Source code for vacumm.tide.marigraph

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
Provides a class to perform basic operations on marigraphic sea level data
# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2011-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
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# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
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# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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import numpy as N, as MA,cdms2 as cdms,MV2 as MV,cdtime
from genutil import minmax
from genutil.statistics import std as STD

import pylab as P,types
import scipy.interpolate as S
import types
from operator import isNumberType
from warnings import warn

__all__ = ['Marigraph']

_docs = dict(
    time_range= "time range for data selection (like ('1999','2000-01-01','co')). If None, time range is reset [default: None]",
    tide_filter=    "Tide ilter name within [False,'demerliac','godin']. Default: False"

for key, val in _docs.items():
    ss = '*'*(1+val.startswith('+'))
    _docs[key] = '- %(ss)s%(key)s%(ss)s: %(val)s' % dict(ss=ss, key=key, val=val)
_docs['base'] = '\n\t\t\t'.join([_docs[key] for key in 'time_range', 'tide_filter'])

def _fmtdoc_(func):
#   try:
#       func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ % _docs
#   except:
#       pass
    return func

[docs]class Marigraph(object): """A marigraph class that support statistics and plots. You give as input a 1D cdms sea level variable with a suitable time, or a tide.StationInfo() object, or simply a 5-letter shom ID. The class will design an object with high and low tides, and pure tidal and without tidal signal. You can optionnally specify a time axis on wich the input signal is to be interpolated before any processing. You can also restrict the time range and perfom a running average. :Parameters: All parameters are passed to :meth:`set` - **data** : It can be either - A ``cdms2`` 1D array with a time axis. - A :class:`~vacumm.tide.StationInfo` instance. - The name of a station that can be search for using :class:`~vacumm.tide.StationInfo`. - *select*: time range for data selection (like ('1999','2000-01-01','co')). If None, time range is reset [default: None], - *global_anomaly*: First remove the anomaly of the whole signal before any processing [default: False] - *anomaly*: Remove the anomaly of the restricted sample before any processing [default: False] - *shom_anomaly*: Same but removed mean is get from observation at correspondind shom station [default: False] %s :Example: >>> # Get data >>> from vacumm.tide import Marigraph >>> brest = Marigraph('BREST',range=('2006-03','2006-08'),hourly=True) >>> # Plot >>> brest.plot_sea_level() >>> brest.plot_low_high() >>> brest.plot_cotes() >>> # Change time range >>> brest.set_time_range(('2006-07','2006-08','co')) >>> # Change tide filter >>> brest.set_tide_filter('godin') >>> # Save >>> f ='') >>> f.write(brest.cotes()) >>> f.write(brest.high()) >>> f.write(brest.low()) >>> f.write(brest.zeros()) >>> f.close() """ # Initialization # -------------- def __init__(self,data, tide_filter='demerliac', outside_std=3.5,bad_values=None,verbose=False, mean=None, **kwargs): # Data synchronisation self._data_funcs = ['_check_tide_filter_','_check_low_high_',] """Assign a data object to the marigraph :Parameters: - **data** : It can be either - A ``cdms2`` 1D array with a time axis. - A :class:`~vacumm.tide.StationInfo` instance. - The name of a station that can be search for using :class:`~vacumm.tide.StationInfo`. - *global_anomaly*: First remove the anomaly of the whole signal before any processing [default: False] - *anomaly*: Remove the anomaly of the restricted sample before any processing [default: False] - *shom_anomaly*: Same but removed mean is get from observation at correspondind shom station [default: False] %s """ self.clean() self._verbose = verbose if isinstance(data,StationInfo) or \ (isinstance(data, str) and len(data) == 5): # Data is not a variable, but a StationInfo object or a string = shom id if isinstance(data, str): # We start from a shom id if verbose: print 'Searching for SHOM station "'+data+'"...' print '-'*80 station = StationInfo(shom=data,**self._clean_kwargs(kwargs)) if station is None: print 'Not found' raise StandardError if verbose: print '-'*80 shom = data = self.longitude = station.longitude self.latitude = station.latitude else: # We already have a station info shom = data.shom if shom is None: raise StandardError, 'Not a valid SHOM station' if data.nom is not None: = data.nom self.longitude = data.longitude self.latitude = data.latitude from vacumm.tide.sonel_mareg import get_slv_shom data = get_slv_shom(shom,**self._clean_kwargs(kwargs,bad=['tide_filter'])) if mean == 'shom': mean = station.nm else: # Here we have cdms variable, so we just check it assert cdms.isVariable(data), \ 'The marigraph data object is not a valid cdms variable' data = data.clone() # Check time axis taxis = data.getTime() if taxis is None: taxis = data.getAxis(0).designateTime() assert hasattr(taxis, 'units'), 'Time axis has no units' # Must be a vector if data.ndim > 1: # Reorder if not data.getOrder().endswith('t'): data = data.reorder('...t') # Reshape to average tmp = MV2.reshape(data, (N.multiply.reduce(data.shape[:-1]), data.shape[-1])) data = MV2.average(tmp, axis=0) del temp # Get some attributes for att in ['name','longitude','latitude']: latt = 'station_'+att if data.attributes.has_key(latt): setattr(self,att,getattr(data,latt)) # Remove extrem values if outside_std not in [False,None,0.]: std = data.std() if mean is not None: tmpmean = mean else: tmpmean = float(data.mean()) data[:] = MV.masked_outside(data,tmpmean-outside_std*std, tmpmean+outside_std*std) # Attributes['base'] = data if not['base'].attributes.has_key('units'):['base'].units = 'm' if not['base'].attributes.has_key('long_name'):['base'].units = 'Sea level' # Real mean if mean is None: mean = data.mean() self._mean = float(mean)['anom'] = data['anom'][:] -= mean['anom'].id += '_anom'['anom'].long_name = 'Anomaly of '['anom'].long_name self.tide_filter = tide_filter # Apply tide filters # ------------------
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean sea level""" return self._mean
[docs] def anomaly(self): """Sea level anomaly""" return self._data['anom']
[docs] @_fmtdoc_ def set_tide_filter(self,tide_filter): """Set the tide filter :Parameters: %(tide_filter)s """ self._check_tide_filter_(tide_filter)
def _check_tide_filter_(self, tide_filter=None, **kwargs): # Do we have something? need =['tide'] is None # A filter is specified if tide_filter is not None: if tide_filter is True: # Default filter tide_filter = 'demerliac' else: # Valid filter? valid_filters = ['demerliac','godin',False] assert tide_filter in valid_filters, "Wrong filter name. Must be within %s. Please use set_tide_filter()) method."%str(valid_filters) # Change? need = need or (self.tide_filter != tide_filter) # Something changed? if not need: return if self.tide_filter is False: # Reset['tide'] =['base']['cotes'] =['base'].clone()['cotes'][:] = 0. else: # Apply filter filter_func = getattr(filters, tide_filter)['cotes'],['tide'] = filter_func(['anom'],get_tide=True) if self._verbose: print 'Computed tide signal using %s filter' % tide_filter self.tide_filter = tide_filter # Low and high tides # ------------------ def _check_low_high_(self, ref, **kwargs): """Computes high and low tides from a sea level anomaly. It defines following variables: high,low """ # Check changes if['lows'] is not None: return # Reference self._lowhigh_ref = ref if ref in ['demerliac', 'godin']: if self.tide_filter != ref: ref, tide = getattr(filters, ref)(['base']) else: ref =['cotes'] # Call to extema['lows'],['highs'] = filters.extrema(['anom'], ref=ref, **kwargs)['zeros'] = filters.zeros(['anom'], ref=ref, **kwargs) for ex in 'lows', 'highs', 'zeros':[ex][:] += self._mean if self._verbose: print 'Computed low and high tides' # Check changes # ------------- #### Get data
[docs] def sea_level(self): """Sea level""" return['base']
[docs] @_fmtdoc_ def tide(self, anom=True, **kwargs): """Return the tide signal: this signal is obtained by filtering the original sea level signal using a demerliac or a godin filer. %(ref)s .. seealso: :meth:`set_tide_filter`, :meth:`cotes`, :mod:`vacumm.tide.filters` """ self._check_tide_filter_(**kwargs) data =['tide'] if not anom: data[:] += self._mean return data
