# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Plotting maps"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2013-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "http://www.cecill.info".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
from common import *
[docs]def nested_axes(rect1=None, margins=None, fig=None):
"""Setup two nested axes
- **rect1**, optional: Rectangle specs for the inner axes
[left,bottom,width,height] in figure coordinates.
Default from config ``[maps] cax``.
- **margin**, option: Margins in pixel around the inner axes
Default from config ``[maps] cax_margins``.
:Return: `ax0, ax1`
if fig is None: fig = P.gcf()
# As points
if rect1 is None: rect1 = cfgget('cax', 'maps')
if margins is None: margins = cfgget('cax_margins', 'maps')
p0 = rect1[:2]
p1 = (p0[0]+rect1[2], p0[1]+rect1[3])
trans = fig.transFigure.transform_point
# Convert to pixels and add margin
p0 = trans(p0) - margins[:2]
p1 = trans(p1) + margins[2:]
# Convert back to figure coordinates
trans = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform_point
p0 = trans(p0)
p1 = trans(p1)
rect0 = [p0[0], p0[1], p1[0]-p0[0], p1[1]-p0[1]]
# create axes and add them to the figure
ax0 = fig.add_axes(rect0)
ax1 = fig.add_axes(rect1)
return ax0, ax1
[docs]def get_plot_specs(lon, lat, xfigsize=None, axes_rect=None):
"""Get plot area specs
- **lon/lat**: Data coordinates to plot.
# X-figsize
xfigsize = xfigsize or cfgget('figsize')[0]
# Mercator extensions of the area
lon = N.asarray([lon.min(),lon.max()])
lat = N.asarray([lat.min(),lat.max()])
proj = get_proj((lon, lat), proj='merc')
p0 = proj(lon[0], lat[0])
p1 = proj(lon[1], lat[1])
dx = p1[0]-p0[0]
dy = p1[1]-p0[1]
hv = 'hor' if dx>dy else 'ver'
# Axes rectangle
if axes_rect is None:
left = cfgget('axes_rect_left')
top = cfgget('axes_rect_top')
right = cfgget('axes_rect_right_'+hv, 'maps', cfgget('axes_rect_right'))
bottom = cfgget('axes_rect_bottom_'+hv, 'maps', cfgget('axes_rect_bottom'))
axes_rect = [left, bottom, right-left, top-bottom]
# Figure size
W,H = axes_rect[2:]
alpha = W/H*dy/dx
figsize = xfigsize, xfigsize*alpha
return figsize, axes_rect, hv
[docs]def plot_map(data, levels=None, units=None, long_name=None,
title=None, axes_rect=None, xfigsize=None, extend=None,
savefig=None, copyright=None, logos=None, close=True, **kwargs):
"""Plot data on a map
- **data**: Single 2D variable or tuple of two variables for quiver.
- **units**, optional: Change data units displayed in the colorar label.
- **long_name**, optional: Name dispay in the default title.
- **title**, optional: Title as a string or list of strings.
It is dsipayed using :func:`~vacumm.report.common.add_title`.
- **copyright**, optional: Add a copyright (multi-)line to the plot
using :func:`~vacumm.report.common.add_copyright`.
- **logos**, optional: Add logos to the plot
using :func:`~vacumm.report.common.add_logos`.
- **savefig**, optional: Save the figure to this file.
