# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""In/Output tools"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2017)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
import copy
import logging.handlers
import os, gc, glob, logging, re, sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from traceback import format_exc
from warnings import warn
import warnings
import numpy as N, MV2, cdms2, cdtime
import pylab as P, operator
from _geoslib import Point, LineString, Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PolyCollection
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from ..__init__ import VACUMMError
__all__ = ['list_forecast_files', 'NcIterBestEstimate', 'NcIterBestEstimateError', 'NcFileObj',
'ncfind_var', 'ncfind_axis', 'ncfind_obj', 'ncget_var', 'ncread_var', 'ncread_files', 'ncread_best_estimate',
'ncget_grid', 'ncget_time','ncget_lon','ncget_lat','ncget_level', 'ncmatch_obj',
'ncget_axis', 'netcdf3', 'netcdf4', 'ncread_axis', 'ncread_obj', 'ncget_fgrid',
'grib_read_files', 'nccache_get_time', 'grib2nc', 'grib_get_names',
'Shapes', 'XYZ', 'XYZMerger', 'write_snx', 'ColoredFormatter', 'Logger', 'TermColors'
MA = N.ma
MV = MV2
class ColPrinter(object):
Class to print formatted columns with header and frame
- **columns**: A list of column descriptions like [['Year',6,'%i'],...]
where the fist element is the title
of the column, the second is the width of the
column, and the last is the format of data.
- **file**, optional: Output to file instead of stdout.
- **align**, optional: Text alignment of titles in header, in ('left','right','center').
- **left,right,top,bottom**, optional: String to draw part of a frame
- **frame**: Shortcut to left=right='|', and top=bottom='-'
- **headsep**, optional: Header separator. If empty or None, not printed.
- **colsep**, optional: Column separator.
- **print_header**, optional: Printer once object created.
.. Note::
Obviously, you must use monospaced fonts
>>> p = ColPrinter([['Year',6,'%i'],['Value',7,'%4.1f']], headsep='=',align='center',frame=True)
| Year Value |
>>> p(2000,25.9)
| 2000 25.9 |
>>> p(2001,23.7)
| 2001 23.7 |
>>> p.close()
def __init__(self,columns,headsep=True,align='left',
left=None,right=None,top=None,bottom=None,frame=None,colsep=' ',
# Inputs
if not isinstance(columns,(list,tuple)):
raise TypeError, 'Input must be a list or tuple of 3-element lists'
elif len(columns) == 3 and type(columns[0]) is type('s') and \
type(columns[1]) is type(1) and type(columns[2]) is type('s'):
columns = [columns,]
if align not in ['left','right','center']:
align = 'left'
if frame is True:
left = right = '|'
top = bottom = '-'
for bb in 'left','right','top','bottom':
if eval(bb) is not None:
self._colsep = str(colsep)
if self._colsep == '':
self._colsep = ' '
if self._colsep != ' ':
self._colsep = ' '+self._colsep+' '
if headsep in ['',None,False]:
self._headsep = None
elif headsep is True:
self._headsep = '-'
self._headsep = str(headsep)
# Loop on columns
headers = []
self._width = []
self._fmt = []
self._ncol = len(columns)
for col in columns:
if not isinstance(col,(list,tuple)) or \
len(col) != 3 or type(col[0]) is not type('s') or type(col[1]) != type(1) or \
type(col[2]) is not type('s') or col[2].find('%') < 0:
raise TypeError, 'This description of column must contain the column title (string), the column width (int) and the string format for data (string): %s' % col
width = col[1]
if width < len(col[0]):
width = len(col[0])
if align == 'left':
elif align == 'right':
# File case
if file is not None:
self._fid = open(file,'w')
self._fid = None
# Print header
self._header = self._colsep.join(headers)
if print_header:
self._bottom__printed = False
def __print(self,line):
if isinstance(self._fid,file):
print line
def close(self):
"""Print bottom and close the file (if file mode) """
if isinstance(self._fid,file) and not self._fid.closed:
def __left(self):
if len(self._left):
return self._left+' '
return ''
def __right(self):
if len(self._right):
return ' '+self._right
return ''
def top(self):
""" Print top frame """
if len(self._top):
n = len(self._header)+len(self.__left())+len(self.__right())
self.__print((self._top * n)[:n])
def header(self):
""" Print header (stop + header text + header separator) """
def headsep(self):
""" Print header separator line """
if self._headsep is not None:
n = len(self._header) + \
len(self.__left()) - len(self._left) + \
len(self.__right()) - len(self._right)
self.__print(self._left+(self._headsep * n)[:n]+self._right)
def bottom(self):
""" Print bottom frame """
if self._bottom__printed: return
if len(self._bottom):
n = len(self._header)+len(self.__left())+len(self.__right())
self.__print((self._bottom * n)[:n])
self._bottom__printed = True
def __call__(self,*data):
"""Print data in columns
Arguments refer to the data.
The number of arguments must be the same as the number of columns.
if len(data) != self._ncol:
raise TypeError, 'You must give a number of data equal to the number of columns (%i): %i' \
% (self._ncol,len(data))
dds = []
for i,dd in enumerate(data):
dds.append((self._fmt[i] % dd).ljust(self._width[i]))
col_printer = ColPrinter # compat
[docs]def list_forecast_files(filepattern, time=None, check=True,
nopat=False, patfreq=None, patfmtfunc=None, patmargin=None, verbose=False, sort=True):
"""Get a list of forecast files according to a file pattern
- **filepattern**: It can be either:
- a global matching pattern (``"file??.nc"``),
- a date pattern (``"file%Y-%m-%d.nc"``),
- an url (``"http://site.net/file.nc"``),
- a list of files.
- **time**: A time selector (``('2000', '2001', 'co')``).
.. warning::
This argument is *mandatory* if ``filepattern`` is a date pattern,
and *not used* if ``filepattern`` is of another type.
- **check**, optional: Check if local files exist.
- **nopat**, optional: Never consider that input patterns have date patterns.
- **patfreq**, optional: Frequency of files to generate file names for each date
when ``filepattern`` is a date pattern.
- **patfmtfunc**, optional: Function to use in place of
:func:`~vacumm.misc.atime.strftime` to generate file names.
It must take as arguments a date pattern and a CDAT component time.
- **sort**, optional: If True, files are sorted alphabetically after being listed;
if a callable function, they are sorted using this function (``files=sort(files)``).
.. warning:: Files are sorted alphabetically by default!
>>> 'Prefered way'
>>> list_forecast_files('mrsPRVMR_r0_%Y-%m-%d_00.nc', ('2010-08-06', '2010-08-15'))
>>> list_forecast_files('http://www.ifremer.fr/data/mrsPRVMR_r0_%Y-%m-%d_00.nc', ('2010-08-06', '2010-08-15'))
>>> list_forecast_files('mrsPRVMR_r0_%Y-%m-%d_*.nc', ('2010-08-06', '2010-08-15'))
>>> 'Possible way'
>>> list_forecast_files('mrsPRVMR_r0_2010-05-??_00.nc')
>>> list_forecast_files(['mrsPRVMR_r0_2010-05-??_00.nc', 'mrsPRVMR_r0_2010-05-??_60.nc'])
>>> 'Just ot filter in existing files'
>>> list_forecast_files(['mrsPRVMR_r0_2010-05-06_00.nc', 'mrsPRVMR_r0_2010-05-07_00.nc'])
>>> 'Simple conversion to list'
>>> list_forecast_files('http://www.ifremer.fr/data/mrsPRVMR_r0_2010-05-06_00.nc')
sfp = str(filepattern)
if len(sfp)>300: sfp = sfp[:300]+'...'
if verbose:
print 'Guessing file list using:'
print ' filepattern: %s'%sfp
print ' time selector: %s'%(time, )
# A list of file
if isinstance(filepattern, list):
files = []
for filepat in filepattern:
files.extend(list_forecast_files(filepat, time=time, check=check,
patfreq=patfreq, patfmtfunc=patfmtfunc, patmargin=patmargin,
verbose=False, nopat=nopat, sort=False))
# Date pattern
elif not nopat and has_time_pattern(filepattern):
from atime import pat2freq,IterDates, strftime, is_interval, pat2glob, filter_time_selector
if isinstance(time, cdms2.selectors.Selector):
seltime = filter_time_selector(time, noslice=True)
if seltime.components():
_, comps = split_selector(seltime) # FIXME: include positional components
for i, comp in comps:
itv = comp.spec
if not is_interval(itv) and is_time(itv):
itv = (itv, itv, 'ccb')
if i==0:
time = itv
time = itv_union(itv, time)
time = None
if not is_interval(time):
if is_time(time):
time = (time, time, 'ccb')
raise ValueError('Your file pattern contains date pattern (like "%Y"), '
'so you must provide a valid absolute time interval such as (date1,date2,"co")'
' or at least a valid single date')
time = tuple(time)
patfmtfunc = patfmtfunc if callable(patfmtfunc) else strftime
# Guess the minimal frequency
lmargin = 1
if patfreq is None:
patfreq = pat2freq(filepattern)
if verbose: print 'Detected frequency for looping on possible dates: '+patfreq.upper()
if not isinstance(patfreq, tuple):
# Reform
patfreq = (1, patfreq)
# Guess left margin when possible
gfiles = glob.glob(pat2glob(filepattern))
if gfiles<2:
lmargin = 1
elif not glob.has_magic(filepattern):
date0 = date1 = None
tu = 'seconds since 200'
for i in xrange(len(gfiles)-1):
date0 = strptime(gfiles[i], filepattern).torel(tu)
date1 = strptime(gfiles[i+1], filepattern).torel(tu)
if (date0.value>=reltime(time[0], tu).value
or date1.value<=reltime(time[1], tu).value): break
if None not in [date0, date1]:
dt = adatetime(date1)-adatetime(date0)
if dt.seconds!=0:
lmargin = comptime('2000').add(dt.seconds, cdtime.Seconds).torel(
patfreq[1]+' since 2000').value
lmargin = comptime('2000').add(dt.days, cdtime.Days).torel(
patfreq[1]+' since 2000').value
lmargin = 1
#FIXME: make it work with date+glob patterns
lmargin = patfreq[0]
# # Add margin to time interval
# if patmargin is None:
# # Guess margin from a second time pattern (like %Y_%%Y.nc)
# fp2 = patfmtfunc(filepattern, now())
# if has_time_pattern(fp2):
# for fn in glob(pat2glob(fp2):
# elif not isinstance(patmargin, tuple):
# patmargin = (1, patmargin)
# Make a loop on dates
itertime = (round_date(time[0], patfreq[1], 'floor'), time[1])
itertime = add_margin(itertime, (lmargin-1, patfreq[1]), False)
iterdates = IterDates(itertime, patfreq,
closed = len(time)==3 and time[2][1]=='c' or True)
files = []
for date in iterdates:
file = patfmtfunc(filepattern, date)
if '://' in file:
elif check or glob.has_magic(file):
# Simple remote file or file object
elif isinstance(filepattern, cdms2.dataset.CdmsFile) or '://' in filepattern:
files = [filepattern]
# Glob pattern
if check or glob.has_magic(filepattern):
files = glob.glob(filepattern)
files = [filepattern]
# Unique
files = list(set(files))
# Count
if verbose:
if not files:
print 'No file found with this file pattern "%s" and time interval %s'%(filepattern, time)
print 'Found %i files'%len(files)
# Sort files
if sort:
key = lambda x: getattr(x, 'id', x)
if callable(sort):
files = sort(files, key=key)
return files
[docs]def ncfind_var(f, id, ignorecase=True, regexp=False, **kwargs):
Find a variable in a netcdf file using :func:`ncfind_obj`
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
res = ncfind_obj(f, id, ignorecase=ignorecase, regexp=regexp,
ids=f.listvariables(), **kwargs)
del nfo
return res
[docs]def ncfind_axis(f, specs, ignorecase=True, regexp=False, **kwargs):
Find an axis in a netcdf file using :func:`ncfind_obj`
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
res = ncfind_obj(f, specs, ignorecase=ignorecase, regexp=regexp,
ids=f.listdimension(), **kwargs)
del nfo
return res
[docs]def ncfind_obj(f, specs, ignorecase=True, regexp=False, ids=None, searchmode=None, **kwargs):
Find a variable or an axis in netcdf file using a name, list of names
or matching attributes such as standard_name, long_name and units.
Objects are checked using :func:`ncmatch_obj`.
It first checks the standard_name, then the names (ids), the axis, and finally
the long_names and units.
>>> f = cdms2.open('temp.nc')
>>> ncfind_obj(f, 'temp')
>>> ncfind_obj(f, ['temperature','temp'])
>>> ncfind_obj(f, ('temperature','TEMP'), ignorecase=False)
>>> ncfind_obj(f, dict(standard_name="sea_surface_temperature"))
>>> ncfind_obj(f, 'lon')
- **f**: A cdms2.dataset.CdmsFile.
- **name**: A string or list of string to look for,
or a dictionary with keys "name", "standard_name", "long_name", 'units' and 'axis'.
- **ignorecase**, optional: Ignore name case when searching variable.
- **regexp**, optional: Interpret long_names and units as regular expressions
that must be compiled.
- **searchmode**, optional: Search order when ``specs`` is a dictionary
and not a OrderedDict. It defaults
to ``None`` or ``'snlua'`` which means:
*standard_name -> name -> long_name -> units -> axis* (first letters).
If ``name`` is an OrderedDict, it simply acts as a filter to restrict search.
The first matching object name, or None if not found.
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
# Searched terms
withdict = isinstance(specs, dict)
standard_name = long_name = units = axis = None
def check_list(refname):
if refname in specs and not is_iterable(specs[refname]):
specs[refname] = [specs[refname]]
if withdict: # Using a dictionary
specs = specs.copy()
# Useful functions
def check_aliases(refname, *aliases):
for alias in aliases:
if alias in specs:
if refname not in specs:
specs[refname] = specs[alias]
del specs[alias]
re_flag = re.I if ignorecase else 0
def check_regexp(refname):
if refname in specs and regexp: # Regular expression
specs[refname] = [re.compile(x, re_flag).search
for x in specs[refname] if x is not None]
# Id
check_aliases('id', 'ids', 'name', 'names')
# Standard name
check_aliases('standard_name', 'standard_names')
# Axis
if 'axis' in specs:
specs['axis'] = specs['axis'].upper()
# Long_name
check_aliases('long_name', 'long_names')
# Units
else: # Using a list of ids
specs = {"id": specs}
# Order and filter the search
specs = filter_search(specs, searchmode)
# Loop on targets to match attributes
if ids is None:
ids = f.listvariables()+f.listdimension()
elif isinstance(ids, basestring):
ids = [ids]
for att, val in specs.items(): # loop on attribute types
for id in ids: # Loop on targets
if match_atts(f[id], {att:val}, id=True, ignorecase=ignorecase):
else: # Not found
id = None
return id
def filter_search(specs, searchmode=None):
"""Order and filter the search"""
# - get order
all_keys = ['id', 'standard_name', 'long_name', 'units', 'axis']
all_keys0 = [key[0] for key in all_keys]
if searchmode is None:
if isinstance(specs, OrderedDict):
searchmode = ''.join([key[0] for key in specs.keys()])
searchmode = ''.join(all_keys0)
searchmode = searchmode.replace('n', 'i')
keys = []
for key0 in searchmode:
key = all_keys[all_keys0.index(key0)]
if key0 in all_keys0 and key in specs:
# - reorder specs
return OrderedDict([(key, specs[key]) for key in keys])
[docs]def ncmatch_obj(obj, id=None, standard_name=None,
long_name=None, units=None, axis=None, ignorecase=True,
searchmode=None, **kwargs):
"""Check if an MV2 object (typicaly from a netcdf file) matches names, standard_names, etc
It first checks the standard_name, then the names (ids), the axis, and finally
the long_names and units.
- **obj**: A MV2 array.
- **standard_name**, optional: List of possible standard_names.
- **id**, optional: Name (id) of this array, wich defaults to the id attribute.
- **axis**, optional: Axis type, as one of 'x, 'y', 'z', 't'.
- **long_name**, optional: List of possible long_names or callable expression
(such as regular expression method).
