Source code for vacumm.misc.plot

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
Generic plots using Matplotlib and taking advantage of CDAT

Tutorial: ":ref:`user.tut.misc.plot`".
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
import cPickle
import re, os, glob
from copy import copy
from itertools import cycle
from operator import isNumberType
from string import Template
from tempfile import mktemp

import cdtime
import numpy as N,MV2, cdms2
import pylab as P
from cdms2.axis import AbstractAxis
from genutil import minmax, statistics
from matplotlib.axes import Subplot
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter,is_color_like, Normalize
from matplotlib.dates import (DateFormatter, MonthLocator, WeekdayLocator, YearLocator,
    DayLocator, HourLocator, MinuteLocator, SecondLocator, MONDAY, WEEKLY, YEARLY, MONTHLY,
    AutoDateLocator, AutoDateFormatter, MO, DAILY, HOURLY, num2date)
from matplotlib.patches import Wedge,Shadow,Circle, Arc
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter, Formatter, FixedLocator
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

from .misc import (dict_aliases, latlab, lonlab, deplab,
    geo_scale, kwfilter, dict_check_defaults, auto_scale)
from .atime import (mpl, time, axis_add, compress, SpecialDateFormatter,
from .axes import check_axes, isaxis, istime, axis_type
from .color import simple_colors, Scalar2RGB, get_cmap
from .color import get_cmap, Scalar2RGB
from .core_plot import (add_glow, add_shadow, add_agg_filter, hlitvs,
    AutoDateFormatter2,  DualDateFormatter, add_lightshading,
    AutoDateLocator2, AutoDateMinorLocator, AutoDualDateFormatter, add_compass,
    add_right_label, add_left_label, add_top_label, add_bottom_label,
    add_lightshading, add_param_label, get_quiverkey_value)
from .docstrings import docfill
from .grid.misc import (meshgrid, meshbounds, var2d)
from .grid import regridding
from .grid.basemap import gshhs_reslist, gshhs_autores, cache_map, cached_map
from .grid.misc import get_xy
from .misc import is_iterable, broadcast, squarebox, zoombox
from .phys.units import deg2m, m2deg
from ..__init__ import VACUMMError

__all__ = [ 'traj', 'ellipsis',
    'add_colorbar', 'scolorbar','rotate_tick_labels', 'rotate_xlabels', 'rotate_ylabels',
    'scale_xlim', 'scale_ylim', 'xhide', 'yhide', 'xdate', 'ydate',
    'get_locator_from_units', 'set_major_locator', 'get_major_locator',
    'set_minor_locator', 'get_minor_locator', 'add_logo', 'wedge',
    'add_time_mark', 'xi2a', 'yi2a', 'yi2f', 'xi2f', 'gobjs', 'add_key',
    'colorbar', 'hldays',  'xscale', 'yscale', 'xrotate', 'yrotate',
    'add_grid', 'savefigs', 'decorate_axis', 'markers', 'linestyles',
    'make_movie', 'taylor', 'vtaylor', 'get_cls', 'dtaylor', 'rankhist',
    'curve2', 'bar2', 'stick2', 'hov2' , 'map2', 'section2',
    'minimap', 'add_map_point', 'add_map_line', 'add_map_lines', 'add_map_box',  'rshpere_wgs84',
    'add_glow', 'add_shadow', 'add_agg_filter', 'plot2d', 'hlitvs',
    'add_compass', 'add_param_label', 'dtarget', 'add_map_places',
    'add_right_label', 'add_left_label', 'add_top_label', 'add_bottom_label',
    'get_quiverkey_value', 'add_lightshading']

MA =
MV = MV2
cdms = cdms2

#   from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap

#: WGS radius of earth
rshpere_wgs84 = (6378137.0,6356752.3141)

#: Useful markers list
markers = [
    'o', #  : circl
#   '.', #  : point
#   ',', #  : pixel
    'v', #  : triangle_down
    '^', #  : triangle_up
    '<', #  : triangle_left
    '>', #  : triangle_right
#   '1', #  : tri_down
#   '2', #  : tri_up
#   '3', #  : tri_left
#   '4', #  : tri_right
    '8', #  : 'octogon
    's', #  : square
    'p', #  : pentagon
    'h', #  : hexagon1
#   'H', #  : hexagon2
    '+', #  : plus
    'x', #  : x
#   'D', #  : diamond
    'd', #  : thin_diamond
#   '|', #  : vline
#   '_', #  : hline

#: Useful linestyles list
linestyles = [
    '-' , #         : solid',
    '--', #         : dashed',
    '-.', #         : dash_dot',
    ':', #          : dotted',

[docs]def traj(lons,lats,res=None,dots=True,color=True,m=None,zoom=.9,cmap=None,colorbar=True,**kwargs): # Start the plot _start_plot_(**kwargs) # Time series lons = _check_var_(lons,1,'t',**kwargs) lats = _check_var_(lats,1,'t',**kwargs) # Map if m is None: lon_min,lon_max = minmax(lons) lat_min,lat_max = minmax(lats) lon_range = (lon_min+lon_max)*.5 + .5*(lon_max-lon_min)/zoom * N.array([-1,1]) lat_range = (lat_min+lat_max)*.5 + .5*(lat_max-lat_min)/zoom * N.array([-1,1]) kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs,'map',defaults=dict(lon=lon_range,lat=lat_range)) kwmap['show'] = False kwmap['res'] = kwargs.pop('resolution',res) m = map(**kwmap) # Real coordinates xx,yy = m(lons,lats) #TODO:finish traj # Plot kwargs.setdefault('linewidth',2) if color is not True and is_color_like(color): # Classic one color kwdots = kwfilter(kwargs,'dots') lines = m.plot(xx,yy,**kwargs) kwdots.setdefault('color',lines[0].get_color()) if dots: m.plot(xx,yy,'o',**kwdots) elif color is not False: # Color varying if not is_iterable(color) or len(color) != len(xx): tt = xx.getAxis(0) if istime(tt): tt = mpl(tt) mp = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap)#,norm=no_norm()) mp.set_array(N.array(tt)) ttmin = min(tt) dtt = max(tt)-ttmin color = tuple([tuple(rgba) for rgba in mp.cmap((.5*(tt[:-1]+tt[1:])-ttmin)/dtt)]) args = [] for ip in xrange(len(xx)-1): args.extend([xx[ip:ip+2],yy[ip:ip+2]]) lines = [] for ip,line in enumerate(P.gca()._get_lines(*args,**kwargs)): line.set_color(color[ip]) P.gca().add_line(line) lines.append(line) if dots: kwdots = kwfilter(kwargs,'dots',defaults=dict(linestyle='o',markersize='5')) kwdots.update(kwargs) for line in P.gca()._get_lines(*args,**kwdots): line.set_color(color[ip]) P.gca().add_line(line) if colorbar: kwargs.setdefault('colorbar_horizontal',True) ## kwargs.setdefault('colorbar_aspect',20) colorbar(mp,tt, True, **kwargs) # End plot kwargs.setdefault('title','Trajectory') _end_plot_(var=lons,**kwargs) return lines
[docs]def vtaylor(data, ref=None, ref_color='red', color=None, label=None, title=None, xoffset=5, yoffset=-2, show=False, stdmax=None, savefig=None, **kwargs): """Plot a Taylor diagram using :mod:`vcs` module from CDAT - **data**: A single or several points where a point is a pair of (std, corr). - *ref*: Reference value (standard deviation of observations). - *color*: Color of the points. It can be a list to set a different color for each pair. - *label*: Label of the points. Obviously, if there are several points, there must have several labels. - *x|yoffset*: Offset in font size unit of label position. - *title*: A string or ``False``. - *savefig*: Save figure to ``savefig``. - *savefig_<keyword>*: ``keyword`` is used for saving figure. - Other keywords are passed to :meth:`plot`. Example: >>> taylor([21.,.83], ref=30., title='Single point') >>> taylor(([[[21.,.83], [33., .7]], ref=28., color=['blue', 242], label=['Point 1', 'Point2']) .. warning:: This function uses the :mod:`vcs` module for plotting. Therefore, yan can't alter the plot with :mod:`matplotlib` functions. """ # Data if cdms2.isVariable(data): data = data.clone() else: data = MV2.array(data) if data.ndim == 1: data = MV2.resize(data, (1, 2)) if title is False: title = None elif title is None and hasattr(data, 'long_name') and \ not data.long_name.startswith('variable'): title = data.long_name = ' ' np = len(data) # Init canva and diagram import vcs x=vcs.init(size=1) td=x.createtaylordiagram() if ref is not None: if hasattr(ref, 'std') and callable(ref.std): ref = ref.std() td.referencevalue = ref td.preserveaspectratio='n' if color is not None: if not isinstance(color, list): color = broadcast(list([color]), np) td.Marker.id_color = color if label is not None: if not isinstance(label, list): label = list(label) = label # td.Marker.symbol=['dot','cross','circle', 'dot'] if not isinstance(xoffset, list): xoffset = broadcast(list([xoffset]), np) if not isinstance(yoffset, list): yoffset = broadcast(list([yoffset]), np) td.Marker.xoffset=xoffset td.Marker.yoffset=yoffset # Create the template t=x.createtemplate(source="deftaylor") t.xtic1.y1 = t.xtic1.y2 = t.xtic1.y1+.01 t.xmintic1.y1 = t.xmintic1.y2 = t.xmintic1.y1+.005 t.xlabel1.y = t.xname.y = t.xtic1.y1 - .05 # Sets the correlation major line l=x.createline() l.type='dash' l.width=1 t.ytic2.x1=.1 t.ytic2.x2=.9 t.ytic2.line=l majorcor=vcs.mklabels([.1,.3,.6,.8,.9,.95,.99]) td.cticlabels1=majorcor # Sets the correlation minor line l=x.createline() l.type='dot' l.width=1 l.color=[252] # grey t.ymintic2.x1=.1 t.ymintic2.x2=.9 t.ymintic2.line=l minorcor=vcs.mklabels([.2,.4,.5,.7,.85,.91,.92,.93,.94,.96,.97,.98,.998]) td.cmtics1=minorcor # Sets standard dev major tics l=x.createline() l.type='dash' l.width=1 t.xtic2.y1=.1 t.xtic2.y2=.9 t.xtic2.line=l t.xtic2.priority=1 vmax = data[:, 0].max() stdticks = auto_scale([0., vmax], vmin=0.) mjrstd1=vcs.mklabels(stdticks) td.xticlabels1=mjrstd1 mjrstd2=vcs.mklabels(stdticks) td.yticlabels1=mjrstd2 # Sets the std minor line l=x.createline() l.type='dot' l.width=1 l.color=[252] # grey t.xmintic2.y1=.1 t.xmintic2.y2=.9 t.xmintic2.line=l t.xmintic2.priority=1 mnrstd=vcs.mklabels((stdticks[:-1]+stdticks[1:])/2.) td.xmtics1=mnrstd td.ymtics1=mjrstd1 # Sets the reference l=x.createline() l.type='solid' l.width=2 # l.color=[ref_color] l.color=[242] t.line2.line=l # Sets the maximum for arc value if stdmax is None: stdmax = stdticks[-1] td.max=stdmax # Main plot kwsf = kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefig') x.plot(data,t,td, bg=int(not show), title=title, **kwargs) # Save if savefig is not None: for suf, func in [('eps', 'eps'), ('ps', 'postscript'), ('png', 'png'), ('gif', 'gif')]: if savefig.endswith('.'+suf): getattr(x, func)(savefig, **kwsf) break
[docs]def dtaylor(stats, stdref=None, labels=None, colors=None, **kwargs): """Directly plot a Taylor diagram :Params: - **stats**: Statistics is the form ``[std, corr]`` or ``[[std1,corr1],[std2,corr2],...]`` - **stdref**: Standard deviation of reference - **labels**,optional: Label of the points. Obviously, if there are several points, there must have several labels. If ``None``, it tries to get it from the `long_name` attribute. If ``False``, it doesn't display it. - **reflabel**,optional: Name of the reference label. It defaults to ``"Reference"``. $_taylor_ """ stats = N.asarray(stats) if stats.ndim==1: stats.shape = (1,)+stats.shape elif stats.shape[1]!=2: stats = stats.T return _taylor_(stats, labels, colors, stdref=stdref, **kwargs)
[docs]def taylor(datasets, ref, labels=False, colors=None, units=None, normalize=True, **kwargs): """Plot a Taylor diagram after computing statistics :Params: - **datasets**: One or several arrays that must be evaluated against the reference. Best is to provide :mod:`cdms2` variables with an appropriate `long_name` attribute to set labels automatically. - **ref**: Reference array of the same shape as all ``datasets`` arrays. - **labels**,optional: Label of the points. Obviously, if there are several points, there must have several labels. If ``None``, it tries to get it from the `long_name` attribute. If ``False``, it doesn't display it. - **reflabel**,optional: Name of the reference label. It defaults to the `long_name` attribute or to ``"Reference"``. - **normalize**,optional: Normalize standard deviation and RMSE $_taylor_ :Example: Basic usage: >>> taylor(var_model, var_obs, title='Single point', reflabel='Observations') Two variables with the same reference: >>> taylor([var_model1,var_model2], var_ref) Two variables without the same reference (like temprature and salinity): >>> taylor([sst,sss], [sstref,sssref], labels=True) A huge model ensemble of SST with colors varying with averaged SSS: >>> taylor([sstm for sstm in sstens], sstsat, colors=cdutil.averager(sss, 'xy')) :Tutorial: ":ref:`user.tut.misc.plot.basic.taylor`". """ # Check datasets, units and labels # - datasets if isinstance(datasets, N.ndarray): datasets = [datasets] datasets = list(datasets) n = len(datasets) labels = broadcast(labels, n, mode='last') for i, d in enumerate(datasets): d = MV2.asarray(d) if units in [True, None]: units = getattr(d, 'units', None) if labels[i] in [True, None]: labels[i] = getattr(d, 'long_name', None) d = d.asma().ravel() datasets[i] = d # - references if isinstance(ref, N.ndarray): ref = [ref] ref = list(ref) ref = broadcast(ref, n, mode='last') for i, r in enumerate(ref): r = MV2.asarray(r) if units in [True, None]: units = getattr(r, 'units', None) if labels[i] in [True, None]: labels[i] = getattr(r, 'long_name', None) ref[i] = r.asma().ravel() # Statistics stats = [] stdref = [] for i,(d, r) in enumerate(zip(datasets, ref)): stats.append([d.std(), statistics.__correlation(d, r)]) stdref.append(r.std()) stats = # Diagram return _taylor_(stats, labels, colors, stdref=stdref, units=units, normalize=normalize, **kwargs)
