb[jslice, ib0:ib1][::ny-2] ypoly = yyb[jslice, ib0:ib1][::ny-2] xline = xx[jslice, islice] ; xline = xline[::len(xline)-1] yline = yy[jslice, islice] ; yline = yline[::len(yline)-1] poly1d = Polygon(N.asarray([[xpoly[0, 0], ypoly[0, 0]], [xpoly[0, -1], ypoly[0, -1]], [xpoly[-1, -1], ypoly[-1, -1]], [xpoly[-1, 0], ypoly[-1, 0]]], 'd')) line1d = LineString(N.asarray([[xline[0], yline[0]], [xline[1], yline[1]]], 'd')) if line1d.within(poly1d): # Compression xborder = xborder[::len(xborder)-1] yborder = yborder[::len(yborder)-1] # Add it xp += xborder yp += yborder # Return the polygon or arrays if not poly: return N.asarray(xp), N.asarray(yp) return Polygon(N.asarray(zip(xp, yp)))
[docs]def grid_envelop_mask(ggi, ggo, poly=True, **kwargs): """Create a mask on output grid from the bounds of an input grid: points of output grid that are not within bounds of input grid are masked. :Params: - **ggi**: Input grid or (lon,lat) or cdms variable. - **ggo**: Output grid or (lon,lat) or cdms variable. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`grid_envelop` :Returns: A mask on output grid, where True means "outside bounds of input grid". """ if M.isgrid(ggi, curv=False): # Rectangular x, y = M.get_xy(ggi) xb = M.bounds1d(x) yb = M.bounds1d(y) ggo = M.get_grid(ggo) xxo, yyo = M.meshgrid(*M.get_xy(ggo)) return (xxo<=xb.min())|(xxo>=xb.max())|(yyo<=yb.min())|(yyo>=yb.max()) elif poly: # Using a polygon # Envelop of the input grid poly = grid_envelop(ggi, **kwargs) # Mask on output grid return ~polygon_mask(ggo, [poly], mode='inside') else: # Using regridding from regridding import regrid2d xxb, yyb = M.meshbounds(*M.meshbounds(*M.get_xy(ggi))) vari = MV2.asarray(xxb*0.) vari[[0, -1]] = 1. vari[:, [0, -1]] = 1. M.set_grid(vari, M.curv_grid(xxb, yyb)) varo = regrid2d(vari, ggo, method='nearest', ext=True).filled(1.) return varo.astype('?')
[docs]def check_poly_islands(mask, polys, offsetmin=.85, offsetmax=1.5, dcell=2): """Check that islands as greater as a cell are taken into account - **mask**: The initial mask. A cdms variable with X (longitude) and Y (latitude), or a tuple (lon, lat, mask). - **polys**: Coastal polygons. - *offset*: Islands whose area is > 1-offset and < 1+offset % of the mean cell area are checked [default: .95] - *dcell*: dx and dy relative extension from the center of the cell in resolution units. """ # Get mask and axes if isinstance(mask, tuple): if len(mask) == 3: xx, yy, mask = mask else: gg, mask = mask xx, yy = M.get_xy(gg) else: xx, yy = M.get_xy(mask) # Resolution dx = N.diff(xx).mean() dy = N.diff(yy).mean() cell_area = N.sqrt(dx*dy) # Loop on islands ni = 0 for island_poly in polygons(polys): # Select islands island_area = island_poly.area() if island_area < cell_area*offsetmin or island_area > cell_area*offsetmax: continue # Define cells around xisland = island_poly.get_data()[:, 0] yisland = island_poly.get_data()[:, 1] xcisland = (xisland.min()+xisland.max())/2. ycisland = (yisland.min()+yisland.max())/2. imin, imax, k = xx.mapInterval((xcisland-dx*dcell*1.1, xcisland+dx*dcell*1.1)) jmin, jmax, k = xx.mapInterval((ycisland-dy*dcell*1.1, ycisland+dy*dcell*1.1)) amask = mask[jmin:jmax, imin:imax] xxb, yyb = _trans_(trans, bounds2d(amask.getAxis(-1)), bounds2d(amask.getAxis(-2))) # Get intersection areas areas = N.zeros(amask.shape, 'f') for j in xrange(amask.shape[-2]): for i in xrange(amask.shape[-1]): cell_poly = Polygon(N.array([xxb[j, i, :].ravel(), yyb[j, i, :].ravel()]).transpose()) if cell_poly.intersects(island_poly): areas[j, i] = cell_poly.intersection(island_poly).area() # It should be masked where area is max if not amask.flat[N.argmax(areas)]: ni += 1 amask.flat[N.argmax(areas)] = True mask[jmin:jmax, imin:imax] = amask print 'Masked %i islands' % ni return mask
