Source code for vacumm.misc.remote

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Working with remote files

.. warning:: Yoo need `paramiko <>`_ to use this module.
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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import os, shutil, re
from stat import *
import glob
from urlparse import urlparse
from warnings import filterwarnings
import subprocess
filterwarnings('ignore', message='.*Not using mpz_powm_sec.*')

__all__ = ['SSHBank', 'sshbank', 'WorkFile', 'InputWorkFiles', 'OutputWorkFile']

[docs]class SSHBank(object): """Interface to handle a bank of SSH/SFTP connections :Example: >>> sshbank = SSHBank() >>> client = sshbank('camarpor') >>> ssh = client('ssh') >>> res = ssh.exec_command('ls') >>> ftp = client('ftp') >>> ftp.get('remote_file', 'local_file') >>> ssh2 = sshbank.ssh('myhost:4022') >>> ftp2 = sshbank.ftp('user@myhost') """ def __init__(self): try: import paramiko except ImportError: raise('You need paramiko to use SSHBank') self.paramiko = paramiko self._bank = {} def __call__(self, host): # Check the bank if self._bank.has_key(host): return self._bank[host] # Get host, etc hostid = host #print 'hostid',hostid ssh = self.paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() pp = urlparse('sftp://'+host) username = pp.username port = pp.port if pp.port is not None else 22 host = pp.hostname # Connect ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(self.paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.load_system_host_keys() if port is not None: port = int(port) ssh.connect(host, port=port, username=username) ftp = ssh.open_sftp() self._bank[hostid] = dict(ssh=ssh, ftp=ftp) return self._bank[hostid]
[docs] def ssh(self, host): """Get the SSH agent""" return self(host)['ssh']
[docs] def ftp(self, host): """Get the SFTP agent""" return self(host)['ftp']
try: #: Ready to use SSH bank sshbank = SSHBank() except: sshbank = None class WorkFileException(Exception): pass
[docs]class WorkFile(object): """Base class for :class:`InputWorkFiles` and class:`OutputWorkFile` :Params: - **logger**: A :class:`` (or subclass) instance - **ssh**: A ssh connexion (for instance created using :class`SSHBank` connected to an host). - **umask**, optional: Argument to :func:`os.umask` - **dmode**, optional: Directory unix mode (see :func:`os.chmod`) - **fmode**, optional: File unix mode (see :func:`os.chmod`) """ def __init__(self, logger, ssh, umask=0, dmode=S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH, fmode=S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH, raise_error=True): self._raise_error = raise_error self.logger = logger if ssh is not False: self.ssh = ssh['ssh'] self.ftp = ssh['ftp'] else: self.ssh = self.ftp = None if umask is not None: os.umask(umask) self.fmode = fmode self.dmode = dmode
[docs] def error(self, msg, warn=None): """Send an ERROR message and exit""" if warn is None: warn = not self._raise_error if self.logger: if warn: self.logger.warning(msg) else: self.logger.error(msg) raise WorkFileException(msg) else: if not warn: raise WorkFileException(msg) else: print msg
[docs] def debug(self, msg): """Send a DEBUG message""" if self.logger: self.logger.debug(msg) else: print msg
[docs] def warning(self, msg): """Send a WARNING message""" if self.logger: self.logger.warning(msg) else: print msg
[docs] def info(self, msg): """Send an INFO message""" if self.logger: else: print msg
[docs] def remote_exec(self, cmd): """Execute a remote command and return result as list of lines :Example: >>> files = workfile.remote_exec('ls') """ if self.ssh is None: self.warning('No remote command in local mode') else: res = self.ssh.exec_command(cmd) return [line[:-1] for line in res[1].readlines()]