- **units**, optional: Same as ``long_names`` but for units.
>>> ncmatch_obj(sst, standard_name='sea_surface_temperature', id=['sst'])
>>> import re
>>> ncmatch_obj(sst, long_name=re.compile('sea surface temp').match)
# Format
search = OrderedDict()
if id is None and 'name' in kwargs:
id = kwargs['name']
for key in ('standard_name', 'id', 'axis', 'long_name', 'units'):
val = locals()[key]
if val is None:
search[key] = val
if key=='axis':
search[key] = val if not isinstance(key, list) else val[0]
search[key] = val
# Order and filter the search
search = filter_search(search, searchmode)
# Check attributes
return match_atts(obj, search, ignorecase)
[docs]def ncget_var(f, *args, **kwargs):
Get a variable object as returned by :meth:`cdms2.dataset.CdmsFile.getVariable`
which is equivalent to ``f[varname]``.
:Return: A cdms2.fvariable.FileVariable or None if not found.
:See: :func:`ncfind_var()`
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
oldvname = args[0]
vname = ncfind_var(f, *args, **kwargs)
if vname is None:
raise IOError('Variable not found %s in file %s'%(oldvname, f.id))
var = f.getVariable(vname)
del nfo
return var
[docs]def ncread_obj(f, name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Read an arbitrary netcdf object (axis or variable)"""
# Inits
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
ignorecase = kwargs.get('ignorecase', True)
ncname = ncfind_obj(f, name, ignorecase=ignorecase)
if ncname is None:
del nfo
raise IOError('Object not found %s in file %s'%(name, f.id))
if ncname in f.variables:
obj = ncread_var(f, ncname, *args, **kwargs)
obj = ncread_axis(f, ncname, *args, **kwargs)
del nfo
return obj
[docs]def ncread_axis(f, name, select=None, ignorecase=True, mode='raise'):
"""Read a 1D axis
.. note:: Please use :func:`ncread_var` to read 2D axes.
- **mode**, optional: if ``'raise'`` raises an :exc:`IOError`
if not found, else returns ``None``.
# Inits
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
ncname = ncfind_axis(f, name, ignorecase=ignorecase)
if ncname is None:
del nfo
if mode=='raise':
raise IOError('Axis not found %s in file %s'%(name, f.id))
axis = f.getAxis(ncname)
atts = get_atts(axis)
axis = axis.clone()
set_atts(axis, atts)
del nfo
return axis
[docs]def ncread_var(f, vname, *args, **kwargs):
"""Read a variable in a netcdf file and some more
In addition to a simple ``f(vname, *args, **kwargs)```:
- ``vname`` can be a list of var names, and it takes the first
one found, ignoring the case by default.
- If a variable is on a grid that is stored as curvilinear
but is rectangular in real, it convert its grid to a rectanguar grid
If variabe is not found, it raises
- **f**: File descriptor.
- **vname**: Variable name(s) (see :func:`ncfind_var`).
- **ignorecase**, optional: Case insensitive search for the name of variable.
- Other arguments and keywords are passed to ``f``.
- **atts**: Dictionary of attributes to apply.
- **squeeze**, optional: A single argument (or a list of them) interpreted
as a squeeze specification passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.squeeze_variable`,
to squeeze out singleton axes.
- **torect**, optional: If True, try to convert output grid to rectanguar
using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect`.
- **mode**, optional: if ``'raise'`` raises an :exc:`IOError`
if not found, else returns ``None``.
>>> var = ncread_var(f, ['u', 'u2'], lon=(45, 47), atts={'id':'U'})
# Inits
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
ignorecase = kwargs.pop('ignorecase', True)
torect = kwargs.pop('torect', True)
grid = kwargs.pop('grid', None)
kwgrid = kwfilter(kwargs, 'grid')
samp = kwargs.pop('samp', None)
atts = kwargs.pop('atts', None)
mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'raise')
searchmode = kwargs.pop('searchmode', None)
squeeze = kwargs.pop('squeeze', False)
if not isinstance(squeeze, list):
squeeze = [squeeze]
oldvname = vname
# Find
vname = ncfind_var(f, vname, ignorecase=ignorecase)
if vname is None:
del nfo
if mode=='raise':
raise VACUMMError('Variable not found %s in file %s'%(oldvname, f.id))
# Read
var = f(vname, *args, **kwargs)
# Extra stuff
var = _process_var(var, torect, samp, grid, kwgrid, squeeze, atts)
del nfo
return var
def _process_var(var, torect, samp, grid, kwgrid, squeeze, atts):
- **samp**, optional: Undersample rate as a list of the same size as
the rank of the variable. Set values to 0, 1 for no undersampling.
- **torect**, optional: If True, try to convert output grid to rectanguar
using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect`.
- **grid**, optional: A grid to regrid the variable on.
- **grid_<keyword>**, optional: ``keyword`` is passed to
- **squeeze**, optional: Argument passed to :func:`squeeze_variable` to squeeze out singleton axes.
- Extra kwargs are used to refine the **selector** initialized with ``select``.
- **atts**: attributes dict (or list of attributes dict for each varname)
# To rectangular grid?
if torect:
curv2rect(var, mode="none")
# Undersample
if samp is not None:
if len(samp)!=var.ndim:
del nfo
raise VACUMMError('Sampling keyword ("samp") must have'
' a size equal to the rank of the variable (%i)'%var.ndim)
for i, ss in enumerate(samp):
if samp==0 or samp==1:
samp[i] = slice(None)
elif not isinstance(ss, slice):
samp[i] = slice(None, None, ss)
var = var(*samp)
# Regrid
if grid is not None:
var = regrid2d(var, grid, **kwgrid)
# Squeeze
if squeeze:
for ss in squeeze:
if ss is False: break
var = squeeze_variable(var, ss)
if ss in [True, None]:
# Attributes
if atts is not None:
set_atts(var, atts)
return var
[docs]def ncget_axis(f, checker, ids=None, ro=False, checkaxis=False, **kwargs):
"""Get an axis in a netcdf file by searching all axes and variables
If ``checker`` is a list, dict or tuple, :func:`ncfind_axis`
is called directly to search for the axis within the file.
- **checker**: Can be either
- A generic name such as 'x' or 'lon',
- A function to check that an object is an axis.
of appropriate type (such as :func:`~vacumm.misc.axes.islon`).
This function must accept the 'ro' keyword ('readonly').
- An argument to :func:`ncfind_axis`: list, dict, tuple.
- **ids**, optional: A list of ids to focus search.
:Return: The axis or None if not found
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
if isinstance(checker, basestring):
checker = get_checker(checker)
elif isinstance(checker, (list, tuple, dict)):
axid = ncfind_obj(f, checker, ids=ids, checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=ro, **kwargs)
if axid is None: return
axis = f[axid]
atts = get_atts(axis) # to fix a cdms bug
axis = axis.clone()
set_atts(axis, atts)
return axis
# Targets
dimids = f.listdimension()
varids = f.listvariables()
if ids is None:
ids = varids+dimids
elif isinstance(ids, basestring):
ids = [ids]
# Loop on targets
axis = None
for id in ids:
if checker(f[id], checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=True):
axis = f[id]
# if id in varids:
# return f(id)
# return f.getAxis(id)
elif id in varids:
for i, aid in enumerate(f[id].listdimnames()):
if checker(f[aid], checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=True):
axis = f[id].getAxis(i)
if axis is None:
if hasattr(axis, 'clone'):
atts = get_atts(axis) # to fix a cdms bug
axis = axis.clone()
set_atts(axis, atts)
axis = axis()
del nfo
checker(axis, checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=ro)
return axis
[docs]def ncget_lon(f, ids=None, checkaxis=False, ro=False):
"""Get longitude axis of a netcdf file
- **f**: Netcdf file name or object.
- **ids**, optional: List of ids to help searching.
return ncget_axis(f, islon, ids, checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=ro)
[docs]def ncget_lat(f, ids=None, checkaxis=False, ro=False):
"""Get latitude axis of a netcdf file
- **f**: Netcdf file name or object.
- **ids**, optional: List of ids to help searching.
return ncget_axis(f, islat, ids, checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=ro)
[docs]def ncget_time(f, ids=None, checkaxis=False, ro=False):
"""Get time axis of a netcdf file
- **f**: Netcdf file name or object.
- **ids**, optional: List of ids to help searching.
return ncget_axis(f, istime, ids, checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=ro)
[docs]def ncget_level(f, ids=None, checkaxis=False, ro=False):
"""Get level axis of a netcdf file
- **f**: Netcdf file name or object.
- **ids**, optional: List of ids to help searching.
return ncget_axis(f, islevel, ids, checkaxis=checkaxis, ro=ro)
[docs]def ncget_grid(f, ids=None, torect=False):
"""Get a grid of a netcdf file
- **f**: Netcdf file name or object.
- **ids**, optional: List of ids to help searching.
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
f = nfo.f
if ids is None:
ids = f.listvariables()
elif isinstance(ids, basestring):
ids = [ids]
grid = None
for id in ids:
grid = f[id].getGrid()
if grid is not None :
# grid = grid.clone()
del nfo
if torect:
grid = curv2rect(grid, mode="none")
return grid
[docs]def ncget_fgrid(f, gg):
"""Get the file grid that matches a transient grid or variable
Matching is checked using ids of longitudes and latitudes.
- **f**: file name or object.
- **gg**: cdms2 grid or variable with a grid.
:Return: A :class:`FileGrid` instance or ``None``
if f is None or gg is None: return
if isgrid(f): return f
# From a variable
if cdms2.isVariable(gg):
gg = gg.getGrid()
if gg is None: return
# Current grid
if isinstance(gg, tuple):
lon, lat = gg
lon = gg.getLongitude()
lat = gg.getLatitude()
if lon is None or lat is None: return
lonid = getattr(lon, '_oldid', lon.id)
latid = getattr(lat, '_oldid', lat.id)
# Loop on file grids
from vacumm.misc.io import NcFileObj
nfo = NcFileObj(f)
for fgrid in nfo.f.grids.values():
flon = fgrid.getLongitude()
flat = fgrid.getLatitude()
flonid = getattr(flon, '_oldid', flon.id)
flatid = getattr(flat, '_oldid', flat.id)
if (lonid, latid)==(flonid, flatid):
return fgrid
_nccache_time = {}
[docs]def nccache_get_time(f, timeid=None, ro=False):
"""Get a time axis from cache or netcdf file
A time axis not in cache is read using :func:`ncget_time`,
them stored in cache.
- **f**: File object or name.
- **timeid**, optional: Single or list of time ids for :func:`ncget_time`.
>>> taxis = nccache_get_time('myfile.nc', ['time','time_counter'])
# Check cache
# - file name
fname = f if isinstance(f, basestring) else f.id
fname = os.path.realpath(fname)
# - from cache
if fname in _nccache_time:
return _nccache_time[fname]
# Read it
taxis = ncget_time(f, ids=timeid, ro=ro, checkaxis=True)
_nccache_time[fname] = taxis
return taxis
class NcIterTimeSlice(object):
"""Basic netcdf file iterator with a fixed slice"""
def __init__(self, files, tslice=None, timeid=None, keepopen=False, autoclose=True):
self.i = 0
if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files]
self.nfiles = len(files)
self.files = files
self.nfonext = None
if tslice is None:
tslice = slice(None)
self.tslice = tslice
self.autoclose = autoclose
self.keepopen = keepopen
self.tslices = []
self.timeid = timeid
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self, verbose=False):
# Last iteration
if self.i == self.nfiles:
raise StopIteration
# Open current file
if self.nfonext is not None: # from next one
f = self.nfonext.f
if not self.keepopen: self.nfo.close()
self.nfo = self.nfonext
self.nfonext = None
else: # first time used
self.nfo = NcFileObj(self.files[self.i])
f = self.nfo.f
# Get time axis
if hasattr(f, '_vacumm_timeid'):
self.timeid = f._vacumm_timeid
taxis = nccache_get_time(f, timeid=self.timeid, ro=True)
if taxis is None:
return f, None
self.timeid = taxis.id
if verbose:
print taxis
# Real slice
tslice = slice(*self.tslice.indices(len(taxis)))
# Finalize
self.i += 1
return f, self.tslice
def close(self):
"""Close file descriptors that can be closed"""
if not self.keepopen:
if self.nfonext:
if self.nfo:
[docs]class NcIterBestEstimate(object):
"""Iterator on netcdf forecast files
This class is useful for reading the best estimate of netcdf forcast files.
- **files**: A list of netcdf files.
- **toffset**, optional: An integer or tuple of (<num>, '<units>')
to skip the first time steps of each files.
- **timeid**, optional: Time id. If ``None``, it is guessed
using :meth:`guess_timeid`.
- **tslices**, optional: A list of time slices
(typically taken from a previous loop on file),
to prevent guessing them.
- **keepopen**, optional: Keep all file descriptor open,
else close those who can be closed once no longer used.
- **autoclose**: Deprecated.
:Iterator: At each iteration, it returns ``f,tslice``
- ``f``: the file descriptor (may be closed),
- ``tslice``: the time slice
- A :class:`slice` instance.
- ``None`` if not time is found (thus no slice to perform).
- ``False``: if nothing to read at all.
>>> for f, tslice in NcIterBestEstimate(ncfiles, toffset=(1,'day')):
... if tslice is False or time is None: continue
... var = f(time=tslice)
def __init__(self, files, time=None, toffset=None, timeid=None, tslices=None, keepopen=False, autoclose=True, id=None):
self.i = 0
if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files]
self.nfiles = len(files)
self.files = files
self.nfonext = None
self.seltime = time #[time] if isinstance(time,list) else time
self.tslices = [] if tslices is None else tslices
if toffset is None: toffset = 0
self.toffset = toffset
self.timeid = timeid
self.autoclose = autoclose
self.keepopen = keepopen
from atime import add
self.add = add
if id is None:
id = str(self.toffset)+str(self.seltime)+str(files)
import md5
id = md5.md5(self.id).digest()
self.id = id
def __iter__(self):
return self
[docs] def next(self, verbose=False):
# Last iteration
if self.i == self.nfiles:
raise StopIteration
# Check cache of time slices
if len(self.tslices)>self.i:
self.nfo = NcFileObj(self.files[self.i])
f = self.nfo.f
tslice = self.tslices[self.i]
self.i += 1
return f, tslice
# Open current file
if self.nfonext is not None: # from next one
f = self.nfonext.f
if not self.keepopen: self.nfo.close()
self.nfo = self.nfonext
self.nfonext = None
else: # first time used
self.nfo = NcFileObj(self.files[self.i])
f = self.nfo.f
# Check file cache
if not hasattr(f, '_vacumm_nibe_tslices'):
f._vacumm_nibe_tslices = {}
# Get time axis
if hasattr(f, '_vacumm_timeid'):
self.timeid = f._vacumm_timeid
taxis = nccache_get_time(f, timeid=self.timeid, ro=True)
if taxis is None:
return f, None
self.timeid = taxis.id
if verbose:
print taxis
# Get base time slice of current file
ijk = tsel2slice(taxis, self.seltime, asind=True, nonone=True)
if ijk is False:
return self.empty() # nothing
i, j, k = ijk
# Offset
ctimes = taxis.asComponentTime()
if isinstance(self.toffset, tuple):
subseltime = (self.add(ctimes[0], *self.toffset), ctimes[-1], 'cc')
subtaxis = taxis.subAxis(*ijk)
ijo = subtaxis.mapIntervalExt(subseltime)
if ijo is None or ijo[2]==-1: return self.empty() # nothing
i += ijo[0]
i = max(i, self.toffset)
if i>=j: return self.empty() # nothing
subtaxis = None
# Truncate to next file
if self.i+1 != self.nfiles:
# Start of slice
if subtaxis is None:
subtaxis = taxis.subAxis(*ijk)
ct0 = subtaxis.subAxis(0, 1).asComponentTime()[0]
ct0 = ctimes[i]
# End of slice
self.nfonext = NcFileObj(self.files[self.i+1])
taxisnext = nccache_get_time(self.nfonext.f, timeid=self.timeid, ro=True)
if isinstance(self.toffset, tuple):
ct1 = taxisnext.subAxis(0, 1).asComponentTime()[0]
ct1 = self.add(ct1, *self.toffset)
bb = 'co'
if self.toffset>=len(taxisnext): # Next file too short for offset
ct1 = ctimes[-1]
bb ='cc'
else: # First step starting from offset
ct1 = taxisnext.subAxis(self.toffset, self.toffset+1).asComponentTime()[0]
bb = 'co'
subseltime = (ct0, ct1, bb)
ijo = subtaxis.mapIntervalExt(subseltime)
if ijo is None or ijo[2]==-1: return self.empty() # nothing
io, jo, ko = ijo
j = min(j, i+jo)
del ctimes
# Finalize
self.i += 1
tslice = slice(i, j)
f._vacumm_nibe_tslices[self.id] = tslice
return f, tslice
[docs] def empty(self):
"""Nothing to read from this file"""
self.i += 1
self.nfo.f._vacumm_nibe_tslices[self.id] = None
return self.nfo.f, False
[docs] def close(self):
"""Close file descriptors that can be closed"""
if not self.keepopen:
if self.nfonext:
if self.nfo:
[docs]class NcIterBestEstimateError(VACUMMError):
[docs]class NcFileObj(object):
"""Simple class to properly manage file object or name
>>> nfo = NcFileObj('myfile.nc')
>>> nfo.f('sst')
>>> nfo.close() # or del nfo: close file descriptor
>>> f = cdms2.open(path)
>>> nfo = NcFileObj(f)
>>> nfo.f('sst')
>>> del nfo # or nfo.close(): here has no effect (descriptor still open)
>>> f.close()
>>> nfo = NcFileObj(f)
>>> nfo.close() # close file descriptor
def __init__(self, ncfile, mode='r'):
if isinstance(ncfile, NcFileObj):
self.type = ncfile.type
self.f = ncfile.f
elif isinstance(ncfile, basestring):
self.type = 'path'
self.f = cdms2.open(ncfile, mode)
elif hasattr(ncfile, '_status_'):
self.type = ncfile._status_
if self.type == 'closed':
self.f = cdms2.open(ncfile.id, mode)
self.f = ncfile
raise IOError('Unknown file type %s (not a file name or a netcdf file object)'%ncfile)
[docs] def isclosed(self):
return self.type == 'closed'
[docs] def ispath(self):
return self.type == 'path'
[docs] def isopen(self):
return self.type == 'open'
[docs] def close(self):
if self.type in ['closed', 'path'] and self.f._status_ == 'open':
__del__ = close
[docs]def ncread_best_estimate(filepattern, varname, *args, **kwargs):
"""Read the best estimate of a variable through a set of netcdf forecast files
.. warning:: This function is deprecated.
