Source code for vacumm.misc.namelist

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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import os, re, StringIO, sys

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__author__ = 'Jonathan Wilkins'
__email__ = ''
__date__ = '2011-03-01'
__doc__ = 'Load / save fortran namelist string / file.'

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# - [Check if still applicable] Fix badly handled comment when comment characters are in a quoted (string) value
# - Recheck namelist format(s?) and allow specifying differents characters for namelist start/end,
#   comments start and array indexing.
# - Allow N-dimensionnal arrays (1d currently).
# - Allow store of arrays into python lists rather than dicts.
# - Store namelist and variables in python lists (keep order)
# - Eventually store comments ?

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[docs]class Namelist(dict): '''Handles the fortran namelist format as below: .. code-block:: none ! header comment &namelist1 b=.true. i=0,f=0.1, s="ab" , ss="abcd" / ! inline comment ! standalone comment # another "comment" &namelist2 integer=1500, float=1.5e3 ! inline comment str1="A : B" str2="/path/to/file.txt" array(0)=0 array(1)=1 / Empty lines, spaces and comments (from ":", "!" or "#" characters to the end of line) are allowed. Namelists start tag is the "&" character and end tag is "/", both on their own line or not. Variables are delimited with space(s) or comma. Namelists (sections) are stored and made accessible in a dictionnary fashion as this class inherit from dict. - Keys are the namelists names, values are the variables of the corresponding namelist. - Namelist variables are also stored in dicts. - If the variable is an array like variable, values are also stored in a dict. Variables types are automatically handled, available types are: - boolean: stored as bool python variable - integer: as int - real/scientific: as float - array: as dict .. note: - When loading namelists, previously loaded namelists are overriden, not cleared (use the parent class clear method if needed). - Only 1-dimensionnal array like variables are allowed .. note:: - **Variables cannot be inserted directly into the Namelist**, you must access/setup the namelist level before (see examples) that's because there is no global variable in a namelist file ! :Examples: >>> n = Namelist() >>> # The following is not correct and would results in a ValueError: >>> n['myvar'] = 0 ... ValueError: Cannot set a global variable in namelist, value must be a dict >>> # That's the good way to do things: >>> n['mynamelist'] = {} >>> n['mynamelist']['myvar'] = 0 >>> n = Namelist() >>> n['namelist1'] = dict(integer=1, real=1.0, string='hello', array=dict(a=0,b=1)) >>> print n.save_string() ... &namelist1 ... real = 1.0 ... integer = 1 ... array(a) = 0 ... array(b) = 1 ... string = "hello" ... / >>> n = Namelist.from_file('mynamelist.txt') ''' _maxreadsize = 2 * (2**20) # n * Mio def __init__(self): dict.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return '\n\n'.join('%s:\n%s'%(namelist, '\n'.join((' %s = %s (%s)'%(k,v,v.__class__.__name__) for k,v in variables.iteritems()))) for namelist, variables in self.iteritems()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError('Cannot set a global variable in namelist, value must be a dict') dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_comments(s, strip=True): '''Internal method for comments filtering. Return s without fortran comments. If strip is True, also eliminate empty lines and leading and trailing spaces ''' comment = r'^\s*[:|!|#].*$' #comment = r'''(?<!(?:"|')).*?[:|!|#].*(?<!(?:"|'))''' lines = (re.sub(comment, '', l) for l in s.splitlines()) if strip: lines = (l.strip() for l in lines if l.strip()) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath, *a, **k): '''Factory method populating the created namelist with a file.''' o = cls(*a, **k) o.load_file(filepath) return o
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, *a, **k): '''Factory method populating the created namelist with a string.''' o = cls(*a, **k) o.load_string(string) return o