def _host2ssh_(self, sshbank): if if sshbank is None: from vacumm.misc.remote import sshbank #sshbank = SSHBank() if sshbank is None: raise WorkFileException("Can't import sshbank because paramiko is not found") return sshbank( return False
[docs] @classmethod def expand_path(cls, path, subst=None): """Expand '~', environment and other variables in a path :Params: - **path**: Path to be expanded - **subst**, optional: Dictionnary of variables that may be used for expansion """ exps = globals().copy() exps.update(os.environ) for vn in "user", "home": exps.setdefault(vn, os.environ[vn.upper()]) if subst is not None: exps.update(subst) return os.path.expanduser(path%exps)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_path(cls, path, rootdir=None, subst=None, mode=None): """Get the (inputdir, outputdir, path) from path (and rootdir) :Params: - **path**: Simple or complex path with remote and local part. The generic form is : ``"[<prefix>][(<remote_dir>><local_dir>)[<pattern>]"`` where ``<pattern>`` is global expression pattern (see :func:`glob.glob`). It can also take the form of a tuple. Remote paths follow specifications from RFC1738: .. warning:: Be careful when using ``<prefix>`` with a remote path. - **rootdir**, optional: Optional prefix to prepend to path. - **subst**, optional: Dictionary of variables used for string isubstitutions on path. All environnement variables (taken from :attr:`os.environ`) are also substituted. :Example: >>> obj.parse_path('(s>/local/path)/to/', mode='get') >>> obj.parse_path(('s','/local/path','/to/'), mode='get') >>> obj.obj.parse_path('/local/path/') >>> obj.obj.parse_path('/home10(/user1>/user2)/') """ # Root prefix if isinstance(path, tuple): if len(path)==0: path = '' elif len(path)==1: path = path[0] elif len(path)==2: path = '(%s,%s)'%path elif len(path)==3: path = '(%s>%s)%s'%path else: path = '%s(%s>%s)%s'%path[:4] else: path = path.strip() if rootdir is not None: path = os.path.join(rootdir.strip(), path) # Check '>' path separators if path.find('>') != -1 and path.rfind('>') != path.find('>'): raise WorkFileException('There is more than one ">" in the specified formatted path: '+path) # Substitutions path = cls.expand_path(path, subst=subst) # Split parts parsed = re_workdir_parse(path) if not parsed: return None,None,path.strip() spath = list(parsed[0]) indir = os.path.join(spath[0], spath[1]) outdir = os.path.join(spath[0], spath[2]) #if '>' in indir: #raise WorkFileException('Input path must not contain a ">": %s'%indir) #if '>' in outdir: #raise WorkFileException('Output path must not contain a ">": %s'%outdir) # Check input and output dirs if mode is None: if hasattr(cls, 'get'): mode = 'get' elif hasattr(cls, 'put'): mode = 'put' ppi = urlparse(indir) ppo = urlparse(outdir) if (mode == 'get' and ppo.hostname is not None) or \ (mode == 'put' and ppi.hostname is not None): indir,outdir = outdir,indir pattern = spath[3].strip(os.path.sep+' ') return indir, outdir, pattern
re_workdir_parse = re.compile('^(.*)\(([^>]+)>([^>]+)\)(.*)$').findall
[docs]class InputWorkFiles(WorkFile): """A class to deal with input remote files :Params: - *path*: path in the form ``"<prefix>(<remote_dir>><local_dir>)<pattern>"``. (see :func:`parse_path`) :Params: - *logger*: a :class:`` (or subclass) instance - *sshbank*: a :class`SSHBank` instance - *transfer*: automatically start the transfer after initialization :Example: >>> wfile = InputWorkFiles('(caparmor-sftp:/home125>/home200/caparmor)toto*/data/file*.nc') >>> wfile.get() # update >>> wfile = InputWorkFiles('/home510/toto/') # does nothing ! >>> wfile = InputWorkFiles(('/home15>/home12)toto/') # local copy only >>> print wfile.local_files() >>> print wfile.remote_files() """ def __init__(self, path, rootdir=None, logger=None, sshbank=None, transfer=False, subst=None, check=2, sort=None, filter=None, raise_error=True, **kwargs): # Parse path self._raise_error = raise_error indir,outdir,path = self.parse_path(path, rootdir=rootdir, subst=subst) #print 's3',indir,outdir,path self.sort = sort self.filter = filter if indir is None: # pure local with nothing to copy = '' self.local_pattern = self.remote_pattern = path self.cpmode = 0 self.rem2loc = self.loc2rem = None WorkFile.