Please use :func:`ncread_files` switching the first
two argument.
This is equivalent to::
ncread_files(varname, filepattern, *args, **kwargs)
return ncread_files(varname, filepattern, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def ncread_files(filepattern, varname, time=None, timeid=None, toffset=None, select=None,
atts=None, samp=None, grid=None, verbose=False, ignorecase=True, torect=True,
squeeze=False, searchmode=None, nibeid=None, sort=True, nopat=False, patfreq=None,
patfmtfunc=None, check=True, bestestimate=True, **kwargs):
"""Read the best estimate of a variable through a set of netcdf files
.. warning:: Files are listed using function :func:`list_forecast_files`.
Please read its documentation before using current function.
>>> var = ncread_files("r0_2010-%m-%d_00.nc", 'xe',
('2010-08-10', '2010-08-15', 'cc'), samp=[2, 1, 3])
>>> var = ncread_files("http://www.net/r0_2010-%m-%d_00.nc", 'xe',
('2010-08-10', '2010-08-15', 'cc'),
timeid='TIME', toffset=(1, 'day'))
>>> var = ncread_files("r0_2010-??-??_00.nc", 'xe',
select=dict(lon=(-10,-5), z=slice(23,24)), grid=smallgrid)
>>> xe, sst = ncread_files("myfiles*.nc", [('xe', 'sla'),('sst','temp'),'u'])
- **varname**: Name of the netcdf variable to read.
- If a simple name, it reads this variable.
- If a list of names, it reads them all.
- If a list of list of names, each variable is searched for
using the sublist of names.
- **filepattern**: File pattern. See :func:`list_forecast_files`
for more information.
- **time**, optional: Time selector. This keyword is *mandatory*
if ``filepattern`` has date patterns.
- **toffset**: Skip the first time steps. See :class:`NcIterBestEstimate`
for more information.
- **select**, optional: An additional selector for reading
the variable. It can be a dictionary or a :class:`~cdms2.selectors.Selector`
instance (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.create_selector`).
- **atts**: attributes dict (or list of attributes dict for each varname)
(see :func:`ncread_var`.)
- **samp**, optional: Undersample rate as a list of the same size as
the rank of the variable. Set values to 0, 1 for no undersampling.
- **grid**, optional: A grid to regrid the variable on.
- **grid_<keyword>**, optional: ``keyword`` is passed to
- **timeid**, optional: Time id (otherwise it is guessed).
- **ignorecase**, optional: Ignore variable name case (see :func:`ncfind_var`).
- **torect**, optional: If True, try to convert output grid to rectanguar
using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect` (see :func:`ncread_var`).
- Extra kwargs are used to refine the **selector** initialized with ``select``.
- **squeeze**, optional: Argument passed to :func:`ncread_var`
to squeeze out singleton axes.
- **searchmode**, optional: Search order (see :func:`ncfind_obj`).
- **sort/nopat/patfreq/patfmtfunc/check**, optional: These arguments are passed to
:Raise: :class:`NcIterBestEstimateError` in case of error.
# Get the list of files
ncfiles = list_forecast_files(filepattern, time, sort=sort, nopat=nopat,
patfreq=patfreq, patfmtfunc=patfmtfunc, check=check)
if len(ncfiles)==0:
raise NcIterBestEstimateError('No valid file found with pattern: %s'%filepattern)
single = not isinstance(varname, list)
varnames = [varname] if single else varname
if verbose:
print 'Reading best estimate variable(s): ', ', '.join([str(v) for v in varnames]), '; time:', time
print 'Using files:'
print '\n'.join([getattr(fn, 'id', fn) for fn in ncfiles])
# Some inits
nvar = len(varnames)
if isinstance(atts, dict):
atts = [atts]
atts = broadcast(atts, nvar)
allvars = [[] for iv in xrange(nvar)]
kwgrid = kwfilter(kwargs, 'grid')
# - base selector
selects = broadcast(select, nvar)
selectors = [create_selector(s, **kwargs) for s in selects]
# - iterator on files
if not toffset and not bestestimate and (isinstance(time, slice) or time is None):
iterator = NcIterTimeSlice(ncfiles, time, timeid=timeid)
iterator = NcIterBestEstimate(ncfiles, time, timeid=timeid, toffset=toffset, id=nibeid)
# - undepsampling
if samp is not None:
samp = [0 for s in samp if s==0 or not isinstance(s, int)]
samp = [slice(None, None, s) for s in samp]
# - output grid
if grid is not None:
from grid.regridding import regrid2d
# - time
time_units = None
newgrid = None
tvars = [False]*len(varnames) # vars with time?
itaxes = {}
# Loop on files
for ifile, (f, tslice) in enumerate(iterator):
# Refine selector specs with time slice
kwseltime = {iterator.timeid:tslice} if iterator.timeid is not None and \
isinstance(tslice, slice) and not tslice==slice(None) else {}
# seltime = selector(**kwseltime)
taxis = None
# Loop on variables
for iv, vn in enumerate(varnames):
# Refine this selector
seltime = selectors[iv](**kwseltime)
# Find variable name
oldvn = vn
vn = ncfind_var(f, vn, ignorecase=ignorecase)
if vn is None:
if verbose: print 'Skipping file %s for %s variable not found'%(f.id, oldvn)
# Check time
if f[vn] is None:
withtime = iterator.timeid is not None and iterator.timeid in f[vn].getAxisIds()
if withtime:
itaxes[iv] = f[vn].getOrder().find('t')
tvars[iv] = True
if not tslice:
if verbose: print 'Skipping file %s for %s variable because time slice not compatible'%(f.id, oldvn)
sel = seltime # with time
sel = selectors[iv] # no time
# Infos
if verbose:
print 'Processing file no', ifile, ' ', f, ', variable:', vn, ', time slice :', tslice
if withtime:
if taxis is None: taxis = f[vn].getTime()
ctimes = taxis.asComponentTime()
print ' Available:', ctimes[0], ctimes[-1]
del ctimes
# Read the variable
if verbose:
print ' Selecting:', sel
var = ncread_var(f, vn, sel, ignorecase=True, torect=torect, squeeze=squeeze,
grid=grid, samp=samp, searchmode=searchmode,
atts=atts[iv] if atts is not None and iv<len(atts) else None)
if verbose:
print ' Loaded:', var.shape
except Exception, e:
if verbose: print 'Error when reading. Skipping. Message: \n'+format_exc()#e.message
# Fix time units (that may vary between files)
if iterator.timeid is not None and withtime:
this_time_units = f[iterator.timeid].units
if time_units is None:
time_units = this_time_units
elif not are_same_units(this_time_units, time_units):
ch_units(var, time_units)
# Update
if withtime or ifile==0: # append first time or variables with time
if True not in tvars and ifile==1: # no time for all variables
# Read only one file if no variable with time
if ifile==0 and True not in tvars:
# Concatenate
from misc import MV2_concatenate
for iv in xrange(nvar):
# Check
if len(allvars[iv])==0:
raise VACUMMError('No valid data found using varname(s): %s, '
'filepattern: %s, time: %s'%(varnames[iv], filepattern, time))
# Reorder and merge
allvars[iv] = MV2_concatenate(allvars[iv], axis=itaxes.get(iv, 0), copy=False)
return allvars[0] if single else allvars
[docs]def grib_get_names(gribfile):
Return a list of a grib file parameter unique names (using grib message's shortName).
import pygrib
names = []
with pygrib.open(gribfile) as g:
for i in xrange(g.messages):
m = g.read(1)[0]
if m.shortName not in names:
return names
[docs]def grib_read_files(
filepattern, varname, time=None, select=None,
torect=None, samp=None, grid=None, squeeze=None, atts=None,
verbose=False, **kwargs):
Read cdms2 variables through one or a set of grib files.
>>> vardict = grib_read_files("r0_2010-%m-%d_00.grb", 'u',
('2010-08-10', '2010-08-15', 'cc'), samp=[2, 1, 3])
>>> vardict = grib_read_files("r0_2010-??-??_00.grb", dict(shortName:'u'),
select=dict(lon=(-10.0,-5.0), lat=slice(100,200)), grid=smallgrid)
>>> vardict = grib_read_files("myfiles*.grb", [dict(shortName=['u', 'u10']), dict(shortName=['v','v10'])])
- **filepattern**: must be:
- File pattern. See :func:`list_forecast_files` for more information.
- One or more string(s) of the files(s) to be processed. string(s) may contain wildcard characters.
- **varname**: Name of the grib variable(s) to read.
- If a simple name, it reads this variable **using the grib message's shortName**.
- If a list of names, it reads them all.
If a name is a dict, then it is used as grib selector in which case
the user should not specify selectors which may interfer with the select keyword
(see :func:`~pygrib.open.select`).
- **time**, optional: Time selector for files and data. This keyword is *mandatory*
if ``filepattern`` has date patterns.
- **select**, optional: An additional selector applied after data have been loaded.
It can be a dictionary or a :class:`~cdms2.selectors.Selector`
instance (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.misc.create_selector`).
- **torect**, optional: If True, try to convert output grid to rectanguar
using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.curv2rect` (see :func:`ncread_var`).
- **samp**, optional: Undersample rate as a list of the same size as
the rank of the variable. Set values to 0, 1 for no undersampling.
- **grid**, optional: A grid to regrid the variable on.
- **grid_<keyword>**, optional: ``keyword`` is passed to
- **squeeze**, optional: Argument passed to :func:`ncread_var` to squeeze out singleton axes.
- **atts**: attributes dict (or list of attributes dict for each varname)
- *verbose*: function to be called for logging (sys.stderr if True,
disabled with False)
If varname is a list of names or dicts:
- a dict of loaded variables as :class:`cdms2.tvariable.TransientVariable`
this dict keys are are filled with the corresponding varname value if it is a string, or wiht
the loaded message's shortName/name/parameterName.
- the loaded variable as :class:`cdms2.tvariable.TransientVariable`
import datetime, glob, numpy, os, sys, time as _time, traceback
import cdms2, pygrib
from axes import create_lat, create_lon
from atime import create_time, datetime as adatetime
from grid import create_grid, set_grid
if not verbose:
verbose = lambda s:s
if verbose and not callable(verbose):
verbose = lambda s: sys.stderr.write(('%s\n')%s)
# List of variables
single = not isinstance(varname, (list,tuple))
varnames = [varname] if single else varname
' filepattern: %s\n'
' time: %s\n'
' varname: %s'
%(filepattern, time, '\n- '.join(['%r'%(v) for v in varnames])))
# List of files
if isinstance(filepattern, basestring):
files = list_forecast_files(filepattern, time)
if not isinstance(filepattern, (list, tuple)):
filepattern = (filepattern,)
files = tuple(f for l in map(lambda p: glob.glob(p), filepattern) for f in l)
if len(files)==0:
raise Exception('No valid file found with pattern %r and time %r'%(filepattern, time))
verbose('number of matching files: %s'%(len(files)))
#verbose('- %s'%('\n- '.join(files)))
if time:
time = map(adatetime, time[:2])
vardict = dict()
# Load grib data
for f in files:
verbose('file: %s'%(f))
with pygrib.open(f) as g:
for n in varnames:
kw = n if isinstance(n, dict) else dict(shortName=n)
st = _time.time()
ms = g.select(**kw)
verbose(' select: %s message%s matching preselection %r (took %s)'%(
len(ms), 's' if len(ms)>1 else '', kw, datetime.timedelta(seconds=_time.time()-st)))
for m in ms:
st = _time.time()
# use provided special datetime object if present
if m.validDate:
dt = m.validDate
# use validityDate exposed as YYYYMMDD and validityTime exposed as HHMM (or HMM or HH or H)
elif m.validityDate != None and m.validityTime != None:
dt = '%s%04d00'%(m.validityDate, m.validityTime) # pad validityTime and add 00 seconds