def _taylor_(stats, labels=False, colors=None, stdref=None, units=None, refcolor='.5', reflabel='Observations', normalize=True, addref=True, legend=True, negative=None, minimal=False, stdmax=None, autoresize=True, scatter=False, zorder=12, cmap=None, **kwargs): """- **stdref**, optional: Standard deviation of the reference used either when normalizing statistics or to plot the reference arc and point. All statistics can have a different reference standard deviation; in this case, statistics are normalized (``normalize`` is set to True). - **addref**,optional: Add the reference arc and point to the plot. - **normalize**, optional: Force the normalization of statistics (standard deviations). - **negative**,optional: Force plot of negative correlations. - **legend**, optional: Add the legend. - **size**,optional: Size(s) of the markers in points. - **colors**,optional: Color of the points. It can be a list to set a different color for each pair. - **cmap**, optional: Colormap use when ``colors`` is a numeric array. - **label_colors**,optional: Color of the labels. If ``"same"``, color is taken from ``colors``. - **label_<keyword>**,optional: ``<keyword>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.text` for plotting the labels. - **symbols**,optional: Symbols for the points (default to ``"o"``). - **point_<keyword>**,optional: ``<keyword>`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` (:func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` if ``scatter`` is True) or for plotting the points. - **reflabel**,optional: Label of the reference. - **refcolor**,optional: Color of the reference. - **title**,optional: A string for the general title. - **scatter**, optional: Use :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` to improve plot efficiency when the number of points is huge. Labels are not plotted in this mode. - **savefig**,optional: Save figure to ``savefig``. - **savefig_<keyword>**,optional: ``<keyword>`` is used for saving figure. - **savefigs**,optional: Save figure to ``savefig`` using :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.savefigs`. - **savefigs_<keyword>**,optional: ``<keyword>`` is used for saving figure using :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.savefigs`.""" from matplotlib.transforms import offset_copy # Normalization np = len(stats) scatter = kwargs.get('singleref', scatter) if stdref is None: normalize=True stdref =[1.]) stdref = if stdref.ndim==0: stdref.shape = 1, if stdref.shape[0]>1 and not, stdref.mean()): normalize = True stats = if normalize: stats[:, 0] /= stdref stdref =[1]) # Arrays if stdmax is None: stdmax = max([:, 0]).max(), stdref.max()) corrmin = stats[:, 1].min() if negative is None: negative = corrmin < 0 sticks = auto_scale([0, stdmax], vmin=0.) stdmax = sticks[-1] stdmin = -stdmax if negative else 0 sticksref = N.arange(0., stdmax*N.sqrt(2.), sticks[1]-sticks[0]) rticks = N.arange(0, 1., .1).tolist()+[.95, .99, 1.] if negative: rticks = (-N.asarray(rticks[:0:-1])).tolist()+rticks # Check options labels = broadcast(labels, np, fillvalue=None) cmap = get_cmap(cmap) if colors is None: colors = kwargs.pop('color', 'k') if not isinstance(colors, N.ndarray): colors = broadcast(colors,np) if any([isinstance(c,(int,float)) for c in colors]): # list of scalars colors = N.array(colors) if isinstance(colors, N.ndarray): colors = N.resize(colors, (np,)) if not scatter: colors = Scalar2RGB(colors, cmap)(colors) for i in xrange(np): if colors[i] is None: colors[i] = 'k' sizes = N.asarray(broadcast(kwargs.pop('size', 8), np)) alphas = broadcast(kwargs.pop('alpha', 1), np) label_size = broadcast(kwargs.pop('label_size', P.rcParams['font.size']), np) label_colors = kwargs.pop('label_colors', 'k') if label_colors=='same': label_colors = colors else: label_colors = broadcast(colors, np, fillvalue='k') symbols = broadcast(kwargs.pop('symbols', 'o'), np) if negative and autoresize: x0,y0 = P.gcf().get_size_inches() x1 = x0*2. y1 = y0 if autoresize != 2: x1 /= N.sqrt(2.) y1 /= N.sqrt(2.) P.gcf().set_size_inches((x1,y1),forward=True) # Conversion function def xy(std, corr): return std*corr, std*N.sin(N.arccos(corr)) # Start the plot if not minimal: _start_plot_(**kwargs) fig = P.gcf() fig.set_facecolor('w') ax = P.gca() # Points kwpt = kwfilter(kwargs, 'point') kwlab = kwfilter(kwargs, 'label') if scatter: # All points x,y = xy(stats[:,0],stats[:,1]) ppts = P.scatter(x, y, 0.75*sizes**2, colors, marker=symbols[0], zorder=zorder, alpha=alphas[0], cmap=cmap, **kwpt) else: ppts = [] for i, (std, corr) in enumerate(stats): # Single point x, y = xy(std, corr) ppts.append(P.plot([x], [y], symbols[i], label=labels[i], zorder=12, color=colors[i], markersize=sizes[i], alpha=alphas[i],**kwpt)) # Labels if isinstance(labels[i], basestring): transoffset = offset_copy(ax.transData, fig=fig, x = 0.0, y=-1.2*sizes[i], units='points') P.text(x, y, labels[i], va='center', ha='center', transform=transoffset, zorder=zorder-2, size=label_size[i], **kwlab) del labels # Decorations for normal plots if not minimal: # Boundary standard deviation arc arc = Circle((0., 0.), stdmax, fill=False, zorder=0, facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(arc) # Intermediates standard deviation arcs for radius in sticks[1:-1]: pstd = Circle((0., 0.), radius, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=P.rcParams['grid.linewidth'], fill=False, edgecolor='b',zorder=0) ax.add_patch(pstd) # RMS (red) for first ref only rmax = N.sqrt(stdmax**2+stdref[0]**2) for r in sticksref[1:-1]: prms = Circle((stdref[0], 0.), r, linestyle='dashed', fill=False, linewidth=P.rcParams['grid.linewidth'], edgecolor='r',zorder=0) ax.add_patch(prms) prms.set_clip_on(True) prms.set_clip_path(arc) xt = stdref[0]*r/rmax yt = stdmax*r/rmax P.text(stdref[0]-xt, yt, ('%g'%r).ljust(4), color='r', rotation=N.arctan2(xt, yt)*180./N.pi, va='center', ha='center', clip_on=True, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', linewidth=0, alpha=.5)) # Reference addref = kwargs.get('ref', addref) if addref: # First Arc ax.add_patch(Arc((0., 0.), stdref[0]*2, stdref[0]*2, fill=False, edgecolor=refcolor, linewidth=2, zorder=0)) # All points unless normalized imax = 1 if normalize else None rslice = slice(0,imax) pref = P.plot(stdref[rslice], [0]*len(stdref[rslice]), 'o', color=refcolor, markersize=10, clip_on=False) if not minimal: # Ticks for correlation for r in rticks: x1, y1 = xy(stdmax, r) x0, y0 = xy(stdmax*.98, r) dxt = 12*x1/stdmax dyt = 12*y1/stdmax P.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], 'k-', label=False) pcor = P.plot([0, x1], [0, y1], 'k--', linewidth=P.rcParams['grid.linewidth'], color='g') transoffset = offset_copy(ax.transData, fig=fig, x=dxt, y=dyt, units='points') P.text(x1, y1, ('%g'%r).ljust(4), va='center', ha='center', transform = transoffset, rotation=N.arccos(r)*180./N.pi + (r<0)*180.) xt = yt = stdmax/N.sqrt(2.) dxt = 29*xt/stdmax dyt = 29*yt/stdmax transoffset = offset_copy(ax.transData, fig=fig, x=dxt, y=dyt, units='points') P.text(xt, yt, 'Correlation', va='center', ha='center',size=P.rcParams['axes.labelsize'], transform = transoffset, rotation=-45.) # Legend if legend: legstd = 'Standard dev.' legrms = 'RMS error' if normalize: legstd = 'Rel. '+legstd.lower() legrms = 'Rel. '+legrms hdls = (pcor[0], pstd, prms) labs = ('Correlation', legstd, legrms) if addref: hdls += pref[0], labs += reflabel, P.legend(hdls, labs, loc='upper right' if not negative else 'upper left', #markerscale=10, numpoints=1, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'legend_', defaults=dict(shadow=False, fancybox=True))).legendPatch.set_alpha(.5) # Final setup P.axis([stdmin, stdmax, 0, stdmax]) ax.set_aspect(1.) ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') if negative: ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') #ax.set_frame_on(False) if negative: P.xticks(N.concatenate((-sticks[:0:-1], sticks))) else: P.xticks(sticks) P.yticks(sticks) ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.yaxis.tick_left() P.axhline(0, color='k', label=False).set_clip_on(False) P.axvline(0, color='k', label=False).set_clip_on(False) stdlabel = 'Standard deviation' if normalize: stdlabel = 'Relative '+stdlabel.lower() if not normalize and units is not None and units is not False: stdlabel += ' [%s]'%units P.xlabel(stdlabel) if not negative: P.ylabel(stdlabel) # End kwargs.update(autoresize=0, units=None, grid=False) kwargs.setdefault('title', 'Taylor diagram') kwargs.setdefault('title_y', 1.05) kwargs.setdefault('savefigs_pdf', True) _end_plot_(**kwargs) else: P.ylim(ymin=0) ax.set_aspect(1.) ax.set_frame_on(False) return ppts
[docs]def dtarget(bias, rmsc, stdmod, stdref=None, colors='cyan', sizes=20, title='Target diagram', cmap=None, units=None, colorbar=True, **kwargs): """Plot a (direct) target diagram from already computed statistics :Params: - **bias** : Bias. - **rmsc**: Centered RMS error. - **stdmod**: Standard deviation of the model. - **stdref**, optional: Standard deviation of the observations. - **colors**, optional: Single or list of colors, or array of values, used to color markers. - **sizes**, optional: Single or list of sizes of markers. - **title**, optional: Title of the plot. - **scatter_<keyword>**, optional: ``<keyword>`` is passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. - **circle_<keyword>**, optional: ``<keyword>`` is passed change the properties of circles. .. todo:: Make two versions of :func:`target`, as for Taylor diagrams: one like with direct statistics, one with :mod:`MV2` variables as arguments. """ kwscat = kwfilter(kwargs, 'scatter_') kwscat.setdefault('cmap', cmap) kwcb =kwfilter(kwargs, 'colorbar_') kwcir = kwfilter(kwargs, 'circle_') # Convert to masked arrays bias = if stdref is None: stdref = 1. stdref = N.resize(, bias.shape) stdmod = rmsc = np = len(bias) # Make plotted stats nrmsc = rmsc / stdref nrmsc *= N.sign(stdmod-stdref) nbias = bias / stdref # Broadcast plot params if colors=='rms': colors = N.sqrt(rmsc**2+bias**2) elif isinstance(colors, N.ndarray): colors = N.resize(colors, bias.shape) else: if not isinstance(colors, list): colors = [colors] colors = broadcast(colors, np) sizes = N.resize(N.asarray(sizes), bias.shape) # Start the plot _start_plot_(**kwargs) ax = P.gca() ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_aspect(1.) # Plot p = ax.scatter(nrmsc, nbias, sizes, colors, **kwscat) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = P.axis() xmax = max(-xmin, xmax, -ymin, ymax, 1.1) P.axis([-xmax, xmax, -xmax, xmax]) # Arcs dict_check_defaults(kwcir, linestyle='dotted', edgecolor='r', linewidth=P.rcParams['grid.linewidth'], fill=False, zorder=0) for radius in P.xticks()[0]: if radius > 0: pstd = Circle((0., 0.), radius, **kwcir) ax.add_patch(pstd) kwcir['linestyle'] = 'solid' ax.add_patch(Circle((0., 0.), 1., **kwcir)) # Colorbar if colorbar and isinstance(colors, N.ndarray): label = 'RMS' if units: label += ' [%s]'%units kwcb.setdefault('label', label) kwcb.setdefault('pad', 0.15) kwcb.setdefault('fraction', 0.04) P.colorbar(p, **kwcb) # Finish plot P.xlabel(r'$RMSC/\sigma_{obs}$', ha='left', va='bottom', position=(1., 0.)) P.ylabel('$Bias/\sigma_{obs}$', ha='left', va='top', rotation=0, position=(0., 0)) kwargs['title'] = title kwargs.update(autoresize=0, units=None, grid=False) _end_plot_(**kwargs) return p
target = dtarget
[docs]def rankhist(obs, ens, title='Rank histogram', bins=None, **kwargs): """Plot rank histogram The rank is computed using :func:`~vacumm.misc.stats.ensrank`. It may vary from ``0`` to ``nens``. - **obs**, (...): Observations or rank - **ens**, (nens,...): Ensemble or nens """ from stats import ensrank if isinstance(ens, int): rank, nens = obs, ens else: ens = MV2.asarray(ens) rank = ensrank(obs, ens) nens = ens.shape[0] kwhist = kwfilter(kwargs, 'hist_') if rank = rank.compressed() _start_plot_(**kwargs) if bins is None: bins = N.arange(-.5, nens+1.5) pdf, bins, patches = P.hist(rank, bins=bins, normed=True, align='mid', **kwhist) P.axhline(1./(nens+1), color='r', lw=2) P.xlim(bins.min(), bins.max()) P.xlabel('Rank') P.ylabel('P(rank)') kwargs.setdefault('savefigs_pdf', True) _end_plot_(title=title, **kwargs) return patches
