Source code for vacumm.sphinxext.overview
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Sphinx directive to add an overview of a python module or class"""
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
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# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
from sphinx.directives import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import unchanged,single_char_or_unicode,positive_int
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.statemachine import string2lines
import inspect, sys, re
[docs]def setup(app):
app.add_config_value('overview_underline', '-', False)
app.add_config_value('overview_title_overview', 'Overview', False)
app.add_config_value('overview_title_content', 'Content', False)
app.add_config_value('overview_columns', 3, False)
app.add_directive('overview', OverViewDirective)
[docs]class OverViewDirective(Directive):
has_content = True
option_spec = {}
option_spec['underline'] = single_char_or_unicode
option_spec['title-overview'] = unchanged
option_spec['title-content'] = unchanged
option_spec['extra-attributes'] = overview_strings
option_spec['extra-functions'] = overview_strings
option_spec['extra-class-attributes'] = overview_strings
option_spec['extra-classes'] = overview_strings
option_spec['extra-methods'] = overview_strings
option_spec['columns'] = positive_int
option_spec['inherited-members'] = unchanged
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
[docs] def run(self):
# Get object
objname = self.arguments[0]
object = sys.modules[objname]
self.warning('Cannot import object %s for overview'%objname)
return []
# Options
config = self.state.document.settings.env.config
# - titles
titles = {}
for title_name in 'overview', 'content':
if self.options.has_key('title_'+title_name) and self.options['title_'+title_name] is not None:
title = self.options['title_'+title_name]
title = getattr(config, 'overview_title_'+title_name)
if not isinstance(title, (str, unicode)) or not title:
title = False
titles[title_name] = title
# - underline
if self.options.has_key('underline') and self.options['underline'] is not None:
underline = self.options['underline']
underline = config.overview_underline
underline = str(underline)[0]
# - extra
for etype in 'attributes', 'functions', 'classes', 'methods', 'class_attributes':
etype = 'extra_'+etype
if self.options.has_key(etype) and self.options[etype] is not None:
extra[etype] = self.options[etype]
# - columns
columns = self.options.get('columns', config.overview_columns)
# - inheritance
extra['inherited'] = 'inherited-members' in self.options
# Format
raw_text = OverView(object, **extra).format(indent=0,
title_overview=titles['overview'], title_content=titles['content'],
underline=underline, columns=columns)
source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source(self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1)
include_lines = string2lines(raw_text, convert_whitespace=1)
return []
[docs]class OverView(object):
"""Python object rst overview generator
>>> import mymodule
>>> rst_text = OverView(mymodule).format()
columns = 3
def __init__(self, object, extra_attributes=[], extra_functions=[], extra_classes=[],
extra_methods=[], extra_class_attributes=[], inherited=True):
self.inherited = inherited
# Check must be a module or a class
if not inspect.ismodule(object) and not inspect.isclass(object): raise
if inspect.ismodule(object):
self.module = object
self.module = inspect.getmodule(object)
self.modname = self.module.__name__
# Get base lists
self.attributes = self.get_members(object)
self.functions = self.get_members(object, 'function')
self.classes = self.get_members(object, 'class')
# Sub content
self.class_contents = {}
for clsname, cls in self.classes:
self.class_contents[clsname] = dict(