# or use dataDate & dataTime & forecastTime ??
raise Exception('Don\'t know how to handle datetime for message:\n%r'%(m))
if isinstance(dt, basestring):
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
if time and (dt < time[0] or dt >= time[1]):
if m.gridType == 'regular_ll':
latitudes,longitudes = m.distinctLatitudes, m.distinctLongitudes
latitudes,longitudes = m.latlons()
kn = n
if isinstance(kn, dict):
kn = n.get('shortName', n.get('name', n.get('parameterName', None)))
if not kn: kn = m.shortName
if not kn in vardict: vardict[kn] = []
latitudes=latitudes, longitudes=longitudes,
verbose(' message name: %r, shortName: %r, datetime: %s, gridType: %r, latitude%s, longitude%s (took %s)'%(
m.name, m.shortName, dt, m.gridType, latitudes.shape, longitudes.shape, datetime.timedelta(seconds=_time.time()-st)))
del m
del ms
# Transform loaded data into cdms2 variable
kwgrid = kwfilter(kwargs, 'grid')
for n,p in vardict.iteritems():
if not p:
vardict[n] = None
p = sorted(p, lambda a,b: cmp(a['datetime'], b['datetime']))
time = create_time([pp['datetime'] for pp in p])
lat = create_lat(p[0]['latitudes'])
lon = create_lon(p[0]['longitudes'])
var = cdms2.createVariable(
[pp['values'] for pp in p],
id='_'.join(n.split()), long_name=n,
var.setAxis(0, time)
set_grid(var, create_grid(lon, lat))
vatts = atts=atts[iv] if atts is not None and iv<len(atts) else None
if select:
var = var(**select)
var = _process_var(var, torect, samp, grid, kwgrid, squeeze, atts)
vardict[n] = var
# Return variable or dict of variables
return vardict.values()[0] if (single and vardict) else vardict
[docs]def grib2nc(filepattern, varname):
***Currently for test purpose only***
varlist = grib_read_files(filepattern, varname, verbose=True)
if ncoutfile:
print>>sys.stderr, 'Writing to netcdf file:', ncoutfile
if os.path.exists(ncoutfile):
print>>sys.stderr, 'File already exists:', ncoutfile
f = cdms2.open(ncoutfile, 'w')
for n,v in varlist.iteritems():
if v is None:
print>>sys.stderr, ' %r not found'%(n)
print>>sys.stderr, ' %r (%r)'%(v.id, n)
finally: f.close()
class CachedRecord:
"""Abstract class for managing cached records
** It cannot be used by itself **
The following class variables must be defined:
- _cache_file: cache file name
- _time_range: ('2000-12-01 12:00','2005-10-01','co') OR (1, 'day', 'cc')
- _var_info: (('lon','Longitude', 'degrees east', None),('hs','Wave Height', 'm', (0., 20)),)
- _station_info: (['Start Bay', '2007-12-25'],['Long Bay', '2004-05-18'])
- _dt: (1800, cdtime.Seconds)
- _time_units: 'seconds since 2000-01-01'
The following methods must be defined:
- _load_from_source_:
_verbose_level = 1
_missing_value = 1.e20
def __init__(self, time_range, **kwargs):
for key, val in kwargs.items():
key = '_'+key
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, val)
self._cache_file = self._cache_file %vars()
self._update_mode = time_range in [None, 'update']
if self._update_mode:
time_range = 'all'
self._time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
_var_names = [sn for sn, ln, un, vr in _var_info]
_station_info = [[name, comptime(time_origin)] for name, time_origin in _buoy_info]
self._vars = {}
def _print_(self, text, level=2):
if self._verbose_level >= level:
if level == 1:
text = '!WARNING! '+text
text = '[%s] %s' %(self.buoy_type, text)
print text
def _warn_(self, text):
self._print_(text, level=1)
def show_variables(self):
"""Print available variables"""
print 'Available variables:'.upper()
for n,v in self._vars.items():
print '%s: %s [%s]' % (n,v.long_name,v.units)
def get(self,var_name, time_range=None):
"""Get a variable
- **var_name**: Name of the variable
Return: A 1D :mod:`MV2` variable
See: :meth:`plot()`, :meth:`show_variables()`
# Time range
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
if time_range != self._time_range:
assert var_name.lower() in self._vars.keys(),' Wrong name of variable ("%s"). Please use .show_variables() to list available variables'%var_name.lower()
if time_range is None:
args = []
args = [time_range]
return self._vars[var_name](*args)
def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
"""Get a variable
@see: :meth:`get()`
return self.get(*args,**kwargs)
def plot(self,var_name,time_range=None,**kwargs):
"""Plot a variable
- **var_name**: Name of the variable
- *time*: Plot only within this time range (like ('2007-01-01','2007-02-01','co')
- *show*: Show the figure [default: None]
- All other keywords are passed to :func:`vacumm.misc.plot.curve()`
>>> myvar = mybuoy.plot('baro')
See: :meth:`get()`, :meth:`show_variables()`
# # Time range
# time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
# if time_range != self._time_range:
# self.load(time_range)
# Variable
assert var_name.lower() in self._vars.keys(),' Wrong name of variable. Please use .show_variables() to list available variables'
var = self._vars[var_name]
if time_range is not None:
var = var(time_range)
# Keywords
defaults = {
'title':'%s at %s buoy %s' % (var.long_name,self.buoy_type,self.buoy_id)
for att,val in defaults.items():
# Plot
def save(self, file_name, mode='w', warn=True):
if len(self._vars) == 0:
self._warn_('No variables to save')
if file_name.endswith('.nc'):
if not os.access(file_name, os.W_OK):
if warn:
self._warn_('No write access to file:'+file_name)
f = cdms2.open(file_name, mode)
for var in self._vars.values():
for att in 'type', 'id', 'name':
att = 'buoy_'+att
setattr(f, att, getattr(self, att))
if hasattr(self, '_url'):
f.url = self._url
if file_name == self._cache_file:
self._print_('Cache updated')
self._print_('Saved to '+file_name)
def __init__(self, buoy, time_range, **kwargs):
# Search for the buoy
buoy_names = _channelcoast_list_(buoy)
assert len(buoy_names), 'No buoy matching: '+buoy
self.buoy_name = buoy_names[0]
self.buoy_id = buoy_id = self.buoy_name.replace(' ', '')
for buoy_name, time_origin in self._buoy_info:
if buoy_name == self.buoy_name:
self._time_origin = time_origin
self.buoy_type = self.__class__.__name__
# Tuning
for key, val in kwargs.items():
key = '_'+key
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, val)
self._cache_file = self._cache_file %vars()
self._update_mode = time_range in [None, 'update']
if self._update_mode:
time_range = 'all'
self._time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
self._vars = {}
def get(self, var_name, time_range=None):
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
if time_range != self._time_range:
return _Buoy_.get(self, var_name, time_range)
def plot(self, var_name, time_range=None, **kwargs):
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
return _Buoy_.plot(self, var_name, time_range, **kwargs)
def _get_time_range_(self, time_range):
if isinstance(time_range, (list, tuple)): # Directly specified
from .atime import time_selector
time_range = time_selector(*time_range)
elif time_range in ('full', 'all', True, False): # Everything possible
time_range = (self._time_origin, now(True))
else :#if hasattr(self, '_time_range'): # Default specified time range
time_range = self._time_range
if len(time_range) == 2: # Default bound indicators
time_range += ('co', )
if time_range[0] < self._time_origin: # Check not too old
time_range = (self._time_origin, ) + time_range[1:]
return time_range
def _check_time_range_(self, time_range, time_axis, getbounds=False):
"""Check if a time_range is included in an time axis"""
# Format time range
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
# Get right time axis
if isinstance(time_axis, dict):
if not len(time_axis):
res = (False, False)
if getbounds:
res += (None, None)
return res
time_axis = time_axis.values()[0]
if cdms2.isVariable(time_axis):
time_axis = time_axis.getTime()
# Get axis range
nt = len(time_axis)
t0, t1 = time_axis.subAxis(0, nt, nt-1).asComponentTime()
# Convert to closed bounds
time_range = list(time_range)
for ibound, isign in (0, 1), (1, -1):
if time_range[2][ibound] == 'o':
time_range[ibound] = time_range[ibound].add(isign*self._dt[0], self._dt[1])
# Check bounds
res = (time_range[0] >= t0 or self._update_mode, time_range[1] <= t1)
if getbounds:
res += (t0, t1)
return res
def load(self, time_range):
"""Check if time_range is included in in-memory variables, else, check cache and load from it"""
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
if self._vars == {} or \
self._check_time_range_(time_range, self._vars) != (True, True):
def check_cache(self, time_range=None):
"""Update the cache"""
buoy_id = self.buoy_id
# Time bounds
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
self._print_('CHECK CACHE TIME RANGE '+str(time_range))
t0_request, t1_request, bb = time_range
# Update or create?
if time_range is None:raise 'a'
if not os.path.exists(self._cache_file%vars()): # Create
time_range = (time_range[0], time_range[1].add(-1, cdtime.Day), 'cc')
self._vars = self._load_from_source_(time_range[:2]+('cc', ))
self.save(self._cache_file%vars(), warn=False)
else: # Update
# Check cache time range
f = cdms2.open(self._cache_file)
cache_time = f.getAxis('time')
atts = get_atts(cache_time)
cache_time = cache_time.clone()
set_atts(cache_time, atts)
t0_good, t1_good, t0_cache, t1_cache = self._check_time_range_(time_range, cache_time, getbounds=True)
# Check first date
vars_new = {}
if not t0_good:
# First date of cache is too recent
vars_before = self._load_from_source_((t0_request, t0_cache, time_range[2][0]+'o'))
vars_current = self._load_from_cache_('all')
if len(vars_before):
for vn in self._var_names:
vars_new[vn] = (vars_before[vn], vars_current[vn])
# Check last date
if not t1_good:
vars_after = self._load_from_source_((t1_cache, t1_request, 'o'+time_range[2][1]))
if len(vars_after):
if not len(vars_new):
# We just append to file
self._print_('APPEND TO FILE')
self._vars = vars_after
self.save(self._cache_file%vars(), 'a', warn=False)
self._print_(' loading from cache '+str(time_range))
# We append to var before saving
for vn in self._var_names:
vars_new[vn] += (vars_after[vn], )
# Here we completely change the cache
if len(vars_new):
# Merge
for ivar, (sn, ln, un, vr) in enumerate(self._var_info):
self._vars[sn] = MV.concatenate(vars_new[sn])
self._vars[sn].id = self._vars[sn].name = sn
self._vars[sn].long_name = ln
self._vars[sn].units = un
# Save
self.save(self._cache_file%vars(), warn=False)
# Update in memory variables
if self._check_time_range_(time_range, self._vars) != (True, True):
def _load_from_cache_(self, time_range=None):
"""Load variables from cache"""
time_range = self._get_time_range_(time_range)
self._vars = {}
buoy_id = self.buoy_id
f = cdms2.open(self._cache_file%vars())
for var_name in f.variables.keys():
self._vars[var_name] = f(var_name, time_range)
return self._vars
[docs]class Shapes(object):
"""A class to read shapefiles and return GEOS objects
Inspired from basemap.readshapefile
Here are the conversion rules from shapefile to GEOS objects :
- Points and multipoints are interpreted as :class:`Points`.
- Polylines are interpreted as :class:`LineString`.
- Polygons are interpreted as :class:`Polygons`.
- **input**: Refers to a shapefile or is a shapes isntance ;
if a shapefile, it assumes that <input>.shp contains points,
multipoints, lines or polygons, and that <input>.dbf contains their attributes.
- **proj*, optional: A projection function to convert coordinates. It must accept
the "inverse" keyword.
- **m*, optional: A Basemap instance for converting for plotting.
- *inverse*, optional: Inverset the conversion with proj .
- **clip*, optional: If in the form ``(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)``,
clips to this box ; if a polygon like argument,
it clips to this polygon
(see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.polygons()` for arguments).
If simply ``True`` and *m* is present, it clips to the bounds of *m*.
- **min_area*, optional: Minimal area to keep a polygon
- **samp**, optional: An integer to undersample coordinates of polygons and lines.
- **shapetype**, optional:
- If 0, it must only deal with points ;
- if 1, only polylines ;
- if 2, only polygons (conversion 1<->2 is automatic).
def __init__(self, input, m=None, proj=False, inverse=False, clip=True,
shapetype=None, min_area=None, sort=True, reverse=True, samp=1):
# Inits
# if isinstance(input, list) and input: input = input[0]
from_file = isinstance(input, str)
if hasattr(m, 'map'): m = m.map
default_proj = None if m is None else m
self._m = m
if from_file:
# From a shapefile
if input.endswith('.shp') and input.endswith('.dbf'):
input = input[:-4]
for ext in ('shp', ):#, 'dbf':
fname = '%s.%s'%(input, ext)
assert os.path.exists(fname), fname
from shapefile import Reader
from mpl_toolkits.basemap.shapefile import Reader
newreader = True
shp = Reader(input)
input_type = shp.shapeType
except Exception, e:
print>>sys.stderr, 'Cannot read %s:\n%s\nTrying with shapelib'%(input, e)
from shapelib import ShapeFile
newreader = False
shp = ShapeFile(input)
input_type = shp.info()[1]
self._prefix = input
# dbf = dbflib.open(input)
if default_proj and (1, 1) == default_proj(1, 1):
default_proj = None
self._info = []
elif isinstance(input, (list, N.ndarray)): # From coordinates
in_coords = input
input_type = 5 if not len(in_coords) or in_coords[0].ndim==2 else 1
self._info = []
# From a Shapes (or super) instance
in_coords = input.get_data(proj=False)
self._m = input._m # overwrite m keyword
default_proj = input._proj
input_type = [Shapes.INPUT_POINTS, Shapes.INPUT_POLYLINES,
self._info = input._info
# Get coordinates
if from_file:
if newreader:
nshapes = shp.numRecords
nshapes = shp.info()[0]
nshapes = 1
coords = []
if input_type in [Shapes.INPUT_POINTS, Shapes.INPUT_MULTIPOINTS]: # A Point or MultiPoint file
if shapetype is not None and shapetype != self.POINTS:
raise TypeError, 'Your shape type is not point'
self._type = self.POINTS
# Loop on shape groups
for iobj in xrange(nshapes):
if from_file:
if newreader:
all_points = shp.shape(iobj).shape.points
all_points = shp.read_object(iobj).vertices()
all_points = in_coords
# Merge coordinates
xy = N.asarray(coords)
# if from_file: self._info.append(dbf.read_record(iobj))
elif input_type in [Shapes.INPUT_POLYLINES, Shapes.INPUT_POLYGONS]: # A Polyline or Polygon file
# Shape type
if shapetype is not None:
if shapetype == Shapes.POINTS:
raise TypeError, 'Your shape type is point, not polyline or polygon'
self._type = shapetype
if input_type==Shapes.INPUT_POLYLINES:
self._type = Shapes.LINES
self._type = Shapes.POLYGONS
# Loop on shape groups
for iobj in xrange(nshapes):
if from_file:
if newreader:
obj = shp.shapeRecord(iobj).shape
all_points = obj.points
if len(all_points)==0: continue
nparts = len(obj.parts)
if nparts==1:
all_polys = [all_points]
all_polys = []
for ip in xrange(nparts-1):
all_polys = shp.read_object(iobj).vertices()
all_polys = in_coords
# Merge coordinates
xy = N.concatenate(coords)
raise TypeError, 'Input shapefile must only contains 2D shapes'
# Bounds
if xy.shape[0]>0:
self.xmin = xy[:, 0].min()
self.xmax = xy[:, 0].max()
self.ymin = xy[:, 1].min()
self.ymax = xy[:, 1].max()
self.xmin = N.inf
self.xmax = -N.inf
self.ymin = N.inf
self.ymax = -N.inf
del xy
self.xpmin = N.inf
self.xpmax = -N.inf
self.ypmin = N.inf
self.ypmax = -N.inf
# Projection
if callable(proj):
self._proj = proj
elif default_proj is not None and proj is None:
self._proj = default_proj
elif proj is True or isinstance(proj, basestring):
# self._proj = None
self._proj = self._get_proj_(proj)
self._proj = False
self._m_projsync = None
if callable(self._m): # same projection as of map?
if proj is False:
self._m_projsync = N.allclose((1, 1), self._m(1, 1))
elif self._proj is self._m:
self._m_projsync = True
elif callable(self._proj) and self._proj is not self._m:
self._m_projsync = N.allclose(self._proj(1, 1), self._m(1, 1))
# Clipping zone with projected coordinates
clip = self._clip_zone_(clip)
# Convert to shapes
self._shaper = [Point, LineString, Polygon][self._type]
self._shapes = []
for coord in coords:
# Numeric array
coord = N.asarray(coord)
# Under sampling
if samp > 1 and coord.shape[0] > (2*samp+1):
coord = coord[::samp]
# Projection
if self._proj:
if coord[..., 1].max()<91 and coord[..., 1].min()>-91:
coord[..., 1] = N.clip(coord[..., 1], -89.99, 89.99)
coord = N.asarray(self._proj(coord[..., 0], coord[..., 1])).T
# Convert to shape instance
shape = self._shaper(coord)
# Clip
if clip:
shapes = clip_shape(shape, clip)
shapes = [shape]
# Minimal area
if min_area is not None and self._shaper is Polygon and min_area > 0.:
shapes = filter(lambda sh: sh.area() >= min_area, shapes)
# Store
# Final bounds
if clip is not None or min_area:
# Normal coordinates
xy = self.get_xy(proj=False)
self.xmin = xy[0].min() # min(self.xmin, xy[0].min())
self.xmax = xy[0].max() # max(self.xmax, xy[0].max())
self.ymin = xy[1].min() # min(self.ymin, xy[1].min())
self.ymax = xy[1].max() # max(self.ymax, xy[1].max())
del xy
# Projected coordinates
xyp = self.get_xy(proj=None)
self.xpmin = xyp[0].min() #min(self.xpmin, xyp[0].min())
self.xpmax = xyp[0].max() #max(self.xpmax, xyp[0].max())
self.ypmin = xyp[1].min() #min(self.ypmin, xyp[1].min())
self.ypmax = xyp[1].max() #max(self.ypmax, xyp[1].max())
del xyp
# Finalize
if from_file and not newreader:
# dbf.close()
# Sort by area?
if sort:
self._sorted = 0
def _clip_zone_(self, clip):
"""Return a projected polygon or None"""
# From grid
if isgrid(clip):
lon = clip.getLongitude().getValue()
lat = clip.getLatitude().getValue()
clip = dict(lon=(lon.min(), lon.max()), lat=(lat.min(), lat.max()))
# From dictionary
if isinstance(clip, dict):
if 'lon' in clip and 'lat' in clip:
clip = [clip['lon'][0], clip['lat'][0], clip['lon'][1], clip['lat'][1]]
clip = None
# No clipping
if clip is False: return
# Guess or set it
if clip is not None:
# Normal polygon
if clip is not True:
return create_polygon(clip, proj=self._proj)
# Guess from map
if self._m is not None:
if self._m_projsync:
proj = False
data = N.asarray([self._m.xmin, self._m.ymin, self._m.xmax, self._m.ymax])
xx, yy = self._m([self._m.xmin, self._m.xmax, self._m.xmax, self._m.xmin],
[self._m.ymin, self._m.ymin, self._m.ymax, self._m.ymax], inverse=True)
data = N.asarray([xx, yy])
return create_polygon(data, proj=False)
[docs] def clip(self, zone, copy=True, sort=True, reverse=True, **kwargs):
"""Clip to zone
- **zone**: ``[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]``
- **copy**, optional: If ``True``, make a copy of current instance,
else simply rehandled the list of shapes.