[docs]def ellipsis(xpos,ypos,eAXIS,eaxis=None,rotation=0, sign=0,np=100,gobj=None,m=None, scale=1.,fill=False,sign_usearrow=True, axes=True,sign_usecolor=False,sign_usewidth=False,units=None, key=True,key_align='top',key_orientation='tangential', glow=False, shadow=False, key_position=1.15,key_format='%(value)g %(units)s',**kwargs): """Create a dicretized ellipsis - **xpos**: X position of the ellipsis. - **ypos**: Y // - **eAXIS**: Length of grand axis - *eaxis*: Length of little axis [default: eAXIS] - *rotation*: Rotation angle in degrees of grand axis from X axis [default: 0.] - *sign*: Indicate a direction of evolution along the ellipsis using a variable line width and/or color [default: 0]. If 0, nothing is done. If positive or negative, it defines the direction relative the trigonometric convention. - *sign_usearrow*: Use an arrow to indicate sign [default: True] - *sign_usewidth*: Use width variation to indicate sign [default: False] - *sign_usecolor*: Use color variation (from grey to default color) to indicate sign [default: False] - *scale*: Scale factor to apply to grand and little axes [default: 1.] - *np*: Number of discretized segments [default: 100] - *gobj*: Graphical object on which to plot the ellipsis (can be a Basemap object) [default: ~matplotlib.pyplot.gca()]. If map object, eAXIS and eaxis are supposed to be in kilometers. """ # Angles for discretization pp = N.arange(0,2*N.pi,2*N.pi/np) pp = N.concatenate((pp,pp[0:1])) # Closed np = len(pp) # Axes eAXIS = eA_orig = N.absolute(eAXIS) if eaxis is None: eaxis = eAXIS eaxis = ea_orig = N.absolute(eaxis) eaxis *= scale eAXIS *= scale # Map if m: gobj = m from core_plot import Map if gobj is None: gobj = P.gca() elif isinstance(gobj, Map): gobj = ismap = isinstance(gobj,Basemap) if ismap: iscyl = gobj.projection == 'cyl' eaxis *= 1.e3 # km eAXIS *= 1.e3 # km # Discretization xx = N.zeros(np).astype('d') yy = N.zeros(np).astype('d') rotation *= N.pi / 180. for ip,ap in enumerate(pp): # Basic ellipsis xxx = eAXIS * N.cos(ap) * 0.5 yyy = eaxis * N.sin(ap) * 0.5 # Rotation xx[ip] = xxx * N.cos(rotation) - yyy * N.sin(rotation) yy[ip] = xxx * N.sin(rotation) + yyy * N.cos(rotation) # Cylindrical map: meters to degrees if ismap and iscyl: xx[ip] = m2deg(xx[ip],ypos) yy[ip] = m2deg(yy[ip]) # Add position if ismap: xpos,ypos = gobj(xpos,ypos) xx = xx + xpos yy = yy + ypos # Add axes if axes: kwaxes = kwfilter(kwargs,'axes', defaults=dict(color='k',linestyle=':',alpha=.5)) for ea,ap in (eAXIS,0.),(eaxis,N.pi/2): xaxis = N.array([-1,1]) * N.cos(rotation+ap) * ea/2 yaxis = N.array([-1,1]) * N.sin(rotation+ap) * ea/2 if ismap and iscyl: xaxis = m2deg(xaxis,ypos) yaxis = m2deg(yaxis) gobj.plot(xaxis+xpos,yaxis+ypos,**kwaxes) # Plot command if fill: pcmd = gobj.fill else: pcmd = gobj.plot # Plot with sign indicator myplot = None kwkey = kwfilter(kwargs,'key') if int(sign) != 0 : sign = float(sign) if not sign_usearrow and not fill: # FIXME: color and fill for ellipsis linewidth = lw = kwargs.pop('linewidth',P.rcParams['lines.linewidth']) color = cl = ColorConverter().to_rgb(kwargs.pop('color',P.rcParams['lines.color'])) if sign > 0: pps = range(0,np-1) else: pps = range(np-2,-1,-1) factor = N.absolute(sign+1.)*3 for ip in pps: if sign_usewidth: lw = linewidth / factor + factor * linewidth * float(ip)/np if sign_usecolor: cl = ( (color[0]*ip+(np-ip)*.5)/(np-1), (color[1]*ip+(np-ip)*.5)/(np-1), (color[2]*ip+(np-ip)*.5)/(np-1)) myplot = pcmd([xx[ip],xx[ip+1]],[yy[ip],yy[ip+1]], linewidth=lw,color=cl,**kwargs) else: xshaft = N.zeros(3) ; yshaft = N.zeros(3) slen = sign*eAXIS/4. ap = pp[int(round(np*3./4.))] xxx = eAXIS * N.cos(ap) * 0.5 yyy = eaxis * N.sin(ap) * 0.5 xshaft[1] = xxx * N.cos(rotation) - yyy * N.sin(rotation) yshaft[1] = xxx * N.sin(rotation) + yyy * N.cos(rotation) for ia,aa in enumerate([1,-1]): aa *= N.pi*.85 xshaft[ia*2] = xshaft[1] + slen * N.cos(aa+rotation) yshaft[ia*2] = yshaft[1] + slen * N.sin(aa+rotation) if ismap and iscyl: xshaft = m2deg(xshaft,ypos) yshaft = m2deg(yshaft) kws = kwargs.copy() kws['label'] = None gobj.plot(xshaft+xpos,yshaft+ypos,**kws) if myplot is None: myplot = pcmd(xx,yy,**kwargs) if glow: add_glow(myplot) if shadow: add_shadow(myplot) # Plot key if key: # Position rotation = rotation % N.pi key_x = key_position * N.cos(rotation) * eAXIS/2 key_y = key_position * N.sin(rotation) * eaxis/2 ha = 'center' ; va = 'center' if key_align != 'top': key_x *= -1 key_y *= -1 if ismap and iscyl: key_x = m2deg(key_x,ypos) key_y = m2deg(key_y) key_x += xpos key_y += ypos key_rotation = rotation if key_orientation == 'tangential': key_rotation -= N.pi/2 # Params for key, val in dict(color=myplot[0].get_color(),alpha=myplot[0].get_alpha(), rotation=key_rotation*180./N.pi,va=va,ha=ha).items(): kwkey.setdefault(key, val) # Content value = eA_orig/2 if units is None: units = '' key_text = key_format % vars() # Draw kglow = kwkey.pop('glow', glow) kwkglow = kwfilter(kwkey, 'glow') kshadow = kwkey.pop('shadow', shadow) kwkshadow = kwfilter(kwkey, 'shadow') tt = P.text(key_x,key_y,key_text,**kwkey) if kglow: add_glow(tt, **kwkglow) if kshadow: add_shadow(tt, **kwkshadow) # Normal plot return myplot
[docs]def add_colorbar(var=None,sm=None,horizontal=False,position=None,cmap=None,drawedges=False,axes=None,fig=None,figsize=None,frameon=None,levels=None,barwidth=None,barmargin=.1, norm=None, **kwargs): """Standalone colorbar""" if fig is None: if figsize is None: if horizontal: figsize = (8,.5) else: figsize = (.8,6) fig = P.figure(figsize = figsize) if axes is None: #axes = fig.gca() if horizontal: if barwidth is None: barwidth = .25 rect = [.05,1-barmargin-barwidth,.9,barwidth] else: if barwidth is None: barwidth = .18 rect = [barmargin,.05,barwidth,.92] axes = fig.add_axes(rect) else: axes = fig.add_axes(axes) if frameon is not None: fig.set_frameon(frameon) axes.set_frameon(frameon) if levels is not None: vmin,vmax = minmax(levels) elif var is not None: levels,vmin,vmax,tmp = _levels_(var,**kwargs) if sm is None and levels is not None: sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap) sm.set_array(N.array(levels)) if sm is None: raise 'Missing explicit arguments sm' for key,val in kwargs.items(): if key not in ('close','show','savefig','units'): kwargs['colorbar_'+key] = kwargs.pop(key) cb = colorbar(sm,vars=var,drawedges=drawedges,levels=levels,colorbar_horizontal=horizontal, colorbar_position=position,standalone=True,cax=axes,**kwargs) kwargs['grid'] = False kwargs['title'] = False _end_plot_(**kwargs) return cb
[docs]def scolorbar(*args, **kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`add_colorbar`""" return add_colorbar(*args, **kwargs)
def _plot_grid_(ax, xx, yy, samp, alpha, zorder, labels, **kwargs): lines = () ny, nx = xx.shape for iy in xrange(0, ny, samp): lines += zip(xx[iy, ::samp], yy[iy, ::samp]), for ix in xrange(0, nx, samp): lines += zip(xx[::samp, ix], yy[::samp, ix]), oo = LineCollection(lines, **kwargs) oo.set_alpha(alpha) oo.set_zorder(zorder) oo.set_label(labels) from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D if isinstance(ax, Axes3D): ax.add_collection3d(oo) else: ax.add_collection(oo)
[docs]def add_grid(gg, color='k', edges=True, centers=False, m=None, linecolor=None, xcorners=None, ycorners=None, linewidth=1, alpha=.5, linestyle='solid', zorder=100, marker=',', markersize=4, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, markerlinewidth=0, label_edges='Cell edges', label_centers='Cell centers', samp=1, ax=None, **kwargs): """Add a a 1D or 2D grid to a plot Params: - **gg**: A cdms grid OR a (lon,lat) tuple of axes OR a cdms variable with a grid - **x/ycorners**: Corners coordinates (ny+1,nx+1) - *borders*: Display cell borders - *centers*: Display cell centers. If == 2, connect centers. - *samp*: Undersampling rate - *m*: A basemap instance to plot on - *color*: Default color (or *c*) - *linecolor*: Color of the lines (or *lc*) [defaults to *color*] - *linestyle*: Line style (or *ls*) - *edgecolor*: Edge color of marker (or *ec*) [defaults to *color*] - *facecolor*: Face color of marker (or *fc*) [defaults to *color*] - *marker*: Type of marker - *markersize*: Size of markers (or *s*) - *alpha*: Alpha transparency (or *a*) - *zorder*: Order of the grid in the stack (100 should be above all objects) """ # Axes xx, yy = get_xy(gg, mesh=True, num=True) # Edges edges = kwargs.pop('borders', edges) if edges: if xcorners is None or ycorners is None: xx2d_, yy2d_ = meshbounds(xx, yy) xx2d = xcorners if xcorners is not None else xx2d_ yy2d = ycorners if ycorners is not None else yy2d_ if centers: xx, yy = meshgrid(xx, yy) # Geographic map # if m is None and gobjs('m'): m = gobjs('m')[-1] if hasattr(m, 'map'): if ax is None: ax = m.axes m = if isinstance(m, Basemap): if centers: xx, yy = m(xx, yy) if edges: xx2d, yy2d = m(xx2d, yy2d) if ax is None: ax = P.gca() # Style color = kwargs.pop('c', color) if linecolor is None: linecolor = color if edgecolor is None: edgecolor = color if facecolor is None: facecolor = color linestyle = kwargs.pop('ls', linestyle) linecolor = kwargs.pop('lc', linecolor) linewidth = kwargs.pop('lw', linewidth) alpha = kwargs.pop('a', alpha) markersize = kwargs.pop('s', markersize) kwlines = {'colors':[linecolor], 'linestyles':linestyle, 'linewidths':linewidth} # Centers if centers: # Markers if centers>0: kwdef = {} kwdef['markerfacecolor'] = facecolor kwdef['markeredgecolor'] = edgecolor kwdef['linewidth'] = markerlinewidth kwdef['label'] = label_centers kwdef['alpha'] = alpha centers = ax.plot(xx[::samp, ::samp].ravel(), yy[::samp, ::samp].ravel(), marker, markersize=markersize, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'center', defaults=kwdef)) # Lines if centers==2 or centers<0: kwpg = kwfilter(kwargs, 'center', defaults=kwlines) edges = _plot_grid_(ax, xx, yy, samp, alpha, zorder, label_edges, **kwpg) else: centers=None # Create lines if edges: kwpg = kwfilter(kwargs, 'edge', defaults=kwlines) edges = _plot_grid_(ax, xx2d, yy2d, samp, alpha, zorder, label_edges, **kwpg) # lines = () # ny, nx = gg.shape # for iy in xrange(0, ny+1, samp): # lines += zip(xx2d[iy, ::samp], yy2d[iy, ::samp]), # for ix in xrange(0, nx+1, samp): # lines += zip(xx2d[::samp, ix], yy2d[::samp, ix]), # kwdef = {'colors':[linecolor], 'linestyles':linestyle, 'linewidths':linewidth} # edges = LineCollection(lines, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'edge', defaults=kwdef)) # edges.set_alpha(alpha) # edges.set_zorder(zorder) # edges.set_label(label_edges) # ax.add_collection(edges) # gobjs(grid_edges=edges) else: edges=None return centers, edges
#################### # Plot alterations # #################### #def cached_map(*args): # """Check if we have a cached map # # @usage: # >>> m = cached_map(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, projection, resolution) # >>> m = cached_map(m) # Does only caching of map # """ # # We already have one in live memory # if isinstance(args[0], Basemap): # # Save it # cache_map(args[0]) # # Get it # return args[0] # # Guess # file = _cached_map_file_(*args) ## print 'Checking', file, os.path.exists(file) # if not os.path.exists(file): return None ## print 'Loadind cached map from '+os.path.basename(file) # f = open(file) # m = cPickle.load(f) # f.close() # return m # #def cache_map(m): # """Cache a map if still not cached""" # if m is None: return # file = _cached_map_file_(m.llcrnrlon, m.urcrnrlon, m.llcrnrlat, m.urcrnrlat, m.projection, m.resolution) # if not os.path.exists(file): ## print 'Caching map to '+os.path.basename(file) # f = open(file, 'wb') # cPickle.dump(m, f) # f.close() # #def _cached_map_file_(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, proj, res): # return os.path.join(_cached_map_dir, # 'cached_map.%(lon_min)g_%(lon_max)g.%(lat_min)g_%(lat_max)g.%(proj)s.%(res)s.pyk' % vars()) #
[docs]def rotate_tick_labels(angle,vertical=0,*args,**kwargs): """Rotate labels along an axis - **angle**: Angle in degrees OR False. - *vertical*: On vertical axis if not 0 [default: 0] - Other arguments are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.setp` """ ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) func = eval('ax.get_%sticklabels()' % 'xy'[vertical]) if angle is False: angle = 0 P.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),"rotation",angle,*args)
[docs]def xrotate(angle,*args,**kwargs): """Rotate xticklabels See: :func:`rotate_tick_labels`""" rotate_tick_labels(angle,1,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def yrotate(angle,*args,**kwargs): """Rotate yticklabels See: :func:`rotate_tick_labels`""" rotate_tick_labels(angle,0,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def rotate_xlabels(angle,*args,**kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`xrotate`""" rotate_tick_labels(angle,1,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def rotate_ylabels(angle,*args,**kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`yrotate`""" rotate_tick_labels(angle,0,*args,**kwargs)
def _xyscale_(xylim,factor,keep_min=False,keep_max=False,**kwargs): if factor <=0.: factor = 1. if factor == 1. or (keep_min and keep_max): xylim() mn,mx = xylim() delta = (mx-mn)*(factor-1.) mn -= delta * 0.5 * (1 + keep_max) * (1 - keep_min) mx += delta * 0.5 * (1 + keep_min) * (1 - keep_max) return xylim(minmax(auto_scale([mn,mx])))
[docs]def xscale(*args,**kwargs): """Scale xlim using factor and auto_scale - **factor**: Relative factor with 1. meaning no change - *keep_min/keep_max*: Kee min/max during scaling [default: False] Return: New xlim() """ return _xyscale_(P.xlim,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def scale_xlim(*args,**kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`xscale`""" xscale(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def yscale(*args,**kwargs): """Scale ylim using factor and auto_scale - **factor**: Relative factor with 1. meaning no change - *keep_min/keep_max*: Kee min/max during scaling [default: False] Return: New ylim() """ return _xyscale_(P.ylim,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def scale_ylim(*args,**kwargs): """Shortcut to :func:`yscale`""" yscale(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def xhide(choice=True,**kwargs): """Hide or not an axis - **choice**: What to do [default: True] """ ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) P.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),"visible",not choice)
[docs]def yhide(choice=True,**kwargs): """Hide or not an axis - **choice**: What to do [default: True] """ ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) P.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(),"visible",not choice)
[docs]def xdate(rotation=45.,**kwargs): """Consider x axis as dates $_xydate_ """ _xydate_('x',rotation=rotation,**kwargs)
[docs]def ydate(rotation=0.,**kwargs): """Consider y axis as dates $_xydate_ """ _xydate_('y',rotation=rotation,**kwargs)
