showbat.py – Plot the bathymetry in an area

showbat.py [options] [ncfile]

Plot the bathymetry in an area. Value are considered negative under the sea and positive on land.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--xmin=XMIN, --x0=XMIN, --lonmin=XMIN

Min longitude

--xmax=XMAX, --x1=XMAX, --lonmax=XMAX

Max longitude

--ymin=YMIN, --y0=YMIN, --latmin=YMIN

Min latitude

--ymax=YMAX, --y1=YMAX, --latmax=YMAX

Max latitude


Name of netcdf file for a direct access [obsolete, use first argument instead]

-n NAME, --name=NAME

Name of bathymetry as stored in configuration file

-c CFGFILE, --cfgfile=CFGFILE

Name of bathymetry configuration file where to get info (file, names)


Name of the bathymetric netcdf variable


Name of longitude axis


Name of latitude axis

-t TITLE, --title=TITLE

Title of the plot


Do not hide land topography [default: False]

-r, --reverse

Reverse bathymetry [default: False]

--zmin=ZMIN, --z0=ZMIN

Minimal altitude (<0 under the sea, >0 on land)

--zmax=ZMAX, --z1=ZMAX

Maximal altitude (<0 under the sea, >0 on land)


Max altitude to plot (positive float)


Do not plot shadow for the relief


Size of contour labels [default: 8, 0 to turn off]


Add glow to contour labels [default: False]


Name of an output file where to store the plot

-s FIGSIZE, --figsize=FIGSIZE

Size of figure in inches, like “5,6” or simply “5”


Map projection [default: merc]


Shoreline resolution [default: auto]

-f, --force

Don’t ask question

$> showbat.py -s 8 --clglow -o showbat1.png
Please set min longitude (or use -f or --xmin options): -10
Please set max longitude (or use -f or --xmax options): -1
Please set min latitude (or use -f or --ymin options): 43
Please set max latitude (or use -f or --ymax options): 48

Figure created using the first example.

$> showbat.py --xmin=-7 --xmax=-3.5 --y0=46.5 --y1=49 \
--maxdep=200 --land -s 8 --clsize=0 -o showbat2.png

Figure created using the second example.

See also:

NcGriddedBathy, plot_bathy().