[docs] def load_string(self, string): '''Load namelists from a string.''' #print '[start of raw namelist]\n%s\n[end of raw namelist]'%(s) # Clean comments / spaces / empty lines s = self.remove_comments(string) #print '[start of filtered namelist]\n%s\n[end of filtered namelist]'%(s) # Patterns namelist = re.compile(r'''\s*&(?P<namelist>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s+(?P<statements>(?:(?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^/])*)/''', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE) variable = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<variable>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?:\((?P<index>\d+)\))?\s*=\s*(?P<value>[^\s,]+)(?:\s+|,)', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE) boolean = re.compile(r'\.?(?P<boolean>true|false|t|f)\.?', re.I) integer = re.compile(r'(?P<integer>[-+]?\d+)') real = re.compile(r'(?P<real>[-+]?(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?)') string = re.compile(r'''(?:"|')(?P<string>.*?)(?:"|')''') # Values converters. Order is important ! casts = ((string,str), (boolean,lambda v: v.lower().strip().startswith('t') and True or False), (real,float), (integer,int)) # Loop on namelists for nm in namelist.finditer(s): ngd = nm.groupdict() #print (' namelist: %s '%(ngd['namelist'])).center(80, '=') #print 'start:', vm.start(), 'end:', vm.end() #print 'groups:', vm.groups(), 'groupdict:', vgd self[ngd['namelist']] = {} # Loop on variables for vm in variable.finditer(ngd['statements']): vgd = vm.groupdict() #print (' variable: %s '%(vgd['variable'])).center(80, '-') #print 'start:', vm.start(), 'end:', vm.end() #print 'groups:', vm.groups(), 'groupdict:', vgd index = vgd.get('index', None) # Initialize array (dict) if needed if index is not None and vgd['variable'] not in self[ngd['namelist']]: self[ngd['namelist']][vgd['variable']] = {} # Find and convert value for p,c in casts: m =['value']) if m: if index is not None: self[ngd['namelist']][vgd['variable']][index] = c(m.groups()[0]) else: self[ngd['namelist']][vgd['variable']] = c(m.groups()[0]) break
[docs] def save_string(self): '''Return the (fortran) formated namelists''' s = StringIO.StringIO() for namelist,variables in self.iteritems(): s.write('&%s\n'%namelist) for vn,vv in variables.iteritems(): if isinstance(vv, dict): for i,vi in vv.iteritems(): if isinstance(vi, (str,unicode)): s.write(' %s(%s) = "%s"\n'%(vn,i,vi)) elif isinstance(vi, bool): s.write(' %s(%s) = .%s.\n'%(vn,i,str(vi).lower())) else: s.write(' %s(%s) = %s\n'%(vn,i,vi)) else: if isinstance(vv, (str,unicode)): s.write(' %s = "%s"\n'%(vn,vv)) elif isinstance(vv, bool): s.write(' %s = .%s.\n'%(vn,str(vv).lower())) else: s.write(' %s = %s\n'%(vn,vv)) s.write('/\n\n') r = s.getvalue() s.close() return r
[docs] def load_file(self, filepath): '''Load namelists from a text file''' self._filepath = filepath fh = file(self._filepath, 'rU') fc = fh.close() self.load_string(fc)
[docs] def save_file(self, filename, append=False): '''Save the (fortran) formatted namelists to a file''' fh = file(filename, append and 'a' or 'w') fh.write(self.save_string()) fh.close()
# ================================================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': '''Test this module''' namelist = '''\ ! header comment &namelist1 b=.true. i=0,f=0.1, s="ab" , ss="abcd" / ! inline comment # standalone &n a="comment" / &namelist2 integer=1500, float=1.5e3 ! inline comment str1 = "A : B" str2="/path/to/file.txt" array(0)=0 array(1) = 1 / &namfine head_fine = './IN/head.quib3'/ ''' namelist = '''\ ! header comment &namelist1 b=.true. i=0,f=0.1, s="ab" , ss="abcd" / ! inline comment &namelist2 integer=1500, float=1.5e3 ! inline comment str1 = "A:B" str2='./path/to/file.txt' array(0)=0 array(1) = 1 / ''' if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] in ('-t', '-test', '--test'): print ' namelist in input '.center(80, '=') print namelist print nf = Namelist.from_string(namelist) elif len(sys.argv) == 2: nf = Namelist.from_file(sys.argv[1]) else: print 'usage: %(prog)s (namelistfile|--test)'%dict(prog=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]) sys.exit(1) print ' namelist as a descriptive string (__str__ method) '.center(80, '=') print nf print print ' namelist as formated string (save_string method) '.center(80, '=') print nf.save_string() print