def _xydateold_(xy, tz=None, auto=True, fmt=None, rotation=None, locator=None, minor_locator=None, nominor=False, nmax_ticks=None, intv=None, trange=None, **kwargs): """ - *tz*: Time zone. - *auto*: Auto Scaling [default: True] - *rotation*: Rotation angle of tick labels. If None, automatic [default: None] - *fmt*: Date format. - *locator*: Major locator. Can be within ['year','month','Weekday','day','hour','minute','second'] or be like matplotlib.dates.MonthLocator(). - *minor_locator*: Minor locator. - *nominor*: Do not try to add minor ticks [default: False] - *nmax_ticks*: Maximal number of ticks - *locator_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to locator if locator is a string. If locator = 'month', locator = MonthLocator(locator_<keyword>=<value>). - *minor_locator_<keyword>*: Same with minor_locator. """ ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) ## print 'xlimssss',P.gca(),ax ## if ax.get_xlim() == (0.,1.): raise 'a' # Base exec "ax.%saxis_date(tz)" % xy # Scale axes if auto: ax.autoscale_view(**{'scale'+xy:True,'scale'+{'x':'y','y':'x'}[xy]:False}) # Rotates labels if rotation is not None: eval("rotate_%slabels" % xy)(rotation,**kwargs) # String case for locators auto_major = locator is None major_locator = locator locs = ['year','month','weekday','day','hour','minute','second'] locs.extend([(loc+'s') for loc in locs]) kwmjl = kwfilter(kwargs,'locator') kwmnl = kwfilter(kwargs,'minor_locator') if isinstance(major_locator,str): if major_locator.lower() in locs: major_locator = eval(major_locator.lower().title()+'Locator(**kwmjl)') else: major_locator = None if isinstance(minor_locator,str): if minor_locator.lower() in locs: minor_locator = eval(minor_locator.lower().title()+'Locator(**kwmnl)') else: minor_locator = None # Tick locations guess_major = major_locator is None if nmax_ticks is None: nmax_ticks = 24 if major_locator is None: major_locator = get_major_locator(xy,**kwargs) nticks = len(eval("ax.get_%sticks()" % xy)) if nmax_ticks > 0 and not isinstance(major_locator,AutoDateLocator): # Major ticks locname = str(major_locator).split()[0].split('.')[2] nticks = nmax_ticks+1 i = 1 # mlr = major_locator.rule._rrule while nticks > nmax_ticks: try: major_locator = set_major_locator(xy,eval("%s(interval=%i,**kwmjl)"%(locname,i)),**kwargs) except: major_locator = set_major_locator(xy,eval("%s(%i,**kwmjl)"%(locname,i)),**kwargs) nticks = len(eval("ax.get_%sticks()" % xy)) i += 1 nmax_ticks = abs(nmax_ticks) if isinstance(major_locator,AutoDateLocator): if N.isfinite(major_locator.axis.get_data_interval()[0]): lims = major_locator.datalim_to_dt() else: lims = major_locator.viewlim_to_dt() major_locator = major_locator.get_locator(*lims) # Fix phase of some locators try: sampling = major_locator.rule._rrule._interval # sampling interval except: sampling = major_locator.base._base try: freq = major_locator.rule._rrule._freq except: freq = YEARLY if freq == DAILY and sampling == 7: # Fix daily/7 to weekly/monday locator (start on monday) major_locator = set_major_locator(xy,WeekdayLocator(MO),**kwargs) elif freq == HOURLY and sampling > 1: # Fix hourly locator to start at mindnight good = [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12] sampling = good[min(N.searchsorted(good, sampling), len(good)-1)] byhour = range(0, 24, sampling) major_locator = set_major_locator(xy,HourLocator(byhour=byhour),**kwargs) major_unit = major_locator._get_unit() # Tick format if fmt is None: # Try a special date formatter if trange < 1 and trange > 1/24.: # H/M fmt = [3] elif trange < 31 and trange > 1: # d/m fmt = [2] elif trange < 365 and trange > 31: # m/d fmt = [1] elif trange < 365*5 and trange > 365: # Y/m fmt = [0] if isinstance(fmt,str): fmt = DateFormatter(fmt) elif isinstance(fmt,list): fmt = SpecialDateFormatter(*fmt) elif isinstance(fmt,dict): fmt = SpecialDateFormatter(**fmt) elif isinstance(fmt,tuple): if len(fmt) == 1: fmt += ({}, ) elif not isinstance(fmt[1], dict): fmt[1] = {} fmt = SpecialDateFormatter(fmt[0], **fmt[1]) if isinstance(fmt,SpecialDateFormatter) : eval("rotate_%slabels" % xy)(0,**kwargs) if fmt is not None: eval("ax.%saxis.set_major_formatter" % xy)(fmt) # Minor ticks if not nominor: # # Minor formatter for special case # if fmt is not None and isinstance(fmt,SpecialDateFormatter): # eval("ax.%saxis.set_minor_formatter" % xy)(fmt) # Direct if minor_locator is not None: set_minor_locator(xy,minor_locator,**kwargs) return # From sampling if sampling > 1: set_minor_locator(xy,get_locator_from_units(major_locator,**kwargs),**kwargs) return # From units if major_unit == 365: # Year for nmaj,itv in [3,1],[5,2],[7,3],[10,4],[nmax_ticks,6]: if nticks <= nmaj: set_minor_locator(xy,MonthLocator(interval=itv),**kwargs) break elif major_unit == 30: # Month if nticks > 10: set_minor_locator(xy,DayLocator(bymonthday=15),**kwargs) else: set_minor_locator(xy,WeekdayLocator(MO),**kwargs) elif major_unit == 7: # Week if nticks < 15: set_minor_locator(xy,DayLocator(),**kwargs) elif major_unit == 1: # Day for nmaj,itv in [5,2],[10,4],[nmax_ticks,6]: if nticks <= nmaj: set_minor_locator(xy,HourLocator(byhour=range(0, 24, itv)),**kwargs) break elif major_unit == 1./24.: # Hour for nmaj,itv in [5,10],[nmax_ticks,30]: if nticks <= nmaj: set_minor_locator(xy,MinuteLocator(interval=itv),**kwargs) break elif major_unit == 1./(24.*60.): # Minutes for nmaj,itv in [5,10],[nmax_ticks,30]: if nticks <= nmaj: set_minor_locator(xy,SecondLocator(interval=itv),**kwargs) break def _xydate_(xy, tz=None, auto=True, fmt='dual', rotation=None, locator=None, minor_locator=True, minor_formatter=None, nominor=False, nmax_ticks=None, intv=None, trange=None, **kwargs): """ - *tz*: Time zone. - *auto*: Auto Scaling [default: True] - *rotation*: Rotation angle of tick labels. If None, automatic [default: None] - *fmt*: Date format. - *locator*: Major locator. Can be within ['year','month','Weekday','day','hour','minute','second'] or be like matplotlib.dates.MonthLocator(). - *minor_locator*: Minor locator. - *nominor*: Do not try to add minor ticks [default: False] - *nmax_ticks*: Maximal number of ticks - *locator_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to locator if locator is a string. If locator = 'month', locator = MonthLocator(locator_<keyword>=<value>). - *minor_locator_<keyword>*: Same with minor_locator. """ axes = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) axis = getattr(axes, xy+'axis') ## print 'xlimssss',P.gca(),ax ## if ax.get_xlim() == (0.,1.): raise 'a' # Base exec "axes.%saxis_date(tz)" % xy # Scale axes if auto: axes.autoscale_view(**{'scale'+xy:True,'scale'+{'x':'y','y':'x'}[xy]:False}) # Guess locators major_locator = locator if nominor: minor_locator = False locs = ['year','month','weekday','day','hour','minute','second'] locs.extend([(loc+'s') for loc in locs]) kwmjl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'locator') kwmnl = kwfilter(kwargs, 'minor_locator') # - major if isinstance(major_locator, str): if major_locator.lower() in locs: major_locator = eval(major_locator.lower().title()+'Locator(**kwmjl)') else: major_locator = None else: major_locator = AutoDateLocator2() if major_locator: axis.set_major_locator(major_locator) # # - minor # if minor_locator is 1 or minor_locator is True: # minor_locator = 'auto' # if isinstance(minor_locator, str): # if minor_locator.lower() in locs: # minor_locator = eval(minor_locator.lower().title()+'Locator(**kwmnl)') # elif minor_locator.lower().startswith('auto'): # minor_locator = AutoDateMinorLocator(**kwmnl) # else: # minor_locator = None # if minor_locator: # print 'axis.set_minor_locator' # axis.set_minor_locator(minor_locator) # Tick format # - major if major_locator: if fmt is None: fmt = 'dual' if fmt == 'simple' or fmt == 1: fmt = AutoDateFormatter2(major_locator) elif fmt == 'dual' or fmt is True or fmt == 2: fmt = AutoDualDateFormatter(major_locator) elif isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = DateFormatter(fmt) elif isinstance(fmt, list): fmt = DualDateFormatter(*fmt) elif isinstance(fmt, dict): fmt = DualDateFormatter(**fmt) elif isinstance(fmt, tuple): if len(fmt) == 1: fmt += ({}, ) elif not isinstance(fmt[1], dict): fmt[1] = {} fmt = DualDateFormatter(fmt[0], **fmt[1]) if fmt: axis.set_major_formatter(fmt) # if rotation is not None and not isinstance(fmt, (DualDateFormatter, AutoDualDateFormatter)): # P.setp(axis.get_majorticklabels(), "rotation", angle, *args) # # # - minor # if not nominor and minor_locator: # if minor_formatter is True: # minor_formatter = AutoDateFormatter2() # elif isinstance(minor_formatter, str): # minor_formatter = DateFormatter(fmt) # if minor_formatter: # axis.set_minor_formatter(minor_formatter)
[docs]def get_locator_from_units(locator,*args,**kwargs): kw = {} reps = ['^interval$','^by'] for key,val in kwargs.items(): for rep in reps: if,key) is not None: kw[key] = val unit = locator._get_unit() units = [365.,30.,7.,1.,1/24.,1/(24*60.),1/(24*3600.)] locs = [YearLocator,MonthLocator,WeekdayLocator, DayLocator,HourLocator,MinuteLocator,SecondLocator] loc = locs[units.index(unit)] if loc is HourLocator: # fix hour problem kw.setdefault('interval', 1) kw['byhour'] = range(0, 24, kw['interval']) args = () if loc is WeekdayLocator: args = (MO,)+args return loc(*args,**kw)
[docs]def set_major_locator(xy,locator,**kwargs): ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) exec("ax.%saxis.set_major_locator(locator)" % xy) return get_major_locator(xy,**kwargs)
[docs]def get_major_locator(xy,real=False,**kwargs): ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) locator = eval("ax.%saxis.get_major_locator()" % xy) if real and isinstance(locator,AutoDateLocator): locator = locator.get_locator(*locator.datalim_to_dt()) return locator
[docs]def set_minor_locator(xy,locator,**kwargs): ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) exec("ax.%saxis.set_minor_locator(locator)" % xy) return get_minor_locator(xy,**kwargs)
[docs]def get_minor_locator(xy,**kwargs): ax = kwargs.get('ax',P.gca()) return eval("ax.%saxis.get_minor_locator()" % xy)
[docs]def wedge(direction,width=18,fig=None,axes=None,figsize=(4,4),shadow=False, shadow_alpha=.5,circle=False,strength=None,strength_cmap=None,from_north=False, center=True,center_radius=.04,scale=1., **kwargs): """Plot a wedge - **direction**: Direction of the wedge in degrees from north - *width*: Base width of the wedge in degrees [default: 20] - *shadow*: Add a shadow [default: False] - *shadow_alpha*: Alpha transparency of the shadow [default: .5] - *circle*: Add a circle arround the wedge [default: True] - *shadow_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :class:`matplotlib.patches.Shadow` class. - *circle_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle` class. """ # Figure and axes onfig = False if fig is None: fig = P.figure(figsize=figsize,frameon=False) elif fig is True: fig = P.gcf() else: onfig = True if axes is None: axes = (0,0,1,1) axes = fig.add_axes(axes,frameon=False,aspect=1) # Relative strength # - color if strength is not None: facecolor = ScalarMappable(cmap=strength_cmap).cmap(strength) else: facecolor = 'k' # - scale scale = N.clip(scale, .1, 1.) # Plot the wedge r = .41*scale ## direction = (90.-direction+180+360)%360. if from_north: direction = 90.-direction direction = (direction+180+360)%360. zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder',100) ww = Wedge((-r*1.1*N.cos(direction*N.pi/180.),-r*1.1*N.sin(direction*N.pi/180.)),2*r, direction-width/2,direction+width/2, **kwfilter(kwargs,['edgecolor','facecolor','linewidth','antialiased'], defaults=dict(facecolor=facecolor,linewidth=0))) ww.set_zorder(zorder) axes.add_patch(ww) # Center if center: cen = Circle((0,0),center_radius*scale,**kwfilter(kwargs,'center', defaults=dict(facecolor='#aaaaaa',linewidth=0))) cen.set_zorder(zorder+1) axes.add_patch(cen) # Shadow if shadow: dx = kwargs.pop('dx',r/10) dy = -kwargs.pop('dy',r/10) sdw = Shadow(ww,dx,dy,**kwfilter(kwargs,'shadow')) sdw.set_alpha(shadow_alpha) sdw.set_zorder(zorder-1) axes.add_patch(sdw) # Circle if circle: cir = Circle((0,0),.48,**kwfilter(kwargs,'circle')) cir.set_zorder(zorder-2) axes.add_patch(cir) # End P.xlim(-.52,.52) P.ylim(-.52,.52) kwargs['grid'] = False axes.set_xticks([]) axes.set_yticks([]) _end_plot_(**kwargs) return ww
[docs]def add_time_mark(date, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r', line=True, marker=True, shadow=False, label=None, zorder=200, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs):#:,alongx=True): """Plot a time mark along a time axis using a line and a marker :Params: - **date**: Date (converted using :func:`~vacumm.misc.atime.mpl`). - **color**, optional: Color of the line and marker. - **line**, optional: Plot the line? - **line_<kw>**, optional: Keyword ``kw`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axvline`. - **marker**, optional: Plot the marker? Or symbol. - **line_<kw>**, optional: Keyword ``kw`` is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axvline`. """ # Inits kwargs.pop('xlim', None) kwargs.pop('ylim', None) kwline = kwfilter(kwargs, 'line') kwmarker = kwfilter(kwargs, 'marker') kwshad = kwfilter(kwargs, 'shadow') date = mpl(date) # MPL time if ax is None: if fig is None: ax = P.gca() else: ax = fig.gca() res = [] axis = ax.axis() if shadow: from core_plot import add_shadow # Line if line: if isinstance(line, basestring): kwline.setdefault('linestyle', line) o = ax.axvline(date, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color=color, zorder=zorder, **kwline) res.append(o) if shadow: add_shadow(o, ax=ax, **kwshad) # Marker if marker: if isinstance(marker, basestring): kwmarker.setdefault('marker', marker) kwmarker.setdefault('s', 40) o = ax.scatter([date], [axis[2]], c=color, zorder=zorder, **kwmarker) res.append(o) if shadow: add_shadow(o, ax=ax, **kwshad) ax.axis(axis) return res
