vacumm.report.ifroco.common – Common utilities

Common utilities

exception PREVIMERError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

add_axlabel(x, y, text, ax=None, dx=0, dy=0, ha='center', va='center', **kwargs)[source]

A label to an axis with appropriate default font properies


Add a linear background to the figure

Add a copyright info at the bottom right

add_logos(logofiles=None, fig=None)[source]

Add logos using its config name

add_title(texts, fig=None, addlegtime=1)[source]

Add a multiline title

cfgget(option, section='DEFAULT', alt=None, reload=False)[source]

Get an evaluated config option


Convert strings to unicode

format_label(labelobj, **kwargs)[source]

For a label object with appropriate default font properies


Load configuration

  • cfiles: single or list of alternative config files.

Set some Mtpotlib plot defaults

set_xlabel(text, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Set the X label with appropriate default font properies

set_ylabel(text, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Set the Y labe with appropriate font properiesl