- If ``copy==True``, Other parameters are passed to the initialization
of the new instance.
if not copy:
zone = self._clip_zone_(zone)
if zone is None: return self
if self._type > 0:
newshapes = []
for shape in self:
if zone.intersects(shape):
intersections = shape.intersection(zone)
newshapes.extend(filter(lambda s: isinstance(s, self._shaper), intersections))
self._shapes = newshapes
if sort: self.sort(reverse=reverse)
return self
return self.__class__(self, clip=zone, **kwargs)
# def join_lines(self, poly=True):
# # Array of end points
# nsh = len(self)
# ends = N.zeros((2*nsh, 3))
# for i in xrange(nsh):
# ends[i, 0:1] = self._shapes[i][0]
# ends[i+1, 0:1] = self._shapes[i][-1]
# ends[i:i+2, 2] = float(i)
# # Distances
# xx = ends[:, 0].reshape((nsh*2, nsh*2))
# yy = ends[:, 1].reshape((nsh*2, nsh*2))
# dst = (xx-xx.transpose())**2+(yy-yy.transpose())**2
# new_shapes = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self._shapes)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._shapes[key]
# def project(self, proj=True, inverse=False):
# """Project shapes using proj
# - **proj**: A Basemap instance or pure projection instance (from Basemap).
# If True, a mercator projection is used.
# - *inverse*: Inverse projection [default: False]
# """
# if proj is True:
# proj=merc(lon=(self.xmin, self.xmax), lat=(self.ymin, self.ymax))
# for i, shape in enumerate(self):
# bb = shape.boundary
# if self._type == 0:
# bb = proj(b[0], b[1], inverse=inverse)
# else:
# bb[:, 0], bb[:, 1] = proj(bb[:, 0], bb[:, 1], inverse=inverse)
# self._shapes[i] = self._shaper(bb)
# if isinstance(proj, Basemap): proj = proj.projtran
# self._proj.append((proj, inverse))
[docs] def sort(self, reverse=True):
"""Sort shapes according to their surface or length
- *reverse*: If True, greater polygons are first [default: True]
if self._type == 2:
self._shapes.sort(cmp=lambda p0, p1: cmp(p0.area(), p1.area()), reverse=reverse)
self._sorted = 1-2*int(reverse)
elif self._type==1:
self._shapes.sort(cmp=lambda p0, p1: cmp(len(p0.boundary), len(p1.boundary)), reverse=reverse)
self._sorted = 1-2*int(reverse)
self._sorted = 0
[docs] def sorted(self):
return self._sorted
[docs] def get_type(self):
"""Return the type of shapes
- :attr:`POINTS` = Points,
- :attr:`LINES` = LineStrings = PolyLines
- :attr:`POLYGONS` = Polygons
return self._type
[docs] def is_type(self, type):
"""Check type
>>> self.is_type(self.POLYS)
return self.get_type()==type
def _get_proj_(self, proj=None):
"""Get a valid projection function to operate on shapes coordinates"""
if proj is None: return
if proj is True or isinstance(proj, basestring):
if hasattr(self, '_proj') and callable(self._proj): # already projected
if proj is True and callable(self._m): # from map
return self._m
# using grid.basemap.get_proj
if self.xmin>self.xmax:
gg = None
gg = ([self.xmin,self.xmax],
N.clip([self.ymin,self.ymax], -89.99, 89.99))
kw = dict(proj=proj) if isinstance(proj, basestring) else {}
return get_proj(gg, **kw)
if callable(self._proj): # already projected
if proj is False: # no projection -> project back
return lambda x, y, inverse=False: self._proj(x, y, inverse=not inverse)
if proj is not self._proj: #re-projection
old_proj = proj
def proj(x, y, inverse=False):
if inverse:
return self._proj(*(old_proj(x, y, True)+(False, )))
return old_proj(*self._proj(x, y, True))
else: # no need to project
proj = None
return proj
[docs] def get_shapes(self, key=None, proj=None):
"""Get the list of geos objects (polygons, etc)
- **key**: A slice selector applied to the list.
- **proj**: ``True``, or a callable to project or re-project coordinates.
# Objects to work on
if key is None:
shapes = self._shapes
shapes = self._shapes[key]
single = not isinstance(shapes, list)
if single: shapes = [shapes]
# Projection
proj = self._get_proj_(proj)
# Loop on shapes
polys = []
for poly in shapes:
if proj:
poly = proj_shape(poly, proj)
if single: return polys[0]
return polys
[docs] def get_data(self, key=None, proj=None):
"""Get the numeric version of the list of geos objects (polygons, etc)
- **key**: A slice selector applied to the list.
- **proj**: ``True``, or a callable to project or re-project coordinates.
if not len(self): return []
# Projection
proj = self._get_proj_(proj)
# Shapes to work on
if key is None:
shapes = self._shapes
shapes = self._shapes[key]
single = not isinstance(shapes, list)
if single: shapes = [shapes]
# Loop on shapes
data = []
for poly in shapes:
xy = poly.boundary
if proj:
if self.is_type(self.POINTS): # Points
xy = N.array(proj(*xy))
else: # Lines
xx, yy = proj(*xy.T)
xy = N.asarray([xx, yy]).T
del xx, yy
if single: return data[0]
return data
[docs] def get_points(self, key=None, split=True, proj=None):
"""Get all the points from all the shapes as a tuple (x,y)"""
if not len(self): return N.array([[],[]])
# Projection
proj = self._get_proj_(proj)
# Shapes to work on
if key is None:
shapes = self._shapes
shapes = self._shapes[key]
single = not isinstance(shapes, list)
if single: shapes = [shapes]
# Loop in shapes
xx, yy = [], []
for poly in shapes:
xy = poly.boundary
if self.is_type(self.POINTS):
xx.extend(xy[:, 0].tolist())
yy.extend(xy[:, 1].tolist())
if split:
if proj: return proj(N.asarray(xx), N.asarray(yy))
return N.asarray(xx), N.asarray(yy)
if proj: return N.asarray(proj(xx, yy))
return N.asarray([xx, yy])
[docs] def get_xy(self, key=None, proj=None):
"""Shortcut to ``get_points(split=false)``"""
return self.get_points(split=False, key=key, proj=proj)
xy = property(get_xy, doc="XY coordinates as a (2,npts) array")
[docs] def resol(self, deg=True):
"""Compute the mean "resolution" of the shapes based on the first shape
- **deg**:
- if ``False``: return a resolution in meters has a the median distance between points
- if ``True``: return the median distance between points as a resolution in degrees ``(xres,yres)``
if not len(self): return 0,0
from vacumm.misc.grid.misc import resol
x, y = self.get_xy(key=0)
if deg and callable(self._proj): # m->deg
dx, dy = resol((x, y), proj=False)
x0 = x.mean()
y0 = y.mean()
x1, y1 = self._proj(x0+dx, y0+dx, inverse=True)
return x1-x0, y1-y0
elif not deg and not callable(self._proj):
return resol((x, y), proj=True)
return resol((x, y), proj=False)
[docs] def get_map(self):
"""Return the associated basemap instance if set"""
if hasattr(self._m, 'map'): return self._m.map
return self._m
[docs] def plot(self, select=None, ax=None, fill=None, points=False, lines=True,
fillcolor=None, color='k', s=None, linewidth=None, m=None, show=True,
alpha=1, autoscale=True, title=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot shapes
- **select**, optional: argument for selecting shapes in the list [defaul: None].
- **fill**, optional: Force filling (True/False), else guessed from shpe type, ie filling for polygons only [default: None]
- **ax**, optional: Axes instance.
- **m**, optional: :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` instance
(created with :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2`) or a :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance.
- **points**, optional: Plots shapes as points.
- **lines**, optional: Plot shapes as lines (if a of type :attr:`POINTS`).
- **fill_<params>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to
- **lines_<params>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to
:class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` or to :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`.
- **points_<params>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to
- **m_<params>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to
:class:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2` if ``m is True``.
- **autoscale**, optional: Autoscale axis limits?
# Keywords
kwpoints = kwfilter(kwargs, 'points')
kwlines = kwfilter(kwargs, 'lines')
kwpoints.setdefault('c', color)
if s is not None: kwpoints.setdefault('s', s)
if linewidth is not None:
kwlines.setdefault('linewidth', linewidth)
kwlines.setdefault('linestyles', 'solid')
kwlines.setdefault('color', color)
kwlines.setdefault('alpha', alpha)
kwpoints.setdefault('alpha', alpha)
kwfill = kwfilter(kwargs, 'fill')
if fill is None and self.is_type(self.POLYGONS): fill = True
# Map
if m is True or m=='auto':
if m!='auto' and getattr(self, '_m', None):
m = self._m
from core_plot import Map
m = Map.get_current(axes=ax) or True
if m is True:
kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs,'m_')
if not len(self):
warn('No shape found, thus nothing to plot')
if not kwmap.has_key('lon'):
dx = (self.xmax-self.xmin)*.05
kwmap['lon'] = (self.xmin-dx, self.xmax+dx)
if not kwmap.has_key('lat'):
dy = (self.ymax-self.ymin)*.05
kwmap['lat'] = (self.ymin-dy, self.ymax+dy)
kwmap.setdefault('res', None)
kwmap.setdefault('proj', 'merc')
kwmap.update(show=False, axes=ax, title=title)
m = map2(**kwmap)
ax = m.axes
isbm = isinstance(m, Basemap)
# Plot on what?
if ax is None:
ax = getattr(m, 'axes', None) or P.gca()
# Plot what?
if points:
xx, yy = self.get_points(split=True, proj=m)
if not self.is_type(self.POINTS):
data = self.get_data(select, proj=m)
# Polygons or lines
oo = []
if not self.is_type(self.POINTS):
if (fill is None and self.is_type(self.POLYGONS)) or fill is True: # Polygons
if fillcolor is None: fillcolor=land
for kv in dict(facecolor=fillcolor).items():
cc = PolyCollection(data, **kwfill)
cc = LineCollection(data, **kwlines)
if isbm:
# Points
if points:
cc = ax.scatter(xx, yy, **kwpoints)
if isbm:
# Special properties
for key in ['label']:
if key in kwargs and hasattr(cc, 'set_'+key):
getattr(cc, 'set_'+key)(kwargs[key])
# Finalize
if title:
if autoscale:
if show: P.show()
return oo
[docs]class XYZ(object):
"""Class to manipulate xyz data (randomly spaced)
- **xyz**: It can be either
- a .xyz ascii file, or a netcdf/grd file with variables ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``,
- a (x,y,z) tuple,
- a (3, npts) array,
- another XYZ instance.
- *long_name*: Long name
- *units* Units
- *tranform*: It can be either
- a factor applied to z at initialisation
- a fonction that takes z as the only argument to filter its data.
- *exc*: Polygons to exclude data (see :meth:`exclude`).
Several polygons must be passed as a tuple (poly1, poly2, ...).
- *sel*: Polygons to select data (see :meth:`select`).
Several polygons must be passed as a tuple (poly1, poly2, ...).
- load_<keywords>: keywords are passed to :func:`numpy.loadtxt`
- rsamp_<keywords>: keywords are passed to :func:`rsamp`
- Other keywords are set as atrributes.
- len(obj): number of xyz data
- obj[1:3]: [(x0,y0,z0),(x1,y1,z1)]
Operations :
>>> xyz += 2
>>> xyz3 = xyz1 + xyz2/2. # concatenation
def __init__(self, xyz, m=None, units=None, long_name=None, transp=True,
trans=False, magnet=0, rsamp=0, id=None, **kwargs):
# Load data
self._selections = []
self._exclusions = []
if isinstance(xyz, XYZ):
x = xyz._x.copy()
y = xyz._y.copy()
z = xyz._z.copy()
if units is None: units = xyz.units
if long_name is None: long_name = xyz.long_name
# if m is None: m = XYZ._m
self._selections = copy.deepcopy(xyz._selections)
self._exclusions = copy.deepcopy(xyz._exclusions)
elif hasattr(xyz, 'xyz'):
xyz = xyz.xyz
elif isinstance(xyz, (tuple, N.ndarray)):
# Direct
x, y, z = xyz
elif os.path.exists(xyz):
# Read from file
if xyz.endswith('.nc') or xyz.endswith('.grd'):
# Netcdf or grid file
f = cdms2.open(xyz)
x = f('x').filled()
y = f('y').filled()
z = f('z').filled()
# Ascii file
data = N.loadtxt(xyz, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'load'))
x = data[:, 0]
y = data[:, 1]
z = data[:, 2]
raise TypeError, 'xyz must be either a .xyz file or a tuple of (x, y, z) values'
# Float64 are needed for polygons
self._x = N.asarray(x, 'float64')
self._y = N.asarray(y, 'float64')
self._z = N.asarray(z)
if trans is not False:
if operator.isNumberType(trans):
self._z *= trans
elif callable(trans):
self._z[:] = trans(self._z)
self._m = None
self.units = units
self.long_name = long_name
if rsamp is False: rsamp = 0
self._rsamp = rsamp
for att, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, att, val)
self._mask = None
self._xres_man = self._yres_man = 0
self._proj = self._proj_(True)
self.id = None
# Now update arrays
def __str__(self):
s = 'XYZ:'
for att in 'long_name', 'units':
if getattr(self, att) is not None:
s += '\n %s: %s'%(att, getattr(self, att))
s += '\n total npts: %i'%self._x.shape[0]
s += '\n full extension: xmin=%g xmax=%g ymin=%g ymax=%g zmin=%g zmax=%g'%\
(self._x.min(), self._x.max(), self._y.min(), self._y.max(), self._z.min(), self._z.max())
s += '\n %i selection polygon(s)'%len(self._selections)
s += '\n %i exclusion polygon(s)'%len(self._exclusions)
if len(self._selections) or len(self._exclusions):
s += '\n filtered extension: xmin=%g xmax=%g ymin=%g ymax=%g zmin=%g zmax=%g'%\
(self._xmin, self._xmax, self._ymin, self._ymax, self._zmin, self._zmax)
return s
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Deep copy"""
self._m = None
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __iadd__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (float, int)):
self._z += other
# Consolidate to remove exceptions and selections
# Load
other = self._load_(other)
# Transparency
if not other.get_transp():
# Concatenate arrays
for l in 'xyz':
setattr(self, '_%s'%l, N.concatenate((getattr(self, l), getattr(other, l))))
# Now update everything
return self
def __isub__(self, other):
assert operator.isNumberType(other), 'Only scalars are allowed for such arithmetic operation'
self._z -= other
return self
def __imul__(self, other):
assert operator.isNumberType(other), 'Only scalars are allowed for such arithmetic operation'
self._z *= other
return self
def __idiv__(self, other):
assert operator.isNumberType(other), 'Only scalars are allowed for such arithmetic operation'
self._z /= other
return self
def __add__(self, other):
newxyz = self.copy()
# if not isinstance(other, (float, int)):
# newxyz = self.copy().consolidate()
# if hasattr(other, '_transp') and not other._transp:
# # Handle transparency
# newxyz.exclude(other)
# newxyz.consolidate()
# else: # Simply load with no opacity
# other = self._load_(other)
# else:
# newxyz = self.copy()
newxyz += other
return newxyz
def __sub__(self, other):
newxyz = self._class__(self)
newxyz -= other
return newxyz
def __mul__(self, other):
newxyz = self._class__(self)
newxyz *= other
return newxyz
def __div__(self, other):
newxyz = self._class__(self)
newxyz /= other
return newxyz
def _load_(self, d):
# Load for adding
# - already a XYZ
if isinstance(d, self.__class__): return d
# - XYZ via .xyz() (like shapes/shorelines or mergers)
if hasattr(d, 'xyz'):
return d.xyz
# - load it (from file or array)
return self.__class__(d)
def _update_(self,**kwargs):
# Mask (1==good)
del self._mask
npt = len(self._x)
self._mask = N.ones(npt, '?')