[docs]def add_key(key=None, pos=1, fmt='%s)', xmargin=10, ymargin=10, fig=None, axes=None, **kwargs): """Add a key to specify the plot number in a figure :Params: - **key**, optional: A string or a integer. If an integer is given, it converted to letter (1->'a'). - **pos**, optional: Position of the key. It can be an integer or string: - ``1 = top left`` - ``2 = top right`` - ``3 = bottom right`` - ``4 = bottom left`` If negative, push it outside axis box. It can also be an explicit position - **fmt**, optional: Format of the string. - **{x|y}margin**, optional: Margin from axes in points. - Other keywords are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.text`. """ # Base if fig is None: fig = P.gcf() if axes is None and kwargs.has_key('ax'): axes = kwargs.pop('ax') if axes is None: axes = fig.gca() # Text if key is False: return if key is None or key is True: key = max(1, fig.axes.index(axes)+1) if isinstance(key, int): key = max(key, 1) key = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[key-1] key = fmt%key # Position pos = kwargs.pop('loc', pos) if isinstance(pos, (list, tuple)): xpos, ypos = pos gpos = [[1, 2], [3, 4]][xpos < .5] pos = gpos[ypos > .5] else: if isinstance(pos, str): pos = pos.lower() gpos = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]['bottom' in pos] pos = gpos['right' in pos] xpos = int(abs(pos) in [2, 3]) ypos = int(abs(pos) in [1, 2]) # Alignment kwargs.setdefault('va', ['bottom', 'top'][pos in [1, 2, -3, -4]]) kwargs.setdefault('ha', ['right', 'left'][pos in [1, 4, -2, -3]]) # Margin from matplotlib.transforms import ScaledTranslation xmargin = 1.*N.abs(xmargin)*(1 - 2*(pos in [-1, 2, -3, 4])) ymargin = 1.*N.abs(ymargin)*(1 - 2*(pos in [1, 2, -3, -4])) transMargin = ScaledTranslation(xmargin/fig.dpi, ymargin/fig.dpi, fig.dpi_scale_trans) # Add to plot kwargs.setdefault('size', 18) return axes.text(xpos, ypos, key, transform=axes.transAxes+transMargin, **kwargs)
[docs]def hldays(color='.95', y=False, tmin=None, tmax=None, fig=None, axes=None, **kwargs): """Highlight different days with a different background color :Params: - *color*: Background color. - *y*: Work on Y axis. - Other keyparam are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axhspan` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axvspan`. """ # Base if fig is None: fig = P.gcf() if axes is None and kwargs.has_key('ax'): axes = kwargs.pop('ax') if axes is None: axes = fig.gca() # Bonds ttmin, ttmax = getattr(axes, 'get_%slim'%'xy'[y])() from vacumm.misc.atime import numtime if tmin is None: tmin = ttmin else: tmin = numtime(tmin) if tmax is None: tmax = ttmax else: tmax = numtime(tmax) if int(tmin)==int(tmax) : return [] # Patch kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 0) kwargs.update(facecolor=color) kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 0) kwargs.setdefault('label', '_nolegend_') objs = [] axspan = getattr(axes, 'ax%sspan'%'vh'[y]) for t in xrange(int(tmin), int(tmax)+1, 2): objs.append(axspan(t, t+1, **kwargs)) # objs[-1].set_zorder(0) getattr(axes, 'set_%slim'%'xy'[y])(tmin, tmax) return objs
[docs]def xi2a(inch,data=None): """Convert from inch to X axis coordinates""" if data is None: xmin,xmax = P.gca().xaxis.get_data_interval().get_bounds() else: xmin,xmax = minmax(data) # data trans = (xmax-xmin)/(P.gca().get_position().width*P.gcf().get_figwidth()) # inch to data return trans*inch # data units
[docs]def yi2a(inch,data=None): """Convert from inch to Y axis coordinates""" if data is None: ymin,ymax = P.gca().yaxis.get_data_interval().get_bounds() else: ymin,ymax = minmax(data) # data trans = (ymax-ymin)/(P.gca().get_position().height*P.gcf().get_figheight()) # inch to data return trans*inch # data units
[docs]def yi2f(inch): """Convert from inch to relative height of figure""" return inch/P.gcf().get_figheight()
[docs]def xi2f(inch): """Convert from inch to relative width of figure""" return inch/P.gcf().get_figwidth()
[docs]def gobjs(*args, **kwargs): """Store and retreive graphic objects of the current axes""" ax = kwargs.pop('ax', P.gca()) if not hasattr(ax, 'gobjs'): ax.gobjs = {} for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): ax.gobjs.setdefault(arg, []) return ax.gobjs[arg] if isinstance(arg, dict): kwargs.update(arg) for key, val in kwargs.items(): ax.gobjs.setdefault(key, []) ax.gobjs[key].append(val) if not len(args) and not len(kwargs): return ax.gobjs
[docs]def savefigs(basename, png=True, pdf=False, verbose=True, dpi=100, nodots=True, fig=None, **kwargs): """Save a figure in multiple formats (optimized for sphinx doc generator) - **basename**: File name without suffix - *png*: If True, save to png format - *pdf*: If True, save to pdf format - *verbose*: If True, print file names that are created - Other keywords are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` .. warning:: Dots ('.') in figure name are converted to dashes ('-') for compatilibity reasons with latex. It is optimized for the sphinx doc generator and may NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU. In this case, use :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` instead. """ for ext in 'png', 'py': if basename.endswith('.'+ext): basename = basename[:-len(ext)-1] break if nodots: basename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(basename), os.path.basename(basename).replace('.', '-')) fig = fig if fig is not None else P.gcf() figfiles = [] for ext in ('png', 'pdf'): if eval(ext): file = '%s.%s'%(basename, ext) if ext == 'pdf': fig.savefig(file) else: fig.savefig(file, dpi=dpi) figfiles.append(file) if verbose: print 'Wrote to '+file return figfiles
[docs]def make_movie(fig_pattern, outfile, delay=1, clean=False, verbose=False, windows=True): """Make a movie from a series of figures - **fig_pattern** Unix-like file pattern to select png figures. - **outfile**: Output file. - *delay**: Delay in seconds between two frames. - *windows*: When output is a movie, choose basic mpeg for windows instead of mpeg4 codec. - *clean*: If ``True``, remove figures once the movies os created. :Usage: >>> make_movie('/home/toto/fig*.png', 'movie.mpg', delay=.5, clean=True) """ # Check input files # fig_pattern = os.path.abspath(fig_pattern) # files = glob.glob(fig_pattern) # assert len(files), 'No figure files found' # if verbose: print 'Found %i figure files'%len(files) # outfile = os.path.abspath(outfile) # Command if outfile.endswith('gif'): delay *= 100. if isinstance(fig_pattern, list): fig_pattern = ' '.join(fig_pattern) cmd = 'convert -delay %(delay)i %(fig_pattern)s %(outfile)s'%vars() else: delay = 1./delay if windows: codec = 'msmpeg4v2' else: codec = 'mpeg4' cmd = "mencoder mf://%(fig_pattern)s -lavcopts vcodec=%(codec)s:vbitrate=800 -mf type=png:fps=%(delay)s -ovc lavc -oac copy -o %(outfile)s"%vars() # Execution import subprocess if verbose: print 'Executing command: '+cmd p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out, err = p.communicate() if verbose: print out print err print 'ret', p.returncode, err if p.returncode: raise SystemError # Clean files if clean: if verbose: print 'Cleaning files' p = subprocess.Popen('rm -f %(fig_pattern)s'%vars(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if verbose: print out print err if p.returncode: raise SystemError return outfile
[docs]def get_cls(n, colors=simple_colors, linestyles=linestyles): """Get a list of string argument for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` to specify the color and the linestyle - **n**: Length of the list - *colors*: Colors on which to cycle - *linestyles*: Linestyles on which to cycle """ cls = [] cc = [] for c in cycle(colors): cc.append(c) if len(cc)>=n: break ll = [] for ls in cycle(linestyles): ll.append(ls) if len(ll)>=n: break cls = [] for c, ls in zip(cc, ll): cls.append(c+ls) return cls
############# # Utilities # ############# def _check_var_(var,rank,order=None,xaxis=None,yaxis=None,tadd=None,tadd_copy=True,tlocal=False,xatts=None,yatts=None,**kwargs): """ - *xaxis*: Use this X axis. - *yaxis*: Use this Y axis. - *tadd*: Add value to time (like tadd=1 or tadd=(1,'day')) - *tadd*: Make a copy of the axis before any tadd [default: True] - *tlocal*: Convert current UTC time axes to local time [default: False] """ if var is None: return # Arrows istuple = isinstance(var,tuple) if not istuple: vars = [cdms.createVariable(var),] elif len(var) in [1,3]: vars = [cdms.createVariable(v) for v in var] else: # Get vectors and modulus vx,vy = [cdms.createVariable(v) for v in var] vars = [MV.sqrt(vx**2+vy**2),vx,vy] ln = [] for vv in vx,vy: if hasattr(vv,'units'): vars[0].units = vv.units break if hasattr(vv,'long_name'): ln.append(vv.long_name) ln = ' and '.join(ln) if len(ln) == 0: ln = 'Modulus' vars[0].long_name = ln vars[0].setAxisList(vars[2].getAxisList()) vars[0].setGrid(vars[2].getGrid()) vars[0].id = 'modulus' # Loop on all set for ivar,var in enumerate(vars): assert var.rank() >= rank, 'Your variable must have a rank > %i (current rank is %i)' % (rank,var.rank()) check_axes(var) clone = False # Reorder axes if order is not None: var = var.clone() ; clone = True order = order.replace('.','') order = ('-'*(rank-len(order))+order)[-rank-1:] var_order = var.getOrder() # Order requested axes if found for i,c in enumerate(order[::-1]): pos = var_order.rfind(c) if c != '-' and pos > -1 and var_order[-i-1] != c: var = var.reorder('-'*(var.rank()-i-1)+c+'-'*i) # Move bad axes to front i = 0 for c in 'xyzt': pos = var.getOrder()[-rank:].rfind(c) if pos > -1 and order[pos-rank] != '-' and order.find(c) == -1: if i >= (var.rank()-rank-order.count('-')): print 'It seems that axis #%i (%s) of var should not be there and cannot be moved' % (i,c.upper()) else: var = var.reorder('-'*(var.rank()-i-1)+c+'-'*i) i += 1 # Reduce rank while var.rank() > rank: if not clone: var = var.clone() ; clone = True var = MV.average(var,0) # Put variable on new axes if requested if rank == 1 and xaxis is not None: assert len(xaxis) == len(var), 'Length of new xaxis (%i) is different from length of var (%i)' % (len(xaxis), len(var)) if type(xaxis) is type([]): xaxis = N.array(xaxis,copy=0) if not isinstance(xaxis,AbstractAxis): tmpaxis = var.getAxis(0).clone() tmpaxis[:] = xaxis if not clone: var = var.clone() ; clone = True var.setAxis(0,xaxis) elif xaxis is not None or yaxis is not None: if not clone: var = var.clone() ; clone = True var = var2d(var,xaxis,yaxis,xatts=xatts,yatts=yatts) vars[ivar] = var # Set to local time if tlocal and tadd is None: tadd = (-time.altzone,'seconds') # Add time if tadd not in [None,0]: taxes = [] for var in vars: tpos = var.getOrder().find('t') if tpos != -1: taxis = var.getTime() if taxis in taxes: continue # Already treated if isinstance(tadd,(list,tuple)): mytaxis = axis_add(taxis,tadd[0],tadd[1],copy=tadd_copy) else: mytaxis = axis_add(taxis,tadd,copy=tadd_copy) taxes.append(taxis) if tadd_copy: # A copy is safer var.setAxis(tpos,mytaxis) if len(vars[0].shape) > 1: return tuple(vars) return vars[0] def _start_plot_(figure=None,figsize=None,subplot=None,subplots_adjust=None,bgcolor=None,noframe=False, fullscreen=False, **kwargs): """ Misc settings: - *figure*: Figure number. - *figsize*: Initialize the figure with this size. - *subplots_adjust*: Dictionary sent to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots_adjust`. You can also use keyparams 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'wspace', 'hspace' ! - *sa*: Alias for subplots_adjust. - *bgcolor*: Background axis color. - *axes_rect*: [left, bottom, width, height] in normalized (0,1) units to create axes using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axes`. - *axes_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axes`. """ subplots_adjust = kwargs.pop('sa', subplots_adjust) for adj in 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'wspace', 'hspace': if kwargs.has_key(adj): if subplots_adjust is None: subplots_adjust = {} subplots_adjust[adj] = kwargs.pop(adj) if fullscreen: noframe = True subplot = None subplots_adjust = None default_axes_rect = [0,0,1,1] else: default_axes_rect = None axes_rect = kwargs.pop('axes_rect', default_axes_rect) if axes_rect is not None: axes_rect = [axes_rect] else: axes_rect = [] if noframe: kwargs['figure_frameon'] = False kwargs['axes_frameon'] = False # Figure size if figsize is not None: if figure is None: P.gcf().set_size_inches(figsize,forward=True) else: P.figure(figure,figsize=figsize,**kwfilter(kwargs,'figure')) elif figure is not None: P.figure(figure,**kwfilter(kwargs,'figure')) if noframe: P.gcf().set_frameon(False) # Axes kwaxes = kwfilter(kwargs,'axes') if subplot is not None: if isinstance(subplot,(list,tuple)): P.subplot(*subplot,**kwaxes) else: P.subplot(subplot,**kwaxes) elif axes_rect: P.axes(*axes_rect,**kwaxes) if subplots_adjust is not None: P.subplots_adjust(**subplots_adjust) if noframe: P.gca().set_frame_on(False) # Axis background color if bgcolor is not None: P.gca().set_axis_bgcolor(bgcolor)