[docs]def check_poly_straits(mask, polys, dcell=2, threshold=.75): """Check that straits are opened by counting the number of polygon intersection in each cell and the area of water - **mask**: The initial mask. A cdms variable with X (longitude) and Y (latitude). - **polys**: Coastal polygons. - *dcell*: dx and dy relative extension from the center of the cell in resolution units. - *threshold*: Maximal fraction of cell area that must be covered of land (> .5) [default: .25] """ # Get mask and axes if isinstance(mask, tuple): if len(mask) == 3: xx, yy, mask = mask else: gg, mask = mask xx, yy = M.get_xy(gg) else: xx, yy = M.get_xy(mask) # Get cell bounds xxb, yyb = bounds2d(xx), bounds2d(yy) # Loop on coastal points ns = 0 for i, j in get_coastal_indices(mask): # Cell polygon cell_poly = Polygon(N.array(xxb[j, i, :], yyb[j, i, :]).transpose()) cell_area = cell_poly.area() # Count polygon intersections npoly = 0 area = 0. for poly in polys: if poly.intersects(cell_poly): intersections = poly.intersection(cell_poly) npoly += len(intersections) for intersection in intersections: area += intersection.area() if area > threshold: break else: continue break else: # Several polygons = strait, so open mask[j, i] = npoly < 2 print 'Opened %i straits' %ns return mask
[docs]def t2uvmasks(tmask, getu=True, getv=True): """Compoute masks at U and V points from a mask at T points on a C grid (True is land) - **tmask**: A 2D mask. - *getu*: Get the mask at U-points - *getv*: Get the mask at V-points Return umask,vmask OR umask OR vmask depending on getu and getv. """ if not getu and not getv: return if getu: umask = N.array(tmask) # copy umask[..., :, :-1] = tmask[..., :, :-1] | tmask[..., :, 1:] if not getv: return umask vmask = N.array(tmask) vmask[..., :-1, :] = tmask[..., :-1, :] | tmask[..., 1:, :] if not getu: return vmask return umask, vmask
[docs]def mask2d(mask, method='and'): """Convert a 3(or more)-D mask to 2D by performing compression on first axes .. note:: Mask is False on ocean - **mask**: At least 2D mask - *method*: Compression method - ``"and"``: Only one point must be unmask to get the compressed dimension unmasked. - ``"or"``: All points must be unmask to get the compressed dimension unmasked. """ assert mask.ndim > 1, 'Mask must be at leat 2D' if mask.ndim == 2: return mask dtype = mask.dtype if method.lower() == 'or': func = N.logical_or else: func = N.logical_and while mask.ndim != 2: mask = func.reduce(mask) return mask.astype(dtype)
def _old_rsamp_(x, y, r, z=None, rmean=.7, proj=False, getmask=False): """Undersample data points using a radius of proximity - **x**: 1D x array. - **y**: 1D Y array. - **r**: Radius of proximity. - *z*: 1D Z array. - *proj*: Geographic projection instance to convert coordinates. - *method*: - ``mean``: Average neighbouring points. - ``pickup``: Pickup only the current point within the circle of proximity. """ # Need numpy arrays x = N.asarray(x) y = N.asarray(y) if getmask: z = None if z is not None: z = N.array(z) n = x.shape[0] dst = x.copy() dst[:] = 0. close = N.zeros(n, '?') good = N.ones(n, '?') rmean = N.clip(rmean, 0., 1.) # Projection if proj is True: proj = get_proj((x,y)) if callable(proj): x, y = proj(x, y) # Loop on valid points for i0 in xrange(n): if not good[i0]: continue # Search for neighbours dst[:] = N.sqrt((x-x[i0])**2+(y-y[i0])**2) close[:] = dst < r # Average over neighbours if z is not None and rmean>0.: zclose = z[close] z[i0] = zclose[dst[close] < r*rmean].mean() del zclose # Neighbours no longer valid good &= ~close good[i0] = True del dst, close # Only the mask if getmask: return good # Select valid points ret = (x[good], y[good]) if z is not None: ret += z[good], del good return ret
[docs]def rsamp(x, y, r, z=None, rmean=.7, proj=False, rblock=3, getmask=False): """Undersample data points using a radius of proximity - **x**: 1D x array. - **y**: 1D Y array. - **r**: Radius of proximity. - *z*: 1D Z array. - *proj*: Geographic projection instance to convert coordinates. - *rmean*: Radius of averaging relative to ``r`` (``0<rmean<1``) - *rblock*: Size of blocks relative to ``r`` for computation by blocks. """ # Need numpy arrays x = N.asarray(x) y = N.asarray(y) if getmask: z = None if z is not None: z = N.array(z) n = x.shape[0] good = N.ones(n, '?') rmean = N.clip(rmean, 0., 1.) rblock = int(max(1, rblock)) # Projection if proj is True: proj = get_proj((x,y)) if callable(proj): x, y = proj(x, y) # Setup blocks xmin = x.min() ymin = y.min() xmax = x.max() ymax = y.max() dx = xmax-xmin ; dy = ymax-ymin xmin -= .001*dx ; xmax += .001*dx ymin -= .001*dy ; ymax += .001*dy nxb = max(1, int((xmax-xmin)/(r*(rblock-1)))) nyb = max(1, int((ymax-ymin)/(r*(rblock-1)))) rblock *= r xgood = N.zeros(n, '?') block = N.zeros(n, '?') # Loop on x bands x0 = xmin+r-rblock for ixb in xrange(nxb): x0 += rblock-r if ixb == nxb-1: x1 = xmax else: x1 = x0 + rblock xgood[:] = (x>=x0)&(x<=x1) if not xgood.any(): continue # Loop on y bands y0 = ymin+r-rblock for iyb in xrange(nyb): y0 += rblock-r if iyb == nyb-1: y1 = ymax else: y1 = y0 + rblock # Select the block block[:] = xgood&(y>=y0)&(y<=y1) xx = x[block] nn = len(xx) if not nn: continue yy = y[block] if z is not None: zz = z[block] gg = good[block] # Loop on valid points for i0 in xrange(nn): if not gg[i0]: continue # Search for neighbours dst = N.sqrt((xx-xx[i0])**2+(yy-yy[i0])**2) close = dst < r # Average over neighbours if z is not None and rmean>0.: zclose = zz[close] zz[i0] = zclose[dst[close] < r*rmean].mean() del zclose # Neighbours no longer valid gg &= ~close gg[i0] = True # del del dst, close # Store results good[block] = gg if z is not None: z[block] = zz del zz del xx, yy, gg # Only the mask if getmask: return good # Select valid points ret = (x[good], y[good]) if proj: ret = proj(ret[0], ret[1], inverse=True) if z is not None: ret += z[good], del good return ret
[docs]def zcompress(z, *xy, **kwargs): """Compress 1D arrays according to the mask of the first one - **z**: Reference (masked) array - *xy*: Additional arrays to be compressed - *numpify*: Force convertion to numpy array :Example: >>> z, x, y = zcompress(z, x, y, numpify=True) """ if hasattr(z, 'mask') and z.mask is not good = ~z.mask ret = () npf = kwargs.get('numpify', False) for var in (z, )+xy: # Compress if not cdms2.isVariable(var): newvar = var[good] else: newvar = cdms2.createVariable(var.asma()[good]) cp_atts(var, newvar, id=True) # Numpify if npf and hasattr(var, 'filled'): ret += newvar.filled(), del newvar else: ret += newvar, return ret ret = z, ret += xy return ret