ii = N.arange(npt, dtype='i')
# Radius underspampling
if self._rsamp is False: self._rsamp = 0
if not hasattr(self, '_rsamp_old'):
self._rsamp_old = self._rsamp
self._rsamp_mask = None
if self._rsamp==0 and self._rsamp_mask is not None:
del self._rsamp_mask
elif (self._rsamp!=0 and self._rsamp_mask is None) or self._rsamp != self._rsamp_old:
del self._rsamp_mask
kwrsamp=kwfilter(kwargs, 'rsamp')
self._rsamp_mask = rsamp(self._x, self._y, abs(self._rsamp), proj=self._rsamp<0, getmask=True,**kwrsamp)
if self._rsamp_mask is not None:
self._mask &= self._rsamp_mask
self._rsamp = self._rsamp_old
# Selections
if len(self._selections):
smask = N.zeros(npt, '?')
rectmask = N.zeros(npt, '?')
for pl in self._selections:
# Mask is good only within N/S/W/E limits of the polygon
rectmask[:] = \
(self._x>=pl.boundary[:, 0].min()) & (self._x<=pl.boundary[:, 0].max()) & \
(self._y>=pl.boundary[:, 1].min()) & (self._y<=pl.boundary[:, 1].max())
# Mask is good only within the polygon
for i in ii[rectmask]:
smask[i] |= Point((self._x[i], self._y[i])).within(pl)
del rectmask
self._mask &= smask
del smask
# Exclusions
for exc in self._exclusions:
# Check if inclusions and magnet zone
if isinstance(exc, tuple):
exc, incs, magnet = exc
incs = []
magnet = None
# We check only good points within the N/S/W/E limits of the polygon
good = self._mask & \
((self._x>=exc.boundary[:, 0].min()) & (self._x<=exc.boundary[:, 0].max()) & \
(self._y>=exc.boundary[:, 1].min()) & (self._y<=exc.boundary[:, 1].max()))
# Mask is bad within the polygon
for i in ii[good]:
out = not Point((self._x[i], self._y[i])).within(exc)
# Check inclusions and magnet zone
if not out:
# Inclusions = exclusions of exclusions
for inc in incs:
out = Point((self._x[i], self._y[i])).within(inc)
if out: break
# Magnet zone
if magnet != None:
radius, xmgt, ymgt = magnet
dst = N.sqrt((xmgt-self._x[i])**2+(ymgt-self._y[j])**2)
out = dst.min() > radius
del dst
# Apply
self._mask[i] = out
del good
del ii
# Limits
x = self.x
y = self.y
z = self.z
if len(x):
self._xmin = x.min()
self._xmax = x.max()
self._ymin = y.min()
self._ymax = y.max()
self._zmin = z.min()
self._zmax = z.max()
self._xmean = x.mean()
self._ymean = y.mean()
warn('No more points after exclusion')
self._xmin = self._xmax = self._ymin = self._ymax = self._zmin = self._zmax = self._xmean = self._ymean = None
# Resolution
if len(x):
self._xres_mauto, self._yres_mauto = self.resol(deg=False)
self._xres_dauto, self._yres_dauto = self.resol(deg=True)
self._xres_mauto = self._yres_mauto = self._xres_dauto = self._yres_dauto = 0
# del self._m
# self._m = None
[docs] def consolidate(self):
"""Apply radius undersampling and all exclusions and selections to data and reset them"""
x = self.x
y = self.y
z = self.z
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._z = z
return self
[docs] def mask(self):
"""Get the current mask due to exclusion and selection polygons
.. seealso::
:meth:`exclude` :meth:`select`
return ~self._mask
def _clip_mask_(self, zone, inverse):
zone = polygons([zone])[0]
good = self._mask.copy()
good = good & \
(self._x>=zone.boundary[:, 0].min()) & (self._x<=zone.boundary[:, 0].max()) & \
(self._y>=zone.boundary[:, 1].min()) & (self._y<=zone.boundary[:, 1].max())
ii = N.arange(len(good), dtype='i')
for i in ii.compress(good):
good[i] = Point((self._x[i], self._y[i])).within(zone)
del ii
if inverse:
good = ~good
return good
[docs] def clip(self, zone=None, margin=None, inverse=False, mask=False, id=None, **kwargs):
"""Geographical selection of part of the data
- *zone*: (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) or a float/int a complex polygon (see :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.polygons`).
- *margin*: Margin around ``zone`` relative to the resolution (see :meth:`resol`)
- *inverse*: Inverse the selection.
- *mask*: ``zone`` must be interpreted as a mask
if zone is None or zone == (None, )*4:
return self
if margin is not None and isinstance(zone, tuple) and len(zone)==4:
zone = list(zone)
if zone[0] is None: zone[0] = self.xmin
if zone[2] is None: zone[2] = self.xmax
if zone[1] is None: zone[1] = self.ymin
if zone[3] is None: zone[3] = self.ymax
xres, yres = self.get_res()
xmin = zone[0]-margin*xres
xmax = zone[2]+margin*xres
ymin = zone[1]-margin*yres
ymax = zone[3]+margin*yres
zone = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
if mask is False:
mask = self._clip_mask_(zone, inverse)
x = self._x[mask]
y = self._y[mask]
z = self._z[mask]
kwargs.setdefault('units', self.units)
kwargs.setdefault('long_name', self.long_name)
kwargs.setdefault('id', id)
xyz = self.__class__((x, y, z), **kwargs)
# xyz.include(*self._inclusions)
return xyz
[docs] def zone(self, poly=False, mask=True):
"""Get xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
- *poly*: if True, return zone as a Polygon instance"""
zone = self.get_xmin(mask), self.get_ymin(mask), self.get_xmax(mask), self.get_ymax(mask)
if poly: return polygons([zone])[0]
return zone
# def get_map(self):
# """Return the map instance or None"""
# return self._m
[docs] def set_transp(self, transp):
"""Set :attr:`transp`
.. note::
Useful only for mixing :class:`~vacumm.misc.io.XYZ` instances"""
self._transp = transp
[docs] def get_transp(self):
"""Get :attr:`transp`
.. note::
Useful only for mixing :class:`~vacumm.misc.io.XYZ` instances"""
return self._transp
transp = property(get_transp, set_transp, doc="Transparency boolean attribute")
[docs] def set_magnet(self, magnet):
"""Set the magnet integer attribute.
If set to ``0``, no magnet effect.
.. note::
Useful only for mixing :class:`~vacumm.misc.io.XYZ` instances"""
if magnet is False: magnet = 0
self._magnet = magnet
[docs] def get_magnet(self):
"""Get the magnet integer attribute
.. note::
Useful only for mixing :class:`~vacumm.misc.io.XYZ` instances"""
return self._magnet
magnet = property(get_magnet, set_magnet, doc="Magnet integer attribute")
[docs] def set_rsamp(self, rsamp):
"""Set the radius sampling :attr:`rsamp`
If set to ``0``, no sampling."""
if rsamp is False: rsamp = 0
self._rsamp = rsamp
if not hasattr(self, '_rsamp_old') or rsamp != self._rsamp_old:
[docs] def get_rsamp(self):
"""Get the radius sampling :attr:`rsamp`"""
return self._rsamp
[docs] def reset_rsamp(self):
"""Reset :attr:`rsamp` without affecting data """
self._rsamp = self._rsamp_old = 0
if hasattr(self, '_rsamp_mask'): del self._rsamp_mask
self._rsamp_mask = None
del_rsamp = reset_rsamp
rsmap = property(get_rsamp, set_rsamp, del_rsamp, "Radius of unsersampling")
[docs] def tocfg(self, cfg, section, param=None):
"""Dump one or all parameters as options to a cfg section
- **cfg**: ConfigParser object
- **section**: Section of cfg
- *param*: A single or a list of parameter names
# List of params
allowed = ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax','zmin','zmax', 'long_name', 'units', 'transp',
'xres','yres','exclusions', 'selections']
if param is None:
param = allowed
elif isinstance(param, str):
param = [param]
# Get string
for param in param:
if param.endswith('res'):
val = getattr(self, '_'+param+'_mauto')
elif param.endswith('sions'):
# selections, exclusions
val = []
for var in getattr(self, '_'+param):
if isinstance(var, tuple):
# exclusions and inclusions
exc, incs = var
if len(incs) == 0:
# no inclusions
polys = []
for inc in incs:
val.append((exc, polys))
# normal case
elif param in ['units', 'long_name']:
val = getattr(self, param)
val = getattr(self, '_'+param)
# Check section
if not cfg.has_section(section):
# Dump
cfg.set(section, param, str(val))
[docs] def get_xmin(self, mask=True):
if mask is True or mask == 'masked': return self._xmin
return self.get_x(mask).min()
xmin = property(get_xmin, doc="X min")
[docs] def get_xmax(self, mask=True):
if mask is True or mask == 'masked': return self._xmax
return self.get_x(mask).max()
xmax = property(get_xmax, doc="X max")
[docs] def get_ymin(self, mask=True):
if mask is True or mask == 'masked': return self._ymin
return self.get_y(mask).min()
ymin = property(get_ymin, doc="Y min")
[docs] def get_ymax(self, mask=True):
if mask is True or mask == 'masked': return self._ymax
return self.get_y(mask).max()
ymax = property(get_ymax, doc="Y max")
[docs] def get_zmin(self, mask=True):
if mask is True or mask == 'masked': return self._zmin
return self.get_z(mask).min()
zmin = property(get_zmin, doc="Z min")
[docs] def get_zmax(self, mask=True):
if mask is True or mask == 'masked': return self._zmax
return self.get_z(mask).max()
zmax = property(get_zmax, doc="Z max")
[docs] def exclude(self, *zones):
"""Add one or more zones where data are not used.
A zone can be :
- an argument to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.polygons` to get a :class:`_geoslib.Polygon` instance,
- another :class:XYZ` instance from which the convex hull (see :meth:`hull`) is used as a delimiting area
>>> xyz.exclude([[-8,43],[-5.5,43],[-6,45.]],[[-10,45],[-7,47],[-10,49.]])
>>> xyz.exclude(polygon1,polygon2)
>>> xyz.exclude(xyz1,[-5,42,-3,48.])
.. seealso::
:meth:`select` :meth:`exclusions`
zones = list(zones)
for i, zone in enumerate(zones):
if isinstance(zone, XYZ):
zone = zone.shadows()
if isinstance(zone, tuple): # inclusions
exc = polygons([zone[0]])[0]
if len(zone) == 1 or len(zone[1])==0:
zone = exc
zone = exc, polygons(zone[1]), zone[2]
zone = polygons([zone])[0]
zones[i] = zone
[docs] def select(self, *zones):
"""Add one or more zone (polygons) where only these data are used
A zone is an argument to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.polygons` to get a :class:`_geoslib.Polygon` instance.
>>> xyz.select([[-8,43],[-5.5,43],[-6,45.]],[[-10,45],[-7,47],[-10,49.]])
>>> xyz.select(polygon1,polygon2)
.. seealso::
:meth:`exclude` :meth:`selections`
[docs] def reset_selections(self):
"""Remove all selections"""
del self._selections
self._selections = []
[docs] def reset_exclusions(self):
"""Remove all exclusions"""
del self._exclusions
self._exclusions = []
[docs] def selections(self):
"""Get all selection polygons as a tuple"""
return self._selections
[docs] def exclusions(self):
"""Get all exclusion polygons as a tuple"""
return self._exclusions
def _filter_(self, var, mask):
- var can be a list
- mask can be
- 'valid', True
- False, None
- 'revert', 'masked'
- mask array
if mask == 'valid': mask = True
assert self._mask is not None
if mask is False :
return var
if isinstance(mask, str) and (mask.startswith('rever') or mask.startswith('inver') or
mask = ~self._mask
mask = self._mask
if isinstance(var, list):
return [v.compress(mask) for v in var]
# if isinstance(var, list):
# return [var[i] for i, m in enumerate(self._mask) if m]
return var.compress(mask)
[docs] def get_x(self, mask=True):
"""Get valid X positions"""
return self._filter_(self._x, mask)
x = property(get_x, doc='Valid X positions')
[docs] def get_y(self, mask=True):
"""Get valid Y positions"""
return self._filter_(self._y, mask)
y = property(get_y, doc='Valid Y positions')
[docs] def get_z(self, mask=True):
"""Get valid Z values"""
return self._filter_(self._z, mask)
z = property(get_z, doc='Valid Z values')
[docs] def get_xy(self, mask=True):
"""Return coordinates as a (2, npts) array :attr:`xy`
- ``xy()[0]``: X
- ``xy()[1]``: Y
return N.asarray([self.get_x(mask), self.get_y(mask)])
xy = property(get_xy, doc='Coordinates as a (2, npts) array')
[docs] def get_xyz(self, mask=True, split=False):
"""Return coordinates and data as a (3, npts) array :attr:`xyz`
- ``xy()[0]``: X
- ``xy()[1]``: Y
- ``xy()[2]``: Z
if split: return self.get_x(mask), self.get_y(mask), self.get_z(mask)
return N.asarray([self.get_x(mask), self.get_y(mask), self.get_z(mask)])
xyz = property(get_xyz, doc='Coordinates and data as a (3, npts) array')
[docs] def astuple(self, mask=True):
"""Shortcut to ``xyz(split=True)`` (see :meth:`xyz`)"""
return self.get_xyz(mask=mask, split=True)
def __len__(self):
return self._mask.sum()
def __getitem__(self, key):
x = self.x[key]
y = self.y[key]
z = self.z[key]
if isinstance(key, int):
return x, y, z
return zip(x, y, z)
[docs] def interp(self, xyo, xyz=False, **kwargs):
"""Interpolate to (xo,yo) positions using :class:`nat.Natgrid`
- **xo**: Output X
- **yo**: Output Y
- *xyz*: If True, return a :class:`XYZ` instance instead of a :mod:`numpy` array
- **interp_<param>**, optional: ``<param>`` is passed to the
:func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.xy2xy` interpolation routine.
- Other params are passed to XYZ initialization for the output dataset.