[docs]def colorbar(pp=None, vars=None, drawedges=False, levels=None, colorbar_horizontal=False, colorbar=True, colorbar_visible=True, colorbar_position=None,units=None, standalone=False,cax=None,extend='neither', **kwargs): """ Colorbar: - *colorbar*: Plot the colorbar [default: True] - *colorbar_horizontal*: Colorbar is horizontal [defaults: False] - *colorbar_position*: To change the default position. Position is relative to the SPACE LEFT in the form (center,width) with values in [0,1] [defaults: False] - *colorbar_visible*: Colorbar is visible [defaults: True] - *colorbar_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar` - *units*: Indicate these units on along the colorbar, else it guessed from the variable or suppressed if value is False [default: None] """ if pp is not False and colorbar: # Orientation if colorbar_horizontal: orientation = 'horizontal' else: orientation = 'vertical' xy = 'yx'[int(colorbar_horizontal)] # Force the position gca = None cax = kwargs.pop('colorbar_axes', cax) if cax is not None: if isinstance(cax, list): if not standalone: gca = P.gca() cax = P.axes(cax) elif colorbar_position is not None: if colorbar_position in [True,1,'auto']: if colorbar_horizontal: colorbar_position = 0.5 else: colorbar_position = 0.3 if not isinstance(colorbar_position,(list,tuple)): colorbar_position = (colorbar_position,0.25) bbox = P.gca().get_position(original=True) cb_start = colorbar_position[0]-colorbar_position[1] if colorbar_horizontal: cax = [bbox[0],bbox[1]*cb_start, bbox[2],bbox[1]*colorbar_position[1]] else: bbox_start = bbox[0]+bbox[2] cax = [bbox_start+(1-bbox_start)*cb_start,bbox[1], (1-bbox_start)*colorbar_position[1],bbox[3]] if not standalone: gca = P.gca() cax = P.axes(cax) # Plot itself kwaxis = kwfilter(kwargs, 'colorbar_'+xy) kwlabel = kwfilter(kwargs, 'colorbar_label') kwargs.setdefault('colorbar_extend', extend) cb = P.colorbar(pp,cax,orientation = orientation, **kwfilter(kwargs,'colorbar', defaults=dict(drawedges=drawedges, ticks=levels))) if gca is not None: gobjs(ax=gca, colorbar=cb) for t in t.tick1On = t.tick2On = False # Decorations if not isinstance(vars,tuple): vars = (vars,) var = vars[0] if units is not False: # func = getattr(,'set_%slabel'%xy) if units not in [True,None]: cb.set_label(units, **kwlabel) elif units is not False and cdms.isVariable(var) and var.attributes.has_key('units'): cb.set_label(var.units, **kwlabel) if isaxis(var): if istime(var): var = mpl(var) eval(''%xy)(minmax(var)) eval(''%xy)(*minmax(var)) decorate_axis(var,vertical=not colorbar_horizontal,,**kwaxis) # Hide it? if not colorbar_visible: if gca is not None: P.gcf().sca(gca) return cb
_colorbar_ = colorbar def colorbar_new(sm=None, vars=None, drawedges=False, levels=None, horizontal=False, visible=True, position=None,units=None, standalone=False, cax=None, ax=None, extend='neither', **kwargs): """ Plot a colorbar as :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar` with some advanced features - *horizontal*: Colorbar is horizontal [defaults: False] - *position*: To change the default position. Position is relative to the SPACE LEFT in the form (center,width) with values in [0,1] [defaults: False] - *visible*: Colorbar is visible [defaults: True] - *units*: Indicate these units on along the colorbar, else it guessed from the variable or suppressed if value is False [default: None] - Other key are passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar` """ if pp is False: return # Keywords kwcb = kwfilter(kwargs, 'colorbar', defaults=dict(drawedges=drawedges)) kwargs.update(kwcb) # Standalone # Orientation if horizontal: orientation = 'horizontal' else: orientation = 'vertical' xy = 'yx'[int(horizontal)] # Force the position gca = None cax = kwargs.pop('axes', cax) if cax is not None: if isinstance(cax, list): if not standalone: gca = P.gca() cax = P.axes(cax) elif position is not None: if position in [True,1,'auto']: if horizontal: position = 0.5 else: position = 0.3 if not isinstance(position,(list,tuple)): position = (position,0.25) bbox = P.gca().get_position(original=True) cb_start = position[0]-position[1] if horizontal: cax = [bbox[0],bbox[1]*cb_start, bbox[2],bbox[1]*position[1]] else: bbox_start = bbox[0]+bbox[2] cax = [bbox_start+(1-bbox_start)*cb_start,bbox[1], (1-bbox_start)*position[1],bbox[3]] if not standalone: gca = P.gca() cax = P.axes(cax) # Plot itself kwaxis = kwfilter(kwargs, xy) kwlabel = kwfilter(kwargs, 'label') cb = P.colorbar(pp,cax,ticks=levels,orientation = orientation,extend=extend,**kwargs) if gca is not None: gobjs(ax=gca, colorbar=cb) for t in t.tick1On = t.tick2On = False # Decorations if not isinstance(vars,tuple): vars = (vars,) var = vars[0] if units is not False: # func = getattr(,'set_%slabel'%xy) if units not in [True,None]: cb.set_label(units, **kwlabel) elif units is not False and cdms.isVariable(var) and var.attributes.has_key('units'): cb.set_label(var.units, **kwlabel) if isaxis(var): if istime(var): var = mpl(var) eval(''%xy)(minmax(var)) eval(''%xy)(*minmax(var)) decorate_axis(var,vertical=not horizontal,,**kwaxis) # Hide it? if not visible: if gca is not None: P.gcf().sca(gca) return cb def _levels_(var,anomaly=None,levels=None,nmax=8,vmin=None,vmax=None,**kwargs): """ Data levels: - *levels*: Force the use of these levels for contours. - *anomaly*: Levels must be symetric about zero (useful for anomly plots) and color map is misc.plot.cmap_bwre() [default: None]. If None, is is turned to True if max is near -min (20%) - *nmax*: Max number of levels (see misc.auto_scale) [default: 10] - *vmin*: Force min value for pcolor. - *vmax*: Force max value for pcolor. """ vmin = kwargs.get('min_value', vmin) vmax = kwargs.get('max_value', vmax) if levels is None: if vmin is not None or vmax is not None: levels = auto_scale(var,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,nmax=nmax) else: if anomaly is None: mm = minmax(var) anomaly = N.absolute((mm[1]-mm[0])/(.5*(mm[0]+mm[1]))) < .2 if anomaly: mm = max(N.absolute(minmax(var))) levels = auto_scale([-mm,mm],nmax=nmax) else: levels = auto_scale(var,nmax=nmax) # if vmin is None: vmin = levels[0] # if vmax is None: vmax = levels[-1] gobjs(levels=levels) return levels,vmin,vmax,anomaly #def _latlab_(deg): # return latlab(deg,decimal=False,no_seconds=True,no_zeros=True, ) # #def _lonlab_(deg): # return lonlab(deg,decimal=False,no_seconds=True,no_zeros=True)
[docs]def decorate_axis(axis=None,vertical=0,date_rotation=None,date_fmt=None,date_locator=None,date_minor_locator=None,date_nominor=False,nodate=False,values=None,ax=None,**kwargs): """ Axis decoration: - *[x/y]title*: Main label of the axis. - *[x/y]label*: Same as x/ytitle. - *[x/y]hide]*: Hide x/ytick labels. - *[x/y]rotation*: Rotation of x/ytick labels (except for time). - *[x/y]strict*: Strict axis limit. - *[x/y]lim*: Override axis limit. - *[x/y]min/max*: Override axis limit by x/ylim. - *[x/y]minmax/maxmin*: Set maximal value of x/ymin and minimal value or x/ymax. - *[x/y]nmax*: Max number of ticks. - *x/yfmt*: Numeric format for x/y axis if not of time type. - *date_rotation*: Rotation of time ticklabels. - *date_locator*: Major locator for dates. - *date_minor_locator*: Minor locator for dates. - *date_nominor*: Suppress minor ticks for dates. - *date_nmax_ticks*: Max number of ticks for dates - *nodate*: Time axis must not be formatted as a time axis [default: False] """ # Current axes if ax is not None: gca = P.gca() P.gcf().sca(ax) else: gca = None # Keywords defaults = {} props = {} vatts = ['min', 'max', 'minmax', 'maxmin', ('label', 'title'), 'units'] aatts = ['strict', ('fmt', 'format', 'tickfmt', 'tickformat'), ('rotation', 'rotate'), 'lim', 'hide', 'type', 'locator', 'minor_locator', ('nmax', 'nmax_ticks')] defaults = dict()#strict=True) for raw_att in aatts+vatts: # Merge aliases if isinstance(raw_att, tuple): dict_aliases(kwargs, raw_att) att = raw_att[0] else: att = raw_att raw_att = raw_att, # Default values # - base default = None # - get it from cdms variable if cdms.isVariable(axis) and raw_att in vatts: kwvar = dict_aliases(kwfilter(kwargs, 'v', copy=1), raw_att) if not kwargs.has_key(att) and kwvar.has_key(att): default = kwvar[att] # - special if defaults.has_key(att): default = defaults[att] # Get attribute props[att] = kwargs.get(att, default) props['label_kwargs'] = kwfilter(kwargs, 'label_', copy=1) props['label_kwargs'].update(kwfilter(kwargs, 'title_', copy=1)) # X or Y axis? if props['type'] is None: props['type'] = axis_type(axis) xy = 'xy'[vertical] # Functions exec "tick_func = P.%(xy)sticks ; label_func = P.%(xy)slabel ; date_func = %(xy)sdate ; keyaxis = '%(xy)saxis' ; lim_func = P.%(xy)slim" % vars() funcs = {} # Limits if values is None: values = axis axmin, axmax = None, None if props['strict'] is None: props['strict'] = props['type'] == 't' if props['strict']: axmin, axmax = minmax(values) if props['lim']: if isinstance(props['lim'],dict): if props['lim'].has_key(xy+'min'): axmin = props['lim'][xy+'min'] elif props['lim'].has_key('min'): axmin = props['lim']['min'] if props['lim'].has_key(xy+'max'): axmax = props['lim'][xy+'max'] elif props['lim'].has_key('max'): axmax = props['lim']['max'] else: axmin, axmax = props['lim'] if props['min'] is not None: axmin = props['min'] if props['max'] is not None: axmax = props['max'] if props['minmax'] is not None: if axmin is None: axmin = min(values) axmin = min(axmin, props['minmax']) if props['maxmin'] is not None: if axmax is None: axmax = max(values) axmax = max(axmax, props['maxmin']) if axmin is not None: lim_func(**{xy+'min':axmin}) if axmax is not None: lim_func(**{xy+'max':axmax}) #axis_save = P.axis() # Ticks if props['type'] in ['x','y','z']: # Lon, lat or dep axis if props['type'] in ['x','y']: lab_val = geo_scale(axis, nmax=props['nmax']) if props['type'] == 'x': lab_func = lonlab else: lab_func = latlab else: lab_val = auto_scale(axis) lab_func = deplab kwtf = {} if props['fmt'] is not None: kwtf['fmt'] = props['fmt'] tick_func(lab_val,lab_func(lab_val,**kwtf)) elif props['type'] == 't' and not nodate: # Time axis if date_fmt is None and hasattr(axis,'units') : # Detect climatological plot -> adapt date format if len(axis) == 1: nmonth = 1 elif not axis.units.startswith('months'): units = 'months '+' '.join(axis.units.split()[1:]) ct = axis.subAxis(0,len(axis)).asComponentTime(cdtime.DefaultCalendar) nmonth = ct[1].torel(units).value - ct[0].torel(units).value + 1 else: nmonth = axis[-1] - axis[0] + 1 if nmonth == 12 and int(axis.units.split()[2].split('-')[0]) == 1: print "DETECTED PLOT OF CLIMATOLOGY" if date_rotation is None: date_rotation = 0. if date_fmt is None: date_fmt = '%b' if date_locator is None: date_locator = MonthLocator() if date_minor_locator is None: date_minor_locator = MonthLocator(bymonthday=15) # Rotate dates if date_rotation is None: if vertical: date_rotation = 0. else: date_rotation = 30. # Ok let's format trange = axis[-1]-axis[0] kwdate = kwfilter(kwargs,'date', copy=1) kwdate.setdefault('nmax_ticks', props['nmax']) kwdate.setdefault('auto', axmin is None or axmax is None) date_func(rotation=date_rotation,fmt=date_fmt,locator=date_locator, minor_locator=date_minor_locator,nominor=date_nominor,trange=trange, nospecial=date_rotation is not None, **kwdate) else: if props['fmt'] is not None: # Other axes # Numeric format eval('P.gca().get_%saxis()'%xy).set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(props['fmt'])) if props['locator']: eval('P.gca().get_%saxis()'%xy).set_major_locator(props['locator']) if props['minor_locator']: eval('P.gca().get_%saxis()'%xy).set_minor_locator(props['minor_locator']) if props['type'] != 't' or nodate: if props['rotation'] is not None: rotate_tick_labels(props['rotation'],vertical=vertical) if nodate: props['type'] = '-' # Hiding if props['hide'] in [True,False] and props['hide']: exec xy+'hide()' # Label elif props['label'] is not False: if isinstance(props['label'],(str, unicode)): label_func(props['label'], **props['label_kwargs']) elif props['type'] not in ['x','y','t','z']: ll = getattr(axis,'long_name','') if props['units'] is None: units = getattr(axis,'units',None) slabel = [] if ll and not cdms.isVariable(axis): slabel.append(ll) if isinstance(units, (str, unicode)) and units not in ['','-','None']: if len(slabel): slabel.append('[%s]'%units) else: slabel.append(units) slabel = ' '.join(slabel) if slabel: label_func(slabel, **props['label_kwargs']) if axmin is not None: lim_func(**{xy+'min':axmin}) if axmax is not None: lim_func(**{xy+'max':axmax}) #P.axis(axis_save) if gca is not None: P.gcf().sca(gca)