__init__(self, logger, False, raise_error=raise_error, **kwargs) return self.remote_dir, self.local_dir, self.pattern = indir,outdir,path self.local_pattern = os.path.join(self.local_dir, self.pattern) # Extract host and port up = urlparse(self.remote_dir) if up.hostname is None: = '' self.cpmode = 1 else: = up.netloc self.cpmode = 2 self.remote_dir = up.path self.remote_pattern = os.path.join(self.remote_dir, self.pattern) #self.rem2loc = {} #self.loc2rem = {} self._local_files = None # Get SSH agent from bank ssh = self._host2ssh_(sshbank) # Final init WorkFile.__init__(self, logger, ssh, raise_error=raise_error, **kwargs) # Already start the transfer? self.check = check if transfer: self.get()
[docs] def get(self, check=2, ifile=None): """Download remote files when needed :Params: *check*: checks - ``0``: check nothing => force the transfer - ``1``: only check the existence of the local file - ``2``: check existence and compare local and remote dates """ if check is None: check = self.check if check is None: check = 2 # Direct access if self.cpmode==0: locfiles = self.local_files(ifile) if not locfiles: self.error('No input file found with this pattern: '+self.local_pattern) return locfiles # Copy/transfer locfiles = [] tag = 'Downloading %s:' if self.cpmode==2 else 'Copying ' for i, remfile in enumerate(self.remote_files(ifile)): ## Cache names #self.rem2loc[remfile] = locfile #self.loc2rem[locfile] = remfile # Theoretical local file name locfile = os.path.join(self.local_dir, remfile[len(self.remote_dir)+1:]) # Check nothere = not os.path.exists(locfile) if check==1 or (check and nothere): getit = nothere msg = 'no local copy' elif check==2: loctime = os.stat(locfile)[8] if self.cpmode==1: remtime = os.stat(remfile)[8] else: remtime = self.ftp.stat(remfile).st_mtime getit = remtime > loctime msg = 'local copy too old' else: getit = 1 msg = 'force transfer' # Download if getit: # Check local dir and file locdir = os.path.dirname(locfile) if not os.path.exists(locdir): os.makedirs(locdir, mode=self.dmode) self.debug('Create local directory: '+locdir) if os.path.exists(locfile): os.remove(locfile) # Transfer self.debug('%s%s to %s (%s)'%(tag, remfile, locfile, msg)) if self.cpmode==1: # local shutil.copy2(remfile, locfile) else: # remote #self.ftp.get(remfile, locfile) subprocess.check_call(['scp', '%s:%s'%(, remfile), locfile],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) os.chmod(locfile, self.fmode) locfiles.append(locfile) if not locfiles: self.error('No file found on remote host with current pattern (%s) and filter'%self.remote_pattern) return locfiles
[docs] def remote_files(self, ifile=None): """List of remote files""" # List if self.cpmode<=1: # local copy files = glob.glob(self.remote_pattern) else: #remote copy files = [os.path.join(self.remote_dir, remfile) for remfile in self.remote_exec('ls '+self.remote_pattern)] # Selection if not len(files): self.error('No remote files') else: if callable(self.filter): files = self.filter(files) if self.sort is not None: files.sort(self.sort if self.sort is not True else None) if isinstance(ifile, int): return files[ifile] return files
