.. _user.scripts.showbatsec: :program:`showbatsec.py` -- Plot section of bathymetry ====================================================== .. include:: bin/showbatsec.help.txt :Examples: .. code-block:: bash $> showbatsec.py -o showbatsec1.png Please set longitude of first point: -7 Please set latitude of first point: 43 Please set longitude of second point: -1 Please set latitude of second point: 47 .. figure:: images/showbatsec1.png Figure created using the first example. .. code-block:: bash $> showbatsec.py --x0=-2 --y0=44 --x1=-4 --y1=48 \ --along=m --title="Section across shelf" -o showbatsec2.png .. figure:: images/showbatsec2.png Figure created using the second example. :See also: :class:`~vacumm.bathy.bathy.NcGriddedBathy`, :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.curve2`, :func:`~vacumm.misc.plot.minimap`, :func:`~vacumm.misc.grid.misc.transect_specs`.