#def _strict_lims_(xaxis=None,yaxis=None): # if xaxis is not None: # P.xlim(minmax(xaxis)) # if yaxis is not None: # P.ylim(minmax(yaxis)) def _end_plot_(var=None,grid=True,figtext=None,show=True,close=False,savefig=None,title=None,logo=False,fullscreen=False,anchor=None, autoresize=2, key=None, dayhl=False, **kwargs): """ - *title*: Title of the figure [defaults to var.long_name or ''] - *grid*: Plot the grid [default: True] - *dayhl*: Add day highlithing [default: False] - *figtext*: figtext Add text at a specified position on the figure. Example: figtext=[0,0,'text'] add a 'text' at the lower left corner, or simply figtext='text'. - *anchor*: Anchor of the axes (useful when resizing) in ['C', 'SW', 'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W']. - *logo*: Add a logo to the figure [default: False]. logo can be a file name. - *show*: Display the figure [default: True] - *savefig*: Save the figure to this file. - *savefigs*: Save the figure into multiple formats using :func:`savefigs` and 'savefigs' as the prefix to the files. - *autoresize*: Auto resize the figure according axes (1 or True), axes+margins (2). If 0 or False, not resized [default: False=2]. - *key*: Add a key (like 'a)') to the axes using add_key is different from None [default: None] - *close*: Close the figure at the end [default: False] - *title_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.title` - *key_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`add_key` - *logo_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`add_logo` - *figtext_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figtext` - *savefig_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` - *savefigs_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`savefigs` - *grid_<keyword>*: <keyword> is passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.grid` """ # Overlay case ax = P.gca() fig = P.gcf() if autoresize and ax.get_aspect() != 'auto' and \ isinstance(ax, Subplot) and \ ax.is_first_col() and ax.is_first_row() and \ ax.is_last_col() and ax.is_last_row(): r = ax.get_aspect() if r=='equal': r=1. r *= ax.get_data_ratio() # rect = P.gca().get_position(True) # if autoresize == 2: r *= rect.width/rect.height w,h = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches() a = 1.*w*h W = N.sqrt(a/r) H = r*W P.gcf().set_size_inches(W,H) if anchor is None: anchor='C' if anchor is not None: ax.set_anchor(anchor) # Grid gobjs(grid=P.grid(grid,**kwfilter(kwargs,'grid'))) # Highlight days if dayhl: gobjs(hldays=hldays(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'dayhl'))) # Title if title is not False: if title not in [True,None]: P.title(title,**kwfilter(kwargs,'title')) elif var is not None: if isinstance(var,tuple): var = var[0] if var.attributes.has_key('long_name'): gobjs(title=P.title(var.long_name,**kwfilter(kwargs,'title'))) # Fig text if figtext is not None: if type(figtext) is type('a'): figtext = (figtext,) if len(figtext) == 1: figtext = [0,0,figtext[0]] gobjs(figtext=P.figtext(*figtext,**kwfilter(kwargs,'figtext',defaults={'color':'#888888'}))) # Key of axes if key is not None: gobjs(key=add_key(key, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'key'))) # Logo if logo is not False: kwlogo = kwfilter(kwargs,'logo') if isinstance(logo,str): kwlogo['file'] = logo gobjs(logo=add_logo(**kwlogo)) # Save it backend = P.get_backend().lower() if savefig is not None: suff_standalone = ['ps','pdf','svg'] suff_others = ['png','gif','jpg','jpeg','bmp'] suff = os.path.splitext(savefig)[1][1:] if suff.lower() not in suff_others: if backend not in suff_standalone: savefig += '.png' elif backend in suff_standalone and not suff.lower().endwith(backend): savefig += '.'+backend P.savefig(savefig,**kwfilter(kwargs,'savefig')) if kwargs.has_key('savefigs'): if kwargs['savefigs'] is not None: savefigs(kwargs['savefigs'], **kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefigs_')) else: del kwargs['savefigs'] # Show or close if show: viewers = { 'pdf':['/usr/bin/kghostview','/usr/bin/evince','/usr/bin/xpdf','/usr/local/bin/acroread'], 'ps':['/usr/bin/kghostview','/usr/bin/evince','/usr/bin/ghostview'], 'svg':['/usr/bin/svgdisplay','/usr/bin/konqueror']} if backend in viewers.keys(): if savefig is None: tmpfig = mktemp(suffix='.'+backend) P.savefig(tmpfig,**kwfilter(kwargs,'savefig')) else: tmpfig = savefig for viewer in viewers[backend]: if os.path.exists(viewer): cmd = '%s %s' % (viewer,tmpfig) try: os.system(cmd) except: print 'Unable to view file with command:',cmd if savefig is None: os.remove(tmpfig) return else: elif close:#savefig is not None and kwargs.has_key('savefigs') and close: P.close() class CachedBasemap(Basemap): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from matplotlib import get_home cache_dir = kwargs.pop('cache_dir', os.path.join(get_home(), 'basemap', 'cached_maps')) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) ######## # Docs # ######## def _fill_doc_(*funcs): for func in funcs: if func.__doc__ is None: continue sc = Template(func.__doc__) for mm in Template.pattern.findall(func.__doc__): func_name = mm[1] func_doc = eval(func_name).__doc__.strip(' \t\n') func.__doc__ = Template(func.__doc__).safe_substitute(**{func_name:func_doc}) _fill_doc_(xdate, ydate, taylor, dtaylor)
[docs]@docfill def curve2(*args, **kwargs): """curve2(data, parg=None, axis=None, title=None, savefig=None, show=True, **kwargs) Plot 1D data as a curve and return a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Curve` object with properties also from :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot` and :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot1D`. :Examples: >>> curve2(sst, 'r-', shadow=True, ymax=25., long_name='SST', subplot=212) >>> curve2(xe, label='Full signal', show=False) >>> c = curve2(xef, label='Filtered signal', show=False) >>> c.legend() >>> c.savefig('xe.png') :Data params: {Curve_load_data[data]} {Plot1D__check_order_[vertical]} {Plot1D__set_axes_[axis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} :Curve params: {Curve_plot[parg]} {Curve_plot[nosingle]} {Curve_plot[err]} {Curve_plot[err_<param>]} {Curve_plot[fill_between]} {Curve_plot[fill_between_<param>]} {Curve_plot[label]} {Curve_plot[shadow]} {Curve_plot[shadow_<param>]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} :Extra: A few matplotlib plot arguments can be passed (for exemple: ``linewidths``). """ from core_plot import Curve kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) if len(args)>1 and not kwargs.has_key('parg'): kwargs['parg'] = args[1] args = args[0:1]+args[2:] return Curve(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docfill def bar2(*args, **kwargs): """bar2(data, width=1.,lag=0, align='center', offset=None, title=None, savefig=None, show=True, **kwargs) Plot data as a bar plot and return a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Bar` object with properties also from :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot` and :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot1D`. :Examples: >>> bar2(rain, color='c', align='left', width=0.95, savefig='rain.png') >>> bar2(rain, vminmax=5.,show=False) >>> bar2(snow, offset=rain, title='Precipitations') :Data params: {Curve_load_data[data]} {Plot1D__check_order_[vertical]} {Plot1D__set_axes_[axis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} :Bar params: {Bar_plot[width]} {Bar_plot[lag]} {Bar_plot[align]} {Bar_plot[offset]} {Bar_plot[label]} {Bar_plot[shadow]} {Bar_plot[shadow_<param>]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} """ from core_plot import Bar kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) return Bar(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docfill def stick2(*args, **kwargs): """stick2(udata, vdata, polar=False, degrees=True, mod=False, pos=None, width=None, scale=None, color='k', line=True, levels=None, cmap=None, shadow=False, **kwargs) Plot data as a stick plot and return a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Stick` object with properties also from :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot1D`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Curve`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable` and :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.QuiverKey`. :Example: >>> stick2(u, v, color='mod', vmax=10., quiver_scale=50., mod=True) >>> stick2(r, a, polar=True, degrees=False, quiverkey_value=5) :Data params: {Stick_load_data[udata]} {Stick_load_data[vdata]} {Stick_load_data[polar]} {Stick_load_data[degrees]} {Plot1D__check_order_[vertical]} {Plot1D__set_axes_[axis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} :Stick params: {Stick_plot[pos]} {Stick_plot[mod]} {Stick_plot[mod_<param>]} {Stick_plot[line]} {Stick_plot[alpha]} {Stick_plot[headwidth]} {Stick_plot[headlength]} {Stick_plot[headaxislength]} {Stick_plot[minlength]} {Stick_plot[minshaft]} {Stick_plot[cmap]} {Stick_plot[cmap_<param>]} {Stick_plot[levels]} {Stick_plot[levels_<param>]} {Stick_plot[shadow]} {Stick_plot[shadow_<param>]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar_<param>]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_pos]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_text]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_value]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_units]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_latex_units]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} {ScalarMappable_colorbar[cax]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} """ from core_plot import Stick kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) return Stick(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docfill def hov2(*args, **kwargs): """hov2(data, order=None, contour=True, fill='pcolor', levels=None, colorbar=True, title=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, **kwargs) Plot data as a Hovmoller diagram (2D with one axis as time) and get a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Nov` object. :Example: >>> hov2(temp[:,-1,:,3], order='ty') # Force time as Y axis >>> h = hov2(ssh, show=False) :Data params: {Plot2D_load_data[data]} {Plot__check_order_[order]} {Plot2D__set_axes_[x/yaxis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} :2D plot params: {Plot2D_plot[contour]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[contour_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[nofill]} {ScalarMappable[levels]} {Plot2D_plot[levels_<param>]} {ScalarMappable[levels_mode]} {ScalarMappable[keepminmax]} {ScalarMappable[nmax_levels]} {ScalarMappable[nmax]} {ScalarMappable[cmap]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[cmap_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[alpha]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[shading]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[extend]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[linewidths]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_norm]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_samp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/ysamp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_res]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_relres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yrelres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_pos]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_text]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_value]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_units]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_latex_units]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey_<param>]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar_<param>]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} :More: - **Specific params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Hov`. - **Scalar params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable`. - **Other generic params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`. """ from core_plot import Hov kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) return Hov(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docfill def map2(*args, **kwargs): """map2(data=None, proj='cyl', res='auto', lon=None, lat=None, contour=True, fill='pcolor', levels=None, colorbar=True, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, title=None, savefig=None, show=True, **kwargs) Plot an empty map or data on a map and return a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` object with properties also from :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot2D`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable` and :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.QuiverKey`. :Example: >>> map2(xe, resolution='i') >>> map2(lon=(-10,0), lat=(45,55), drawrivers=True, drawrivers_color='b') >>> m = map(bathy, show=False) >>> m.add_place(x, y, 'Brest') >>> :Data params: {Plot2D_load_data[data]} {Map_load_data[lon]} {Map_load_data[lat]} {Plot2D__set_axes_[x/yaxis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} {Plot[latex_units]} :Map params: {Map_pre_plot[projection]} {Map_pre_plot[resolution]} {Map_pre_plot[map_update]} {Map_pre_plot[nocache]} {Map_pre_plot[zoom]} {Map_post_plot[fillcontinents]} {Map_post_plot[fillcontinents_<param>]} {Map_post_plot[land_color]} {Map_post_plot[drawrivers]} {Map_post_plot[drawrivers_<param>]} {Map_post_plot[meridians]} {Map_post_plot[drawmeridians]} {Map_post_plot[drawmeridians_<param>]} {Map_post_plot[parallels]} {Map_post_plot[drawparallels]} {Map_post_plot[drawparallels_<param>]} {Map_post_plot[meridional/zonal_labels]} {Map_post_plot[fullscreen]} {Map_post_plot[mapscale]} {Map_post_plot[mapscale_<param>]} {Map_post_plot[compass]} {Map_post_plot[compass_<param>]} {Map_post_plot[mscp]} {Map_post_plot[mscp_<param>]} :2D plot params: {Plot2D_plot[contour]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[contour_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[nofill]} {ScalarMappable[levels]} {Plot2D_plot[levels_<param>]} {ScalarMappable[levels_mode]} {ScalarMappable[keepminmax]} {ScalarMappable[nmax_levels]} {ScalarMappable[nmax]} {ScalarMappable[cmap]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[cmap_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[alpha]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[shading]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[extend]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[linewidths]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_norm]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_samp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/ysamp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_res]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_relres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yrelres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_pos]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_text]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_value]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_units]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_latex_units]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey_<param>]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar_<param>]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} :Other params: - **Specific params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map`. - **Specific plot initialization params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.pre_plot`. - **Specific