[docs] def local_files(self, ifile=None, update=None): """List of local (working) files""" # List if self.cpmode==0: files = glob.glob(self.local_pattern) if callable(self.filter): files = self.filter(files) if self.sort is not None: files.sort(self.sort if self.sort is not True else None) elif self._local_files is None or update is not False: # Update copy files = self.get() self._local_files = files else: # Direct access files = self._local_files self._local_files = files # Selection if not len(files): self.warning('No local files') else: if isinstance(ifile, int): return files[ifile] return files
[docs]class OutputWorkFile(WorkFile): """A class to deal with an output remote file :Params: - *path*: path in the form ``"<prefix>(<remote_dir>><local_dir>)<pattern>"`` (see :func:`parse_path`) :Params: - *logger*: a :class:`` (or subclass) instance - *sshbank*: a :class`SSHBank` instance :Example: >>> wfile = OutputWorkFile('(sftp://caparmor-sftp/home125>/home200/caparmor)toto/data/file.png') >>> wfile = OutputWorkFile('(/home200/caparmor>s') >>> wfile = OutputWorkFile('/home510/toto/toto.png') # does nothing ! >>> wfile = OutputWorkFile('(/home15>/home12)toto/toto.png') # local copy only >>> pylab.savefig(wfile.local_file) >>> wfile.put() # send or copy """ def __init__(self, path, rootdir='', logger=None, sshbank=None, subst=None, raise_error=True, **kwargs): self._raise_error = raise_error # Parse path locdir,remdir,basefile = self.parse_path(path, subst=subst, rootdir=rootdir) if locdir is None: = '' self.local_file = self.remote_file = basefile self.cpmode = 0 WorkFile.__init__(self, logger, False, raise_error=raise_error, **kwargs) locdir = os.path.dirname(self.local_file) if not os.path.exists(locdir): os.makedirs(locdir, self.dmode) # local dir return self.local_file = os.path.join(locdir, basefile) # Extract host and port up = urlparse(remdir) if up.hostname is None: = '' self.cpmode = 1 else: = up.netloc self.cpmode = 2 remdir = up.path self.remote_file = os.path.join(remdir, basefile) # Get SSH agent from bak ssh = self._host2ssh_(sshbank) # Final init WorkFile.__init__(self, logger, ssh, raise_error=raise_error, **kwargs) # Local dir locdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(locdir,basefile)) if not os.path.exists(locdir): os.makedirs(locdir, self.dmode)
[docs] def put(self, checkdir=True): """Send the file""" if self.cpmode == 0: return self.local_file if not os.path.exists(self.local_file): self.warning('Local file to send not found: '+self.local_file) return # Check remote directory if checkdir: remdir = os.path.dirname(self.remote_file) if self.cpmode==1: # local if not os.path.exists(remdir): os.makedirs(remdir, self.dmode) else: # remote try: # first, check full path self.ftp.stat(remdir) except: # now check all subdirs remdirs = remdir.split(os.path.sep) for i in xrange(1, len(remdirs)): thisdir = os.path.join(os.path.sep, *remdirs[:i+1]) try: self.ftp.stat(thisdir) continue except: try: self.ftp.mkdir(thisdir) self.ftp.chmod(thisdir, self.dmode) except: self.warning('Cannot create remote dir for transfer: %s:%s'%(, thisdir)) return self.local_file # Transfer if self.cpmode==1: # local self.debug('Copying %s to %s'%(self.local_file, self.remote_file)) try: shutil.copy(self.local_file, self.remote_file) os.chmod(self.remote_file, self.fmode) except: self.warning("Can't copy file") else: # remote remfile = self.remote_file if not os.path.isabs(remfile): remfile = '/'+remfile self.debug('Uploading %s to sftp://%s%s'%(self.local_file,, remfile)) try: self.ftp.remove(self.remote_file) except: try: self.ftp.stat(remfile) except: pass # File does not exist so no warning else: self.warning("Can't remove remote file") try: self.ftp.put(self.local_file, self.remote_file) except: self.warning("Can't upload file") try: self.ftp.chmod(self.remote_file, self.fmode) except: self.warning("Can't change permission of remote file") return self.local_file