methods=self.get_members(cls, 'method'),
#classmethods = self.get_members(object, 'classmethod'),
#staticmethods = self.get_members(object, 'staticmethod'),
# Check extra args
extra_names = 'attributes', 'functions', 'classes', 'methods', 'class_attributes'
for etype in extra_names:
# Get
etype = 'extra_'+etype
extras = eval(etype)
# Store
setattr(self, etype, extras)
# Check prefix
for i, extra in enumerate(extras):
if not extra.startswith(self.modname+'.'):
extras[i] = self.modname+'.'+extra
if len(extra_methods+extra_attributes): # Check missing classes
for objname in extra_methods+extra_attributes:
clsname = objname.split('.')[1]
if clsname not in extra_classes:
[docs] def get_extra_class_attributes(self, clsname):
"""Get the list of extra attributes that belongs to a class"""
modname = self.modname
return [attr for attr in self.extra_class_attributes if attr.startswith('%(modname)s.%(clsname)s.'%locals())]
[docs] def get_extra_methods(self, clsname):
"""Get the list of extra methods that belongs to a class"""
modname = self.modname
return [meth for meth in self.extra_methods if attr.startswith('%(modname)s.%(clsname)s.'%locals())]
[docs] def get_members(self, object, predicate=None):
"""Get the list of object members of a given type"""
# Get base list
predicate_spec = predicate
if predicate is not None:
if 'is'+predicate in dir(inspect):
ismatched = predicate = getattr(inspect, 'is'+predicate)
ismatched = predicate = lambda o: isinstance(o, eval(predicate_spec))
ismatched = lambda o: True
if hasattr(object, '__all__'): # Fixed list
members = [(mname, getattr(object, mname)) for mname in object.__all__
if (hasattr(object, mname) and ismatched(getattr(object, mname)))]
else: # Auto list
# All members
members = [(mname, member) for mname, member in inspect.getmembers(object, predicate) if not mname.startswith('_')]
# Inheritance
if self.inherited is False and hasattr(object, '__dict__'):
members = [(mname, member) for mname, member in members if mname in object.__dict__.keys()]
# Filter out non local members
if not self.inherited or predicate_spec not in ['method', None, 'classmethod', 'staticmethod']:
members = [(mname, member) for mname, member in members
if inspect.getmodule(member) is None or inspect.getmodule(member) is self.module]
# Attributes only
if predicate is None:
members = [(mname, member) for mname, member in members if not inspect.ismethod(member) and
not inspect.isclass(member) and not inspect.isfunction(member)]
return members
[docs] @classmethod
def indent(cls, indent, *text, **kwargs):
xindent = kwargs.get('xindent', '')
return '\n'.join([(indent*'\t'+xindent+line) for line in text])
[docs] def format_ref(self, objname, object, clsname=None):
"""Format a reference link to an object"""
# Declaration type
if inspect.isfunction(object):
dectype = 'func'
elif inspect.isclass(object):
dectype = 'class'
elif inspect.ismethod(object) and not isinstance(object, property):
dectype = 'meth'
dectype = 'attr'
# Class content
if clsname is None and hasattr(object, 'im_class'):
clsname = object.im_class.__name__
if clsname is not None: #FIXME: properties
objname = '%s.%s'%(clsname, objname)
# Format
modname = self.modname
rst = ":%(dectype)s:`~%(modname)s.%(objname)s`"%locals()
return rst
[docs] def format_list(self, args, indent=0, columns=None, xindent=''):
if len(args) == 0: return ''
if columns is None: columns = self.columns
if columns == 0:# or len(args) <= columns:
return ', '.join(args)
rst = '\n'
rst += self.indent(indent+1, '.. hlist::\n', xindent=xindent)
rst += self.indent(indent+2, ':columns: %i\n\n'%columns, xindent=xindent)
for arg in args:
rst += self.indent(indent+2,'- %s\n'%arg, xindent=xindent)
rst += '\n'
return rst
[docs] def format_title(self, title, underline, indent=0):
"""Format the title of the overview or content paragraphs"""