plot params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.plot`. - **Specific plot finalization params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map.post_plot`. - **Other generic params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`. """ from core_plot import Map kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) if len(args)==0: args=[None] return Map(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docfill def section2(*args, **kwargs): """section2(data, contour=True, fill='pcolor', levels=None, colorbar=True, title=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, **kwargs) Plot geographical data as a vertical-horizontal section and return a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Section` object with properties also from :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot2D`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable` and :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.QuiverKey`. :Example: >>> section2(temp[0,:, :,3]) :Data params: {Plot2D_load_data[data]} {Plot2D__set_axes_[x/yaxis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} :2D plot params: {Plot2D_plot[contour]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[contour_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[nofill]} {ScalarMappable[levels]} {Plot2D_plot[levels_<param>]} {ScalarMappable[levels_mode]} {ScalarMappable[keepminmax]} {ScalarMappable[nmax_levels]} {ScalarMappable[nmax]} {ScalarMappable[cmap]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[cmap_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[alpha]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[shading]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[extend]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[linewidths]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_norm]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_samp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/ysamp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_res]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_relres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yrelres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_pos]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_text]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_value]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_units]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_latex_units]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey_<param>]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar_<param>]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} :More: - **Specific params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Section`. - **Scalar params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable`. - **Other generic params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`. """ from core_plot import Section kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) return Section(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@docfill def plot2d(*args, **kwargs): """plot2d(data, contour=True, fill='pcolor', levels=None, colorbar=True, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, title=None, savefig=None, show=True, **kwargs) Generic plot of a 2D variable and return a :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot2D` object with properties also from :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`, :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.ScalarMappable` and :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.QuiverKey`. :Example: >>> plot2d(xe) :Data params: {Plot2D_load_data[data]} {Map_load_data[lon]} {Map_load_data[lat]} {Plot2D__set_axes_[x/yaxis]} {Plot[long_name]} {Plot[units]} {Plot[latex_units]} :2D plot params: {Plot2D_plot[contour]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[contour_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[nofill]} {ScalarMappable[levels]} {Plot2D_plot[levels_<param>]} {ScalarMappable[levels_mode]} {ScalarMappable[keepminmax]} {ScalarMappable[nmax_levels]} {ScalarMappable[nmax]} {ScalarMappable[cmap]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[cmap_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[alpha]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[fill_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[shading]} {Plot2D_plot_fill[extend]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[linewidths]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel]} {Plot2D_plot_contour[clabel_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_<param>]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_norm]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_samp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/ysamp]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_res]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_relres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiver_x/yrelres]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_pos]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_text]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_value]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_units]} {QuiverKey_quiverkey[quiverkey_latex_units]} {Plot2D_plot_quiver[quiverkey_<param>]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar]} {ScalarMappable_post_plot[colorbar_<param>]} :Plot initialization: {Plot_pre_plot[fig]} {Plot_pre_plot[figsize]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplot]} {Plot_pre_plot[subplots_adjust]} {Plot_pre_plot[top/bottom/left/right/wspace/hspace]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_<param>]} {Plot_pre_plot[axes_rect]} {Plot_pre_plot[bgcolor]} {Plot_pre_plot[twin]} {Plot_pre_plot[noframe]} {Plot_pre_plot[fullscreen]} :Plot finalization: {Plot[title]} {Plot_post_plot[title_<param>]} {Plot[latex_units]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot[x/ymin/max]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vlim]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vminmax]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vmaxmin]} {Plot[x/ymasked]} {Plot[x/ylong_name]} {Plot[x/yunits]} {Plot[x/ylabel]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticks]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yticklabels]} {Plot_format_axes[x/y/vskip]} {Plot_format_axes[x/yhide]} {Plot_post_plot[grid]} {Plot_post_plot[grid_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext]} {Plot_post_plot[figtext_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[legend]} {Plot_post_plot[legend_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[key]} {Plot_post_plot[key_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[anchor]} {Plot_post_plot[autoresize]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig]} {Plot_savefig[savefig_verbose]} {Plot_post_plot[savefig_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs]} {Plot_post_plot[savefigs_<param>]} {Plot_post_plot[show]} {Plot_post_plot[close]} :Other params: - **Specific params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot2D`. - **Specific plot initialization params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.pre_plot`. - **Specific plot params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot2D.plot`. - **Specific plot finalization params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.post_plot`. - **Other generic params**: see :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot`. """ from core_plot import Plot2D kwargs.setdefault('plot', True) kwargs.setdefault('post_plot', True) return Plot2D(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def minimap(gg, bbox= [.85, .85, .14, .14], zoom=1., xmargin=None, ymargin=None, lon=None, lat=None, square=False, bgcolor=(0, .8, 1.), fig=None, alpha=1, **kwargs): """Create a minimap with :func:`map2` A minimap is small and generally in a corner of the figure, and used to show simple geographic information. :Examples: >>> minimap(((lonmin,lonmax),(latmin,latmax))).add_point(-5,48) >>> minimap(sst.getGrid()) >>> m = minimap(sst) >>> m.add_point(lon, lat) :Return: A :class:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` object. """ from grid import get_xy from color import RGB data = gg if cdms2.isVariable(gg) else None x, y = get_xy(gg) if lon is not None: x = N.asarray(lon) if lat is not None: x = N.asarray(lat) x = N.asarray(x) y = N.asarray(y) xmin = x.min() xmax = x.max() ymin = y.min() ymax = y.max() xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = zoombox([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], zoom, xmargin=xmargin, ymargin=ymargin, square=square) kwargs.setdefault('anchor', 'E') kwargs.setdefault('colorbar', False) kwargs.setdefault('contour', False) kwargs.setdefault('fill', 'pcolormesh') kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'jet') bgcolor = RGB(bgcolor) if alpha: bgcolor += alpha, oldax = P.gca() dict_check_defaults(kwargs, title=False, xhide=True, yhide=True, proj='merc', drawparallels_linewidth=.2, drawmeridians_linewidth=.2) m = map2(data, lon = (xmin, xmax), lat=(ymin,ymax), show=False, axes_rect = bbox, bgcolor=bgcolor, fig=fig, **kwargs) # m.axes.set_alpha(alpha) fc = m.get_axobj('fillcontinents') if alpha!=1 and fc: for o in fc: o.set_alpha(alpha) m.axes.set_frame_on('off') return m
[docs]def add_map_point(gg, lon, lat, marker='o', color='r', size=40, m=None, alpha=1, **kwargs): """Add a small map with a point at specified longitude and latitude :Params: - **gg**: Map limits passed to :func:`minimap` or :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` instance. - **lon/lat**: Coordinates of the point. :See also: :func:`minimap` :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_point` """ kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for att in 'bbox', 'bgcolor', 'fig': if att in kwargs: kwmap[att] = kwargs.pop(att) from core_plot import Map if isinstance(gg, Map): m = gg if m is None: m = minimap(gg, **kwmap) return m.add_point(lon, lat, size=size, color=color, marker=marker, **kwargs)
[docs]def add_map_places(gg, lon, lat, txt, marker='o', color='r', size=40, m=None, alpha=1, **kwargs): """Add a small map with one or several places at specified longitude and latitude :Params: - **gg**: Map limits passed to :func:`minimap` or :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` instance. - **lon/lat**: Coordinates arrays of the points. - **txt**: Text array associated to the points :See also: :func:`minimap` :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_place` """ kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for att in 'bbox', 'bgcolor', 'fig': if att in kwargs: kwmap[att] = kwargs.pop(att) from core_plot import Map if isinstance(gg, Map): m = gg if m is None: m = minimap(gg, **kwmap) for x,y,text in zip(lon,lat,txt): m.add_place(x, y, text, shadow=False, glow=False, **kwargs) return m
[docs]def add_map_line(gg, extents, color='r', linewidth=1.5, m=None, **kwargs): """Add a small map with a line at specified longitudes and latitudes :Params: - **gg**: Map limits passed to :func:`minimap` or :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` instance. - **extents**: Extents in the forms ``[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]`` ``dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=xmin,xmax)`` or ``dict(lon=(xmin,xmax),lat=xmin,xmax)``. :See also: :func:`minimap` :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_line` """ kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for att in 'bbox', 'bgcolor', 'fig': if att in kwargs: kwmap[att] = kwargs.pop(att) from core_plot import Map if isinstance(gg, Map): m = gg if m is None: m = minimap(gg, **kwmap) return m.add_line(extents, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs)
[docs]def add_map_lines(gg, xx, yy, color='r', linewidth=1.5, m=None, closed=False, **kwargs): """Add a small map with a broken line specified longitudes and latitudes :Params: - **gg**: Map limits passed to :func:`minimap` or :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` instance. - **xx/yy**: 1D arrays of coordinates. :See also: :func:`minimap` :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_lines` """ kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for att in 'bbox', 'bgcolor', 'fig': if att in kwargs: kwmap[att] = kwargs.pop(att) from core_plot import Map if isinstance(gg, Map): m = gg if m is None: m = minimap(gg, **kwmap) return m.add_lines(xx, yy, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs)
[docs]def add_map_box(gg, box, color='r', linewidth=1.5, m=None, **kwargs): """Add a small map with a box at specified longitudes and latitudes :Params: - **gg**: Map limits passed to :func:`minimap` or :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Map` instance. - **box**: Box limits in the forms ``[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]`` ``dict(x=(xmin,xmax),y=xmin,xmax)`` or ``dict(lon=(xmin,xmax),lat=xmin,xmax)``. :See also: :func:`minimap` :meth:`~vacumm.misc.core_plot.Plot.add_box` """ kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map') for att in 'bbox', 'bgcolor', 'fig': if att in kwargs: kwmap[att] = kwargs.pop(att) from core_plot import Map if isinstance(gg, Map): m = gg if m is None: m = minimap(gg, **kwmap) return m.add_box(box, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs)
##################################################################### ###################################################################### #from grid.misc import meshgrid, meshbounds