[docs]def resol_mask(grid, res=None, xres=None, yres=None, xrelres=None, yrelres=None, relres=None, scaler=None, compact=False, relmargin=.05, nauto=20): """Create a mask based on resolution criteria for undersampling 2D data :Params: - **grid**: A cdms array with a grid, a cdms grid or a tuple of axes. - **res**, optional: Horizontal resolution of arrows (in both directions) for undersampling [default: ``None``]. If ``'auto'``, resolution is computed so as to have at max ``nauto`` arrow in along an axis. If it is a :class:`complex` type, its imaginary part set the ``nauto`` parameter and ``res`` is set to ``'auto'``. .. warning:: Use of ``res`` makes the supposition that X and y units are consistent. - **xres**, optional: Same along X [default: ``res``] - **yres**, optional: Same along Y [default: ``res``] - **relres**, optional: Relative resolution (in both directions). - If > 0, = ``median(res)*relres``. - If < -1, =``min(res)*abs(relres)``. - If < 0 and > -1, =max(res)*abs(relres) - **xrelres**, optional: Same along X [default: ``relres``] - **yrelres**, optional: Same along Y [default: ``relres``] - **scaler**, optional: A callable object that transform X and Y coordinates. Transformed coordinates are used instead of original coordinates if resolutions are negatives. A typical scaler is for example a geographic projection that convert degrees to meters (like a :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance). - **compact**, optional: If no unsersampling is efective, returns ``False``. .. note:: A resolution value set to ``False`` implies no undersampling. :Example: >>> mask = resol_mask((x2d, y2d), relres=2.5) # sampling=2.5 >>> mask = resol_mask(var.getGrid(), xres=2., scaler=mymap, yres=-100.) # 100m >>> mask = resol_mask(var.getGrid(), res=20j) # at max 20 arrows per axis >>> mask = resol_mask(var.getGrid(), res='auto', nauto=20) # equivalent .. note:: It is usually better to regrid with a convenient method instead of unsersample because of aliasing. """ # Params if isinstance(res, complex): if int(res.imag)>1: nauto = int(res.imag) res = 'auto' else: res = None if nauto is None: nauto = 20 # Get numeric axes xx, yy = M.get_xy(grid, num=True, mesh=True, m=False) # Scaler if scaler is None: scaler = get_proj((xx, yy)) if callable(scaler): xxs, yys = scaler(xx, yy) else: xxs, yys = xx, yy # Guess reference resolution if res is not None: if xres is None: xres = res if yres is None: yres = res if relres is not None: if xrelres is None: xrelres = relres if yrelres is None: yrelres = relres if xres is False or xx.shape[1]<3: xres = None if yres is False or yy.shape[1]<3: yres = None if xrelres is False: xrelres = None if yrelres is False: yrelres = None if (xrelres is not None and xres is None) or (yrelres is not None and yres is None): xmode = 'median' ymode = 'median' if xrelres is not None: if xrelres < -1: xmode = 'min' elif xrelres < 0: xmode = 'max' if yrelres is not None: if yrelres < -1: ymode = 'min' elif yrelres < 0: ymode = 'max' xr = M.resol(xx, axis=1, mode=xmode) if xres is None else xres yr = M.resol(yy, axis=0, mode=ymode) if yres is None else yres if N.abs(N.log10(xres/yres))<2: # similar coordinates xr, yr = M.resol(xxs, yys, mode=(xmode, ymode)) if xres is None: xres = -xr if yres is None: yres = -yr else: if xres is None: xres = xr if yres is None: yres = yr x2d = y2d = xbres = ybres = xcres = ycres = None if xres=='auto' or yres=='auto': x2d = xxs y2d = yys else: x2d = xx if xres > 0 else xxs y2d = yy if yres > 0 else yys if xres is not None or yres is not None: xbres, ybres = M.resol((x2d, y2d), mode='raw') if xres=='auto' or yres=='auto': xcres =, axis=1) ycres =, axis=0) xares = -1.