- Extra keywords are passed to the :meth:`~vacumm.misc.plot.map2`
# Domain
quiver = isinstance(data, tuple)
if quiver:
scalar = data[0].clone()
scalar[:] = MV2.sqrt(data[0]**2+data[1]**2)
scalar = data
lon = data.getLongitude().getValue()
lat = data.getLatitude().getValue()
# Create figure
figsize, axes_rect, hv = get_plot_specs(lon, lat,
axes_rect=axes_rect, xfigsize=xfigsize)
cb_horiz = hv == 'hor'
xy = 'x' if cb_horiz else 'y'
# Add background
# Add title
time = scalar.getTime()
if title is None:
title = long_name or scalar.long_name
title = [title[0].upper()+title[1:]]
ctime = time.asComponentTime()[0]
title.append(strftime('le %d/%m/%Y %Hh%m', ctime))
add_title(title, addlegtime=1)
# Axes for colorbar
cb_shrink = cfgget('cb_shrink', 'maps')
if cb_horiz: # Horizontal
bt = cfgget('cax_rect_bottomtop_hor', 'maps')
base_width = axes_rect[2]
width = cb_shrink * base_width
left = axes_rect[0] + 0.5*(1-cb_shrink)*base_width
cax_rect = [left, bt[0], width, bt[1]-bt[0]]
else: # Vertical
lr = cfgget('cax_rect_leftright_ver', 'maps')
base_height = axes_rect[3]
height = cb_shrink * base_height
bottom = axes_rect[1] + 0.5*(1-cb_shrink)*base_height
cax_rect = [lr[0], bottom, lr[1]-lr[0], height]
cax_margins = cfgget('cax_margins_'+hv,'maps')
if quiver: # More space for quiverkey
cax_margins[1] += cfgget('cax_margins_quiverkey', 'maps')
caxb, cax = nested_axes(cax_rect, cax_margins)
cb_orientation = 'horizontal' if cb_horiz else "vertical"
# No time
if time:
if quiver:
data = data[0][0], data[1][0], data[2][0]
data = data[0]
# Main plot
grid_color = cfgget('grid_color')
grid_lw = cfgget('grid_linewidth')
grid_dashes = [5,5]
m = map2(data, axes_rect=axes_rect, title=False, show=False,
cmap='vacumm_previmer2', colorbar_cax=cax, autoresize=0, proj='merc',
extend=extend, levels=levels, basemap_anchor='N', land_color='w',
drawcoastlines_linewidth=1, bgcolor=cfgget('bgcolor', 'maps'),
colorbar_format="%g", linewidths=0.5,
drawmeridians_dashes=grid_dashes, drawparallels_dashes=grid_dashes,
drawmeridians_color=grid_color, drawparallels_color=grid_color,
drawmeridians_linewidth=grid_lw, drawparallels_linewidth=grid_lw,
# Tune colorbar
cb = m.get_colorbar()
pad = 5
cax.tick_params(xy, labelsize=8, length=0, pad=pad)
add_shadow(cb.patch, ax=cax, width=3, xoffset=3, yoffset=-3)
if extend:
args = []
if hv=="hor":
if cb._extend_lower():
args.append([0,0,dict(dx=0, dy=-pad, ha='left', va='top')])
if cb._extend_upper():
args.append([1,0,dict(dx=0, dy=-pad, ha='right', va='top')])
if cb._extend_lower():
args.append([1,0,dict(dx=pad, dy=0, ha='left', va='bottom')])
if cb._extend_upper():
args.append([1,1,dict(dx=pad, dy=0, ha='left', va='top')])
for arg in args:
add_axlabel(arg[0], arg[1], "$\infty$", ax=cax, size=8,
color='k', family=None, **arg[2])
units = units or scalar.units
add_axlabel(1, 0, u"Unités : %s"%units, dy=-2, va='top', ha='center',
ax=cax, size=cfgget('units_size', 'maps'))
# Statistics
if hv=='hor':
axref = cax
dy = -8
axref = m.axes
dy = -18
vmean, vmax, vmin = scalar.mean(), scalar.max(), scalar.min()
units = scalar.units
text = "Moy. : %(vmean).2f %(units)s - Min. : %(vmax).2f %(units)s / Max. : %(vmin).2f %(units)s"%locals()
set_xlabel(text, ax=axref, labelpad=abs(dy))
# Logos
if logos: add_logos(logos)
# Copyright
if copyright: add_copyright(copyright)
# Save
if savefig:
if close:
return m