[docs] @_fmtdoc_ def cotes(self, anom=True, **kwargs): """Return the sea level without the tide signal (surcotes and decotes). You must specify the filter before using this method. %(ref)s .. seealso: :meth:`set_tide_filter`, :meth:`tide`, :mod:`vacumm.tide.filters` """ self._check_tide_filter_(**kwargs) data =['cotes'] if not anom: data[:] += self._mean return data
[docs] @_fmtdoc_ def lows(self, ref='mean', **kwargs): """Low tides %(ref)s .. seealso: :meth:`high`, :meth:`zeros`, :mod:`vacumm.tide.filters` """ self._check_low_high_(ref, **kwargs) return['lows']
[docs] @_fmtdoc_ def highs(self, ref='mean',**kwargs): """High tides %(ref)s .. seealso: :meth:`low`, :meth:`zeros`, :mod:`vacumm.tide.filters` """ self._check_low_high_(ref, **kwargs) return['highs']
[docs] @_fmtdoc_ def zeros(self, ref='mean',**kwargs): """Zeros of sea level anomaly %(ref)s .. seealso: :meth:`low`, :meth:`high`, :mod:`vacumm.tide.filters` """ self._check_low_high_(ref, **kwargs) return['zeros']
#### Misc methods
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean out the marigraph object """ # Data = {} for d in 'base', 'tide', 'cotes', 'lows', 'highs', 'zeros':[d] = None # Filters self.tide_filter = False # Misc = None self.longitude = None self.latitude = None self.mean_sea_level = -999. self.global_mean_sea_level = -999.
def _clean_kwargs(self,kwargs,bad = ['tide_filter']): kwargs = kwargs.copy() for kw in bad: if kwargs.has_key(kw): del kwargs[kw] return kwargs
[docs] def name(self,name=None): """ Set or return the station name """ if name is None: return else: = name
[docs] def longitude(self,val=None): """ Set or return the station longitude """ if val is None: return self.longitude else: self.longitude = val
[docs] def latitude(self,val=None): """ Set or return the station latitude """ if val is None: return self.latitude else: self.latitude = val
#### Plots
[docs] def plot(self, var=None, orig=True, tide=True, cotes=True, highs=True, lows=True, zeros=True, legend=True, title=None, savefig=None, savefigs=None, show=True, marker='o', **kwargs): # Which variable? vtypes = 'orig', 'tide', 'highs', 'lows', 'zeros', 'cotes' if var is not None: assert var in vtypes for vt in vtypes: exec "%s = %s"%(vt, vt==var) # Plot params # - specific kwplot = {} for vt in vtypes: kwplot[vt] = kwfilter(kwargs, vt) kwplot[vt].update(show=False) kwplot[vt].update(title=False) # - global nt =['base'].shape[0] times = T.mpl(['base'][0:nt:nt-1].getTime()) kwargs.setdefault('xmin', times[0]) kwargs.setdefault('xmax', times[1]) # - complete for vt in vtypes: tmp = kwargs.copy() tmp.update(kwplot[vt]) kwplot[vt] = tmp anom = not (orig or highs or lows or zeros) # Original signal if orig: kwplot['orig'].setdefault('color', '#888888') kwplot['orig'].setdefault('zorder', '10') curve(self.sea_level(), **kwplot['orig']) # High tides if highs: kwplot['highs'].setdefault('color', 'r') kwplot['highs'].setdefault('linewidth', 0) kwplot['highs'].setdefault('markersize', 5) kwplot['highs'].setdefault('zorder', '12') curve(self.highs(), marker, **kwplot['highs']) # Low tides if lows: kwplot['lows'].setdefault('color', 'b') kwplot['lows'].setdefault('linewidth', 0) kwplot['lows'].setdefault('markersize', 5) kwplot['lows'].setdefault('zorder', '12') curve(self.lows(), marker, **kwplot['lows']) # Zeros if zeros: kwplot['zeros'].setdefault('color', 'k') kwplot['zeros'].setdefault('linewidth', 0) kwplot['zeros'].setdefault('markersize', 5) kwplot['zeros'].setdefault('zorder', '12') curve(self.zeros(), marker, **kwplot['zeros']) # Tidal signal if tide: kwplot['orig'].setdefault('color', 'k') kwplot['orig'].setdefault('zorder', '11') curve(self.tide(anom=anom), **kwplot['tide']) # Surcote/decotes if cotes: kwplot['cotes'].setdefault('color', 'g') kwplot['cotes'].setdefault('zorder', '12') curve(self.cotes(anom=anom), **kwplot['cotes']) # Misc if title is None: if var is not None: title = var.title() else: title = 'Marigraph' if title: P.title(title) if savefig: P.savefig(savefig, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefig')) if savefigs: Savefigs(savefigs, **kwfilter(kwargs, 'savefigs')) if show:
from station_info import StationInfo from vacumm.misc.grid import bounds1d import vacumm.misc.atime as T, filters from vacumm.misc import kwfilter from vacumm.misc.plot import curve2 as curve, savefigs as Savefigs