*xcres.max()/nauto yares = -1.*ycres.max()/nauto xres = yres = min(xares, yares) # else: # x2d = y2d = xbres = ybres = xcres = ycres = None # Resolution along X if xres=='auto': xres = res if xres is not None: # From absolute resolution if xrelres is None: xrelres = 1. xbres /= N.abs(xres*N.abs(xrelres)) if xcres is None: xcres =, axis=1).astype('i') else: xcres /= N.abs(xres*N.abs(xrelres)) xcres = xcres.astype('i') xdres =, axis=1) xmask = N.ones(xx.shape, '?') xmask[:, 0] = False xmask[:, 1] = (xcres[:, 0]==0).filled(True) xmask[:, 2:] = (xdres==0).filled(True) xmask[:, 1:] &= (xbres<=1-relmargin) del xcres, xdres, xbres else: xmask = False # Resolution along Y if yres=='auto': yres = res if yres is not None: # From absolute resolution if yrelres is None: yrelres = 1. ybres /= N.abs(yres*N.abs(yrelres)) if ycres is None: ycres =, axis=0).astype('i') else: ycres /= N.abs(yres*N.abs(yrelres)) ycres = ycres.astype('i') ydres =, axis=0) ymask = N.ones(yy.shape, '?') ymask[0] = False ymask[1] = (ycres[0]==0).filled(True) ymask[2:] = (ydres==0).filled(True) ymask[1:] &= (ybres<=1-relmargin) del ycres, ydres, ybres else: ymask = False return xmask | ymask
[docs]def get_avail_rate(data, num=True, mode='rate'): """Get the availability rate of a masked array along its forst dimension :Params: - **data**: Mask or masked array. - **num**, optional: Get result as pure numpy array or formatted as input array when possible (MV2 array). - **mode**, optional: - "rate": Output is between 0 and 1. - "pct": Same but in percents from 0 to 100. - "count": Count valid data. """ # Get the mask mask = if else data # Count rate = mask.sum(axis=0) if mode=="rate" or mode=='pct': rate = rate.astype('f')/rate.shape[0] if mode=='pct': rate *= 100 # Format? if not num and cdms2.isVariable(data): rate = MV2.array(rate, copy=0) if data.getGrid() is not None: M.set_grid(rate, data.getGrid()) if mode=="rate": rate.long_name = 'Availability rate' elif mode=='pct': rate.long_name = 'Availability rate' rate.units = "%" else: rate.long_name = 'Number of valid data' return rate
[docs]def merge_masks(varlist, copy=False, mode='max'): """Merge the mask of a list of variable""" if isinstance(varlist, N.ndarray): if copy: varlist = varlist.copy() return varlist varlist = list(varlist) shape = varlist[0].shape mask =[0]) opname = '__or__' if mode=='max' else '__and__' for var in varlist[1:]: assert var.shape==shape, 'All arrays must have the same shape' thismask = mask = getattr(mask, opname)(thismask) out = [] for var in varlist: if not and not copy: warn('Not a masked array, thus cannot apply a mask without copy') out.append(var) continue if copy: if cdms2.isVariable(var): var = var.clone() else: var =, copy=True) var[:] =, var, copy=False) out.append(var) return out
###################################################################### ###################################################################### import misc as M from ...misc.axes import islon, islat from ...misc.phys.units import deg2m from import Shapes from .basemap import GSHHS_BM, get_proj from ...misc.misc import cp_atts, kwfilter