:Returns: An XYZ instance
# FIXME: Natgrid still required by this module ??
# from nat import Natgrid
if isinstance(xyo, (tuple, N.ndarray)):
xo, yo = xyo
elif hasattr(xyo, 'x'):
xo = xyo.x
yo = xyo.y
elif hasattr(xyo, 'xy'):
xo, yo = xyo.xy
elif hasattr(xyo, 'xyz'):
xo, yo, tmp = xyo.xyz
raise TypeError, 'Wrong input type'
kwinterp = kwfilter(kwargs, 'interp_')
from grid.regridding import xy2xy
zo = xy2xy(self.x, self.y, self.z, xo, yo, **kwinterp)
if not xyz: return zo
kwargs.setdefault('units', self.units)
kwargs.setdefault('long_name', self.long_name)
return self.__class__((xo, yo, zo), **kwargs)
[docs] def hull(self, out='xy', mask=True):
"""Return the convex hull
:Returns: Depends on ``out``
- ``"xy"``: (xhull, yhull)
- ``"ind"``: indices of points
- ``"poly"``: :class:`_geoslib.Polygon` instance
return convex_hull((self.get_x(mask), self.get_y(mask)), poly=out=='poly')
[docs] def shadows(self):
"""Get the polygons defining the 'shadow' of this dataset.
It consists of a tuple of two elements:
- the convex hull as a polygon,
- a list of exclusion polygons that intersect the convex hull.
Therefore, a point in the shadow must be inside the convex hull polygon,
and outside the exclusion polygons.
:Returns: (hull_poly, [exclusion_poly1,...])
hull_poly = self.hull(out='poly')
exc_polys = []
for exc in self.exclusions():
if isinstance(exc, tuple): exc = exc[0]
if hull_poly.intersects(exc):
#FIXME: inclusions
magnet = None
if self.get_magnet():
if self.get_magnet() < 0:
radius = -self.get_magnet()
xres, yres = self.get_res(deg=True)
radius = N.sqrt((xres**2+yres**2)/2.)*self.get_magnet()
magnet = radius, self.x, self.y
return hull_poly, exc_polys, magnet
[docs] def contains(self, x, y):
"""Check if one or several points are within a the convex hull
- **x,y**: X,Y positions as floats or lists or an :mod:`numpy` arrays.
.. seealso:
hull = self.hull(out='poly')
x = N.asarray(x)
y = N.asarray(y)
good = (x>=self.xmin) & (x<=self.xmax) & \
(y>=self.ymin) & (y<=self.ymax)
xg = x.compress(good)
yg = y.compress(good)
out = []
for xp, yp in zip(xg, yg):
out.append(Point(xp, yp).within(hull))
if isinstance(x, list): return out
return N.array(out)
if (x<self.xmin)|(x>self.xmax)|(y<self.ymin)|(y>self.ymax):
return False
return Point(x, y).within(hull)
[docs] def resol(self, convex_hull_method='delaunay', exc=[], deg=False):
"""Return the mean resolution.
Algorithm: Median distances between facets of triangles
:Returns: (xres,yres)
# Coordinates
x = self.x
y = self.y
if not deg:
x, y = self._proj_(True)(x, y)
# if method.startswith('tri'): # Using the median length of triangles
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
distances = []
for p1,p2,p3 in t.vertices:
xres = yres = N.median(distances)
del t, distances
# else: # Using the convex hull
# # Convex hull polygon
# hull = convex_hull((x, y), poly=True, method=convex_hull_method)
# # Area
# # - max = convex hull
# area = hull.area()
# # - substract intersections with exclusions
# #FIXME: xyz.resol: non overlapping exclusions+inclusions
# for e in exc+self.exclusions():
# if isinstance(e, tuple):
# e, incs = e
# else:
# incs = []
# if hull.intersects(e):
# for i in hull.intersection(e):
# area -= i.area()
# # Area and mean resolution
# xres = yres = N.sqrt(area/len(x))
return xres, yres
[docs] def set_res(self, xres, yres=None):
"""Set the resolution of the dataset
If ``yres`` is not, it is set to ``xres``.
When a value is **negative**, it is supposed to be in **meters** (not in degrees)"""
if yres is None: yres = xres
self._xres_man = xres
self._yres_man = yres
[docs] def get_res(self, deg=False, auto=None):
"""Get the mean X and Y resolutions in meters or degrees"""
# Get manual or auto resolutions
if self._xres_man and auto is not True:
xres = self._xres_man
elif deg:
xres = self._xres_dauto
xres = self._xres_mauto
if self._yres_man and auto is not True:
yres = self._yres_man
elif deg:
yres = self._yres_dauto
yres = self._yres_mauto
# Conversions
return self._get_res_(xres, yres, deg)
def _get_res_(self, xres, yres, degres):
if degres: # need degrees
if xres<0: xres = -m2deg(xres, self._ymean)
if yres<0: yres = -m2deg(yres)
return xres, yres
else: # need meters
if xres>0: xres = deg2m(xres, self._ymean)
if yres>0: yres = deg2m(yres)
return xres, yres
def _proj_(self, proj):
"""Get a proper projection or None"""
if proj is None: proj = False
if not proj: return
if not callable(proj):
from vacumm.misc.grid.basemap import get_proj
proj = get_proj((self._x, self._y))
return proj
[docs] def get_grid(self, res=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, relres=.5, degres=False, id='xyz_grid'):
"""Generate a rectangular grid based on x/y positions and resolution
- *res*: Resolution. It can be:
- a float where then ``xres=yres=res``
- a tuple as ``(xres,yres)``
- else it is guessed using :meth:`get_res` (and maybe :meth:`resol`)` and multiplied by ``relres``
- *relres*: Relative resolution factor applied to ``res`` when resolution is guessed (``res=None``)
- *degres*: When ``res`` is explicitly given, it interpreted as degrees is ``degres`` is True.
- *xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax*: Bounds of the grid. If not specified, bounds of the dataset are used (see :meth:`xmin`, etc).
.. note::
Resolutions are adjusted when they are not mutiple of grid extensions (slightly decreased).
Therefore, extensions of the grid are always preserved.
.. seealso::
:meth:`resol`, :meth:`togrid`
# Resolution
# proj = self._proj_(proj)
if res is None: # Auto
# Meters
# dx, dy = tuple([r*relres for r in self.get_res(deg=False, auto=True)])
dx, dy = tuple([r*relres for r in self.get_res(deg=True, auto=True)])
# # To degrees
# dx, dy = self._get_res_(-dx, -dy, True)
else: # Manual
if isinstance(res, tuple):
xres, yres = res
else: # Same for X and Y
xres = yres = res
if not degres: # Given in meters
xres = -xres
yres = -yres
# Now in degrees
dx, dy = self._get_res_(xres, yres, True)
# Bounds
if xmin is None: xmin = self.xmin
if xmax is None: xmax = self.xmax
if ymin is None: ymin = self.ymin
if ymax is None: ymax = self.ymax
# Rectifications
xratio = (xmax-xmin)/dx
yratio = (ymax-ymin)/dy
dx += dx*(xratio%1)/int(xratio)
dy += dy*(yratio%1)/int(yratio)
# Grid
grid = create_grid(N.arange(xmin, xmax+dx/2., dx), N.arange(ymin, ymax+dy/2., dy))
grid.id = id
return grid
grid = property(get_grid, doc="Rectangular grid based on x/y positions and resolution")
[docs] def togrid(self, grid=None, mask=False, cgrid=False, **kwargs):
"""Interpolate to a regular grid
- **grid**: The output grid. It can be either:
- a (x,y) tuple or a grid or a :mod:`MV2` variable with a grid,
- ``None``, thus guessed using :meth:`grid`
- *mask*: It can be either:
- ``None``, ``False`` or ``MV2.nomask``: no masking
- an array: this mask array is directly applied
- a :class:`Shapes` instance (or :class:`~vacumm.bathy.shorelines.ShoreLine`) or a single char GSHHS resolution (and optionally 's' for Histolitt)
- a callable fonction so that ``mask = thisfunc(mask, **kwmask)``
- a float: data with this value are masked
- *mask_<param>*: <param> is passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.polygon_mask` for evaluation of mask thanks to the polygons.
- *grid_<param>*: <param> is passed to :func:`grid`.
- *cgrid*: If ``True``, returns bathy at U- and V-points, else at T-points
- Other keyparam are passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.griddata` for regridding.
Return: ``(Zx,Zy)`` OR ``Z`` depending on cgrid.
.. seealso:
:func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.masking.polygon_mask` :class:`~vacumm.misc.grid.basemap.GSHHS_BM`
:class:`Shapes` :class:`~vacumm.bathy.shorelines.ShoreLine`
# Grid
kwgrid = kwfilter(kwargs, 'grid_')
if grid is None:
grid = self.get_grid(**kwgrid)
# Interpolation
kwmask = kwfilter(kwargs, 'mask_')
kwargs.setdefault('method', 'linear')
kwargs.setdefault('ext', True)
var = griddata(self.x, self.y, self.z, grid, mask=None, cgrid=cgrid, **kwargs)
if not cgrid: var = var,
# Mask from polygons
if isinstance(mask, (Shapes, str)):
# Clip for polygons
clip = kwmask.pop('clip', .1)
if isinstance(clip, float):
xx, yy = get_xy(grid)
xmin = xx[:].min() ; xmax = xx[:].max()
ymin = yy[:].min() ; ymax = yy[:].max()
dx = (xmax-xmin)*clip
dy = (ymax-ymin)*clip
clip = [xmin-dx, ymin-dy, xmax+dx, ymax+dy]
# Get polygons
if isinstance(mask, Shapes): # Direct
shapes = mask.clip(clip)
else: # GSHHS
from grid.basemap import GSHHS_BM
shapes = GSHHS_BM(mask, clip=clip)
# Create mask
mask = polygon_mask(grid, shapes.get_shapes(), **kwmask)
# Masking
if mask is not None and mask is not False and mask is not MV2.nomask:
for vv in var:
if hasattr(mask, 'ndim'): # array
vv[:] = MV.masked_where(mask, vv, copy=0)
elif callable(mask): # function
vv[:] = mask(vv, **kwmask)
else: # value
vv[:] = MV.masked_values(vv, mask, copy=0)
# Attributes
for vv in var:
if self.units is not None:
vv.units = self.units
if self.long_name is not None:
vv.long_name = self.long_name
if cgrid: return var
return var[0]
[docs] def toxy(self, xo, yo, mask=None, outtype='tuple'):
"""Interpolate on random points using :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.regridding.xy2xy`
- **xo,yo**: Output positions
- *mask*: It can be either:
- ``None``, ``False`` or ``MV2.nomask``: no masking
- a :class:`Shapes` instance (or :class:`~vacumm.bathy.shorelines.ShoreLine`) or a single char GSHHS resolution (and optionally 's' for Histolitt)
- *outtype*: Define output type
- ``"tuple"``: as a tuple (x, y, z)
- ``"xyz"``: as xyz block
- ``"XYZ"``: as an :class:`XYZ` (or subclass) instance
# Interpolate
zo = xy2xy(self.x, self.y, self.z, xo, yo, **kwargs)
# Mask from polygons
if isinstance(mask, (Shapes, str)):
# Clip for polygons
clip = kwmask.pop('clip', .1)
if isinstance(clip, float):
dx = (xo.max()-xo.min())*clip
dy = (yo.max()-yo.min())*clip
clip = [xo.min()-dx, yo.min()-dy, xo.max()+dx, yo.max()+dy]
# Get polygons
if isinstance(mask, Shapes): # Direct
shapes = mask.clip(clip)
else: # GSHHS
from grid.basemap import GSHHS_BM
shapes = GSHHS_BM(mask, clip=clip)
# Maskit
xo, yo, zo = polygon_select(xo, yo, shapes.get_shapes(), zz=zo)
# Out
if outype=='xyz':
return N.asarray([xo, yo, zo])
if outtype=='XYZ':
return self.__class__((xo, yo, zo))
if callable(outtype):
return outtype([xo, yo, zo])
return xo, yo, zo
[docs] def plot(self, size=5., color=None, alpha=1., masked_alpha=.3,
masked_size=None, linewidth=0., show=True, savefig=None,
savefigs=None, m=None, colorbar=True, title=None,
units=None, cmap=None, mode='valid', zorder=100,
masked_zorder=50, margin=2,
xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None,
xres=None, yres=None, **kwargs):
"""Scatter plot of bathymetry points
- **mode**, optional: 'valid', 'masked' or 'both'.
- **size**, optional: Size of markers.
- **color**, optional: Color of markers.
- **alpha**, optional: Alpha transparency of markers.
- **zorder**, optional: zorder of markers.
- **m**, optional: Use this :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance
to plot the points.
- **masked_size**, optional: Size of masked markers.
- **masked_alpha**, optional: Alpha transparency of masked markers.
- **masked_zorder**, optional: zorder of masked markers.