rst = ''
if title:
rst += self.indent(indent, title, len(title)*underline)
rst +='\n\n'
return rst
[docs] def format_attributes(self, indent=0, columns=None):
"""Format module level attributes"""
rst = ''
if len(self.attributes)+len(self.extra_attributes):
rst += self.indent(indent, ':Attributes: ')
attrs = []
if self.attributes:
attrs += [self.format_ref(attname, att) for attname, att in self.attributes]
#rst += self.format_list(attrs, indent=indent, columns=columns)
#rst +=', '.join([self.format_ref(attname, att) for attname, att in self.attributes])
if self.extra_attributes:
attrs += [':attr:`~%s`'%attname for attname in self.extra_attributes]
#rst +=', '.join()
rst += self.format_list(attrs, indent=indent, columns=columns)
rst += '\n'
return rst
[docs] def format_functions(self, indent=0, columns=None):
"""Format functions"""
rst = ""
if len(self.functions)+len(self.extra_functions):
rst += self.indent(indent, ':Functions: ')
funcs = []
if self.functions:
funcs += [self.format_ref(*func) for func in self.functions]
#rst +=', '.join([self.format_ref(*func) for func in self.functions])
if self.extra_functions:
funcs += [':func:`~%s`'%funcname for funcname in self.extra_functions]
#rst +=', '.join([':func:`~%s`'%funcname for funcname in self.extra_functions])
rst += self.format_list(funcs, indent=indent, columns=columns)
rst += '\n'
return rst
[docs] def format_classes(self, indent=0, columns=None):
"""Format classes
.. todo:: Use :func:`inspect.getclasstree` or at least :func:`inspect.classify_class_attrs` in :class:`Overview`
rst = ""
if len(self.classes)+len(self.extra_classes):
rst += self.indent(indent, ':Classes: ')
#rst += '\n'
# Compact list or bullets?
# if columns is None: columns = self.columns
# nobj = max([len(])
# Auto
classes = []
for clsname, cls in self.classes:
kw = dict(clsname=clsname)
#crst = self.indent(indent+1, self.format_ref(clsname, cls))
crst = self.format_ref(clsname, cls)
cls_attrs = self.class_contents[clsname]['attributes']
cls_meths = self.class_contents[clsname]['methods']
cls_xattrs = self.get_extra_class_attributes(clsname)
cls_xmeths = self.get_extra_methods(clsname)
if cls_attrs or cls_meths or cls_xattrs or cls_xmeths:
cls_attrs = [self.format_ref(*obj, **kw) for obj in cls_attrs]
cls_meths = [self.format_ref(*obj, **kw) for obj in cls_meths]
cls_xattrs = [':attr:`~%s`\n'%obj for obj in cls_xattrs]
cls_xmeths = [':meth:`~%s`\n'%obj for obj in cls_xmeths]
full = sorted(cls_attrs+cls_xattrs)+sorted(cls_meths+cls_xmeths)
crst += '\n'
crst += self.format_list(full, indent=indent+1, columns=columns, xindent=' ')
crst += '\n'
# Extras
for clsname in self.extra_classes:
crst = self.indent(indent+1, ':class:`~%s`'%clsname)
cls_xattrs = self.get_extra_class_attributes(clsname)
cls_xmeths = self.get_extra_methods(clsname)
if cls_xattrs or cls_xmeths:
cls_xattrs = [':attr:`~%s`\n'%obj for obj in cls_xattrs]
cls_xfuncs = [':func:`~%s`\n'%obj for obj in cls_xfuncs]
crst += '\n'
crst += self.format_list(sorted(cls_xattrs)+sorted(cls_xmeths),
indent=indent+1, columns=columns, xindent=' ')
crst += '\n'
rst += self.format_list(classes, indent=indent, columns=1)
rst += '\n'
return rst
[docs] def format(self, title_overview='Overview', title_content='Content', underline='-', indent=0, columns=None):
"""Format overview in rst format"""
# Empty ?
if not len(self.attributes+self.functions+self.classes+self.extra_attributes+
return ""
rst = ""
# Overview title
rst += self.format_title(title_overview, underline, indent=indent)
# Attributes
rst += self.format_attributes(indent=indent, columns=columns)
# Functions
rst += self.format_functions(indent=indent, columns=columns)
# Classes
rst += self.format_classes(indent=indent, columns=columns)
# Content title
rst += self.format_title(title_content, underline, indent=indent)
return rst