# Params
kwm = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map')
kwhull = kwfilter(kwargs, 'hull')
kwcb = kwfilter(kwargs, 'colorbar')
kwplot = dict(linewidth=linewidth, cmap=get_cmap(cmap))
pts = None
# Limits
if m is True:
if xmin is None: xmin = self.xmin
if xmax is None: xmax = self.xmax
if ymin is None: ymin = self.ymin
if ymax is None: ymax = self.ymax
if margin != 0:
if xres is None or yres is None:
xxres, yyres = self.resol(deg=True)
if xres is None: xres = xxres
if yres is None: yres = yyres
if xmin is not None: xmin -= margin*xres
if xmax is not None: xmax += margin*xres
if ymin is not None: ymin -= margin*yres
if ymax is not None: ymax += margin*yres
# Map
if m is True:
kwm.setdefault('lon', (xmin, xmax))
kwm.setdefault('lat', (ymin, ymax))
kwm['projection'] = 'merc'
m = map2(show=False, savefig=None, **kwm)
if m:
G = m.map if hasattr(m, 'map') else m
self._m = G
G = P
# Max values
if mode == 'both':
zmin = self._z.min()
if not kwplot.has_key('vmin'): kwplot['vmin'] = zmin
zmax = self._z.max()
if not kwplot.has_key('vmax'): kwplot['vmax'] = zmax
# Valid points
if mode != 'masked' or mode == 'both':
# Points
pts = self._plot_('valid', G, m, size, color, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder,
label=self.long_name, **kwplot)
# # Convex hull
# if hull:
# xhull, yhull = self.hull(out='xy')
# if callable(m):
# xhull, yhull = m(xhull, yhull)
# xhull = xhull.tolist()+[xhull[0]]
# yhull = yhull.tolist()+[yhull[0]]
# kwhull.setdefault('alpha', masked_alpha)
# kwhull.setdefault('zorder', zorder)
# if color is None:
# hullcolor = '#888888'
# else:
# hullcolor = color
# kwhull.setdefault('color', hullcolor)
# G.plot(xhull, yhull, '-', **kwhull)
# Masked points
if mode == 'masked' or mode == 'both':
if mode == 'masked':
masked_alpha = alpha
masked_size = size
masked_zorder = zorder
elif masked_size is None: masked_size = size
p = self._plot_('masked', G, m, masked_size, color, alpha=masked_alpha, zorder=masked_zorder, **kwplot)
if pts is None: pts = p
# Limits
if m:
if xmin is not None: P.xlim(xmin=xmin)
if xmax is not None: P.xlim(xmax=xmax)
if ymin is not None: P.ylim(ymin=ymin)
if ymax is not None: P.ylim(ymax=ymax)
# Decorations
if title is None and self.long_name is not None:
title = self.long_name
if title is not None:
if self.long_name is None:
self.long_name = title
# for pt in pts:
# if pt is not None:
# pt.set_label(title)
# break
if units is None and self.units is not None:
units = self.units
if units is not None:
if self.units is None:
self.units = units
if colorbar:
_colorbar_(pts, units=units, **kwcb)
if savefig:
elif savefigs:
if show:
return pts
def _plot_(self, mask, G, proj, size, color, **kwargs):
"""Generic plot"""
x, y = self.get_x(mask), self.get_y(mask)
if not len(x): return None
if callable(proj): x, y, = proj(x, y)
if color is None: color = self.get_z(mask)
kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 0)
if kwargs.get('marker', None) is None:
kwargs['marker'] = 'o'
return G.scatter(x, y, s=size, c=color, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, xyzfile, **kwargs):
"""Save to a file
- **xyzfile**: Output file name
- write a netcdf file if it ends with ".nc" or ".grd"
- write a sinux file if it ends with ".snx"
- else write an ascii file with 3 columns
- Other keywords are passed to :func:`numpy.savetxt` for ascii saving
if xyzfile.endswith('.nc') or xyzfile.endswith('.grd'):
x = cdms2.createVariable(self.x, id='x')
y = cdms2.createVariable(self.y, id='y')
z = cdms2.createVariable(self.z, id='z')
i = cdms2.createAxis(range(len(x)), id='i')
f = cdms2.open(xyzfile, 'w')
for var in x, y, z:
var.setAxis(0, i)
elif xyzfile.endswith('.snx'):
write_snx(self.xyz.T, type='point', **kwargs)
N.savetxt(xyzfile, self.xyz.T, **kwargs)
[docs]class XYZMerger(object):
"""Mix different bathymetries"""
def __init__(self, *datasets, **kwargs):
self._xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin', None)
self._xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax', None)
self._ymin = kwargs.pop('ymin', None)
self._ymax = kwargs.pop('ymax', None)
self._datasets = list(datasets)
self._XYZ = XYZ
self.long_name = kwargs.get('long_name', None)
self.units = kwargs.get('units', None)
def __str__(self):
s = 'Merger:'
for att in 'long_name', 'units':
if getattr(self, att) is not None:
s += '\n %s: %s'%(att, getattr(self, att))
n = len(self)
if not n:
return s+'\n no datasets in the merger'
xyz = self.xyz
s += '\n extension: xmin=%g xmax=%g ymin=%g ymax=%g zmin=%g zmax=%g'%\
(xyz.xmin, xyz.xmax, xyz.ymin, xyz.ymax, xyz.zmin, xyz.zmax)
if n==1:
s += '\n there is 1 dataset in the merger:'
s += '\n there are %i datasets in the merger:'%n
sep = '\n'+'-'*3
s += sep
s += sep.join(['\n'+str(d) for d in self])
s += sep
return s
# def __copy__(self):
# return self.__class__(xmin=self._xmin, xmax=self._xmax, ymin=self._ymin, ymax=self._ymax, *self._datasets)
[docs] def copy(self):
return copy.deepcopy()
# return self.__copy__()
def _load_(self, d):
# XYZMerger instance
if isinstance(d, self.__class__):
# xyzmerger._load_: pas clair
# if d is self: return
# return d.copy()
return [self._XYZ(dd) for dd in d._datasets]
# XYZ instance
if isinstance(d, self._XYZ):
return d
# Get XYZ from b
if hasattr(d, 'xyz'):
return d.xyz
# New XYZ instance
return self._XYZ(d)
[docs] def tolist(self):
"""Return the merger as a list of datasets"""
return self._datasets
[docs] def ids(self):
return [d.id for d in self._datasets]
[docs] def append(self, d):
"""Append a dataset to the merger"""
self += d
[docs] def remove(self, d):
"""Remove a dataset from the merger"""
self -= d
[docs] def clean(self):
"""Remove all current dataset"""
del self._datasets
self._datasets = []
def __iadd__(self, datasets):
if not isinstance(datasets, list): datasets = [datasets]
for d in datasets:
d = self._load_(d)
if d is not None and d not in self._datasets:
return self
def __isub__(self, d):
if d not in self._datasets:
warn('Dataset not in merger')
return self
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._datasets[self._key_(key)]
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._datasets[self._key_(key)]
def __setitem__(self, key, b):
self._datasets[self._key_(key)] = self._load_(b)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._datasets)
def _key_(self, key):
if isinstance(key, str):
key = self.ids().find(key)
return key
[docs] def get_xyz(self, mask=True, **kwargs):
"""Merge current dataset"""
assert len(self), 'You must add at least one dataset to the merger'
xyz = self._XYZ(self._datasets[0], **kwargs)
if mask is False:
if mask:
for d in self[1:]:
if mask is False:
d = copy.deepcopy(d)
xyz += d
if mask:
xyz.long_name = self.long_name
xyz.units = self.units
return xyz
xyz = property(get_xyz, doc='Coordinates and data as a (3, npts) array')
[docs] def merge(self, **kwargs):
"""Shortcut to :meth:`xyz`"""
return self.get_xyz(**kwargs)
[docs] def togrid(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Interpolate merged bathymetries to a grid"""
return self.xyz.togrid(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, color=None, marker=None, mode='cluster', title='XYZ merger',
show=True, colorbar=True, savefig=None, savefigs=None, legend=True,
xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, margin=5, xres=None, yres=None, **kwargs):
- *alpha*: Alpha transparency:
- applied to **all** points if ``mode="cluster"``
- applied to **hidden** points if ``mode="data"``
- *mode*: Display mode:
- ``"cluster"``: Points from different datasets have different colors and markers,
and hidden points are transparent.
- ``"data"``: Points have the same marker, colors depends on Z value and hidden
points are masked.
- *marker*: Define a single or several markers to be used.
- *legend*: Show a legend if ``mode="cluster"``.
- *title*: Title of the plot.
- *m*: :class:`~mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap` instance.
- *m_margin*: Margin for ``m``, relative to the mean resolution (see :meth:`XYZ.resol`)
- *m_<keywords>*: Keywords are passed to :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map`.
- Extra keywords are passed to :meth:`XYZ.plot`.
# Limits
if None in [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] or margin != 0.:
xyz = self.get_xyz(mask=False)
if xmin is None: xmin = xyz.get_xmin(False)
if xmax is None: xmax = xyz.get_xmax(False)
if ymin is None: ymin = xyz.get_ymin(False)
if ymax is None: ymax = xyz.get_ymax(False)
if margin != 0. and None in [xres, yres]:
xxres, yyres = xyz.resol(deg=True)
if xres is None: xres = xxres
if yres is None: yres = yyres
# Arguments to plots
kwleg = kwfilter(kwargs, 'legend')
kwsf = kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefig')
kwsfs = kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefigs')
kwplot = dict(show=False, colorbar=False, title=False,
xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax,
margin=margin, xres=xres, yres=yres)
# Select mode
pp = []
if mode == 'cluster':
# Colors and symbols
if color is None:
color = simple_colors
color = broadcast(color, len(self))
if marker is None:
marker = Markers
marker = broadcast(marker, len(self))
# Copy all datasets
datasets = [copy.deepcopy(d) for d in self._datasets]
# Loop on datasets
m = kwplot.pop('m', None)
for j, i in enumerate(xrange(len(datasets)-1, -1, -1)):
# Plot current dataset
pp.append(datasets[i].plot(mode='both', color=color[i], marker=marker[i],
zorder=200+i, masked_zorder=50+i, m=m, **kwplot))
m = datasets[i]._m
# Mask next datasets with current one if not transparent
if i != 0 and not datasets[i].get_transp():
for k in xrange(i-1, -1, -1):
# Legend
if legend:
hh = ()
ll = ()
for d, p in zip(datasets[::-1], pp):
if d.long_name is not None:
hh += p,
ll += d.long_name,
legend_alpha = kwleg.pop('alpha', .3)
kwleg.setdefault('loc', 'best')
kwleg.setdefault('shadow', False)
leg = P.legend(hh, ll, **kwleg)
# Physical case
pp.append(self.xyz.plot(color=color, marker=marker, **kwplot))
if colorbar:
# Plot attributes
if title is None and self.long_name is not None:
title = self.long_name
if title is not False:
if savefig:
P.savefig(savefig, **kwsf)
if savefigs:
Savefigs(savefigs, **kwsfs)
if show:
return pp
[docs]def write_snx(objects, snxfile, type='auto', mode='w', z=99, xfmt='%g', yfmt='%g', zfmt='%g', close=True):
"""Write points, lines or polygons in a sinusX file"""
# Check depth
if isinstance(objects, (LineString, Polygon)):
objects = [objects]
elif isinstance(objects[0], Point) or \
(not isinstance(objects[0], (LineString, Polygon)) and not hasattr(objects[0][0], '__len__')):
objects = [objects]
if type =='auto' or isinstance(objects[0][0], Point): type = 'point'
# File
splitfile = False
if isinstance(snxfile, file):
f = snxfile
elif '%i' not in snxfile:
f = open(snxfile, mode)
splitfile = True
snxfile = snxfile.replace('%i', '%%0%ii'%int(N.log10(len(objects))))
# Loop on objects
for i, oo in enumerate(objects):
# Extract object
if isinstance(oo, LineString):
oo = oo.get_coords()
type = 'linestring'
elif isinstance(oo, Polygon):
oo = oo.get_coords()
type = 'polygon'
elif isinstance(oo[0], tuple):
type = 'point'
elif isinstance(oo[0], Point):
ooo = []
for o in oo:
oo = ooo
type = 'point'
# Guess type
if type == 'auto':
if isinstance(oo[0], float):
type = 'point'
n = N.asarray(oo)
d = N.sqrt(N.diff(n[:, 0])**2+N.diff(n[:, 1])**2)
if d.mean() < 3*N.sqrt((n[0, 0]-n[-1, 0])**2+(n[0, 1]-n[-1, 1])**2):
type = 'linestring'
del d, n
# Write
# - splited file
if isinstance(snxfile, (str, unicode)) and '%' in snxfile:
f = open(snxfile%i, mode)
# - header
if type.startswith('point'): # Points
f.write("B S\nCN Semis\nCP 0 0\nCP 0\n")
elif type.startswith('line'): # LineString
f.write("B N\nCN Niveau\nCP 0 1\nCP 99\nCP 0\n")
elif type.startswith('poly'): # Polygon
f.write("B N\nCN Niveau\nCP 1 1\nCP 99\nCP 0\n")
for o in oo:
if len(o) == 2:
zz = z
zz = o[2]
f.write(('%s %s %s'%(xfmt, yfmt, zfmt)+' A\n')%(o[0], o[1], zz))
if isinstance(snxfile, (str, unicode)) and '%' in snxfile:
if not f.closed and close:
class _Redirector_(object):
def __init__(self, func, prefix=''):
self.func = func
self.prefix = prefix
def write(self, buf):
for line in buf.rstrip().splitlines():
def flush(self):
[docs]class Logger(object):
"""Class for logging facilities when subclassing.
Logging may be sent to the console and/or a log file
- **name**: Name of the logger.
- **logfile**, optional: Log file.
- **console**, optional: Log to the console.
- **maxlogsize**, optional: Maximal size of log file before rotating it.
- **maxbackup**, optional: Maximal number of rotated files.
- **sfmt**, optional: Format of log messages in log file.
- **cfmt**, optional: Format of log message in console.
- **asctime**, optional: Time format.
- **level**, optional: Initialize logging level (see :meth:`set_loglevel`).
- **colors**, optional: Use colors when formatting terminal messages?
- **full_line**, optional: Colorize full line or just level name?
- **redirect_warnings**, optional: Redirect messages issued by :mod:`warnings.warn`.
- **redirect_stdout**, optional: Redirect messages issued to sys.stdout.
- **redirect_stderr**, optional: Redirect messages issued to sys.stderr.
:See also: :mod:`logging` module
def __init__(self, name, logfile=None, console=True, maxlogsize=0, maxbackup=0,
cfmt='%(name)s [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s',
ffmt='%(asctime)s: %(name)s [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s',
asctime='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
level='debug', colors=True, full_line=False,
redirect_warnings=False, redirect_stdout=False, redirect_stderr=False):
# Create or get logger
self.logger = logger = logging.getLogger(name)
# Handlers
handlers = self.logger.handlers
# - file
if logfile is not None and logfile != '' and not any(
[os.path.samefile(logfile, l.baseFilename) for l in handlers
if isinstance(l, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler)]):
checkdir(logfile, asfile=True)
file = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile,
maxBytes=maxlogsize*1000, backupCount=maxbackup)
file.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(ffmt, asctime))
# - console
if console and not any([(isinstance(l, logging.StreamHandler) and
not isinstance(l, logging.FileHandler)) for l in handlers]):
console = logging.StreamHandler()
if colors:
console.setFormatter(ColoredFormatter(cfmt, full_line=full_line))
# Redirections
if redirect_warnings:
warnings.showwarning = self.showwarning
if redirect_stdout:
if not isinstance(redirect_stdout, str):
redirect_stdout = 'debug'
sys.stdout = _Redirector_(getattr(self, redirect_stdout),
prefix='STDOUT: ')
if redirect_stderr:
if not isinstance(redirect_stderr, str):
redirect_stderr = 'warning'
sys.stderr = _Redirector_(getattr(self, redirect_stderr),
prefix='STDERR: ')
# Announce
logger.debug('*** Start log session ***')
[docs] def debug(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send a debug message"""
self.logger.debug(text, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def info(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send a info message"""
self.logger.info(text, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def warning(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send a warning message"""
self.logger.warning(text, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def showwarning(self, message, category, filename, lineno,
'REDIRECTED: %s:%s: %s:%s',
filename, lineno,
category.__name__, message,
def _log_and_exit_(self, slevel, text, *args, **kwargs):
"""Log a message and exit"""
getattr(self.logger, slevel)(text, *args, **kwargs)
mode = kwargs.pop('mode', None)
if mode=='exiterr':
mode = sys.exit
elif mode=='exit':
mode = 1
if isinstance(mode, Exception):
raise mode(text)
elif callable(mode):
elif isinstance(mode, int):
[docs] def error(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send an error message"""
self._log_and_exit_('error', text, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def critical(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send a critical message"""
self._log_and_exit_('critical', text, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_loglevel(self, level=None, console=None, file=None):
"""Set the log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
>>> logger.set_loglevel('DEBUG', console='INFO')
if level is not None:
for handler in self.logger.handlers:
if isinstance(handler, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler):
if file is not None: handler.setLevel(self._get_loglevel_(file))
elif console is not None and \
isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler):
[docs] def get_loglevel(self, asstring=False):
"""Get the log level as an integer or a string"""
if asstring:
for label in 'NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'FATAL':
if self.logger.level == getattr(logging, label):
return label
return 'NOTSET'
return self.logger.level
def _get_loglevel_(self, level):
if level is None: level = 'debug'
if isinstance(level, str):
level = getattr(logging, level.upper(), 'DEBUG')
return level
class TermColors(object):
GREEN = INFO = OK = SUCCESS = '\033[32m'
YELLOW = WARNING = '\033[33m'
NORMAL = DEBUG = '\033[39m'
BLUE = '\033[34m'
MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
CYAN = '\033[36m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
def __init__(self):
try: import curses
except ImportError: curses = None
import sys
if curses:
# This is a feature test which may end with an exception (eg. exec through ssh session, unset TERM env var)
# We don't want to see this kind error (but we are masking other potential errors...)
try: curses.setupterm()
except: pass
if not sys.stdout.isatty() or not curses or (curses.tigetstr('setf') is None and curses.tigetstr('setaf') is None):
def disable(self):
setattr(self, att, '')
def format(self, text, color='NORMAL'):
"""Format a string for its color printing in a terminal
- **text**: simple string message
- *color*: color or debug level
color = color.upper()
if not hasattr(self, color): return text
return getattr(self, color)+text+self.RESET
[docs]def netcdf3():
"""Turn netcdf4 writing off with :mod:`cdms2`"""
netcdf4(0, 0, 0)
[docs]def netcdf4(level=3, deflate=1, shuffle=1):
"""Turn netcdf4 writing on and suppress compression warning"""
from .atime import ch_units, round_date, are_same_units, now, has_time_pattern, \
tsel2slice, is_time, time_selector, itv_union, add_margin, strptime, \
datetime as adatetime, comptime, filter_time_selector, reltime
from .axes import get_checker, istime, islon, islat, islevel
from .color import land, simple_colors, get_cmap
from .grid import create_grid, get_xy, curv2rect, isgrid
from .grid.masking import polygons, convex_hull, rsamp, polygon_mask, create_polygon, \
from .grid.regridding import griddata, xy2xy
from .grid.basemap import get_proj
from .misc import is_iterable, broadcast, kwfilter, set_atts, create_selector, \
squeeze_variable, checkdir, match_atts, get_atts, set_atts
from .phys.units import deg2m, m2deg
from .plot import map2, _colorbar_, savefigs as Savefigs, markers as Markers